The bond between twin brothers...

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Inspired by Sheer's Alestor and Alester

(FA: )

May disappear if the artist gets vexed with my pirating his characters, but I just love their booty! :D

Anyway, Alester and Alestor, twins of a dragon/demon hybrid tribe so that's why the tag is under dragons. Enjoy and review please.

"Prayers of the light bestow your mercy onto this child. Free him of the burden of the pains within his chest. See him on his journey onto the road of health." Alester chanted before he placed one of his crimson hands down upon a younger jackal child who breathing was labored from a dark curse underneath his breast.

A shimmering yellow light began to glow out from the red Levii's manicured fingers before the Alester reached down and placed his palm over the wheezing jackal's child's chest and then held it there. For a moment the yellow light sparkled softly before Alester's red fingers sunk down into the sleeping youth's body. The young jackal's body began to thrash as he fought against the Levii however, unable to actually control his floundering attempts to escape the larger red healer's fingers felt the curse inside of the young canid boy and then reach around and take hold of it. The second his glowing hand touched the blackness inside of the boy Alester grunted and began to pull his fist back. Making sure to not let go of the curse the Levii dragged the darkness out of the young jackal and then grinned in triumph as he watched the distorted seed of chaos beat like a corrupted heart inside of his palm.

When the last of the sickness was withdrawn from the boy Alester held the dark mass up and then analyzed it thoroughly: the curse was like a small flame as it burned over the yellow glowing shield and healing spells covering the crimson Levii's hand. The darkness seemed to pull in all of the light surrounding it like a black hole and the more the crimson Levii looked at it the more despondent he grew. Shaking his head the eighteen year old healer prayed and the shimmering golden light around his hand grew brighter swallowing up the curse and finally neutralizing it. With a quiet hum of triumph Alester was able to wiggle his fingers around freely and then sigh as he blew over his hand.

"" A weak voice asked making the healer look down to see the sleepy eyed face of the young desert jackal child blinking up at him in question.

"Forgive me for disturbing you, young one. My name is Alester of the Levii tribe. I was called here to cure you and your tribesmen's illnesses. How do you feel, as of now?" Alester quietly asked in his most sincere voice.

"I...feel...tired." The boy said before closing his eyes and drifting himself off to sleep once more.

"Then sleep little one. When you awake may you see this world with brighter, innocent eyes." Alester said before reaching down to pat the jackal child onto the head and then turning to leave out of the small tent that was the boy's family tent.

When he got out into the blazing sun the crimson Levii used his one of the two of his massive 'clawed arm' appendages extending from his back to wipe over his sweat soaked head. The young Levii never could understand how such people could live under such heat with their thick, dark fur as the temperature of the desert oasis town was almost twice as hot as his own jungle village. Grunting and swallowing his bubbling complaints the young healer stood with his back straight as he watched his twin brother come over to him with several male jackals of the town.

"Is it done, brother?" Alestor questioned looking at his twin's sweaty form as the other Levii stood with his white leather arm and wrist covers clinging to his red form like a second skin.

"Yes. This child and all the others will live to see another day." Alester answered as he slowly walked over to his brother while trying not to appear as exhausted as he was.

The arms of his twin caught him just in time as Alester's knees began to buckle and he fell over. Before any of the jackal's could ask Alester was sound asleep in the arms of his twin, safe from the needy world outside of those strong arms.

"He will be fine. It takes much from him to heal so many, even with my aid. Please, take no worry over us and see to your children instead." Alestor stated before he hefted the bulk of his brother into his gold bangle clad arms using his own extra 'clawed arms' to grab at his twin's second upper appendages as he carried Alester off to their tent.

One of the largest of the male jackals nodded to the healers and then began to bark out orders to which all the other Oasis jackals obediently complied to. The leader of the guards looked to where the two Levii brother's were going and then resolved himself to thank them as he turned and followed Alestor's path. When the muscular desert jackal pulled back the flap of the healer's tent letting Alestor in while he carried his brother the jackal followed behind them lowering the flap and then watched as the conscious red Levii set his twin onto the small cot they had been given before speaking,

"Thank you holy one." The big canine said gratefully getting the other male to turn around and stare at him with his wide cerulean blue eyes.

