Furry High School: Spring Romance: Chapter Nine

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#9 of Furry High School: Spring Romance

Chapter Nine

The breaking light of the weekend morning peered in through the bedroom window, spilling across the sheets, shadowing past the form of the sprawled lion. Kaipo wasn't asleep though; he just rested on his back on the mattress, staring to his ceiling. He had barely slept, tossing, turning and watching his clock during the passing night as his mind repeated the same thing to him again and again. You kissed him.

It was the worst thing he could have done in his retrospect. He hadn't even tried to ask Rob's feelings, to find out what he thought about his love for the husky. He hadn't even said anything really intelligible, just leaned up and forced himself on the canine. His eyes slide shut, rolling to his side and pressing his pillow around his head, trying to shut out that thought. Worse yet, the dinner was tonight, and there was no way for him to speak with Rob, save for one.

I'm not gonna call him...He'll yell at me...if he talks to me at all...

Which meant he was stuck, he had to attend the dinner with his Mom and Sister tonight, he was stuck having to see Robert tonight, and he was stuck thinking the husky hated him now.

Letting go of the pillow, the lion finally sat up in the bed, pulling the covers off from his nude form. Shifting to sit on the edge of the bed, dangling his legs off in the movement, he stretched his arms up above his head, letting out a wide yawn before drooping his arms back to his side, scratching his ribs idly. With a push, he stepped up to his hind paws, stumbling forwards to his dresser. Pulling drawers open, he fetches out a pair of light blue denim jeans and a pair of vibrant blue boxers. Dropping the jeans beside him on the floor, the feline bent forwards and stepped into his boxers, pulling them snugly up around his waist before fetching a gray shirt with a blue paw print on the chest.

Stooping downwards, he grabbed up his jeans with his free paw, padding past his bed and giving his door a nudge open and padding out into the hallway.

"Mornin' big brother!" Susan skipped along past the sleepy feline in a pair of denim overalls and a little pink shirt on beneath that, disappearing off down the stairs before Kaipo could even manage an answer to her greeting. He paused there a few moments, until his Mother's voice caught his attention "Good morning Kaipo. I hope you'll be wearing more than that to dinner tonight." Phoebe winked at her son as she stepped past, wearing a pair of black shorts that trailed down to just above her knees, a hole left for her tail to emerge from, and a white t-shirt with a shot of a lighthouse in the distance displayed on it's front.

"Mornin'..." Kaipo mumbled, a faint scowl finding his face at the mention of dinner as he pushed open the door of the bathroom, pushing it shut behind him.

The shower's water left a soft sound to overpower Kaipo's thoughts as the feline bathed, working his fingers carefully through the amber of his fur coat, rinsing out the soap and shampoo before opening his eyes, giving a little headshake. Swishing his tail around in front of him, he caught it in one paw, lifting it up into the spray of water to wash the shampoo from the ruffle of fur at its tip. Why did I hafta do that... A sigh fell into the shower, staring down to his hind paws in the standing waters. Lifting one hind paw and giving a little flick of his toes, he switched the drain off for a moment and sank down to the floor of the tub, letting the warm waters collect about him. How could I have been so stupid? Swishing a paw through the waters, he splashed them up against the tub's wall, scowling faintly once more. Drawing up his knees to his chest, the lion's arms curled around them, hugging his knees to his chest while leaning back as the waters rose up to his waist. He must hate me, I know it.

The lion lay sprawled on the couch, his face hidden in his arms against one of the seat's arms. The sounds of the television gave his ears an occasional twitch as he moped while Susan watched her cartoons, settled on the floor in front of the sofa. Kaipo's tail swishes occasionally, drifting back and forth before slumping back to the couch across the depressed feline's backside.

"Kaipo! Susan! Hurry up and get dressed for dinner!"

"But Moooooom! We're already dressed!" Susan complained from her spot, clutching the remote and drawing her knees up a bit, glancing towards the doorway as Phoebe ducked her head in "You know what I mean you two. I expect you both to behave well at this dinner, got it? No funny business."

"I'm not going..." Kaipo mumbled against the couch, turning over to a semi-fetal position facing the back of his couch, his arms crossing over his chest.

"Kaipo, what are you complaining about? I thought you'd want to go to this most of all..." Phoebe's voice called out as she disappeared back into the hallway "After all, Robert's going to be there, won't you be happy to see him?"

Yeah right... Kaipo turned over to his other side, promptly falling off to the floor with a low thud, drawing his Mom's head back in the doorway "Come on, don't be silly Kaipo. Now get up and put something nice on."

Kaipo trudged down the stairs in his ?nice' outfit, a pair of black slacks with black dress shoes fitting his hind paws. An aqua colored shirt with golden buttons covered the white tank top on his form beneath; it's cuffs reaching down to his wrists, the outfit well tailored to the lion, with a hole in his black slacks for his tail to emerge from. Stepping into the entry hallway of the house, he let out a little sigh, looking down to his shoes. This is gonna go bad, I just know it...

Suzy skipped up beside her brother, wearing an almost impossibly frilly pink dress, her hair pulled back into a ponytail complete with a pink bow. Her shoes wear the only thing that deviated from the outfit, a powerfully white shade, matching that of her socks. Her tail dips out from beneath the dress, just the amber puff of its tail visible.

