Call Back

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#65 of Commissions

A follow-up story to "I'll Call You" taking place a few days after the first.

Sherian couldn't believe she had actually got a job at this place. The dragoness let out a little sight and cast a quick glance around. Dozens of people roaming around, carrying out who knows what exactly. It was hard to pin down just what this place did. While a lot of their work revolved around renting out camera equipment and crew, there was also some casting stuff. Which is why she'd originally been called out here. To fill in a role for some crazy guy's pet project.

That was just a few days ago. She'd been running late from her other job. Thankfully the guy having the interview stayed late. It was amazing what a madman with a fortune could get out of people. It had just been the pair of them here and... well things got out of hand. Couldn't entirely blame either of them. She was in heat and he...

A glance up at the open second floor showed a light in Mark's office. Both the dragon and his hippogryph friend had fun with her. Sure, they'd apologized profusely before giving her more than enough money for some Plan B. Sammy, the hippogryph, had even given her a ride home and been rather charming and apologetic about the entire thing. He had misunderstood what was going on when he came back to the office late at night and found Mark filling her up. Turns out that coming back to find a colleague fucking some stranger wasn't entirely unusual. Between calling up 'escort services' and hopeful starlets there were plenty of people willing to drop their panties.

She sighed to herself. Here she was, in a much better paying job than she had been earlier in the week. All because her panties had hit the ground and she let two guys fuck her.

Biting her lip, the dragoness shook her head and glanced down at the folder in her arm. Needed to get this filed away. Being a gopher wasn't the most glamorous thing, but the pay was good. At least it was promised to be good. The HR interview was pretty short. Just talk to her briefly before having her sign some papers and like that she was hired. Stealing a glance around, it made her wonder just how many people here were hired for their qualifications and how many got jobs the way she did.

Her cheeks flushed hot as she stepped wrong and made panties brush across her lips. Still in heat. Which was a good sign, and also a bit of a bad one. Sammy had been a surprising dear and bought her some much better heat concealing perfume. A really nice one too with a scent she just adored.

Sherian stole a quick glance across the workers as she crossed the offices. Tail swaying with each step as she tried to hurry without looking like she was hurrying. When HR introduced her to the others, she'd seen the looks a lot of them gave her. Young and pretty, wearing a perfume that was obviously (at least to her) above her pay grade. More than a few of the guys were obviously eye-fucking her. Several of the girls too. She just knew that most of them knew what had earned her this job.

No, they couldn't know about that. A quick glance around showed that everyone was busy at whatever they were doing. Talking to clients, checking stock, etc.

Ducking into the file room dropped off the file quickly enough. She let out a sigh and leaned against a filing cabinet for a moment. You know, would have thought working in the industry would be far more glamorous than getting coffee and running to find some folder for someone. Cheeks flushed hotly as she lay there, resting her chin on her crossed arms. Still, could be much worse. There were so many ways that things could go wrong that she couldn't begin to count.

She nearly leapt out of her skin when hands came down on her ass. The twin slaps came hard enough to leave her skin tingling from the impact. "Was worried you got might've got lost." Beak brushed against one of her ears.

A nervous laugh broke free of Sherian, "Ahha, sorry about that. Just needed a little moment to breathe." Not that she was getting one right now.

Draped against the filing cabinet like she was, there was nowhere for her to go. The hippogryph's hands traced her hips and thighs slowly. He stood head and shoulders taller than her, and was more than double her weight. Very little of it fat either. She knew from experience just how strong the male was. Her body shook with his deep chested purr as he pressed against her from behind. A rock of his hips was enough to jar her forward into the cabinet with a gasp.

His chest pressed to her back with a chuckle, "Just a moment to breathe?" Every muscle tensed as his hand swept down to stroke her inner thigh. Oh wearing a skirt was a mistake! Huge mistake, worst decision she'd made this week. Especially as his hand readily and easily pushed right up under it. "Work that hard that you've gotta slip off for a moment to... breathe?" Fingers sliding over her panties. The dragoness' jaws snapped shut with a quick inhale as raw pleasure shot through her.

