His pony-dick was 14-inches, which was plenty long enough for him.
The Teaser Pony
An american quarter pony, she was used in breeding sessions as a teaser mare for the thoroughbred stallions.
Prison Pony
"hello pony, yes? what is your name?" "m...mitch..." "hmmm....cute name for pony. cute like pony...poor pony, so very very cute yes?"
Pony 2
A talking pony.' another was growling, 'yeah! gonna pump your tight lil pony ass full of cum!'
Pony Boots
The voice told him he could cum if he just said " i'm a good pony". but he resisted thrashing trying to free himself from the latex. as it got to his neck he felt it thicken and form a collar that said "pony slave".
The Ponies' Sugar
"they're hung like real ponies though, look at xamir. he's the largest and when he..."
>pony hell
Darkness was all the poor little earth pony knew. darkness, the foul scent of old water and and constraint.
The Jackal-Pony
"ponies do not speak." his voice was firmer now, mildly threatening, but still not entirely unwelcoming. "ponies only listen."
Pony Tales
My first story, hope i can upload it here too because its about ponies and all.....
Ploughed pony...
"into a stall and get some rest pony, you got along day ahead of you tomrorow." the little golden ram snickers, as he drags the passive equine to his hooves.
Pony Prostitution
"you'll learn to hold it in, little slut pony. wanna clean up that mess for me, baby?"
Ponies' Play
"in pony." came the simple command.