If The Bus Is Rockin' [Commission]

Story by rand0m on SoFurry

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A commission for lobopunk93 .

"Mornin' George! Need any help getting in?" the matronly rhino chirped from behind the wheel as she opened the door for her passenger.

"That's okay, I can manage." the Collie replied. He was still a bit awkward with his crutches, but the handicap bus rode pretty low.

"You know, I thought someone was playing a prank on me when they told me I'd be picking up our track star. So how come you're taking my bus?"

"I twisted my ankle running a few days ago."

"Not serious I hope?" the rhino asked, closing the door behind him and waiting for him to get settled down before driving on.

"Not really. The pills they gave me work for the pain, but the doctor said that if I wanted to be back to normal as fast as possible, I needed to keep all my weight off it until it heals."

"Well, that's some good news, at least. Now, let's get you to class!" Kenya said, putting the bus into gear and getting them on their way.

"You aren't picking up anyone else?"

"Well I'd usually have Bobby and Martha back there, but they're both home sick with the flu, so it looks like for the time being I'm your personal chauffer. Sorry it's not much of a limo..." she finished, and they both smiled at the idea.

The old General-Motors Vandura wouldn't have been considered a luxury ride when it was new, and the bus showed its age with squeaky suspensions that made it bounce with every little bump and hole in the road. Not that it was necessarily a bad thing.

Kenya Dandelion was a veteran of the school buses and been giving George rides since grade school, before all of her kids were off to college and she took the less demanding job of driving the handicap bus. And those bad suspensions made the young canine realize just how much he'd missed having her drive him.

Being a rhino, Kenya didn't have the sort of body you'd see walking down a runway at a fashion show, but she could definitely turn heads walking down the street. At eighteen years, George had managed to hit the six foot mark, but he knew the matronly rhino was just a few inches shy of seven. Her cheerful, motherly disposition could make you forget that, and overlook the muscles hidden under some every generous curves, provided she stayed cheerful.

Through the years, a lot of boys deciding to settle things with a fight had figured the school parking lot would be the perfect spot, being out of the sight of teachers and security guards, but not the student body. The problem was that it was Kenya's turf, and she didn't need to bother with security. Hardened delinquents would lose both face and the will to fight as the rhino held them apart, almost dangling each young man as she gripped them by their collars. The sight of her advancing purposefully was enough to pacify people, and George knew just why. He'd rather fight the whole football team than Mrs. Dandelion in a bad mood.

But right now she was in a good one, and the young Collie was trying to subtly appreciate her decidedly softer aspects. Kenya was a professional and kept her eyes on the road, allowing the young canine to sneak long, loving glances at the mirror that showed the driver the passengers, and incidentally gave George a good view of the driver.

It had been a thrilling little pastime of his, and plenty of other boys, since the onset of puberty, when a boy's need for feminine affection slowly switches from motherly to sensual, making them very susceptible to a woman like Kenya who had plenty of both. The rhino gal was heavy, but the way her weight was distributed made even the idea of a diet seem blasphemous. Despite a soft belly, her massive breasts, wide hips and a generous behind nevertheless gave her an hourglass figure, and one with a lot of bounce to it. Especially with the bad suspensions.

Looking at her now George marveled at how well the woman had aged, barely changing after all those years. He began to realize that he had changed though, and that taking his eyes off the rhino femme was a lot harder than it used to be. When he was younger, it had been just the occasional thrilling glance, but now his eyes were glued to the sight of her, flicking away only whenever she'd glance in his direction.

"So George, you gotta girlfriend?"

The question came on their second day, while en route to school, and had actually stunned the young canine who'd been daydreaming at the time. After all, they'd hit a few substantial pot-holes, and the sight of Kenya's voluptuous form bouncing had set his mind wandering.

"Uh, no. Not right now..." he recovered, skipping over the fact that he'd never really had a serious girlfriend. He was certainly handsome enough, and running left him with a body he knew caught the girls' attention, but he took his athletics seriously - no drinking, no smoking, early to bed and early to rise - which didn't give him much of a social life.

"What, a handsome young man like you?" Kenya asked, making the young sheepdog look sheepish. "Well, don't worry about it. But let me give you a little piece of advice..." she continued when George failed to respond with anything other than a blush. "Girls and women both like a lot of attention, especially from boys they like. So if you find one that catches your eye, give her a lot of attention and keep giving it to her for as long as you're together. After all, if you stop paying attention to your lady, you never know where she's going to look for some..." she finished, and George was sure he'd picked up a little bit of frustration in that last part, making him think that Mr. Dandelion was being less than attentive.