That beak scraped over her ear slowly, "Still a bit hot and bothered are we?" She could feel Sammy's grin as he pulled her hips back against him. Biting her lip, she tried not to squirm as his fingers groped her. Rubbing up and down over her outer lips. Even with the extra padding to help hide her heat, there was no way her underwear could protect her from the relentless massaging. His fingers pressing against her. Sliding up and down across her folds. Sherian couldn't help but let out a whimper.

"Shh," his beak nipped sharply at her neck. "Don't want anyone catching us, do you?" The hippogryph's rumble shook her to the core as he pressed against her. She could feel the blazing warmth of his tent pressing against her backside. It took everything she had not to hike her tail up. Instinct and hormonal need fighting with her own will.

Body shook with a deep pant, "M-maybe we ssssshould www-wait then." She couldn't help but arch as he pushed his hand into her panties. Thighs pressed together as the immaculately manicured talons slid over her swollen folds.

Chest heaving as she tried not to cry out as his fingers teased her. Sliding up and down at the very edges of her pussy. "Wait? What for?" His tongue ran over her neck as he wrapped an arm around her midriff. "Only person that sets foot in here are gophers and Jill. She's on vacation this week and no one uses this place anymore. It's all on the server now." His beak nibbled over her ear, "I've got you all to myself." A shiver passing through her from head to toe as thighs shook.

Squeezing his hand as the most pitiful of whimpers slipped from between clenched teeth. If she cried out, then others would come running to see what was happening. With how her scent was quickly filling the room, it'd be all too easy for him to say she tried to seduce him to earn some favor or another. However, if she stayed quiet then he'd be able to do anything he wanted with her. Bastard had her trapped.

While the hand on her privates continued to tease, the other roamed over her stomach. Easing her blouse up so his talons could scrape over her hide. "So, what do you say we both take a little breather?" Catching her skirt in his fingers, he twisted just a little. The catch on her skirt snapping free, letting him push the zipper down and let her skirt whisper over her trembling legs to hit the ground. As the skirt fell down her legs, two fingers pressed against her entrance. "Feels better, doesn't it?" he almost purred as his fingers pushed into her depths.

She couldn't help but squirm as his fingers played with her. Body writhing, trapped between a filing cabinet and a hard place. His hand shoved under her blouse. Buttons pinged off metal as he ripped her shirt open. That seeking hand pushing her bra up and letting her breasts spill out. Biting her lip, she tried to keep quiet as his hand practically covered her breast. Squeezing and toying with it. Where Mark had toyed and teased her, Sammy was just pinching and pulling. Clamping onto her nipple and pulling hard enough to send jolts racing through her. A sharp twist made her thrash against him. Cabinets banging off each other as she bit back the yelp.

Bastard laughed at her.

His beak scraped over her neck, "Fucking wet aren't you?" Chest pressed to her back, pinning her against the cabinet. Hard edge of the metal digging against her collarbone. Mercifully, he abandoned teasing her nipples. Less mercifully, it was so he could unzip his pants. That heavy cock coming down on her backside with a heavy smack. "Bet you've been dreaming about this," He growled, wrapping arms around her and leaning forward.

Eyes rolled back with a shiver as his bared cock ground on her rear. Each push making her panties slip that much further down. Thick globs of precum spilled onto her scales. A growl pressing down against her as beak planted bites and nips all over her neck and shoulders. Fingers digging deeper. Pulling and twisting her nipples and breast. Curling against her inner walls and pressing against her g-spot. Raw lightning shot through her gut, every muscle clamping down all at the same time.

"AHMMmmph!" she almost yelled, only Sammy's quick hand silencing her. His massive mitt curling around her muzzle and holding tight as he kept finger fucking her. Dragoness thrashing within his grasp as she tried to scream. Panties hitting the floor as her tail lashed against his side. Walls grabbing at his fingers and squeezing as he forced her to cum hard enough that her eyes crossed.

