A New Page (18+)

Story by Fennecshorts on SoFurry

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A commission I did for Night_spore426. Hope you enjoy!

Yard sales. Not the most exciting or relaxing way to spend a Saturday, but occasionally, by visiting one, a person could could get their hands on something interesting, sometimes mysterious. Sure there were plenty of cheap, used things for sale. Lights and lamps of all sorts, old or discarded children's toys with faded once-bright plastic . Shovels, sprinklers and other yard supplies. Hell, even garden gnomes, but of course, none of that really interested Roger, not today. He'd been reading up online in forums and on social sites about mysterious books turning up in yard sales, sure most of the posts he read were humorous, people joking about 'haunted' books and other nonsense. Other, more grounded users had written posts about their experiences finding old nostalgic children's stories from their childhood they had thought long-lost.

But Roger wasn't in search of any old kid's stories or silly pranks today, he'd been looking for something interesting to read the past month, and no better place to look for cheap old books than a Saturday yard sale. Breathing in deeply as he searched a plastic bin of books at the yard's edge. Nothing in particular really caught his eye, most of the books were typical yard sale fare: old, wrinkled cookbooks with missing pages and covers sticky with sugar syrup and coated in flour. Even some faded fashion magazines sat among the hardcovers, all the books seemed hopelessly beaten and worn from years of reading. Roger sighed, digging further through the bin, setting aside stacks of unwanted books as he neared the bottom of the translucent plastic container. Amid the old cardboard storybooks and elementary school chapter books with peeled covers, sat a heavy tome, nearly two inches thick and laying with it's title cover down. It's weight nearly bending the bottom of the storage container. It's cover was a worn, black square of leather, thick and heavy, with a 'U' shaped arched spine like something out of a fantasy movie. The volume's hastily applied price tag advertised it as being only $4, even less than some of it's neighboring books. Roger squinted his eyes, picking the book up and weighing it in his hands before flipping it over to look at the cover.

"Huh?" Roger said out loud in confusion. The cover seemed to be mostly blank leather similarly to the back side. Only instead of any sort of title or cover, the front of the book had a simple golden ring laid into the leather. Some sort of writing stood out on the surface, angular characters etched into the black in striking gold. While certainly eye-catching, Roger couldn't pick out a single word he understood, and the characters didn't look like any language he knew personally. Interest piqued, Roger flipped the book open to a random page, putting his finger in place to keep the cool spring wind from turning any more pages. What Roger saw inside the book only confused him further, rubbing his chin in thought. Roger scanned the page, eyes roving over various interlocking circles and more of the peculiar, angular text from the cover. All oddly smooth and perfect in their design, as if the person who drew them had either the world's steadiest hand, or a seriously well-made compass at their disposal. Flipping through more of the patchy, yellowed pages, Roger came across more and more obscure writing, laid vertically across pages, centered around bizarre drawings of flames on one page. To featuring a large viney plant on the next. Curiously, a few pages at the end of the book seemed to have been hastily torn out by someone, leaving crude strips of paper still clinging to the spine.

Shrugging his shoulders, Roger closed the book with a heavy 'thud'. Carrying it with him on the way toward the back of the house, where the family hosting the sale had set up a checkout. When their teenage daughter saw him approaching with the book, she gave him a side-eyeing glance of suspicion, as if she was about to speak up, Roger cocked his head.

"Do you know what this book is, what language it's in?" He asked sincerely.

The girl took the book from him, glancing over it's pages for a moment, confusion in her eyes, She shrugged, handing it back. "Not sure I've seen this one before, might've been someone's prank? but hell. It's got a sticker, so it's for sale"

Roger nodded his reply, handing over four dollar bills in cash. "Alright, I'll take it"

Holding the mysterious book in his hand, Roger walked back toward the car, his thoughts wandering on the way home. It could've just been the sun shining in through the car window, but he swore there was an odd warmth coming from the golden circle in the center of the book, something that unnerved him for sure, but Roger did his best to ignore the odd book for now, and concentrated on getting back home. Where his wife Amelia was waiting, she'd promised him some kind of "surprise" the tone in her voice told the man that what was coming was certainly something to be excited for. When he pulled into the driveway, Roger patted the book, feeling it for temperature difference again.

Probably just the sun. He assured himself as he pulled the car into a slightly-squeaky stop in the garage, shutting off the headlights and sitting in the shadows for a few minutes, thoughts of his wife and the book running through his mind. Before getting up with a grunt, opening the door into the house.

"Amy? I'm back!" He called happily. No response.

Standing in the quiet for a moment, Roger waited just a little longer, after hearing nothing from his wife, he made his way to the sink, filling a tall, clear glass with water and pulling a chair to the table. Opening the book to the very first page, Roger was a little shocked at himself for not looking at page one earlier. Instead of the bizarre scratchings that populated the off-white paper throughout the rest of the book, this section was a table of contents. Seemingly in perfect English, every section of the book was labeled and categorized: First was something called 'Fusion'.

