Make This Work...

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Warning: the following story contains sex with an underage participant.

"Morning Patrick!" I said, trying not to sound too hopeful.

"Mornin'..." the teen replies, still too drowsy to be fully sullen. Which seems to be about the best I can hope for.

Still, I couldn't help but notice that button nose of his twitching. That was my big hope, the way of breaking through the angsty armor the sixteen year old wore, at least when it came to me. The kitchen was full of smells that promised a tasty and nutritious way to start the day, and sometimes I'd even hear the panda's stomach rumble as he pointedly ignored the plate set by an empty seat at the little breakfast counter. He didn't pay any attention to me or the breakfast, pouring himself a cup of coffee as he rummaged around in the fridge. I try not to take it too personally, but as a chef it's kinda hard not to.

"Well, I'm off to work. Want me to bring back something for lunch?"

"Whatever..." Patrick mumbles, his head still in the fridge.

I suppress a sigh as I rush out the house, my ears picking up the sound of the refrigerator door closing a second after the front door did. I can't help but smile a bit at this small triumph - I'd learned that if I'm gone just after Pat wakes up, the breakfast will also be gone shortly, a sign that he doesn't have a problem with my cooking and that...

...that he just doesn't want to sit down with me to eat it.

Well, that was a bitter little thought, and one that wiped the smile clear of my face. But whatever, at least I'm keeping him fed. The problem is that wasn't what I promised...


The commute to work had been pleasant enough - just me and my moped zipping through light traffic on an early but bright morning. Entirely the wrong sort of weather for the dreary thoughts running through my head. At least I had the place to myself for about another fifteen minutes to get my head straight. I was scoring serious brownie points with my boss who thought I was so gung-ho about work that I didn't need to be asked to come early and get things ready for everyone else. I didn't have the heart to tell him I was running away from home so my sulky son could get a decent breakfast.

Well, not really my son. Patrick was actually my stepson, which was pretty obvious, with him being a panda and me a hyena nine years older than him. I never had a kid, and never intended to. But I wound up inheriting one.

Now, how do you think I met Pat's mother? Was she my teacher in college who let her passion towards her student get the better of her? Did our eyes meet across a crowded dance floor, drawing us together while our hearts pounded loud enough to drown out the music? Did we each go alone to see a movie, met in the line and decided to sit next to each other, an instant spark leaping between us?

Wrong, wrong and wrong! We met on one of those adults-only message/chat places. Now hear me out, because it's not_as_ seedy as it sounds. It's kinda cute, actually.

Somebody started the place so that people in our town who were sort of amorously adventurous, but not enough to actually do anything about it could meet up, talk about their kinks and curiosities, all under the shroud of a pseudonym. It was kind of a thrill - you were talking about pervy stuff and sharing fantasies with people you might see every day and never suspect it.

Now, I appreciate people who are a bit kinky, because frankly anyone interested in me would have to be. While it is true that most 'yeena gals have a clit that can often be mistaken for, and sometimes used as, a modestly-sized cock, I've got a little more going on. It's rare but not unheard of for a female of my species to be born with, how shall I put this delicately - the full package. Girl parts and boy parts, and everything fully functional.

Not that most folks notice, since my appearance is decidedly feminine, if I don't get horny and pitch a tent. I work for a living so I'm pretty fit, and since I'm a cook I eat right, so I've got some padding in the right places. My pride and joy are my girls - a pair of bouncy C-cups that ride so high on my chest that I don't bother with a bra unless I have to. The reason I love them so much is that once they came in I finally couldn't be mistaken for a boy.

And I am a bit of a tomboy, but that's because I grew up with three brothers, so a bit of that was bound to rub off on me. Doesn't help that once puberty hit I started noticing both boys and girls differently, but it made sense in a way because I had something for everybody.

So I was on-line one night on a topic about shemales/futas or whatever, and someone sent me a private message, asking why I seemed to be so well-versed on the subject. Now at that point a sensible person would protect their anonymity and hit the 'Ignore' button, but the nickname 'CuriousMommy' kinda intrigued me, so I said I have firsthand knowledge.

The 'mommy' seemed thrilled by that, claiming she'd always fantasized about being with a woman with a little extra, and went into graphic and amazingly vivid detail. She said she hasn't lost hope of meeting someone like that since she was still in her thirties and considered herself quite a looker. Yeah lady, and I bet you're also the princess of Nigeria and can make my dick bigger in ten days (not that I need it though). I was pretty sure that some of my friends managed to find out about my internet activities and were trying to get me with the old 'lonely housewife' bit.

And then she sent me a pic. And I mean a pic!

Which is soooooo stupid that I was sure it was a fake. The first thing I did was a reverse image search... no, the second thing I did was a reverse image search, but I couldn't find anything that looked like the gorgeous panda gal's one finger selfie. I was trying to work out the odds of this being real when she sealed the deal, sending me a short clip of that same gorgeous woman kissing a lap-top screen that showed our conversation and her pic.

Okay, so it was real, but how? Was this destiny? I'm a pretty nice person, so maybe I had some long-overdue karmic reward coming my way? Or maybe God was real and also really into herms on milfs and was trying to make this happen. Well, either way it did. Video chats at first, and once we got sick of watching each other play with ourselves, we met and played with each other.

We'd been together for three months when she told me she finalized the divorce and asked me to move in. Now before you judge, I had no idea she was married, since... well, she always found a way to change the subject on those rare occasions it came up. She only told me about it once she and her husband agreed to it and I'd been pretty pissed off at her for that, but it didn't last.

When I did move in, I first met Patrick, and it wasn't love at first sight, as you might have guessed. I didn't blame the kid since I figured it must have been the most awkward thing in his life. Just by walking into that house I was saying 'Hey there, I'm old enough to be your sister and me boinking your mom's brains out was the nail in the coffin of your parents' long and unhappy marriage. Anyway, you'll be seeing me every day for as long as you live here, nice to meet ya!'. Still, he did listen to Miriam, and she could at least get him to be nice to me, in a sort of 'contractual-obligation' way.

We decided to tie the knot on the anniversary of our first date in a small ceremony, since I really didn't give a crap about weddings and Miri had gotten her bridal urges out of her system the first time 'round. As for our first wedding anniversary, well... we never really got that far.

She was driving home from the store when some drunken bastard ran a red light and t-boned her. The piece of shit was dead on impact, and they managed to get Miriam to the hospital, but when I saw the doctor's face, I knew what I was in for. They told me and Patrick that they were making her comfortable, but that it was best we said our goodbyes.

My first thought when I saw her was that she didn't look that bad - a few cuts from flying bits of glass, but otherwise still my Miriam's beautiful face. I dared to hope for a while that the doctor didn't know what the fuck he was talking about and that Miri would pull through, but that's the thing about internal injuries.

