Furry High School: Spring Romance: Chapter Three

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Furry High School: Spring Romance

Chapter Three

"Morning Mom..." Kaipo mumbled as he stepped slowly through the kitchen, slumping down into his seat, a paw lifting and running through his hair a few times "What's for breakfast?"

"Whatever you make." Phoebe replied with a smirk to her son, a ding from the microwave signaling the two bowls of oatmeal she had made were ready. Fetching them out, she set one in front of Kaipo, setting the other down in front of Susan "You two eat up. Your bus will be here soon, Kaipo."

A little smirk found the sleepy lion's muzzle as the bowl was placed before him "Thanks Mom." He took a few spoonfuls, gulping them down before pausing "Hey Mom, would it be alright if I had a little party with the guys this Saturday?"

"A party?" Phoebe quirked a brow, glancing to Susan; the little lioness quietly eating her oatmeal at the moment and looking back and forth between her Mom and her Brother; before Phoebe looked back to Kaipo.

"Well, not a party, really...Just me and the guys getting together for some video games and stuff." Kaipo managed a somewhat innocent grin up to his mother's gaze, drawing a soft chuckle from the lioness "If you promise to watch your sister during the party, then you can. I'll be working late, so you'll have to be in charge of the house." That comment instantly brightened up the sleepy feline "Sure!" A sudden blush overtook him with his eagerness "I mean, I guess I can watch Suzy if it means we can have the party and all."

Phoebe chuckled softly again, giving a little headshake "Alright then. Now eat up or you'll be late for school."

Kaipo shuffled his way among the furs gathered in the halls, an outfit of jean shorts and a red and white t-shirt along with his usual sneakers his choice of clothes for the day. His backpack was settled on one of his shoulders, own paw tucked under the straps, holding them there as he weaved his way past the students. A little smile found the lion's muzzle as he caught sight of a particularly muscled badger stopped beside his locker, an almost overly pink bunny speaking with him. "Hey Val! Hey Ami!" Kaipo called out, making his way over to the pair, Val replying with a "Hey Kaipo." And Ami replying with a "Hiya Kaipo!"

Val was outfitted in a black t-shirt that hugged the muscles of his form rather tightly, a pair of black shorts fitted loose on his legs, snugly around his waist thanks to his belt, and his usual multi-colored sneakers covering his hind paws. Ami had on a white tank top with the words "Cutie" in sparkling pink letters on it, the shirt's bottom cut off to reveal her tummy, while a pair of black jean cover-alls fitted loosely on her form, covering over her legs, the straps partially obscuring her shirt. Her usual assortment of rings were on as well.

"What's up, you two?" Kaipo set a paw against the lockers, leaning slightly onto them with a smile to both furs.

"Oh, Ami was just telling me about her project for her marketing class."

"Really? What is it?"

"Well, me, Hina and this new student are working on a commercial for the school store." Ami flashed a bright smile to the lion.

Kaipo tilted his head slightly to the side "Who's the new fur you're working with?"

"It's Lilly, that one fur from Mister Parker's class. She's pretty cool, seems like me and her have a lot in common. Isn't that awesome?" The bunny giggled a bit, shifting her little backpack around, drawing a little chuckle from the other two furs.

"Very." Val replied, winking to the bunny, drawing a faint blush from underneath the pink fur, Ami giving Val a playful push "Stop that Val! Oh, come on Kaipo!" The bunny took hold of the lion's wrist, tugging on it "We've gotta get to class!"

"H-hey!" Kaipo slipped his arm from Ami's grip "I'll be there soon. I just need to ask Val about something."

"Just don't be late. You know how Mister Parker is about that." The bunny gave both furs a bright smile before scampering off down the hallway, leaving the badger and feline watching before looking to each other.

"So Val, you happen to be busy on Saturday?"

"Why? You guys throwing me a party?"

"What?" Kaipo blinked a few times with a surprised expression, the look drawing a smirk from Val "Justin already asked me about the party earlier, and I told him yep. It's gonna be at your house, right?"

"Um...well, yeah. So...can you?"

"Sure thing Kai." The badger grinned, taking his books in one arm, shutting his locker with the other "Rob gonna be there too?" A slightly wider grin found his lips, winking to the feline who shrunk back a bit, staring down at the floor before scowling up to Val "Stop teasing me about it!"

"Relax Kai, after all, if anyone understands, it's me, right?" Val patted the feline's shoulder, turning down the hallway, leading Kaipo along with him, the embarrassed lion mumbling "Yeah, yeah..."

