A Snack by The Campfire (Gift for: ~Tyrion~)

Story by DerekTheDragon on SoFurry

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Tyrion and Calivar hadn't seen each other for a while, so they decided a relaxing camping trip would be nice. Little did Calivar know that Tyrion had other plans for him~

This story is a gift for Tyrion for supporting me on the $25 tier on Patreon. Thank you so much for the support Tyrion, it means the world! big hug

Link to Tyrion's channel: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/~tyrion~

It's a REAL soft vore story this time, no digestion at all. Just two friends having fun, one being eaten to sleep inside the other for a while. Nothing wrong with that.~

Do you enjoy my stories? Consider supporting my Patreon where every $1 goes towards creating stories like this for you full-time

Link to Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/derekthedragon

Calivar and Tyrion had known each other for what felt like years, even though it had only been around one since they'd first met at a party. It was one of those parties where your friend brought you along, making you wonder if you'd even enjoy it, but unlike those parties, this one Tyrion actually happened to enjoy. It was there shortly after he had a beer that he met an interesting young dragon named Calivar. He was a lime green colored dragon with a little bit of a rough look to him, some scars on his face and sides, the end of his spaded tail left with a bite mark. Sparking his interest he had gone over and talked with him and it was then that he began to become quickly fond of the dragon.

Calivar introduced himself as a loner, living on his own in a quiet cave where he could write and think on his own. He enjoyed writing as well as hunting, but it was when Tyrion asked him about his past that he began to feel sorry for him. Apparently, Calivar had survived most of his teen years on his own in a forest far away, his parents having left one night and never returned. He'd gotten the scars he had from fighting and taking down wolfs and other prey so he could keep himself alive and once he had eventually taught himself to fly he was able to soar out of the tree covered valley he'd been stuck in to venture out and find other dragons like himself. From what Calivar could remember or gather from his own speculations was that his mother and father needed to have him in secret and once he was old enough to survive on his own they would leave, keeping him safe in some sort of far off valley.

He'd hoped to one day find his family again, but ever since he'd left, after venturing much of the world for over hundreds of years, he gave up, believing they were either dead or that they didn't want him to find them. In all honesty, all he had to give him an idea of who they were was the necklace he wore, two wings connected with a ruby in the center, connecting both of them. Through all this talk they had walked into the backyard, realizing surprisingly that this tough dragon looked distressed, thinking about everything he'd lost. He didn't cry, but his once firm barrier seemed to have broken, leaving Tyrion a chance to share his own story.

After that night the two of them became friends, hanging out occasionally when they weren't working their own jobs, but as of recently the two of them hadn't spent time together in months. So, wanting to hang out again after so long they planned a camping trip, taking a few weeks to plan it out and ask for work off before meeting up at a bar and setting out, all the gear they needed strapped around their backs as they took off to the forest nearby.


Once they had both unpacked their stuff, collecting some wood from the forest for the fire they lit, Calivar watching as Tyrion used his flames to set the wood ablaze, the spark of embers soaring into the sky with the whisp of the wind, crackling as Calivar settled himself down, relaxing with his head glancing at the flames and then back to Tyrion, smiling with a raised eyebrow and a chuckle, "Hehe, that's pretty hot, Tyrion."

"Har har..." Tyrion rolled his eyes, huffing as he walked over to him, taking a seat on his haunches a few feet away from him looking around at the forest and the fire, "I gotta say though, taking a break from life is pretty nice. Even if it is with an ass like you."

"Well, at least I'm here to listen to your never-ending yammering, or else I'm afraid you'd never be able to sleep because you'd most likely go on for hours and hours about how magnificent that specific one tree was that looked the same as the others." He gave a wide smile, sticking out his tongue at Tyrion.

"I would not!" Tyrion huffed back, growling a bit playfully as he added, snickering, "You know if you keep pushing me I may feel inclined to eat the prey I brought with me tonight instead of going hunting..."

"You... brought prey with you? Wouldn't that go bad or something?" Calivar gave him a questionable glance, pausing for a moment as Tyrion grinned back at him before inhaling sharply, detecting his tone of voice. "Oh..." He could feel his scales nearly turning bright red, remembering that he'd once told Tyrion about his fetish, glancing away from him for a moment, stumbling over his words in embarrassment, "T-that's very funny, Tyrion... I honestly f-forgot you knew about that."

"Oh, you think I'd forget something as important as that?" He asked, raising his eye as he plucked a rock from the grass in the ground and threw it in the fire, "But it's the perfect way for me to tease you, you tasty little morsel.~" Calivar let out a soft sigh, feeling his member poke out a bit from his slit, not expecting Tyrion to act this way around him. In all honesty, he didn't mind much. He was gay after all and he did kinda like Tyrion...

_'God... If he's trying to get me in the mood, it's working...'_Calivar then took a deep breath, deciding to play his game. He then stood up, letting out a laugh with a challenging glare at him, "Ha! As if you could even open your tiny little maw enough to fit my cock inside!" Tyrion snorted back at him, lashing his tail at the challenge, chuckling as he walked up to Calivar, looking him over.