I think she knew that she didn't have long, which is why after Patrick rushed out in tears she made me promise to look out for him like he was my very own. Which was a dirty trick, because she knew I always kept my word and at that moment I would have promised her anything. Pat came back in a little while later and we stayed with her for as long as she managed to stay with us.

After the funeral people came to talk to the teen, asking him about what he wanted. Apparently he didn't really know his dad who was away on business for what seemed like most of his life. His grandparent's on his father's side were both gone and Miri's folks lived on the other side of the country and Pat had only really seen them once or twice a year. And so I became a legal guardian. To a sixteen year old step-son who barely even talked to me...

"I'm fucking it up, aren't I babe?" I asked out loud, as if I'd hear Miri's voice ringing through the empty kitchen.

Well, a fuck-up is all that kid's got, so I'd better do the only thing I seem to be any good at and earn my pay. I grabbed the sack of onions and started chopping, knowing I'd at least have an excuse for the damp fur under my eyes...


I sat at the kitchen table, idly fingering my phone while burning my mouth and not giving a damn. I'd started cooking straight after I got back from my morning shift (you know, to take a break from cooking all day) and the smell of my handiwork was even now leaving the kitchen to waft through the house, looking for its next victim.

It was a piece of cake though - I'd baked these little pastries I make by just taking a bunch of leftovers and whatever I've got lying around and wrapping them in a nice flaky dough. Not fancy enough to serve to a customer, but very tasty, especially since no two batches are ever the same. And Pat likes them because he can just swoop by and take them away to eat on his own.

"Okay, so you figure that's it?" a voice asked from upstairs. I figured Patrick was already home from school, since they let them out a little early on Fridays, and it appeared he had a friend over.

"Yeah, you know Mr. Willis. The rest is probably gonna be multiple choice, but he always picks the most obscure parts for the essay questions that count for, like, two thirds of the overall score." came Pat's reply as he trundled down the stairs with a raccoon I think I'd seen before but couldn't put a name to the masked face.

"Well, we'll see on Monday. You going out tonight?"

"Nah, Shawn's coming over and we're just gonna spend a Friday night playing video games and stuff..."

"Oh, okay. You coming along?"

"Yeah, I wanna pick something up at the mall. Lemme just grab a few things." I heard pat say as he slipped into his sneakers.

"Okay. Hey, who's that?" the raccoon's voice dropped just a little as he referred to me as I played it cool and pretended not to hear.

"That's just... never mind. Can you just wait outside? I'll only be another second..." he replied and I gotta say it struck a bit of a nerve. Enough for me to speak up.

"Patrick?" I said as he began to wrap a few pastries into some kitchen towels. "I know I've never asked you to call me 'mom' or anything but... 'never mind'? I mean, if you're not okay with 'step-mom' or 'legal guardian', how about just 'Zoey'?"

"What's the point? Once I'm eighteen you'll be gone and... why bother?" he said, turning around and leaving.

Well, another great move. What was I expecting? 'I'm sorry, we'll talk this over when I get back.'? Maybe I should cut my losses. I tried, but how am I supposed to be a mother to a moody teen less than a decade younger than I am? I could try being an older sister, but all I've ever had were older brothers, so I have even less of an idea of what that's supposed to be like.

Maybe all I could really do was run out the clock. Miri had a pretty big life insurance policy, and once the kid was an adult he'd be OK for money. I could just pack up and go and... leave a teen all alone in the world. Yeah, bet my conscience would just love that. All right then Zoey, you've got about two years to work something out, because you sure as shit aren't breaking your promise if there's any way to avoid it.

For now I had the house to myself. So, what do you do when you're home alone and feeling tense and bummed out?

A few minutes later and I was sprawled out on my bed, a pink buzzing ball securely stuffed up my girl-hole while my red canine shaft raced out of my sheath, as if asking 'What about me?'. I growled in delight as my paw tightened around the twitching red bone, the other lovingly mauling one of my breasts as I prepared to sexually assault myself on all fronts. And I didn't waste time choosing what I was going to think about while I did it.

I didn't really have a choice, since it had only been a matter of minutes that I saw Patrick. God, the kid had his mother's face! Even his hair was the same shade of rusty-red as Miriam's, and since he hadn't had it cut in a while the otherwise dense curls were starting to tumble down the sides of his head. Miri had shown me pictures of herself from her teen years, playfully bemoaning her long-gone youth despite me insisting that I preferred the mature Miriam over the NC-17 version (something which I then had to empathically prove, which I suspect was the real reason Miri got the photos out). Pat's hair was still shorter, and the slender teen lacked the curves Miri had been sporting even at that age, but otherwise it was uncanny.

Which is why getting a good look at Patrick always got me thinking about her. The real major difference, however, is that whenever Miri had looked at me she'd always smiled, to some degree. A little curving of those full, pouty lips, maybe a coy smirk, or a big happy grin. Or the nervous but very eager little smile she wore when we first met in person.

It hadn't really been a date, more of a booty call. A chance to play out some of the fantasies we'd built while video-chatting. God, I could almost see her standing in the doorway, fidgeting a little in a cute little top and honest to goodness yoga pants! Well, she knew by then I had a thing for MILFs and wasn't about to disappoint.

Once her clothes were off, it was like she was uncaged - all her buried needs and passion released and aimed square at lil' old me. Romantically I'd always been a sort of 'take-charge' type, but that night (and most others, really) I'd let her call all the shots, and never regretted a second of it. Even now my cock throbbed in my grip as I remembered what she looked like. I'd learned later just how much effort she put into staying in shape, but all I did that night was admire the shape she was in - a study in black and white curves, her body soft in all the right places, firm in others, but still with a lot of bounce for a woman her age.

I continued stroking myself as I dove into the memories of our more intimate moments. It was a bitter-sweet exercise, but the bitterness I knew from experience would come latter. My free hand wandered past my knot, brushing gently over my family jewels. When I'd finished puberty I had a procedure done to trim my sack, to the point where my gnads were now two oval bulges just above my labia. It looked more sleek and gave me easier access to my honeypot than the dangling sack (and believe me, they were heavy enough to _really_dangle) used to, and a former roommate and occasional fuck-buddy had once told me it made my crotch look like it had biceps. Fuck yeah - Superpussy!

And as the magic bullet buzzed away in my now dripping snatch, I was lost in my little highlight reel. The memory of Miri looking up at me with a twinkle in her eyes as she parted her muzzle and took me into her velvety mouth, moaning around my shaft like it was the tastiest thing in the world. The sight of her monochromatic body bouncing up and down on my lap as I lay stretched out while the motherly panda rode me like I was a bucking bronco.

