Furry High School: Spring Romance: Chapter One

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Furry High School: Spring Romance

Title: Furry High School - Spring Romance

Author: The Roz Wolf

Rating: R, for language, nudity and sexual situations.

Disclaimer: All characters belong to me, so no touchie!

Personal Notes: Thanks to the artist NuDog, who's art inspired this story.

Feedback: Would be appreciated, but please. I cry easily.

Chapter One

Here we go again...

Steam wafted through the locker rooms, the sounds of various males speaking of various things following along with the humidity. Droplets of water clung to seemingly every surface within the room, coating the tiles, benches and lockers, along with most of the furs within.

Kaipo silently stood off in the corner beside his opened locker, attired only in his green boxer shorts, his tail swishing along behind him lightly, the appendage coated with amber fur save for the poof of dark honey fur at the tip. The lion was a bit more slender than the other furs, his strength and speed hidden by the tone of his muscles rather than shown in size. Amber fur coated most of his body, save for the palms of his paws and the soles of his hind paws, coated by a light tan fur. Another fact set the lion aside from the other lions of his age, his dark-honey mane had not grown in full, at the moment, looking just like normal hair instead, settled between his two rounded ears and trailing down the back of his head, kept rather short as well. The amber of his fur covered most of his face, save for tan along the sides of his muzzle and beneath. His brown nose twitched slightly, his indigo eyes kept in one specific place. "Damn..." Came his soft mumble, his gaze focusing past the steams of the showers to a particular fur within.

Robert glanced up to the showerheads, lifting his paws and rinsing the shampoo from his gray head fur, the built husky shaking off, glancing at one of the other furs as his ears twitched, chuckling at the particular joke before turning back to the shower. Water cascaded down through the varying gray and white fur of his form, matting it down, the strength of his body revealed in full by the movement, his firm chest, sculpted arms and legs, tight abs and an equally tight rear, a damp tail swishing along behind him, and a well-pronounced sheath hiding the canine's member.

Damn! Kaipo managed to catch his jaw as it dropped, snapping it back shut as his gaze caressed the husky's form, wrenching his towel between his paws, twisting backwards and forwards as his eyes lifted up, finding the Rob's crystal blue gaze in his direction.

Shit! The lion's eyes darted down to his locker, his heart pumping faster, breaking into a sheen of sweat and a deep blush beneath the layer of amber. Did he see me? His thoughts jumped quickly as he noticed a firm indentation outwards from within his boxers, his eyes widening, nearly tumbling into his locker as he scrambled for his shorts, finally ending up in his locker as he tugged the garment on. Scooting out, he settled his rear on the bench, pausing a moment to adjust his tail, looping it out the hole within his shorts before adjusting his member a little, trying to disguise it in his jean shorts. Pulling on a blue t-shirt with a few white lines set down vertically over his left pec, he bent down, pulling on his shoes and lacing them up. Glancing up towards the showers, he found the husky no longer there, gulping softly. He must have seen me...


The lion glanced up; finding a feline standing beside him, wear a pair of tan cargo shorts, some black and white sneakers and a t-shirt with a little cat logo set onto the chest. "Oh, hey Justin. What's up?" Justin resembled Kaipo a bit in his figure, a bit more muscled than the lion though, his fur a darker gray mixing between that and black along his coat. His arms were crossed over his chest, smirking as his brown eyes gazed down at the seated feline "Come on, we gotta get going or we'll be late for next period."

The pair of felines made there way along through the hallway, passing the various furs conversing at their lockers. Justin's backpack was slung over one shoulder, a paw holding the straps, glancing to Kaipo as they wandered. Kaipo held his books in both arms against his chest, mostly staring at the ground as he padded forwards "You okay Kaipo?"

"Huh?" He glanced up to the feline following alongside him before looking down the hallway with a nod "Oh, yeah, I'm fine..."

"Really, so that's why I had to practically yell your name to get your attention in the locker room, and why you've nearly plowed over four or five furs in the hallway." Justin patted his paw on the lion's shoulder with a smirk "But I'm sure you're fine."

"Ha, ha..." Kaipo mumbled back with a smirk to the feline "Don't worry, I'm just thinkin' about stuff is all."

"Right, you gotta think about stuff, after all."

"Ah, shut up." Kaipo gave Justin's shoulder a mock punch, smirking back at him.

Kaipo browsed idly through his European History textbook, flipping each page with a flick of his fingertip, paying no particular attention to them though, simply just staring down at it, his tail swishing behind him, quietly cursing the boredom of sixth period. He gave a glance up to the clock, sighing softly. Ten more minutes...

"Psst...Hey Kaipo..." The lion's ears perked, glancing off to his right "What's up Hina?"