A girl that catches my eye? he thought. Well, there were several that did, but after he'd actually heard the curvy rhino say the words 'keep giving it to her', he was having a hard time thinking about any woman other than her.

"Uh, what's with the mattress back there?" he asked, pitting to a sizable mattress occupying the empty space meant for passengers in wheelchairs.

"Oh, that's so I can catch a nap or two during my downtime. Otherwise it rides on the roof rack. I have to wake up at five in the morning every school day, and a woman my age needs all the beauty sleep she can get." she said, feigning low self-esteem, although it was obvious she was justifiably proud of the way she looked.

"Isn't it kind of a pain to haul the thing up and down all the time?" he asked, and in response Kenya took one hand off the wheel for a second and flexed her arm, giving him a sly look as her muscles bulged under her shirt. George was reminded that the woman was all curves - some hard and some soft - and he was finding it harder and harder to keep his eyes off either.


The Collie was trying to both sneak and limp through the empty school corridors, his keen ears perked up for anyone that might catch him. It was sixth period and he was trying to dodge math class since he knew they were supposed to be having a test today, figuring that if he was pressed he could always give them a story about his leg acting up.

He normally wouldn't have doubted his ability to at least pass the test, but recently thinking about anything else apart from a certain matronly rhino was becoming a harder and harder to do. It had been a couple of weeks since she'd first given him a ride, and being on the bus with her had become the highlight of the young canine's days.

He picked up the sound of heavy footfalls and quickly ducked into the nearby restroom. His leg had healed enough that he no longer had to use crutches, but the elasticated bandage was still on and the school was still (thankfully!) forcing him to use the handicap bus for liability reasons. Taking a careful peek, he spotted Mr. Dandelion, Kenya's husband and the school custodian making his way out the back door in long strides.

George didn't really follow the bulky rhino, but had intended to make his escape out the same door and didn't see a need to change that plan now. When he spotted the huge grey male make his way along the parking lot and open the emergency door on the back of the handicap bus, his interest was piqued.

Still limp-sneaking as best as he could, the young Collie made his way towards the bus, noting that the windows in the back had been covered up with white sheets and that a 'Back in 40 minutes' sign was stuck to the back door. His keen hearing picked up low mumbles and murmurs from inside, but even he couldn't make out any words, just a tone that was either conspiratorial or intimate.

He figured it was more likely intimate when a short while later the bus began to rock from side to side, it's shoddy suspension squeaking with every suggestive sway of the big yellow vehicle. At that moment George didn't care about the risk of getting caught peeping, or getting caught ditching class. He made his way around the bus, frantically searching for a break in the improvised curtains.

He was briefly frustrated when he found none, until he realized that the front was uncovered. Standing at the front door and angling his eyes just right, the young canine managed to catch a glimpse of what he was looking for in the driver's mirror.

The two amorous pachyderms were both doing their best not to make noise, but George doubted he would have heard them over the sound of his blood pounding in his ears at the sight of Kenya in all her naked glory, slowly riding her husband's massive shaft. The bulky male was seated on the driver's 'beauty sleep' mattress with his back against one side of the bus while his wife knelt with her legs straddling his crotch, her hips rising and falling in smooth, slow strokes as she slid her sex up and down the shaft stretching her lips.

The dog's eyes were riveted to that mirror, only managing to pick out so many details, but his brain was busily supplying the rest. For the past couple of weeks, his days, and particularly nights, had been filled with visions of a naked Kenya, but they failed to do her justice. The boy realized just how restrictive her uniform was as he feasted his eyes on the sight of the rhino gal's massive breasts swinging free from her powerful chest.

He imagined himself in the place of her husband even as the male rhino put his big, heavy hands on the pillowy mounds and began to knead them roughly. Kenya seemed to respond to the treatment, arching her back and sticking her chest out, pushing her majestic rack towards those groping hands even as she rode her husband's mammoth erection, the grey shaft now glistening as it slid between her folds.

The canine felt a twinge of both jealousy and arousal course through him as Mr. Dandelion released one pear-shaped teat, only to bring his muzzle down on a stiff nipple and draw it into his mouth, Kenya failing to entirely suppress a moan as her husband began to kiss and suckle the sensitive nub. The collie didn't even realize his own mouth was hanging open as he fantasized about the taste of the voluptuous female on his tongue and the sensation of his lips pressing against that perfect grey teat.

He found himself almost panting as he watched the buxom female passionately ride her mate, transfixed by the flare of her hips and the perfect curvature of that bubbly behind as it rose and fell, Kenya making sure to arch her back every time she bottomed out, taking every inch of the rutting rhino inside her.