But nothing could beat lying on top of her, my perky tits pressed against her pillowy pair as we panted and kissed while I pumped away between her legs. The things she would say as I rutted her would have made a porn-star blush and take notes, hot little whispers into my ear designed to make me go harder and faster still. And when I felt like I was about to pass out, the sensation of her flower opening up for my knot, then sealing itself behind the bulb, my heart beating like it was trying to break my ribs as it pounded in my chest. I could always feel her own beating against mine as she made these desperate, whimpering noises just before the first jet of my cum shot inside her. And once I began filling her she would wrap her arms and legs around me so tight I swear you couldn't pry us apart with crowbars.

And while her dialogue before that would be as dirty and kinky as possible, when I was shooting inside her it was all lovey-dovey, passionate words husked between kisses as the panda gal came over and over, my knot throbbing against her g-spot with every rope of hyena juice I sent spurting inside her. And all the while she'd keep me in her loving grip, not letting me go until my shaft had slipped back inside its sheath, which sometimes didn't happen until I revved back up and put another load into her.

It was the memory of one such wild, exhausting session that put me over the edge. My cock surged as I gripped my knot and began to squeeze the red bulge even as it ballooned in my grasp, rubbing my clit a little for good measure as my shaft began to spray pearly ropes all over my belly and chest, a few errant jets even reaching my muzzle and leaving white streaks over my face.

My cock knew the difference between a hand and a pussy and never put as much effort into spraying if it was just going into thin air, so I'd stopped cumming in about one minute, the egg now filling the room with a loud buzzing after my climactic convulsions had pushed it out of my love-tunnel. Surveying the damage with lidded eyes I was pleased to note my aim was good - I was a cum-streaked mess, but I needed a shower anyway, and it looked like I wouldn't have to change the sheets as well.

The sadness came then, the sort of post-coital ennui compounded by the knowledge that as wonderful as my memories of Miri were, I'd never get a chance to make any more. Still, it had filled me with a resolve to keep trying with Pat, because I knew that if I fucked things up with him I'd feel like shit every time I remembered Miriam, knowing I'd let her down. And I couldn't let that happen...


As I got home I noticed the curtains were drawn in the living room, with periodic flashes of light coming from between the fabric. I'd seen the set-up before when Patrick's friends came over to play games on the big TV and the teens immediately made the place dark enough to develop film. Not wanting to interrupt, I circled 'round the house and went in through the kitchen, intending to quietly scoot up the stairs and to my room.

The moment I got in I cringed, my nose wrinkling as the smell of cherry-flavored vodka assailed it. Well, it wasn't really that bad, but I'd had my biggest (and by that I mean worst) drunk/hangover after nearly a whole bottle of that hooch, and just a whiff of it brought some unpleasant flashbacks. I was hoping Patrick and his friends were being more responsible than I was and if not, well maybe holding his hair back while he puked his guts out would be a good bonding experience for the two of us...

I was just about to part the beaded curtain separating the kitchen from the living room when I heard a gasp over the noise of some game or other, followed by Pat's voice.

"Aaah! Cut it out! I told you before we started - no knot!" I heard him say with a breathy voice, and having a knot of my own it only brought on more flashbacks. Well, this is tricky. Pat was obviously playing more than video-games in there, but the only way upstairs was past the couch where I assumed the dirty dance was taking place. And I couldn't stay in the kitchen because the curtain wasn't offering much in the way of soundproofing, and if they knew I'd been here it would be as embarrassing as being spotted sneaking up the stairs. Maybe I should leave the house? Go to a bar for an hour or two, maybe see if I can do something about this sudden tightness in my pants...

"C'mon, just take it like a good lil' bitch..."

Or maybe I'll just stick around for a few more minutes...

"Damn it Shawn, I said 'no'!"

"I heard you took Ryan's that one time..." the unknown voice said, and I could now pick up other sounds - grunts, pants, the creak of the couch and an unmistakable rhythmic slapping. Taking a peek I saw the pair outlined by the flashing lights of the paused game, a greyish canine draped over a familiar black and white body.

"That's - ungh! - different. He's a fox and... not as big as you..."

"Damn right! And if you let him tie you with that little bitch cock of his, just wait until you feel a real alpha under your tail!"


That sharp cry from Pat was all it took, and a second later I was dragging what turned out to be a husky off and indeed out of the boy lying on his stomach on the couch, and quickly if not gently helping the canine to find the door, slowed down only by the mincing steps he was making with his pants bunched up around his feet.

"What the - who the fuck are you?"

"I'm Patrick's legal guardian, here to do a li'l guarding..." I said as I gave him a nudge out the door. It was night and there wasn't anyone around, but the brat still fumbled frantically in an attempt to get his pants up and his belt buckled. I managed to get a good look at him in the porch light - a husky with his fur partially dyed, trying to pull off the 'wolf look'.

"Look, I was just..."

"Oh, I know what you were 'just'. Tell you what - in a few years when you're legal, come back here and I'll show you what it feels like to have a real alpha under your tail. Now tuck that thing in your pants before a bird mistakes it for a worm."

The kid stood there, speechless, and I had a good idea why. We hyenas tend to sort of... grin... whenever we're really angry. It looks normal to us, but I've been told by a friend who'd seen me do it that it looked like something straight out of a slasher movie. And I was a lot angrier now than I was back then, and bigger too!

Figuring I'd scared the shit out of the little shit, I went back into the house, hearing him half-shout 'Fucking dyke!' when I the door was almost closed behind me. Well, you sure told me, macho man.

When I got back inside I noticed Patrick wasn't on the couch anymore just before I heard a door upstairs closing shut. Then the adrenaline started wearing off and my brain started working again. What the fuck was I thinking? Super-Zoey to the rescue? The kid didn't feel comfortable enough to sit down and talk with me, and I suddenly charge in when he was with someone? Okay, don't get gloomy. Maybe I didn't fuck things up? Just go upstairs and try to talk to him...

I went up to his door, giving a few soft knocks before speaking up.

"Patrick can we... are you okay?" I said, fumbling a little before waiting for a reply.

"Why did you do that?" came the question, soft but it hit me like a brick nevertheless.

And I was going to try harder. Make it work, get him to open up, keep my promise...

I couldn't respond, sitting down with my back against the door, palms on my forehead as I felt well and truly beaten.

"Patrick, I..." I started speaking, but couldn't think of anything to say.

I'm sorry Miriam. I really tried.

"Look, I know it hasn't really been working out with the two of us, and I just want you to know I've seen a lawyer a few weeks ago and I took care of everything. The money, the house, it's all in your name. Let's just... let's just get through a couple more years living together, and if you don't want me here anymore by then, I'm gone. Waving me goodbye can be your eighteenth birthday pres..."

I was interrupted when the door I'd been leaning against was suddenly opened, spilling me into Pat's room and smacking my head onto the floor. Fighting the pain and the glare of the ceiling lamp shining in my face I managed to focus on Patrick's face as he looked down at me with tears in his eyes.

"Please... please don't..." he croaked, trying desperately to keep his voice steady.

