Midnight Confessions

Story by Lightmane on SoFurry

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#2 of Love not Lost

"Midnight Confessions, when I tell all the world that I love.." click. Aidan moaned and swung his footpaws to the floor, ignoring the morning wood as he pulled the chain for his fanlight and stalked over to his dresser to pick out something.

The sound of the water beating a path through the corroded pipes to spray through the shower head was enough to cover the slam of the front door for the tired pussy as he climbed into the tub. As the water coursed through his fur, Aidan allowed his thoughts to drift back to the last time he'd been in a shower, and the big lion cock that had been so very close to his ass. The very memory made him tingle, and he began to toy with his member as it slid slowly out from his sheath. Aidan moaned softly, leaning his head back and stroking up and down his kitty meat just thinking about all that that lion cock could do to him, imagining sucking it dry, how it may feel up his rear, his toes curling and muscles straining as he pawed forced himself to climax quickly so he could still get out in time for school. With a slight moaning of, "Leo!" he squirted his seed into his paw, which he carefully cleaned before returning to shampoos and soaps, panting heavily, and mildly embarassed.

Eighteen minutes later, he was walking out of the bathrrom, still a little soggy, fastening his pants. He just got to buttoning his shirt as he opened his bedroom door, opening it slowly as he stepped.."BOO!" yelled a large golden beast as it leaped out from behind the door, causing the meek little cat to jump back and almost stumble down the stairs, catching himself just in time, and seating himself on the floor by the railing to recover.

Leo strolled over to the frighted kitty, chuckling as he offered him a paw up, then eying his open shirt, "Did I interrupt anything."

"Yeah, my heart rhythm." Aidan replied sardonically.

Leo chuckled again as he pulled the feline to his feet, their bodies brushing up close together for a second before Aidan pushed away and began to hurriedly button his shirt and walk into his room. "Why are you here so early?" he asked, reaching into his pocket for an old bronze cross on a leather thing and slipping it around his neck.

The lion grinned, saying off handedly, "Just seeing what I could catch you doing."

"Well congratulations, you saw my chest," Aidan replied, then thought a second, "Again."

The hunter slunk down the stairs, tail swaying behind him, "And such a cute chest it is." He said teasingly as he descended to talk to Aidan's mother again.

Aidan almost made a retort, but just blushed and went to his mirror to brush and put on his earrings before joining the party downstairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, Aidan glanced over at the lion. Damn those jeans showed off his butt well... no, no, he prolly wouldn't want a guy checking him out, just go pour your cereal. Hopefully Mom distracted him enough that he missed that gaze.

The cat crept into the kitchen, and poured himself a bowl of dry cereal with a generous helping of milk, setting his tea to brew as he carried the bowl into the living room, where the other felines chatted.

Aidan sat down at the table, where his mother and the lion chatted. Aidan kept trying to sneak glances at the muscular lion, but whenever he did, Leo seemed to be looking right back, and he'd quickly look back down at his food, finishing it off quickly so he could go and make his lunch and be away from the table. 'How will I ever be able to spend a year with him if I keep finding him so hot?' he thought as he poured sugar and creamer into his tea and sipped at it contemplatively.

He threw together a lunch, then gathered his things and stood by the table, quietly trying to interrupt the apparently engrossing conversation between Ms. MacReynolds and his ride. "Umm, I'm ready when you are Leo..." he said meekly.

Leo looked up, seeming to recall, "Oh yeah, school." He stood up, and walked toward the door, cat in tow, "goodbye Ms. MacReynolds."

"Bye Mom."

"Bye boys, have a nice day. And Aidan, try to remember to tell me a when you're going to have an early visiter."

"Sorry Mom." And the door slammed as the boys raced to and jumped on the bike.

Leo started it, and took off, Aidan gripping tightly from behind, hoping to god that he'd be spared another erection.

Twelve minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot and stopped, Aidan jumping off first, blushing as he apologized for the wood he had gotten again, Leo assuring him that no harm was done, before they walked side by side into the school building.

As Aidan pulled open the door, a bright orange blur ran out and tackled him, knocking him to the ground, "Yiff him yet?! Huh, huh? How big's his cock? Oh, Hello Leo..." And Ryan climbed off of the black and white fluff ball trying to breath beneath him to stand closer to the lion's chest.

Leo smirked, grabbing the fox around the neck and swinging him in a circle, "Hi Ryan, how ya doin'?"