He lost track of time staring at their reflection, and only realized they had been speeding up their lovemaking when the squeaks of the suspensions turned to thuds and groans. Stepping back a little from the trembling vehicle, George was stunned to realize that the two were going at it with such force and vigor that the entire bus was noticeably bouncing with every stroke of the amorous rhinos.

The young Collie had managed to tear his eyes away from the mating pair, even though it took every last shred of willpower he had. He made his way slowly and quietly (not that the two would hear him) away from the bus, but he didn't even see the parking lot around him. The sight Of Kenya biting a finger to keep herself from crying out, riding her husband so hard that her ripe tits were bouncing despite the grip the male had on them seemed to have burned itself on the canine's retinas as he limped away so that he wouldn't be seen once the rutting pair was finished.

He realized how close he'd cut it only when the yellow bus gave one last tortured thump, the ensuing silence filled by a long, low groan. The Collie couldn't help but blush at the thought of the male's two gigantic balls twitching as the luckiest man on earth bred his mate...


On their way from school, George was sitting next to Kenya once again, trying desperately to hide the bulge in his pants. The sight of the motherly rhino drew his eye even more after the performance he'd seen, every pothole making the curvy female's chest bounce, bringing to mind the sight of her massive breasts moving in her husband's grip as she rode his girthy shaft. But in the Collie's imagination, it was his black and white furred hands on those pillowy teats, and his slick red cock that the buxom rhino was sliding up and down on.

He snapped back to reality when the rumble of the bus's engine stopped, realizing that instead of his house, Kenya had parked on some dead-end dirt road, with weeds and shrubs growing densely on either side of them.

"Hope you don't mind the detour honey, but I kinda wanted to have a little chat with you." She said, getting up from her seat and walking back towards the mattress. Once she was comfy, she patted a spot next to her, inviting the still stunned canine over.

"Uh sure, but won't Mr. Dandelion wonder where you are?" George said as he settled down right next to Kenya, blushing a little as he realized he was quite close to her, and that his head was level with her pillowy chest.

"That's kind of why I'm in no hurry to go back home. We got into another argument this morning..."

"But you seemed fine ear..." the canine blurted out, eyes almost popping out of his head as he realized his blunder.

"Ah, well what happened earlier... " the rhino gal continued, putting a sly emphasis on the word "... was just us blowing off some steam. It gets rid of some of the tension, but doesn't really solve anything. But at least you got an eyeful, huh?" she said, the canine besides her still looking like a deer in headlights despite her strangely cheerful tone.

"Y-you mean you knew...?"

"Mm-hmm. I have to say, having a handsome young man's eyes on me gave me quite a thrill. That's why I made sure to give you something to look at." She said with a wink, and George remembered how the bus had gone from squeaking to actually bouncing from the sheer force of the rhinos' coupling.

"I'm sorry, it's just that ever since you started driving me I couldn't keep from looking at you and thinking about you..." the canine confessed with a blush.

"Did you imagine what I looked like naked?"


"Did you touch yourself?" Kenya asked, her voice becoming husky as George only managed to nod. "So what are you going to do about it?"

"Wh-what?" the young canine asked with a start, head snapping up to meet the rhino femme's deep, warm eyes.

"I'm saying - you've got the woman of your dreams alone, she's giving you the look... what are you going to do about it?"

It took a few seconds for the Collie to formulate his response, and it came in the form of a kiss as he craned his neck to bring his muzzle to Kenya's, feeling the woman's lips press themselves against his as she gave a little moan, the sound making the fur on the back of his neck stand on end as it spurred him on.

His hands hadn't bothered waiting for a signal from his brain, shooting up as they pressed themselves against the rhino's magnificent breasts. He gave them a gentle squeeze, feeling how taught the fabric of her shirt was as it struggled to contain those glorious globes. He could feel a tingle coursing up his arms as he palmed those pliant mounds, indulging in something every boy in the bus that took him to grade school had dreamt of doing.

"Ah, wait. We can't... I mean, your husband..." he said, trying to catch his breath as he broke the kiss at the urging of his conscience (and his sense of self-preservation, as he weighed his odds against a massive enraged rhino).

"Honey, are you going to ask me to leave my husband so you can make an honest woman out of me?" Kenya asked, her mouth curling into a smile that George soon matched at the thought of the two of them getting married.

"Well, no..." he admitted sheepishly.

"Then there's no problem. I'm not offering you anything my man can't have any time he wants, but I told you what happens when you don't give the girl you care about enough attention..."

That was as much as the young canine could take, and once he saw Kenya's fingers gently undoing the buttons of his shirt he began to do the same to hers, his trembling hands prompting the voluptuous femme to undo some of her own clothes to speed things up. Once they were both in the nude, Kenya lowered herself onto the mattress, laying down as the Collie's eyes followed every movement.

