SYBT: Roadside Assistance

Story by thatpersonyouknow101 on SoFurry

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#3 of SYBT: Hitting the Road

Molly and the Spirit blow into another town and quickly find a sigh as to who the next participants of their little game will be.

So You've Been Transmogrified: Roadside Assistance

Molly tapped her hand on the roof of her car she. Looking left and right she saw that it was about what one would expect for a middle of nowhere American town. A few locally owned shops, a cheap motel a diner and a few farms on the outskirts of town. She and her partner had already passed through more than enough places like this to get a general feel for how the places were set up. She looked back towards the motel office and saw the Spirit chatting up the desk clerk, an attractive twenty something with red hair. She wondered if she was going to be the lucky winner of their little game.

Both she and her companion wore human visages now, Molly wore her old face and the Spirit looked handsome enough. He took up a different looking face every time he had to pass for human. Molly had noticed that he repeated a few of them often enough and wondered if any of them were his original face. Molly looked left and right for what must have been the twelfth time when she finally heard the door jingle and she turned to see the Spirit walking towards her.

"So, is miss red the lucky lady today?" Molly asked walking around to the trunk.

"Maybe if we don't find anyone better. She's a bit plain and I'm not really seeing any inspiration around here." The Spirit said yawning and looking down at the room keys, "Were in 105, uh, down there." he said pointing towards the other side of the motel.

"Ok, so what you wanna kick back for a bit, or hit the town." Molly asked grabbing their luggage walking towards there room.

The Spirit didn't answer, instead he looked around as if checking for a sign as to their next move. Molly shook her head and smiled knowing that he was deep in thought. The two had actually grown to like each other even more in the last few days on the road. Granted the frequent and rampant sexual interludes with strangers was playing a part in that. Overall both he and she found there partnership working out just fine. Finding room 105 both of them looked at the door for a moment until the Spirit remembered he had the keys.

"Oh, right." He said fumbling with the thing before unlocking them.

"So, wanna have a bit of fun, or hit the town." Molly asked throwing herself onto a bed and lifting a leg up to her partner.

The Spirit smiled and came into the room and up to Molly. He ran a finger down her leg until he found himself on top of the woman whose eyes were locked in on him.

"Let's hit the town." He said smiling as he stood back up.

"Tease." Molly said jokingly as she followed him back out of the room.

Rounding the corner of the building looking to walk into the town center both of them caught view of a large sign they had missed on there way in.

"Studs Garage." Molly observed with a laugh and a grin.

"Well, let's take a look." The Spirit said walking towards the building.

The sign consisted of a large cartoon horse, a pomelo stallion, flexing with one arm and holding a tire with the other. The building was a large space with room to fit three cars on lifts and an office/waiting area. The rest of the property was a car lot filled with a bunch of junkers and other cars in various states of disrepair. Molly and the Spirit walked through it and found their way into the garage making use of there invisibility to normal people as they surveyed the place for their goals. Inside they found two mechanics , name tags reading Will and Sally.

Molly hovered around Will and the Spirit took Sally, both found what they were looking for. Repressed desires, latent sexual tension and more than a few buried fetishiy ideas just waiting to be brought up from the dredges of their minds.

"Alright, I think we found our two candidates for today." Molly said looking at Will and sizing him up in her mind.

"Agreed." The Spirit said doing much the same for Sally.

"So what's the play?" Molly asked thinking about how to go about turning the two into whatever they settled on.

"Horses sound good to you?" The Spirit asked looking at a smaller print of the sign pinned to a wall.

"Hmm, yeah sounds good, you want the girl or the guy?" Molly asked already having a picture in her head of how Will would look in just a little while.

"I'll take the girl, since I can see you already got eyes for him." the Spirit said smiling wryly at his accomplice.

Molly simply smirked at him before turning her attention back to the task at hand.

"Alright, now for the nitty gritty." The Spirit said smiling as he and Molly discussed the details of their plan for the two.

Molly stood again tapping on the roof of her car just outside of town. Their plan called for her to get Will out here for a bit, he drove the only tow truck for about a few dozen miles radius around town so that part was easy enough. Looking down at her watch she thought the Spirit should be getting started with Sally right about now. Then she heard the tell tale sound of a diesel engine and looked over back towards town seeing the blue truck lumbering down the road. Molly held out a hand and waved back and forth signaling that it was in fact she who had called for the truck. She watched as the truck drove past turned around and then pulled to park in front of her just a bit.

