It's Not Incest, It's A Threesome (Full Story)

Story by Dirty Little Secret on SoFurry

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#3 of Complete Stories

A brother and sister invite a new friend to play with them in their hotel room. Because it totally doesn't count as incest if you're just having a threesome, right?

M (otter) x femboy (M fox) x F fox, threesome, anal, blowjobs, M/M, brother x sister incest, femboy -- 12833 words in 1 chapter

Artwork used by permission from Twilight-Goddess

(Artwork used by permission from Twilight-Goddess)

In the brief moment of quiet, the convention hall's lights started flashing like crazy, and when the beat finally dropped, Mila dropped, too. She wiggled her tail behind her, grinding her foxy ass shamelessly under her brother Riley's skirt. Her fuzzy tail stuck up from under his skirt; she thought it looked almost like a comically huge cock.

He must have thought the same thing, because he grabbed it, and - laughing the whole time - jerked his hand up and down it before throwing his head back theatrically and flinging his hand open as if spooging over her back.

Mila giggled a little too. He was always such a joker. And never mind that the hem of her ruffled French maid's skirt had come up with her tail, that Riley's actual bulge was stiff and rubbing directly against her quickly moistening panties. That was just part of the dance.

She rose and turned, dancing face-to-face with him, shaking her chest just inches from actually touching him.

He was cute - one of the cutest guys she'd ever seen - and she wasn't just saying that because his foxy face and French maid costume mirrored her own so closely. She loved the way his long, yellowy hair always fell across his face, and she adored that sly little grin he'd always look at her with. It didn't hurt that she totally had a thing for femboys like him. Did that make her a lesbian, or something on that continuum?

Oh, who cares? It's the costume ball. Just dance!

Riley flashed her that grin of his again, and before she could guess what he meant to do, he spun around and started twerking his ass right up under her skirt. She couldn't help but give a little yip of glee as she saw his skirt ride up and caught a glimpse of his tight round ass cheeks and the clear outline of his cute little balls cupped tightly in pink silk panties. She cocked her hand back, then let loose a savage smack against his exposed ass.

He yelped and jumped, but then went right back to grinding against her. Good boy. Who could ask for a better brother?

When he came back up to her, their faces went toward each other like magnets. Only at the last moment was she able to turn away and avoid an incestuous kiss. There were so many people here that might see.

She slid her muzzle along his face, breathing into his ear. "Careful, brother. We're just dancing, that's it, remember? Nothing wrong for a brother and sister to dance."

"Right," he said. "Because we decided trying to find a partner to dance with is boring and stupid." His hands wandered up and down her sides, stopping just short of her ass on the bottom and just short of her tits on the top.

Mila gave the rim of his ear a playful lick. "Right."

The beat changed. All the lights went purple. The DJ, 'DJ Webbler' was starting a new piece. And as the percussive wubs slammed out one after another, everyone in the whole convention hall started jumping and pumping their arms over their heads in unison.

Mila joined in wholeheartedly, despite a fleeting thought about the poor hotel guests in the rooms below having hundreds of furs pounding on the ceiling above them at ... at who knows what time of night. She gave no thought at all to how her boobs would be bouncing, except that she made sure Riley would have a perfect view of them as they threatened to escape her lacy bra and spill out of her maid's costume. Already, one of her shoulder straps was slipping down her arm. She let it happen, watching her brother's eyes the whole time.

And his eyes went exactly where she'd thought they would. She always knew he had eyes for her, ever since the days they used to bathe together as little kits. Truth be told, she didn't mind looking at him from time to time, either. He'd often come to her room, barely clothed, and beg her to loan him some skirt or pair of panties or something. And she always let him - because she knew it gave her the perfect excuse to come into his room after a shower, wrapped in nothing but an undersized towel, and ask for it back later.

He wasn't about to let her have all the fun in showing off, though. The music built up to a hammering crescendo, and he grabbed the neckline of his maid costume with both hands.

Mila stared, licking her lips in anticipation. Riley's lacy neckline was already cut a lot lower and more generously than her own - as a boy, he could get away with it. He pulled it back and forth across his adorably flat chest, his nipples clearly showing through the fabric, teasing her as the music built and built toward its--

The bass finally dropped, and so did Riley's hands. Instead of jumping like crazy like everyone else, he pulled down the front of his maid costume and exposed himself for everyone to see ... or, for Mila to see, since she seemed to be the only one watching him.

Oh yiff yes! Why did the sight of his chest turn her on so much? Guys went around shirtless all the time, and it wasn't like Riley had especially defined pecs or abs or anything. He was actually pretty smooth - skinny and lithe. So why should she be biting her lip and staring at his little pink nipples poking outward so proudly? It was just something about femboys, the way he always hid his nipples like some precious secret, even using his hands to cover them up if came into her room to ask for a bra. This wasn't just the chest of some guy, nothing like the half-dozen guys she could see dancing topless in the crowd right here and now. This was special - this was a femboy's almost-tits, almost like seeing a flat-chested girl flashing. And more importantly, they were Riley's almost-tits. Oh Goddess, she wanted to grab them! She wanted to pinch those pretty little nipples, feel their hard nubs between her fingers!

But then the moment was over. Riley let go of his top, and the neckline snapped back into place. The music changed to a slow-rolling thunderous wave.

She grabbed his narrow hips and pulled him against her, grinding her belly against his, heedless of the way her tits bulged up between the two of them to press against the bare fur of his chest.

Riley humped against her. She could feel the firm prodding of his cock through her skirt. He whispered in her ear, just like she'd whispered in his, "Just part of the dance, right?"

It made her gasp, took her breath away. His body felt so good against hers, so perfect. Arching her neck back a little, she kissed him square on the muzzle. Just a little peck, but it made his eyes shoot open wide.

"Mila, no! We can't! It's not right."

She pulled herself close again. "I don't give a yiff what's right. Let's go back to our room."

"Mila!" When she came in to kiss him again, he pulled back harshly. "We can't!"

"Come on, this might be our last chance if you're going off to college."

"It's only a couple hours away..."

She gave him her best bedroom eyes. "I know you want it."

"Of course I want it," he whispered hoarsely, "but we can't--"

Mila kissed her brother again, her face flushing hot from the feeling of his lips and the final, sweet confirmation that he really did want her.

Riley pushed her away - his palm just happened to push directly against her left breast for a beautiful moment. He jerked his head around, as if looking to find out if anyone saw them. "Mila! Penguin State is a very exclusive school, and I barely qualified as it is. If word of this gets out..." She couldn't hear the rest over the loud music. He shook his head. "And besides, it's justwrong, you know?"

Was he really turning her down? Now? How could he do that to her? "But Riley...!"

He glanced back and forth, and then gave her a slight peck on the lips. "I love you, Mila. I love you more than anybody, and I always have. But it can't happen between us. It just can't."

She pouted for a moment, crossing her arms over her chest, depriving Riley of his nice view down her cleavage.

"Sis, come on..."

But an idea was already starting to swirl around in her head. If Riley was always the funny one, she thought of herself as the clever one. She always found a way. "What if..."

He squinted at her. "What if what?"

"What if, you know, we just had a threesome?"

"Mila, you're crazy."

"Crazy smart!" She flashed him a toothy, sidelong grin, one she knew he couldn't possibly resist. "It's perfect. There's nothing wrong with letting somebody enjoy both of us at the same time. It's really hot."