George stood there motionless as he drank in the sight of the rhino gal as she lay there, the dappled sunlight dancing on her smooth skin as the breeze sent the leafy branches outside the buss swaying. Even though neither of them had any clothes on, the motherly rhino looked decidedly more naked, without so much as a hair below her neck to cover up the various curves and folds the young canine's eyes were roaming over.

A coy little smile curving Kenya's lips told him just how much she was enjoying the attention, the curvy female seeming to bask in his adoring gaze as much as the sunlight. Deciding to up the ante, she struck a little pose for the Collie, stretching her arms out so that her hands came to rest over her mound just as she spread her legs, those thick thighs parting in an unsubtle invitation to the adoring canine while at the same time keeping her femininity teasingly out of sight.

This also meant her breasts were now squeezed between her strong arms, and George's jaw actually dropped at the sight of them. The pillowy mounds of feminine flesh had spread over the rhino femme's chest after she'd laid down, but now they were pressed together and pushed up, framed by the woman's powerful limbs.

The Collie didn't remember kneeling on the mattress, had no recollection of planting his hands on it and slowly crawling over Kenya's supine form. He did remember the sight of the woman's breasts rising and falling with every deep, eager breath, recollected perfectly how her nipples had stiffened up under his gaze moments before he brought his muzzle to one inviting nub and closed his lips around it.

Kenya had moaned out lustily as his tongue flicked against the sensitive tip, the Collie replying with a groan as his fantasy of tasting one of those magnificent mounds was finally fulfilled. He felt a hand gently land on the back of his head, mussing his hair a little before it pressed his face against the massive teat. Emboldened by the possessive and approving gesture, George began to suckle on the nipple in his muzzle, drawing it a bit deeper into his mouth as he licked and kissed around it, hearing Kenya gasp in delight at the sensation of his teeth brushing gently against the delicate nub.

He lowered himself on top of his lover, not surprised at the ease with which she bore his weight despite the warmth and softness of her bare skin against his fur. Her big grey breast filling his vision, the canine groping blindly for a second before his hand came to rest on the rhino femme's other teat, his fingers tingling as they sank into the warm, pliant flesh. He heard another moan of delight, low and long, just between his perked-up ears a few seconds before he felt Kenya's lips on the top of his head as the matronly rhino planted little kisses on his hair.

Her hands began to roam his body, traveling down his muscular back before sliding lower, a little murmur of surprise and approval sounding from just above him as Kenya felt what sort of cheeks running every day for years gave you. Not to be outdone, the canine pressed his muzzle more firmly against her ripe mound, feeling it sink in just a little as his remaining hand lovingly groped the other fleshy globe.

He might have spent hours like that, having lost all track of time with his head buried in the rhino gal's bosom, but Kenya had other ideas. He felt startled when her hands left his behind and wrapped themselves around his slim waist just before the female he was draped over easily lifted his hips and shifted his whole body forward. Her nipple left his muzzle with a wet pop as he suddenly found his face in her neck, and his fully erect cock poking at something warm and very moist.

A finger was pressed under his chin and he found his muzzle being lifted upwards until he was looking into Kenya's eyes, seeing the warmth and hunger reflected in those deep brown orbs. As her lips pressed against his, the young canine opened his mouth on reflex, allowing the experienced woman's tongue to slip in and began to playfully flick against his own. As they both moaned into their kiss, George could feel his shaft twitch and squirt against the cleft between the rhino's legs which had already seemed quite wet.

"Ahh! It's... you're my..." he tried to say as their lips parted, suddenly gasping for breath as Kenya gave him a sultry, expecting look.

"Shhh, its okay honey. Take all the time you need..." she said, and as kind and caring as the statement was, it was delivered in a husky tone the female knew full well would only be oil on the fire already burning inside the eager young male.

She wasn't surprised when she felt a hot, hard tip poke blindly against her slick lips a few times before the tapered head came to rest between them, the Collie's eyes loosing focus as instinct took over. One buck of his hips sent several inches of smooth canine flesh past her folds, the grey-skinned female gasping in delight as the silky walls of her sex eagerly wrapped themselves around the spurting length. She wrapped her arms around the boy who'd just given her his virginity, feeling his body tense for a second before he gave another thrust, sending more of his cock sliding into her eager sex.

George's teeth clenched as the sensation of the rhino femme's warm tunnel squeezing around his shaft threatened to overwhelm him. All the wet dreams he'd had about her, all the fantasies, and he still wasn't prepared for the real thing as he pushed himself deeper inside her inch by inch. Warm, dripping walls hugged his twitching shaft and the Collie knew that if he hadn't stroked himself off in the school bathroom after having witnessed Kenya ride her husband, he would never have been able to last this long. Even so, when he felt his still un-swollen knot slip inside the motherly rhino, his furry sheath rubbing against the slick lips even now splayed around his length, he had to take a moment to catch his breath.