She watched as the man from earlier hopped down from the cab. Molly watched him stretch and yawn as he walked over towards her. Will was a man of average height, average build, and had brown hair cut short, but well kept. He wore a hat with the garages logo on it and jeans and a t-shirt. Overall the man looked about as vanilla as someone from middle america could right down to the wave of the hand and the way he said.


Molly smiled warmly at the man and brushed some lose hair out of her face.

"Hi, um, Will." Molly said playing dumb and looking at the man name tag.

"That's my name, uh Molly right?" he said, smirking a bit as he looked away from her and towards the car.

"Yup." Molly said standing up right and crossing her arms while maintaining her friendly demeanor.

"So," Will said walking up to the crown vic with its engine hood propped up, "any idea what's wrong with her."

Molly shrugged and looked over to the engine with a scowl, "No clue, just bought it a few days ago, thought it ran fine until about an hour ago."

"Any weird sounds, or smells." Will said grabbing a flashlight and looking into the engine compartment for anything obviously wrong.

Molly smiled at the mans rear as she walked around him getting a feeling for the man's proportions again. Molly could see he was fit, a bit stronger than most, probably went to the gym, or maybe just moved a lot of heavy stuff around the garage. Either way, his body needed little in the way of adjustments, just a bit of fur and some other equestrian additions. She saw him yawn again and noticed the bags under his eyes.

"Long day?" Molly asked leaning on the car's bumper and crossing her legs.

Will took a long breath and looked over at Molly, "Yeah, haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately, long shifts and stuff. But it's worth it." he finished with a slight grin as he looked back down to the engine.

Molly knew that he was infatuated with his coworker, that was plain to see right up front in his mind. What she didn't catch before was the devotion, spending most of his free time helping her out as an excuse to be near her. A bit on the nose but it appeared both of them were romantically dense. He didn't have the nerve to ask and she was too busy to notice. Typical, Molly thought smiling and rolling her eyes. Well what she and her cohort were about to do to them was a better social lubricant than whisky.

"So you live here long." Molly said looking out at the field adjacent to the road, it was full of horses of all description.

"All my life." Will responded as he wiped a bead of sweat from his brow, the midday heat had yet to break and both he and Molly were feeling it.

"So what's the deal with the farms, just horses or..." Molly said looking over to the field for a bit of inspiration. She smiled upon eyeing a nice jet black Arabian mare.

"That one?" Will asked looking up from the car and towards Molly.

He blinked once seeing a new figure were the woman had been standing, something cloaked in black fur, stark naked, and feminine. Whatever it was had its head turned away, looking at the field, but Will was drawn to other aspects of its body. Two plump breasts sprung from its chest, and two hard black nipples sat in the center of each, tense and begging him to reach out and touch them. He looked down her body, her hips, wide and sultry, looking like so many of the fantasy woman he had seen both online, and in print over the years. Then her legs, so smooth, even with the black fur, they looked long, and slender, sleek, and so many other words that his mind linked with the idea of a sexy lady.

Then he looked up again, looking as she turned her head back around, he saw it as she turned, the long flowing black mane that swung around as he caught a glimpse of the face of the beauty, an equine muzzle looked back at him, blue eyes piercing through his conscious mind and melting away what little remained of his periphery. He focused on her, letting himself be drawn deeper and deeper into her gaze, he saw her mouth move but heard no words. He heard something, like banging on glass, something tumbling trying to break through his shell. He blinked and suddenly Will was looking at Molly who looked back at him with a raised eyebrow.

"See something you like?" Molly asked smiling playfully as she crossed her legs in the other direction.

"Uh, no, just daydreaming, you said something about the farm?" Will said looking back down at the engine and blushing.

"Yeah, so just horses or what?" Molly asked smiling knowingly at the man.

"It's a stud farm I think. Don't think they had many winners lately though, or...." He paused picking through his head and thinking for a moment before looking back down, "I don't really know how that works." he said thinking out loud.

"Fair enough." Molly said looking off down the road.

"So what were you daydreaming about?" Molly asked smiling while not looking at the man.

"Uh, why you ask." Will said a bit too defensively for his own good.

"Just making small talk, why? You thinking about something you shouldn't?" Molly asked pulling on her collar bit with one of her fingers as she shifted her gaze back towards the man.

Will looked up and froze for a moment, before he spoke, quickly and decisively.

"No ma'am, just uh, the mind wandering, you know?" Will said blushing again and quickly looking back towards his work.

Molly just looked at the man for a bit before looking back over to the farm again.

"You ever ride a horse before?" Molly said switching her legs again and bringing one up a bit farther.

