Growth Spurt, Pt. 2 - Tramp, Scamp & the Lamp

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#2 of Growth Spurt

Part two of this older series. My first story ever written in first person present tense.

The lamp is on tonight. My heart starts pounding every time I look at it.

It's funny how well I remember that day in the park a few weeks ago. That stuff me and dad did... Everything's different now. I can't remember how many nights we've had together since then. All I can remember is how it started. Dad came upstairs late one night...I think he just wanted to talk about what we did in the park...but I wanted more than that. We ended up having sex again. A few nights later, he came back up to my room and we did it again. Before I knew it, it was happening almost every night.

And each night it happens, I love him more and more.

It's definitely changed the way we act around each other. We're much more affectionate. Every now and then, we can sneak a quick kiss or rub against each other in naughty ways when no one's looking. We can't do it often, though. Dad says mom is "prudish and old-fashioned" and "we don't want her to become suspicious of us." I guess that means she wouldn't want me and dad loving each other the way we have been lately - the way I'm supposed to love a girl when I get older. It's been happening almost every night for a few weeks now. Sometimes I wonder how long this will last before dad stops coming upstairs, or before we get caught.

See, my parents and my sisters know I have trouble sleeping with the rest of them downstairs. My sisters make too much noise in their sleep, the icebox wakes me up a lot, and I don't want to sleep outside, so they moved my bed up here into the empty room upstairs just below the attic. It's small, but it's nice and cozy. It's just me up here in the loneliest and quietest part of the house. I would sleep with dad downstairs - I could sleep through anything cuddled up next to him - but he says he has to sleep with mom down there and she might "become suspicious" if I was in bed with them every night... I'm getting sick of mom's "suspicions."

It's okay though. Me and dad get our time together. See, at night, when everyone is asleep and the house is totally quiet, dad will come up the stairs and look down the hallway. If I'm too tired, everything will be dark, and he'll go back downstairs to sleep. But if I'm ready, I'll leave the lamp on, he'll see the light underneath the door, and he'll slip into the room with me. He'll do things to me up here. Things he says would definitely get him in trouble with mom.

The stuff he does and the way he makes me's no wonder he used to be the king of the streets. I remember toward the beginning, he liked to lie on his back and just let me look at his penis... I mean look at it really close in good light. He'd hold his sheath back for me and let me touch it and feel it. I think he just likes showing off how big it is... But I've gotten to know every vein...every curve...every sensitive spot... I remember I made him cum once by accident. We had a good laugh about that.

He really likes to take his time with me, always getting us both off a few times before kissing me goodnight. Lately, he's been mounting me a lot. That's my favorite. I've even come close to taking his knot. He's never quite been able to tie with me, but that's okay. The rest of my dad's size is more than enough. He's rough with that big thing he has. He doesn't hold back at all...because I ask him not to.

And the lamp is on tonight. My heart won't stop pounding.

This is the only thing I can do when I'm waiting for him; lie here and think about how great it'll be. Suddenly, I hear something... The sight of the door cracking open tingles my belly. My tail wags all on its own and in sneaks my dad, the Tramp. I smile innocently at him, and he smiles at me...not so innocently. More like he's just gotten away with something...or will very soon... He pushes the door shut and he turns and winks at me. I know we're about to trade more than smiles and winks as his paws carry him quietly across the room to my bed. I don't move at all. I just watch him come toward me with that look.

For a moment, my eyes are on his hind legs. I never used to pay any attention to them. But these days, I'm always hypnotized by the way they move, the way his back paws touch the floor, how thick his thighs are... When I grow up, I hope my thighs are as thick as dad's. The muscles in those legs and the sight of his big sheath dangling between them make me wish I could've seen him in the days before he met mom. I wish I could've watched him mount one of his regular bitches and put those strong legs to use. Wish I could see those thighs bulge out and watch his face while he came... Seeing dad coming toward me now, friskiness in each step, I melt right into my bed with that thought. When he's close enough for me to smell, I close my eyes and breathe in his scent. I can feel him above me. The first thing I notice is the warmth of a big tongue on the back of my neck. "The foreplay" is what he calls this... Whatever it is, dad's really good at it. Very slowly, his muzzle travels around to my ear. I sigh...

"Good evening, Scamp," he whispers. He says so much with just those three words. His breath is warm and smooth against my ear. He sends pleasant shivers down my body and a tingle between my legs without even trying. All I can say is...