After that was a listing of other various topics: Acceleration, incineration, disintegration. And finally, reversal. "Huh... what exactly is-" Roger ran his finger down the page, turning to what the index had called Fusion. On the page was another mess of circles, interlocking with smaller versions of themselves.

After attempting to decipher what the characters meant for the better part of ten minutes. Roger's eyes finally settled in the corner of the page, where a simple diagram seemed to show a man with either a pencil or perhaps a old-fashioned stick of charcoal drawing wide circles onto a flat surface. Before a few crudely drawn scenes of two people standing in the circle together, the rest of the ink was too yellowed for any of the other pictures to be visible.

Roger glanced down at the smooth wood floor. A familiar scratching of claws echoed down the hall. Daisy, the couple's pitbull trotted out to meet Roger, happily licking at his hand.

"Maybe Amy won't notice us drawing in the garage..." He chuckled to the dog, patting her bronze-furred head fondly, before grabbing a stick of white chalk from the cabinet and heading back to the garage. Finding a smooth patch of concrete near the car was pretty easy, and judging by the pictures in the book Roger wouldn't exactly need a lot of space. Daisy had followed him out to the garage, watching curiously from the place where she sat on the floor. As Roger began with the circle, admittedly, drawing a circle big enough to fit two people on the floor of a garage was a somewhat awkward task. But after a bit of time spent with his knees on the cold concrete floor, he'd finished it.

"Now to just write the uh... letters?" He asked, the question more directed at himself than anything. Eventually he decided to just go by visual only, being completely unable to read the text. And drew out all the characters just like the book showed, angular, mysterious things that ringed the edges of both circles, wrapping back into one another again to form an endlessly repeating series of marks.

Finally... now what? Roger scratched his head. Perhaps the whole thing was just some elaborate prank? "Hey honey, what'cha doing in here?" His wife, Amelia's voice echoed down into the garage, followed not long after by the sound of her footsteps getting closer and closer.

Roger turned, book still in hand. To see his wife standing in the doorway to the garage, hand on her wide hips. Roger felt a little flutter in his heart when he saw her outfit. An extremely suggestive version of a classic French Maid's uniform, complete with the usual black and white coloring. But featuring a teasing miniskirt instead of a dress, and a laced top that could barely contain her voluptuous breasts. He slow walk towards him sending a tantalizing jiggle through her body.

Roger, nearly out of breath and feeling a familiar warmth growing in his pants, could only laugh slightly as he told his wife. "It's just something from a book I got today, maybe just a joke"

"Huh? well let me see Roger, It can't be as interesting as what I have for you~" the blonde smiled seductively, brushing her shoulder against his as she made her way over to the circles and bent down to look, her little skirt just clearing her butt and giving Roger a teasingly quick view of the pair of lacy pink panties she wore underneath.

"So these... circles, what are they for?" Amelia asked, walking into it's center and glancing around at the strange writing that surrounded it's white chalk edge. Daisy strutted up to nuzzle Amelia's leg, perking up her brown ears, the pitbull didn't understand their conversation but was nevertheless interested.

"I'm not exactly sure, the book said to just draw them out just the way I did. It also showed two people standing in them together? not sure what that's about maybe an art project of some kind?- if you wanna look over it together afterward we can-"

Roger stopped, heart catching in his throat for a brief moment as a flare of bright white flare exploded in front of his eyes. The nearly-blinding light was accompanied by a brief explosion of sound that shook the garage and house. Rocking the couple's car on it's suspension with a loud squeak. Roger shook his head in confusion, trying to blink the light's glare from his eyes. When he could finally see out into the garage, Roger was confused to see a cloud of smoke rising from the circle.

"Amelia?" What the fuck just happened. "Amelia you alright?" Roger waved his hand in front of his face, trying to clear the white smoke away, glancing back and forth for any glimpse of his wife.

"Hey sweetie" A voice cooed, smooth and deep but still undoubtedly belonging to his wife, as if Amelia was using one of her sexy voices.

Roger's heart felt as if it'd push it's way through his chest as he stared on in confusion. Out from the fading fog stepped a large female figure. The person who slowly came into view shocked the man to his core. Instead of Amelia, what stood in front of him, hand on her hip. Seemed to be some sort of humanoid canine. Bearing Daisy's bronze fur, strong muzzle and wagging tail. But clothed loosely in Amy's maid outfit, the poor fabric of the skirt stretched tightly around her muscular butt and the top completely shredded, showing off a pair of deliciously plump breasts. All topped off with Amelia's curly blonde hair. She licked her lips, running her tongue around a mouth full of sharp, clean white canine teeth, an almost seductive look spread across her muzzle.