Will didn't look up this time, and just spoke, "A few times, my moms a vet in town so I got lessons for free as thanks from some of the farms."

"So you know a lot about horses than?" Molly asked.

"A bit, not as much as cars, but more than say, brain surgery." He said chuckling a bit.

"You know what that ones called, the black one by the tree." Molly said pointing to the same Arabian mare that had caught her eye earlier. Will glanced over towards it and then back down to the car.

"That's an Arabian, and that's about all I can tell you. How about you you ever ride." Will asked.

"Mostly I just get ridden." Will froze when he heard that, Molly's voice sounded different now and glancing over in the direction of it he froze again.

That horse was there, the beautiful visage of equine beauty that he had seen just minutes before. Only now she was looking right at him. Her face, her cute muzzle wrapped in a dim smile that was welcoming as hell. She smiled just a bit wider as she saw the mechanic looking over her naked form again and this time catching sight of her slit. Her raised leg on the car bumper proving him an unobstructed view. Will bit his lip and felt himself getting hotter, and not just from the sun and heat of the day. Will wiped away the forming sweat from his head trying to remain composed at the sight. He looked back up to her face and found himself unable to say anything.

"Something wrong stud?" She asked leaning down closer to Will.

"No ma'am." Will said looking at her and wanting to do something, he leaned forward just a bit, almost enough to kiss her then as he closed his preparing to kiss her...

"So, you were saying." Molly said looking at the man quizzically, he blinked once and then looked down.

"Uh..." Will said blushing in embarrassment.

"Daydreaming again." Molly asked sitting back up and smiling.

"No uh, just a uh, just a bit uh, confused, yeah, just a bit confused is all." Will said stammering a bit as he looked back and forth and then back down to his work.

"I bet." Molly said under her breath, "I'm gonna lay down in the backseat, shout once you get the thing running, or you give up." Molly said stretching as she walked away towards the rear door of the sedan.

Will watched her for a moment as she walked off before looking down at the engine. He shook his head as he worked thinking about the black mare, her luscious coat, her decadent figure, her breasts plump and firm, and that slit of hers, looking so warm and inviting. He seldom had fantasies as strange as this, but he figured his lack of sleep lately had something to do with it.

He took a deep breath feeling a bit of blood rushing downstairs and realized that he had to stop thinking about the sexy horse lady if he wanted to get anything done. He didn't want to have to explain to the woman in the backseat why he had a hard on. However that didn't stop the image and feeling from sticking around in his periphery, lingering just out of his conscious minds ability to quash the vision of sexy equine goodness.

Then after a few minutes he found something, a few wires loose from their connectors. He tightened them and wiped more sweat from his head as he stood. He stretched himself out and walked over to the drivers side opening the door and sitting down.

Molly had left the key in the ignition, and looking in the rear view she appeared to be asleep. The sight more than relieved Will as he both feared seeing and wished he saw the black horse in the reflection in equal parts. Either way he tried ignition and turned the key only to here sputtering, and sputtering and sputtering. He shook his head at a loss as to the issue with the car.

He leaned back in the seat feeling the the distant fantasy that had been plaguing his mind since he had seen the horse. He leaned his head back just a bit more, the image of the horse's pussy almost a tangible thing in his mind that he could feel, touch, and smell, and taste...

Will opened his eyes, and looked in the rear view mirror, she was there. Smiling at him, sitting in the center of the car legs stretched out exposing herself to him in the most effective way possible. Will was transfixed by the sight of the equine pussy. He watched frozen in fascination as she brought a hand over it, and stretched the lips open, he saw the pink inside of it, as warm and inviting as the smile she still wore. Will gulped feeling the sudden rush of blood to his manhood and shrunk in his seat wanting desperately to touch himself.

He looked upwards at the roof debating with himself on what exactly he should do when he looked over to his side to find the sexy horse looking down at him. She was poking her head between the two seats, one hand held onto his seat while the other remained free. There were no words from her, just looks as Will tried to decode what she wanted. Her eyes never broke off of his but in them he could tell what she wanted. Will broke the gaze off focusing momentarily on his paints, fiddling with them and sliding them off as fast as he could. Once he did, he looked up half expecting to find the mare gone, and Molly looking at him with disgust, instead he felt a hand grip his hardened cock and looking up as the mare leaned over and embrace him.

