Collector Manson 6

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#6 of Collector Manson

Warning: some may call this dark, disturbing, and all out racist. I do not have a master plan for this and will come as it comes. Do note that this is a long piece. I am proud to call this worthy of watching and waiting for. Due note the tags are not for the weak of mind on this one...

This is set at least 600 years from today, were interplanetary travel is possible and slavery has reintroduced itself to our lands.

This is FANTASY and any likeness to living people are coincidental. Do note that anything here is illegal in your area, it is on you. I hold no responsibility for you reading this and getting caught by younger persons asking what this site is... If you are underage, do note that this contains sex, murder, and slavery situations of all ages. This is strictly Fantasy and for enjoyment purposes.

If there are missing tags please add them or mention it in the comment area.

Please rate and talk about this below.

After 2 years of scraping and reworking, I finally have a chapter I like. Sorry about the wait, but getting married and losing family members tend to hinder such processes as well. Anywho, enjoy.

"Sit." Demanded the Iguana Slave Master. The Mitalin did as ordered, the gray furred Fox looked at his Master wondering what was going to happen, a lesson for certain. "May I ask why are you tying me to this chair?" "Part of your lesson to break free. Now I will not harm you... yet. For now, I will break your mental state." Collector went to a set of cabinets and dug for an item then returned to his Fox. He revealed a blindfold then put it on the slave before him.

After the cloth was placed, Collector silently left the room and closed the door. He set the timer on his watch then proceeded to find Uki. When he found her, he pulled her away so that they could speak privately.

"I need a favor." Collector grinned in a way that it nearly frightened the vixen. "How so?" "Richard is attempting to get his mental state like mine. I already have blood scented oils to tame the 'Preys' all I need is your pain-filled screams. Will you help me? As long as we can keep from laughing, we can accomplish this hard task." "Torture my mate through sound? Will I be hurt?" "Might get slapped a little and painted with pseudo blood, but no, nothing long term." "If it betters my male, I am willing, my Alpha." Collector grabbed her by the cheeks and drew her head closer to give her brow a kiss. "Thank you, the oils are in my toolkit, I will gather the sturdy fruits and knife. We'll meet at the kitchen cellar door." "Can we involve others?" Collector hesitated a moment then a devilish grin appeared. "Butch. Tell him 'Mind Break.' He'll understand."

Collector ran off chuckling to himself while Uki went off to find her few items. As Uki sniffed out the burly Wolf, she found herself loving the idea of being in charge of a torture session even if it was her own lover. She ran into Butch head-on as her mind was on other things. He caught both of their balance then asked what was going on. She shared what her Master told her then said who when the Wolf demanded it. The Wolf growled with a smile.

"About damn time. We are you meeting up?" "Kitchen cellar." "I have to gather a couple of things, I'll meet you there." "Alright."

Collector tapped his sharp claws on the stone floor impatiently as he waited for his cohorts. When they finally came Butch held a vile of pills and a rag.

"Dirty 'ol pup." "Yep. Here, Uki, take one of these." "What are they?" "Heat inducers. What better way to torture a male then him knowing that his female is aroused by another male in the room. Especially when they can't see." Butch chuckled as he poured two pills out into his paw. "But who's going to take the other?" "Me. Though depending on what goes on, I should only need the towel." "You two ready? I rather get down there before someone starts swelling. Remember, you need to be scared, pure fear is best if you can." Collector reached for the knob and paused as he switched mental states. "I won't be the same person during this. If I do go to far, 'Eldritch' will be the key word to break my focus." "Eldritch?" "Old Earth term for weird." "Got it." "Let's do this." Butch's eyes had begun to dilate and his loincloth begun to rise. Collector smiled as the door opened and he stepped aside. "Indeed, I wish to make my Fox grow into a deserving tod of worthy attributes."

Uki went down first making sure she dragged her feet and forced a stumble on the last step. Richard's ears perked as he heard her pained gasp. She gauged his reaction, she noticed it was forced ignorance.

"I'm back, my boy, did you miss me?" Collector helped Uki up. "I did, but why did you bring down my Mate? I thought you going to help me gain the strength you have." "Oh, I am. Have a seat, dear, I promise not to break bones." "Sir! May I have the straddle readied?" "Butch?!" Richard struggled against the restraints for the first time. "Indeed. Don't forget the tail restraint." Collector gestured to his throat, Uki nodded as she began to gasp. "Now, now, don't resist, my dear, I am sure you will enjoy being bred by a bigger male."

They heard Richard sniff deeply as he pulled on his wrist straps again.

"Yes... the very thought makes you wet, don't it? Well, I know I will enjoy it, let's see if your male will..." Collector nudged Butch over to the slightly whimpering Richard and grabbed the Wolf's engorged sheathe and squeezed out the flesh then smacked the Fox's nose with the tapered tip. "You know this scent well enough, you know just how big he is. Do you think she can handle all of this male?"

Richard did not answer. The two pulled away then went back to the female, whom now panted and stared at the Wolf's groin as she sat in the said seat.

"Well now, she's already holding that tight muzzle open, Butch. What do you think? Shall we fill that hole?"

Butch growled as be began to rub himself as he stared at Uki's moistening vulva. He drew close and sniffed deeply at her sex before looking her in the eye. She grinned and shook her head then she licked the air. He straightened as Uki leaned towards the Wolf and placed the blood-filled phallus on her tongue. The meat followed the tongue into the moist cavern of the Vixen's maw, a pleasured growl overtook the sounds of the room as the Wolf was nursed upon. His paws caressed the soft fur of the head attached to his groin as the first spurt of lubricating fluids poured onto her tongue. He did not care if he was not breeding her, but his body demanded the motions that the Vixen allowed to be done to her muzzle. Collector smiled as he looked upon his Second; the Fox did not struggle, but was clearly agitated. His own erection showed, throbbing in anger and lust. The slave sat silent as his mate milked another male. Though sight was blocked, the image was clear in his mind. It sickened him, yet intrigued him as well. All he knew he had to do was endure this torture. Collector stepped lightly as he drew a knife. He gently slid the back of the blade along the red meat, a whimper escaped the muzzle of the owner. Once the last of the cold metal left the flesh, Collector returned the blade to its home then grabbed the muzzle of the Fox. As he pried it open, he grabbed a small coin from his pocket and placed it under the flat tongue.

"Don't swallow. It will kill you." The Iguana whispered into the quivering ears atop the head.

Collector bit his tongue to keep from laughing. He moved back to the other two and watched the Wolf bend over the Vixen's head and thrust into her maul. A whimper sounded which made Collector look over to the Fox before he rubbed the Wolf's back. Collector watched with jealous eyes as Butch coated Uki's tongue with his seed.

"Satisfied?" Butch grunted. "Good. What do you say, Richard, is he satisfied?" A growl came from the Fox. "Really? Well, I guess it is my turn to fill up this lovely Vixen while 'Mr. Wolf' rests a moment." Richard spat the coin out of his mouth. "Go ahead. You own her, it is your right." Collector huffed. "Well, I guess that would be correct, but what about letting our fine variety of males pin her down and fill that nice... empty womb." "If that is your wish, then it is so." There it was, the anger flared in his voice. Collector chuckled. "Maybe I should just have them use you as a rag for their self-pleasure. Yes... coat that lovely gray and make it all white." Richard flinched then drew a slow breath. "If you must, then I beg to be placed to where I can be fully covered." "Well played... but you still are not in the right mindset. I could force you into that mindset, but we do not have the months to do so."

Collector removed the blindfold then moved aside as Uki came up and tapped his shoulder. Uki sat on her mate's lap shifting the throbbing meat to slap her fur then she bent to force her muzzle over his to make him taste the male essence on her lips and tongue. When she pulled away, Richard huffed and glared at her. Her claws went down and slowly scrapped along the sensitive flesh.

"It is his right..." "Don't maim him, my dear, I do want him able to breed at some point." "Very well, I personally just want him to please me." Collector grinned. "Well, Butch and I do have some work to do. He will need to be watched for a few hours. Come, Butch, we have travel preparations to make."

