The Wizard's Tower 2c - FA Version

Story by toucanplay on SoFurry

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#3 of The Wizard's Tower FA

FA voting branch of The Wizard's Tower published here for convenience.

Adventure 2 - A Son For Yhrbold (3)

Valon's nose set off a warning bell chiming in his head as it caught up with his eyes. The man approaching them was lean and scruffy, dark hair sprawling chaotically off of his serious, youthfully featured but weatherbeaten face and down his bare chest, pocked with animal bites and scars from falling on stones and being slashed by branches. Mangy animal skins had been sewn together with strips of leather, although Valon couldn't imagine how he either convinced someone to do this for him, or found someone willing to trade for them. "Oh no..." Valon muffled his moan as the scruffy man sat next to him. "I would not think a druid would want to spend the night here."

"The man there said you would pay," the druid shrugged, "I did not want to say no."

Of all of the adventurers to answer the call, Valon could think of only one worse than a druid, and that was purely practical. He loathed druids. Talking to them was always bothersome because their isolation limited their vocabulary and they were always exceptionally serious, especially when it came to anything natural. However, he was desperate, and at least a druid wouldn't be too bloodthirsty when they went after their target. "If you would like more, you can spend the night in the grounds near my tower. There is a lot of open land there."

"Thank you, I would like that more, yes." The graciousness dissolved. "I came here to tell you not to hunt down any large beasts. There are very few left and they will all be gone." He looked stern; he didn't say it, but Valon mentally added. "I will fight you if I must."

"Then we agree." Valon got some satisfaction as the druid suddenly looked confused. "I do not want to kill anything. What is your name?"

"Men call me Lowry," the druid answered. "You do not want to kill them? But, you said you want to hunt them!"

"The term 'hunt' means other things too, such as 'to find'. I just need to find a large male beast. I need someone who can help me find one. I will use magic on it, but it will not hurt the beast. If you help me find one, then we both know that they should not get hurt." Valon might not be interested in spilling monster blood, but every second he spend with Lowry convinced him he'd probably enjoy killing the druid. Given how horny he had been, Valon was surprised at just how turned off he was even thinking of sex with the druid present.

"Will your quiet friend here be coming along? The bull-spirit?" The druid tilted his head in Oulders's direction. Oulders choked a bit on his drink, and his eyes widened; Valon's narrowed and, as much as he didn't want to, leaned over to put his mouth near Lowry's ear.

"Yes, his name is Oulders. Please, do not speak of bull-spirits so loud. It would harm him in the eyes of others." As Valon pulled back, he shuddered; being that close to Lowry's head had filled his nose with the rank smell of druid's breath. The rest of him stunk awfully too. Valon was sorely tempted to ensure the weather was particularly wet when they went off on their adventure.

"A man should not come to harm for the beast in him," Lowry argued, then shrugged, "but your ways are strange to me, so I will do as you say."

"Thank you," Valon explained. "I wish to leave at the next sun rise. It will not offend anyone if you choose to stay on the land near my tower." He was also pretty sure Yhrbold would thank him for not having to accommodate such a gross, smelly guest. He'd just have to thoroughly scrub anything Lowry touched when they returned.

"If you say, I would like it a lot more," Lowry agreed, standing up. "Shall we leave now?"

"Yes, that would be wise." Valon got up, realising he hadn't even managed to finish his drink. That was fine; the last thing he wanted was to give up control of his faculties willingly while a druid was hanging around. Oulders, however, had made up for it. He had quickly drunk after his secret was nearly exposed, and, still being young, quickly succumbed to the ale's effects. The trio walked outside.

As they got nearer to the town hall, Valon noticed a figure standing close by. Night had fallen, and the lighting was poor. The figure had a lantern, so it wasn't a thief, but Valon was still glad to have Oulders and his magic for protection as they continued over. He was almost relieved as Olgate scowled as they neared him. "Some new 'friends' of yours?" he asked sourly.