He smiled back at her a little, despite his best efforts at keeping a straight face. That grin always worked on him. "Yeah, and what if the school administration finds out about that?"

"The Penguin State school administration? Did you forget about that news story a few months back, where it came out that the president and the whole board of directors had a big orgy where they were all railing a couple freshman chicks? And nothing ever came of it. None of them even got fired, 'cause the girls said they were into it." She grinned again. "I think they can forgive you for just having a little three-way."

"Okay, okay." He laughed.

Mila looked back down at the mostly-exposed fur of his flat chest. "So you'll really do it?"

He shrugged. "But who are we going to do it with? Banny broke up with you when he found those pictures you had of me, and anyway he was too homophobic to even use the locker room at the gym - he always used to go change in a bathroom stall, 'cause he was afraid one of us would look at him or something. Not that he had anything to worry about." Riley winked. "The guys were always way too busy looking at me."

"Wait, Banny did what now?" She blinked at him.

"It doesn't matter. The question is, who's our third wheel? I sure don't have anybody at the moment."

It was true, Mila knew that. As cute as he was, Riley tended to weird people out. Being bi should have expanded his dating pool, but it always seemed that he was too feminine for the gay guys, to skinny for the straight girls, and while he was always popular with lesbians, it turns out that most of them don't really like cock.

She had to find someone new... Thankfully, they were in the middle of a crowd at least a hundred strong, maybe two hundred. There had to be somebody here they could play around with...

She looked around the thrashing horde as red strobe lights played out over them. There was a rhino close by, shaking the floor as he jumped up and down with the beat, his bulbous chest held in check by the laces of his pirate costume shirt. Too big - he might crush them. A teenage lion dressed up as a rock star banged his head back and forth, making his half-grown mane flow in waves. Too young - he might get them in trouble. Maybe that black stallion behind them; his fur glistened with sweat in the flashing lights, and the bulge in his tight red football pants was truly impressive ... but then a skinny little gazelle in a skimpy cheerleader outfit came up to him with two drinks and kissed him sloppily on the mouth. Taken - Mila was looking for a threesome partner, not an orgy. A white snow leopard with blue tiger stripes dyed into his fur met her wandering gaze and brazenly looked her right back, a predatory gleam in his eyes. Too wild - he might keep them so busy they wouldn't have any time for each other. A crocodile was breakdancing in a skintight, skeleton-printed bodysuit just up in front of them. Too scaly - Mila had never had a thing for scaly guys; no offense, but definitely not her thing.

Oh, why did this have to be so hard?

The music came to an abrupt stop, one that could only barely be called a satisfying ending to the piece, and then the voice of the DJ came over the speakers: "Thank you, thank you! I love all of you!" He laughed and pointed somewhere else in the room. "Yeah, especially you, big guy!"

The crowd cheered at him, somewhere in the back, an elephant trumpeted.

"DJ Webbler is out!" He pointed toward the back of the stage. "Give it up for the one you've been waiting for - Furtastix Square!"

Mila elbowed her brother. "How about that one?"

"Furtastix?" Riley looked up at the bunny coming out onstage. She wore a cube-shaped helmet and very little else. "I'm pretty sure everybody in this room would chop their own tails off for ten minutes alone with her. What makes you think we have a chance?"

"No, no, the otter one, DJ Webbler."

"'The otter one'? Seriously, Sis? You should just leave the jokes to me."

"Okay, but really, what about him?" She looked up at him again. He was off to the side of the stage now, all but invisible during Furtastix's pyrotechnic-laden opening act ... but he hadn't disappeared yet; apparently, he was having some kind of argument with a goat stagehand. DJ Webbler was tall for an otter, and lean, but his fur looked soft and pleasant, and she saw the hint of lithe muscles underneath it as he bristled at the stagehand.

Riley took a look as well, then shrugged. "He doesn't strike me as the femboy-liking type."

"Nobody does. That's why you're still single." She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Come on, it won't hurt to ask."

"You're single, too, Sis," Riley quipped ... but he followed along when Mila took his hand and pulled him through the throng.

They bumped and jostled between dozens of writhing bodies. Mila felt hands 'accidentally' find their way across her chest or under her skirt half a dozen times, but she paid it no mind. It was expected in a place like this, and she reserved the right to grope any of the cute guys around here if she could get away with it. She did wonder if Riley got the same treatment, though ... and she wondered if anybody reached under his skirt and then found something they didn't expect.

Finally, they came close to the edge of the stage.

"... And I barely even got it reconfigured in time!" DJ Webbler was still laying into the stagehand, jabbing his pointed fingers here and there.

Mila pulled her brother up next to her and leaned against him in what she hoped was an alluring pose. "Hey!" she called up at the DJ.

He glanced over at the two of them for a brief moment, then looked again, longer and harder, his eyes going wide. Mila grinned at him and winked.

Turning back to the stagehand one last time, the DJ waved him away. "Just don't fuck around with my soundboard next time, okay? Don't touch it."

"He's coming over here," Riley whispered.

"Duh, I know!" Mila hissed back. "Just don't blow it, okay?"

"Aw, come on... You know how much I like blowing it."

The DJ came over and sat on the edge of the stage next to them. "Hey, yourself," he said. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing..." Mila leaned toward him, giving him a better view down her neckline. "We were just feeling a little lonely out there and thought maybe we'd find somebody cool to hang out with for a while."

"Well, I've gotta tell you - once I get off this stage, I'm not DJ Webbler anymore. I'll just be regular old Gaige Jacobi again. That still cool enough for you?"

Mila saw the challenge for what it was: 'Are you interested in me for me, or are you just interested in me because I'm sort of famous?' She smiled. "That's even better."

That got him to grin back and hop down off the stage, landing right in front of them. "Dope. And you two are...?"

"I'm Mila, and this is Riley."

He glanced back and forth between them for a moment, mostly looking at Riley. "And Riley... Say, um... Is that a girl's name or a--"

Mila grabbed the front of Riley's skirt and yanked it upward. Riley squealed and rushed to cover himself, but the look in the DJ's eyes showed that he'd seen plenty.

"So," Mila said, "is that going to be a problem, or..."

"Problem?" Gaige came closer and quickly reached out with both hands, grabbing both siblings' asses under their skirts at the same time. "It's a bonus!"

Riley's eyes went wide. Mila gave him a smug grin. "See?"

Riley just shrugged and grinned back.

"So, um, I could get you two into the green room, I guess, but it's not very private in there, and..."

"We've got a room down on the tenth floor," Riley said.

Gaige finally let go of their asses. "Well, this was my last set for tonight, so... Are you two ready to get out of here?"

Mila just grabbed his arm and started pulling him toward the elevator lobby at the back of the room. His fur was amazing, so silky and soft, though it was a bit oily.

He didn't let her pull him along, though. "Wait wait wait. It'll take forever to get through this crowd. Come on, this way. There's a freight elevator behind the stage that we can get to if we go through the green room."

* * *

Gaige couldn't believe his luck. Here, he'd been in a dry spell for months after his girlfriend found out about his boyfriend - and vice versa - but it looked like the dry spell was about to end, and in spectacular fashion. He never would have guessed that this gig might end up with a couple of cute foxes coming right up and propositioning him.

Both foxes giggled and looked back at him as they exited the freight elevator and re-entered the nice, well-presented hotel corridors. The big freight elevator was slower, but it was more private, too. They'd gotten a better chance to get to know each other ... or, more accurately, the two foxes had gotten a chance to fondle every inch of him, exploring his whole body with their slender fingers.