Kenya just nuzzled the top of her young lover's head, knowing that letting him have this little respite was important if she wanted to get a proper performance out of the boy. As the fresh musk of the young male filled her nostrils, she realized just how much she'd missed having a furry lover in her arms. The smell of his soft, fluffy coat, as well as the sensation of it against her bare skin brought back memories of her life before marriage, the mere recollection of those tender, steamy moments making her feel younger.

The feeling of George's slim knot leaving her honeypot brought her mind back to the present, as the handsome young canine lying prone on top of her pulled most of his slick red length out of her, making the grey-skinned woman sigh in anticipation of having that wonderful shaft pushed back into her loving depths. Although he lacked experience, the boy did have an athlete's muscular body, and when he once again sheathed his cock within her, the stroke was smooth and forceful, driving the canine member as deep within her as it could go.

She rewarded it with a sultry coo in one of the Collie's ears, smiling as she saw the black fur on the back of his neck bristle as the sound of feminine delight drove him to further demonstrate his masculinity. Since she was his first, she decided to give him this, playing the eager female passively accepting his amorous efforts. It would serve to make him feel more at ease with her and build his confidence a little, but Kenya knew she could only keep up the charade for so long. Before their little session was over, she'd make sure he knew how to appreciate a more active lover. After all, if the boy had wanted a female who'd just moan and pant as she lay beneath him, he would have chosen a girl his own age.

His first few thrusts into the rhino's heavenly body had been conscious things, but as the smell of the buxom woman helped him relax, George found his hips moving as if on their own, following an instinctive rhythm as they sawed in and out past the rhino femme's glistening folds. He wondered briefly if he was making her feel as good, knowing full well that he couldn't compare to her husband when it came to sheer size.

But even if the noises Kenya was making were superbly faked, there was no denying the wetness of her sex, or how snug it felt around his cock. Her love-tunnel seemed to have a rhythm of its own, relaxing every time he pushed himself inside and clinging to him like a silken vise when he pulled his rosy length out. He wanted desperately to make her feel as good as she was making him feel, to hear, see and feel her cumming as he rutted her. And while he knew he couldn't compare to a fully grown rhino in size, he did have the stamina of a young athlete in his prime.

With that in mind, he braced his arms against the mattress, Kenya's breasts large enough to stay pressed against his chest even as he lifted himself slightly off her before he picked up his pace. He was still pulling out almost all the way out of her, but his hips were now a blur as he began to hump her with a vigor that would have made his feral ancestors proud, his slowly inflating knot making lewd slurping sounds as it slipped in and out of her messy sex, churning their juices within the rhino as her canine lover began to breed her with every ounce of strength he had.

Kenya was pleasantly surprised by the initiative, and more importantly the energy her young lover was showing, and decided to help him out a little. She spread her legs apart just a little bit further, bending them at the knees a little as she planted her feet against the mattress. With her newfound leverage, she lifted her hips - as well as the rutting canine - just a little, her sex now angled so that the Collie was thrusting both down and forward.

The new position allowed the matronly rhino to take as much of her canine lover's shaft as he could give her, his impressive length not nearly enough to truly bottom out inside her, but just long and thick enough to rub against all the curvy female's most sensitive spots. Not to mention that the slowly growing knot battering at her lips every time it was driven in was bringing back fond memories, and Kenya found herself eager to see just how big the boy's bulge would get.

She was honestly expecting the boy to finish up quite soon, but to her surprise and delight the young canine seemed tireless as he jackhammered away for all he was worth, the rhino femme's new position allowing him to get deep enough inside her that the smacks of his crotch slamming away between her thighs rang out through the bus. It had been a very long time since anyone had rutted her with such vigor and intensity, and as much as some part of her wanted to just lay back and enjoy the energetic breeding, the boy had stoked her flames too high for her to just sit back and take him.

"Hold on, sweetie..." she told her young lover as she put her hands on his shoulders and began to easily maneuver his toned young body. "Let's try something a little different..."

George was confused, but he reluctantly allowed the stronger female to pull him off and out of her, his cock leaving her sex with a squelch as he found himself being pushed onto his back. The warmth of Kenya's smile as she looked down at him seemed to highlight, rather than diminish, the predatory gleam in her deep brown eyes. He was panting as the woman of his dreams straddled his hips, never once taking her eyes off his as she put one hand on his member and slowly guided it to the dripping lips of her sex.