"Oulders, as you should probably know, is my assistant, and patient." Valon turned to Oulders. "Do you think you'll be okay making it home on your own?" Oulders wobbled a little, then nodded his head. "Well, if anything related to your 'condition' happens, just come and sleep it off in the town hall, okay? And remember that other duty you need to do before coming." He watched as Oulders slowly staggered away before turning to Olgate. "I haven't seen you in a while. Been a good boy?"

"Hail, wolf-friend," Lowry said, nodding at Olgate, whose face paled, then darkened as he turned to face Valon.

"You..." Olgate caught himself, then pulled Valon into the town hall, with Lowry following reluctantly. "Did you tell him?"

"No, why would I?" Valon wouldn't have been so grumpy, but he was pent up and Olgate was right there, standing so close that it was hard not to be aggravated by his memories. Not even Lowry could get in the way of those raw feelings. "He's a druid, he has an affinity for this kind of thing. Lowry, I need to talk alone with him. My tower is through that door, you will see..."

"A magic door," Lowry finished. "Yes, I have felt it."

"Why am I not surprised?" Valon wondered. "Go and make your home where you wish; we will meet again when the sun rises." Lowry nodded and departed.

Valon shuddered again. He mumbled, not really intending to speak about this to Olgate, but not minding if he heard. "You know, there was a time when I was rebelling against my father when I wanted to become a druid. Thankfully, I grew out of that phase. Ugh."

There was silence for a while before Olgate finally came to his point, whispering harshly. "I want... to make an arrangement. Between us." He looked at Valon's surprised face. "I don't like you. In fact, I fucking hate your guts. But..."

Valon understood, and he nodded. "I understand. Let's give Lowry a few moments to get out of earshot from the tower, and we can go to my bedroom."

Leading the way, Valon quietly focused himself, preparing to surreptitiously cast a spell. He had reshaped Olgate into his own sexual plaything, partially out of spite and partially out of self-preservation. Now, though, he could see a potential opening. Olgate was firm, just as attractive in his human shape as his wolf-man form. Valon wondered if maybe it was time to let Olgate off his chain a little.

They proceeded to the bedchamber on the floor above. Most wizards created portals to their bedroom, but Valon enjoyed the walk up the stairs because beds meant sex as much as sleep, and he didn't enjoy what the portal's energy did to the skin of his cock when it was erect. Slowly removing his shirt, he cast the spell. "I'm up for anything sexual you want to do with me," he said while removing his pants. "The only thing that I'll ask for in return will just be for tonight, and any other nights you wish to do it."

"What's that?" growled Olgate, struggling out of his boots. Now that he'd been able to relax, Olgate's manly musk flooded through him, especially with his shirt off. He couldn't wait for that hard body to be rubbing up against him.

"I'm going to alter the glamour I have on you, until you look like your wolf-man shape, and then turn it off." Valon could see the anger rising, and he quickly explained. "It's not purely for my own interests. The spell has been eating up my magic reserves quite a bit, and I'm going to need as much as I can spare tomorrow."

"You're going to leave me trapped as a wolf-man while you're away?!" Olgate blasted, although he still yanked down his trousers, letting his erection spring free. Valon's heart raced at the sight. He tweaked Olgate's naked body, a slight grey fuzziness spreading over him. His erection throbbed a bit more, appearing to grow and shift slightly in shape. His ears perked up to slight points, and his mouth seemed to push out.

"Of course not," Valon explained. "You're coming with us." Olgate's altering eyes seemed to glow extra angry as they yellowed, but that didn't unnerve Valon. "Don't worry, the druid already knows the truth about you. Just growl and be as menacing as usual." He pushed for another change, Olgate's pelt now hiding a fair amount of his skin, enlarging his ears and his snout, face twisting to make it fit.

Olgate let out a moan, and actually started panting. Valon watched, enjoying the surge of arousal he could feel coming off of Olgate. Releasing the glamour freed Olgate from the confines of it squeezing him into the right shape, providing relief when it was loosened. This feeling of growing freedom, coupled with his earlier spell and what they would be doing very soon should help a lot to make tonight, and perhaps other nights, a lot more enjoyable for the both of them.