As they left, the sound of a chair being knocked over followed by a grunt made a smile grow on both of them. They made their way to the study where they sat and laughed.

"Too much fun, Scales, too much fun. Why have we not done this before?" Butch said as he poured a couple glasses of gin. "Never crossed my mind. What do you think is going to happen to him down there?" "Completely drained of every bit of seed those little gems of his carries. He will make a fine leader yet. Speaking of which, have you decided who is going to watch the family?" "To be honest, I think Uki would make a fine candidate as well as you." "Me? What about guarding you?" "Will. He has shown me that his time with you will make him an excellent guard especially when guarding his own son." "You will chose me... right?" "Only because you have the experience. I see you are worked up again, have you played with the new mutts yet?" "The under-groomed poodles? No, but I do want to sink my teeth into them. I just have the urge to kill them." "Just don't do that, I want to break them and potentially sell them to a show Master." "Really?" "Well, maybe mine, Max will have the opportunity as well." "What about that stallion?" "Mm, yes let's get him. Michelle's fiancé got me rather interested. Even if he is far too big for either of us, we can still have fun." "Can't wait to have someone that can hold their own!" "You have come to like those humans, haven't you?" "As if." "Right. I want to play with that scaredy-cat Mouse, he's afraid of canines... and me." "Then he will please us rather well." "Very well, you hunt down your prey, I shall hunt down mine."

The two departed and began their hunting, for their skills, the hunt ended under an hour and the prey dragged back to the study where the two slaves knelt before their superiors as they sat. The Mouse more fearful than the stallion.

"Butch and I have had an... exciting day. We demand of you some relaxing motions. Fail and be punished, though I do not see that happening too easily. Now, little Mouse, you have to keep Butch and I rather pleased, I cannot guarantee you will not walk away unharmed otherwise." Collector chuckled as he rubbed Butch's fur against his palm. "You, horse, must work those lovely fingers just right, fail and I can guarantee you will be wishing that dagger was still in your leg. Mouse, I wish for you to begin with me."

The Mouse drew a deep breath before he tossed himself at his Master's feet and began to rub the shoe-less feet. The sheer sensation brought bliss to the Iguana, he moaned and closed his eyes. Butch huffed as his entertainment stood there, he growled as he stood and tossed aside his loincloth then grabbed the muzzle of the Horse and shoved it between his legs. The fuzzy scrotum rested on the stallion's muzzle as Butch forced him to lick the Wolf's anus. A low growl sounded as the broad tongue lapped quickly and dug into the owner's body. It did not take long for Butch to demand the horse to go to a feral pose and flag the tail. As the Horse did so, Butch forced himself on the hips of the Beast of Burden and started to claim the loose depths of the creature. The Wolf did not hold back as he forced his knot into the Prey's ass and letting loose a howl that made his Master look at him. The Iguana chuckled then pulled his feet away from the Mouse and motioned to his trousers. The Mouse swallowed hard then proceeded to reveal his Master's goods.

"These tiny hands do wonders. Maybe he should massage that tail for you." Butch snorted as he looked back to the two others. "What? The horse stole your tongue?" "No, sir." "Distracted, then, I see. Mouse, go give that lovable butt a good rubbing and show him that you are worth keeping whole."

The Mouse nodded then let his Master to grab his own shaft as he moved over behind the Wolf and began to lick the finely groomed fur. A growl sounded as a tongue wiggled into the anus of the Wolf and teased the flesh. Collector grinned as he watched as the tough Wolf froze at the intrusion before melting into the action.

"Someone found out he liked the taste of ass. Dig deeper. Dig and be rewarded."

A whimper slipped loose as a tail began to quiver. Collector chuckled as he got up and pulled the naked rodent tail aside then directed his shaft into the tiny pucker. The Mouse huffed as he was pushed deeper into the male he was licking clean.

"Gah! Richard, are you trying to shove his head into my ass?" "I think I succeeded rather well. You should try his ass, it is very tight." "I would if I could." "Hmm? Oh, I suppose we can trade." Collector grabbed the rodent's hips and tugged. "M-master...." The Mouse gasped as his snout was freed. "So the little Mouse has a voice. What does the rodent wish to say?" "Does the Master wish to have me clean him?" "How adorable. The answer will be yes." "Very well, Master." "I like this attitude much better than the suck up one you had before. Keep this up and you will enjoy life in my care." "Yes, my Master." "Now, I want a show. I want to see that Wolf hoisted and ready to be roasted. This Alpha needs a little humbling." "Master?" The Mouse looked back with a slight shake. "What? Afraid that his ass will bite? His teeth will be around that beast that is swinging around under those two. Speaking of which, you should be ready to pull out, Butch." A growl came from the Wolf as he pulled himself free. "You truly don't mean for me to swallow that cock, do you?" "I do, but do not worry about support as you are spitted... I am not going to left out of the fun." "You are a cruel Master, you know that?" "Every time you are involved I become such. Now hike the tail and spread those jaws."

Collector chuckled as he removed the last of his clothes and slid under his Wolf. He quickly heard Butch grunt as the massive shaft was shoved beyond his gums. The lizard turned belly up and directed the knotted shaft into his genital slit. The three males began to thrust against the Wolf as he closed his eyes and did his best to take the pain and breathe. Collector felt everything above him, not to mention saw the equine shaft push deep into the throat of the Wolf. The said Wolf gripped the Iguana and dug his claws into the fine scales of the back with made the Iguana's acute spines quiver in delight. The Horse huffed as his orgasm flushed through the meaty shaft and into the gullet of the Wolf to fill the nearly empty stomach. The Mouse moaned as the meat puppet shivered and caused him to loose his own, smaller flood; which, in turn, made the Wolf fill the vent of the lizard below him. The Horse was the first to pull away from the orgy, his excuse was to allow the Wolf to breathe. The Mouse quickly followed as the sharp teeth was freed. The grip on the lizard only became harder now that everything was freed. Which allowed him to freely thrust and let his body's demands be followed. He quickly knotted his makeshift bitch and huffed as he turned tail which made the Iguana to squeal in the sudden pain.

"Serves you right." Butch huffed out as he let his body let the continuous ejaculation flow freely. "You two may clean up, but return here afterwards." The Mouse was the only one to answer with a "Yes'm," the Horse stood silent as he eyed the twitching anus of the Wolf. Collector saw this and smiled. "I believe the old dog has had enough for the day. Go clean up." With a snort, the Horse shuffled off. Butch tugged and forced the swollen knot free and chuckled as the Iguana gasped. "Be glad I like you." Collector huffed as he rolled over to stand up. "Like you would beat me." Butch chuckled before bending to lick his shaft. "Your consciousness would stop you and I doubt that the Mitalin of ours could either. I am too much of a Brother to you both. Which... which got my mind reeling earlier today..." "What?" "As you know I have pups coming and you need a new Farm Foreman... I would like to request a chance to raise my young and retire to a safer environment." "Who would take your place with me?" "Those boys need a leader, they are all Omegas. I am willing to stay on long enough to find and train a proper replacement." Collector flicked his tail as he watched his Wolf lap at his boney shaft. "A trial then. We have plenty to chose from now, you find one you think can lead the hounds and teach them. You have a year. Should you change your mind and stay with me, I will accept retirement as security lead, if not... then I will name you Slave Foreman at the very least. I would rather you stay." "I will bring this up with my mate and ask her advice." "Thank you."

The two dressed and sat back down just as the two slaves returned. Collector sighed then looked the two rather deeply. He stood and began to pace.

"Horse, you are dismissed." With a nod, the stallion left. "I have a task for you, Mouse. You will be working with Butch to fill his need of finding a new leader for my security team. Go through your original family first, let him judge the strongest and smartest before moving on to the new arrivals. Butch... talk with Michelle and learn the latest standards of the Council before training them. I do not think I am missing two have a good night. Butch, if anyone needs me, I will be down in the cellar where I am sure Richard is still stuck at." "Understood."