"Well, it's nice to see you two dressed quickly for once..." Both cubs glanced up to the voice, Suzy growing almost wide-eyed as Kaipo did to, his mouth dropping open just a bit. Phoebe gradually descended the stairs, her hind paws fitted in a pair of crimson short-heeled shoes with a little wrap around her ankles, her shoes and the amber fur just above shown by a small slit in the front of her dress' bottom, the faintly shimmering material sweeping out to both sides as she walked. The material clung to her form, almost over-accenting the lioness' curves as it swept up her body, the crimson garment reaching up just above the swell of her breasts, leaving the amber of her fur above open to view. Her blond locks were pulled back into a bun at the back of her head with a braid curled about it, held in place by two short pins. Her bangs trailed down to her cheeks still, as several braids hung down to between her shoulder blades. A golden necklace rested along her collarbone, with a small ruby charm dangling from it. "How do I look?" The lioness queried as she stepped off the stairs.

"You look beeeeautiful Mommy!" Suzy piped up, bouncing a bit in her spot and clasping her paws together.

"Whoa...jeeze Mom, you're gonna make Mrs. Ladge jealous lookin' like that." Kaipo smirked as a light blush caught Phoebe underneath her fur "Thank you, you two. Now, move your behinds, or we'll be late."

A soft hum of conversation permeated the restaurant, punctuated by the soft chimes of silverware touching along the plates of the various furs feasting. The Terrace family padded into the dinning area, following a lupine dressed in a white button-up shirt, a pair of black slacks and a red sash tied around his waist. A pair of black shoes completed the waiter's outfit as he lead the trio of lions over to an extended table before rushing back off, leaving the Terraces there to great the Ladge family. Each slide out their seat as the families exchanged warm greetings, with Suzy settling down on one side of Phoebe and Kaipo on the other, leaving him seated directly in front of Rob, Phoebe seated across from Robert's Mother, and Suzy seated in front of the husky's father.

Robert Ladge had a nearly shimmering white outfit fitted well on him, a long-sleeved shirt with gray buttons hugging his buff form while a matching pair of white dress pants fitted his legs, with a hole stitched for his tail to emerge from, and a pair of black shoes fitting his hind paws.

Ophelia Ladge settled beside her son, the husky femme outfitted in a bit more modest attire than Phoebe as a twinkling gown of forest green covered much of the canine's slender form, leaving a little V cut from he front, exposing a faint view of her cleavage. Her slender tail emerges from the back of the dress, the gray and white contrasting well with the green. The length of the gown reaches full down to her ankles, leaving the criss-cross straps of her dark green shoes revealed, covering partially over their tops while her toes are left open. A dark green jacket matching her shoes settles on the back of her chair for the moment, showing the gown's sleeves reach down to her wrists, just her slender white paws left exposed. A tiny golden ring pierces her right ear, with long white locks smoothed back between her ears, reaching down to her waist while her bangs reach to the corners of her crystal blue eyes.

Seated beside his wife was Ethan Ladge, the Akita's form easily evident underneath his onyx suit, the buff canine fitted just as well in the outfit as his son. The black suit of the jacket rests on his form still at the moment; it's sleeves reaching his wrists, with a pair of golden cufflinks on them. A white button-sup shirt seeming to match Robert's is on beneath the jacket, tucked into the waist of a pair of onyx slacks, their cuffs reaching down to his black shoes. Brown and black fur marked the canine's face in a pattern baring resemblance to the white and gray of Robert's face. His tail's brown and tan colorings matched those of both husky's gray and white tails as well, with both Ethan and Ophelia having a golden ring fitted at the base of their left paw's index fingers.

Kaipo pushed the door of the restroom open, wiping the back of his paw across his brow. Stepping around in front of the counter lined with sinks, the lion switched the waters of one on, cupping his paws together and giving himself a face full of water before letting out a relieved sigh. I can't believe he hasn't said anything yet... The lion gazed back into his own reflection on the mirror, his ears just idly flicking as the door pulled open. A weak gasp escaped him as he found a husky standing behind him a few moments later in the reflection, turning about to find Robert standing before him "R-rob!" Came his surprised exclaimation, glancing around the bathroom for some route of escape as the husky took several steps forwards, placing himself directly in front of the feline as Kaipo's gaze weakly lifted back to those crystal blue eyes.

"I can explain..."

His voice was silenced in a second though as one of the husky's muscular arms encircled his waist, pulling their bodies together. His second paw caught behind Kaipo's head, drawing the quivering feline forwards as his muzzle drew down, their lips sealing together, their gazes melting into each other.

A few moments of the embrace passed before the lion came near to throwing himself against the canine, Kaipo's arms slipping up beneath Robert's armpits, gripping at the backs of his shoulders. His lips sealed more firmly, passionately to the husky's as a low purr rumbled in his chest, shaking his form a bit more against that firm body embracing him. A low moan flowed to the lion's lips as Robert's paw slipped from his waist, catching along his behind, pulling the lion up against his chest, leaving Kaipo sitting on the counter. The lion's legs caught around the canine's waist as he was sat down, hugging him full against his own body, pulling him a bit over the counter as they broke the kiss only to press into a more passionate embrace of their lips.

The heated embrace lasted a few moments more as the pair rested entwined against the counters before their lips finally broke free, each fur panting softly, their cheeks flushed, sweat tipping their coats as they breath spilled across each other's lips, their gazes wavering, resting fully within each other's. The silence broke a few moments later by a reluctant husky as Rob murmured "We'd better get back to the dinner."