He felt her tongue enter his mouth, he brought a hand up and rubbed her fur feeling it as she stroked his dick and kissed him deeply. Moan after moan escaped Wills mouth as he felt her expertly milk his cock. More than that, Will felt stronger, he started to push against her more and as much as she pushed against him. His cock was getting bigger in her hand. He didn't see but she stole a glance as he passed the ten inch mark, the tip of his dick flaring and blunting as the organ developed a more equestrian shape as its length continued to grow.

Up above Will suddenly felt a pressure in his face, it was an annoyance at first but rapidly became a distraction until he was forced to pull away from the mare who simply smiled as she watched. Wills face cracked, the bones in his skull breaking and reforming as he brought both his hands up to his reshaping face. It wasn't painful per say but was certainly unpleasant. He brushed his face feeling not skin but fur. His eyes shot open at the realization and he watched in the mirror as brown chestnut colored fur grew all across his face. His ears lengthened and grew out the side of his head into points. Then the pressure in his face finally became too much and he pushed back into the seat gritting his teeth and closing his eyes as he felt something pushing out from his face.

He felt and heard the bones of his skull cracking further, deforming and reshaping as the protrusion made its way out from his skull. He reached his hand up to feel it and then forced his eye open seeing as the center of his vision became a bit obstructed by his new muzzle. He grabbed the front of his new face feeling it as the fur grew over it. He opened his mouth grabbing onto his lower jaw as he looked in the mirror again. He had a horses head, his nose was blunted and black he found grasping it with his hand as well. Then after a few moments he felt a hand on his chin and he looked over to see the smiling black mare still there.

He looked back at her dumbfounded as she pulled him closer for another kiss. She had never stopped jerking the stud in the meantime, the feeling of her hand had merely melted into the background for a time. But now it was taking center stage in the man's mind again. He moaned with pleasure as she milked him, stroking his cock with expertise he only ever seen in porn until she felt the man's dick spasm and she broke the kiss off. He looked at her with desire for a just a moment before he felt his own orgasum so tenuously close rush over his body. All the muscles in his form tensing, bracing. He gritted his teeth leaning his head back as the mare worked her hand up and down until finally there was the climax.

A loud whinny shook the interior of the car as Will came, the first shot thumping against the roof of the car, then the next and the next as his new cock spasmed load after load of horse spunk against the roof of the car. The mare pulled back out of the line of fire and watched with glee as the spasming stallion became lost in his own orgasum.

After a few more spurts of diminishing force Will let his head fall down, he panted feeling the force of the orgasum roll over him and leave him. He took his own hands now and felt his cock, he winced as he gripped the sensitive organ with one hand taking in its new size and shape, he had a fucking horse cock. He had seen enough to know what one looked like, and fuck if it wasn't huge. More than a foot, not exactly two but still a monster of a thing. He raised his other hand up biting his fingers as he ran his other hand down his shaft and cupped his balls, they two were of a new caliper, probably the size of tennis or baseballs he thought. He felt them churning, more seed was still in them, and he knew just the right person to give it to.

He let his member go and looked around the car, it was a sticky mess now, cum dripping from the ceiling and even he was covered in his own seed. But looking around he found the mare absent. A chilling thought came to mind as he felt a bit of sober reality creep in, was Molly their, looking at him, phone in hand calling the sheriff over to get the weird mechanic out of the car. He just stared at the empty back seat now, wondering what would happen next, wondering if... His train of thought was interrupted by a tap on the windshield.

He jolted straight and saw a sight to behold. There on the hood of the car was the mare, her tits pushed up against the windshield and her smile as radiant as ever. Will licked his lips as he opened the door and stood. The mare tracked him and he looked at her, she flipped herself over presenting herself to the stallion. She saw the fur spreading down his body, Will seemed ignorant of the further changes at the moment his mind focused entirely on the horse pussy before him. She watched as he stood over her, she slid down the hood and her hooves hit the ground with a distinct clop. Will raised a hand, the arm growing fur and the fingers growing thick caps. She watched as he made a turning motion with it. She smiled and obliged, she leaned down over the hood presenting her rear to the stallion as she prepared herself for a good pounding.

Instead she felt something else, she let out a gasp as she felt the studs tongue instead of his dick. The feeling was not unwelcome however, she made her hands into fists balling them as she felt the stud begin to eat her out. Will drove his new equine tongue into the mare's pussy, repaying the hand job in full, and using his new longer and thicker tongue to good effect. He tasted the mare, felt and heard her body eagerly receive him. He gripped onto her ass cheeks, firmly pulling them apart just a bit to better get at her pussy as he pushed himself deeper into it. He put his lips around it, feeling her clit as he smiled thinking how much she must be loving the feeling of the stud inside her.