"Hi, dad."

I roll over just in time to see him standing over me, flinging his collar to the side. We always take our collars off when we do this. It's just more comfortable. He grabs mine in his teeth, stretches it over my head, and tosses it aside as well. As soon as we're both free of collars, he lowers his hindquarters down onto me. His sheath is really hard and lumpy already. We're really gonna have fun tonight... He smiles as he starts moving his hips very slowly. He grinds his sheath and his balls into mine. This is something he hasn't done before, but I just lay back and let him do what he wants. Dad moans with his mouth shut and both our knots start to grow. He's so warm... I glance down a few times to catch his penis peeking out of that big sleeve as he thrusts it against me. Looking at them so close together, it's easy to see whose is bigger. His balls are practically smothering mine. The whole time, he's looking straight at me. He's stopped smiling, and I actually feel a little intimidated by how much bigger his stuff is than mine.

He moans through his nostrils again and his hips stop. He stands up, leaving a little trail of white stuff on my belly. He lowers his muzzle to mine and kisses me. It's slow and deep, just the way he knows I like it. I taste my dad's drool, his tongue, his teeth, and I know he can taste mine. It's a really deep kiss tonight. I can tell dad's got a lot of energy. His tongue touches the back of my throat...I lick his fangs...we moan quietly into each other's mouths... Oh, I love dad's kisses!

I feel a big paw on my chest...moving lower. I smile and let that paw be everywhere we know it shouldn't be. It reaches to rub inside my legs, which I spread as wide as I can for him. It sneaks around my balls to tease and stroke the fur underneath them. As dad's paw moves again, my throat rumbles without me telling it to. The one spot on my rear where dad used to swat me for misbehaving is now being rubbed and tickled. It's funny; before we started doing these things, the only reason for his paw being on my butt was to 'discipline' me. Now, when his paw is down there, it makes me moan, not yelp.

As he pulls his face away from mine, I suck on his tongue, not wanting to give it up. "I really like kissing you, pop." The face he gives me makes me want to hump his chest fur. He licks my muzzle. He's so good at this. Then something pops into my head. It's something I probably shouldn't say, but before I can stop myself...

" come you and mom never do this stuff?"

Dad stops. He looks past my head at the floor, thinking hard. He sighs heavily and, for a second, he looks hurt... I feel so guilty I blush and look away. I wish I hadn't asked the question now, but he looks like he's gonna give me an answer at least.

"She doesn't want to... I guess she just doesn't like it. Your mother comes from a very different family, Scamp. To her, sex is...well...just for making puppies. And that's it. Doing it for pleasure is very wrong to her. Jock and Trusty taught her that, and Jim Dear and Darling taught her the same thing by example. I wish they hadn't, but nothing can change her mind."

I crack a smile. "How can she not like having sex with you? I do..."

"I like having sex with you, too son," he says as he smiles back.

I pause. "... Pop..."

His ears show how closely he's listening.

"... Have you ever thought know...finding another girl just...just for sex?"

Dad flops down onto the floor, thinking very hard now. After a moment, he nods very slowly.

I had to say it. "'Cause I was thinking that I'd really like to watch something like that."

"Oh, I see," he says as he laughs quietly. "Well, I may have to arrange a little show for you, pal."

I knew dad's inner showoff couldn't resist. The fantasy of dad hunched over some bitch, humping her senseless kicks in again, and my head starts to swim as I realize I might actually get to see it for real!

"But if the two of us are going to have any sex, we'll need something to slicken me up," his smile gives me fluttery feelings in my tummy, "but where could we possibly find something like that? I'm sure there's something in this room I can use."

His playfulness brightens the mood again. I can't help but giggle. I love it when he plays around like this.

"I wish I could find something...something nice and slimy." He starts looking back and forth, pretending to search for something he knows isn't there. I know he's waiting for me to say...

"Dad, I know where you can get some..."

"Really?" He starts stroking up and down my chest with a paw. "Where?" I point down toward my crotch, and my dad looks down there and licks his lips. He reaches over and takes my small, empty water bowl in his teeth. I watch his every movement. He sets it gently on the floor next to my tail, then lies down at my side. He's face-to-face with me now. Suddenly, his paw is rubbing my sheath. I'm already getting hard in there.