He had to hurry to keep up with them in the hallway - otter feet are better for swimming than for walking down a plush-carpeted hall.

But they made sure to entertain him as they led him forward. The femboy fox, Riley, got a gleam in his eye and pulled up the back hem of his sister's skirt. It only fluttered up for a moment, but it gave Gaige an eye-popping glimpse of Mila's gorgeous round ass cheeks, separated by a tiny red thong. Mila yelped and slapped her brother's hand away, darting toward him and nipping at his ear.

A moment later, she turned the tables on him, pulling his skirt up. Riley's panties were more modest, but all made of almost see-through lace. And instead of wide hips making a gap between the thighs like his sister, he sported a cute little double bulge - his balls, held tightly in place by the fancy panties.

Gaige had never seen a boy like that before... He wondered if those were just girl's panties stretched extra tight around Riley's modest package, or if there was some special place where someone could buy frou-frou lacy panties designed to leave a little extra room inside. He'd been with guys who were fairly effeminate before - and he'd enjoyed it - but he'd never even met a real femboy. None of the guys he'd ever been with were the kind who wore skirts and lace panties underneath.

This was going to be ... interesting.

Before long, they reached the door. Mila turned to face him as her brother fumbled a plastic room key out of his blouse. She held her arms out for Gaige, and he willingly went straight to her.

She melted toward him, her belly and her bust pressing against him as her arms wrapped around the back of his neck. Her lips met his, and he got his very first taste of foxy kisses for the night. Mila was a slow, gentle kisser. She massaged his lips with hers, letting them both feel every tingling moment of contact between them. His hands wandered up and down her back, up across the intricate laces that kept her maid's costume tight, and then down ... down to where her ruffled skirt flared out, down further to slip underneath it, and then up, sliding up her velvety thigh toward--

The latch on the room's door beeped and clicked open.

"Hey! What about me?" Riley's noticed what his sister is up to, and he rushed in, squeezing his hands in between them and pulling them apart. One of his hands, Gaige noticed, happened to push directly against his sister's right breast ... and his fingers squeezed, groping her as he pushed in between them.

Mila struggled against him, trying to keep her mouth against Gaige's. She lowered her left hand and tried to push her brother ... but with the angle they were at, she could only reach him low down. As Riley pushed further in, Mila's hand slid up his leg, pulling up his skirt all the way up to the point where she ended up grabbing a huge handful of his ass.

The moment Mila's lips left Gaige's, Riley was there to take her place. He must have brushed his lips against his sister's a little to have gotten there so quickly. Unlike his sister, he was not a gentle kisser - he practically worshipped Gaige's snub-nosed otter muzzle, his desperate lips and tongue searching and probing, a flood of sensation.

Gaige reached under both skirts and grabbed both asses. The moment he managed to separate himself from Riley, the two siblings went at each other. Interestingly, when Riley kissed his sister, he was tender and gentle ... while his sister seemed to take the dominant side, forcing her tongue into his mouth and making him moan around it.

"Um, guys," Gaige said, "how about we go inside?"

Both of them glanced at the door. Mila laughed.

When Riley went to open the door, it wouldn't budge - it had locked itself back after they took too long to open it. Laughing to himself as well, he fished out the key again and this time, he opened it completely.

Mila took both Gaige and Riley by the hand, one on each side, and pulled them into the room behind her ... her tail swishing at them under her skirt.

The moment the door clicked closed again, they were all over each other in a big, sloppy three-way kiss. It soon developed into a kiss between brother and sister, their tongues writhing against each other as Gaige just planted his lips occasionally at where theirs meet ... but it was fine. His hands wandered below their skirts again, kneading the two glorious foxy asses. He wondered if they ever worked out together - both their butts were so round and firm, so nice to touch as their tails hiked the back ends of their skirts up.

His hands wandered a little more... Under Mila's skirt, he found the warm, moist little bump in her panties, and he rubbed at it, making it even wetter. Under Riley's, he found that lovely bulge poking out between velvety thighs, and he cupped it in his hand, tracing his fingers across the lace.

Mila's hand reached down and grabbed his ass. Riley's wandering hand found the bulge in the front of Gaige's cargo pants and rubbed appreciatively.

The three of them pulled apart a little, mostly to breathe, but also to look at each other again. Riley took Gaige's hand off of his own ass and instead pressed it against Mila's tits, his fingers on top of Gaige's guiding him and helping him squeeze ... while also happening to brush across Mila's tits some themselves. Mila took Gaige's other hand and pulled it down underneath Riley's skirt. She traced it up his inner thigh until it touched his warm bulge, and then she used Gaige's hand to rub her brother's cock ... almost like she was using his hand as a cock-sleeve to jerk her brother off with.

Even when Gaige pulled his hands out to explore elsewhere - the lovely cameltoe of Mila's panties and the firm, concave curve of Riley's lower back just above his tail - the brother and sister keep their hands rubbing and massaging right where they were.

"Hey, Riley," Mila whispered. "Let's put on a little show for him ... just to make sure he's really turned on."

Gaige knew he was already about as turned-on as he could possibly be, but he let Mila drag her brother farther into the hotel room, and he followed close behind them.

Inside, one bed was an absolute mess, with clothes and makeup scattered all over it, while the other was neat and tidy. It wasn't quite up to the standards the hotel staff would have made it up to, but someone had taken the time to put all the blankets and sheets back in place and smooth them out. Gaige wondered which bed belonged to which sibling.

Both of them hurried over to the tidier of the two beds, and they hopped onto it, getting on their knees on top of the blankets. Gaige sat down where he could find room on the messy bed nearby, making sure to sit where he could discreetly touch himself without it drawing a lot of attention, his hand oh-so-casually draped across his lap.

Brother and sister touched each other and kissed again, but this time their touches were less groping and more caressing. Riley's hand slid up his sister's inner thigh, pulling her skirt up as it went. Mila stroked her hands across her brother's lithe, flat belly, pulling his top to the side a little and exposing a nipple before she dipped lower and pressed the front of his skirt against his legs - making his modest bulge show through the pleated fabric.

When Riley's hand found his sister's panties, he only paused there for a moment to rub the narrow triangle they covered. He soon slid his hand higher, hooking his thumb under the waistband and beginning to tug them down.

Gaige stared and let a couple fingers work at the tent in his pants as he watched Mila's little red panties slide down. The pale fur of her belly narrowed as the panties dipped lower, coming to a point just between her legs. The crotch of the panties stuck for a moment, glued in place by Mila's wetness, but they soon pulled free, dragging clear tendril between them and her gloriously clean and pert pussy lips.

Mila wasn't to be outdone. With one hand, she'd stealthily undone the laces across her brother's back, and her other was now pulling his top up, exposing his slightly chiseled abs, his belly button, as well as more and more of his gorgeous pale belly fur ... his fur was slightly yellower than his sister's. He gasped a little when the top came off over his head, and he reached down to cover his nipples with one arm. Mila giggled at this, then leaned in, pushing his hand out of the way with her muzzle and beginning to tenderly lick one nipple - he squealed girlishly at the feeling of her teasing tongue, and he held the back of her head, holding her closer.