"You are most welcomed."

"Is there any way for we of the Oasis tribe to repay our debt to you, please let me know." The jackal guard leader watched as the young Levii turned to look at his unconscious sibling and then blinked as an odd smirk peeled across the crimson male's face. The grin coming from the scarlet visage of the smaller creature made the muscular jackal feel oddly unsure of himself for some reason.

"Well there is some way you can repay us for the effort we have put into aiding your people." Alestor declared as he turned back to larger male with a wiry smile on his almost tricksters face.

"And what would you ask in return?" The muscular jackal asked as he stood with his dark eyes locked onto the Levii.

"First, I would like to make it clear that the Levii tribe will be willing to help out the Oasis Desert tribe whenever they need the aid of our healers," Alestor began.

"Do you have such authority to make such a declaration?"

"I can speak as one for my tribe for my brother and I are two of the Champions of our people, equal only to our tribe leader in decision making for our clan, in this effort to make such a treaty of peace between our two people." Alestor said as he held himself high for the position he and his brother had been groomed into since childhood. His mind quickly worked on ways he could make pleasurable state of affairs for the Levii people the next time they needed to make trade agreements.

"Alright, and for such aid what will you ask in return?" The jackal asked.

"That you and your people open up trade routes with the Levii."

"That is all?"

"The second thing is of a...personal nature but we can get into that after we deal with the more important issues at hand." Alestor hurried along as he tried to keep a rose colored blush from staining his face. His large 'clawed arms' stretching from his back tapped eagerly beside him on the floor before he grew vexed and set them over his sleeping brother's form to quiet them.

"Alright. Trade routes will be set up. Though not what I was expecting it is a favorable arrangement for both our people." The muscular jackal said as he thought about the ores and cloth that the Levii tribe were so known for besides their healing and fighting prowess.

"Good. Now then we'll need to write out up a manuscript for prosperity and guidelines to make it official but we can take care of that in a moment. Now the second thing is...the Oasis tribe is known for its slaves and discipline techniques when training slaves, am I right?"

"Yes," The jackal guard leader asked as he raised an eyebrow in inquiry.

"Well then," Alestor began smiling wickedly at the taller male.

It was eight hours later when Alester awoke and the younger Levii blinked his glass jade eyes up at his smiling brother.

"Good morning brother. Is all well?" Alester asked as he got up from off the cot to stand up before wobbling and leaning close to his brother's body to steady himself. His 'clawed arms' reached out to intertwine with his older sibling's clawed appendages before Alestor brought himself deeper into the sphere of his brother's personal space and hugged him.

"Yes, all is well and because of your efforts I was able to open trade routes between our two people last night." The older Levii told his brother while hugging him and running his crimson hands down his mirror image's form. Wandering his manicured hands down the length of his counterpart's form Alestor began to gently rub against Alester's leather loincloth covered groin. A murring purr echoed out of the younger Levii's mouth while his leg kicked up and down quietly amazingly enough not disturbing the braces he was wearing on said legs.

"B-brother! We're...we can't...n-not yet..." Alester tried to say as he squirmed and writhed under the masterful hands of his sibling. The older Levii stroking him better than a well oiled sword as Alestor ran both of his hands over his sibling's inner thighs over the bulging form of his twin's groin and then back behind to where he could rub Alester's sensitive spinal column making his brother groan out loud before he stopped his fondling,

"You're right. It would be inappropriate to do such things so early into the morning, but later I have a few presents for you when we can be alone," Alestor said as he leaned up and whispered right into his sibling's face while adding a small lick over the other Levii's neck making a small dollop of pre stain Alester's groin cover while the wonderful scent of his younger sibling's musk rose up from off of his body. "After all of your hard work you deserve some play time." The older Levii explained as he pulled himself back to stare into Alester's lust fogged jade eyes.

"You helped out too. If it wasn't for you I couldn't have saved so many people yesterday." Alestor panted as he felt his heart quicken its endless rhythm while his pupils began to dilate as his vision narrowed onto the sight of his twin brother's moving lips. The crimson Levii felt himself catch a fever that only his sibling could make rise within him and right before he gave into temptation someone came up to their shared tent,

"Excuse me?" A small but firm voice called out making the two Levii pull away from another as Alestor stood up in front of his brother while using his 'clawed arms' as a viel casting his twin from view.