"Why don't you show me?" His paw drifts downward between my legs and fondles my balls very slowly. I shudder again. Oh, I love it when he touches me there. We smile at each other and he freezes for a moment. Then I reach down and pull my sheath back against me. It makes me shiver a little. I watch him stare at it. I love it when he just looks at it like that. It doesn't matter how many times we do this, I'll still never get over the feelings I get when he first sees my penis naked.

He starts to play with it a little. Not really pushing me toward orgasm at all, just rubbing it real slow and gentle in different ways, tickling it with the fur on the back of his his paw. It always makes my stomach feel funny to have him looking at my privates so closely and touching me like he is. Then he winks at me before turning his head to my little puppyhood and putting it in his mouth. I shiver hard this time, shut my eyes, and let him do what he wants. He rubs my knot until it's big enough to keep my sheath down, and he starts really milking me. Both my paws find their way to the back of his head. That tongue... I try to keep my moans quiet and breathy so I don't wake anyone up. We don't wanna go down that road again.

I'd never been so scared. Not just for me, but for dad, too. Last night, he was pawing me off and I got too loud. Mom came upstairs with Annette... Dad heard them coming in time to take his paw off me, but they poked their heads in and saw me on my back with my penis out and leaking. Dad's a quick thinker, though. He told mom I had a nightmare and that my body was "just excited from the dream." Luckily, mom was too tired to pay attention to what her nose was really telling her, and Annette's too young to know any better, so they both believed him. Mom just yawned and went back downstairs. All Annette did was stare and try not to laugh.

My mom looked so tired, I don't even think she remembers, but Annette does. She told Collette and Danielle all about it today, too. I heard them out back, giggling as Annette described every detail of my 'weenie' to them. It didn't take the three of them long to come find me and start teasing me about it. Today was so embarrassing. So I'm extra careful tonight. I'm doing my best to keep myself quiet and listen to my own breathing instead.

It's so quiet in here now. I always wonder how dad's muzzle can make my penis feel so good without making any noise at all. Even in this silent room, I can't hear any slurping sounds or anything. I can't even hear him breathing. He's definitely talented. My eyes open to look between my legs, but his head is blocking my view. I can't see it. I can't hear it. I can only watch his head move. I let my tongue hang out the side of my muzzle. It feels so good, it doesn't take long at all before I'm close to giving him what he wants.

My eyelids lock tight, then it happens. I lose it. "Okay," I whisper. I take my paws off his head and feel the cold air as his muzzle leaves and his paw takes over. He grabs my penis behind the knot and points it downward into the bowl, jacking me just like I want it. Forcing my eyes open, I see dad watching me twist with the pleasure his paw is giving me so well. As long as I live, I'll never forget the face he always has when he watches me have orgasms. His eyelids are only halfway open and he has a very sexy, very devilish smile across his muzzle. He doesn't even look between my legs at all. His eyes are glued to mine. Then he winks at me.

I feel the first squirt fire out of me and we both hear it hit the bowl in a long stream. "There we go," he says to me softly as I tremble with pleasure. "Good boy, Scamp." My hips are thrusting now, pulling my knot upward against my dad's paw even harder. I can hear each stream of cum hitting the bowl, sounding almost like dad's milking a cow instead of his son. Through my orgasm, my father and I look straight into each other's eyes. He likes watching me like that. I asked him why once. He told me, "your face is so cute when you cum." I love him so much.

"Oh, yeah," I whisper, feeling my knot throb over and over. The last of my cum finally drips into my bowl, and I just lie there panting like a greyhound who's just finished a big race. I wish dad could do this to me all the time.

Dad takes his paw away and leans over to look into the bowl. "You think that'll be enough for me to slide into you, son?"

Of course, we both know it's plenty, but I shake my head. Breathing hard, I do my best to copy that sexy smile he likes to give me. "I think you're gonna need some more."

He chuckles. "Oh, you think so? We'd better make some, then..."

I barely have time to come down from my climax before I feel dad's muzzle working again. He doesn't waste any time trying to get another one out of me, sucking on me hard. He knows how I like it. I'm just lying there, concentrating on how much I'm enjoying this, when I feel a paw against my cheek. It's soft and gentle. I smile to myself and nuzzle back against it.

It's a dreamy moment we share, and it lasts all the way until I feel that special tingle. I lick dad's paw and whisper, "I'm getting close."

Dad's muzzle leaves my penis again, and he points it into the bowl to add more to the mix. I take a few quick breaths, trying to get ready for it. It happens again. The tingle travels between my legs and turns into a flood. I smile at dad. "Here's more," I say just before I start unloading into the bowl again.