The mare was breathing faster now, heavier, as she felt her own climax coming. Will drove his tongue deeper and deeper, hearing all the little moans and whimpers the mare made as his tongue poked and prodded around in all her nether regions. Then he found just the right spot and for a moment time stopped for the mare.

Her eyes went wide, her head craned up and she let out a loud whinny as she felt the orgasum roll over her. It took a moment but she felt the sudden onrush of bliss that so often followed such a powerful orgasum as she fell back to the hood of the car. She let out another moan and whine feeling the stud remove himself from her with a wet pop. She turned her head around and saw his maw still dripping with her pussy juice, which he wiped away.

She looked him up and down, she saw brown chestnut fur from the waist up, she couldn't see his legs but figured if they weren't already tipped with hooves they would be soon. More pressingly to her, however, was the stud's dick, still rock hard. She managed a tired smile, still in recovery from the expertly performed cunnilingus, but more than happy to get a good old fashioned dicking. She looked up at his face and smiled, then facing forward she motioned for him to proceed with her hand waving it forward.

Will guided his dick into her, the feeling was everything he had pictured it being. He drooled thinking about it and now felt his dick in the warm embrace of the mare's body. Her form taking in his massive cock with ease. He saw her head perk up a bit as he inserted himself, her body tensing and then relaxing as it stretched around his member. He lingered for a moment, smiling and appreciating the sight of the mare, before ramming himself into her. The force of that first thrust was enough to get a whinny out of the mare by itself.

The following repeated thrust only served to get her to bury her head into the hood of the car the best she could. Her hands had nothing to grasp, no way to dilute the pleasurable sensation that rippled up her body. She could only bite down on her fingers between her body's involuntary swoons and gasps as the sensations radiated from her crotch up to her brain and out down the rest of her body. After the first few they settled into a rhythm, thrusting and thrusting each one getting a bit harder and faster, but more pleasurable to be sure. The mare took in short shallow breaths as the pace of her stud quickened.

Then finally both felt it, there breathing got quicker, the thrusts harder and faster. Then finally feeling his dick about to blow Will jammed it deep into the mare who shot her eyes wide open whinnying as the stallion did the same both their heads craning upward as they did so. Both of them lingering there letting their heads come back down and then Will feel onto the back of the mare. His weight was little to bear of the mare who just enjoyed the feeling of his warm seed in her. She felt the excess draining from around the studs dick and just enjoyed the feeling of the stud on top of her. A moment of intimacy between the two that she liked. Feeling his chest rising and falling, a fully completed stallion, ready to go. However there was still work to be done, and fun to be had she thought. Letting the moment still linger for just a few more minutes.

Will bolted up, something was wrong, something was right, he looked around and then down at himself. He felt normal. But something was wrong and then he saw her, the mare, sitting there on the hood of the car and then she was gone. Molly was there, jeans and t-shirt looking at him with a smile on her face.

She came forward and hugged him, "Thanks again, I got your card so I'll call you if it breaks down again." she said walking back over to her car.

Will waved back at her feeling confused, and a bit hungover. He bit his lip watching as Molly pulled beside him and smiling before driving off. He watched the car, looking for any signs of something amiss and trying to remember what had happened. It was hazy, but the car, the mare, he was a horse? He shook his head feeling confused, and more than a little hot as the sun beat down on him. He dismissed the notion that anything was wrong and instead climbed into his truck. Sitting down and leaning back in the seat he thought, and thought, he went to scratch at his balls like so many a man would at a time like this and went wide eyed.

His pants were stretched, he looked down seeing the familiar outline of something he could now feel very well, sensitive and long. Trembling Will put a hand down his pants feeling his horse cock, and his swollen balls. He winced at that, the feeling of touching himself even this way too good to simply ignore. He felt confused, and among other things, kinda horny. Only now he had no mare, he could already feel his own hard cock screaming for more as he pulled his hand away. He could see it now more clearly as it stretched the fabric of his jeans, a wet spot forming just above his knee as pre started to leak from his tip. He took in a deep breath trying to think clearly, and having no luck.

He knew he needed to get home and then, well, that was that. He knew Sally would be more than understanding if he took the rest of the day, and maybe tomorrow to himself. She would be understanding wouldn't she he thought, feeling his length through his clothes. He shook the idea out of his head, he didn't need to involve such, a fine, pretty girl in this.

He slapped himself knowing that this was going to be a long ride into town. He bit his lip thinking about Sally, more and more, he didn't want her, not like this not with this monster under his belt. The poor girl might faint at the sight of it, not from the cock, but more so from the fact that her friend was sporting the equipment of a thoroughbred.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A little ways up the road Molly was talking into her cell phone.

