Lady and the Tramp Spanking
tramp shook his head. "when i was young i was just like you.
His Man
All he did with tramp was fuck him but never once did he think about putting another dog's cock in his mouth but he wanted to prove to scamp that he did change and that he didn't just love angel.
an unexpexted visit at the harem
.** **well it's nice to meet you tramp says shaking balto's paw. my name is tramp and this is lady tramp says pointing at his lover.
the vacation part 2
tramps asks looking down at lady. lady shows disgust while looking at tramp, "seriously" tramp a blow job and in a public place lady says feeling angry with tramp. "tramp i'm not going to degrade my self by putting you penis into my mouth"!
A Necessary Thing
He quickly lifted up tramp's veil with his nose. "ok tramp, you wanna keep your family safe?" "_yes_." tramp said, firmly. "then _kiss me_." buster practically ordered him.
The vacation part 3
Lady asks while looking up at tramp, i don't know but i wonder where their taking us tramp says looking down at his wife.** **soon tramp and lady can hear the unmistakable sound of water roarind down a cliff and into a large body of water.** **soon tramp
Ladys and Tramps date
tramp said. then jock a black scotland terrier came off of the porch and barked at tramp. tramp just ignored him and smacked jock in the nose with his long bushy tail.
Trampette is Born
tramp finally declared. "i love buster." lady and buster both gasped sharply in unison at tramp's answer.
Tramp's Test
Buster stood up and jumped up onto tramp and began to position his shaft tip to tramp's ass hole. tramp was bracing himself but buster was already making his way into tramp shooting some cum onto his flesh. "scamp come here and suck on my cock."
The vacation part 5
To tramp.
Lady and the Tramp: Tramp's Trails, Troubles and Tribulations
He panted heavily, drool dripping on tramp's face before he licked the back of tramp's neck. "bitch... good bitch..." reggie muttered the first legible words tramp could understand. "my bitch."
Chapter 3: Tramps Gone, Ladys Mistake
tramp snapped. buster buried his claws into tramps ribs, causing tramp to yelp. "now i can take as long as i can tramp, even though your bitch could be in trouble i still won't let you off the hook." buster said.