"Richard, my dear mate, do you think we will be parents soon?" "As much as you forced yourself onto me, I do. There is no doubt that you will become pregnant, but if Master chooses..." "I do not think that he will take them from us." "No, I do not mean that... should he chooses he could train them to be killers or something." "There's an idea..." Collector chuckled as he walked in on their conversation. "But, no, not killers. I teach them how to kill when needed but not flat-out killers. Uki, I take it that the pill have worn off?" "It has." "Good. Richard, still in one piece?" "Barely." "Great, let's get you both hydrated and fed. Because I wish to challenge your brains and skills afterwards." "As you command, Master." Richard smiled, as he stood his sheathe beheld an irritated glow to it. "Richard, I will need you and Niah in the morning, so be ready at dawn." "Yes, sir."

Collector grinned as his tod moved carefully without donning his clothes. Then he looked at Uki and chuckled as she spread her legs for her Master to allow him to see the sticky mess her mate left on her. He gave her a kiss on the cheek before she slipped by him. Her tail wagged happily allowing her Master see that her backside had been covered with his semen. He followed quietly to the kitchen where he watched them prep a quick meal. He found a small stool and sat on it as they ate in silence. The two slaves would glance over at the lizard every now and then pondering on what he had in mind. The emotionless face worried them slightly. Richard gathered their dishes once they finished and quickly cleaned them.

"Now tell me what you learned today." "Not to trust Butch with any pills." Richard huffed. "True, and I have to ask him where he got those. Anything else?" "That when Uki wants sex she gets it." "As long as you are mindful. She gets the idea that she can manipulate you to her benefit, you lose control. Uki?" "I learned that I can trust my urges to be fully focused on my male; and he can come back to full tie right after letting go." "Good to know. In a few days get with Karen and get a pregnancy test done. May not show that soon, but it will be interesting nonetheless." Collector drew a breath as he focused his thoughts. "Tell me how you would prevent a situation like you have experienced today." Richard's jaw twitched as he stopped himself from blurting out his first thought. Uki just shrugged. "Did not think so. In fact, you can't. You just have to stay in control at all times even when the captors think they are in control... which you failed at. Get some rest."

Collector walked away from the Mitalins and went to find his Wolf pup. The mansion was silent as he glanced at a analog timepiece. He realized for the first time that it was an eighteen hour mid-cycle, an extra six hours compared to Earth. On top of that it was hour eleven of the second half. He walked up to a closed door that was his apprentice's room and peered inside. Max had fallen asleep tied to one of his Iguanas and left his Second to sleep on the floor. She was barely awake and joined him outside the room.

"Elder Master?" "Just checking on him. I was hoping he was awake." "He is not. Is there anything I can help with?" "No. Try to enjoy your night." "As you wish." Collector started to walk away before a thought came to him. "On second thought, come with me."

She followed the lizard to the study which still smelled of sex and it made her a little leery of the Iguana. Even with his assurance that he would not touch her. He offered her a chair and waited for her to sit.

"I want you to be honest, no holds barred. How has he been doing?" "From my point of view? He is doing great. I only seen him growl at one of his own slaves. I have done most of the obedience correcting." "What about whipping?" "He showed me how to do it. He does not want to soil his claws." "Then I need to work on that. What about giving attention? How is he with his other slaves?" "As you saw, he adores them. I fear he sees them as mating tools rather than living creatures." "I prefer that. If he gets attached now, I fear he may become obsessed later in life." "Is that bad?" "At his age, yes. He may want to claim a slave as a lover rather than his proper mate." "But what if that was what we asked of him?" She blushed under her fur, she tried to compose herself as best as she could. "That is fine, but he needs to focus on his future. Not his family... yet." "Master wants a true mate, that is why he... he stopped being with me." "Really? That is shocking to hear. He once told me he wanted you to be his proper mate." "How, he would have to disown me." "Disown? No, sweet thing, he would need to free you." Collector chuckled then went to pour a little liquor in a glass. "You look like you need a drink. Here." "Th-thank you." She drank the strong alcohol and shivered as it went down. "Meh.." "Yeah, it is an acquired taste. Now, how about something different. What do you want?" "I...." "Nothing?" Collector chuckled. "Everything? I bet you would love to be called his dame. Am I close?" "Yes." "Good. Now how would you go and get this goal?" "I do not know." "That is fine. I will help you. I actually want to see him sire pups with you. Not only for his experience, but I think that his Pack would accept them for what they are." "Somehow I doubt those words. I had the chance to speak with the females. Unless the males change... anything spawned from me will only be seen as property; even less if they are female." "You forget what Pack he has to impress the most... the one you are in now." "C-can I have another, please." "Of course."

As Collector refilled her glass, she sighed loudly. He glanced at her and found her gripping her thighs tightly. He then sat the bottle down beside the glass. He sat silently and waited for her to speak.

"Sir, if I may be so bold, I wish to mate with an experienced male... not one that can breed me... one like you." "So, is that the alcohol or you talking. Either way, the answer is no without his consent. You get that, and I will be willing to accept you." "Understood. Excuse me for a moment." "Just don't wake him for sex, alright?" "I don't need to. I have written consent." "Really?"

She did not answer. When she returned with a little notebook and a smile, she closed the door behind her then handed the notebook over. He read the only page filled in.

Teacher, I trust you with her. All I ask is that you follow her requests.

"Now that I have this, I am all yours if that is what you want." "I do, there is only so much he can teach me on how to please him. I want to better my services to him." "If so, then I am surprised you did not ask the older males." "They told me to come to you... I just could not find the right moment." "There is never such a thing, my dear. Come. I will allow you to start so you can be comfortable." "Where do I begin?" Collector laughed. "Well, for me, you will have to take one my shafts out."

She did as he suggested, though she had to open his already loose pants. She hesitated, only seeing the only lizards briefly in their scales, she did not know what to do next. Collector grabbed her paw gently then helped her through the next steps. After he was in the open air, she took over. She took in his scent and looked up at him.

"Go ahead, taste it. Taste it and be amazed. The sheer pleasure a male can have is right there at the tip of your nose. At this point, you will have most males in your paws. Don't be quick, draw out the sniff... exaggerate it. Moan hungrily, like it is the most pleasing pie you had ever smelled. That is it, now gently lick. Good, you need to use that smooth tongue to melt your male into submission. Dig deep. Remember, he will have a sheathe, I have a cloaca. Use it to secure the pleasure in him and to your advantage." He watched as she began to let go and enjoy herself at the mindless task. "Wonderful. Now, climb up here and I will help with the next step, mostly positioning myself."

She panted as she slowly sat down on the meaty shaft. She gasped when she found herself filled to the brim. The Master started the motion by lifting her hips. Once she got the idea, she added a bit of rolling to her hips. Collector watched her work adding a bit of advice from time to time. Despite her efforts, Collector had not been able to seed her as he had been too spent. But the girl did learn new things, she thanked the elder Master as she pulled away from him.

"I did not know that I was allowed to do such things." "Sex is a whole different beast, my dear, things that usually is not allowed during daily life is sometimes accepted during coitus. Maybe when you two are older, I will take you on a sexual adventure." Collector stood and stretched his lower back. "Well, I think I shall finally be able to sleep. Thank you for your help on that part, but I must retire for the night." "Master Elder.... thank you for your time." "Any time, little Wolf."

Collector made his way to the door suddenly realizing that he was starting to age. He smiled to himself knowing that life had its splendors, but aging was certainly not one of them. He would have to invest into the life expectancy drugs. He mindlessly found himself walking the halls and stopping at one door that had a chain across the framework. Curiosity took the better of him as he tried the door, it opened and revealed a feminine sanctuary with a shrine in the center of the room. A dusty picture leaned against a bust of his mother. He went in to get a better look. It was a photo that he had not seen nor remembered, he was laying asleep in his mother's arms with his father beside them both. He could not have been more than four years of age, but what caught his eye was that there was two more younglings in the picture. One was a Wolf, the other a grey Fox. The Wolf he recognized, Will; the other he had no clue.