"Who is there?" The older twin questioned as his voice grew hard as he put a bite of steel into his words.

"My name is Ola of the Oasis tribe, one of the people who the healer Alester cured the other day. I have come to pay my respects if I may enter." The voice of the young jackal child answered.

Alestor turned and looked at his brother receiving a nod before moving aside and setting his 'clawed arms' down to his sides and folding his primary arms over his chest.

"Please come in." Alester said and soon the young jackal boy the younger Levii had healed came inside of the tent and stood before him.

"On behalf of myself and my people I'd like to thank you for what you have done." Ola bowed his head in show of gratitude.

"You are very welcome. May you and your people never be afflicted by such a curse in the trying times to come." Alester prayed as he walked over on his now steadier legs to pat the young jackal on his head.

"Thank you." with those words the young warrior canine turned and left the tent nodding to Alestor before his departure.

"Quite a nice youth, wouldn't you agree brother?" Alester asked as he found himself going over and snuggling into his brother's chest while sighing in happiness. It always did him good to see people grateful for his aid.

"Yes, though I want to return five or so years later to see how well he develops." Alestor said cheekily making his twin sigh in restraint as he tried not to laugh at his older brother's one track mind.

"I'm sure he'll need ten years to grow into a male worthy of your approval."

"I'll make a note of that. Now are you rested enough to return home?"

"I believe that I am."

"Good, then we should depart quickly. Night will fall in nine hours and I would like to be half way to our village by then."

"Is there something at home that requires your attention?" Alester asked not remembering anything of importance that his brother had to accomplish.

"Yes, I have to get you as close to home as possible so that I can show my gratitude for all that you have done yesterday." Alestor answered as he hugged his brother's tightly once he opened his crossed arms and then reached out to pull him even closer before kissing the younger Levii.

Alester murmured quietly as his 'secondary arms' warped around his twin and pulled him deeper into him before he opened his mouth and accepted his twin's roving tongue.

Standing there in a passionate embrace the two Levii siblings released some of their pent up longing for one another as both reached down to fondle the other through their opposing groin covers. The leather guard that Alester wore began to get sticky and heavy as his rising length seeped out much to Alestor's amusement as the older Levi's animal skinned loincloth tented upwards as his own excitement grew. Breaking apart moments later the twins panted and breathed quickly as their eyes took in the sight of the other, their mutual desire for one another making them pant and groan in rapture as they felt their control begin to slip. Both of them realizing that it wouldn't be long before their needs grew too fierce to control and then they would be helpless to stop themselves as they wrapped each other up into the fires of their shared lust.

Alestor grunted as he stepped back from his brother and then turn around to pick up both of their satchels, handing the lighter one to his brother before slinging the heavier one around their shoulders the older twin nodded to the younger and went over to open the tent flap for Alester. When Alester was sure he had everything both twins left their assigned tent and then began to head towards the entrance of the oasis town. Many males waved to them in gratitude getting smiles and waves from the two Levii in return. As they got to the entrance to the town the leader of the jackals guards and several of the towns nobles stepped up to them to offer their appreciation for all the brother's had done.

Alestor thanked them as well for being so generous in their trade agreements and made sure to pat over the hidden pocket of his satchel where he had a copy of the trade manuscript kept safely tucked away. The leader of the guards only grunted when Alester came by and nodded to him but he kept from looking into Alestor's eyes when the older twin came up and patted the larger jackal on the chest upon passing. When all of the nobles had given credit to the twins for their work they allowed the crimson siblings to make their way pass and before the sibling were out of sight Alestor turned his head to give a sly wink to the leader of the guards making the larger male grunt and snort before nodding his head and then going about his daily affairs.

Walking across the desert back home was not as daunting a task as walking into the desert as Alester and Alestor found themselves exiting the sandy expanse of land and into the large dry grassed plains separating their home from the jackal people's within eight hours. The sky was afire with color as the sun began to set into the distant horizon making the two siblings look like dancing flames as they kept a steady pace over the dry earth with the single determination to return to their jungle home. By the time the sun had set and darkness covered the land the twins were six miles from their village walking through a lush forest while debating whether they should continue walking into the night,

"It would make an interesting training session." Alester said as he began to loosen himself up from the more regal form of speech he had kept up at the Oasis town.

