He let out a squeak as it did, at the sensation, hard to get used to...yoshis used their tongues for this a lot, but their regular tongues didn't feel like this, not nearly as good.
Tongue Lashed
His tongue.
The Tongue's Function
His nose was practically buried within the otter's hole, and his tongue was rolling itself around his pucker and even went inside a few times. ganley let out a shudder again as he felt the tongue go in.
The Anatomy of the Tongue
Lejon said shyly, turning to look bjorn in the eyes, "this" bjorn said softly, before leaning in and kissing lejon on the lips, his ursine tongue pushing its way into the lions maw, entwining itself on lejon's feline tongue and massaging it softly, lejon,
The Golden Tongue
The golden tongue by rowyin darkwulf i had always known that somehow i was different.
Rough Tongue
"stick out your tongue. you know it's going to hurt. you know it's going to hurt so much. but i know you can take it." she placed the tip of the crop on her tongue, and just left it there. "you tell me when to go.
Tongue Tied
Gray held his tongue as his face burned under his fur.
Tongue Bathing
With practiced ease, she curled and dragged her tongue along the still pulsing cock hanging out from his sheath.
Taste of Tongue
When the wolf softly moaned, the obstagoon slammed his tongue into kain's mouth, every inch of thick pink meat slopping over kain's tongue and teeth and gums.
Two Tongues
"don't worry if they're already booked up for the afternoon, but i was wondering about... the tongue bath."
Tongue Twister
The todd looked as though he was ready to chew glass and was about to counter when dro added, "i am also very good at tongue twisters." "tongue twisters?" scoffed the todd. "how is that relevant?"
A Silver Tongue
She pinned down tammy, holding the strong fighter in position as she began to pulse her tongue in and out, fully tongue-fucking the villainous frog.