My head pulls itself back and I moan at the door to my room. It's maybe a little too loud, but it feels so good... Each squirt shoots out of me and makes the same noise when it hits the metal bowl. Moaning more like I'm in pain than in pleasure, my dad laughs, and I smile right along with him as we stare at each other again. I want him to see how good he's making me feel. He gives me that incredibly impish grin again. He knows. I can feel him trying to match the rhythm of my thrusts. All he ends up doing is slickening his paw with my cum, but I don't complain. A few squirts later, my orgasm dies down, and I lie panting in dad's face.

He just smiles and licks my cheek. This time, I skip the playfulness. "I wanna go again," I plead.

"You've got it, pal." Again, he gets straight to it.

My penis disappears back into his face, and I moan at how sensitive I am. I thrust desperately as it starts feeling good again, almost embarrassing myself with how much I'm into this. Dad's so good at this, he brings me back to climax in no time. Maybe twenty seconds. I can feel it coming again... I'm more than ready for it, but I don't warn dad this time. I keep perfectly quiet. I just let him find out...

And keeping it a secret isn't easy. My third one is really strong. It's almost like I can feel every single strand of fur on my dad's face as it bumps against my crotch. Staying quiet is so hard. I have to grip the carpet to keep from moaning. I force my eyes to focus. I want to see his face when he tastes it.

As I feel myself start to squirt, his ears jerk and he cracks a smile, no doubt tasting my little surprise. He takes quite a few gulps before his muzzle comes away and he lets his paw do the rest. He grabs my penis and just holds it as he looks at me. "You little sneak," he says with a naughty smile.

I giggle as I cum in his strong paw. He holds my penis real tight and hugs me close. My ear tingles as dad whispers things into it. He's just holding it in place as it throbs. It almost feels like he's controlling my orgasm somehow by keeping his paw there. I let all those moans out through it all, too. The way this is feeling almost makes me howl. My own muzzle can never get me off like dad's can. Makes me wonder if he had some practice with other boys earlier in his life, and that thought only makes my orgasm last longer.

"Feel good?" asks dad. I can't do anything except nod.

After a few more seconds, my body settles down. Dad holds me for a few minutes while I relax. It takes a while before I realize I'm still gripping the carpet. I let go and just stare at the ceiling. Dad slowly gets up and I hear him take the bowl in his teeth again. He sets it beside my head and I look over at it. I can smell myself in it... As I lie here and try to catch my breath, he stands over me and gives a slow lick to my cheek. Nuzzles my chest. I lick him back.

He looks into the bowl at all my semen. A grin crawls across his face and he shakes his head. "Incredible... Where do you keep it all?" he asks as he reaches down to tickle my balls. I shiver at the touch, and it brings me back to the world. "Ready...?" he asks. From where I'm lying, I can see the silhouette of dad's privates against the window. So big... I nod. Giving my penis a little time to shrink back into me, I roll over off my bed and stand up on shaky legs.

Right away, I feel dad step over me and get himself into position. He wants it bad tonight. He's warm as he stands over my body. A big paw dips into the bowl beside me and I feel it slip below my tail, rubbing the warm stuff all over my hole.

There's a pause. The room is so quiet, I can actually hear the wet sound of dad unsheathing himself. His paw gathers more of my cum and I hear it being smeared all over his big doghood. That paw gropes around my tail again, trying to line everything up just right. A wet penis waits against my hole for my permission, just like it does every night we do this. I've asked him time and time again not to wait anymore, but he always tells me, "I wouldn't feel right if I didn't formally ask." So I look up as his head comes down. Our eyes meet. "Do I have permission to enter you? Do you want to be my bitch tonight, Scamp?"

I remember the first time we did this, I said no.

I was the one who asked him to mount me in the first place. I wanted to feel him inside me. He said I'd enjoy it quite a bit, but I lost my nerve at the last second when he was in position and asked permission like that. I was way too nervous. I was shaking like a leaf. It didn't make sense to me how something as big as dad's penis could possibly fit! I thought it would hurt too much, so I said no. And he...he stepped right off me. Said, "Okay. We don't have to," and dismounted just like that.

After that, I trusted him enough to let him do it. And he was right...