Some relief came as his hand slipped away. Soaked palm sliding over her rear before coming down with a smack. Striking hard enough to leave a clear hand print on her rump. "Goddamn, girl," he snarled. "Almost ruined the game there." Sherian could only mutter as she slumped against the cabinet. "Since you've had yours..." he trailed off as he shifted. The fat tip of his cock slipping under her tail. Precum running down her rear as he pressed between her cheeks. Teasing the tight pucker of her ass before slipping lower. Just low enough to press that ram against her sopping slit. Lips spread by his finger so the male could press forward just a little.

"MMMMPH!" She tried to scream, thrashing again as the male powered forward. It was like having a soda can shoved up her pussy! Holy. Fuck!

Sammy grunted behind her, "Fucking tight." Hand coming down with another smack. Larger male hunching as he drove balls deep with the first thrust. "Don't have Mark ruining you for me." Hooves thudded on the carpet as he widened his stance before pounding up into her. Thrusts lifting the smaller female each time his hips slammed hers.

Her hands flew between the cabinet and his hips. Alternatively trying to keep herself from being crushed and trying to slow him down. Not that the male was going to slow. If anything, he just started going that much harder. He kept an ear twisted towards the door, hand clenched tight around her muzzle.

Sherian was thrashing against him, tail slapping his side. Muffled hisses slipping out around his hand. "What?" growled the hippogryph, loosening his grip just enough for her to talk.

Not that his pace slowed one bit. Each thrust shaking her to the very core. That massive cock pounding her raw. Every other thrust scraping her g-spot with that fat tip of his. "P-pleassse," she managed to gasp, eyes unfocusing the more he rutted. "D-doooonnnn't c-c-c..." a moan shook free, "cum in... me..."

Sammy slowed his pace a little, the larger male leaning back to look at her with a hum. Head angling one way then the other as he thought about it. "What do I get if I don't?"

Oh fuck she couldn't focus. Her body was screaming that she needed this. Her entire lower half numb and burning at the same time. Fighting the urge to just drive back and scream for him to fill her up, even if that was exactly what her body and scent was demanding. Fuck, what if someone smelled them and came to check what was going on?

"Hey!" he hissed, beak snapping by her ear, "I asked you a question." Drawing back, he pounding her with each word, "What do I get if I don't cum in your... pussy!" the last word was punctuated by a slam that actually lifted her off her feet for an instant.

To say she couldn't think would have been an understatement. It was taking every scrap of brain and willpower she had not to just crumple into a screaming mess as it was. Swallowing, she managed to gasp out, "A-anything. Please." His pace slowed and stopped, cock half out of her. No way she could keep her body from squirming against his. "Please, just... don't?"

"Okay," the single word made her pause. Craning her head to look back at the male, straining since he still had a hold on her maw. "Squirm out of the rest of your clothes." He drew back a little and whipped his belt off. "Hands behind your back."

Neck strained as she tried to watch him, but did as he asked. Off came his belt, wrapping around one of her wrists, up under her tail, then the other. Getting cinched up tight and forcing her to lift her tail higher. "There we go," He chuckled and brought his hand down on her rear. Body rocking back before slamming against hers again.

His hand closed back around her muzzle before the first squeak could slip out. The dragoness hunching forward and stepping out of her panties and skirt. Feet shuffling further apart as she pushed back to meet each of his thrusts. "There we go," he growled at her. Thrusts coming faster now as she began to rock, urging the male on.

Toes flexed and curled, hands grabbing at the belt and pulling. Her entire world dissolving to just the pair of them as his body slammed hers. That powerful hippogryph pounding her completely senseless. If it wasn't for the grip he had on her muzzle, everyone within miles would have heard her cries as she came as him. Soaking his balls with juice as she slammed back. Tail trying its best to wrap around his waist, but only whipping about her head uselessly.

"Oh fuck," the stud hissed, pulling out to watch as she dripped onto the floor. "Oh fuck," he grinned as he slammed back in. Fucking her like a beast. Eyes rolled back as he railed her right into a second orgasm on the heels of the first. She couldn't think. There was no room or time for thought as that heavy cock violated every inch of her. Her thighs were shaking, knees weak. She couldn't even hold herself up. Just dropping back into his thrusts. Needy gasps turning into low whimpers as he drove the air from her lungs. Every one of her senses abandoning her.