"Well you wouldn't know unless I tried, now would you?"

"You better be careful..." Calivar added, taking a step towards him until they were almost touching muzzles, "You shouldn't put my own words in your mouth unless you plan on acting on them."

"Well, maybe I'd rather have you in my mouth." Tyrion snickered, letting his jaw hang a little to give Calivar a smell of his breath. It reeked of old meat, his tongue slipping out to give the bottom of Calivar's snout a lick. He could feel his shaft pressing further from his slit, nearly at full mast as he pulled back from Tyrion, gasping a bit, realizing he'd been holding his breath without knowing.

Calivar then continued, unable to keep his gaze off of Tyrion's maw, "Oh, would you really now? Well..." He then looked around, getting a fun and arousing idea, his penis starting to drip, "Your prey wouldn't just let themselves get caught, you know. You'd have to pin them down first...~" He then turned around, walking a bit as he purposefully shook his hips, raising his tail to show off his rod and ass, tensing his legs to jump if Tyrion pursued his challenge.

"Well, I must say, you're pretty confident for someone who's about to spend the night in my stomach... It's almost as if..." He then took a few steps toward Calivar, his gaze catching on Tyrion's own rod fully extended in arousal, "...you want this. For me to open my maw and engulf your entire body in my warm throat until I lock you away in my stomach, keeping you safe until I choose to let you out... I can see that arouses you, little dragon." Calivar tried to open his mouth to recoil but found himself unable to, letting out a soft moan instead as Tyrion walked up to him lifted his head, giving his neck a long lick before licking his chops afterward, grinning. "Yes, mmm I'm going to enjoy tasting every inch of you..."

Before Calivar could say anything else he pushed him over and onto his back, forcing the air out of him for a moment as Tyrion pinned him, blushing deeply as he gaped his maw open for Calivar to gaze at. His red insides were connected with strands of saliva, some drool dripping onto his face in hunger, his tongue giving a good lick across his muzzle to taste him. He then let out a moan as Tyrion's tail curled around his cock, squeezing it softly as a glob of pre formed on the tip, his excitement clearly shown. "Good boy... So needy to slide down my throat... You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He asked, chuckling as his tail slowly stroked his cock.

"Ahh..." He could barely muster a response, feeling Tyrion trace his tongue up his neck to the tip of his muzzle.

"Answer me, prey!"

"Yes... Ah, I'd love that Tyrion, I just... Ahh, I didn't expect you to do it tonight. We hadn't even talked about it."

"Hehe, well where would be the fun in talking about it? I always thought it was best to learn on the job.~" He then started to softly pump Calivar's cock with his tail, opening his maw wide, ready to engulf him whenever he chose.

"You... you promise it's safe?"

For a moment Tyrion cut off his act, giving him a loving smile and a lick on the cheek, "Yes, I promise you'll be alright Calivar. I've done this many time before for dragons, I just have one request... Make sure to hump against my neck and struggle as you go down, alright?~" He nodded back, trying to buck back into his tail before whining as he uncurled his tail from it, leaving him needy beneath him. Before he could say another word though Tyrion finally brought his maw down and over his snout, forcing his jaws shut as his tongue reached out and lapped at his neck. He could see Tyrion's teeth pulling back to make sure not to hurt him, his breath washing over his face as he pulled his head completely into his maw, giving a muffled moan as his whole head was engulfed in his maw, Tyrion's teeth nibbling teasingly on his neck, imagining what it looked like from the outside.

Tyrion made quick work of his head, wanting to make sure he couldn't escape before deciding to tease him too much. With a lurch and a big gulp, he swallowed Calivar's muzzle and head into his throat, a small bulge appearing in his neck as he swallowed him. While shoulders usually took a while for dragons to work their way over, Tyrion found it no hard task having swallowed many things his size before, easily forcing his maw over them while pinning his wings and legs to his body, quickly forcing those in his maw to run his tongue along. Calivar could feel Tyrion flipping his body over onto his stomach to get a better angle on him, pressing his back against the roof of his mouth, sucking on him like candy to get his taste all over his mouth. Calivar pressed his crotch against the ground, feeling pleasure surge through his rod from the pleasure, Tyrion taking another swallow of his form until his tongue was lapping at his belly, so close to his needy crotch. With his arms and wings being enveloped by his throat he knew it wouldn't be long until he couldn't resist anymore. Soon he would be completely at Tyrion's will, forced inside his gut until Tyrion chose to release him.

He could feel Tyrion chuckling around him, giving a teasing growl, letting him know who was in charge as he took another gulp, pulling his cock into reach. With his upper body locked inside his maw and throat, he knew he was stuck now. There was no way back but his stomach, not that he'd want anything else. The flesh of the throat massaged and kneaded at his body, sucking him within and pressing in on every angle, keeping his arms forced to his sides as it swallowed him deeper, eager to dump him in the dragons awaiting stomach, needing something to fill it.