Ryan almost managed to cover up the short period of shock he experienced before running a paw down the lion's front all the way down, almost reaching up to bite his ear, but changing his mind last second. "Oh I'm doing great, sweet cheeks, et tu?"

"Tres Bien, mon chere!" Said the lion nuzzling a bit under the fox's chin.

Aidan pressed between them, "Umm, hey, Leo... careful about that, this school gets a little funny about PDA's. And they tend to watch Ryan here rather closely."

The fox's tongue darted out as his arms crossed, "Spoil sport."

Leo pulled the fox close, noogying him and laughing. "C'mon Aidan, this isn't PDA, we're just buds." Pushes the fox to face him, "Isn't that right, foxy?"

Ryan fake pouted, "I thought we were so much more." He sobbed melodramatically, throwing his paw over his forehead. "Who is it, that whore in the Grocery mart?"

"Ah, the administration doesn't care, they've gotten kids for back pats." Aidan interjected.

Leo turned to the cat, eyebrows raised inb skepticism and disgust, "They've gotten you for that, a back pat?!"

Aidan unconsciously twisted a paw on the cement, "Well, no, actually it was a friend. His friend got detention with another friend for patting each others' backs after a shower in gym. But the administration here is really crazy."

"Pshaw, cat you worry too much." The fox said with a paw flip.

At about that moment, a girl's voice shouted from the direction of the bus circle, "Ryan, darling!" Everyone turned to see a panther girl running toward them.

Ryan threw open his arms, "Catarina! How was Spain, get any cock?"

They hugged, and the panther girl pushed him off playing hurt, "No!! Well, yes, but only a little. And you? How many boys did you bend over for this summer?"

Aidan tried to creep away while the two friends chatted, pulling at Leo's sleeve. The lion swatted his paw away and leaned in to whisper, "No, this is too funny to leave yet, let's watch." Aidan huffed, but stayed and watched next to the lion.

Meanwhile, Ryan was faking offense right back, "Hey now, don't make me sound like a slut! I only had 1, 2, 9 guys tops!"

"All that last week! You're getting better!" The panther exclaimed teasingly.

"Oh it's like that is it? Well then, bwahahaha, tickles!!" and the fox glomped the panther, knocking her to the ground and tickling her all over, her kicking underneath and laughing uncontrollably.

Leo walked up, waved and said, "Hi!" to the tickle tortured newcomer.

She looked over, but was clearly unable to answer while laughing so hard, and Ryan wasn't about to give up. He squatted on her, pausing in his attack long enough to say, "Catarina, meet Leo, the new hottie in town."

Leo tilted his head downward, blushing a little, "Geez Ryan, didn't think I was that attractive."

Ryan smiled slyly, "Oh you are most definitely, don't you agree Panther lady?" the fox asked with a final, violent tickle.

"Yes, yes, he's cute, now get off me!" She pretended to push him off by the balls, grinning broadly as she stood back up and picked up her dropped bags. "Ve-ery nice to meet you, Leo." And she offered her paw.

Leo shook her paw firmly, with a strong grip, smiling and saying, "Pleasure to meet you." Then, after a pause, "So what's your relation to Ryan, if I may ask?"

Catarina exhaled laughingly, "He's my fag."

"Hey!! That's not a nice word, fag-hag!" The fox exclaimed to her.

"Well neither is that so we're even." And a pink little tongue jetted out and back in with both panther and fox.

Leo cocked his head to the side, and said slowly, "Well children, I think I'm going to let you two have a little more fun before school." Then, turning, he pulled Aidan in closer and says in his ear, "Let's go to class before the bell rings."


And they walked into the school, where other students were already beginning to clog the narrow halls.

In first period, Aidan hurriedly scribbled out answers onto a sheet he turned in second period while Mrs. Thibodaux read from the regulation book,. And somehow got them all right.

At that revelation, Leo leaned in, whispering to the kitty as the teacher's back was turned, "Hey, I kinda had some trouble on these, would you tutor me after school?"

"What, where?"

"Well, I guess your house is as good as any."

"Oh, yeah, right.. Uhh, sure.."

"Thanks!" said Leo .

"Of course."

"No talking! You need to get this to pass the test later!"

The day dragged on slowly for Aidan. He had no idea whether having the lion alone with him in his room was a good idea or bad. He didn't know what might happen if Leo unknowingly did something that got Aidan excited. All he knew is that he couldn't wait for that point to come.

