Chapter 2 - Should've Read The Contract

Story by Ohko on SoFurry

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As Alex the husky reconnects with a face he wish he could've avoided, he finds himself with his face in a position he's unsure about.

This is a continuation of my first series. I really recommend you take a look at the previous chapters for a sense of the plot.


Alex strolls downtown to his favorite café. Coincidentally, it's also Laura's favorite café too! He hopes he might catch her there, that way he could save the walk back to her apartment. As he enters and scans the café though, Alex, albeit slightly disappointed, isn't surprised to find no trace of Laura. Looking at his phone, he has yet to hear back from her. So, he types out another quick message.

"R u a lyfe? sad if ded. :((((((((" Alex chuckles to himself knowing full well that Laura absolutely loathes any type of writing/texting that isn't in full English.

"Next. Next! ... NEXT!"

Alex is startled by sudden shouting in front of him, only to lift his head and realize that it's the cashier eyeing him down, seeing as he is the next person in line. Although Alex has been coming here for about a year now since he's been out of school, he doesn't know much, if anything, about this cashier. He recognizes the face, but that's about it. Surely one of more well-known cashiers--such as Mary-Anne or Kayla--would've just politely called to Alex and joked with him at the register once up there. This guy though, this beige-yellow colored snake, was nothing short of serious.

"Two large, hazelnut lattes, one with 2 shots of espresso, the other with 4, hot by the way."

"Anything else?"

"No, that should be it. And hello, how are you by the way, sorry. I didn't mean to just jump up here and shout orders at you. I normally don't ha..."

"That'll be $8.78."

Alex hands the snake a ten-dollar bill and motions for him to keep the change.

"If I can't be his friend through conversation, I might as well try to buy his friendship, haha." Alex says to himself as he waits at the end of the bar for his lattes.

Just then, Alex feels his phone vibrate the three distinct short-pulse vibrations. A sure-fire way to know it's Laura he convinced himself when he first exchanged contact information with her. He whips out his phone to read the message.

"See if I let you kiss my head again, writing to me using that garbage. ;p I'll be at my place around 7:00 P.M. if you want to stop by?" is what Laura's text had read.

"Sounds like a date! Err.. a meeting! Since we're only allowing ourselves to go on Friday night dates and all. ;)" Alex replied back.

"Welp, time to doublefist some drinks already..!" Alex said to himself as he grabbed the two drinks here ordered off of the bar.

"Thanks! Have a great day!" He yelled back to the barista working, not taking the time to notice who exactly it was due to his newfound excitement.

Alex spent the rest of his time running some quick errands. With an intention of getting back to his place around 6:00 P.M., that should allow him plenty of time to freshen up before going over to see Laura. Stopping on his way back to get some flowers, Alex battled a serious case of the butterflies the whole way home.

Sticking true to his word, he stood outside his apartment door. Fumbling with his keys in one hand while the other hand balanced some flowers, a card, a bottle of water, and a box of condoms, letting himself into his apartment. Setting down all the items on the hallway table immediately, emptying his pockets as well, Alex began to unbutton his shirt and jeans where he stood, three feet in from his apartment door. As he stood there mostly undressed already, the only decent part of his body was what his underwear kept hidden. As Alex began to run down his hallway, past his kitchen, he unconsciously noticed something wasn't familiar.

"AHH!!" Alex screamed in surprise.

Alex stared at three men sitting at his tiny kitchen table. One was a brown poodle, while the other two were a matching set of ludicrously jacked bulls.

"Hello, Alex. I was beginning to wonder when you'd come back. Joking aside, I was a touch afraid that you might've just got up and moved after what happened last night..." The Poodle calmly said.

Alex, overcome by shock, couldn't move. He heard what the poodle said, but the only thing his ears were realistically listening to was the sound of his own heartbeat.

"Please, sit, let's chat..." The poodle motioned to the only unoccupied chair remaining at the kitchen table.

Alex, still frozen in his spot, is escorted to the table by one of the bulls. Only after sitting down does Alex start to regain some of his senses. No longer feel dizzy and light headed, he is able to consciously analyze the situation in front of him.