Only to come snapping back when she was almost tossed to the ground. "Wha?" she managed to drawl, head swaying as she knelt on the ground.

A hand closed around the back of her head, Sammy's cock slamming into her mouth with a growl. Eyes snapped open as the male drove his length into her gaping maw. Nearly gagging her as it struck the back of her throat. "Here..." he drew back. Her tongue lashing against his shaft. "I..." heavy precum spilled over her tongue and out her lips. "CUM!" Sammy snarled. Thick seed filling her mouth. Making the dragoness gag and spit. Spunk running freely from her lips and down her neck. Not that he cared. Fingers twining through her perfectly braided hair and pulling tight as he fucked her muzzle. Balls crashing off her chin with each spray of his seed into her gullet.

Sammy huffed and pulled out with a chuckle. Gripping his cock, he smacked the heavy length off her muzzle, "Well now, I didn't cum in your pussy, did I? Means I can have anything I want." Her eyes widened as that massive meat bounced off her muzzle. A hum came from the hippogryph as his head twisted to the file room's door. Beyond the frosted glass, the building was dark. Sherian felt her heart start to speed up as the male grinned, "Was almost quitting time when we started. Cleaning crew won't be in until the weekend..." Tucking back into his pants, the hippogryph gave her hair a pull, shaking her. "Don't you move, pretty thing."

And then he was gone. Strolling out of the door as if nothing had happened. Sherian collapsed back with a quiet whimper. Legs shaking from exertion. Holy hell. She didn't think she'd be able to stand after that. A hot glob of cum dripped from her chin and onto her chest, making her wince. No way she'd be able to get home. Not after that. Her blouse was ruined and she didn't have a spare. Which meant she'd have to get a ride from Sammy perhaps. Unless someone else was here? But she didn't know anyone other than one of her fellow interns, a cute canine gal named Linda, and Mark. Which, after the last time she was alone with Mark... well she'd need new clothes after that.

She was just trying to stand up when the door flew open with a bang. Sammy smirking down at her as he began to loosen his tie. "Looks like everyone else is gone. With that insane guy out of town for some shoots, guess they all called it an early day." Tie hit the ground, shirt coming off next. "Means I get to go something I've always wanted to do." He chuckled at her. Revealing a roan and gray plumage. White feathering, much like a Clydesdale, coming into view as he shed his long sleeved shirt. "Why don't we have a bit more fun before we head out? Hell," he was almost purring as he strode over to her. A pocket knife coming out of his pants. "I'll even make it interesting." Cold metal pressed against scales before slipping up. Sammy cutting her bra off, leaving her with nothing but his belt around her wrists. "If you can make it to the front door before I catch you, I'll take you to my home. I won't touch you unless you want me to, and I'll even give you ten grand." A smirk crossed his features, "Fifteen if you let me whip out a condom at home and..." he chuckled at her and licked his beak. "Got more than that in my safe at home." Looking over her, he pulled at her hair and smacked her with that cock, "If I catch you, well... Just gonna add to the list of things you can do for me around the office."

Eyes shut with a quiet whimper from the dragoness. She needed a moment to think, to let herself recover. "What about Mark?" she blurted out. Cheeks flushing hot when she realized what she said.

"Mark?" he angled his head one way then the other. "Getting sweet on him already?" He laughed, "Got me a good one here don't I?" Beak snapped shut as he smirked down at her. "If Mark's got a problem with me taking you, then I'll bend his ass over next to yours and have him howling."

A shiver raced through her body as she looked up at him. Legs still numb and wobbly. "And... and if you catch me?" His grin told her everything she needed to know. "I... I can't get up..." She tried, but her legs were wobbling.

"Here," he almost purred at her, "Let me help." The hippogryph dropped his knife and picked her up as if she were just a doll, holding her as her legs wobbled. "There we go, better?" She nodded, "Good, now... FUCK!" Sammy gasped as her head bashed against his, the dragoness following it with a quick knee to wherever she could connect.