"So, Will knew the family before he even became a slave... how am I not surprised. But why didn't he tell me, or was this the day he became a slave?" "Master Richard, why are you still up and about?" The butler had snuck up on the Iguana and rubbed his paws nervously. "I just wandered through the halls and found this room. Please, tell me of this picture." The Hound huffed then entered the room shutting the door behind him. "This is your mother's sewing room. She spent most of her ailing year in here sewing blankets for under privileged younglings across the planet. William, the same Wolf you have with you today, was one of such younglings, the other was a Fox abandoned by his family." "Do you know where he is?" The Hound sighed. "Here. As a cook. He made this bust for her. She died before he could finish it. She... she adopted him legally. In all fashion, he is your brother. But, being that he was an orphaned Mitalin and his foster parents were offworlders, he had no rights to claim over this land. Only the blood of the owners could take claim." "I... I see. In the morning I would love to speak with him, if he is willing." "I will ask him then." "Thank you. Could you help me find my way back to the main wing? As I said, I was wandering the halls." "Of course."

Once Collector made it back to his room, he promptly went to bed wondering about his early life. As morning came, Richard woke his Master and promptly dressed him as the staff asked for the Master to meet with one them. Collector moved slowly feeling a tad sluggish as though the ambient temperature had falling drastically. They went to the kitchen where Richard forced his Master into a chair and drew him up a mug of coffee.

"So?" Collector whispered as his Fox brought him the full mug. "I shall get him."

Collector nodded and watched as the Fox walked to the corner next to a worker that looked similar to Richard in many fashions. The two walked back to the Master then Richard cleared out of the room.

"You wish to speak with me, M'Lord?" "You can stop that, I know your little secret. Why didn't you speak up when I first got here?" The ears of the Fox folded back as his jaw dropped. His claws shook as he tried to hide his hands behind his back. "I... I..." "Talk to me, brother." "I am not your blood." "My parents took you in, that makes you blood by my book." "Sir, I..." "Brother." Collector interrupted. "I cannot make any claims." "Yes you can. You can claim me for what I am. I won't force you to choose over your job or anything, I just want to learn about the mother I never got to know." The Fox whimpered. "Fine then let's start at the basics. A long time ago, my name was Richard Henry Manson. Now, thanks to being forced to be a slave in Earth laws, I am now Collector Manson. That is pretty much my past." The Fox huffed then relaxed some. "Tony Lynn. I was thrown to the streets for being the only gray among reds. Never knew anything until Izzlauna saved me from starvation. She took me in without a thought and gave me a life worth living... until she became ill. I dedicated everything I had to make her happy... comfortable. I loved her, she was my mother. She loved it when Gregory made his visits especially when she became ill. He said it was cancer, I do not know. I just know she refused all treatments and lived how she wanted. I remember the day she had you. They both were happy. They had the local Alphas over to celebrate and partied, I hid because I knew I was a mutt... a Vicohu'at... I was... am... nothing but a bastard child. That is why I chose not to speak before. I am nothing." Tony snarled to himself. "Don't lie to yourself. You were everything I could not be to my mother, you were a son, a caretaker, hope. I had always thought she died before I was taken to Earth and snuck to Gregory's manor. Did... did she ever say anything about us, father and I?" "Only that he was a slaver and could not be here more than a few days at a time and that you had a slim chance of becoming an adult." "I see." Collector sunk into his chair. "She never planned on seeing me." "No." "Despite what you are willing to believe, I am still willing to call you brother. Should you ever want to talk, I will be here for a long while. I am moving off of Earth and staying here. I don't want many to hear this yet, but... I am becoming a part of the Slaver's High Council. If you were willing, I could take you to Earth with me to watch the ceremony." "I... I... thank you. When?" "In a couple of days. I'll even show you father's grave so you can say a few words while you are there." "Then it is only just if I show you mother's. Come, it is not far."

Tony offered his claw to his reptilian brother then lead him outside to the flower garden; they crossed the low cast-iron fence and stopped at a small mound. Tony explained that Izzlauna wanted to be cremated and that he buried the urn here. Collector placed his clawed hand onto the soil and took a deep breath.

"Thank you. I did not know she was still here. I have no words that can justify my gratitude." "Then how about a Valhanian tradition? Howl."

Collector chuckled gave his best howl which got his Wolves looking at them. Will was the closet and raced to them. He slid to a stop when he saw what the commotion was about.

"Tony?" "William. Good to see you alive and still with the family." "Yeah. Celebrating her death?" "Belated, but well deserved by her only blood-son." "We all were her children. Don't forget that. Those were her last words recorded." Tony's ears drooped as a tear rolled down his muzzle. "I know," he whispered, "I held the recorder." "Sir, if you have a moment, a letter came for you." "When will the family secrets end?" Collector absently patted the Fox's shoulder before turning to Will and taking the letter. "Who is it from?" "The Alphas. I will assume they did not write in standard." Collector opened the letter then handed it back over. Will glanced at it then inhaled deeply. "Wow... this. This would be better shared in private." "How personal?" "Not family related, but Guild." "Go ahead and read it." Will swallowed hard, "To the new resident Slaver's Guild Councilman, we, the Alpha Council, would hereby like to ask you to appear before the Council and assist with a growing criminal problem. Appearance is not immediately required as you are needed on Earth for a short period. Your fellow Council-member can come in your stead while you gain the proper resources needed for your position. Alpha Gar'at Hootuumah." "Share this with Char'zi for me. Send Richard out to us as you go, please." "As you command, sir."

Tony sat quietly as they waited for Richard, the Fox stared at the flowers vacantly. Collector hovered over the Fox wondering what he truly was like when he was not around the grave-site or the kitchen. Both perked up when they heard Richard talking quietly behind them, Max came as well carrying a letter himself.

"Master Maxwell, I did not expect you to be coming out here, pardon me." "Tony, he is family. Don't shy away from him." "How is he family?" Max huffed at the cook. "Turns out, he's my adopted brother and he did not want me to know about it. I found my mother's haven." "That explains the death Howl. So, I take it you had a letter to?" "Yeah. Richard, gather the home-bound party, we will be needing to be packed for a few days leave, along with having the Manor packed up. Have Roger start packing the car. Tony, you need to pack and get your shots updated. Don't forget permits. Max, see to it that Char'zi has what he needs for the Council. I really don't like leaving a cat alone amongst a pack of wolves... just make sure he has a bodyguard from my group, let him pick. Am I missing anything?" "Your training of the little ones." Richard said quietly. "Right... that. I will tend to that now. Tony, I will talk with you later, I'm sure." Collector rose and grabbed his Second before he walked to far away. "As soon as you are done with your task, I want you to help me with mine. I... don't want too many others involved with this, yet." "As you command, Sir." Richard glanced over to his Master and saw the distress in his eyes. "Shall I bring you the brandy as well?" "No, thank you, though. I will be in my room."

Collector walked away quietly almost dreading his duties to becoming a Breeding Master. Learning the core basics was one thing, but actually using his own flesh and blood as his learning tools was extremely hard for him. He walked into his room finding Niah teasing his children with her tail. Someone had managed to fit them into diapers which made him smile. He 'rescued' his daughter then went to his bed.

