Happy Tree Friends Oneshots ch. 13

Story by Ugandan Knuckles on SoFurry

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#13 of Happy Tree Friends Oneshots

Taken from my fanfiction.net account

Toothy was walking along the road to his dorm, thinking about the term paper that he had to pass for his professor. A newly opened store caught his eye, a café to be exact, he could sure use the coffee to stay awake for the mind-boggling research report he would be making tonight. The door's chimes ringed as he entered and lined up on the counter. Lined up was an understatement because so far he was the only customer there, except for two people in the corner of the room. Someone caught his eye, it was the cashier. His face was quite handsome, blue hair, muscular arms, short and stocky, exactly his type. Is he single? Is he into chubby types? But most of all, was he gay too?

"Um, sir?" asked the flying squirrel, he snapped out of his stupor and panicked, "T-the chocolate latte please" said Toothy, a little too fast for his liking. "Great, now he thinks you're a weirdo" scolded Toothy to himself.

"Coming right up sir, your name please" said the good-looking cashier. "T-Toothy" said Jake, taking a look at his nametag, Splendid huh? "Too-thy" said Splendid, writing his name on a cup. "Take a seat good sir, and we will be calling your name when your drink is ready" said Splendid with a warm smile, unconsciously making Toothy himself smile as well and blushing. He immediately sat on the table to hide the reddening of his face and kept daydreaming what would happen if he tried to tell him of his infatuation towards him. Sometime later, he was startled by Splendid announcing his name, making him stand up. He went to Splendid, who was wearing a small grin at him, he shakily took the cup, slightly brushing his hands gently, although his hands were shaking.

He drank the caffeinated drink in his seat and wondered if he should ask him out? He thought that maybe why not... after finishing his drink. When the cup was empty, he approached the cash register, but a different guy was manning it now, his nametag read Cuddles . "Can I help you sir?" asked Cuddles. "C-can I see Splendid?" replied Jake. "Oh, he went out the back. Let me get him for you" said Cuddles, "Hey Splendid Someone's looking for you" shouted Cuddles in the staff room. He got nervous, the caffeine making him jittery than he would have liked. The more he waited the more nervous he got, and soon enough, he couldn't take it anymore and took his bag and darted out of the shop. Both employees came out of the room, finding there was nobody by the counter. "Is this a joke" asked Splendid, annoyed at Cuddles. "N-no I swear someone was looking for you this time" said Cuddles defending himself. "That's what you said the last seven times you piece of shit" said Splendid, smacking Cuddles on the head. "Agh, why meeeeeee" Cuddles cried out.

Toothy entered his dorm, and plopped down on his bed. Sniffles was writing his own report and told him "So, is there a reason why you took longer to get back" asked Sniffles. "Nothing, just went to that new café" said Toothy, staring at the ceiling. Yeah, he was definitely going to try again tomorrow.

Toothy went to the café every day, but never got the courage to tell Splendid what he felt. Occasionally giving subtle glances at the ginger. He easily became the number one customer of the café and received discounts from it, but he didn't really care about that, all he wanted was to catch the attention of the flying squirrel. He was lined up on the counter, now occupied with a few customers. When it was his turn, Cuddles suddenly threw streamers and blowing a horn, enthusiastically saying "Congratulations sir! You're our 100th customer of the day! Here, you can avail a free drink with this coupon for a free drink at any of our franchises! Which is only this one!" while posing.

Splendid chuckled at Cuddles and turned to Toothy "See what I have to deal with Toothy?" and again that smile made him feel tingly and warm inside. "Y-yeah, are you two friends?" asked Toothy, without knowing he was genuinely smiling and happy for once, he had not remembered the last time he did that before he went to college. "We're more like friends for the sake of being co-workers, but he does bring a smile to some people here." Toothy laughed with him and ordered his drink... and realized he totally forgot to ask him if he's single.

Splendid and Cuddles were closing up the shop, idly talking to each other on the way. "So you remember that cute guy, Toothy was it?" asked Cuddles. "Yeah, why?" said Splendid "Oh come on, don't hide it. I've seen the way you look at him. Big sweet purple hoodie wearing marshmallow beaver visiting every day, you even make him blush every time you talk to him. Did you ask him if he's interested in you?" asked Cuddles suggestively. "I-I know he's on the chubby side but, m-marshmallow?" questioned Splendid. "It's a figure of speech okay? Whatever, so do you want him or not?" asked Cuddles excitedly. "I don't know..." Splendid trailed off. "Oh well, guess I'll get to know him better much sooner" said Cuddles. "Wha- hey! The last time you had a relationship you freaked him out with your sick fanfics." Said Splendid. "I-I did not, he was chased out by my neighbor's dog Axel, it's the dog I swear its him that made us break up." Cuddles defended himself. "Yeah yeah blame it on the dog" said Splendid said dismissively. "So... you still going to try to?" asked Cuddles. "I'll try but I'm not sure it'll work out. He is cute though" said Splendid, preparing to ride a taxi.