This was mulling over in his head even as they undressed for gym, Aidan's gaze set fixedly in the lion's area, between conscious and deep in thought as possible scenarios played out in his head. He was too distracted to do well in play at first, but eventually got into it enough to stop thinking about the lion for a little while, making him much more cognizant when Leo came and asked him shyly, "Umm.. Well, I was wondering.. If yesterday didn't freak you out too much.. There's a lot of dirt in my fur..."

Aidan let his penis do the talking before his brain had a chance to catch up, "Sure!! Lemme just get a towel."

Aidan's brain shouted, "You idiot!" But it was too late, and the embarrassed cat got towels for him and Leo knowing that he'd sounded way too enthusiastic.

Leo looked mildly confused and a little bit nervous, but when he whispers into Aidan's ear, it's just to say, "Let's hurry before Ryan gets here."

"Ye-ah, definitely."

During the shower, or the first thirty seconds, Aidan tried as hard as he could to think of, look at, touch anything but what he knew was directly behind him. But somehow the park he imagined filled with naked lions, the pole he held was his support while rammed, the wall reflected the red pride behind him. He could feel his member begin to peek from his sheath. "Oh shit." He said under his breath.

Leo said nervously, "What? Did you say something?"

"Nothing. No, I'm fine."

"Okay, if you're sure."

Aidan's mind was screaming, "Non-sexy thoughts!! Cars, no, bikes, definitely not, trees, dammit! Lion's don't even climb trees."

Aidan stretched up straight, "Whelp, I'm clean, let's go." And turned slowly, accidentally running into the thing he had been trying to avoid. "Oh god, sorry Leo, I didn't know you were there." And he turned violently red.

Leo placed a paw on Aidan's shoulder comfortingly, "It's okay, don't worry about it."

Aidan looked down in embarrassment, only to see that his cockhead was peeking. Leo's gaze followed his, "Oh, I see you still have your little hood."


"Your foreskin. You still have it."

Two black paws quickly covered the area while Aidan inched closer to his towel, "Heh, oh yeah.. Mom wouldn't let them cut it off, especially sans anesthetic." Aidan reached his towel, wrapping it around himself protectively as he threw Leo his towel and walked to his locker, quickly sliding on his boxers and jeans.

Leo walked to his locker next to the kitty, dropping his towel to undo the lock ad get out his clothes. Suddenly, Aidan forgot how to put on his shirt as he stared with parted lips at the limp cock hanging all the way out of Leo's sheath. "Sorry you had to see that, although I don't know why you got so embarrassed.."

"Uh huh, no, I'm fine." The cat said absentmindedly, trying to listen to the lion's words but distracted by his dangling pride.

He suddenly snapped back to reality when a familiar voice shouted by his ear, "Hey Leo, nice cock!" as Ryan made his unceremonious entrance.

Leo smiled and waved, flaunting a bit, "Well you haven't seen it hard yet, have ya?"

Aidan whispered , "But I have." Under his breath while Ryan said slowly,

"Is that an offer?"

Leo smiled toothily, "Maybe." As he slowly slid on his tight t shirt.

The foxy smiled and slinked seductively past Aidan to reach down and brush a paw against the droopy cock, slipping what looked like a business card into Leo's paw. "Well here's my number, sweet stuff, feel free to call me anytime."

Leo grabbed Ryan's waist, using it to pull the fox's body against his, so his cock pressed into the fox's abdomen, saying in a soft seductive voice, "I might just do that."

Ryan almost fainted then and there. Just about the same time Sorto threw a shoe, hitting Leo in the head, yelling out, "Hey faggot!"

Leo grabbed his head, turning in place, snarling at the hyena, "What is it asshole?" as his cock slipped back into his sheath.

"We don't want your ass-fucking types around here. It's bad enough to have that faggot you were just molesting, but another one of ya..." yelled Sorto, gesturing angrily the whole time and getting into what almost resembled a fighting pose.

Claws slid out of the lion's paws at his sideas he stood his ground, "Well ya wanna make something of it?"

"My hero." Swooned Ryan.

"Fight!" chanted some other students.

"Don't sink to his level, he's just looking to prove himself Leo," Aidan said trying to push his way to between the opponents, carrying the lion's clothes in one paw.

Leo let the cat push him back, but continued to glare at the dog, claws out, until the coach came in and broke it up.