I don't even remember getting up, confused by his words and his reaction. I remember standing there completely dumbfounded as he took a step closer to me before wrapping his arms around me and hiding his face against my neck. And then he started to cry. Not because of the creep from just then, not because of our awkwardness. I knew what this was, and as his body began to shake with every wracking sob I just wrapped my arms around his waist and held him close.

I'd seen him cry once this whole time - when we went to see Miri at the hospital. Never after that. The kid had suddenly lost the only real family he ever had, and during the funeral and the bleak weeks that followed I'd seen him sad, I'd seen him tear up every now and again, or notice bags under his eyes, but I never saw or heard him cry.

Eventually the sobs died down and he lifted his face from my chest and looked up at me. My mouth was open as I felt I should say something, but I was quite literally speechless. Maybe Patrick had misread that, but the next thing I knew his lips were pressed against mine, the boy letting out a little whimpering moan through his nose as he kissed me. I wasn't really kissing him back, but looking back on it I couldn't help but note that I still held him close enough against me to feel his body shudder against mine.

"S-stay with me... tonight... please..." he murmured, his muffled words slightly slurred as he trailed little kisses down my muzzle and my collar while I continued to stare, dumbfounded.

I put a finger under his chin and lifted his face up to meet my gaze. Fuck, nobody had a right to look that good after crying their eyes out! His face should have been a snotty mess, but the teary eyes still looked beautiful nestled in their dark spots, the trembling of his black lips against white fur only served to draw attention to how full and inviting they looked and his nose was clean, although it still sniffled cutely. Not even the smell of the artificial cherry flavoring on his breath could turn me off at this point, but I knew deep down it wouldn't feel right if we went any further tonight.

"Patrick, I'm not going anywhere if you don't want me to..." I began, speaking softly and hoping the kid couldn't feel the bulge in my pants as the sensation of his body against mine caused certain parts of me to react despite my better judgment "...but let's not go any further tonight. Go to bed, and when you wake up I promise I'll still be here and we can take it from there, okay?" I said, but what I was really thinking of was Please kid, let me get out of this room with my balls blue and my self-respect intact!

"O-kay..." he said with a sniffle and I felt relieved, not sure how long my integrity would have lasted if he'd insisted. I gave him a little kiss on the lips as a consolation prize as we said our goodnights. I hope you get a decent night's sleep Pat. And if you can't, and you happen to hear me while I do what I'll have to in order to get one, I hope you won't judge...


I was just about done with the sizzling pan in front of me when Patrick made his way down the stairs, looking bleary-eyed but with that black nose sniffing at the air. Expecting the state he'd be in I'd whipped up something with veggies, eggs, and just enough bacon to make someone forget about their hangover long enough to eat.

"Mornin'..." the drowsy boy said as he sat down at the place I'd set for him. I did my best not to grin!

Now this may not seem like much to you, but for me it was like spotting a deer in the wild and then watching in awe as the graceful creature approached and began to lick your hand. It was a surreal and breathtaking scene that could be broken by even the slightest misstep.

"Good morning. Sleep well?" I said, serving him as he gulped down the iced tea sitting on the table.

"More like passed out. Thanks, by the way. For last night..." he said bashfully, looking down and his plate and toying with his fork as the white fur on his cheeks turned slightly pink.

"Hey, it's okay. We all make mistakes. You feeling all right?"

"Yeah, he didn't really... I mean..."

"Actually I was referring to the vodka..." I said and he turned away as the pink spread. Fuck, he looked cute when he was embarrassed! I thought, failing to stop a smile from curving my lips.

"Ugh, that definitely messed me up..." he looked up, smiling sheepishly once he caught me grinning.

As much as I wanted to make this new Pat open up further, I let the kid eat in peace. He was a growing boy, after all, and since it was a Saturday morning there'd be time to talk. It didn't take us long to polish off breakfast, but neither of us seemed to be in a hurry to leave the table once we did.

"Thanks. That really hit the spot." he said.

"Well, I'm glad I had a chance to watch you enjoy it..." I replied, immediately regretting how passive-aggressive it sounded.

"Yeah. I guess I owe you an explanation..." he said, and I did my best to seem attentive but non-pressuring. I guess my ears swiveling might have given away just how eager I'd been to hear this next part.

"I'd been angry, at first. I mean I knew my mom and dad weren't really all that in love, but when she left him I felt it had been... selfish." He said, his throat tightening as he was forced to admit he'd resented his late mother "And to make matters worse, she'd left him for someone like... you."

"What do you mean?" I said, genuinely confused. It couldn't have been the woman/woman thing, not after what I saw and heard last night.

"Well, you were younger than her and... and I kinda had a crush on you..." he said, his eyes falling to the empty plate in front of him, and a good thing to since I doubted my fur was hiding my own blush.

In all this time, it had never occurred to me that he'd been jealous_of Miriam! He wasn't avoiding me, he was avoiding having to watch us together. And then when she died, the guilt over that envy would have kicked in. And I do mean _kicked...

"And after mom... passed away I'd thought about telling you but..." he spoke past a lump in his throat, running a hand through that rusty-red hair. "I didn't think you'd want anything to do with me. I figured you'd agreed to be my guardian out of pity, or a sense of obligation to mom. I thought I'd made a mistake asking to stay with you and saddling you with a kid, and that it would only get more awkward if I said anything. I thought you'd leave once I was an adult so I just kept my distance..." he finished, and I could see tears glinting at the corners of his eyes. Those same eyes looked up when I reached out and took his hand in mine, giving him a reassuring squeeze before replying.

"Well, you were right about some things. I never really intended to have kids, and I did promise Miri that I'd look after you. But when I heard you wanted to stay with me, I didn't accept out of pity, although we were both pretty pitiful at the time..." I said and we shared a little smile "It was because for the first time in my life someone needed me. And knowing that, I couldn't leave you." I said, smiling a little wider as Pat squeezed my hand back.

"Look, I'm not a parent figure, but then again you're not a little kid anymore. I'm not really sure what that makes us but... I think we can make this work. Let's just keep talking to each together and see where we wind up..." I said, and judging by the look he gave me it had been the right thing to say.

But oh what a telling look it was! Nervous, hopeful, eager and a little bit frightened. Pat never really got over his crush, it would seem. And then there was me. I tried to work out my frustration before going to bed, but after seeing the panda boy panting with a canine shaft between his cheeks, and that drunken kiss I knew what I'd end up dreaming about before I even closed my eyes. Somehow I don't think this was what Miri had in mind when she'd asked me to take care of him but... You know what, fuck it! We'll take things slow, and whatever happens would be a damn sight better than what we'd been doing up 'till now.

"I just want to say I'm sorry. For waiting this long to speak up..." Pat said, bringing back to reality.