As he pulled back a little, Mila had to lean forward on her hands and knees to keep working on his chest, even as his hands slipped over to the laces on her back and started undoing them. Leaning over like that made her skirt hike up - especially with how proudly her tail flagged upward - and it gave Gaige a perfect view of her upraised ass, her lovely pussy lips bulging out between her round cheeks, and her almost-discarded red panties sliding down her thighs toward her knees.

Riley fell backward onto the bed, no longer able to avoid his sister's tongue, and Mila wasted no time in ditching her panties and straddling his lap. Gaige could see the bulge in Riley's panties between his outspread legs. As he watched, Riley finally managed to undo the last lace on his sister's back.

Mila's long, gracefully curved back was slowly exposed as her brother tugged her top up and over her shoulders. He traced his hand up and down the slight indentation of her spine, then slipped his hand under the waistband of her skirt to touch her ass. Gaige could watch his hand squeezing and caressing her lovely fox-red ass cheek.

The white-lace back strap of Mila's bra was her brother's next target. Both of his hands raised up to fiddle with it, and he unlatched it in just a moment - he'd obviously had practice.

Mila's bra fell between them, and then there was nothing covering her beautiful back at all. Nothing covering her tits, either, but Gaige couldn't see them... Both because she was facing toward Riley, and because Riley's hands were all over them.

Mila gasped a little when Riley's tongue joined his hands, no doubt licking her nipples... But she wasn't just idly being pleasured. Her hands traced down Riley's chest and stomach, down to the waistband of his skirt, and she pulled it down underneath her. Progress was slow, with lots of awkward shuffling and lots of distracted heavy breathing, but she managed to pull his skirt and his panties down both at the same time. She slipped them down his thighs, over his knees, and then down off the edge of the bed.

Gaige grinned and rubbed himself a little more as he finally got a good look at Riley's cute little balls and bright red, ardently hard cock. Riley rubbed his pointy little cock up and down against his sister's skirt ... it was the only scrap of clothing either one of them still had on.

And it didn't last long. Mila reached behind herself and unzipped the back of it, letting it fall down her legs a little. She had to get off of her brother in order to pull the skirt down off her ankles, and Riley took full advantage of that.

He flopped sideways on the bed, and just as Mila managed to get her skirt completely off, he pulled her on top of him. When she fell onto his belly, her muzzle ended up just inches away from his twitching cock.

Gaige finally got a good view of Mila's tits, from the side as they hung down over her brother's lower belly. They were bigger than he'd expected, and they looked firm, barely jiggling at all as she fell into place.

Mila didn't hesitate in the slightest. She stuck out her tongue and took his foxy little cock straight into her mouth in one go, planting her lips against his fuzzy sheath. He moaned in ecstasy, and he pulled one of her legs over him, opening her thighs just above his head. Craning his neck up, he slid his tongue up one thigh, tracing the border between her pale underbelly fur and her red body fur ... all the way up. Her tail shot up high when he found his mark, and she moaned around her mouthful of fox cock.

Gaige cleared his throat noisily.

Both siblings pulled their mouths off of each other and looked over at him; Riley had to peek out from behind Mila's thigh.

Feeling as if he was intruding, Gaige rubbed the back of his neck. "Um, I could go, I guess, if you two would rather--"

"No, no!" Mila leapt off of her brother and came toward him. "We're totally not into each other - all that was just to get you turned on." She paused. "Right, Riley?"

Riley paused for a moment, glancing back up at his sister's pussy before looking at Gaige again. "Yeah. Of course."

Fumbling around for a moment, both of them disentangled from each other. Then they stood up and came toward Gaige. His cock gave a twitch inside his pants as he watched the two almost-matching foxes come slowly toward him. They were both on full display now; Mila's gorgeously round tits, Riley's stiff little cock, Mila's tidy pussy lips. He loved the pale fur of their bellies, both of them smooth and flat ... so slim and elegant. He couldn't wait to run his hands up and down each of them.

But they had something else in mind first. Instead of pressing up against him for kisses and caresses, both of them went down on their knees in front of him. Mila went right to work on his belt buckle, then the button and zipper on his cargo pants ... though she was more than a little hampered with the way Riley was already rubbing his lips back and forth over Gaige's cock, through the fabric. Gaige moaned a little as he felt the heat of the femboy's mouth on his cock, the spit soaking into his pants.

Finally, Mila finished her work with the zipper. She pulled his pants and underwear down in one go, tugging them with her fingers tucked underneath, feeling him as she went.

Riley didn't hesitate for even a moment. As soon as the clothing was out of the way, he pressed his tongue directly against Gaige's cock, slurping it and kissing it. Gaige grabbed the back of Riley's head, guiding him up and down as Mila tugged the pants off.

As Riley began bobbing his head, taking the smooth otter cock into his mouth, his sister worked her way up Gaige's legs, kissing and licking as she went. It tickled and tingled, feeling her warm, soft tongue on his most delicate fur. He spread his legs more as she went up his inner thighs, and he ran his fingers through her hair as she finally came up to his balls. First, she just sniffed them deeply, her tail rising behind her as she did, but she soon began licking, wrapping her long canine tongue around each of them in turn.

Gaige could almost imagine it was two girls down there; Riley certainly seemed feminine enough ... but he sure knew what he was doing when it came to sucking cock! Nothing fancy, nothing contrived ... he just made his mouth nice and tight, wrapping his tongue, and he stroked his lips up and down to the pace of Gaige's instinctual humping.

When they switched, Gaige would have known the difference even if he couldn't look down at them. Mila rolled her tongue against his shaft as she went up and down, slathering all over it, which was intense, but it wasn't quite as brutally satisfying as the face-fucking her brother had given him. And when Riley moved down to the balls, he didn't go all-out like his sister had. He pressed his mouth against them, moving only slowly, letting the warmth of his lips and tongue soak in deeply while his whiskers tickled gaige's thighs.

Unlike her brother, though, Mila seemed determined to take Gaige's whole cock into her mouth. He wasn't huge, exactly, but he definitely had nothing to be ashamed of down there. Mila had to raise her body up a little to change the angle, tilting her neck back so his tip could slide into her throat. She made little gluck gluck noises as she worked him in deeper, and she didn't stop until she planted her lips around his base, his whole length in her soft, slippery throat.

A moment later, she pulled back, coughing and gasping. She obviously needed a break, so when she stood back up, her brother took over, also taking Gaige's cock deeper this time, but not as recklessly deep as his sister had.

Mila propped a knee up on the bed next to Gaige, and she leaned in close to him, wiping a little something from her lips before coming in for a kiss. Gaige wrapped an arm around her slim waist and pulled her in closer, pressing her body against his as their lips met and their tongues explored each other.

Down below, Riley sucked Gaige's cock earnestly, cradling the bigger, juicier balls in his slender hand as he worked up and down the shaft with his tongue. He increased his pace when his sister held his head and started pushing him down, making him go deeper.

Gaige's free hand explored Mila, running up and down her smooth belly, down to her thigh and all the way up to... Oh holy shit, her tits were fantastic! He gasped when he first held one in his hand, and not just because Mila had shoved her brother's face particularly far down on his cock at that same moment. Her boobs were perfectly shaped, with tiny, hard nipples exactly in the middle, and they had that special texture that only the best tits have: firm and smooth on the outside, but with a delicate softness to them when squeezed. Entranced, he took the nipple he'd been playing with between his lips and licked it while his hand moved to her other, equally lovely, breast.