"Yes, dad," I say plainly. He smiles, and his head disappears above mine as he readies himself. Entry is always bad... His paws dig into the carpet and I feel the wet pressure on my hole. I push back into it, trying to help ease it in. As slick as it is, the tip goes in easy. I stop pushing back and let dad do the rest. It's already pretty uncomfortable and he tries to ease the rest of it in as slowly as possible. I feel the whole tip inside now, and the rest is coming. Dad's patient, though. He moves himself forward at a pace that would put any other dog to sleep. But I can feel the thick middle approaching.

I hate this part. The middle... It's the worst now, but the best later. My hole stretches and I groan with pain. I try thinking about something else, but that never works. Each moment I think it couldn't possibly get any thicker...I'm stretched some more. At this moment, I just want this to end! I want the middle to be over with! The pain is just too much! In my mind, I desperately wish I was older and bigger so we wouldn't have this problem anymore. I can barely resist the urge to wiggle out from underneath my father. My legs tremble and my vision is full of tears. I don't know if I can-

"You okay, pal?" dad stops. His voice snaps me out of it and he gives me a second to open up. I nod weakly. "I'm sorry, Scamp. I know you hate the middle... Do you need a break?" Another weak nod from me.

My hole is still trying to adjust itself to the monster in there. Except for a big paw rubbing my belly, dad stays perfectly still. I feel him think for a moment. "Just remember how much fun we'll have once this part is through," he whispers. I smile to myself. He's right. It'll all be worth it.

I blink the tears from my eyes and clear my throat. "How much middle is left?"

"Not much." His voice is reassuring and he calms my nerves a bit.

The worst is almost over. For a moment, I'm brave. "I'm ready," I tell him. Right away, I feel the pressure again. Right away, I'm being stretched again. Right away, I'm tearing up again. I shake. I moan in pain...then in pleasure as the middle ends and the rest of it slips in smoothly and comfortably all the way up to his knot. Dad gets a nasty moan from me as he fills me and he echoes the sound, feeling me squeeze around him. The Tramp is inside me.

"Oh, good boy," he groans into my head fur.

I'm filled so much it feels impossible. Looking up at him, seeing his face, it doesn't feel like it could be real. Then dad pulls back for a thrust. Oh, it's real... Is it ever real... His huge thing grinding against my insides like that makes me want to paw off, but I don't have the will power to move at all. I just let dad build up a rhythm as we start mating. Now the center of his doghood is the center of my whole world, and from the way he's breathing, I can tell I'm the center of his. Between two hard breaths, I tell him, "Yeah, fuck me..." He doesn't like me using that kind of language - those "human words" - but he usually lets it slide when he's in the moment like this, so I take advantage of it.

His pace is still pretty slow, and I can tell he's trying to take his time with me tonight. The way his penis is sliding in and out of me so deeply, I'm not complaining at all. The way he's rolling his hips, the size of it almost makes me moan each time he thrusts it back into me. I listen as closely as I can to the sounds of his breathing and the cute little noises he makes when I squeeze around him. I listen to the silence of the house. I listen to the sound his penis makes as he breeds me. Each time he pulls out for another thrust, I have to brace myself or his cock will just pull me backwards. My legs are frozen into place as I take his doghood over and over. I am his bitch tonight. I gave my body to my father and I'm loving every second of it.

"I think I might cum soon. I always forget how tight you are, pal." His whispers tickle my ear and I feel a little extra wetness as he thrusts into me. As his penis grows to full size, the pressure on my insides forces me to clench my teeth to keep from waking up the whole house. And things only get better...

Dad's head hangs down past my shoulder and he moans at the floor for a moment. I can tell he's having a little trouble controlling his hips. "Go for it, pop," I encourage quietly. He shudders hard, then I feel it. It's so warm that I moan along with him as it begins to seep out and down my balls. His eyes are screwed shut. I watch his face as he fucks me.

Dad's expression seems helpless even though I'm the helpless one. While being rammed from behind, I watch the slow twisting and turning of his head and listen to his shaky breathing. His thrusts are strong and steady. He's riding his climax so well... I watch dad have his orgasm as his big load seeps out and down my legs.

I lick his muzzle. "Still going?"

Without stopping, dad opens his eyes for a second and smiles at me. "You bet," he says before losing himself in the feeling again. It lasts for a few more seconds, then his hips start to slow down. Each time he shoves himself back in, more of his semen comes pouring out. Finally, he just stays in me, panting and smiling brightly in his afterglow.

"I love you, dad." His tongue is hanging out, so I give it a lick.