Kaipo set his bag onto his desktop, sliding down into his seat with a little smirk. Alright, party's on... A little sigh came from him, his gaze lowering down to his backpack. Now...I dunno...how I should try and-


The lion glanced up at the whisper, smirking as his eyes rested on the bunny beside him, tilting his head to the side as he caught sight of a panda girl waving from the desk beside Ami, a cute smile set on Lilly's lips "Oh, hey Lilly, hey Ami."

"How'd the party idea go with Val?"

"He said yeah, so it's gonna be on."

"Great!" Ami paused a moment, blushing rather profusely beneath her pink fur as her response came a bit louder than expected "And what is so great, Miss Powell?" Mister Parker stood at the front of the classroom, his arms crossed over his chest, a gray suit outfitting the Doberman, his usual classroom attire.

"N-nothing, Mister Parker." Ami mumbled quickly, straightening out in her seat, as did Lilly and Kaipo. "Then make sure that whatever that nothing is, it doesn't interrupt my class..." The canine trailed off as another canine tried unsuccessfully to sneak his way in "And Mister Calinski. This is not a good way to begin your academic career here." The Doberman gave a few headshakes as the Dalmatian paused with a soft gulp and a quick nod "Yes Mister Parker." T.K. shuffled quickly to a desk, sitting down in the one open on Kaipo's other side. Setting down his bag on the floor, he dug around in it, pulling out his book and notebook and settling them onto the desk before turning a little smile to face the lion at the desk beside him.

"Now, if we can finally begin...everyone, homework out and pass it forwards."

"Alright everyone, tryouts will be continuing today. As you can see," Couch Parker made a sweeping motion with both his paws to the assembled furs standing on the track in front of him "Our crowd is much smaller today. And the same will continue into tomorrow, when the best of the best are chosen for the team. Now, every fur on this side," He swept his left paw from his side out fully to the left "You will go with Coach Williams. You other furs," He made a similar sweeping motion with his right paw "Will go with Coach Hill." The Doberman paused as the furs begin to move towards their respective coaches "Except Mister Terrace, Mister Calinski, and Miss Maxwell, I wish to speak with the three of you." Kaipo paused at that, catching the glance from T.K. before they both made their way up in front of the canine, joined by a slender vixen, her fur a vibrant violet color. Each was outfitted the same, the navy blue running shorts and white tank top of the track team. Coach Parker stood with his arms crossed, his gaze studying each fur carefully, striding back and forth a few moments before speaking "I will not deny the talents each of you possess, and I won't deny that I expect each of you to get onto the team this year, just as both you two," The canine turned his gaze towards Kaipo and then to Gen, pausing in his pacing "Did last year. But do not be mistaken; my team is full of furs that excel at both track and field, and academics. I don't claim to know your behavior in other classes, but it had best not be the same as yours has been as of this week within my class." His paws settled to his hips "I won't forbid you from enjoying yourselves in school, but I expect you to behave and pay attention in my class from now on. Is this understood?" Each fur nodded, replying with a low-toned "Yes Coach Parker."

"Very good. Now go and join Coach Hill in your tryouts."

The voices of furs echoed through the locker room as the steam from the showers wandered along through the isles between lockers. Kaipo sat quietly for the moment, his tank top on the bench beside him, just his running shorts on, his sneakers tucked into his usual locker. The lion watched as each particular fur showered off, hardly in a hurry to possibly embarrass himself, waiting for the others to finish before he went in. As the last fur left, he stood up, wrapping a towel around his waist, pulling off his shorts from underneath and making his way over to the showers, draping his towel over the surrounding wall. Switching on the warm water, he let out a pleased sigh as the liquid cascaded along his tired form, his amber fur matting down, the heat easing the light pain in his muscles from the tryouts.

Lathering up the soap in his paws, he ran the bar along through his fur, leaving trails of bubbles in the amber as he stepped a moment from the shower's spray, stepping back in to let the soap be washed away.

A pair of firm arms caught around Kaipo's waist, the lion snapping his eyes open and glancing over his shoulder, his muzzle found by a passionate kiss from the canine embracing him from behind, T.K.'s chest resting to the feline's back, murring softly into the touch of lips. His gaze held firm to Kaipo's, one paw straying upwards, stroking through the lion's wet chest fur, the other slipping down, rubbing firmly against his length hidden within his sheath, a quiver tracing Kaipo's body from the touch, drawing a little moan into the kiss. A blush overtook the lion at the feeling of hardness nestled between his rear cheeks, the tip pressing up to the base of his tail.