She lowered herself slowly, agonizingly so as she swiveled her flared hips from side to side, cooing in delight as his shaft prodded different spots inside her as inch after steely inch was slowly swallowed up by the motherly rhino's greedy cunny. She gave George her best bedroom look when his knot began to part her folds, moaning out loud as her pace became slower still, to the point that the Collie could no longer maintain eye contact.

Looking down, the young canine's eyes went wide at the sight of his mature lover's glistening grey lips part slowly around his growing bulge as the buxom female lowered herself onto it at a snail's pace. When the widest point was stretching her, the canine looked up, meting the woman's sultry gaze and finding himself unable to look away. Kenya smiled at this little triumph as she let the red bulge slip inside her, grinding her sex against the Collie's crotch as she held him within her. Her conquest of the boy complete, she struck a little victory pose, stretching her arms above her head, and knowing full well at the effect it will have.

An expression of naked awe plastered itself over the canines face as his vision was filled by the sight of the rhino femme's majestic rack. As her arms rose, the muscles on her chest stretched and tightened, lifting her heavy breasts higher until the ripe, pillowy mounds seemed to defy both her age and gravity itself! Each of her massive teats was now almost perfectly round at the bottom but seemed to grow narrower at the top, forming the shape of two majestic teardrops that rose and fell with every lusty breath of the woman straddling him. Each pear-shaped breast was tipped with a stiff nipple, the two globes so close that he could almost...

It was only then that George remembered this wasn't one of his many fantasies and that this time he actually_could_ lay his hands one those glorious breasts. But something became quite clear once he'd reverently laid his hands against the quivering mounds of soft feminine flesh. The picture of Kenya straddling the husband just like this was still very much fresh in his mind, and he realized he'd pictured himself as the male rhino, firmly groping those globes as they filled his hands.

But his hands were considerably smaller then Kenya's husband's, something that the Collie only fully realized when his palms barely managed to cover the rhino gal's dark-grey areolae. Instead of confidently cupping the mouthwatering mounds, his hands seemed to sink a little into Kenya's pillowy teats, the sheer abundance of feminine flesh spilling from his paws despite his best efforts to hold it.

The rhino femme smiled at her young lover's efforts, placing her larger hands on top of his and helping him give her a good groping even as she swiveled her hips on his crotch, murmuring in satisfaction at the sensation of his canine member shifting inside her. Part of her wanted nothing more than to just ride the Collie to heaven and back, but she knew the inexperienced young man would have a short fuse, and that she needed to pace herself.

She began to arch her back, grinding against her lover back and forth as the motion made the knot trapped just inside her sex throb against her silky walls. Once she was sure George was safely away from the edge, her hips rose, the swollen bulb stretching her enough to make her gasp as it slipped out of her, followed by a drizzle of both the canine's juices and her own.

She began to slowly lift herself off her young lover, smiling at the way his fists clenched from the sensation of his cock sliding out of her depths. After he was almost all the way out of her she reversed direction, increasing her tempo as she one again sheathed the canine's cock inside her, his engorged knot making her gasp as it stretched her folds before sinking inside.

George groaned out as the matronly rhino began to ride him, all the while keeping his hands clasped firmly against her mammoth chest. Every time his knot sank inside her dripping sex he felt his cock twitch, his instinct urging him to tie with a fertile bitch and fill her to the brim. But he felt no disappointment every time the growing bulge would leave Kenya's slit, the tugging sensation as her muscles clung to the swollen bulb bringing him close to climax every time.

Looking up at her he couldn't help but notice her hairless face showing a clear blush spreading across grey skin, telling him that she was enjoying herself as much as he was. She settled into a steady rhythm, flared hips rising and falling as she rode his lap, the wet sounds of their coupling joined by familiar squeaks as the bus began to sway and rock. He began to knead her breasts in time to the motion of her hips, feeling a thrill as the older female moaned out every time his fingers dug into the soft flesh of her pillowy mounds.

Although the motherly rhino was certainly used to thick shafts, she found the knot an altogether different experience - her sex was clinging tightly to get as much stimulation from the steely canine length sliding in and out of her, which made the swollen bulb at the base a very pleasant surprise by contrast. As she felt her climax approaching, the rhino femme leaned over her young lover, plating her hands on either side of his head as she picked up her pace, sliding only far enough to let that red ball slip out of her before she drove her hips back and swallowed it once again.

Without Kenya's helping hands, George knew he had no hope of keeping a hold on the massive globes, moving his hands lower along her smooth body until they'd settled on her pillowy cheeks. He could feel the bucking rhino drive his hips into the mattress every time he bottomed out, and only hoped his body was made of stronger stuff that the bus' suspensions.

