A business transaction.

Story by Furzara on SoFurry

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Hey all! This was orginally just going to be a backstory for my newest OC Vismar, but I got a bit carried away while writing it, and it turned into this. Hope you all like it! I had a blast writing it, was quite inspired and wrote this in a few hours, so dont judge me too much if there are some grammatical or spelling mistakes here and there.

Vismar had always been very into nature. Ever since he was a child he loved to go outside into the forest near his house, and try and interact with any small creatures, and collect flowers. Flowers and bug were his main interests, but small animals he always found so cute that he could not help but to be interested in them as well. Thanks to the interest in flowers, he started quite a collections of them, making sure he knew were they grew, what kind of plant they were, and after a while, what kind of things they could be turned into.

He quickly started to take an interest in Alchemy. Learning what kind of potions and things he can make out of all of the flowers he has learned about and collected. His parents even got him his first few alchemy books, glad that he was so interested in something to unique. In today's modern age of technology, most people forgot alchemy was a thing. It had been a few hundred years since there was any sort of alchemist who was taken seriously, and Vismar was determined to be the next one. He studied for a very long time every day, spending hours with his nose in each alchemy book that he had, and doing a lot of experimenting. He had a few mishaps here and there as he was still learning, but nothing that ever harmed him too much.

However, there was one thing that he did, that changed him forever. Nothing awful, and it was all cosmetic anyway, but people did start to give him some odd looks after it happened. He is a fennec fox, they are not uncommon, in fact foxes are pretty common actually. He was a normal tan and white color, but he was trying to make a potion that would help him be a bit more dexterous, but somehow messed up, and when he took the potion, his fur permanently changed color. Where his fur was tan, turned blue, and where it was white, turned pink. His eyes stayed an emerald green, but the hair on his head also turned to a light purple color.

The longer he went on with this though, the more and more he was alright with it. The odd looks he would get, and the stares he would receive became more and more normal to him, and he started to notice them less and less, and care about them less and less. He continued his research, at first he was trying to find a way to either change the coloring, or reverse it, as the bright colors did attract a lot of attention. Though after a few months of research, it started to grow on him. It was proof of how dedicated it was to his craft, and how much time he has spent trying to learn.

After a long, long while of studying and learning, he eventually finished his normal schooling, and decided he would try to open up a shop to sell his potions, and try and earn a living off of that. His first problem was trying to get money to open up said shop. Ideally he would like to open it up in a busy city, as those would be the best place to sell anything. Unfortunately for him it was way more expensive to do so. He had to find a way to create a large amount of money, legally. There were a few ideas that crossed his mind. He could try and use a transparency potion to let him steal easily, or he could try and find someone else who may be more inclined to do such a thing and sell it to them. However those would eventually find him in quite a bit of trouble if he were to ever get caught. After a while of pondering though, he finally had an idea.

He spent a few weeks preparing a large amount of potions. It took him a while to make them, as he had never really dabbled in this sort of alchemy too much yet, but it was surprisingly easy once he got the basics down. He packed up a bag, with more then a few potions packed into it neatly so that they wouldnt clang around too much, and made his way into the city. He got up to the building where his meeting was to take place, and made his way inside. He was greeted by a secretary, and she took his name, confirmed his appointment, and let him wait to be called.

Only about 10 minutes passed before he was called into the office of the head honcho. He grabbed his bag, and headed inside. He sat down across from a large boar. As he entered the boar spoke.

"Welcome Vismar. I understand that you have something that can give our performers quite the boost?"

As Vismar sat down, he sat his bag on his lap, and placed 4 vials of potions onto the boars desk. "I do. Each one of these is a potion that I made, that will help give your porn stars that extra something to make them all better then the rest."

The boar raised an eyebrow, examining the glass bottles. Each one was a different color. Pink, blue, green, and clear. "And how do I know these work?" The boar asked, grabbing a pair of glasses to look even closer, and swirling them around to see if there are any solids in them.

"Ill give you those for free. Each of those potions are only half doses. Should last about 8 hours. Pink will increase the size of a woman's breasts, hips, and butt. Blue will increase the size of a mans dick and balls. Green will give much longer endurance, and the clear one will make them cum way more then you ever thought possible. You take those, give them to some performers, and if you like what they do, I can continue to make them for you, for a price that is."

The boar set down the potion he was examining, still wearing of everything. "And how will I know these wont hurt them?" He asked, even though he was the owner of a massive porn company, he still wanted to protect his performers.

"Do you see my fur color? I have tested each one of those myself. If you want..." He set down another blue potion on the desk. "I can take one right now, just to prove it too you."

The boar watched as Vismar pulled out another bottle. "Sure. Take that one, but you will have to stick around, so that I can make sure it doesnt have any side effects." The boar said. His eyes narrowing as he watched Vismar.