Dropping her head, she bolted for the door, "HELP!" screamed the bound dragon. "ANYONE, HELP!" Her legs were still wobbling from the earlier rutting. Making her bounce off the wall when she tried to take a corner. Heart pounded in her chest as she made a break for the door. She was new, but she'd walked the building enough already she had a general idea of the layout. The file room was towards one end of a kind of access hall, located towards the back of the building. Her best bet was making it to the front door and out.

Turning a corner, she bounced off a pair of heavy wood doors. The dragoness staggered, more than a little dazed, and blinking at the doors. She tried to hit them again, bouncing her hip off the bar, but they were locked. A whine broke free as she turned and booked it down another hall. Had Sammy locked the door? Making a maze she'd have to traverse to get through everything.

Okay, don't panic. Ah... she should be able to cut back and bolt down the hall into the break room. It had a couple doors so she should be able to bolt from there into the offices.

Feet skidded on tile as she entered the break room. Tail flailing wildly as she tried to keep her footing. Without use of her hands or tail this was much harder than it seemed! Her heart was hammering away as she bounced off the vending machines. Using that to correct herself as she bolted for the door. Whimpering as bare feet slapped off the ground.

She picked up speed as she hit the carpet. Having to bob and weave through the low-walled cubical farm. Who the fuck decided on this layout? Stupid modern offices!

Chest was heaving as she rounded a corner again. The front doors looming before her, light from outside leaking in still. Pouring on the speed, she gritted her teeth. Wanting to get out of here as fast as possible. A feat nearly hampered by some poorly taped down wires that nearly tripped her. Sherian stumbling for a second. Without her arms or tail, there was no way she could stop herself from falling though. Knees hitting the carpet as she slid with a whine.

That second was enough. Sammy bursting through the doors she'd tried earlier, the hippogryph spotting her as she struggled to her feet. A snarl covering the distance between them as he leapt forward. Hooved feet pounding the ground as she struggled to get upright. He was a big guy though, not built for speed. She managed to get to her feet and got a few steps!

All before he slammed into her back hard enough to drive the wind from the dragoness. Gasping, her back bounced off his wide chest. Momentum carried her forward a few feet until her thigh slammed into a table. The impact spun her towards the sturdy wood, chest slamming into the unyielding structure.

"Hallel-fucking-ujah." Sammy growled. One hand slamming into her back as the other forced her tail up higher.

Sherian whined, "WaiAHHH!" the dragoness cried out as his cock pounded into her again. The hippogryph snarling like a beast as he loomed over her. One hand on her hip and the other on her shoulder. Holding the female tight as his body pounded against hers.

His growl pressed her to the table, "Too rough?" The large male huffed as h thrust his weight behind each thrust, "Too bad! Shouldn't have kicked me, girl!" Drawing her back into his thrusts, he fucked her like a stallion would his prize broodmare. Heavy nuts slapping her belly and thighs as she squirmed under him. Each pound driving the breath from her lung as he fucked her hard and fast. "Oh fuck," the male groaned over her, hand shifting from her back to the table. "Oh fuck, this is good." He arched his back with a groan. Beak agape and eyes rolling. "Always wanted to try chasing a girl. Really get the blood pumping..."

A throaty groan ripped free from the male followed by a very equine snort. His cock pounding her depths even rougher than before. "Never thought it'd be this good." Sherian whimpered, unable to keep her body from squirming as his cock pounded her depths. It was strange, but he was right. Adrenaline pumping, heart pounding, she could already feel her insides fluttering around him. Low whines slipping free of the dragoness as she began to squirm and buck.

Body slammed against her backside with a snarl. Manicured talons digging into her hide as he came. Flared tip stretching her walls before flooding her with that potent seed. She screamed in return, thrashing under the male as his warmth sparked the strongest orgasm she'd had all day. Insides clamping around him as thighs shook. Muscles grabbing and milking his thick cock.