"How are you, my little angel?" Merrla cooed as her father tickled her. "Niah, did you think of the diapers?" "Nope, the maids. I would recommend changing the 'little angel' before you start the training." "Good thing I was going to work with my boy first. Richard will be the one to begin stretching Gregory." "Really?" "Only a canine is small enough right now. I am way too big for this little breeder. If I trusted my little Mouse, I would use him." "Maybe I should work with him while I am here and get him to loosen up." "Right... he sees me as a predator almost as bad as the Wolves. I don't want him hurting my kids, even if they are breeders." "So until he fears you as a Master, you don't want him as a babysitter." "Pretty much. But would you work with him, I would owe you one." "Dangerous to owe a slave a favor." "Niah, the only thing dangerous about you are those knives lodged under your bra." "Uh..." Niah looked at her chest as the Iguana chuckled at her action. "Please, like I don't know where you hide things. I hide my pieces even during my shows. Now, if you would, I need my boy cleaned up for his session." "Very well, do you want me to stay and help?" "A sex addict helping with a sexual experience? Yes." "Very--" A knock on the door sounded interrupting the Mouse. When the door opened and revealed Tara and a little frazzled Fox. "Tara, who is your friend?" "He came running into the yard being chased by Wolves, they fled when they saw me." "Lucky you, kid. Which Pack were they from?" "I haven't heard more than a whimper from him." "Take him to Will... scratch that. Take him to the kitchen and have him talk to Tony." "Okay."

He smiled and watched as his Draskian turned and escorted the young kid out of the room. As she left the room Richard entered in glancing behind him as she twisted to right herself in the hallway.

"What's with the kit?" "Don't know yet. Close the door and strip. We, or rather, you, will be working with Gregory. No tying yet." "Understood." As Richard complied to his directions, he spoke a thought aloud. "Why am I happy to do this?" "Answer: You know that I trust you enough to breed with my own young even if they are slaves. Now bring that gorgeous piece of meat over here." "Yes, sir," Richard went to his Master as the lizard put on gloves. "Sir. If I may, am I working with the female afterwards?" "No, Dianos will be working with her soon enough." "Sir, I would not personally recommend that given his... size." "Normally, I wouldn't either, but I need her used to fertile seed so that she can be bred as soon as possible." "Won't that be dangerous?" Richard closed his eyes as Collector wiped him down with the antiseptic wipes. "Yes, it is a possibility. But if animals can give birth the first year they are fertile, so can we. Don't work yourself up, put yourself in and slowly thrust. Besides, I will be the one to holding her, not him. Once she is stretched, I will give the cousins a chance to use her." "Very well. What about him? If I may ask." "As soon as he can control himself, he will be taught how to do the male end of things by me and his peers. Now start." As Richard did his chore, Collector did his with the female. Richard huffed and pulled away from Gregory as Collector finished himself. Neither said as a word as they cleaned up and relaxed on the bed with their maleness showing to the world.

"May I be honest with you?" Richard said quietly as Niah cleaned and re-diapered both young. "Go ahead." "I don't like doing that to him." "I'm glad. It will help to keep you from hurting him until he is ready for that knot. Are you ready for a good tie yet?" "I suppose so, why?" Collector rolled over and flagged his tail. "Enjoy yourself. No holds barred." "Really? I thought you only allowed Butch to mount you." "Then consider this a trust exercise." Collector chuckled then wiggled his hips.

Richard rolled and positioned himself behind his Master. He pushed his shaft into the lizard's vent. That first push made the Fox moan as he slid in deep and in between the twin shafts. Collector squeezed expertly fitting around the swelling shaft in him. He pushed against the Fox to get the slave moving. The push is what he needed to start the action. Collector moaned as his Fox pushed past the shafts and the knot swelled. Richard gasped as he realized what he did and shivered slightly hoping he did good as his seed filled his Master.

"Richard, claws... in... ribs." "Huh? Oh!" Richard pulled his claws out of his Master then twisted himself to the proper 'tie' position. "Sorry about that." "You need more practice, that's all. I'm sure Uki would be willing." "We mate nightly." "Good. I would love to see her swell with your young and if you are as good with her as you were with me, it won't take any time for that to happen." "So I did good?" "Why are you so self conscious all of a sudden?" "I just want to make sure I did not hurt you. Uki says I hurt her every time, but it also feels good." "I am an odd one, pup, I like feeling the knot because I envy it. I would trade my pair out for one single canine cock if I could." "Ah, so being tied fulfills that fantasy for a short bit?" "Oddly, yes it does." "We, uh, are going to be like this for a while. Uki has gotten me to stay swollen for an hour before." "Then twist back up here so we can cuddle and possibly take a nap."

Three hours later, Tara walked in and huffed waking them both. She just shook her head then went to the bed to sniff the bony meat still within her male. She licked the connection then nudged the Fox away. With a chuckle, she then grabbed his tail with her teeth and dragged the Fox off the bed.

"With your blessing, I think this young male needs to learn how to please others better." "Blessing given... as long as I can get involved." "Please do, my Master."

Tara licked her lips as she straddled his muzzle and slowly eased her vent over his moist snout. They heard Richard moan, Collector told him to breathe through his muzzle and start licking. Collector smiled as he motioned for his dragoness to lean towards him. She used her tongue to please her male as he gladly leaned over her large head. Niah watched with a grin as she quietly rubbed herself, she only made a sound when a knock sounded at the door.

"Who is it?" "It's Mac, I have a message." Collector groaned then pulled away from Tara. "Let him in." Mac entered the room and immediately wished he hadn't, his feathers ruffled. "I, uh, have an urgent message from the Guild House. The Branch Master is requesting your aid." "Very well, have Roger ready a vehicle. Richard and I will be down to the garage as soon as possible. Tara, I'm sorry to leave you hanging, but let him up. I'll return to you as soon as I can." With a growl, Tara rose then crawled onto the bed. "I shall be waiting." Richard licked his muzzle and said nothing even after his Master told him to clean up. Collector quickly dressed and donned his full gear. When Richard returned, Collector tossed a whip his way then smiled. "You have your good collar on, good. Keep the whip hidden under your shirt and take my dagger. Just in case." "As you wish. If I may, do you think this may be a violent situation?" "I'm not sure, but I will be ready for it. Niah, will you let Max and Zi know what is going on." "Of course." "Thank you. Let's go."

As soon as the car stopped, they were greeted by a very distraught Skunk and Chipmunk. Collector just looked at his Second with curiosity before asking what was going on.

"There are things happening that I cannot allow the Council to find out. There was a criminal sent here for breaking, a mass murderer, she escaped after killing her trainer. I need help." "Some things are better left to the Council, you know that right?" "I do, but this could hurt me more than most things." "Did you at least plant a tracker?" "Yes." "Richard, head home get Dianos and Tara here immediately. Roger, while he is flying back, hook up the strongest cage we have." "At your orders." Roger rushed back to his spot in the car waiting on the Fox to join him. After they left, Collector comforted the Skunk as best as he could. "Don't worry, I will find this slave and capture her. As long as she does not harm the locals, she will remain intact." "What do you mean?" "If I have to, I will have her arms removed, if not her legs. Now, get me a way to track the escapee from the air." "On it." Branch Master Varuteux looked to his Second then nodded. Nika pulled a piece of parchment out of her Master's tail and handed it to Collector. "It is connected to the Global Net, we placed it on her when she was unconscious. It is a precaution with all new slaves here. Far too much space to escape in." "Promise me that there will be updates to security in the near future. I rather not have a genocidal freak loose on the planet I have chosen to live on." "Yes, sir. I will petition the Council for the upgrade." "Ask for a breeding station as well. I am thinking of putting a couple of my males up for studding." "Okay..." "Just drop my name when requesting the funding for it. I am sure you will get a higher chance at being approved." "Very well." "Don't be surprised if they add more to your request, I cannot say more right now. Not allowed." "Hmm. I see." "Here comes your fliers. Happy hunting, Pack Brenson." "I am beginning to feel like this is staged." "It was, until the wrong slave escaped. Guild House tradition, especially for honorary Pack members. See you when you return." "Hold on, what am I hunting?" "A Cat. A deadly, bloody Cat." "Great... I'll find this female. Hopefully she will come easily."