He let the hand he'd wrapped around her waist wander lower, down to her lower back with its cute little dimples, brushing over her stiffly raised tail, and on to the curve of her ass. It was nice to squeeze, round and nice, with a perfect balance between being soft and hard, but he had to wonder ... would she be offended if he let out that he thought her brother's ass looked better? Nothing against wide hips, but her brother's narrow ones kept his ass that much tighter and rounder. He couldn't wait to touch that one, too. In the meantime, he slipped a little lower still, running his fingers between her legs, reaching up to find ... Riley's fingers!

When he finally pulled away from his kiss with Mila, he laughed a little. Mila moaned. Her brother had beaten him to it, and he was already knuckle-deep in his sister's pussy.

And that had distracted her from pushing his head down on Gaige's cock, too. Riley took the opportunity to pull away, coming up on Gaige's other side just like his sister had, and coming in for his own kiss.

Mila didn't let Gaige's cock stay out in the cold for long. As her brother came up, she went down, sliding her body over both of theirs and letting each of them get in one last little grab of her boobs before she slipped too low for them to reach.

Riley might have been better at sucking cock, but his sister was a better kisser. Kisses with him were always just a little awkward somehow, like he was trying to be too enthusiastic about it. Still, it didn't stop Gaige from enjoying it, from pulling Riley's long hair to hold him closer, from reaching a hand down and grabbing a generous handful of the femboy's tight, perky ass. His was a little firmer than his sister's, but it was so perfectly pert and shapely.

Mila's blowjob wasn't nearly as consistent as Riley's... Gaige took a moment's break from the kiss with Riley to look down and see why she kept having long moments of just jerking him off, with no involvement from her mouth at all.

When he looked down, he saw her with her brother's cock entirely inside her mouth, her tongue lapping at the bottom of his shaft as she absently rubbed her hand up and down Gaige's neglected cock.

But she didn't ignore him for long. A moment later, she switched again. She started jerking off her brother and took Gaige's cock back into her lovely warm throat. For a moment, when neither was hidden inside her mouth, the size difference between them was starkly apparent. Side by side, Gaige could tell that his smooth, pink cock was nearly twice as long as Riley's pointy, veined red one. It was ... cute. He wondered how the femboy felt about that...

Whimpering a little from being ignored, Riley grabbed Gaige's cheek and pulled him in for another kiss. It didn't seem that he was worried about comparing sizes. All he wanted to do was get kisses, caress Gaige's body, and feel his sister's lips slide up and down his cock.

The next time Mila moved over to her brother, she had help giving Gaige a handjob. Riley's hand slipped down there, intertwining his fingers with hers as they both gripped Gaige's cock and pumped it up and down. Mila looked up at her brother as she sucked his cock, and he looked down at her, meeting her eyes longingly.

When she switched back to jamming Gaige's bigger cock into her throat, Riley slid back down to his knees next to her. He nuzzled his way in between Gaige's legs and rubbed his cheek against hers, pulling her head back by the hair a little. As soon as she came off of Gaige's cock, he went down on it ... and the moment he came back up, she took it instead. Their mouths were so close together that they were half-kissing almost the whole time. Before long, they began just making out with each other, sometimes letting Gaige's cock slip in and out between their two mouths as their tongues played with each other.

Not one to let himself go neglected now that things had already started, Gaige grabbed both of them by the bows in their hair and gently encouraged them to move their kiss up and down his hard cock. Before long, he was simply fucking the gap between their lips, only sometimes pulling so far back that they met again and had another incestuous kiss.

Not that they seemed to mind. Each of them moaned in turn against his shaft, and even though he couldn't see it, Gaige could tell from the way their tails twitched that their hands were busy between each other's legs.

Their shared drool dripped down the length of his cock and soaked into the fur on his balls. Their kisses grew sloppier and sloppier, full of slurping sounds between their moans. Even their bodies drew closer together, pressing against each other as much as possible as they let Gaige have his way with their mouths.

Gaige moaned as well. He could feel himself getting close ... but there was so much else he wanted to do with these two. Pulling back, he let the two siblings kiss, merely rubbing his cock back and forth over one's cheek, then the other, smearing a few drops of his pre on them. "So, um," he said, "you two feeling ready to, uh..."

Both of them leaned away from him a little, pressing their messy cheeks together and looking up at him as they caressed each other's bodies. "Oh fuck yes!" Riley said, getting up and moving to the other bed. "Put that beautiful cock of yours inside me!"

His sister was a bit more subdued, lagging behind him a little, but she did get on the bed next to him. "Just don't finish inside, okay? I think I'm going into heat soon."

Gaige grinned as he looked at the two of them. Both leaned forward with their knees on the edge of the other bed, their asses upraised right in front of him. Their tails were flagging high and leaning toward each other, intermingling at the tips. His vision was filled with the two gloriously round asses, one wide and sumptuous, one narrow and tight. Their assholes matched perfectly, exactly identical and both squeaky clean - they must have both cleaned themselves meticulously ... or did they do it together, maybe cleaning each other? The way these two were acting, Gaige wouldn't put the possibility past them. Beneath one pucker was Riley's pert little balls and his cock twitching between his legs. Beneath the other was Mila's pink-slitted mound, her moisture dripping down her inner thigh. For each, the roundness of their ass cheeks were highlighted in red, while a strip of pale white fur ran up the middle. Both of them arched their backs, sticking their butts up and showing off their different endowments as well as they could.

He walked up to them slowly, making them wait, making them wonder which one he'd choose to stick his spit-slickened cock into... But that was only for their benefit. He already knew which one he was going for first. As bi as he might be, he still leaned a little more toward girls, and Mila's eager pussy mound looked simply irresistable.

Even as he lined himself up with her backside, though, he reached over and fondled Riley's tight little package. It was just so tiny and firm, like a couple fuzzy marbles sticking out between his lovely little ass cheeks ... how could anyone resist?

He kept the femboy's balls cupped in his palm, rolling them between his fingers, even as he used his other hand to slide his cock up and down Mila's slit, even as he leaned in and let his tip part her slick lips just a little. Only when he truly began to push into her did he take his hand off of Riley and grab Mila's wider hips in both hands. He could feel her inner walls pulsing around the tip of his cock as he pressed forward, even with barely a third of his length inside, she was already starting to moan and twitch.

* * *

As soon as Riley was sure that the DJ was going to fuck his sister first, he slipped down from the side of the bed to the floor. It was a little disappointing, a little insulting, that he wasn't the first choice, but he wasn't about to let himself go to waste and be ignored!

Instead, he nuzzled up between the otter's legs from behind, making Gaige spread his legs a little wider and lift his thick tail to accommodate him. As Gaige paused to adjust his stance, Riley moved in, planting a long, sensuous lick that started at the otter's taint and slid all the way across his plump ball sack, his meaty cock, to Mila's pussy. He licked her tangy juices from her clit as the Gaige's thick pink cock spread her open for him.

Both of them moaned in turn as they felt his tongue. Gaige pushed his cock a little deeper in.

Riley grinned and stroked his own cock as he watched the DJ's slide into his sister. He'd seen his sister's pussy before, of course. Sometimes she came out of the shower naked to find some clothes, and he pretended not to watch. Sometimes they took showers together, but only to save water and help each other reach difficult places, of course. Sometimes he even saw her at the club or in her bedroom, fucking some lucky guy's brains out. But up close like this? Seeing a thick, long cock spread her open like this? Being able to taste her like this? He licked her clit again. This was a whole new level of intimacy, something he'd never thought he'd be able to have with his dear sister. Oh yiff, he loved her so much!