"True, but I think we should rest. You've done enough today and I don't want you to pass out on me. I might do something naughty to you with such a temptation right in front of me." Alestor purred as he looked at his brother standing under the light of the two half moons with a predatory grin on his face.

"You would take me whilst I sleep, my beloved sibling?" Alester asked as he folded his arms over his chest and smiled knowingly at his older twin.

"Of course. I'd drive my cock so deep into you that you've wake up shouting my name, begging me to thrust into you harder and faster. By the time I'd finish your butt would be covered in my cum looking all the part like the messy little Levii we both know you can be." The older twin suggested as he stood before his brother and grinned lustfully at him.

"Hehe, you do know how to make your words get to me, brother." Alester looked down at himself and found his leather crotch guard getting heavy with dribbling pre.

"I know, and you love it. Now how about we...Alester, look!" Alestor said making the younger Levii turn to see something that couldn't be right.

There in the middle of a cluster of trees was an abandoned looking temple sitting almost in wait for them. The twins blinked and then cautiously turned towards one another before asking the same question,

"Was that there before?"

"I...I don't think so. I was sure I didn't see it when we came through this way four days ago." Alestor answered as he narrowed his eyes at the dilapidated building.

"I can't sense anything of ill about the place. Perhaps we can seek refuge there for the night?" Alester asked not sure what to do in such a situation. Often at times the greatest of dangers lurked in the form of the most innocent of appearances.

"Let's get closer and scout the area. If we find nothing we go inside but if we do encounter trouble," The older Levii said clearly hinting at his intentions.


The brothers walked over towards the looming structure using their third eye's sight and inner magick to make a survey net and casting out their senses for any sign of danger. Finding nothing ten minutes later Alester and Alestor walked into the shrine taking note of the smell of recently burned incense and candle wax misting over the inner sanctum. The open area of the holy place seemed to not have been in use for the last couple of years but the feel of the room was of that of a temple thrumming with power that only came from continuous prayer and worship. Not understanding and yet not really trying to understand the twins stood side by side as they took their satchels from off of their backs and then laid them onto the floor. Stretching up both sets of their 'arms' the twin Levii groaned as their tired bodies began to relax from the stress of walking so far almost nonstop today. Alester, being too curious to let his mind drift off to thoughts of sleep began to archive the large room taking note off all of his surroundings and the mix of feelings that were going off inside of his heart,

"It seems that this place is a mix of contradictions, doesn't it? Alester asked as he made note of the large altar and the large metal ring above it. Casting out his power Alester didn't sense anything ill coming from the immediate area but instead he felt the strange need to rest his tired body onto the large table.

"It does but it's not evil. I can't feel anything wrong or vile so why not take advantage of our time alone?" Alestor suggested as he knelt down and routed through the satchel he had been carrying. Fishing out two little items the older Levii chuckled to himself before turning around and lifting his treasures up for his brother to see.

"You have a one track mind, my beloved sibling, but I like it." Alester grunted as he stepped up onto the altar and then fiddled with the straps of his leather loin guard before tossing it over to the side. He wouldn't need it until morning anyway.

"I'm so glad you do." Walking over to his younger twin Alestor set a pot of warming body oil, a the glass beaded dildo and a thick, black leather collar and leash he had procured from the leader of the jackal guards back at the Oasis down onto the floor before nuzzling his younger twin. The older Levii snickered as he remembered the look on the larger male's face when he explained, in great detail, what he wanted and how he planned to use the items on his younger brother.

"Should I ask what has you sniggering so maliciously?" Alester inquired as he debated with himself on how bad the answer would be as he watched the older Levii fastened the collar around his neck while taking the leash and tugging on it slightly making Alester groan from the feel of the cool material around his throat as he was pulled forward. Alestor kissed his twin on the nose before backing away while still keeping hold of the leash,

"Oh just remembering something very entertaining." Alestor said as he reached down to fiddle with his loincloth and then grunted before tearing it off of himself and throwing it away.

"And what was said memory about?"

"Just of a certain large jackal male getting the full on description of how I plan to use these little toys on you."