Aidan pulled Leo out of the crowd of half naked bodies into the empty area of lockers used by another class, Ryan following close behind. "How sweet, the lion was gonna fight for me." The fox smirked.

"You have to be careful here, Leo." Aidan warned.

Leo rubbed his skull again, "Why do I have to be careful, I could've taken him!"

"That's the problem, you would get expelled for that... Oh damn, the coach is coming."

The bulldog looked like he had a bone to pick, and took Leo aside to talk in another part of the room. Aidan tried not to listen, but did anyway. The basic gist was that the homo-play was a no go in the gym, even if it is a joke, because it gets others riled up blah blah blah... Oh, they're coming back, look disinterested.

Aidan returned to buttoning his shirt as Leo walked up, "Get the third degree, Leo?"

The lion made a peeved look, and grunted. "Yeah, whatever, stupid rule. Your school is too uptight."

Ryan smiled, and waltzed over to Leo and tracing a paw over the strong chest. "I agree completely, doll."

Leo stared at the fox, grabbing his paw and pushing it back, "I am not a doll."

"Okay, dommie." With a raised eyebrow.

Leo just smirked and turned to grab and put on his jacket. "Well, Aidan, ready to go?"

"God yes. Bye Ryan."

"Not bye yet." He said, stalking them out the door, all the way to the parking lot.

Leo arrived at his motorcycle, and turned to the fox, "Wel, here's my ride. See ya, foxy." And he leans over to place a kiss on the orange cheek.

Ryan tries to turn his head to kiss Leo's muzzle, but is just a little too slow, getting air instead. "Bye Hotty."

Aidan just climbed on the bike behind Leo, not saying good bye to Ryan and happening to be looking the other direction.

Leo turned to look back, "Hold on tight." And revved the engine, taking off.

The white cat wrapped his arms around the lion in font of him, the larger males scent blowing back into his face the whole drive home. Damn stiffies.

Once they arrived at Aidan's house and the cat had dismounted, "So, sorry again for getting excited.. When did you want to do the tutoring thing?"

Leo glanced up at the sky, thinking, "How about after dinner, and then maybe I can spend the night," and here he paused, "if that's okay with you and your mom?"

Aidan tried damn hard not to look too excited at the prospect, "Ya, sure, sounds good. Around 6, 7ish?" God he couldn't wait, even though he knew it couldn't end how he hoped.

"Alright, sounds great, meet you after dinner." And he took of down the road, Aidan watching him disappear.

He sighed, then walked in the house, "Hey mom."

"Hey hon, how was school?"

"Okay, a coupla kids almost got inna fight in gym, but other than that, it was uneventful."

"What were they fighting over?"

"Nothing, just silly stuff. Anyway,. A friend may be coming over so I can help him in math, and then he wants to spend the night."

"Just clean your room, and make sure he has a place to sleep."

Aidan blew some air up his face, "Okay Mom, will do." Then went upstairs and started shoving things in drawers and under furniture, in closets.

The rest of the day dragged by, Aidan was getting impatient by the time the spaghetti was done, and didn't even have a second serving, thinking that somehow that would make the object of his desire appear sooner.

Finally, about ten eternal minutes after ice cream, there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" shouted Aidan as he sprung up to throw open the door and let in the guest.

"Hi Aidan!" Leo said with a broad smile as the door opened, then walked in, patting the kitty as he passed to give Mrs. McReynolds a gift. "This is a flower from my Mom's garden. Think of it as a way of saying sorry for getting here so early this morning, if I was a nuisance or anything."

Aidan's mom smiled and took the flower, walking into the kitchen to get a vase while saying, "It's lovely, thank you. And don't worry, it was just a little surprise no trouble."

Aidan crossed his arms behind his back and said nervously, "So, umm, Leo... Did you want to, uh, gotomy room? Ya know, to study..."

Leo turned and looked at him, "Sure, let's go!"

Aidan went up the stairs, and Leo followed, Aidan trying to make a little small talk, "So, how was your dinner?" as he opened the door to my room. "Had to clean this place before you came over."

The two felines enter the room, and when Aidan closed the door, Leo turned and rushed upon him, placing his paws on the door on either side of the smaller kitty with a smile on his muzzle Aidan was too surprised to interpret.

"Wha- what are you doing, Leo?"