But he didn't neglect Gaige, either. It wouldn't do to ignore him! As the otter pulled out of Riley's sister, getting ready for another deep thrust, Riley nuzzled his way in and wrapped his long, flexible tongue around the DJ's cock, licking his sister's juices off of it and replacing them with his own spit.

Gaige paused to enjoy that for a moment, but soon he slowly pushed back into Mila's pussy, giving Riley less and less room to lick his cock. Riley stroked himself even harder as he watched that huge cock pushing his own spit deep into his sister. When Gaige hilted inside her, his balls bumped up against Riley's face ... and Riley didn't neglect them. He licked the juicy orbs, rolling their heavy weight over his tongue and smelling their scent as they twitched and churned. Riley let the smell and sensation of it flood through him as he imagined the hefty load that the otter might pump into his sister at any moment. He could just imagine that thick pink cock pulsing, his sister's pussy orgasming around it, thick gobs of white cum leaking out between his shaft and her slit where he could lick them up, tasting hints of her flavor mixed with his cum.

Of course, that was just his imagination. Gaige didn't show any signs of getting off yet. Riley nosed in and slid his tongue up and down each side of his sister's pussy lips, though, licking each side of the DJ's shaft and still imagining what it would be like to drink otter cum out of his dear sister's pussy. He stroked himself more and more ... until he felt his knot bulging around the base of his cock.

Oh shit! He immediately stopped touching himself. He couldn't afford to cum now; there was so much more he wanted to do!

"Ugh!" he cried out from between their legs. "I can't take this anymore! Give it to me, I need it!" As he said it, he wiggled out from underneath them and got to his hands and knees on the edge of the bed again, bumping his ass sideways against his sister's. "Fuck me! Fuck me now!"

Gaige pulled out of Mila's pussy, ready to do just that, but she beat him to it.

Riley squealed in senseless joy as he felt his sister's hands grasping his ass cheeks, as he felt her bumping her hips up against his butt. He shuddered back and forth as his sister faux-fucked him, arching his back and giving a little yelp when she pulled his tail. "You like that?" she said.

"Mmm!" Riley could almost feel it, his sister's imaginary cock ramming in and out of his ass. "Sis, sis! I..." He moaned. "I can feel it!"

But then she pulled away. "Oh no you can't, but you're about to. You'd better relax - he's pretty big!" The sound of her slapping the otter's ass rang out through the room. "Fuck him good for me, loverboy. Give it to him like I would if I had something like--" she grabbed his cock and lined it up with her brother's ass "--this big beautiful cock to work with."

Riley's tail twitched when he felt the warm, round tip of the otter's cock pressing against his asshole.

But he yelped when the DJ tried to push harder, tried to penetrate. Things weren't sliding well back there! Fighting the way his tail wanted to clamp back down, he reached down between his legs, past his own twitching cock, and felt for Gaige's much bigger one. He found it easily, and when he tried to rub it back and forth over his hole, when he rubbed his fingers across it, he could feel what the problem was: he'd spent too much time in the open air after fucking Mila, and now Mila's slippery juices were drying out a little bit and getting sticky instead.

Luckily, though, it seemed that she figured out the problem as well. Pushing Gaige back from her brother a little, she put her own face in between, laying her hair over her brother's ass and taking the DJ's cock back into her mouth, into her throat, without any hesitation.

Riley twitched and shuddered as he felt his sister's hair tickling his asshole and balls, as he heard her gagging and slobbering on the otter's big cock, as he felt Gaige's hands groping his ass even while his sister gave her best.

It didn't take long for Mila's throat to lube his cock up. When she pulled off of him and lined him up with her brother again, Riley felt her slimy spit dripping in strands down against his ass cheeks, onto his quivering balls. It was still warm. He gasped as he felt Gaige push again, his slickened tip just beginning to spread Riley open. Looking back over his shoulder, he could see Mila still back there, licking that long, pink shaft as it...

Oooh... As it began to slide into Riley's ass. Yiff, he felt huge in there! But there was no pain, not with Mila's soupy lubrication and with Gaige's slow, steady pace. As the otter went deeper, Mila got closer and closer to her brother's ass ... until she ended up licking his asshole as much as Gaige's cock.

And that cock was so warm, so thick! Riley moaned like a little girl and pushed himself back, taking another little smidge of it inside himself. And still there was more to give! He shuddered, feeling another firm thrust. His sister pulled out from between them as her face began to be squeezed between his ass and Gaige's thighs.

Finally, finally, Gaige bottomed out, his hips bumping against Riley's butt cheeks.

Riley squirmed and arched back against him, reveling in how full of steamy pink otter cock he was. And he could feel the syrupy slickness of his sister's spit deep inside him. More than anything, that was the real treat. He would never say so to anyone, wasn't even sure of it himself until this moment, but having a precious little bit of his sister thrust up into him was exactly what he'd always wanted, always needed. It was like the feeling he got when he was secretly wearing a pair of her favorite panties, but it was so much more intense. It was perfect!

And to combine that cool soothing love with the hot, thick meat buried in his ass, with the sultry lust of taking a nice, big cock just as it began sliding smoothly in and out, rubbing over his sensitive anus ... this couldn't possibly get any better!

But then it got better. Mila took a break from servicing Gaige's balls, moving on to Riley's instead. The tingling firefly pleasure blinked through him as he was used and pleasured at the same time, as his sister - his sister! - gently took both of his balls into her warm mouth at once, sliding them back and forth over her tongue.

Gaige picked up his pace, fucking him more forcefully. He could swear he heard the otter's balls thumping against his sister's face. The hot fullness rolled through him in waves, washing over him every time that Gaige gave another firm push.

Fleeing from the onslaught of the DJ's swinging balls, Mila slipped lower, pushing herself up between Riley's legs and beginning to lick his cock. Riley moaned again, and he gleefully let the otter's next thrust push him forward, pushing his own cock right into his sister's mouth. She took it easily, with no complaint, and all the way down to the base of his knot. On him, she didn't gag, not even a little. She reached up and cradled one pair of balls in each hand, teasing each of the differently-sized packages fondly as she sucked her brother's cock.

Riley was in heaven - foxy, yiffy heaven. Everything from his tail to the very tip of his cock felt like one big, steamy whirlpool of pleasure. He almost couldn't tell where his sister's mouth ended and the DJ's cock began ... he only knew that he was somewhere between the two. His eyes rolled back in his head and his tongue lolled out, drooling onto the hotel bedspread.

But then a little something intruded into his heaven. Not the cock inside him - that was the heaven. No, there it was again. His sister whimpered a little, her lips still wrapped around his knotted base. Even though he'd never had the privilege of hearing that sound before, he immediately knew what it meant: his sister was in need. She needed cock. She wasn't being pleasured by anyone at the moment, and she needed it so badly! He could just imagine her achingly empty pussy dripping onto the carpet as she squatted down there, so much cock and balls for her face and hands, but none to give her what she needed.

"Hey," Riley said, looking over his shoulder at the DJ. "Let's roll over - you sit down on the bed, I'll get in your lap."

With a shrug and a nod, Gaige pulled out ... slowly. Riley shuddered as the thick, smooth cock slid out, more and more of it. Yiff, had that guy gotten even bigger while he was inside or something?