Without anything to hold them back, the rhino femme's breasts were now swinging free, two glorious grey globes bouncing so close to him that they were actually hitting his muzzle with every hypnotic swing. So awed was he by the sight of those heavy teats swinging mere inches from his eyes that he missed the clenching of Kenya's sex as the rhino femme fucked him right through her orgasm.

The older woman's climax only made her hungry for more, and since she knew her young lover could only last so long, she decided to step things up a little. After all, it had been ages since she had such a toned, limber young man underneath her, and it would be a shame to waste such an opportunity.

"Hope you don't mind, sweetie, but there's something I've always wanted to try..." she said, panting a little as she admired the sight of the young Collie's shaft twitching against the white fur covering his stomach. A young bitch would have had quite a bit of trouble taking a cock that size, so it was probably for the best that the boy had ran into her.

George was too surprised to formulate his response, or even catch his breath, but his eyes must have been pleading for the rhino femme to continue. He wasn't sure what she had in mind and had even less of an idea when she grabbed his ankles and lifted his legs as she pushed them forward. She shifted her grip to just below his knees as she folded them against his chest.

The mature female couldn't help but grin at the expression on the Collie's face, his arousal mixing with embarrassment as she easily held his legs stretched and pulled up high enough so that his rump was slightly off the ground. As she squatted over him, she managed to catch the tip of his rosy shaft between her lips, looking deep into his eyes as she once again sheathed his cock within her dripping folds.

As the rhino gal began to move George was sure his blush was showing through his fur as he realized that with his legs spread apart like this and despite the fact that his cock was penetrating her, he was definitely the one being fucked. The motion of her flared hips was a little different, as the rhino moved both backwards and forwards instead of up and down, groaning with delight as this made his cock poke and prod her in entirely new ways.

And although this was his first time, the canine suspected that he would have tied with a smaller partner by now. Although he could barely see it from this angle, he felt Kenya's sex tug harder and harder every time the rhino pulled herself off him and the cute way she grunted every time she forced the throbbing bulb back inside her messy sex.

The knot slipping in and out of her felt incredibly intense, and Kenya actually wondered if she'd be sore in the morning from the rutting she was giving the young collie. But as tempting as it was to just let the boy tie with her and fill her up, the delight of fucking him like this had brought her close to the edge again, and she didn't feel like stopping until she'd gotten herself off once more. She picked up the pace, the bus groaning and the matters squeaking, but the sounds coming from her canine lover told her that he didn't mind the pounding.

"Ungh... I'm gonna..." George grunted out beneath her as every downward stroke of her pelvis drove some of the air out of his lungs.

"Do it honey, give me every last drop..." she cooed out, lowering herself until his knot was lodged firmly inside her sex as she ground her crotch against him.

The feeling of being tied finally sent the canine over the edge, the Collie's jaws clenching as he felt his cock swell even further before he began to spray the rhino femme's insides with squirt after squirt of puppy juice. A few seconds later he heard Kenya moan and felt her sex squeeze and milk his spurting shaft, sighing in contentment at the knowledge that he'd managed to get his lover off.

Even though the rhino knew she could have pulled herself off despite the swollen bulb stuffing her she stayed tied to the collie until she felt him begin to deflate as he gave her the last few trickles of his warm, gooey spunk. After he'd slipped out she gave him a little time to recover before driving him home, letting him know that she'd be quite eager to rock the buss with him again.


The coo of the rhino femme kneeling in front of him sent a tingle running down George's back, the canine savoring the sight of his red shaft disappearing between the woman's moist folds as she arched her back for him. Although he'd learned by now that she preferred to be on top, she'd announced that she would be treating him to a doggy-style mating today.

And although he couldn't really get a good glimpse of her mesmerizing cleavage, the young canine found his mouth practically watering at the sight of the bubbly grey rump thrust out towards him. The smooth cheeks felt like silk under his paw-pads, and whenever he gave them a squeeze he could feel the soft flesh covering them yield to his touch until his fingers pressed into the firm muscle beneath it.

He quickly sheathed his entire cock into the eager woman, knowing by now that she could easily take whatever he had to give her. Once he was hilted he ground his sheath against her slit a few times, feeling her tunnel grip him firmly as his length shifted inside her, rubbing her silky walls in all the right ways before he began to rut her in earnest. As he began to slide in and out of her dripping sex, the sounds of their bodies smacking against each other were joined by the squeaks and groans of the Dandelion family's minivan which was serving as their little love-nest while the bus rested in its garage during the weekend.

After their first few times spent in the yellow vehicle, George had offered to pay for a motel room, but Kenya had quite firmly declined, explaining that she loved the spice the risk of getting caught added. Apparently she and her husband had been doing it for ages, since they'd learned that when they were in the minivan parked in their garage they could be a little louder without worrying about their kids overhearing them.