He huffed over her, body hunching with each spray of seed. Tip scraping her insides as a groan slipped free of the male. Sherian lay her head against the table, panting deeply. What was going on anymore? She wasn't sure. All she knew was that the cool wood felt great against her burning hot body. Every inch of her was starting to take and burn. That numbness spreading through her as the male pumped her so full she began to overflow. Globs of cum running down her thighs and onto the carpet.

Sammy wasn't done with her. Not yet.

He pulled back, but only enough to flip her over. Cock twisting inside her depths. Sherian thrashed with a breathless squeal. The hippogryph had only pulled out enough to get her around, meaning his tip scraped right over her g-spot as he flipped her over. The dragoness could only drool on herself as he dropped her onto her back. Legs coming up to brace on his shoulders.

Heavy hands came down on her thighs and jerked her back against him. Low growl rolling up his throat as he began to pound her with quick, shallow slams. The bigger male was grunting with each thrust. The heavy smack of his balls on her tail competing with the sloppy sounds of their sexual cocktail being stirred up by his thickness. She could feel his cum running down her tail. Squelching around his cock each time he pounded deep, not giving it anywhere to go but deeper or out. Low whines slipped from the dragoness. Still he just kept going.

Thighs shook as head fell back to the table. Not able to process more than what was happening right then and there. Talons kneading her thighs. A hissed curse as she clamped around him. The churning of another climax wrecking through her body. It took everything she had to just whimper as her body shook under him. Stomach rippling, every muscle in her core aching from the intensity and frequency of her orgasms. Eyes rolled back in her head as tongue lolled.

Not that he was faring much better. He was only just holding on as he rutted the girl. Every one of his senses filled with her. When he'd first pounded home she'd been so hot. Now? Either she was starting to cool down or he was just getting used to it. And that delicious tightness? Well, not so tight now. Entirely his fault, and he had no problem with that. Certainly not as he was about to...

"FUCK!" came the cry as he slammed in again. Hips flush to hers, body stretched as tight around his cock as she could possibly be. Even then, it couldn't contain the flood of cum he was pumping into the girl. Deep grunts sounding from the hippogryph as he leaned over her, pressing her legs tighter to her chest. Even that little bit of extra pressure made more of his thick cream squirt out of her. Drooling down his balls and her tail. Jerking his cock out with a wet plorp, he drove it between her thighs. Hissing as his thick cum splashed over her bare belly, further marking the dragoness.

Sammy's talons scratched over her thighs as he rocked his hips. Letting every last drop he had drain out and onto her. Head angled a touch as he looked at her, that vacant expression, that rolling tongue, heaving breasts. Oh yeah, she'd been fucked senseless.

A chuckle was pressed down onto her, "Don't move." Sammy groaned. "I'll be back in just a moment." Petting her rear, he let the dragoness just flop out on the table.

Sherian stared blankly at the wall, barely able to form a coherent thought. What had she gotten herself into? Really should have just taken what was offered and left, fuck the job. Should have told someone. Who would believe her though? It wasn't like she was someone famous. Who would have listened to her? It would be beyond their word against hers. A shiver raced through her body as she let out a quiet huff. Cheeks coloring brightly as she closed her eyes with a moan.

"Yeah," Sammy's voice approached, "Yeah, I know it's not the weekend. Hey man I'm sorry, I really am." The hippogryph lumbered back, partially dressed and phone against his ear, "Yeah, really need you out here to do a clean up." He stopped as he looked over Sherian. Smirking as his tail flicked behind him with a soft snort, "Yeah, was working late when I noticed it. One of our new girls spilled a smoothie or something." His eyes roamed over her body, following the mess that had dripped onto the carpet. "Yeah, dunno what it is, but it's got a pretty fucking strong smell. Spilled it all over the table up from and the carpet. I swear it's like a gallon of the stuff." He smirked and clicked his beak, "Alright thanks, I'll get the overtime approved no problem. Thanks man."

Dropping his phone into his pocket, he breathed out a heavy sigh and rolled his shoulders. The large male looked over Sherian and smirked, licking his beak. "Oh we are going to have some fun, Girl."