"That's okay. You were dealing with a lot..." I said, getting up and clearing the table. "You're a good kid Patrick. And not a bad kisser..." I said, giving him a little pat on the shoulder as I made my way to the sink after addressing the last elephant in the room. I shot a quick glance behind me in time to see him looking at the floor bashfully. Really cute when he's embarrassed, and he embarrasses easily. Good to know...


Relaxing on the living room couch, I was doing my best to pay as much attention to the movie as I was paying to the panda snuggled up against me. The flick (Pat's choice) wasn't bad, but my eyes didn't seem to be all that interested in the in the radiant high-def masterpiece, drifting quite frequently to something black'n'white. It was some period piece, quite a mature choice on the kid's part, and I don't mean just because of some pretty risqué love scenes.

We'd been taking it slow since that night a few weeks ago and learned that once we got the emotional baggage out of the way we genuinely liked living together. Neither of us had brought up Pat's offer from that evening, but we did seem to be getting more and more affectionate every day. We hugged every now and again, and the hugs seemed to last a little longer every time as the hand's we held each other with got curious. The occasional peck on the cheek we'd give each other was now almost on the muzzle...

And despite the size of the couch you couldn't push a piece of paper between us as we both did our best to keep our eyes on the screen. I'm not sure when I'd thrown my arm around him, figuring my body must have acted on muscle memory, but the panda had taken that as his cue to snuggle up and I wasn't about to push him away. At some point he'd buried his face in my neck and I had to fight my ticklishness once he started kissing it.

"Hey, you keep that up and we'll get kicked out of the theater!" I said, craning my neck despite my protestations.

"Now there's a thought! How come you never took me out on a date?" the boy paused his nuzzling long enough to ask.

"Hate to break this to you kid, but there's a reason why they call it _jail_bait..."

Feigning disappointment, he toppled over so that his head was resting in my lap, pointedly facing the screen. It was also the least fun direction he could have chosen, since I couldn't see his cute mug, or for that matter feel it against my lap. Still, I consoled myself by playing with his pretty ginger locks...

"Yeah, but you'd get sent to a woman's prison. How hard would that be for you?"

"Are you kidding? That would literally be hard time! A cell-block full of females who'd been doing without for months or years, and then suddenly I walk in with the full package? After two weeks I'd be a dry husk, begging to be put into solitary!"

"Well, we might not get caught. It's not like you're that old - ouch!" he cried out as I flicked one of his stubby little ears.

"You might want to watch your tongue while I've got you in the palm of my hand..." I warned, giving him a little scratch at the base of the stricken ear, demonstrating what good behavior could earn him. We both managed to keep up the charade of watching the movie for a while, until Pat broke the silence.

"Hey, you remember that night a while back when you said 'let's not take it any further tonight'?" he asked, turning around so that he was lying on his back and looking up at me, eyes twinkling in their black spots.

"Yeah?" I replied, hoping I sounded half as nonchalant as I was trying to.

"Well, I was thinking you might want to take it a little further this night..."

"And just what makes you say that?" I asked, admiring the balls on the kid as he put the moves on me.

"Well we've gotten a lot closer since then and I think we're both pretty interested in each other... But mostly it's because my 'pillow' has gotten very uncomfortable in the last minute or so..." he said, giving me a smile that made my heart flutter, bright green eyes gazing up at me with a look that seemed to say "I'm cute, I'm sexy, so what are you going to do about it?". It was taking a lot of effort to keep my thighs from rubbing together.

But the last time I turned him down was because he was drunk and upset and it didn't feel right to take it any further. This time, with the happy little minx cuddling around in my lap and looking up at me with that adorable come-hither look it felt very right. And I was very eager to see what other expressions I could make that pretty face of his make...

"Get up." I said and his face went from 'Fuck me!' to 'Huh?'. "If were taking this further, I'm thinking upstairs. I'm gonna need a lot more room for what I have in mind..." I husked, and that got him off my lap and fast. I left out the part where only a couple of horny teens would fuck on a couch when there's a perfectly good bed with a spread and sheets that are a lot easier to change once they get messy. And if you're having fun, you're bound to make a mess...


We went to my room and started striping the moment we'd crossed the threshold. Pat had stopped dead in the middle of his disrobing after I pulled my t-shirt off, unleashing my girls on the poor kid. Ever since he'd confessed his crush to me, certain things had been clicking into place about his behavior. One of those had been the way I'd often catch him staring down whenever I'd address him. I figured he was just being a sulky teen, but it also would have been the reaction of someone who'd been staring a little too hard, and once the object of his desire suddenly spoke to him he couldn't look them in the eye.

He wasn't looking me in the eye now, but he definitely wasn't staring at the floor. I couldn't help but smile as those full black lips actually parted, my nipples stiffening under his gaze as if they were putting on a show. And once he dragged his eyes away from my rack, there were other stiff things that seemed to interest him. Well, that was also a good sign. I have a lot to offer such an open-minded young man.

Once he got out of his clothes it was my turn to stare. The kid looked more fit than a geek like him had any right to, a slim build that made me think he was a late bloomer until my eyes reached his crotch. Quite a nice one, and apparently quite happy to see me. Not as big as what I was packing, but I knew that as long as Pat could keep it up, I could have a lot of fun with what he had to offer.

The way he was biting his lower lip told me I'd better take charge, at least for now, so I told him to get his ass on the bed and quickly followed him there. I took in the sight of his monochrome body and my fingers twitched with the need to trace out the lines where the black fur met the snowy white. And I would get to that, eventually, but we both needed to blow off some steam first.

I wasted little time, pushing the kid onto his back and climbing over him. The kiss I planted on those pouty black lips was neither platonic nor playful, giving the panda a few seconds to adjust before I slipped my tongue into his mouth. He moaned into the kiss and we spent a few moments blissfully tongue-wrestling as I ground my body against his.

"So, how do you wanna do this?" I husked, breaking the kiss and pushing myself up and forward until my breasts were hanging down just low enough to brush against Pat's stubby muzzle. I could go either way, but it's been a while since my slit got any decent action, and I have to admit I was trying to nudge him in that direction.

"W-what do you mean?" the kid asked, and I felt each breathy word as a warm puff against my fluffy chest.

"Well, I know you like it under your tail, but..." I teased, swinging my mounds gently so that one stiff nipple flicked against the panda's nose.

"Hey, I've had girlfriends too!" he replied, trying to sound upset at this attack on his masculinity but failing as my swaying tits seemed to occupy too much of his attention.

"Ooh, so you know how to treat a lady?"

"Yeah." He replied, and before I did I brought my muzzle to within an inch of his ear.

"And how about a kinky bitch?" I whispered, finishing the question with a little bite on his lobe.

"I'm a fast learner..."

Good answer kid!

I figured that was about as much foreplay as either of us needed, especially since I could feel his cock throbbing next to mine all this time, both eager shafts making a mess as they waited. Well, mine will have to wait a little longer, but I was quite eager to get Pat's cock somewhere nice and warm. I moved my face downward and gave the kid another kiss, albeit a brief one before straightening up and straddling his crotch.