"Everything set on your end?" she asked looking in the rear view.

"Yup, I like this one." she heard the Spirit say almost seeing the twisted smile on his face.

"Yeah I like mine to, really knows how to treat a girl." Molly said wincing from sheer remembrance of the expert tongue lashing she had gotten.

"Oh I hope he does, I left this mare wanting more." he said.

"Oh, did you now, wanting for how much more exactly?" Molly asked smiling,

"About an oceans worth, for your boys sake I hope you gave him some stamina."


Sally found herself like many other afternoons alone working on a rust bucket that some jackass had an overly sentimental reasoning for trying to keep running. In this case, a 1980 something Lincoln pimp mobile, complete with ashtrays in every door, a cigarette lighter for both the front and back seats and tacky zebra stripped seating. She had fixed this thing more times then she could remember. Granted the owner did pay her well, every one did. She did good work. That however did not translate to her wanting to spend the better part of a nice sunny day under a screaming metal death trap.

Sally looked over at her watch and decided now was as good a time as any for a break. She pushed herself out from under the car and looked up at the ceiling for a moment. Then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath pushing up and standing.

Another day, another ache, another pain, another aspirin to pop when she got home. She needed more help around here, Will was great, but two people were simply not enough, however there were also not a lot of people in town looking for work and not enough people willing to move to the middle of nowhere for work.

Sally walked over to a table and grabbed a rag as she wiped the grease from her fingers. She looked down at her hands and then up at her reflection, dirty blond hair, a somewhat pale complexion, probably from working inside and under cars all day. She turned to the side and looked at her profile, frowning a bit. She didn't find herself sexy, not in the grease covered coveralls she wore, and certainly not in her reflection, her form could hold some curves, or hell a better bust she thought holding her own in her hands. She turned again to face forward and smiled laughing off the ideas as she walked over to an area of the garage with better AC, a fridge and a table.

The Spirit watched the woman walked over to her food peeling back the layers of her mind and drinking in all those thoughts of feminine inadequacy. He could already feel her body changing as he slowly pushed her towards her change. He would put her right on the edge, and then once the stud Molly was working on got back she would get her cute little rear flung off that cliff.

Well that was that, he thought. Looking around and finding a chair sitting down to watch the scene play out, he looked over to the side and saw the open sign on the garage was there. A twist of the fingers and the sigh flipped to closed. No interlopers, as much as the thought of some random person walking in on her and finding a hot blooded mare ready and willing to fuck, that was not in the cards. He had told Bast he would keep himself in check, mostly. The goddess was most certainly the forgiving type based on many previous encounters. However once her ire was caught, well, nobody had really gotten very far past that.

Sally took a bite out of her sandwich and stared idly around the space. Even though the air here was just a bit cooler than the rest of the garage the smells of the space still clung to the air. Sally's eyes drifted around lingering in places for moments, and longer moments in other before she paused mid chew on an object that she had seen almost every day for last, well ever really. That cartoon horse. The thing didn't have a name, she her father, her grandfather, and her great grandfather had all just referred to it, well him as Stud.

Stud was up until now just more set dressing for her life, an object that had no meaning other than the garages mascot. It had history she knew, her great grandfather had a picture of bomber from the second world war, the noise art was a dead ringer for the Stud on their wall. He liked the design so much that once he had come home he had decided to use that sexy horse as his mascot. She blinked once, sexy? She thought swallowing and smiling as she leaned back in her chair.

"Stud the sexy garage mascot." she said out loud almost laughing at the thought.

The something cropped up as she took another bite of her sandwich. Something that she had forgotten about. She took a sip from her drink thinking back to something her grandfather and dad used to joke about. She wondered if. Sally stood up and walked over to a large shelf, she looked around for the object of her interest. She moved around a few things, then she saw it. A grey metal tool box, the white star inside a circle that so many things had been stenciled with during the second world war. She reached over and grabbed it blowing some of the dust off it as she looked it over feeling a bit of a pit in her gut.

She brought it back over to her makeshift break room and placed it on the table. The latch clicked right open, and from there she picked the top of the box off. She noted all the things that should have surprised her. The gun, a colt 1911 with the serial number shaved off. A picture of topless women, many topless women all around who she assumed to be her great grandfather who was holding up a bottle of something. Then she saw the picture of the nose art, it was a dead ringer for the logo of the garage. But under it there was something else, drawings and sketches, of the horse, Stud from below the belt.