Tara landed and nuzzled her male before dropping to the ground to allow him to climb onto her back. As he got comfortable, Collector pulled his phone and looked up the information Nika had given him and then directed his hunting party to the air. The data, at least, was simple enough to give him a general location of the escaped slave, there was several tags, the majority was at the Guild Hall while the escapee was in a warehouse not to far from the Hall. They landed outside the main doors and found the entrance open slightly. He had Richard and Dianos scout out the rest of the building, when they returned they confirmed that this was the only entrance with high windows on the exterior. Collector huffed then had Richard dismount then they entered as quietly as possible. When the Draskians found cover, Collector sighed inwardly and pulled Richard to his side.

"Give yourself up. I will not harm you if you do. Resist and it could mean your life." Collector shouted. Richard folded his ears back not liking this moment, but he held his ground. "You have one minute!"

He removed his whip from its clasp then nudged Richard to do the same. He looked at the map once more and saw the tag moving slightly. He motioned the Draskians to flank the target while he and Richard advanced.

"Thirty seconds, then all hell will break loose!"

The rustling of packaging drew their attention, Richard crouched low and stalked forward. He growled before jumping over a container. A hiss sounded then a yelp before Richard was tossed across the open walkway. Collector shook his head then advanced himself, he cracked his whip before rounding the container. The Cat fled. It was not long before a growl from Dianos was heard then a howl of pain from the Cat. Collector rushed to the sound and found that the male held the feline down with his teeth ready to rip out the throat of his prey.

"Richard!" He readied his whip then pulled out some zip-ties. As Richard came running up, Collector handed him the ties. "Tie her up. Dianos, keep her still; if she tries anything, break a limb." Dianos shifted his wings while Richard tied her ankles then wrists. Collector approached the Cat and looked down at her. "You speak Standard?" "Fuck you, lizard." "Did you kill a Guild Member?" She leaned her head back exposing her throat. "Richard, cut off the clothes." "Yes, Master." Richard pulled the dagger out of his waistline then proceeded to remove her pants and shirt exposed her bare fur to her captors. "Last chance to speak." Collector waited a moment before grabbing the ties and rolling her over then grabbed her tail. "Dianos, stretch her." Richard swallowed hard before moving back to Tara whom watched silently.

Dianos positioned himself then dropped his shaft and prodded her genitals searching for a viable entrance. He found the tightened entrance and slowly pushed. She howled then confessed to killing the trainer. Collector let Dianos continue, in fact, he found a small crate to sit on and watched the show with great interest. He waited until it was obvious that Dianos had finished before standing. He checked her pulse, satisfied that she was still alive, he had Dianos pick her up while her and Richard mounted up. They went back to the Hall and delivered the overfilled Cat. Varuteux greeted them then looked at the slave the drake dropped from his mouth.

"Troubles?" "Some, she confessed and I punished her for her attempt to escape. You may wish to do more. Though I made sure she was... stretched rather well. She can now be the collector for various males." "I see..." "Is there anything else you require?" "No. But I did receive a shipment in of fresh slaves should you wish to take a gander. I can write one off as an expense for your reward for bringing her back alive." "Very well, I shall look."

The Skunk escorted him alone to the slave holding and showed him the slaves meant for sell. Most were declared Prey species, but one particular slave peeked his interest. He looked closely at it. The slave was a hybrid, a mix of Innodiate and Avian. The poor fool was probably bred in hopes of a dragon outcome.

"I'll choose this one. This fellow will fit in nicely with my other winged creatures." "Very well, I will fill out the paperwork. I will return in a moment." Collector waited until the skunk left the general area before he spoke to the slave. "You are lucky, little one, you will be going to a home that will provide actual food for you. Not to mention a good scale cleaning. When was the last time you soaked?" "Before I was sold to the Guild, Master." "I see, family could not pay the bills?" "I was... am a freak." "If you are a freak for being a hybrid, then so am I. I am half human." The slave looked at his new Master for the first time and saw him smile. "Yep. Not only that, I have Draskin young sired by me as well. Now they are freaks, a third human. I cannot wait for them to start talking, I am betting they won't be understood even by a translator. Enough of that, do you remember your name?" "Artemis, but everyone used to call me Arty... before the wings." "Well, Arty, enjoy having a family again. If anyone picks on you because of your looks, just tell me directly. But I am sure the house is filled with enough odd looking creatures now that you won't even be noticed." Collector patted the young male's back. "Who knows, you may even become an adopted child of mine someday if you try hard enough." Collector chuckled as the Skunk came back handing him a folder and Nika following quietly. "Title, sir. There is one more thing," Varuteux seemed a little shaken. "I was told that I am to report to you for now on... for everything." "Indeed. I'll tell you something that I am not really supposed to yet. I am the Breeder Coordinator. The Council will ensure you will get this facility up to date and have my office ready soon enough. Just make sure there will be an office for our little Alpha as well." "Yes, Councilman, it shall be done." "Until I return from Earth, none of that, please." "As you wish." "One more thing, get fliers on the guard crew, you would do the Guild a favor for not looking like a total ass for 'accidentally' loosing a slave." "Yes, sir." "I don't want to sound harsh, my peers would, but I like you... don't blow it." "Understood." "Nika, make sure he stays on the right path. I can see a future here for you both, but if he screws it up... you both lose out." "I will, Master Collector." "Thank you."

Collector grabbed his new slave by the shoulder then excused himself before he could say more. Just by saying the title brought fear. He didn't want to abuse the power, but it sure felt good. At least now he knew he could do a show and prove to the galaxy that even a slave can be big. He met up with his party and they saw Roger flying in with the cage. After the car powered down and the human climbed out, Collector just shook his head.

"You missed the party, but that's alright. Tara, Dianos, take our newest whelp home and get him settled. We three are going to the market in search of better furniture for everyone. Not to mention finding a plumber." "Sir, don't you think it would be wise to get William or Max to translate for you?" Collector thought it over for a moment then sighed. "Very well. But leave the cage hooked up just in case we find a slave with such skills needed. While you find them both. Tara can drop me and Richard off at the market." "As you wish, sir."

They parted ways with their tasks at hand. Tara refused to leave her Master's side after she landed. He grumbled but allowed it with a smile when she brought up a look that reminded Collector of puppy-dog eyes. He led his slaves in and made sure that they stayed close as they entered the Slave Market and came nearer to the shops. Many of the shop keepers eyed him cautiously as though he was there to steal their goods. He just grinned then wondered if he could convince his favorite stall to move to this planet. He went to a supply shop and ordered, in bulk, hygiene kits and polish kits. The salesman was shocked at the amount of the order before they set up a direct delivery. He then asked the clerk about the skills slaves he needed then followed the directions to the stall. He found it easily and talked to the clerk there. He found four slaves that had plumbing skills, he bought them all without looking at them. At the price of two thousand, it was a steal to him. As he waited for the slaves, Roger found him with Will at his side. Collector chuckled then saw a Slaver he knew from his slave days.

"Vicnar?" Collector called to a Shepard "I know that voice. The Champion lives again?" "Aye, but as the Master this time. I would love you to meet my Second, Richard. I thought about doing a one time show to see if the Old Man's teachings can still be made into winners." "No doubt, my boy. By the way, your score still stands on the boards. The closet has a ten second gap." "The course is still that complicated?" "It is. But that was when you were skinny and agile. You are showing your age." "So are you. You muzzle is graying. How is your show slave? She still spitting about that defeat?" "No, she passed away last year. Doc said it was her heart, went in her sleep. Buried her next to my wife." "I'm sorry to hear that. My mentor burned with the original Manor. I had it rebuilt." "I heard. Seems that the little bark is that you have moved up in life... especially in the Guild. Congrats. I cannot travel to Earth anymore, otherwise I would be there for you." "Laws?" "Nah. Females want to kill me. Won't get into it." "Ah, I will leave it be." Collector shifted uneasily. "Sorry about running off, but here comes my slaves." "Fare well, then, Champion."

Collector walked away from Vicnar calmly and met with the salesman once more to collect the papers and leashes. Two of the slaves were human, one was a little bird that resembled a robin, the last was a mink. He smiled, the humans were male for sure, the other two...he would find out later. He handed the leashes to Richard then led the way out with Roger. They quietly discussed the health of their new additions and agreed that they appeared healthy but that means little.