The look on his face was expectant, almost beatific, while I was grinning from ear to ear as butterflies seemed to flutter a little bit south of my stomach. My hand tingled as it glided from his sack up the smooth skin of his jet-black shaft. I figured about six inches of nice, hard panda meat just aching to be dipped somewhere hot and wet.

I parted my lips with one hand, giving the boy a flash of glistening pink before I brought the head of his cock to my slit, smiling as Pat hissed at the sensation of his sensitive tip wedging itself between my folds. I began to lower myself onto him, and after only an inch my grin broke as I moaned at the sensation of a steely cock gently invading my love-tunnel.

I'd certainly taken bigger ones, but it had been a while since my girl-parts had felt anything other than a clever little toy sliding in and out. Enough time, apparently, for them to forget just how good a living, twitching shaft felt like. I managed to keep sliding down at a steady pace despite the fact that my legs were trembling, muscles seeming to twitch randomly across my thighs and cheeks as I swallowed more and more of my black'n'white lover.

By the time I felt my lips rubbing against the downy fur of his crotch I felt stuffed to the brim as my long-neglected pussy lovingly wrapped itself around the teenage cock buried within it. I rested my hands on his chest, squeezing my breasts between my arms as I noticed we both looked like we were a little out of breath. What a couple of whimps! I thought and the image brought a smile to my muzzle.

"Mmmh what now, lover?" I asked, feeling his heartbeat inside me.

"Could you sort of... grind a little?"

"I could..." I replied, smiling coyly and not moving a muscle.

It took the kid a few seconds to get my drift, but once he did he returned my smile and put his hands on my hips. His touch was just firm enough and I made a throaty little noise to let him know how good it felt. As he began to slide his hands up to my slim waist and back down to my flared hips I began to move as well. When his hands rose I would arch my back, thrusting my chest out and giving the panda boy a hell of an eyeful before his grip once again shifted lower, my hips reversing direction and making his hard young shaft slide around inside me.

We were getting into the swing of things and I could soon feel our combined mess dripping from my slit as Pat's cock loosened me up a little. I decided to switch things up a bit before the real show started and began to swivel my hips in a little circle with him bottomed out inside me, making his shaft stir my insides and prod some places that had been left untouched for too long. Must have felt nice for him as well, considering the faces and noises he was making, but then again part of that was probably due to my wandering fingers tracing the lines where black fur met white, and ending up in some ticklish areas.

"Ready for your ride?" I asked, sounding a little too horny to be confident. Too hot to be cool, you might say.

"U-huh..." was all the kid could manage, clenching his jaw as my fingers slid across his sensitive sides.

Deciding to give him a break I took my mischievous digits away from his svelte young body and struck a little pose. I folded them behind my head, knowing that it would make the muscles on my chest stretch which always had a nice effect on my boobs. My girls were always pretty perky, but whenever I did this they'd rise on my chest, looking just a little bit rounder and a little bit firmer. I tried not to smirk at the sight of Pat's eyes going wide in their black-furred pits. Tried and failed.

A long low moan left my throat as my hips rose, the panda boy's smooth shaft feeling delicious as it slit out of me inch by hard inch until only that little head was still inside. When I first saw it I had to admit it looked kinda plain - no flare, knot, ring or barbs (although I could do without the last one to be honest). But it did have a nice little upward curve to it and as I sank back onto Pat's lap I could feel the rounded head rubbing up against some of the more sensitive spots inside me.

Despite not having done this in a while, riding a male is like riding a bike, except a helmet is not generally necessary. I soon got back into the well-remembered rhythms, sliding up and down on the kid's twitching length, making sure to arch my back as I did since it served both to make the steely shaft rub me just right, and also thrust my breasts out on every stroke.

After I'd gotten into the swing of this I found myself picking up speed without even realizing it. It seemed like a few moments ago I'd been enjoying some nice, sensuous love-making and now I was bouncing up and down on Pat's cock, to the young panda's obvious delight. And mine, if were being honest.

Bouncing definitely seemed the right word as I felt my tits jumping up and down on my chest with every rise and fall, the vigorous movements now accompanied by audible squelching coming from between my legs. And there was also a good deal of bouncing going on there as well. My cock was fully hard and even the knot had slipped out of my sheath, meaning that the rosy-red rod was smacking against both my belly and Pat's as I rode the gasping teen.

I couldn't help but notice the kid was diving his attention between my rack and the canine length emerging from just above my slit. And considering that he was still as hard as a rock inside my messy little honeypot I figured he felt neither turned-off nor intimidated by what I was packing. Just the thought of having such a pretty and open-minded boy all to myself made me bite my lower lip as my pussy gushed a little around the cock pistoning in and out of it.

I figure Pat must have found my tits just a little more enticing, because that's where his hands went - each palm pressing against firm feminine flesh as I let out a little moan at the sensation of warm skin against my stiff little nubs. His groping was a little too gentle for my tastes, and I guessed the girls he'd been with hadn't been quite as big as I was. Still, the extra attention was quite welcome, and later I'd teach him that sometimes tweaks, pinches and even little bites can feel nice.

I realized just how close I was to cumming, and realized that I hadn't expected to be. Well, at least not right away. The way I'd figured it the pent-up teen would do his best to last as long as he could and then let loose in my snug little slit, after which I'd see if any of his previous girlfriends have taught him anything about a gentlemen's obligation to his lady. And I figured a kid that swung both ways wouldn't be averse to a nice fresh cream-pie...

But the monochromatic mastermind seemed to have anticipated the possibility of nookie and had probably rubbed one out during the day, which gave him an edge over me. Fuck, I was going to cum before the kid! Any minute now I was going to squeal out as the sensation of that steely length became too much to take and I...

Wait, why was I trying not to cum again? Agghhh fuck, I'd been the boy in a relationship for too long! I forgot my pussy had the super-power to just keep going and going, instead of softening up and causing awkwardness.

I guess I must have begun to slack off during my musing, since Pat was now bucking his hips and trusting up into my moist slit. Well, no need for me to do all the work anyway. I leaned back a little, bracing myself with my arms behind me and letting the kid take it from here. After all, he doesn't have far to take me.

Pat seemed to read my mind, his hands leaving my breasts with some reluctance (on both sides) as they slid back to my hips. I raised my rear just a little, so that his shaft was about half-way inside me, which gave the kid a little more room to move. And it didn't take him long to start - sharp, energetic bucks at an impressive pace, his delicately muscled chest working visibly from the effort he was putting in.

Well, it wasn't actually 'effort' he was putting in me. His cock was jackhammering away at me like he was a rabbit rather than a panda, the thrusts merging into one long, seamless sensation of mind-numbing friction. I didn't bother stifling my moans, each lusty sound coming in a higher pitch until I felt my insides tense up around the pistoning shaft.

