
#7 of take in the scenery 1:37 a.m sun go to high school tomorrow im not ready :( the kids pointed and the kids laughed at the young man that sat in the back of the class.

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High School and Obedience School

school that has more problems then your marriage, that's right i went there, snap snap snap."

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Old School is the New School

I schooled my face to hide my shit-eating grin as i lowered my voice and said in front of her, "besides, like i said... bitches love cannons."

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Fortune-chapter one Love??? (part one)

His last school kind of sucked, the teachers where annoying and they had no control over the students, and then there was the fact that he had to go to school at all.

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So apparently I'm intimidating!

So, when you walk fast enough that people loose their breath trying to keep up with you and you are the second tallest person in your class(probably the third or forth tallest in the school) has hands that is the size of my face and is very serous, confident

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School For the Special CH 3

#2 of school for the special "well you are, the staff here don't lie. not permitted." i took a deep breath as he turned back forward. i took a shaky step back and turned around. no way in hell i was cute! and especially not loveable!

Sexual Encounters At School - In School Detention

Drah's the teacher that handled the adolescent kids, keeping an eye on them in the in school detention room and regular detention after school as well as helping out administration through out the day.

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babyfur school

A school where peoples learn to be good cubs for their owners. baby fur school a story co written by loupy lupine and trajan doberman. all characters are copyrighted to me or their respective players.

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The begining school.

He says with a sigh to the school administrators. "no. i don't think he is hurt at all. no, i don't think he will sue."


After School..

This is a story of a 10 year old girl, named cindy, who comes home to her older brother. cindy, is a wererat, and her brother, clyde, is a werecat. they engage in a little after school oral sex, and slowly transform into there animal selves.

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the days of school

Mat hated school so much, he always told his parents that he'd rather work...but then they would get pissed off and start arguing. school was alright... until it came to the apparently "cool" clicks... he hated them so much, they always pick on the kids

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