But Leo silences him with a kiss, pressing his body closer to Aidan's, purring quietly as he runs his paws down the white furred sides, wrapping his maw around the smaller one and slipping out his tongue.

At first, Aidan is too shocked to move, but slowly, hesitantly, he opens his muzzle and kisses back, letting the tongue slide in, running his paws through the thick mane, and beginning to purr softly to himself.

Leo began to slowly open and close his muzzle over Aidan's, suckling over the bumpy tongue as he slides his paws slowly, firmly over the little kitty's thighs. His purrs getting deeper, vibrating the two boys gently.

Aidan moans gently into the kiss, letting his body go slightly limp in the strong arms, sliding a paw down the lion's chest, under his shirt, letting it creep lower, "Wait!" He broke the kiss, "Is this okay? Is it right? I-uh..." and then broke off.

Leo just looked back into Aidan's eyes, those beautiful gold eyes bore right into Aidan, and he knew, for once, what to do. He whispered, "Forget all that shit." And he wrapped an arm around the lion's neck, kissing him passionately and locking the door with his other paw before letting it slide down Leo's side into the beltline of his jeans.

He felt the lion's strong arms wrap around his back, one over his tail, one between his shoulders, the tips of his claws pressing at the kitty's flesh, as the stronger male pressed closer against him, purring very deeply now as he suckled more on Aidan's tongue, Aidan's hidden paw sliding to the front of Leo's underwear, feeling and rubbing the slowly growing bulge beneath. Another moan escapes him into the kiss.

Leo broke the kiss, resting his forehead against Aidan's as he lets his paws slide forward, occasionally glancing down from the brown eyes to where paws are working, his slowly creeping up the cat's front to unbutton his shirt all the way down, Aidan's squeezing the lion's underwear bulge as the cat moaned softly, secretly wondering if he was doing it right, the lion's musk filling the air much more than his, filling his mind and his cock.

Leo finished unbuttoning the cat's shirt, letting his paws slide up the furred sides, over the pits, to his arms to peel the shirt down, forcing Aidan to remove his paw from Leo's pants as more white fur is revealed, the lion kissing Aidan's lips again softly.

Aidan moans, rubbing his paws over the lion's firm, muscular shoulders, massaging them gently. "I'm sorry, I don't know if I'm doing this right." He admitted sheepishly.

"It's okay, I don't either. But it's working." Leo said, tracing the black rose again.

"You mean.. Is this your first, too?" Aidan asked, almost surprised.

Leo looked at Aidan, blushing slightly, "Yeah, I never even kissed anyone before. And I've never liked anyone before. But," he wrapped his arms around Aidan's torso again, "You're the first fur I think I love." He said, gazing into the cat's eyes again.

"Oh God.." Aidan said softly. "weow.. I.. I don't know what to say..." He couldn't look back into Leo's eyes right away, "I.. never.. wow... I don't even know what to say..."

Leo's paw moved up the cat's back, to his head, tilting it up to meet his muzzle for another kiss, the lion's tongue slipping into Aidan's maw. And, after a few breaths, Aidan's tongue slid into Leo's mouth, exploring the walls within, his eyes closed, purring deeply as he wrapped his arms tight around the stronger male's neck.

Leo broke the kiss, turning his back to carefully peel off his muscle tee, unveiling his beautiful sculpted back muscles to the cat, rippling as the shirt gets pulled over the thick mane and then tossed to the ground. Then, looking over to the bed, Leo turned and sat down on the edge, his large bulge stretching his jeans taut.

Aidan licked his lips and sauntered over to join the lion, placing one knee on the mattress as he leaned over Leo's lap, reaching down to unfasten the stretched blue jeans and kissing the lion, purring lustily as he stroked Leo's soft cheek.

Leo leaned back, stroking Aidan's cheek as he kissed back, feeling the cat's paws fumble with his jeans, before finally unfastening them and sliding them down, using his footpaw to kick it off the rest of the way, then putting that knee on the mattress as well, so that the lion was now straddled by a lusty cat.

Leo's paw leaves the cat's cheek as they slide down the white furred sides, thumb claws pressing into Aidan's front to his pants, sliding his paws to the front now, unfastening the jeans and sliding them off, then reaching back up to pull off the cat's boxers, Aidan's six and a half hard inches popping out and bobbing a bit as the kitty moans and squeezes Leo's cock, then pulls the horribly tented briefs off of the lion, raising his tail at the sight of ten barbed inches so close below him.