He nuzzles me back. "I love you too, son." I can tell by his scent that he's not done yet. I figure he's probably got one more in him. Suddenly, I feel a pulling. I'm stretched again as dad drags the middle of his penis backward through my hole. It hurts a little bit again after dad being in me so deep for so long. But in no time, he's pumping in and out of me again and the pain passes. For another quiet moment, I focus on that noise that his penis is making as it slides in and out. It's extra wet with his own cum and now each thrust makes sick squishing noises that I can hear echoing off the walls. His huge knot bumps against my hole hard enough to make me lose control of my voice.

"Uuuunngh! Fuck!" I almost shout. Dad's too busy to tell me not to use that kind of language or to be more quiet. He's getting faster. "Tie with me, pop!"

He stops thrusting, still panting a little. Again he lowers his head to my level and looks me in the eye, his eyebrows raised in a concerned sort of way. He says, "Are you sure you want to try this again?"

I nod. I can hear him gathering a bit more of my cum from the bowl and rubbing it on his knot. Then he grasps my hips and starts to push. Already, I wish I hadn't asked him to do this. Dad backs off for a second, then pulls my hips again, only harder. Some of it is slowly slipping in now. It feels so much bigger than I know it is. His bulge is forcing my hole to stretch so much more than normal that I think I'm actually crying. I stand quiet and frozen like I used to when I know I did something bad and just let him keep trying. He stops pushing. Then I feel him press himself against me even harder, getting a little bit more of it in me each time.

It's slow and painful. It hurts so can't be worth it! He stops pushing again. "We're almost there," he whispers. Suddenly, I push backward against him just as he tries to force his knot further in. I stretch around it and yelp with a sharp pain before it slips in. I moan helplessly as my hole locks tight around it, tying me with my father. I stand frozen again, my body stunned by a pressure inside me I can't describe. It feels...enormous! I swear it feels like he shoved an apple inside me! I hear him moan above me so loud I'm actually worried that he's woken someone up. But at this moment, I really don't care.

"Come on, dad. Fuck me," I demand. He starts rolling his hips, grinding his knot against me from the inside. It feels every single thrust is a little orgasm right inside me! I can't help but shudder and moan over and over about how good it feels. I have no idea why it feels like this, but as dad's hips go faster and faster, I stop caring. I don't even notice myself drooling all over the floor until dad licks some of it away from my mouth.

He's so far in me I can actually feel his big balls slapping gently against mine as they swing between his legs. His hips are bucking hard and I just take it. I want to. He's having a good time from the sound of things. "Fuck, you're tight, kid!" I've never heard him use a human word himself, now that I think about it. Suddenly, I hear my bowl being dragged across the floor. He pushes it right below my head as if to say, "Drink up." I smile to myself.

I look down into it. It's still about halfway filled with my cum. The smell drives me crazy. I dip my head down and start lapping it up, tasting myself as dad thrusts his knot into me. That feeling makes me blush. I sort of lose track of time before realizing that the bowl is empty now and I've been licking metal for the past few minutes. As my head comes back up, I feel a tongue at the side of my face. I don't hesitate turning toward it and kissing my father again, letting him taste my mouth and my cum.

It's perfect. I move against dad and listen to the sounds our bodies are making. We don't talk for a few moments. We don't think about whether this is right or wrong. We just kiss and mate.

Then I feel it... I've only been familiar with it for a few weeks, but I know exactly what that tingling between my legs means. I want to tell dad I'm about to blow, but all I can do is try and hold my breath to stop myself from howling like a wild dog. The way I'm squirming and panting, he can probably tell, anyway. The muscles in my butt clamp down tighter. We both break the kiss at the same time, and I can hear my dad making the same noises. I smile inside. I don't have the energy to smile for real. As my orgasm gets closer, it starts to feel like it'll be a long one... I start to hope... Those are incredible...

Then my dad lets go of my hips and he sets his paws back on the floor for support. He makes one big thrust...then another...then another... On the fourth thrust, I take in a quivering, shuddery gasp as his penis sends my body into orgasm. It happens so fast, I have no time to wonder how in the world I managed to climax without touching myself. I squeeze around him, squirting my mess on the carpet. "Oh, yeah!" he whispers shakily. I feel him stop and he hugs me. He grasps behind my knot with his other paw and lays himself straight against my back, balancing most of his weight on his hind legs. Neither of us move at all. We just breathe. We breathe almost like we're having the same orgasm, sharing one between us somehow.

