Royal Punishment

Story by VoraciousMischief on SoFurry

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King Sombra has returned and it would seem he has some punishment to do to those that try to run and hide from him in a cruelest way. Severing a brothers love sounds like a fitting punishment for this one crystal slave.

I was inspired by the new episode that came out today.

It was a nice day as always in the Crystal Empire. The Crystal Ponies were doing their daily activities. No one could think of how suddenly things could change in Equestria, even when they always seemed to.

The darkness had come in like the calm that was overtaken by the storm. Barely anypony knew what came upon them until it was far to late. Those that took in the last sight with their free eyes saw the black spikes that came from the ground and their hearts felt horror of ages past where they were but slaves..

And so they became so again, peace was never forever in Equestria.

Wearing helmets that covered their heads wiped their thoughts of freedom, making them obedient to the dark king that had returned to claim the throne. His rightful place. Nopony to stop him for the time being.

Word would get to the Princesses soon enough but how soon one could wonder.

Not soon enough for the King's stomach that returned with a hunger. It grumbled and he rubs at his belly that would get a reward after so long. His body having returned was in a way a blessing. He eyed the crystal ponies returned to slaves, seeing them stand in silence, awaiting orders. Oh and orders he will give.

Some (un)fortunate pony would feel the King's true reward. Some ponies in the past had not been enslaved by the helmets and worked willingly, most fearfully without question. And how he remembered each of them. And their payment for their 'loyalty' was, in Sombra's eyes, the greatest gift of all. To feed their king.

He heard some whispers of a few ponies that had managed to hide from the enslavement. How unfortunate.. since he caught of that had tried to hide and failed since he was before the king, legs shaking more then his body. Delicious.

Neighls Bohr, a freckled light amber coated stallion with green-grey mane and green eyes looked upon the king with fear. Memories came over him of the time he was one of the slaves, eyes daring to glance around and whimper at the sight of one pony that wore the dark mask. His brother, Night Knight stood there ever obedient. He'd recognize the cornflower coat and dark turquoise tail anywhere.

King Sombra seemed to have noticed the glance and without a word, Night stepped forward, past his brother who tried to grab for him even as the black shackles weighed his hooves down.

"Hmm what is the best way to punish a traitor.. little..." The king's voice trailed.

"Neighls Bohr, s-sire" He whimpered. "I don't know.." More he didn't want to know the intentions.

"Hmm I think I have a good idea on how to punish you so you won't try to escape me." The king's grin sent a chill through the light amber pony.

"Si-Sire. Please punish me, punish me! I will take anything.. just let him go. I beg of you"

"My my.. what is this pony to you that makes you so willing to take his place?"

"My brother, my liege."

"Brothers." He pretended to consider the other stallion's offer and chuckled darkly. "I think your brother deserves punishment for your deeds. But also, is it considered a punishment when truly it is the greatest honors?"

Neighls was puzzled as well as afraid of the intention behind this.

The King grinned and removed the mask, revealing eyes that held an eerie green glow to them, no emotion on his face as he looked blankly upon King Sombra. "He sure is a handsome one." He leans in, tongue extending to lick over the smaller pony's cheek who didn't shy away. "Mmm and so delicious to."

Fear and disgust came over him. Was this monster intending to devour his brother right in front of him?! He tried to rush forward but the shackles caught his front hooves and he fell forward on the hard crystal floor.

Sombra, being mostly a pony of darkness and shadow had little worry on if the stallion was to much to eat. No pony so far was ever to much for his belly and the flavor of this crystal pony was so delicious.

His jaws opened wide and took in the pony's muzzle, a little confusion crossed the pony's face but Night didn't move.

To Night, the sudden warmth and wet on his mouth was odd and confusing. The warm wet travelling over his head as he was engulfed in darkness. It was a comforting feeling and it felt like his king was pleased with him so in turn he felt pleased to serve the dark pony, not at all knowing he was being eaten alive.

Sombra's jaws stretched over the pony's head, swallowing him made his throat bulge out. He had, like those before Night, every intent to eat him whole and alive. His sharp teeth careful as always not to harm the pony he was gulping up.

Night heard a voice in his head, an order to lay on the floor with his hooves tucked under him. He lowered himself to the floor, tucking his hooves under him, curious as to why but heeding the order. He couldn't see much and it was hard to breathe as well as tight wherever he was but still he was pleasing his king. He heard some yelling and voice cracking as if it was crying, it sounded muffled and far away. He wanted to shoo it away so he could continue making King Sombra happy. The warm wet traveled over his body, finding his legs and had an urge to use his back hooves to help push him forward, deeping into the warm blackness.

Outside Night's blissful unawareness. His brother was horrified that he had to watch his flesh and blood get devoured by the insane king in front of him- it was to much. He was screaming for Night and begging the king to stop. To take him instead as he watched helpless as more and more of his brother disappeared, making him less and less hopeful that he'd see him again.

Sombra on the other hand was enjoying himself, savoring the meat that sometimes wiggled as if to try and get comfortable as he swallowed the ignorant stallion up with such ease, tasting the delicious crystal pony inch by inch. He was halfway inside of him, front bulging and straining his armor some.

Neighls began to pray to Celestia and Luna, praying they would come to save them, to destroy the king and free his brother. He was expecting the Elements would come and destroy him, anypony at all to come and save Night Knight and all of them. His hooves left marks in the ground from trying to pull himself to save his brother. Exhaustion setting in as what ever energy he had drained from his straining. He lay there, watching as his once loved brother disappeared and became but a pony shaped bulge in the king's stomach. "Please let him go" He whispered.

Night was eaten up and enjoyed like a classy dinner should be. He satisfied the King and his belly that gurgled around him as more and more of him joined in the stomach, bulging it out. He could move much less then if he had been in the throat but that's okay. He could breathe better now, though the air was a bit rancid. He heard a moan of happiness from King Sombra and smiled. He satisfied him. He felt some pressure that he was used to, not comprehending they were gulps and each gulp sent him closer to his doom.

Sombra swallowed over the pony's abdomen and over his back legs, only his tail remained that moved about happily much to his amusement and Neighls' fear. Slurping up the tail and a few little swallows until one final swallow and he was just dinner for the king.

Neighls' heart broke, the final gulp was heard and evidence his brother existed was just a large wiggling bulge inside of Sombra's belly as the king resumed his seating on Cadence's throne, belching loudly and putting a hoof to his mouth. "Pardon me" He chuckled.

The light amber pony lay there, crying. The former brother slowly began running out of air due to Sombra burping. His wiggling becoming weaker and he was happy he served his king, still probably blissfully unaware that he was in another pony's stomach and will soon be nothing but nutrients.

Sombra had missed this most of all, a delightful dinner of crystal slaves. He looked at the now only brother he had broken. He rubs his belly and thought of how his midnight snack lay before him. His tongue licks over his fangs in anticipation.