"And how do you plan to use it, my dear brother?" A crafty smile blossomed on Alestor's face as he wrapped the leash around his brother left hand making the other hold his own neck in restraint before speaking up,

"Well first I plan to pick it up and then coat it thoroughly in the warming oil until said oil is dripping onto the floor from out of my hand," Alestor picked up the dildo and then did as he said liberally soaking the glass material in the slick fluids while pumping his crimson palm over the toy like he would his own stiffening erection. Alester's jade eyes watched in awe as he felt his length begin to rise up from its flaccid state of being pushing out and then upwards against his chest. "And once I'm done I'm going to lift up your right leg and push you backwards into the wall exposing that hidden the little bud between your thighs," Once again Alestor did as he said as he grabbed his sibling's right leg lifting it up and then pushing his face into his brother's solar plexus, nuzzling the sweat soaked skin of his twin before licking the area and watching as his brother moaned out from the feelings he was inducing in him. Being twins the older of the pair could almost feel the shuddering sensations of pleasure that his younger brother was experiencing making him grow dizzy before he shook his head to get under control. When the older Levii looked down at the sight of the red puckered hole of his brother ass he pulled himself back and then smirked at the other.

"When I can see that entrance underneath you I'm going to run this dildo over your naked flesh making your squirm and moan," Like clockwork the older twin moved the dribbling slick bead toy over to his brother's hole and then pressed the tip into his sibling's pucker watching as Alester clenched his eyes and panted hard before moaning and squirming as foretold. "Then when I feel you've had enough I'm going to slowly ease this little instrument of pleasure into your depths listening as you yelp and yowl while feeling each bead run over your sensitive inner nerves," Alester knew it was coming and yet couldn't stop the thrill of anticipation as he felt the heated glass delve up into him through his sacred backdoor before opening his mouth forming a 'o' shape and then crying out in pleasure. Eight beads covered each inch of the toy and as Alestor's gently probed the slick dildo into his brother making Alester mewl and yowl like a cat in heat as he tossed his head back against the wall behind him and rolled it around in ecstasy. His inner tissue was served a new kind of pleasure as the rough beads ran against his prostate making the younger Levii groan and bump his head repeatedly against the wall behind him as he clenched his hands down onto the altar digging into the wood.

"When I've gotten it far enough up inside of your ass I'm going to go through a long, but luxurious set of thrusts changing speed and pressure while seeing you leak all over yourself and hump up and down into my paws." As Alestor finished speaking he slowly pulled the glass dildo out of the younger Levii and then jammed it up all the way with a single thrust, his slick palm actually touching the outer edges of Alester's pucker as the toy went fully inside of his twin. The cry of euphoria that ran from Alester's lips was like a nightingale's song as Alestor listened to his little brother's wail echo off of the walls of the shrine. Counting the second the older Levii used the tips of his fingers, getting them just inside of his brother's rectum before pulling out the dildo with the same slow pull as before. This form of play keeping going on making Alester jerk and hump himself as prophesized all the while Alestor grunted and thrust his own hips forward into the front of the altar to get his growing cock some much needed stimulation.

"Oh, big brother! I...I..." Alester tried to say but his mind was burning with that familiar fever that he had long since desired earlier that day.

"Say it, my beloved one. Say what you feel while I play with your body." Alestor increased the force of his hands movements as he rocked the toy harder up and inside of his younger twin. Sweat began to seep out of Alester's body making his musky scent thick and heavy as it danced inside of the older Levii's nose.

"I love you! I LOVE YOU! You're the only one for me, so please make me cum! Make me cum long and hard to show you my love! My want for you!" Alester all but screamed as he threw his head back against the wall and arched his hips beating his buttocks onto the altar like the beat of a drum. His cock was seeping pre like rain from the heavens over himself as the younger Levii groaned and yipped in pleasure untold.

"I will, just like I'm going to do, THIS!!" Alestor pulled the messy dildo out of his brother's asshole and then sniffed over it before murring and driving it fully up into his brother with one hard plunge of his crimson hand. Bending his nose down Alestor sniffed at Alester's balls sticking his warm and wet tongue out and licking over them feeling the tightening sac draw up before cum rushed up out of the tip of his younger sibling's long stalk of maleness.