Finally, Gaige popped free, quickly moving to sit on the bed as he'd been asked to, his thick tail sticking out on the sheets behind him.

Riley wasted no time in sitting on the bigger guy's lap, pushing his ass cheeks up against that lovely cock, rubbing his little balls into the otter's crotch, giving him a lapdance like only a femboy could.

Gaige didn't have much patience for rubbing his cock against the femboy's balls, though. Soon, he lifted Riley up a little, used his other hand to line things up, and then dropped riley back down.

Riley moaned as the enormous-feeling shaft slid so easily back up inside him. Now when he squirmed against Gaige's lap, he could feel it moving inside him, stirring his insides. His own pointy red cock jutted up ardently in front of him.

And it looked like Mila had taken notice of that as well. She licked her lips, staring at her brother's cock as she got up and swung one leg over both of them, straddling Riley's lap.

Still barely adjusted to the big cock inside his ass, Riley looked up and down his sister's body. Her hot, dripping pussy was so close to his cock, closer than it had ever been. Her long, slim belly stretched upward right in front of him, its pale fur bisected by a perfect, subtle line that ran from her belly button all the way up to... Her boobs jutted out toward him, tantalizing, right in front of his face, their luscious round softness taunting him with the sumptuous chest he'd never have and yet also offering him every chance to finally enjoy them. And her face, oh her face, looking down at him with that little, knowing grin and half-lidded eyes that sparkled with something that could only be the very deepest love.

She leaned in, rubbing her nose against his for a moment, then coming just a bit closer, letting him kiss her. He nearly forgot about the cock pumping in and out of his ass, instead focusing on his sister's lovely soft lips and fine, tickly whiskers. When she slid her tongue into his mouth for him to gently suck on, it still tasted a little like his own cock.

He wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her slender body closer to his, until their pale bellies touched each other, until her tits pressed warmly against his flat chest ... until he felt the heat of her pussy pressing against his cock.

Gaige stopped humping his hips for a moment, as even he seemed to sense the importance of this moment. His cock stood still inside, only giving an occasional twitch or pulse.

One of Riley's hands slipped down to hold his sister's ass, then a little lower, touching her pussy lips and feeling the tip of his own cock down there touching them as well, her outer lips already parting around it. "Are we..." He took a deep breath and looked into his sister's eyes. "Can we really do this?"

"Of course," she said, coming in closer, whispering in his ear. "It's just a normal part of a threesome, right? It's not like we'd ever do anything like this with just each other."

"Right," he said breathlessly. Her pussy slid up and down a little, spreading her nectar over his cock.

"Just don't finish inside, okay? I'm probably going into heat soon, and I can't let you get me pregnant."

"Don't worry, I'll be sure and--" Riley gasped, his words forgotten, as his sister slid down, gloriously down. Her wet warmth enveloped his cock, almost all of it in one go; only his knot remained outside her.

Both of them stopped, frozen for a moment, as they fully experienced each other's bodies for the very first time. Mila pulled his head in for a frenzied kiss. He grabbed her ass tightly. Her pulse beat-beat beat-beat upon his cock.

Gaige finally started to move again, slowly and sensuously. Mila started rocking her hips as well, working her tight entrance back and forth over his knot.

It was the only part of his cock that was thicker than Gaige's, a big round bulge at his base that would lock him firmly into his sister's pussy once she managed to--

With a slight pop, her lips stretched just a little more and swallowed his bulging knot. He shuddered in place, holding her tight. She licked the rim of his ear, then whispered, "Oh Riley... You have no idea how long I've wanted this."

"Just as long as I've wanted it," he whispered back.

That made her pussy twitch around his cock. He started shifting himself back and forth between her and Gaige, the same motion serving to both rock Gaige's shaft back and forth inside his ass and help him make little thrusts in and out of his sister at the same time. Both he and Mila moaned their sweet pleasure to each other. Finally, after so many nights fantasizing about it, he was able to feel his cock inside his sister's pussy. They fit together perfectly, as if they were made for each other.

Gaige didn't stay that passive for long, though. He began thrusting into Riley's ass forcefully again, making the slender femboy bounce on his lap ... and the bouncing motion carried right on through Riley's cock into Mila, almost like Gaige was using Riley as a tool to fuck her with. He kept one hand on Riley's ass, controlling his movements, but his other hand wandered up to grab Mila's breasts, each one in turn.

But Mila wasn't about to put up with that. "Hey," she said, "he's my brother and I'm his sister. You just lay down." She didn't wait for him to agree. After pushing his hand away from her tits, she grabbed him by the shoulders and shoved him down onto the bed, leaving the two of them sitting on his lap.

And Gaige seemed to accept that he wasn't in control. He held still and waited for what was to come. Riley could almost have forgotten about him if not for the stiff cock so firmly up his ass.

What was to come was Mila taking charge. She took both of Riley's hands and placed them onto her own tits, and once she was satisfied with the way he fondled them, she started rolling her hips back and forth, swirling Riley's cock around inside her and, incidentally, causing him to sway on Gaige's lap, making the thick cock inside Riley's ass move in and out. Gaige groaned.

Mila pinched one of Riley's nipples between her fingers and tweaked it. Picking up on the hint, he gave her the same treatment, rolling her bigger, softer nipples between his thumbs and forefingers without taking his palms off her gorgeous tits for even a moment. He loved the way they squished and rolled underneath his hands, he loved the heft of them and how far they stood from her chest, he loved the way Mila's fur stood on end when he synced his kneading up to her hip-rolling rhythm.

The hot, thick rod up his tight ass rooted him in place. It was like the foundation his pleasure was built on, the one steady spot in his whirlpool of incredible sensations. But it was the way his sister's pussy molded around his modest cock that was the center of everything, radiating bursts of pleasure all the way through him with every little movement she made.

As she got more and more worked up, Mila leaned closer and closer in toward him. She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, which made her boobs hang beautifully just in front of his chest; her nipples tickled his as her tits jiggled. As she leaned more, they pressed against his flat chest. She pushed him downward, making him moan as the angle of Gaige's cock changed inside his ass. Both of them went down until they were lying on top of the otter, with Riley squeezed in between his two lovers. He couldn't be happier. There was no better place to be in the whole world.

But now that they were horizontal, Mila's humping hips didn't really make Riley's ass stroke up and down over Gaige's cock anymore.

He didn't mind it himself. What he liked most about being fucked in the ass was the pressure, the heat, the fullness, feeling his asshole stretch and hug tightly against the cock inside. But he was worried that Gaige wasn't enjoying it very much anymore, not without the motion ... and if he wasn't getting what he needed, he'd probably--

When Gaige grabbed both of them, Riley knew that the DJ had finally decided to do something about his lack of stimulation.

Grunting with the effort, he rolled all three of them over. Riley just went along with it, focusing on trying to keep Gaige's cock in his ass and trying to keep his own cock in Mila's pussy the whole time. In just a few moments, Gaige was the one on top of them both, with Mila on the very bottom and Riley squeezed in between.

Gaige got up on his knees behind them, still buried in Riley's femboy ass, and he ended up fucking Riley with long, heavy strokes. That made Riley rock back and forth on top of his sister, who moaned underneath him. Every motion back and forth stretched her, threatening to let his knot slip free of her lips, but it never did - she held it tight, wrapping her legs around his lower back just above where Gaige held his pert little ass. His tail flared high as he was stimulated beyond anything he'd ever had before.