She had heard her dad and grand dad talk about them after a few drinks. They figured it was great grand dad that had made them. Her grandfather had never outright said it but he implied after more than a few drinks that his father was a bit obsessed with the image. Something that had routed its way down into his mind and never really let go. The drawings and sketches, all of which were of weirdly precise detail only served to confirm that. She took one, a full body nude pose of Stud. She looked from the sketch up to the logo and saw that the top half of this image was probably the one he used to make the logo for the garage.

Then she looked down, and saw a monster of a cock. It made her blush, no humanity here she saw, just a big old horse dong. She whistled looking at it, seeing the flexing arms of rippling muscles the horse had. Its legs, its pose its face all displaying a sexy confidence that seemed to ripple down to her core. She looked back to the box and saw the process her great grand dad must have taken. Changes of design, different types of ink and lead lines. The detail in the one she was holding made her think this was the one, his magnum opus, or at least the one he liked the most since he had used it for the logo.

She had the sudden occurrence and place of mind to realize that this made her great grandfather, the war hero whose medals hung in her living room, a furry. She placed the picture down realizing that she was looking at her great grandfather own personal stash of well, looking at the things she saw them as more artistic than pornographic. Despite that Sally looked at the image before her and found a bit of blood rushing around her body and more than a few ideas popping into her head. She sat back in the chair and picked the picture back up and looked at it.

She found her mind wandering as she did. Thinking about how it would feel if it were real, if Stud was real. She found her fingers getting lower, her slit getting just a bit wetter, the longer she looked at the image, thinking, feeling something. She placed her hand right above her clit her coveralls the only thing preventing her from fingering herself right then and there. The blockage however provided a moment of impediment long enough for her to get a hold of herself.

Sally looked down at the image as she pulled her hand away from herself shaking her head and almost laughing as a slight smile crept across her face. This was nuts, she was just about to try and get off to what, her great grand dads fursona? Or whatever they called it. Sally shook her head, realizing that maybe it would be a good idea to take a weekend off in the near future and maybe try and get her rocks off. She put the picture back down and looked at the other items from the box.

"Grand dad must have been a fun time." she thought out loud.

"I'm sure he was." a deep masculine voice said.

Sally looked around for the source of the voice. For a moment there was nothing and then, there sitting in the chair across from her on the other end of the table, there he was, Stud.

"Stud?" she said dumbly. The horse just looked her up and down and made a face at her like a smooch. Then it was gone. Sally looked up and down at the place where it had been, trying to get a feeling for what she had just seen. She looked back at the drawing and just stared at it. Then back up at the empty space. She could almost see it there still, lingering almost. She knew it, it was in fact Stud. Or it looked like stud. She shook her head and then palmed it in her hands. No way in hell that was real. Looking up again however she found herself looking at the thing leaning over the table.

It was something inside her, an attraction that she couldn't explain. She was leaning closer and closer to the hulking horse thing. It was smiling at her, drawing her in. Time seemed to linger on every second as she found the equine muzzle in front of her just before her lips. She tried to reach out extending herself just a little bit beyond what her reach would allow and closed her eyes wanting to feel the studs embrace. After a long moment she opened her eyes to see empty air.

Sally leaned back stepping away from the table and looking side to side as she rubbed her head. She felt hot and heavy, a feeling that she herself was unaccustomed to as of late. She knew it well from days spent being reckless and such but as of late work had sucked what little enjoyment she could get from herself away. Now to her it felt like she had been watching something intense play out for a while. A sexy warm up to a climactic grand finale. Only here in her garage there was no Fabio to come in on a white horse and sweep her off her feet.

She took a few steps back, more and more until she was in the middle of the room. She still scanned for the horse. Still unsure whether the thing was real or just a figment of her imagination. She lowered her head taking in a deep breath as she did.

She picked up on something however, a taste in the air that added something pungent to it. As she picked her head back up she sniffed at the odd tasting air and found something odorous, dirty but somehow attractive to her. Deep and earthy tones pulled her attention away from her surroundings into the smells embrace. She found herself smiling at it, wondering why something that smelled so earthy and musky could be so pleasant. She leaned back just an inch feeling her body relaxing.

Then she felt something behind her, she tensed as her hand grasped fur. Her body leaning against something warm, and furry. She looked up and saw a sly grin on an equine face looking down at her. She felt flustered, blushing as blood rushed to her face, she also felt horny. All logic told her to pull away, but something kept drawing her in. he wasn't even doing anything, he just let her brace her body against his. But it felt so good, the warmth of his form, the feeling of his fur in her hands. She rubbed it as she took another sniff of the scent.