Roger backed away slowly from the surreal sight, confusion running through his mind before he finally reached a bone-chilling conclusion.

_Fusion. Of course that's what they meant. _

Breathing slowly, Roger swallowed nervously, and began to warily approach the figure.

"Amelia? I'm Delilah" She answered slowly, pure arousal dripping from her voice. The dog-woman reached out to Roger before he could step any further. Kissing the confused man right on the face, pushing her tongue into his mouth with lustful zeal. Roger was shocked, completely taken by surprise, he tried to pull himself away but found her pair of strong arms wrapped around his abdomen, hugging him close.

"Listen here~ I'm in heat. And you're going to help me with that" She practically moaned, the needy tone of her voice assured Roger that this wasn't a request, it was an order.

Roger's mind finally clicked into place, as Delilah pushed him down onto his back. Crouching above him and giving her husband a face full of her delicious breasts as she began to hastily undress him. Kissing Roger's chest, sending tingling pleasure up his spine as she removed his shirt and finally his pants.

"Let's see what my mate is packing, huh?" A smile spread across Delilah's muzzle as she slowly teased Roger's white underwear off to expose his ready and waiting member. Giving Roger a glance up the frills of her short, ripped skirt. Blushing, wet pussy on full display as her panties seemed to have snapped and fallen down her leg, leaving the fact that she was in heat now completely obvious.

Delilah paused, a notable look of disappointment on her face. "That's all my Roger has for me? Ok, hold on honey, just stay still and~" Looking hopefully down at him, Delilah slowly lowered her hips towards the tip of Roger's eagerly waiting member, pausing for a moment. Before finally pressing her fertile slit down onto the tip of his cock.

"O-oh- fuck~" Roger gasped out loud, Delilah's pussy twitched around his throbbing cock as she began to ride him, placing a single hand on his chest and reaching down to rub her clit with the other. Moaning deeply and pumping her body up and down as she him, her pussy hungrily twitching around the man's shaft as if trying to milk him dry. Roger had never felt anything like this, she was so heavy, so big and warm. Delilah's bouncing was so heavy and deep as if trying to get more of him, something he regrettably felt simply wasn't there.

"Nnh- no knot huh?- damnit" Delilah huffed.

Roger wasn't paying particular attention to anything she said. His cock twitched hungrily inside the anthro as he grunted with pleasure. Reaching his orgasm already and squirting a load of cum deep into the canine woman's waiting pussy.

Delilah stopped moving abruptly, cocking her head down at him, letting out just the slightest whine, a sound of both disappointment but also hiding a hint of loving concern. "You don't have any more?"

"Huh? I uh" Roger stammered, confused as to what she meant, his dick already softening inside Delilah.

"I- You're my mate, Roger. I can't have your puppies if this is all you can give me"

"Puppies?" Roger asked exhaustedly. "I don't, what are you talking about?"

"My heat~" She whined. "I need you"

"Look I uh, we can try for what you want again tomorrow? how does that sound?"

"Tomorrow?! you think I can bear being in heat for this long? I want your puppies, Roger! you're my mate, you're supposed to be my stud!, don't you think this is just a little bit selfish?"

"Selfish? look I don't even know what's happening, you realize how sudden all this change is?" Roger complained, motioning for Delilah to get up off of him, which she did begrudgingly, arms crossed over her plump breasts as she stood to face him.

"I assumed you'd make a good stud, Roger. It looks like I might've been wrong? I hope not. You've got this week to get me my puppies, or I promise you, we're done. Delilah sighed, a hint of regret in her voice as she spoke the last part. The anthro woman turned and walked back into the house, a tiny white drop of cum dripping down her toned inner thigh.

That night as Roger lay next to her, shoulder brushed up against her new, soft furry skin, he heard Delilah speak softly.

"I still love you honey- It's just, you know I've always wanted puppies.You know how It's kinda hard to have your hopes up so high and just... goodnight Roger" she sighed, hugging him from the side with a loving lick. Her husband said nothing, his mind focused on the missing pages in the book and what Delilah had said. Was there really no going back? could she ever love him again? Too much had changed for one day.

Sunday. Roger thought to himself, how was it Sunday already?. His after-breakfast relaxation was interrupted by thoughts about the past day's events. Delilah was apparently upstairs, feeling like he couldn't face his wife again, Roger made his way to the car, now planning to execute an idea he'd been forming since the past day, though initially unsure. He finally steeled his resolve. Roger got in the car hurriedly, and made his way quickly to a certain destination: The local dog pound.