"Awwwwwww!!!" Alester yowled and opened his eyes to look down and see a long rope of cum shoot up out of his fiery red cock onto his chest and then another jump up onto his face right between his eyes. The next shot was thinner and arched up only to flow back down over the younger Levii's cock. When no more shots came out Alester panted rapidly and then laid himself back onto the wall while feeling his tender anus throb and hold onto the beaded dildo.

"So beautiful! All this warm and messy cum all over your sweaty and musky body. You look good enough to eat, my twin." Alestor growled as he felt some of demon heritage seep out from his tight control as his greatest fantasy was laid out before him.

"Then take your fill of me my brother, show me just how much you love me this way by adding your own cum into my body." The younger twin used his 'secondary clawed arms' to first tie the leash he had been holding all the while onto the metal ring above him and then reached back down to pull his legs up and open as wide as he thought possible with the same appendages while at the same time using his primary hands and arms to spread his buttocks open for his brother to see, taste, and feel.

Alestor murred in pleasure as he pulled the dildo out of his brother's hole and then set it aside the warming oil pot before leaning himself forward and then licking up the wonderfully potent tonic of his brother's body fluids mixing together onto his chest and groin. Alester moaned making his older brother smile wider as he listened to the sweet sounds he was causing to pass from the other's lips making them change in tempo when he ducked his head lower and then back upwards. When almost all of his twin's cum was sliding down his throat with a heavy gulp Alestor grunted and then pulled himself up to look his brother into his heated jade eyes with his own burning cerulean before taking in the sight of the swollen pucker between Alester's spread legs. The clenching hole almost seemed to call out to him and Alestor grunted as he took hold of his cock before pumping it roughly and squirting his clear pre onto the already wet entrance. Reaching out to take one of his brother's hand Alestor grunted and humped forward as Alester's sweaty palm touched him so teasingly before being guided into the heated and slick insides of his brother by his brother.

The first touch of his glands to the glossy opening was like magic as the older twin began to slide inside of the younger with practiced ease. Alester groaned as he began to sweat more profusely while keeping his hold over his legs not wanting anything to stop his brother's pleasure as the older Levii took him like he was meant to be taken. Their two minds connected on a spiritual level as the Levii twins gasped out loud at the same time and then they both grew silent before a long session of mating and loving was being shared between them. Alestor relentlessly took his brother while alternatively growling and murring in pleasure as he thoroughly pounded the already malleable anus of his younger twin. His body moving without thought as he grunted and shoved his hips with increasing force into the younger Levii, not stopping as he relentlessly sniffed over his beloved sibling while gripping onto Alester's sides and clenching down onto the body within his grasp as if he owned the other.

The older Levii's balls tapped against the younger's sac spurring him onwards to finish their long bout of sex play with each other. Looking at his younger twin Alestor pressed his head forward and kissed the other tasting the sweat saltiness of his sexually aroused brother while he forced all of his love out of his heart and into Alester. Their stomach clenched and tightened together as the twins bounced back and forth with Alester's back coating the wall he was leaning against in his perspiration while Alestor's own body fluids began to coat over his brother in turn. With his hands and 'second arms' wrapped around Alester bringing them as close as possible before Alestor's cerulean eyes flashed black and he kissed his brother hard once again this time forcing his tongue down into his twin's throat before he pulled his face back and roared as he came inside of his counterpart. His pumping hips sent his pure white seed into his brother's nether end with such force that it actually backed up and spilled outside of the other Levii male and around both of their of their groins saturating them in liquid musk. Alester let out a keen of bliss before another orgasm took over his body forcing warm, creamy jets of cum to splash onto his and his brother's tightly pressed chest smearing the strings together and binding the two brother's on a physical level while the older twin's pulsing cock connected them together on a mental level as their two minds became one in love and passion.

Coming down from their shared climaxes Alestor untied the leash from the metal ring letting Alester's pull his head down enough so that their blue and green orbs gazed at one another before the twins spoke up,

"I love you, my Alester."

"And I love you, my Alestor."

"No matter the time, place, nor world we shall always be one for each other and with each other." The twins said together before slumping down onto each other as their combined body fluids dripped onto the altar making it glow dimly underneath them all during the yawning evening.