Valon moved onto all fours, his hot erect manhood brushing up against his body as he braced his body against the bed. He knew this was what Olgate wanted, without asking: it seemed like a good time to practice some basic telepathy. Olgate soon joined him on the bed, his fur bristly but soft, his skin hot. Olgate panted loudly in his ear, one muscular hand pushing Valon's shoulders deeper onto the bed, the other sliding saliva-coated, padded fingers into the hole between Valon's butt cheeks.

There wasn't quite enough lubrication, but Valon enjoyed the fingering. "He's learning," he thought, noticing Olgate's fingers sliding in just far enough to tickle his prostate, leaving him panting and ready. He let the claws spring out of Olgate's toes, releasing more of the fur and muzzle and using some of that saved magic to moisten his hole, just to be safe. The smell of musk around Olgate changed, a strong blast of manliness and wolfishness filling Valon's nose as most of the glamour was removed. The last disappeared when Olgate's fingers withdrew; Valon twitched his sphincter in anticipation as he felt the pointed canine tip press against the soft flesh of his insides.

The initial thrusts were slow, but both men were impatient. Olgate, surprised by his own excitement of being freed of the confining glamour into this strange form he'dd been cursed with, growled and hunched over, feeling his knot swell and bang against Valon under him. Valon tried a bit more telepathy, realising just how relieved and excited Olgate was becoming. "Even if we got caught, nobody would know it was me. It feels so good being in this body! Almost like being young and strong again, only now I know what I'm doing." He growled, pulling Valon up underneath him, until they were fucking like wild animals. Valon was just glad for the attention to get naked and be fucked by other man; that it was a wolf-man with a fairly kinky-shaped cock was just icing on the cake.

The impatience meant that the sex didn't last long: both Valon and Olgate were just too pent up to manage to control themselves to prolong the experience. Olgate's left arm squeezed around Valon's chest, while the right held them steady, allowing Valon's right arm to reach down and pump. Pre-cum trickled onto the bed liberally: it squelched as Olgate tried to push in deeper, and it slid over Valon's fingers as it leaked from his own shaft. Olgate's lupine knot punched through, causing Valon to cry out as Olgate thrust with more immediacy, his mind abuzz with the need to spill his seed.

Valon was close, almost too close when he felt Olgate's cock bulge out in another quick pulse. Olgate howled, his wolf-like balls tightening against him as their contents blasted into Valon's body. The pulse nudged Valon further on, as did the thought of Olgate filling him up with his seed. He thought of the two of them, tracking down monsters by day, then fucking wildly under the stars. The idea was intoxicating, and he moaned, feeling the fluid trickling over his fingers become thicker as his ejaculate sprayed onto his bedsheets.

The early morning sun streaming in through the window roused Valon from sleep; he woke with Olgate's body curled around his, still in his wolf-man form and his arm still wrapped around his chest. The smell of last night filtered up to his nose; the seed had cooled and dried, and Olgate's cock had at some point slipped out, leaving Valon with a throbbing pain in his rear. "I could get used to this," he thought, before jabbing an elbow into Olgate's ribs. "Wake up, sleepy-head, we've got work to do."

Olgate woke up, a little confused at where he was and what he woke up as. He growled; Valon waited patiently for last night's memories to catch up with him. Still, he grumbled, "I still don't like you."

"I know," Valon agreed as he dressed. "That's fine. I just want you for sex, after all." He paused, thinking it might be a good time to say it. "You're in charge of your transformation now, more or less. It won't work if I'm out of magic, but I'll let you know when that happens, otherwise you're free to turn it off and on as you wish. I wouldn't do it right now, though. We're going to have company. Stay here, I'll get the others."

Lowry was waiting for him outside; Valon noticed him through the window. Oulders entered a little while later, and Valon removed his glamour. "You can come down now!" he called out, Oulders and Olgate reacting to each other's animal presences with surprise. Realising he'd have to explain that later, Valon took them all outside, and explained what he was planning on going after.