When he entered, the man was hit by a wave of nostalgia, this was the same pound they'd gotten Daisy from all those years ago. After a standard greeting toward the familiar employees. Roger went to inspect some of the dogs, the males in particular. His eye roving over many, many different breeds. before finally catching on a beautiful silvery-grey male pitbull, one that the employees warned him had a penchant for humping anything.

"Oh that suits me just fine" He'd replied happily, unaware of how potentially awkward that sounded. But the dog seemed just fine, certainly happy with going home.

Back in the garage, Roger sighed in anticipation. Putting the dog down in the chalk circle, just like that day his wife had accidentally wandered in. The pitbull seemed happy enough, almost as if he was calmly waiting in the same way Roger was, wondering if anything would actually happen this time.

Eventually of course, it did, and the familiar flash filled the garage, now centered around Roger himself. At first there wasn't much of a difference, he felt bigger. Stronger, and hornier. Instead of the confused half-existence he'd expected. Roger felt completely centered, whole and calm, instead of two beings haphazardly combined. The sensation was more familiar, as if both him and the dog were waiting for this without knowing. He immediately looked down to see a deliciously thick, knotted cock straining against his pants that now clothed sleek, grey fur. Adjusting his new ears, Roger strode confidently back up toward the house, relishing in the odd sensation that wagging one's tail brought.

"Delilah?! you should probably come see this!" He bellowed, enjoying the newfound intensity his voice carried.

As if recognizing what had happened simply from the sound, his wife came hurriedly down the stairs. Her voluptuous form slowly revealing itself as she strutted around the corner. Roger looked on in astonishment to see that Delilah was completely nude. Walking up to him with an exaggerated sway of her hips. Something stirred deep within Roger, the change seemed to have left him susceptible to her heat, nose flooded by her feminine pheromones. Urging him to rapidly strip the clothing from his now much more muscular body. Tearing them away with a hunger he'd never felt before. Delilah took hold of his arm, pulling Roger down to the couch and kissing him on the muzzle, pushing her tongue into his mouth and wrestling with his. Her husband moaned into her mouth, gripping her deliciously plump breasts with both hands and squeezing her nipples. Eliciting a gasp from the female anthro.

"Oh you're so big~ my beautiful stud" Delilah whined. Rubbing her butt up against Roger's new, knotted cock. Bringing him to full hardness. A lust running through them, mind-cloudingly intense and like nothing either had ever felt before.

"Put it in, fuck me~ breed me" Delilah whispered hungrily, Roger said nothing, grabbing his wife and pushing her down so he was above her, as she let out a yelp of surprise. Only to be outdone by her loud, heavy moan of pleasure when her wet, hungry lips were parted by Roger's huge knotted doggy cock. Thrusting deep into her wet warmth with one single smooth stroke, hilting her all the way down to the knot. Before Roger pulled out of his partner, only to shove himself back in again. Releasing his mind and giving in to the pure lust that flowed through him. Letting it take control of his actions as he fell into a steady rhythm, pounding his gasping, moaning wife. As her depths twitched and pulsed around his cock, begging him to go deeper.

"Oh I can feel it baby~" Delilah whined, putting her arms behind her head and bracing herself against the couch's arm rest. The couple's hips slapping lewdly together in a sound that nearly filled up the entire house.

"The knot, Roger, do it~"

"Mmnf~ not yet baby, gonna make you cum first" Roger smiled down at Delilah, Rubbing her throbbing clit with his thumb as he pounded her fertile folds. Eliciting squeaks of happiness from the female anthro. Finally building into a crescendo that rocked her whole body, her squirting, twitching pussy practically begged Roger forward as he began one final, long thrust. Burying his knot into Delilah almost effortlessly. The pitbull anthro sighing with content, savoring the feeling of Roger's thick load of doggy cum pumping deep into her womb. His thick, shining knot preventing a single drop from escaping as the two kissed deeply once more. Resting in a hot, panting, post-orgasmic glow.

"Hehe~ thank you Roger, thank you so much" Delilah cooed, patting her belly happily, a sleepy look in her eyes. Roger grinned warmly, snuggling his muzzle into her chest. with a sigh.

Roger's thoughts were still confused, wondering how exactly his life would change from this point forwards. While some other part of him felt completely satisfied, full of a satisfaction unlike anything he or his wife had felt before. So he stayed there in her arms, letting a sound sleep overcome him.

Roger smiled, it had been so long since that accidental transformation that the feeling of his wife's soft bronze coat against his grey felt completely normal. Delilah grinned back at him, placing a hand on her round, pregnant belly as the sunbeam streaming in through the window cast a warm glow over her fur.

"I can feel them, our puppies" Delilah smiled, the smallest bit of milk dripping at the end of one of her deliciously plump nipples.

"Mhm~ you're so beautiful, Delilah" Roger whispered softly.

"And you're such a good stud" She cooed. "Thank you Roger, for everything"