"Of course. Down the hatch." He said, popping the cork, and downing the potion like he would a shot of any alcohol. It took only a few moments to kick in, and he knew it. He could feel his pants getting tighter, and he stood up so that the boar could see it as it grew. After about only a minute it was done taking its place, and he showed it off to the boar. "See? Huge." He said, as the boar stood up and started to make his way around the desk.

As the boar approached him, Vismar held his ground, not moving and staring at the boar. "Well, just because the potion works, doesnt mean your dick still does. Lose those pants, let me see it. Vismar raised and eyebrow as the boar told him to take his pants off. He knew this was a porn company, but wasnt really expecting it to go this far. He did as the boar wanted though, and unbuttoned his pants, and let them fall to the ground with his boxers as well.

He was left naked on his bottom half, his sheath plump, and much, much bigger then normal. About 3 times as big if he had to guess. Which only made him eager to see how big he would get this time, as they sometimes varied with exactly how big they would make things. As Vismar watched the boar approach him from the other side of the desk, he did start to think he knew where this was going to go. He was only 19 by this point though, the boar had to be at least 50.

As the boar finally got to him, he looked down at Vismars sheath. "Very nice looking, but I need to see the real thing boy." He said. "Need a hand?" He quickly followed up with. Vismar had never done anything with a man before, let alone anyone that old. Though the more he thought about it, the less he really cared. He was doing this for the money anyway, so why not have some fun with it too?

"Be my guest." He said, sitting back down on the chair he had been sitting on before, and spreading his legs wide. The boar smiled wide as Vismar sat down, glad to see he was going to at least try to enjoy himself. "Dont mind if I do then. And dont worry about the tusks, I am good at keeping them out of the way." The boar said, getting down onto his knees between Vismar legs, and raising his hands up to massage his balls and sheath.

Vismar let his head roll back onto the back of the chair. It felt good, clearly the boar knew what he was doing, as his fingers felt like they were circling around his tip as it poked out, massaged his balls, and stroked his sheath all at the same time. He closed his eyes and let himself grow hard. Without the potion he was still pretty well hung, at about 9 inches, then another 2 for his knot, but this potion made him seem like he was going to be huge. He finally looked down, as he felt himself being nearly fully hard already.

When he looked down he could see that his cock was over the boars head, and his tongue was dancing along the underside of it. It wasnt going to take much more the Vismar to be fully hard now, knot formed and everything. He placed a hand on the boars head and idly played with his hair and ears. He heard the boar grown out as he did this, and he felt his tongue moving upwards, and he knew he was going to start sucking any moment now.

He was now fully hard though, his knot was formed, and he was bigger then he had ever been before. Nearly 22 inches if he had to guess himself. The board stayed on the ground as he admired the huge shaft in front of him. "Wow. So your stuff does really work. And you're not normally this big?" He asked, now being a bit more relaxed with Vismar.

"No. The potions have a small bit of variance, and this is the largest I have ever seen himself." He admitted, his hand going down to his dick to stroke himself, as the boar left him hanging now.

"Well. I have seen all I need to see. I am sure your other potions are just as good, I will gladly start buying these from you. I am assuming you can make them in larger quantities, yes? I do have quite the business here." The boar said, standing upright, but still facing Vismar.

"Yeah, their ingredients I already grow in my green house, supply is not an issue. What is an issue though, is this still being here." He said, pointing his cock at the boar. Vismar never really had this much confidence in himself. But he decided to give it a whirl. The boar clearly knew what he was doing with his mouth earlier, but he wanted to see how well he could suck him.

The boar smiled, and raised an eyebrow at Vismar. "Oh? You want to get off? Well, why didnt you say so..." The boar said, stepping out of his pants rather quickly, and taking his shirt off to toss it backwards onto his desk. Now that the boar was naked, Vismar followed suit and took his own shirt off, and tossed it onto the ground, near where his pants were. "Why dont you bend over your desk, and show me that fat ass." Vismar said. He had never really said anything like this before, maybe it was a side effect of the potion. Or maybe it was just his horny brain making him want to be in control.

"Oh, a boy who knows what he wants. Sure thing." The boar said, bending over his desk, and spreading his legs apart to show off his large, fat and somehow also muscular ass to Vismar. While he did that, he reached over his desk to grab a bottle of lube from the top drawer of his desk, and threw it over his shoulder to Vismar. "Use this though, that thing isnt going to be easy to take." The boar said.

Vismar caught the bottle, and made sure to apply a large amount of it to his cock. He then applied some to his fingers, and slowly worked a finger into the boars ass. It was tight, not so much that it would be impossible for him to fuck, but tight enough for a hyper cock like the one he currently had. After a few moments of fingering with one finger, he pushed in another, then a third, making sure his entrance was a bit stretched. Once he figured his hole was lubed enough for now, he wiped his hands on his fur to dry them off, and then positioned his tip at the entrance of the boars hole. "You ready?" Vismar said, only receiving a groan and thumbs up from the boar as he pushed his tip in while he spoke.