Licking his lips, he asked, "What do I do now?"

Leo's strong paws grasped Aidan's hips, pulling him forward and lower, carefully aiming his cock at Aidan's hole. "I think you have to take it from here."

"Okay" Aidan said almost nervously, and lowered himself until the lion's tip was between his crack, reaching back to position it so that it's pressing against his pucker.

Leo thrust up suddenly, popping the tip in past Aidan's ring, causing him to moan loudly and clench around the invader.

Leo closed his eyes and snarled at the clench, forcing more blood into his pride so that it swelled and the barbs flared, grabbing at Aidan's intestines.

"Ah! Leo, it hurts." Aidan whined softly, closing his eyes as he tried to get used to the invader inside him.

Leo paused, relaxing his body, and starting to lick and nibble at Aidan's chest and nipples, trying to relax or at least distract the cat.

Aidan moaned softly, and let his tailhole relax a little, relieveing much of the pain. "Okay, I think I'm okay." He said, sliding a little further down the lion's shaft, but going much slower this time. "Mmmm.. Oh gawd.."

Leo leaned back, closing his eyes and gasping a bit in pleasure. Aidan could feel the lion's cock pulsating with his heartbeat in him. Aidan stopped after a few more inches, panting a bit with his moans. "I don't think I can go any further." He said softly as a drop of pre fell from the tip of his head onto Leo's pubic mane

Leo opened his eyes and grabbed Aidan's waist, and forced him down another few inches on the cock, making the kitty cry out in pain as he tries to adjust to the new inches in him. "Oh God Leo..."

Leo squeezed Aidan's cheeks together tightly, baring his fangs as he began to raise him up the large lion meat, flaring his barbs as the kitty's rear slid up, eliciting cries and moans from Aidan as he slowly began to sink lower with each pump, until he finally started bumping his rear against the thick pubic mane, the pain and pleasure in Aidan beyond anything he'd ever experienced, pre leaking down his cock more and more as he rode the lion's barbed pride.

More and more, Aidan took over the movement up and down Leo's cock, trying not to moan so loud that the whole house knows as Leo began flaring his cock each time the cat's rear slid back up. Aidan looked down at his lover, and found that he was looking straight back at him, their eyes meeting and locking as Leo's maw hung open panting, his paws, eyes, mind, all focused on this small kitty riding his cock, this one he loved.

The lion's paws grabbed Aidan's waist tightly again, and began alternating short, quick thrusts with long, slower ones, quickening the pace, squeezing the firm buttocks as Aidan's ball sack begins to rise, and soon after, Aidan reached out, grabbing Leo's shoulders and mrowling loudly as he came hard, shooting jet after hot, sticky jet into the middle of the Lion's chest mane, Leo now slamming him up and down the huge meat.

Finally, with a final, violent thrust, Leo dug his claws into Aidan's soft hide, flaring his barbs as hard as he could and letting out a loud roar as the cat's ass slammed down onto his pelvis, cumming hard and deep within the tight rectum, quickly filling and overflowing the virgin Aidan's rear so that lion cream dripped slowly down his scrotum and pooling over the lion's own tight pucker.

Just then, a knock came at the door, and Aidan's mother asked, "You alright in there? I heard a roar."

Aidan spit out the first excuse to pop into his head, "Yeah, uh, Leo just stepped on a pin on the floor. Sorry if we disturbed you."

"Ooh, that's no fun, I hope he's okay."

Aidan looked over at Leo, panting heavily, chest rising and falling."Yeah, I'm fine, thank you Mrs. McReynolds." He says as calmly as he could.

"Alright, as long as you're both okay." And she could be heard toddling off.

The lovers looked at each other, then laughed. Aidan slid off the lion's cock moaning loudly as Leo's cum mixed with a little blood, began to leak out with the softening pride.

Leo looked into Aidan's eyes as he lay down on top of his chest. "I love you, Aidan."

Aidan paused a moment, then kissed the lion deeply, before laying his head on the sticky chest mane and drifting quickly into sleep.

Leo paused, looking at the kitten sleeping on his chest, and wrapped an arm around him, pulling them both up the bed until the lion's head rested on Aidan's pillow, he reached over and turned off the lamp, then lay, not bothering to cover them in sheets, looking at his new lover in the dark. Then he softly kissed his forehead, and lay back, purring and holding his cat tightly, until he drifted into peaceful slumber.