As they arrived at the vehicle, Roger stopped and looked at his employer. "May I be frank with you, sir?" "Go ahead." "We have looked over three hundred resumés, so far none have the quality you like nor what we like." "You have been searching in already existing Guild keepers, correct?" "Yes." "Then break free. Look outside the Guild for fresh blood... like nurses just make sure they know what they are getting in to." "Yes, sir." "There is something else, I can tell." "Karen has mentioned that she would like to train some young hopefuls." "How young are we talking?" "Just turned twenty, locals, and can speak Standard as well. She did not know how to ask." Collector thought for a moment then smiled. "Make them ninety-day interns then see if they want to stick with it as paid employees." "I will pass it on. Thank you. Shall we head home?" "Tara and I will follow. Pull Richard by the ear if you have to, I want some alone time with her." "As you wish, sir."

Richard's ears dropped then nodded as he got into the vehicle. Roger then smiled then got into the vehicle himself. He gave the fox a scratch behind the ears before getting ready to leave.

"Let's take our time. I would spend time with you" Collector nuzzled Tara's muzzle. "Should we take a pit stop?" "As nice as that would be, I do not think it wise of us. We have to get ready to leave for Earth and settle things. Who knows what can happen though, you know? Injuries, wing cramps, you name it." Collector winked as he stepped back so he could move around her grasping claws. "Very well." She pushed herself against the floor of the garage to allow him to climb onto her back.

A few minutes later, Tara was looking at the ground while following the Roger in his flying vehicle. Even while distracted, she flew steady. A trait beaten into her when she had just sprouted her wings. She enjoyed the mindless flights more than anything else. The mansion came into view, but so did a clearing by a pond. There was no visible separator between the mansion grounds and the pond so she swerved to land in the clearing. Tara dropped to the ground and spread out her wings as she waited for her Master to dismount. When he did not move, she growled then stood on her hind legs and made him fall off her back. He grunted as he landed on his back. He scowled as he looked up at the towering female above him.

"Finally, I get you alone to myself and I will get that ride I was promised on that ship." "Tara, all you had to do was ask and I would have found a quiet spot for us." "All that matters is that I have you alone. Strip, little man, or end up going back naked."

She grinned and released a lust-filled growl. Collector smiled as he began to remove his shirt slowly teasing his female by fumbling with the buttons.

"My, oh my, what ever am I to do, this here creature demands me naked. I best fulfill the demands of this mighty beast as best as I can." He stuck his long tongue out at her and continued to torture her. "Mighty beast, am I? Well... I can easily play that part. I might just play with my food and take off the tail first." Tara growled and circled the Iguana to nip at the fine spines that ran down the top of his tail. "So are you going to comply?" "I suppose I must."

He removed his shirt and tossed it aside. He smirked then undid the front button of his pants. He wiggled his tail in his companion's face.

"I need some help, since our nest warmer is not here to help me..." "You know this won't end well." "So. You know I can't get that button. It's why I like snaps or hooks back there."

Tara eyed the button closely then used one paw to push the cloth over the button as gently as she possibly could. She gnawed on her lip as the fabric finally went over the plastic disc and the pants fell to the dirt. She stared at her lovely little male standing in the bare scale. He just stood there with a grin until she pushed him over and straddled him. She ground her vent against his enjoying the intimate touch before pressing herself down to attempt to provoke the instinctual habit of mating. Just as he rewarded her efforts, they heard a growl from a familiar male.

"So, this is why they sent me out here in such a rush? How sad is it to find my own sister mounting her mate?" "Leave!" Tara did not look his way, she just hoped he would listen. "I think that depends on our Master, dear." She started to turn with a growl rumbling in her chest. "Tara, instead of growling and such, why not offer him something? You do have a gorgeous mouth that can be filled with some wonderful meat. Not to mention that I would love to watch it slide down your throat." She glared momentarily at her Master then sighed. Her wings splayed out in defeat as her brother walked around them sporting his throbbing shaft. "Now, dear sister, don't think of this as punishment... but as a beneficial bonus for both of us." She growled as he placed his forelimbs on her shoulders. As she stood, her brother's shaft smacked her in the nose smearing fluids over her scales. An inward sigh was played out as she opened her mouth and drew in the hefty tube in with her tongue.

Despite her dislike of this, her body enjoyed the taste and enjoyed the shafts toying with her vent. Both males began to thrust against her, her brother did not go as easy as she wanted, he went vent deep against her lips and forced his shaft into her throat. She swallowed instinctively causing him to moan then repeat the action. It did not take long for Collector to have his release and seed the fertile field of his female. Dianos continued to breed her face as she began to suckle. Her moans told her males that she was close. Collector decided to help that out by wiggling out of his position so his muzzle to get to her vent. Then his tongue found the nub that made her quake. Dianos hissed then pulled away far enough to grasp his own member and guided it to paint his sister's face. He chuckled then forced his shaft back into her mouth to make her tongue clean up the final drippings of his seed then her backed off leaving her panting. She barely noticed him walking beside her, but gasped loudly as she felt his weight on her back and his shaft pushing into her. Collector moaned as her tasted the remnants of the drake's seed on the shaft and continued to suckle on the pleasure nub while the bigger male pushed in deeper then began to mate vigorously. The two Draskians roared loudly as Dianos filled his sister with his seed. As the drake pulled away from the dam, the Master was soaked in a wave of their combined fluids. The Iguana savored the taste and hoped that this little unwanted union would bring a clutch of young ones his dragoness would adore and secretly hate.

"Onic sou notu batca!" "My such language. If I am a bastard, what does that make you, hmm?" "Just... go away." Collector stood and wiped his face with his discarded shirt. "We need to get going anyway. We got to get ready to leave for Earth tomorrow. You two are going me and Max, I want absolute best behaviour when we arrive. That means no fighting, no growling, no native speech, and most of all... no flying." "As you command, my Master." Dianos bowed his head. Tara sighed, "Very well, such is your command, I shall follow my male's word."

Collector gathered the rest of his clothes and pulled up his pants before walking towards the mansion. The two dragons quietly followed, Dianos leaned close to his sister and gave her a lick.

"Hope we can have another go soon, you were wonderful." "I don't care if I was, unless he demands it, I want you away from my tail at all times." "Don't be that way, sis, I know you enjoyed it." "We are siblings, not breeding partners." "We are the last of our kind on this planet. It is our duty." "That's low and you know it. Our race will live on without us." "I know you need a proper male from time to time... and I will be here for you." "What do you know of 'proper?' You have only mounted me and the females of his kind." "Ouch. Not to mention a little racist. Why can't you just enjoy it?" "Because it is you." "Or is it because I know your fantasies?" "Bite your tail, you little mongrel!" "Ah, there it is. I wonder if you have ever shared this fanatical ideas with your male..." Dianos chuckled as he playfully dodged a clawed swing from his sister. "Alright, you two, spill. I want in." Collector stopped and looked over his shoulder at Tara with a maniacal smile. "She wants to be tied down on her back and mounted by several males." "Shut up!" "Not to mention she also wants to feel a tiny male crawl into her v-" Tara tackled her brother and forced his jaw shut. "Not another word." "Really? I can accommodate both of those at once. I know just the tiny male who would love to bath in cum." "Yopous..."

Tara slumped and loosened her grasp on her brother. He managed to wiggle away and stand back up while gaining a mile-wide grin. He saw the cogs spinning in both heads and enjoyed the show. He wondered if it was enough to keep his sister's mind on other things while they traveled back to Earth.

As they entered the mansion, Collector yelled for Richard. He watched the dragon's walk by him, he smiled as Dianos stopped mid-step and turned back to wait beside his master. Tara walked off to go to her Master's room. As Richard came up, both of the waiting males grinned and lightly chuckled.