"You're a smart, college-educated man, Alex. Of all people, you should've known that this would've happened eventually if you kept trying to run. So why fight it?" the Poodle questioned, why constantly scribbling away at a notebook in his hand, as if he were taking meeting minutes.

"No... I don't want to anymore. I'm done. I don't want to do that. I want to live my life without you in it. Why can't you just leave me alone... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sign anything." Alex defended himself, staring only at the notebook that the poodle was writing in, never looking anyone in the eye.

"That's okay, Alex. You're allowed to not want it anymore. But that doesn't give you the liberty to deny it. A contract is a contract. You signed it, which means you have to honor it." Asserts the poodle.

As if it were a movie cue, Alex bolts up out of his chair and tries to run. The two bulls were a step ahead of him, perhaps expecting such a result the entire time, and quickly grabbed Alex, holding him down on the tile floor of his kitchen. With his face buried into the floor, Alex could feel someone grab the scruff of his neck. Feeling a small pinch, Alex started to immediately feel relaxed. So relaxed that he lost all control and feeling in his extremities, eventually finding it hard to keep his eyes open.


Alex eventually comes to. Having no baring on what just happened, he's surprised to find himself restrained in what appears to be a stockade. He notices that he has some sort of ankle restraint on as well that are keeping his feet firmly planted on the ground. Looking around the room, there's nothing of interest to note. The room is empty of any type of furniture other than a windowed-door. The incandescent light bulb hanging by a wire above Alex is doing an insufficient job at lighting the entire room.

Alex tries to open his mouth to release some type of yell or scream, but finds he has a very hard time carrying through that order. His mouth and jaw are extremely sore, and he can't recall why. As he takes in some deep breaths to try to muster some type of verbal noise, the only door to the room (that he can see) swings open. The light from the hallway is blinding, but Alex is able to make out two figures entering the room.

As the door shuts and Alex is able to readjust to the light of the room, he observes that there is a fox dressed in some sort of lab coat type uniform, carrying a small, zippered pouch. The fox is joined by a horse... A quite large horse, that is wearing nothing but some underwear.

Alex feels a touch more alert now, but still has trouble saying anything. With pleading eyes, he searches the faces of the two individuals in the room. Without saying anything, they share glances at one another that reveal to Alex nothing... As the silence continues to plague the room, Alex finds himself not being able to help but stare at the horse. In particular, the horse's lower half.

With no trouble at all, Alex is able to make out the Horse's tool. Noting that the spandex-like underwear happily outlines the arch of the hidden member. As Alex is staring, his brain begins to process that there is movement in his vision. He quickly blinks himself out of staring and locks eyes with the horse that is making his way towards him. The horse stops himself with only about a foot of gap between his crotch and Alex's head.

It is only then Alex realizes he lost sight of the fox that was in the room too. Did he leave? He doesn't remember the door opening... Though, he did admit to himself that he was a little preoccupied with something else...

"Ouch!" Alex screamed, as the sudden pain of a bad pinch nipped him on his right ass cheek. Surprising himself at the same time that he was able to say something.

In almost no time though, Alex began to feel slightly light headed, and noticed that he was starting to feel all tingly again. While trying to fight whatever was happening to him, Alex noticed the fox step back into view. Watching the fox and horse exchange glances at each other, the fox continued his way out of the room, opening the door, and promptly slamming it shut.

Alex wasn't sure what was happening to him. He felt like he was really drunk, but with no pain or headache that follow when he usually drinks... He was just feeling good. Really, really good. Eventually though, Alex started to lose control of his muscles in his arms and legs. Letting his feet go, he realized now that there was some type of belt contraption around his waist, for something was keeping his body angled up. It was hard to move his neck, so he just slumped it to the side and let it hang. However, Alex noted that he was not really tired. He felt incredibly relaxed, but had no desire to close his eyes...