"Auuuughhh, fuck!" I cried out as the boy under me did just that, pummeling away at my pussy even as it clenched up around his shaft, his movements pumping out a deluge of feminine juices. My tongue hung limp out of my muzzle and I must have looked brain-dead at that moment as my thoughts faded away, my senses limited to the almost electric sensation coming from between my legs.

Just as I was coming to I heard Pat let out some very cute grunts, his grip tightening on my hips as he pulled me down and held himself still. I let out a long, low moan as his shaft grew just a little bit within me before I felt it release spurt after spurt of hot, sticky panda cream as deep inside me as it could. I couldn't help but smile a little, realizing the boy was just barely holding on, determined not to cum before I did. A considerate lover, and cute to boot!

I leaned over him and planted a kiss on his lips, just a brief one so that he could still get some air. As I pressed my body against his I could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest despite the cushioning I had on mine. I let him stay inside me for as long as he could, and once his soft member slipped out I laid down beside him, lounging next to the breathless kid.

"Was it worth the wait?" I asked, husking right into one round little ear.

"Oh yeah..." the panting panda replied "But did you... I mean it's still..." he said, gesturing down with his eyes. It took me a few moments to figure out what he was talking about until I realized it was the still-hard length of canine meat even now rubbing against his thigh.

"Oh, don't worry, I did. It's just that they're not...connected, so to speak." Good thing too, kid. Otherwise you would have looked like a skinny polar bear from the waist-up.

"Oh..." he said, sounding a little disappointed.

"Why are you asking? Wanna lend a helping hand?" I cooed, grinding my still erect cock against him a little, not really expecting anything, and especially not what he said next.

"N-not a hand..."

"You serious?" I asked, daring to hope. Pat didn't say a word, just nodding a little as he bit his lower lip.

Every trace of post-coital fatigue was flushed out of my body as the masculine side of my libido stepped up, unwilling to let a little thing like exhaustion get in the way of this opportunity. Fortunately I still had enough sense not to just jump his bones. Just barley, though.

"Okay, but we'll take it slow, and if at any point you decide it's too much for you, we stop. No harm, no foul." I said, and once he nodded in agreement I gave him another kiss, a little longer and a little harder than the last one. After a little game of tongue-twister I broke the kiss, looking into his eyes again just to check if maybe he changed his mind.

"Now turn around and lie on your front. I want a good look at that pretty little but of yours..." I husked into one ear, and Pat did as he was told, whether out of obedience, or to hide a blush.

I had to stop myself from licking my chops at the sight of those snowy-white cheeks. God, I've never seen an ass this cute on a boy! The black fur that went from his feet and half way up his thighs almost gave the illusion of stockings, making those firm white buns stand out even more, a stubby little black tail twitching invitingly above the whole thing. My hands moved on their own, first palming and then brazenly groping those globes, the fluffy cheeks yielding just enough before my fingers touched on the firm muscles underneath. Just the right amount of cushioning for what I had in mind.

"Hang on a sec..." I said, prying my hands away from Pat's cheeks long enough to rummage around a little in my nightstand. It took me a few seconds until one hand brushed against a familiar and slightly slippery bottle.

Pat's stubby little ears swiveled at the apparently familiar sound of a cap popping open, the teen spreading his legs and arching his back a little. I parted those snowy cheeks with one hand, biting my lip at the sight of the pretty pink pucker nestled between them. I drizzled out quite a bit of the clear go, catching the ooze with one finger and immediately smearing it around the boy's rosebud. It would take a lot more if he was going to take me in there, and I knew he was going to be a mess back here by the time were done. Well, I'll help him wash up...

After the pink ring was glistening with the slippery goo I gently pushed my middle finger into the center of it, feeling him tense up on reflex for just a fraction of a second before his little boy-pussy opened up and swallowed my digit. Definitely not a virgin back here, which was definitely a good sign. And sensitive too, judging by the cute noises he was making as I sank further into him, knuckle by knuckle until I was all the way in.

I decided to see just how sensitive he was, wriggling and prodding around inside that tight, warm behind until I touched something which made him gasp and clench up around me just a little. This kept getting better and better! With a boy-nut that sensitive, I had no doubt I could fuck the kid until he messed the sheets, even if he did just empty his nuts inside me.

"M-more..." he pleaded, and I didn't have the heart to turn him down. I drizzled on a little more lube and slipped my ring finger in, noting that he was taking them without any problems. Still, he'd need more warming up before the main event, and with that in mind I began to pump my fingers, lewd noises filing the room as the slick digits slid in and out of the boy's eager pucker.

I have to admit it was a thrill just to kneel beside him on the bed, watching his stubby tail twitch as my hand worked tirelessly underneath it. The sounds he made, the sight of his slender young body trembling, the way he responded to my touch were getting my engine going, my cock leaking with every eager twitch as I drank in the sight of the eager young panda panting under my tender ministrations.

But as much as I enjoyed getting him ready, I could only put the main event off for so long. Pat gasped as my fingers slid out of his glistening pucker, the ring of flesh looking a little less tight then when I'd first started, but no less inviting. After slathering some more lube over my eager shaft I moved behind him and slowly brought the tapered end of my canine cock closer and closer to that winking hole until the tip was pushing up under the boy's tail.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle. But if you feel it's too much, be sure to let me know..." I reminded him, and apparently I was talking too much since Pat's reply was to put his hands on his cheeks and spread himself open for me.

We groaned in unison when my tip began to spread the panda's slick rosebud open, the kid's boy-hole opening up for me as I sunk the first few inches into that deliciously tight little butt. I felt him clench up for just a second and took it as a sign to slow down, giving that taught ring time to adjust to my girth before pushing further in.

I went at a snail's pace, but it was for my sake as much as for Pat's - riding his shaft had gotten me really horny and with such a tight little butt squeezing my cock I had to ease myself in to stop myself from popping the moment I bottom out. And since I had all that time on my paws I decided to play with my new boy a little. I would grope and pinch one alabaster cheek with my right hand while my left one trailed up and down his spine, a subtle little trick that nevertheless had the boy's body trembling beneath and around me, especially when my digits reached the base of that stubby black tail.

Ooh, the noises the kid was making! I was keeping my ears perked up for any sign of pain and discomfort, but what they picked up were mostly pants, moans, and an occasional needy whimper whenever I'd stall. It took quite a while but we both moaned out when my bulging knot finally kissed that stretched pink ring gently pulsing around the canine flesh impaling it.

Figuring I no longer needed to see what I'm doing, I opted for a more intimate position, lowering myself until I was lying on top of my panda, covering the boy as I gave my hips a little wriggle, making my shaft do the same inside him. Fuck, this felt right - the sensation of my crotch grinding against his buns, my breasts pressed flat against his back as I nuzzled his neck. This little intimate interlude was making me as gooey as Pat's little pucker, speaking of which...