A few seconds of the touching continued before Kaipo managed to compose himself, breaking off the kiss and pushing away from the Dalmatian "T.K., w-what are you doing?" He stuttered out, stepping back from the canine, gripping his own arms, crossing them over his chest in the process "Oh, I th-though...I mean, you're not...aren't you?" T.K. gulped, the now damp canine dropping back a few steps "I thought you were...I thought you liked guys."

Kaipo blinked a few times, the waters still striking against him, splashing off between his shoulder blades "I..." His gaze slowly ended up on the floor, drawing a deep breath before releasing a sigh "I do. Sort of."

"Then...well..." The Dalmatian looked rather confused, leaning his head a little to the side. "I...I'm not interested in you like that, T.K." Kaipo spoke up, lifting his head to meet the canine's gaze again "I mean, you're a good friend...from what I know of you, so far, I mean...but I'm only interested in..." He cut himself off, striding quickly past T.K., only to be caught by the arm by the canine "I'm sorry Kaipo. I didn't mean to make you...well, really uncomfortable." Turning to face the lion, he managed a little, incredibly embarrassed smile "I just thought...well, you know."

"Well..." Kaipo's eyes slowly met T.K.'s "I...I'm flattered...really...you are pretty good looking, T.K...I'm just...already interested in someone else..." He broke from the canine's grip, stepping out of the showers and picking up his towel, drying himself quickly and making his way to his locker. T.K. followed along, taking his own towel, wrapping it around his waist "Please don't be mad at me Kaipo. I'm sorry, really."

Kaipo paused in mid-rummage in his locker, slowly giving a sigh and glancing back to T.K. "It's...it's alright, I guess." The lion managed a little smile "I'm just surprised is all."

"I'm sorry again. I...I just though you were available is all." T.K. sat down on the bench beside the lion's locker, staring down at the floor a few moments before gazing up to Kaipo "Um...who are you interested in?"

Kaipo paused again, a blush overtaking him beneath his amber coat "It's not important really. It's just a silly crush is all..." He pulled his shorts on, letting his towel drop away, pulling his shirt on after.

"Come on, I wanna know who it is." T.K. pressed the question, smirking just faintly "After all, maybe I can help out." Gradually, Kaipo looked down to the canine, sighing softly before staring to the tiled floor "Rob." Came his little mumble.

"Rob?" T.K. cocked his head to the side "That big sexy husky?" His smirk grew large, chuckling softly, resulting in a slam of Kaipo's locker and a glare from the lion "Shut up! What do you know anyways?" He turned to storm off, getting caught again by T.K.'s paw "Wait! I'm sorry Kaipo, I didn't mean to insult you." He stood up, his other paw holding his towel up, padding in front of the feline "I'm serious, he's really sexy. All those muscles, that cute smile he always has...Man, I can see why." Kaipo glanced down to the floor once more as a blush once more overtook him, the Dalmatian's paw releasing his arm, lifting him up by the chin to meet his gaze again "Like I said, I'm serious. Does he know?" Kaipo shook his head slowly, making a face "I don't think he does." T.K. gave a nod in reply "Well...don't try what I just did, first off. Second off...Here, try this, it always works for me. Make a list of things you like about him. If ya find they're all physical, it's probably just a crush. If there's more than just the looks...then it's more."


"It's never failed me yet."

Kaipo nodded a few times, glancing off into the room a few moments before finding T.K.'s eyes again "Alright. I'll try it."

Lemme see, that body, that beautiful smile, those...those gorgeous eyes... Kaipo lay on his back in his bed, the lamp set on the table beside it the only source of light at the moment save for the moonlight peeking in through his room's windows. "That can't be all..." He mumbled, glancing out the window, shifting up to sit on the side of his bed, his covers slipping off his nude form. Climbing up to his hind paws, a few steps brought him to his window, peering out onto the street in front of the house Well, he got Matt to drive me home, after all...and he said that I could get a ride with them any day Mom couldn't pick me up... A smile crossed his muzzle "He's caring!" Blinked a few times, covering his mouth with a paw after the overly-excited answer, he glanced at the door a few seconds before breathing a sigh of relief Mom didn't hear...Alright, he's caring...um...party for Val...he's nice...well duh, I knew that... His smile grew a bit wider, his eyes growing dreamy, turning from his window and tumbling down to his back on his bed "Caring, nice, kind...I know he's confident...friendly..." He mumbled a bit more to himself, his smile continuing to widen, hugging himself in the process It's not just a crush! The lion let out a deeply relieved sigh, reaching out a paw and clicking off his light, curling to his side and drawing his sheets up and grinning widely "I can't wait to tell T.K..."