That had in time led to nookie at the school parking lot and soon enough their marriage bed was only for sleeping in. Apparently, Kenya's husband had become a decent mechanic, after having to fix the suspension on both their cars and the school busses, to stop people from getting curious about just how they got so worn out so often. And even though George was sure nobody had ever seen them, he knew there was no hiding a vehicle creaking as it swayed and bounced in a suggestive rhythm.

They had enjoyed several of these amorous encounters by now, and while he didn't experience the same thrill from the risk of getting caught, he couldn't help but wonder what people thought as they passed by a heavy vehicle that looked like someone was stress-testing new hydraulic raisers. A few days ago they'd done it in Mr. Dandelion's SUV, a car that Kenya explained was somewhere between a fix-up hobby and a mid-life crisis for her mate.

He'd been seated comfortably in the back while the rhino femme rode his lap, his face lost somewhere between her titanic mounds as she bucked and ground against him. George couldn't help but wonder at the faces of people passing them by in the mall parking lot. He imagined a young married couple passing by a big, heavy Ford bouncing hard enough to get its rear tires off the ground and wondered what went through their heads at the sight. He wondered how many people seeing them got inspired to try the same thing with each other...

Even as he drove his knot in and out of the moaning rhino's glistening sex his keen ears could pick up what sounded like the football team heading back from practice - loud, boisterous voices that seemed to fall into an almost reverent hush when the speakers got close enough to see the mini-van swaying like a ship at sea. But the Collie kept going, knowing that even if sheets covering the windows fell off this moment and revealed the two of them, he wouldn't be able or willing to stop.

And apparently it wasn't only his ears that picked up their brief audience. Kenya had pushed back against his thrusts with enough force that the Collie was sure he'd have been knocked back on his ass if he hadn't had such a good grip on the rhino gal's bubbly butt. Not to be outdone, he moved his hands a little higher, grabbing hold of her hips as he began to buck with all his strength, his fur failing to muffle the smack of flesh on flesh as he bred her for all she was worth, admiring all the while the way her ass rippled with every savage thrust.

Even as she was rutted senseless, Kenya couldn't help but smile at the energy the young canine displayed now that she finally allowed him to mound her like this. She had to admit the position was enjoyable, but deep down she just couldn't lay back and let her male do all the work, no matter how good a job he was doing. With that in mind, she made sure to move around, thrusting back against her lover's humping and keeping him on his toes.

George tightened his grip on the rhino's hips although at this point it was less of a possessive gesture and more a need to hold on for dear life. His eyes traveled up the motherly rhino's back and settled on the dense braid of red hair dangling from her head as he considered grabbing it and getting a batter grip on her. He decided against it, knowing Kenya wouldn't be offended, but certain that she would feel the need to reassert her dominance, and worried about what she might do to accomplish that.

Instead the young canine lifted first one foot, then the other, getting up from his kneeling position until he was squatting over his lover's ample behind, all the while keeping his cock sheathed between her plump lips. Bracing his hind paws against the floor he redoubled his efforts, pulling out just far enough for his knot to leave Kenya's sex before the swollen bulb was forced back inside the moaning female.

The rhino femme couldn't stop a low, shaky moan from leaving her throat, admiring the sheer youthful vigor with which the Collie attacked her rear end. She arched her back as far as she could as the humping canine drove his cock into her at a downward angle, getting every last inch of him in her slippery sex. She tightened her muscles down there, sighing as this made the knot rip in and out of her almost painfully, the bulb making lewd sounds as it churned their juices within her dripping love-tunnel.

The boy had kept it up to the point that Kenya was sure her lips had gone from gray to a rosy-red that would almost match the knot that had been battering at them for what seemed like an eternity. But when she felt the weight of the young collie draped over her back just as the whole thing was pushed deep inside her as it would go, she knew the youth was done.

The feeling of that bulb at the base of George's cock growing even bigger had gotten her to within an inch of her own climax, and as the first of many ropes of canine cum were pumped inside her, her lover wrapped his arms around her chest, his hands sliding under her hanging breasts as he cupped the heavy mounds, squeezing them in time to the pulses of his cock. That sent Kenya over the edge and she moaned out as she came around her lover's shaft, not wondering or caring if anyone was around to hear.


As the doe walked towards her car she scrunched her face in annoyance at the sight of the almost bouncing bus, and the telling moan coming from it once the squeaking had stopped. She'd been teaching here for almost fifteen years, and knew the two rhinos' martial escapades were the schools worst kept secret.

Honestly, those two should really act their age...