Vismar took it slow at first, pushing his tip in, letting the boar adjust to it, then slowly pushing in more. He made sure to let the boar adjust to his size ever few inches. There was a lot for him to take, and he knew that it would take a bit before he could go at any pace that would get him off. After about 10 minutes of slowly working himself into the boar, his knot finally kissed the boars hole. He had a feeling he would not be able to knot him, nor did he want to be stuck to him for a long time, seeing as the boar was at work right now. So once he was as deep as he could go, he leaned over the boars back and whispered into his ear. "Ready for the real thing now?" And before the boar could even respond, Vismar pulled a few inches out, and slammed them back in, which made the boar moan out very, very loudly.

Vismar would have been embarrassed by his moan, because he would have known that someone would have heard it, as they were probably no more then 20 feet from the secretary. Right now though he didnt care. He just continued pistoning a few inches in and out of the boar, before his strokes started to get longer. 6 inches in and out at a time, 9 inches, before eventually he was slamming 15 inches of his cock in and out of the boars fat ass at a time. He didnt know his legs had this much energy in them, but maybe that was just another effect of the potion, or his horny brain not letting him feel his legs right now.

The intense speed that Vismar was fucking the boar at was something he had never done before. This was the most horny he had ever been, and he was eager to breed the boars ass now. He grabbed the boars cheeks and spread them apart, fucking his cock into his ass while staring down at it, enjoying the view. While he was enjoying the view, the boars moans and groans were being ignored. He knew they were happening, but he didnt notice when they got more frequent, louder, and eventually more erratic.

Vismar felt his ass suddenly tighten around his cock. He was caught off guard for a moment, but then knew what was happening. The boar was cumming. He slowed down a bit, still squeezing onto his ass as he spoke. "Piggy like huge cock in his ass?" He started to tease the boar, calling him a pig and feeling his ass spasm around his cock as he continued to cum.

"Yes! Breed my ass! Please!" The boar yelled, clearly not caring if anyone heard him either. Vismar was nearing the edge by this point, and picked up the pace from before, and then increased it. Only a few moments passed before his felt his orgasm coming. As much as he wanted to knot him now, he knew he had to practice some self control, and stopped himself from slamming his softball sized knot into the boars ass.

"Here it comes piggy! Take it!" He yelled, shoving himself as deep as possible into the boars ass without knotting him, and spraying his cum inside of him. He idly pumped his cock for a few more moments before he took a step back, and pulled his cock out of the boars ass completely. He admired the way his ass gaped afterwards, and was happy with himself. He fell back onto the chair, breathing heavily as he tried to catch his breath.

"Damn boy...You do know how to fuck. Want a job with me?" The boar said, turning himself over, and sitting on the chair next to Vismar. He let out a small chuckle, knowing that he full and well could be a porn star after that, but that was not why he came here.

"Thanks. I appreciate it, but alchemy is my passions. Though after that, I wouldnt mind coming back and paying you another visit every once in a while." Vismar said, feeling his cock start to retreat back into his sheath now.

"Shame. That is alright though, I will gladly take you up on that offer sometime though. Maybe even next time I could take that potion too." The boar said, winking at Vismar as he then stood up and walked back behind his desk. Vismar watched as he reached into another drawer, and wondered what he was going to pull out this time.

It was a check book. He grabbed a pen from the pencil holder that was on its side on his desk thanks to the shaking the desk took. He started writing and scribbling on it, then ripped it out of the book and handed it to Vismar. When Vismar read it, he was shocked. "This much? He agreed on less though ahead of time." He said, now feeling a bit bad, taking more money they he thought he was going to.

"Consider it a bonus for the demonstration, and then some more for these potions too." The boar said, picking up the clear potion and swirling it around. He knew he could afford what he gave him no problem, and was going to make sure that he took it.

"Thank you. I do mean it. This is more then enough to get my business off of the ground, and its all thanks to you." He said, standing up, and reaching for his pants and shirt. As he started to dress himself he almost felt like hugging the boar, even though he just met him, and fucked him, he felt like that would be a little bit too much though, and stopped himself.

"Kid, if your other potions are even half as good as these gimicky ones, then you will make that same amount in no time. Take it from me, a business man myself. Your products are good, and I will be endorsing whatever you decide to sell. Even if it is these, or some real, healthy, non sexual potions." The boar said, extending his hand as Vismar finished getting dressed.

Vismar turned to look at him, a wide smile on his face as he shook his hand. "Thank you again. If there is anything you ever need, you let me know too." Vismar said, more then happy to help this boar out now if he ever needed anything.

"Same goes to you kid. Now get out of here, and go deposit that check." The boar said with a half smile on his face.