I kissed the boy's neck as I slid my cock barely half the way out. I didn't really have a lot of room to move in this position, but judging by the sound the kid made I wouldn't need to. I'm pretty sure he's never had anything this big in there before, which meant his little boy-nut would be pressed against me tight enough to get him off with even some shallow humping.

And the tightness certainly didn't bother me, as evidenced by the lusty murrs leaving my muzzle and sliding right into Pat's ear as I picked up a slow, sensuous rhythm. Every time I hilted myself I made sure to press my knot against his well-stuffed pucker, knowing and not caring that it wouldn't be going in tonight. Somehow I doubted that this would be a one-time thing.

As intimate as this position was, I kinda regretted that a lot of fun things were out of my reach as I pressed Pat's body against the mattress. I would have liked the chance to play with that ink-black cock of his, maybe find out how sensitive his nipples were. After nuzzling along the line of his jaw the kid got the message and craned his neck to the side, giving me a chance to plant a kiss on those ebony lips of his, and that at least had felt nice.

"You think you'd be okay if I sped up a little?" I asked once our lips parted, although to be honest I was so turned on that I could have cum just from the slow and steady lovin' I was currently dishing out.

"Oh yeah!" he replied, moaning the words out and making my hips instinctively switch gear.

The strained noises of the mattress joined the ones we were making as Pat obviously did his best to relax his pale butt, letting my shaft glide smoothly in and out of the pert tush. My muzzle went back to his neck, licking, kissing and every so often gently nipping the kid's fluffy hide, my nostrils flaring as I took in his scent.

My ears flicked as they picked up the sound of my fat knot smacking against that dripping boy-pussy, just the sensation of Pat's tight little ring touching it making my shaft twitch and leak inside his well-stuffed ass. Even with the bulb outside I was close, probably a minute away from breeding the boy. As his cum drooled out my own well fucked slit I kept imagining how it would feel to fill the panda up, to hear him pant as rope after rope of my cum shoot up his...

"M - ungh! - more!" the grunted plea snapped me out of my little day-dream.


"Ah!- want you to knot me..." he clarified, his voice jumping a little with every hump.

"You sure?" I asked, knowing I'd feel bad if I didn't give him a chance to back out.


Well, he said the magic word. Even so I hesitated a little, despite the fact that my cock wanted nothing more than to be buried root-deep in that tight little butt. But the kid had a problem taking that asshole husky, and I'm definitely not any smaller. Then again, I'm also not a wet-behind-the-ears douchebag...

"Okay, I know a little trick to make it easier." I said, stopping my humping as I kept myself deep in the kid, with my big red bulb pressed against what I hoped wasn't a too-tight opening. "I'm going to slowly push in and then out, and I want you to rock back and forth with me, so that the knot stays pressed up against you. Can you do that?"

"Y-yeah..." he replied, sounding eager and out of breath.

Just as promised, I slowed my pace, pushing the kid up further on the mattress as far as I could go before reversing direction, Pat's body moving back to follow my movement so that I wasn't sliding out of him. To anyone watching it would have probably looked like we were already tied, and after almost a minute of this I could feel Patrick relaxing a little bit around my shaft, my knot seeming to dimple his pucker a little every time I moved forward.

He probably thought there really was some sort of secret to this and put himself in my hands. That trust was touching, and I really hoped he wouldn't mind what's next. I timed my movements, and next time I started pulling back I suddenly reversed my direction, giving a sharp buck of my hips even as the panda pushed his rear back to meet it.

By the time he'd tensed up in shock it was too late, and all he did was keep me securely inside his snowy butt. He had the good sense to burry his muzzle in the mattress before crying out, saving me the trouble of explaining to the neighbors why someone had shouted "Aaahhh fuck!" at the top of their lungs last night. Sorry kid, but I told you there was a trick to this - a _dirty_trick!

"You okay?" I asked, my words coming out as one groan as the sensation of the panda's boy-hole pulsing around me threatened to push me over.

"U-huh..." was the best the panting kid could manage, but he definitely didn't sound like someone in pain.

In truth, both our fuses had been lit the moment my knot slipped in, and it was now just a matter on who'd go bang first. I couldn't see his cock, but I knew from the way his insides were tensing that the black length was fully hard, no doubt leaking like a faucet onto the sheets. I knew that with every throb of the panda's shaft his pucker would squeeze down on my growing knot, rubbing his little joy-buzzer against the bulb, which in turn would cause the inky length to flex again, and on and on until...

The truth was I could have just laid on top of him and waited for him to cum around my shaft, knowing that the moment he did his insides would go crazy and that would do it for me. But I'm not that lazy, so with a playful lite bite on his scruff I began to grind and hump, tugging on our tie secure in the knowledge that it would be a while before there was any danger of me popping out of the boy's butt.

My effort were rewarded with a series of needy whines, sounds so whorish and wanton that I couldn't hold back any longer. I bit Pat's scruff just a little bit harder as I growled lustily around the fluffy hide filling my muzzle, my firm ass tensing as I felt my cock twitch. I grunted in time with every pulse of the canine length as it started the long process of seeding the panda-butt gripping it like a silken vise.

Emptying myself into Pat felt like heaven and I was rubbing my whole body against his as I claimed him the same way he'd done me a little while ago. The moan he let out when I finally pushed him over the edge was music to my ears, but it still couldn't compare to the sensation of a well-knotted boy-pussy milking my shaft like it wanted every drop, and wanted it now.

I imagined his slender cock throbbing as it made a gooey mess on the sheets I was pressing him against, feeling a little disappointed I was missing the sight of that pretty onyx shaft squirting ribbons of pearly white cum, the warm goo dribbling down its length. Well, I'll just get him to ride me next time and catch the whole show.

Even though I started first he was done in a matter of seconds, panting under me while my shaft continued to pulse within his well stuffed butt. Not a single hot sticky drop made it out past my knot, the panda boy wrapped around it groaning cutely as he took my load.

Coming down from a mind-blowing climax, I slid one arm under Pat's chest and hooked a leg over his. With a good grip on my little panda, I rolled both of us on our sides, holding him tight against me as we spooned up. My paws started to roam across his unprotected body, one curious hand drifting down his stomach and to the messy cocklet still feeling a little firm under (or due to) my touch. I was still squirting as we snuggled, playfully rubbing Patrick's trim belly as if expecting to feel it rounding up. I felt him press back against me a little with a sigh, an exhausted but happy sound that seemed infectious.

It was too early to go to sleep, and we'd probably end up waking up before dawn, but neither of us cared as we drifted off, still connected in the most intimate way possible. As I lay there against him I thought of Miri, wondering briefly if she'd be okay with this. Probably a lot more that with the way we'd been carrying on before... I thought. What we were doing wouldn't make sense to anyone but us, but for the two of us it just might work out...