Toothy was frustrated with himself, he blew his chance again. This time, no more ordering drinks, no distractions, and no more shying away. He entered the coffee shop as usual and was greeted by Splendid again, though he went out the backdoor as soon as he saw Toothy. "Oh hi Toothy!" said Cuddles, drawing his attention. "Did you want to see Splendid by any chance?" asked the short employee. Toothy nodded slowly, making Cuddles smile wider. "Head out the back alley beside the store, Splendid's in the alley, he's been waiting to talk to you." Said Cuddleswith a wink

Toothy blushed, and immediately headed to the alley as instructed. His heart pounded on his chest, graffiti marked the walls saying Splendont was here, and he saw Splendid, no longer wearing the employee's uniform as he used to and was now wearing a red flannel, and that made him more nervous. "So I heard that you liked me eh?" said Splendid grinning at him. "I-I didn't know if you were straight or gay but I wanted to be close to you" said Toothy nervously.

Splendid put his hand on his shoulder and threw the hood of his purple hoodie down, "Relax, I'm not mad, I'm flattered actually. If you want to know I'm bi and I've been checking you out too. You're kinda cute you know" said Splendid, placing his hand on his cheek and feeling up his freckles. If Toothy hadn't been blushing before, he was now. "Does this mean we're a couple now?" asked Toothy hopefully. Splendid laughed and said "Yes, it does So... You wanna go somewhere"

"Yes!" Toothy caught himself "I mean, wherever is fine" said Toothy, hiding his embarrassment. And so they started dating, days passed by going to different places, eating together, handholding and a bit of smooching... with Cuddles feeling like a third wheel whenever he decides to come along for support or something. Talking endlessly just so he could feel like he belongs. Until...

Splendid was sitting on Toothy's bed, with Toothy working on an assignment, Sniffles was away for the moment. "You know you're just stressing yourself out if you do it all in one day" told Splendid. "But the deadline is a week from now" said Toothy, focused on the task at hand. "That's still plenty of time. Will you stop for me baby? I need a huuuuggg" pleaded his boyfriend. Toothy looked at him, sure enough he couldn't resist giving in to Splendid's needs and sat beside him, giving him what he was most known for: hugs.

They were sitting side by side hugging each other, Toothy was going to kiss Splendid on the cheek, not knowing that Splendid was about to do the same, so instead of lips meeting their cheeks, they met each other's lips. Toothy was surprised by this and started pulling away, Splendid didn't mind, grabbing the back of his head, kissing him harder, Toothy slowly gave in to Splendid's needs and pushed back. Toothy needed more though and started pushing his tongue against Splendid's lips, begging for entrance. Of course Splendid complied and opened his mouth, their tongues dancing around each other and swapping their spit. They were starting to get hot and they felt their pants tightening, undressing each other. Jake unbuttoned Malcolm's Flannel shirt and rubbed his biceps, and in return, Splendid took his hoodie and shirt off, along with his pants. Malcolm grabbed a handful of Toothy's love handles, appreciating his marshmallow softness.

Splendid looked down at him, "white briefs?" said Malcolm unconsciously. "S-sorry, its what I always wore ev-" but Splendid shushed him with a finger to his lips "Its fine, in fact they really look good on you. They really show your curves" and continuing to kiss his neck, sucking on the skin. Toothy moaned louder, taking one of Splendid's hands in one of his own while Splendid put a hand to his butt, caressing him lovingly. Toothy let him ravish his body, letting him do as he pleased.

Sometime later Splendid had undressed, his fit body's sweat glistening in the room's light. He put his thumbs on the waistband of Toothy's briefs, and pulled them down, and tossing them aside in the corner of the room. He got off the bed and said "Turn around and lie down on your belly baby" said Splendid. Toothy did exactly as he was told, thinking he was going to be taken right there. He felt Splendid's hands spread his cheeks apart and stare at his virgin pink hole, and felt a wet and slimy appendage against it, making him feel a new sensation he hadn't felt before. He looked back to see him eating him out, making him rest his head on a pillow, enjoying this newfound pleasure. The level of bliss he felt was nothing compared to that when he felt that same tongue penetrate him, leaving him drooling on the pillow

Splendid later stopped his tonguing and looked at Toothy, who was moaning and gasping from the action done to him, erection pressed against the bed. Not that Splendid didn't have one himself, he was sporting down there too alright, and it was now time for the main course

Toothy was assisted by Splendid, who had pulled him close to the edge of the bed, leaving his legs dangling. Splendid rubbed his condom-wrapped erection against Toothy's ring, both hands held against each other, fingers intertwined, and eyes locked on each other. "D-do it" said Toothy, making Splendid push against him slowly. The pain made Toothy squeeze against Splendid's hands to the point that it hurt, Splendid didn't move once he was fully inside of Toothy, he slowly got used to the pain and said "Ok, y-you can go now" said Toothy, making him start thrusting again and gaining speed.

Splendid kissed him all the while he thrust into Toothy, assaulting his prostate as much as he can to bring the his soft boyfriend to climax. Splendid started getting close and broke their passionate kiss, and concentrated on thrusting again. "I'm getting close" warned Splendid "M-me too" said Toothy. Upon hearing that, he synced his thrusts with giving him a handjob, increasing Toothy's pleasure twofold. The couple both climaxed at the same time on the bed, after that they just laid there, with Splendid resting on top of Toothy.

"Heh heh, Cuddles was right, you really are like a marshmallow" said Splendid as both drifted to sleep. Meanwhile, Sniffles later arrived in front of the dorm, frustrated that nobody answered his knocks and shouts. He would later be sleeping in front of the door like a hobo, waiting for one of them to open it.