To his excitement he felt Tyrion wrap his tongue around his cock, his teeth playing with his rear while he stroked his rod of his pre, dripping happily in arousal. Calivar could feel the rumbles of Tyrion's laughter, teasing him as he continued stroking him, likely amused at how turned on he made Calivar. Of course, he couldn't say he wasn't turned on himself for Calivar had clearly seen his own hard-on, eager to swallow him whole. He could feel his orgasm rising, the soft pull of his tongue and the nibbling on his back putting him closer to his edge. It was then that Tyrion lifted his body off the ground with a heave, leaving his ass and tail hanging limply out of his maw, submitted completely to be his snack. Tyrion played with this, using a paw to rub a digit under his tail at his ass, pressing it in lightly which made Calivar's legs quiver, causing him to hump madly onto his tongue in response.

They stayed like this for a few minutes, bring Calivar close to his edge before deciding to swallow him further. With another big swallow, tilting his head up for help from gravity, he pulled his crotch and hind legs into his maw, forming his mouth around the base of his tail as his throat opened and squelched close around his rear, leaving only his thick noodle of a tail on the outside of his maw. It was then that his head and shoulders pushed into his stomach, moaning as he Tyrion gave a loud muffled growl, his stomach rumbling with satisfaction as he gave a big sluuuuurp, slurping up his tail, swallowing it and snapping his jaws shut, letting his paw press on his neck, feeling it as Calivar slowly disappeared, nothing but a bulge now in his throat and belly.

Calivar moaned hotly, feeling his lower body near the stomach as well, the wet and hot walls pulsing and stroking his cock, so close to the edge. With a whimper he began to hump inside his throat hard, rubbing the sensitive underside of his shaft against his walls as he began curling inside his stomach, letting out a cry of bliss as he clenched his teeth and orgasmed, humping madly at his throat as his thick seed spurted forth in waves, Tyrion's throat massaging it and milking it of it's semen before dumping his inside his stomach, sealing him away as he relaxed in his afterglow, his cock spurting a few more rounds in his stomach and on his body before settling down, causing him to close his eyes and listen to the gurgles and growls of Tyrion's stomach around him, the walls kneading softly at him like he was food. He knew Tyrion could control his acids and the force of his belly though on his body so he didn't worry. Instead, he just lay in bliss, trapped happily inside his friends warm and welcoming belly, filling him up for as long as he was in here.

Tyrion then licked his jaws, laying down on his side as he gave a rub at the bulge between his legs in his stomach, "You're pretty tasty, you know that? I might have to keep you in there a little longer than I first intended... That or we'll have to do this more often.~" Tyrion then used his other paw to stroke his own dripping member, spreading his pre over the bulge in his belly before squeezing and pumping himself at a moderate pace. With all the build-up of swallowing Calivar, he didn't want to take too long, rubbing and pushing on his stomach to feel Calivar within as he continued thrusting into his paw, his tail slapping onto the ground. "I loved feeling you cum in my throat, humping against it..." He could feel Calivar struggling a bit inside, maybe trying to help him get off, thrusting faster with his paw as his pre coated it, causing him to throw his head back onto the ground as his stomach gurgled.

Then, with a loud triumphant roar, Tyrion dug his claws into the grass, thwacking his tail on the ground once before his shaft burst forth with a steady spurt of hot dragon cream, covering his chest and stomach in fluids. He used his tail to continue milking himself, his paw rubbing along his belly to remind him of his friend inside, having swallowed him whole like the predator he was.

Calivar let out loud moans as he continued stroking himself in the small space he could, feeling Tyrion tense around him as he orgasmed with a roar, causing Calivar to hit another mild orgasm in response, both of them lasting for about a minute before collapsing, letting their afterglow calm them. He heard Tyrion rumbled through pants, "And you thought I couldn't even take in your cock...~"

"Yeah, whatever dork..." Calivar mumbled from his curled position, not even sure if Tyrion could hear him from inside. All he could do now though was relax in his warm stomach, the kneading and pulsing of his walls lulling him into sleep and happiness as he slept inside him, so close and intimate.

For Tyrion, he did the same, closing his eyes as his orgasm died down, his underbelly covered in his liquid as he rested his mind to sleep. Despite the coldness of the night around him, he felt warmer than ever, happy to be with his friend. Sure, he had eaten him the first chance he'd gotten once they were alone, but he, of course, had asked for it. They'd spent so much time apart that it was fitting to spend a short time close together, Calivar inside his stomach as they slept beneath the stars. Then, as the moon rose high into the sky, Tyrion and Calivar finally began to drift to sleep, Calivar wondering just how long Tyrion planned on keeping him inside of him. In reality, he couldn't care less, he loved being so close to him, and with that thought he drifted off, the soft rumbling of Tyrion's breath lulling him to sleep in the warm cavern of his belly.