The Flames Of Cynder's Lust chapter 1

Story by veemon657 on SoFurry

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#1 of the flames of cynder's lust

a commission i did for someone

The Flames Of Cynder's Lust

(requested by TheCasanovaOfSmut)


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It's been five years since Spyro and Cynder defeated the dark master Malefor. But a large number of his troops were still out there, which meant even though peace had been restored to the land many area's were still in danger of an attack.

Spyro was currently out dealing with a swarm of gremlins that was spotted on the out skirts of the dragon city of Warfang leaving Cynder back in the valley of Alavar. Many dragons that had gone into hiding to escape Cynder and the dark master's onslaught were just now starting to come back to the city and the area's around it. Some had also come to the valley to help with rebuilding and in hopes of a more peaceful life.

Among them were 2 dragons that were around Spyro and Cynder's age one was a red and orange dragon called Flame while the other was a bright pink and yellow named Ember and the four of them had grown to be good friends.

"Ugh why does Spyro always have to go out every time he hears a few gremlins were spotted while I have to stay here, I know there were plenty of other dragon's there that are more than capable of dealing with them." Cynder shouted to no-one in particular.

However that wasn't the only problem Cynder was facing, for a while Spyro hadn't really been up to par in bed leaving Cynder frustrated sexually and unsatisfied. Just then Cynder heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Cynder you ok I heard you shouting and since Spyro had got out I thought I'd come see if everything's alright?"

"Oh hi Flame yeah I'm fine" Flame could tell something was up by the way she was acting.

"Cynder I've known you long enough to tell when something's up. you want to talk about it?"

Cynder sighed but in truth right now she did need someone to talk to so she invited him to the small cave at the base of the waterfall she and Spyro lived in. they sat down near the far end since the luminescent mushrooms gave off a bit more light.

"So what's going on?" Flame had asked once they were situated

"Oh is just Spyro's always leaves the minute he hears some of Malefor's troops were spotted, just a few minutes ago he had left to go to Warfang to deal with a group of gremlins while there were more than enough dragon's and soldiers there to take care of them."

"You know how he is and that he doesn't like to see anyone get hurt, and with many dragons still unaware of the dark master's defeat he doesn't want the few that have come out have a reason to go back into seclusion."

"I understand it's just rough he's always off somewhere and I'm here. I just wish he could well stay here more, involve me in more things, last longer in bed."

"Spyro can last long when you're mating?"

Cynder now blushing profusely from admitting her sex life. "Oh crap I didn't mean to say that."

"Don't worry about it I won't tell Spyro but I'm curious just how long can he last?"

Since Cynder had already let the her little bedroom problem out she figured she might as well tell Flame the whole story.

"His record is forty-five minutes but he usually can't last more than thirty and take at-least a full day to recover."

"Damn he can defeat the most powerful dragon ever-lived but can last more than thirty minutes when having sex? my record is four hours."

Cynder eyes widened at that. "Four hours I can't believe it."

"Want me to prove it to you." Flame said lustfully.

"Well Spyro did say he shouldn't be back for a few days, and my heat cycle just ended 3 weeks ago so I don't have to worry about having eggs until next year."

"So is that a yes?" Flame asked.

Cynder only replied by rubbing her tail along Flame's sheath causing Flame to become fully erect in a matter of seconds standing at an impressive twenty-four inches long and four inches thick. Cynder was practically stunned when she saw his size "By the ancestors how big are you?" "Twenty -four inches long and four inches thick." Flame said rather proud of himself.

"Damn Spyro's got nothing on you he's usually six inches long and one inch thick.

"It's a shame that he's the most powerful dragon alive but can do much in the ways of sex."

"I know Flame but when we do get time for ourselves I have him use this mating crystal, It's affects differ with each dragon but for Spyro it makes him gain two inches in length and a half inch thicker, But I wonder what it will do for you? Just give me a sec to find it, it's been awhile since me and Spyro last used it."

After a few minutes of looking around in the chest that once held and armor piece now used for storage Cynder came out with a brightly glowing neon green Crystal around a gold chain.

"Here put this on and see what happens don't worry the effect ends after you take if off."

Flame proceeds to slip the crystal around he neck and starts to feel a strange sensation starting to resonate in and around he's cock.

"Cynder I feel a bit strange but it nice."

"Well lets see what it did? Hun no change in size or girth but that doesn't meant it didn't do anything so lie back against that wall.

Flame does as he's told and puts he back against the rear wall of the cave.

"You ready for me Flame?"

"Oh you have no idea how long I've wanted to Fuck you silly Cynder."

"Well here's you chance then if you're size and girth means anything then we'll both enjoy this."

As Cynder starts to lower herself onto Flame she feel's a slight chilled staticy feeling causing both her and Flame to moan loudly.

"F..Flame the mating crystal has imbued you're dick with elemental energy! it feels amazing right now it's like cold static and you haven't even started thrusting yet."

"Do you want me to start then?"

Instead of giving a verbal response Cynder slammed as far down as she could go.

"Does that answer you're question? Now fuck me like the feral beast inside you wants too."

Without saying another word Flame proceeded to flip over to get better leverage and start to mercilessly thrust in and out of her at a rate that would make a wind dragon jealous.


Little did Cynder know that this was just the beginning of what Flame had in store for her. As time went on neither Cynder nor Flame were showing any sign of fatigue.

"Flame how is it that someone with you're assets are still single?"

"I have my reasons."

After about another thirty-five minutes Flame started to feel his first load starting to surface.

"Cynder hope you're ready cause here come's the first load."

"What do you mean the first load?"

"I' to....cum more than...once before I need to."

that's all Flame was able to say before shooting his seed deep into Cynder's pussy but because of the mating crystal's effect it had a static feel to it sending Cynder into a mind crushing orgasm making her thrash about.

But Flame wasn't done yet, far from it in fact with renewed vigor he began to once again pound, thrust, and slam into Cynder giving her orgasm after orgasm after another three hours and cumming two more times he finally began to lose steam and after about another five minutes Flame was completely spent and both dragons were reduced to a panting sticky and sweaty mess.


" was no-one's every been able to tire me out like this.)

Cynder was also struggling for breath after having cum a total of eight times in one session. Since both were quite sticky and sweaty from what had just transpired both Cynder and Flame decided to head down to the river and wash up. After they finished thoroughly erasing the rest of the evidence from each other they both went back to there respective homes, but one of the mole soldiers from was waiting at the cave's entrance holding a rolled up note with a purple seal.

It was from Spyro.