The skunk in the desk beside him smiled as she caught his gaze, leaning to the side in her seat, drawing herself closer to the lion "What are you doing after class?" Hina was dressed in a leather skirt, a white t-shirt with the hem trimmed to leave the white trail of fur between black of her tummy exposed along with the glimmer of the golden ring in her belly button, her leather jacket settled onto the back of her seat. The white stripe along her back extended up between her ears into about a dozen white dreadlocks, tumbling about her head, with a glimmering gold ring in the tip of both her ears. A pair of rimless glasses settled onto her small muzzle, emerald eyes twinkling behind them. A pair of black sandals fitted onto her hind paws at the moment, a glimmering gold toe ring fitted around the small toe on her left hind paw. The skunk girl was, while by no means overweight, not slender either, her curves rather pronounced, somewhat of a round tummy, behind, and breasts, straining just a bit against the intentionally small t-shirt. Her fluffy tail was tucked up behind her in the seat at the moment, with her nails all coated in light purple polish. Terribly decked out for a simple school day, but a normal outfit for her.

"Oh, me n' the guys were gonna work on our homework, then probably play some video games."

"Aw, I was hoping you weren't busy. Me and Ami were going to take Val out shopping to try and cheer him up."

"Cheer him up? What happened?" Kaipo glanced off from the skunk towards a badger seated off in the room's corner at the moment, his mostly black muzzle resting in the palms of one of his black paws, his other paw resting onto his textbook. His gray-furred ears were drooped down at the moment, the black of his eyes a little downcast. A tank top of navy blue snuggled his muscular chest, the gray fur of his body trailing into white along his pectorals, the gray of his strong arms trailing to the black of his paws beneath his elbows. Leather pants fitted snug around his equally muscular legs, a hole set above his tight behind in the garment for his little tail, with a pair of multi-colored sneakers on over his black hind paws. Valentine continued to read, unaware of the gazes upon him from the lion and the skunk.

"His boyfriend broke up with him last week."

"What? But they got along so well and everything..."

"Val's only a junior, and his boyfriend's a senior. He said he didn't want a long-term relationship, so...Anyways, he's taking it pretty hard."

"That's awful..." Kaipo whispered, his gaze slowly shifting from the badger back to the skunk beside him, a little smile crossing his short muzzle "I'll talk to the guys about doing something to cheer him up as well."

"Thanks Kai..." A little smile came to Hina's lips with those words.

"Mister Terrace, Miss Shamira, do you have something to share with the class?" Mr. Templeton's gaze rested squarely on the pair, settled still behind his desk for the moment, arms crossed and resting on the desktop, the rat's tail tapping against the floor.

"No Mister Templeton." The pair replied in near unison, swiftly settling fully in their seats, burying their attention into their textbooks.

Kaipo and Justin were settled into a pair of chairs set around the kitchen table, books piled out, their backpacks set on the tiled floor, rested up against the table's legs. A knock sounded from the front door, drawing a glance from the pair of felines.

"I've got it!" Came a voice from the living room.

"Thanks Mom!" Kaipo called out from his seat, glancing to Justin "How's the assignment going?"

Justin gave a soft sigh and a shake of his head "I just don't get poetry. How am I supposed to analyze something I don't get?"

The lion chuckled with a little smirk "Just do what you always do then. Make stuff up."

"Well...stuff always works." Justin stuck his tongue out, glancing to the room's doorway to find a lioness making her way in, attired a simple pink t-shirt with a garden's image emblazoned across her chest, a pair of blue jeans and a set of black shoes. Phoebe's blonde locks curled along behind her head, pausing a moment to smile to the pair of felines "Hey you two, Matthew and Robert are here." She stepped back from the doorway, a rather tall, well-muscled horse ducking partially under the doorway, giving a nod to the felines "Hey y'all." A long-sleeve light yellow shirt stretched across the buff muscles of his chest, following the lines of his firm arms and abs. A pair of jeans fitted on his hips, slightly baggy around his equally muscular legs, with a little hole tailored for the raven strands of his tail, matching the short raven locks that stretched from between his ears down to his neck, standing out from the brown of his fur. His hooves clicked softly against the tiled floor as he stepped from the doorway, his brown eyes turning to find the buff husky that followed after him. Robert stepped through the doorway, nodding with a warm smile to each within "Hey guys, hey Miss Terrace." He had on a pair of jean shorts that hugged tight to his waist and followed the tight curve of his behind, a hole tailored in the back for his fluffy gray-furred tail. A Hawaiian button-up shirt was left open, settled on his firm shoulders, revealing the white tank top that clung to the muscles of his chest and abs beneath. His crystal blue gaze met each fur within with a warm smile and a nod, adjusting the backpack strap on one of his shoulders and stepping to the table, sliding out a chair and sitting down, dropping his back down and digging out his books. Matthew followed, settling down on the remaining chair at the table and setting his books down.

"I set some chips and dip out for you boys, along with a few pops." Phoebe spoke up, still standing beside the doorway.