When Alex let his head hang towards a side, he could he the horse standing in front of him snort. It almost sounded like a chuckle of laughter, but Alex couldn't peek up to check. Instead though, that was his last concern, for as soon as the horse snorted, he began to come forward ever so slightly. With the horse resting his hands on top of the stockade system, he brought his crotch into Alex's face with ease.

With the horse prodding Alex's face with his crotch, Alex can't do anything but helplessly rest his face on the horse's member. Trying to squirm and wriggle away was met with almost no result movement from his neck or head. However, refusing to give up, Alex tried his hardest to move his to the other side, trying everything in his power to get away from the horse's crotch. Straining very hard, Alex was able to move his face so that his other cheek was now resting on the other side of the crotch. Not really any better, but Alex didn't have much say in the matter.

Still unable to really speak, Alex started to fill with despair. Allowing himself to just submit and let his head rest against the horse, Alex tried his best to control his breathing--to calm himself down any amount he can.

In and out.

In and out.


Alex's nose was working a mile a minute as it started to smell something unusual. He wasn't sure himself, but it smelt amazing. Closing his eyes to focus on the smell some more, it hit him: it's the horse.

Putting a large amount of effort in being able to bring his head up, Alex laid his muzzle to rest right at the top center of the crotch. Pulling in deep whiffs of the horse's musk, Alex started to feel incredible.

Continuing to sniff and pull the horse's scent in, Alex was having a hard time rationalizing any of this to himself. All he knew was that the musk was the most intoxicating scent he's ever remembered smelling, and that all he wanted to do was take in as much of it as he could.

The horse let out another snort, this time most definitely a chuckle, as Alex started to give in and submit, obviously falling prey to the situation at hand. The horse bent himself sideways a little so that he had a clear view of Alex's body. Alex was naked, and was starting to show a little excitement. Just as the horse started to see the tip of Alex's cock come out of its sheath, he heard below him some muffled moans and noises.

"Wh..Wha..What..? Wh..Why? O..O..Oh.god..." moaned Alex.

The horse stood back up straight and firmly grasped Alex's head. Holding his head straight first, the horse paraded his crotch all over Alex's muzzle, helping that nose get right into hard to reach areas. Every now and then, the horse would turn Alex's head to the side and slide his crotch all over the cheek and face of Alex.

Every time Alex's head was turned and washed over with a face full of clothed-cock, Alex could tell the horse's member was growing, and growing, and growing. Thinking about the horse cock and taking in the musk at the same time was enough to get Alex to begin salivating. Rather than keep his mouth closed, Alex let his mouth hang freely open as it saw fit.

The horse never missed a beat. Just as Alex finished exhaling whatever he was keeping inside his lungs, the horse had his head re-positioned to give him a new spot to take in. Until the horse led the nose to his ballsack. He was avoiding the position the entire timed it seemed, and Alex noticed. Had Alex been able to talk, he'd be openly pleading to have access to that source of hung man musk. The horse kept Alex's face buried there for what seemed like a while, though there were not complaints from below.

When the horse heard Alex take in a really deep whiff, he removed his crotch from Alex's space. Supporting his head still, the two of them exchanged glances very quickly until the horse let Alex's head down. Walking in stride to the door, the horse opened it and walked out.

The door remained open, and the only thing going through Alex's head was hoping and wishing the that horse would come back in and go straight to rubbing his giant cock all over Alex's face. However, the horse was not the next guest through the doorway, instead, it was the brown poodle from the time before.

The poodle's presence was enough to snap Alex back into reality to a degree. In his current state, Alex could associate the poodle with nothing but fear. So as the poodle wandered ever so closer to Alex, all the euphoric sensations running through his body and mind vanished.

"See, Alex, you enjoy it. You crave it even. So why did you run?"

"...uhhhnnn... arrrrhhh..."

"Shh... No need to say anything, we'll have you feeling and acting right in no time." The poodle soothed, as he continued beside Alex, picking up a his scruff, and letting a needle do the work.

All efforts from Alex ceased as he fell into an unconscious state. If it weren't for the restraint around his waist, Alex would most certainly be waking up to an extra sore body.