But then Gaige pulled out of his ass, slowly and gently. Riley looked over his shoulder at the otter and saw him spit on his hand, rubbing it onto his cock before he squatted down lower and pushed forward again.

Beneath Riley, Mila squealed. Riley could feel a pressure growing from the bottom of her pussy, then he felt something push in, the bump sliding up against his cock inside her, separated only by her thin inner walls. The rounded tip of Gaige's cock pressed against, then passed Riley's own tip, going deeper inside her than Riley ever could.

Mila held him close, trembling as she was filled with two cocks, one in each hole. Riley gasped in a little breath when he felt the otter's underbelly bump against his own balls. His ass felt so empty ... but having Gaige inside his sister made her feel so tight!

After only a couple thrusts, Gaige pulled out again. Only a couple rapid heartbeats passed before Riley felt the thick otter cock at his own asshole again. It went in easily, far easier than the first time, and it filled him completely. Gaige's hefty sack entirely covered Riley's tight little balls, smothering them in juicy warmth.

And then Gaige was gone again, pulling out and shoving himself into Mila's ass instead. He kept switching back and forth, fucking each of their asses in turn as they fucked each other.

Before long, Riley was almost able to get used to having the DJ in and out of his ass. What really mattered was his sister, lying beneath him, looking up at him with a sultry 'fuck me tender' look in her eyes. And he did, he did so much. Their bodies touched each other all over, nothing between them. Literally nothing. He was inside her! Finally inside his sister!

Ever since they were little kits, he'd always been interested in her, fascinated with her, curious - and eventually envious - about the ways her body was different than his own. The first time he'd dressed up as a girl, it was to find out what Mila's clothes felt like. And every boyfriend, every girlfriend, every quick random fuck behind the school bleachers, every flirtatious kiss at the club ... with every single one of them, he'd been imagining Mila's beautiful face. Her foxy red hair, redder than his own. Her fiery orange eyes. Her perfect slender muzzle with its cute pink nose. Or, sometimes, when he was with a boy, he'd imagine that he was Mila, feeling the same things she would feel.

As Gaige pulled out of his ass again, Riley came down and gave his sister a tender kiss, slow and lingering. He lost himself in her perfect lips, in the way her pussy squeezed and milked his cock, in the tiny gasps of breath she made through her nose as she felt the otter's cock slide into her ass.

Riley only snapped out of it when he felt Gaige's hand caressing his balls, rubbing them and cupping them, massaging them as if to encourage them to give even more cum than they already wanted to. And Gaige didn't stop there. He ran a finger of his other hand up and down the pale-furred valley of Riley's ass, then gently probed it inside his pucker, crooking the finger downward a little.

When Gaige's finger found his prostate, Riley came instantly. There was no warning, no build-up. It was like the DJ had flicked a switch inside him. The first thick spurt of cum shot down into his sister before he even realized what had happened. He moaned girlishly and clenched his arms tight around her as another pulse came, and another. He mindlessly jammed his cock as deep as he could inside his sister, gushing the most potent orgasm he'd ever had straight inside her.

Mila's pussy went warm and even tighter than before. It squeezed his cock, helping him pump even more.

* * *

Mila's eyes shot open wide when she felt her brother's cock throb, when she felt the warmth spreading into her womb.

Part of her wanted to scream and hit him, panicking about the incestuous pregnancy he was causing right now...

But that wasn't the part of her that was in charge right now. This part lived in her lower belly, and it glowed with pride and satisfaction, gulping down her brother's cum like it was warm, silky honey. That part wanted to grow his seed. It always had. Every pulse of his cock sent another wave of warm pleasure flowing through her, blooming from that deep, secret place inside her and spreading out through her whole body, from her spasming belly to the tips of her toes.

Oddly, it took her a moment before she realized what was happening: the feeling of her brother spilling his load inside her was making her cum! She arched her back against the bed, pressing her pussy lips against the base of his shaft, instinctually getting him as deep as she could, her womb welcoming his gift to her. She wanted to be filled with it, she wanted him to fill her until she overflowed with it, she wanted to feel the weight of her brother's cum sloshing around inside her for hours and hours.

"Riley!" she moaned. "I love you, Riley!"

* * *

Gaige kept on thrusting in and out of Mila's ass as he felt Riley's balls tense up and start twitching in his hand. He kept on thrusting as he felt Mila tense up. He even kept on thrusting as he felt Mila's body spasm and pulse, as the inside of her ass rippled back and forth over his smooth cock.

Strangely, what set him off was hearing her cry out her love for her brother.

The moment he heard that, he rammed his cock as deep as he could into her. He shuddered for a moment, and then it finally happened.

He could feel the massive pulse of cum travel down the length of his cock, squeezing as it passed through her sphincter, flowing inward and inward, and finally it splashed free, coating her and painting her white inside.

Throb after throb came, each one launching a new squirt deep inside Mila's ass ... but he was more ambitious than just that.

He pulled out after the fourth one, just in time to splatter another glob against her gaping asshole. The next thick rope of cum, and the next, and the next all went straight against the sacred, sinful place where the two siblings met and became one. His cum poured onto the tight-stretched gap between Riley's cock and Mila's pussy, letting a little of it slip inside. It drizzled over Riley's still-clenched balls, drenching them in white. One long strand hung from Riley's ass cheeks all the way down to Mila's thighs, connecting them together.

With not much left to give, Gaige shoved his tip roughly into Riley's pucker, unloading the last few spurts inside the femboy's tight, quivering ass. He stayed there as his cock's twitching slowly died down, as the last few drops of his cream found their new home. As he caught his breath.

When he finally pulled out, his softened cock swinging free and trailing a streamer of white goo that dripped down onto Riley's balls and Mila's pussy, he couldn't help but look down at what he'd just done and grin.

Those two foxes were already heartbreakingly cute together. To see both of them still coupled, still prolonging their illicit connection as long as they could ... and to see both of them intimately smeared with his own cum, both of them holding a little bit of it inside them... Well, if it had been possible, Gaige thought he would have orgasmed all over again, just from the sight of it.

But no, he was too tired.

Taking a deep breath, he fumbled his way around the entwined brother and sister, lying down on the bed and looking at the ceiling as he let the slight sheen of sweat dry on his fur. He'd need to use the shower here before he left...

Would they join him there? He looked over at them.

They kissed and caressed each other like a couple of dogs in heat. Had Riley even lost his erection after cumming? He was already thrusting again, still hilted inside his sister, and she moaned into his mouth, her eyes squeezed shut in bliss.

He chuffed out a little laugh. "So, um, you two totally don't have a thing for each other, and it's just a threesome, huh?"

Both of them stopped for a moment, looking over at him, but Riley didn't pull out. They glanced back at each other, then back at Gaige.

Sliding his arms up behind his head, Gaige breathed a deep, satisfied sigh and let himself zone out, staring at the textured pattern on the hotel room ceiling. Both Riley and Mila had scooched a little closer now. Riley was still fucking his sister, but now they rested their heads against Gaige's lap, and each of them gave his flaccid cock an occasional lick, just to keep up the pretense. Maybe the shower could wait ... he was already floating half-formed fantasies about getting the two siblings dressed back up in their maid costumes and then cumming all over both their faces as the brother and sister kissed each other ... or maybe as they fucked each other under their skirts.

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