"Richard, we have a special task. First thing send us Mitch, then tell every male slave that we have a female with a special request from them. After all that, we need to drag Tara outside and tie her down on her back; Dianos will help with that." "Anything else?" "Stay hydrated. Tell that to all males." "Excellent." Dianos grinned. "The only one that won't have to is Mitch, but I suppose it won't matter much. Go." "As you desire, my Master." Richard chuckled then ran off whispering in the ears of his fellow males. "You will have to find a way to get your sister outside and on her back. I will be heading out back to watch things unfurl. But first, you will have to explain the innards of your sister to that small guy."

Collector nodded to the Otter as the male came up with a small scratch on his cheek. Collector looked him over briefly then turned to the drake.

"First thing you will need to do is trim your claws and file them flat because you are going into my sister." "Excuse me?" "You will climb into her vent then others will mate her while you wiggle around and enjoy the bath. I will be last so I will allow you a chance to climb out before I squish you within her." "What if I want to feel you slide over me?" "If there is room. I am sure there will be plenty of lubricants within." "Anything else?" "Work fast and come without clothes, we don't want to tip the others now do we?" Collector chuckled and smacked Mitch's back lightly. "We all know there are those that don't like the idea of you liking males. Don't forget that once you are in there to play plenty. I want you adding to the collection. I figure this way she cannot kill Dianos for impregnating her alone." "You had a claw in that as well." "True, but this way she won't know the father." "Is... is there anyone that would be willing to help me trim? The filing will take a while." Collector sighed, "Let's go."

Collector escorted the Otter to a bathroom and sat him down before using a pair of scissors to cut off the nails then he grabbed a pair of files and forced one into the grip of the male while he started filing on the feet. Collector glanced up every now and then to make sure the Otter was doing his job, he found that the loincloth was beginning to lift. He huffed and ignored the shaft as the male would have plenty to occupy his mind later. Once the feet were smoothed out, Collector checked on the fore-paws. The Otter did a decent job and was ready to head outside. They met up with Tara whom was gagged, bound tightly, and on her back with her brother next to her.

"Greetings. Mitch, as you go inside, you will want to look for the bigger... tunnel and slid into it. She will squeeze quite a bit so be prepared for it. I would suggest keeping your nose close to the entrance unless you have a supplement device I know not of. Don't forget about your tail, wiggle a lot and play with every surface you can." Tara growled loudly and fought against her binds. "Don't worry about her, I've tied her up worse than this when we were younger. Just never for this purpose. Any questions?" "Yeah, how far can I go?" "Measurements are not my strongest point in standard. I can push fully into her and not touch the inner barrier and I am big for my kind."

Mitch shivered and sighed before climbing onto her tail. Dianos towered over him and used his strength to open her up for the tiny mammal. He heard Tara squeal as he started into the warm tunnel headfirst. The other two males watched as the flesh moved as the Otter disappeared within and twisted about within to find himself a comfortable position so he could get air when needed. The males started to file out led by Richard and Butch. Collector noticed a few curious females within the group as they began to circle around their Master.

"Greetings, boys... and the few girls. We are gathering to fulfill a fantasy of our lovely dragon today, to be bound and mated by several males. Use her to your satisfaction. Is there anyone here who would prefer males?" Collector waited for a moment no one spoke up. The females just crossed their arms and huffed. "Ladies, you can join in as well if you wish. The added touch would be lovely. Though this is more for filling her with the essence of multiple males. Dianos will be the last one so he can use his... natural filling gifts to push all the semen in deeper. Oh, don't be alarmed if you see Mitch's head pop out for air. He's fulfilling another fantasy and helping all your seed be sown deeper within the fertile field. He has already been warned not to mess with any of you. Richard, you are first. Enjoy."

Richard did not take long at all to get up to the clean slate. He licked the entire slit before shoving his penis in slowly, he growled lustfully as his slowly inflating knot was buried into her.

"I have been waiting patiently for this and now I will give you all I got." He started to thrust, purposely hitting high to give her a full sensation of his shaft. When he could not hold back anymore he howled and rested over her. He began to pull out but Dianos stopped him.

"Make sure you are done first, canine. We don't want anything missing the mark."

Richard nodded then shoved back in, he felt the Otter brush against him to stick his nose out to get a breath then pull back in and giving the shaft a light lick which sent Richard into another light orgasm. He panted as he squeezed the last few drops by hand before pulling away. He barely heard the name of the next one being called forth. He had counted seventy-five males when they came out. But some of the staff had heard about the opportunity and joined in bringing the number up to one hundred and thirty. He watched from a very close spot as each male rode the female hard.

By the time Collector had joined in, the sun had begun to set and the dragon's tormented flesh had a very pink hue. She would be bruised, but nothing major. Mitch had been rolling and wiggling within her enjoying the bath he was given. Collector noticed several times that she clenched hard enough to squirt onto the male riding her at the time of which, when he was done, scooped as much up as possible and forced it back into her. He grunted as Mitch licked his shafts and made him add to the bath. When he pulled out, he saw Mitch's head pop out.

"Staying in for the last one?" "Yes." "It will be tight and dangerous." "And I will love it." "Then push what you can to the back. He will give you a moment." Tara moaned as Mitch shifted things around then rolled onto his back. "Sir, are you sure this is wise?" Dianos whispered as he watched his sister's flesh move. "Nope, but it is his fantasy. Just... try to control yourself." "Okay."

Dianos bit his lip as he started to line up to his target. He quickly felt a furry grip on his quivering shaft pulling him closer to his target. He shivered with delight as the warmth from his sister and the Otter covered him, then he felt the fur. He could not stop the moan if he wanted to. Mitch hugged the log loosely as it slid down his body covering him in a sticky film of the drake's making. His own shaft poked the head of the bigger male's shaft and threatened to push inside the opening, but he moved it under so the drake could fully enjoy the act. Mitch admitted to himself that it was extremely tight, but it was worth being able to hug a dick twice his size. He lapped at the swelling meat sock as it began to drag across his furred body the moans from the other two overpowered his own. The pulse he felt throbbing through the drake was pleasantly frequented with spurts of lubricating fluids. He quickly found himself planted against the back wall of the female he resided in, his breath was light and need a refresher. He poked a claw into the thrusting shaft and then felt a rush of air and a single dot of light as Dianos lifted and spread his sister open with a claw. He also paused his thrusts a moment given Mitch a chance to move back towards the outer areas. The Otter surprised the drake as he twisted and climbed on top of the larger male. Using his tapered tail to tease the head of the invading beast and the flesh around it. His little prick slid down to the urethra and toyed with the opening, he was close and he wanted to fulfill his promise to his Master and spill his seed into this female, but adding it to the drake's was definitely a bonus. His thrusts signaled the drake to continue of which he did. From this position, it did not take long for the drake to build back up. Mitch moaned as he began to spray his seed onto the drake, Dianos pushed deep and pressed the Otter's prick and himself up against the egg barrier and began to seed the fertile field. Which, in turn made, Tara spasm and squeeze both males hard and milk them both of what they could give. Mitch was about to pass out when Dianos began to pull out with him clinging on tightly. With a loud suction-filled pop, the Otter was freed from his multi-hour closet and let the host female rest unhindered. His undercoat was soaked through with semen and female juices, but he was happy to just hug the shrinking male flesh and watching the housing come ever nearer.

"Little one, you might want to let go before you get sucked inside me." "Maybe I want to try that. I've been in her for a while, only fair I try the other end for a bit." "Master?" "Only for a little while, then squeeze him out into a tub to wash up." Dianos sighed then winced as the Otter forced himself into the tight, fleshy chamber where he hid his maleness from the world. "Yes, Master."

As Dianos carefully walked away, Collector began to untie Tara. She sprawled out and stretched her limbs then shivered as everything rushed through her head. She moaned and carefully bent to look at herself and then sighed.

"That was wonderful, don't want to do it again, but wonderful. Thank you." "Anything for my lovely mate. As soon as you are able, wash up. I need to revise my travel group since you had birth."