"Thanks Mom." Kaipo lifted a smile to her, as did the three others, each replying with some particular variation of "Thanks Miss Terrace."

Phoebe stepped up beside her son; setting a paw onto his shoulder "I'm taking Suzy out on some errands with me, and probably won't be home until late. Matthew," She glanced up to the equine "Can you drive Justin home with Robert?"

"Sure thang Miss Terrace." Matt replied in his particular southern accent with a nod and a smile, flipping one of his books open and leafing through the pages to find a particular one.

"Thank you Matthew. There's some more pop in the closet, and some more snacks in the pantry if you boys get thirsty or hungry. Don't stay up to late."

"Yes! Body slam!"

The four furs were gathered in the living room in front of the television, on which four wrestlers were grappling with each other. Each fur had their own particular game controller, along with a wide smile as they fought with each other. Kaipo and Justin were seated on the couch with Robert sitting between them, with Matthew seated on the floor in front of the sofa.

"Ooo yah, I'm gonnah snap intah yah like ah slim jim Rob!" Matt grinned upwards to the husky, battering the control in his huge furred hands.

"Heh, just try it Matt. No one can defeat me!"

As a bell sounded in the game, Robert lifted his paws about his head, grinning at the three furs "Once again, I am the champion. Thank you, thank you." The husky gave a few mock bows, receiving a light punch in the shoulder from Justin "Yeah, just you wait until the rematch!" The feline spoke with a smirk.

Kaipo took the moment, setting a paw onto the husky's thigh, drawing a glance rather quickly from Rob with the touch. Gulping nervously, the lion patted the husky's leg, snapping his paw back "Nice one Rob."

"Thanks Kaipo." The husky gave him a grin, lifting his controller back up from within his lap "Who's ready for another round?"

"I'll see you guys at school tomorrow."

Kaipo stood beside the door as Matt and Justin stepped out with their books and bags, followed along by Rob. The husky paused with an "Oh!" though, glancing with his warm smile to the lion "You gonna try out for the track team this year?"

"Hey, I kicked ass on it last year, why not?" Kaipo chuckled a bit with a smirk "Those tryouts coming up soon?"

"Yeah, they're tomorrow. Didn't you know?"

"Tomorrow? Well...damn, really?"

"Yeah, I thought you heard."

Kaipo gave a shake of his head "I didn't...and I don't have a ride home after either, since Mom is working late tomorrow."

"Hey, don't worry." Robert set his paw to the lion's shoulder, the touch causing the feline to nearly freeze, just a faint quiver coursing through him "I'll get Matt to drive you home after. We're staying late as well."

"You trying out for track too?"

"Nah, wrestling team." The husky grinned, glancing towards the equine, who was waving to him from the Jeep.

"Come on Rob!" Matt called out the vehicle's window.

"Just a minute!" The canine called back before smiling back to Kaipo "That work?"

"Huh? Oh, oh...yeah, that'd be great!" Kaipo gulped softly, stuttering a bit, his eyes ending up on the paw on his shoulder before meeting that crystal blue gaze "Th-thanks Rob."

"Hey, no problem Kaipo. See ya tomorrow."

Kaipo stood quietly in his bathroom; his clothes absent save for his green boxers. One paw was settled onto his shoulder where Rob had set his paw not more than an hour ago. A little smile was set onto his short muzzle, the lion staring himself in the eyes, his only movements of the moment the rise and fall of his chest along with the idle swishing of his tail.

He touched me...

Giving a glance at the spot his paw settled on, he turned his eyes back to his own in the mirror, something widening his smile.

Wrestling...I can't wait to watch...

His paw slide gradually from his shoulder, tracing fingertips along through his chest fur, a soft purr rumbling beneath the movement. Slipping down, the lion dropped to a seat on the tiles of the bathroom floor, resting back against the wall. Taking the top of his boxers in his grasp, he drew them down, depositing the clothing onto the floor beside him. The feline's pink member was fully from his amber sheath already, quivering with his excitement, his paw slipping back to rub along his shoulder a few more moments before trailing back down his body...and being promptly interrupted by a loud knocking at the door that sent him scrambling for his clothes "Mom! I'm in here!"

"Get yourself to bed Mister." Phoebe called through the door "You need your rest anyways."

"Yeah, yeah..." Came his mumbled response as he fumbled with his clothes, tugging them back on haphazardly. Twisting the doorknob, he poked his head into the hallway with a scowl "It's not even past eleven though!"

"Well, then you can just get a jump on your sleeping then." His Mom winked with a smile, turning and stepping off down the hallway "And besides, if you stay up late, you'll keep up your sister."

"Alright already, I'm goin'..." The lion mumbled again, pulling the bathroom door fully open and flicking the lights off, stepping across the hall to his bedroom "Night Mom."

"Good night dear."