It feels so good it's all I can think about. It fills my head and there's no room for any other thoughts. I can feel dad's giant knot pulsing in me as he fills me with cum and moans above me. We stand perfectly still like that, taking our time, making our orgasms last.

The best few minutes of my life pass by. It's unbelievable! Things are getting weird for me. The orgasm's not stopping. I can't stay still anymore. I start rubbing upward against dad's fur, I moan, I drool, I shiver, and there's nothing I can do about it. This is definitely the best one I've ever had. Even better than my very first orgasm that day in the bushes. Dad's older. He knows how to stay calm during these special ones - the powerful ones that last a few minutes. But not me. I'm squirming around and trembling and drooling everywhere... I think my body is going crazy! It feels like it's trying really hard to do something, but I don't know what and I don't know why and I can't make it stop!

My heart jumps. The light from the lamp is in my face, so I can't tell for sure, but I think I see someone peeking around the door... It looks like three little heads... My sisters!? My orgasm is so strong, I can't keep my eyes open to see.

Dad drops over onto my bed and rolls onto his back, taking me with him and laying me on his chest. I'm still feeling that feeling, twitching and squirting a little as I stare up at the ceiling. Dad's still holding his paw behind my knot. He lets out a long sigh. His climax is over. I force myself to look over dad's head back at the door, wondering if I'm actually seeing anything. The 'heads' in the doorway are still there. Should I tell dad?

A playful smack to my butt reminds me of the orgasm I'm still having. Dad takes a few breaths and chuckles. "You're still not done?" he says, noticing the short spurts coming from between my legs. Suddenly, I jerk and gasp as I feel a big paw rubbing the tip of my puppyhood. I thrust into it without even meaning to, oozing cum all over it. It feels great at first, but it doesn't take long before it's just too much.

"Stop," I manage in a quivering voice. Dad takes the paw away. I feel it move lower. He starts feeling my balls, rubbing the cum he gathered into the fur down there. I groan weakly and concentrate on that touch. He rubs me like that for a while until his breathing turns steady.

Lying so still, I can feel the pulsing of dad's knot and it's keeping my orgasm going. I listen to his breathing and ride his chest up and down. Sounds like he's asleep. "Dad?" I whisper through my pleasure. No answer. I don't really care much. I just grab myself behind my knot where dad left off to keep things going. I curl up into his arms and shut my own eyes, curious how long I can make this climax last...or how long I can take it... Lying on his chest like this, the pressure of his knot is very comfortable... Very...

I jerk awake when my dad rolls us over. We've probably been asleep for a while, because he slides out of me easily. I don't remember when my orgasm ended, but I'm exhausted and I just lie on my back as soon as I find my bed. Dad pads over to the lamp, pulls the string with his teeth, and the light disappears. I look up at him as he walks back over to me. All I can see his silhouette against the faint moonlight coming through the only window. I can't see his face, but I know he's smiling at me as he starts licking between my legs.

I like having him here to clean me up afterwards. I make myself comfortable and let him lick, almost falling asleep again before he's done. He stands over me and nuzzles me so gently...

My heart sinks and I realize it's time for him to go back downstairs. "Can you stay up here with me tonight?" I don't know why I asked.

Dad's quiet for a minute. "You know I can't."

"Why not?" I plead, even though I already know the answer.

"No one can ever know I come up here at all, Scamp. If someone caught us again...especially your mother..."

I sigh. "I know."

He nuzzles me again. "We had a lot of fun tonight though, didn't we?

I nod, faking a smile.

"... I love you, son."

I hug his head close, almost in tears. "I love you too, dad."

We share a quick kiss before he tells me, "Goodnight." I tell him the same as he walks over me, slips his collar back on, and nudges the door open. I don't want him to leave. I never do. I'm always so lonely after he goes. His short tail is the last part of him I see. It disappears behind the door, and I'm alone. Why does it have to be this way? Sometimes I wish dad and I could just run away from home... It could be just us out there on the streets. Of course, he could take care of me. He's the Tramp! We could do things our way out there like wild dogs!

I know we can't do that. We both love the rest of the family too much to just abandon them. All I can do is hope for another night...

But my sisters... They might have seen us. I don't want to believe they were actually there, but they might have been. I'm too tired to think about what might happen if they did see us. Too tired to think about much at all.

As I feel myself drifting off to sleep, all I can seem to think about is how much trouble me and dad might be in...