She found her head leaning down smiling in a dull way as she looked towards the floor, then she saw it. There between her legs, the image that had been stuck in the back of her head. That proud and erect cock, sitting between her legs. She realized she felt it now, rubbing on her coveralls, the fabric the only thing stopping the shaft proper from rubbing up on her sex. She reached out, not thinking as she stroked its head, feeling the soft and warm flesh of the phallus.

The image was something in her mind, was an object that could not be compared to her past experience but this, this was real. A cock of proportions she had till now thought to be fantasy, yet here one was. Thick, hard as a rock and dripping pre. She felt it tremble just a bit in her hand as she wrapped one hand around the tip just below its blunt head. She brushed the side with her other hand feeling it tremble and watched as more and more pre oozed from it. She felt her slit warm and wet getting warmer and wetter at the thought of the cock. The idea of letting the stallion take her.

She pulled it up heard the horse behind her whicker just a bit as she rubbed her pussy on the long shaft, the clothing impeding her desire to feel the long cock on her, and in her. It was pure frustration, such a trivial thing. Then the horse made his move. He was slow, methodical, with his thick hands he broke the buttons holding Sally's clothing on, ripping at clothing with blunt strength that went unnoticed by the still frustrated woman.

She felt the air hitting her exposed skin but relegated that to the side as she only became more and more consumed with the idea of rubbing her wet sex on the stallions member. She could feel its warmth through her pants, felt her own juices soaking through. Then she felt it, the barrier was gone, the clothing still left on her body melting away into dust as her warmth met his. Her dripping sex slicking the stallions cock as she used it to spread her lips. She leaned her head back feeling as the stallion gripped her hips as she started to stroke him.

The the feeling of having the dick so close to her feeling it pressing into her sex was driving her mad. She craved it, wanted to feel it spread her. She took in deep breath after deep breath. She took in the scent feeling it as she tasted it in the air and smelt it. She pulled the cock into her rubbing and rubbing it using her own juices to help her strokes along. Then she felt it trembling, the orgasum, the climax to everything. Just on the edge, the stallion... Nothing.

Sally stood there, breathing heavily in and out, naked in her garage. She looked left and right, up and down. After a moment she blushed out of embarrassment and covered herself. It had been real, the feelings, the scent, she took another whiff of the air and found it there still hanging less pronounced now but still there. Even in its diminished state it still had some effect on her. She reeled ever so slightly feeling her sex trembling at the reminder of the cock that it had felt and wanted not seconds ago.

Everything was nuts, Sally thought looking around wondering, what next. She could just leave, walk outside in mid day stark naked screaming a horse was trying to fuck her. She took in a deep breath still tasting the odor on the air and again feeling her sex tremble as she walked over to the bathroom. It was not much, a sink a toilet and a urinal. But the door had a lock, and there were no windows. Sally grabbed onto the sides of the sink. Gripping them tightly as she leaned on it. She looked down at the basin and then turned on the water. She cupped her hands and felt the cold water pooling in them and waited for a moment before splashing herself with it.

The water did not bring with it answers but it felt good, she was still running hot. Her body was covered in sweat and her breathing was now just a bit heavier than normal. She leaned over the sink again letting the water drip from her face as she felt the calming effect of it pass. She looked up and saw him again, in the mirror right behind her.

He was smiling wryly still, looking at her in the mirror looking at him. The stud leaned over her resting his bulk on her back. She felt his fur rubbing on her skin, the warmth of his body and bit down on her lip as she felt his length rubbing against the lips of her sex. He reached around her grabbing her breasts with his hands feeling them and squeezing them just enough to get her to moan ever so softly.

He leaned his head down next to her looking forward into the mirror watching Sally's face in the mirror still smiling wryly at her as he watched her enjoy the feeling of his body's proximity to hers. Sally felt small in the studs hands, but the longer she stayed in his embrace the less the feeling felt correct. She felt strong, she felt big, she felt powerful, confident, and as she focused on the feeling of his dick rubbing her clit she felt sexy. She leaned her head down and then back up and he was gone. Sally took in a deep breath and shook her head, she wasn't trying to clear her head this time though. She craned her head up taking a deep breath and looking at herself in the mirror.

She brushed aside some hair from her face and looked at herself. Sally felt she had a good idea of herself. Almost short, kinda stocky but cute, maybe in need of a tan. But in the mirror she saw something else, someone else. Her skin was darker in places, rubbing one of the patches with her hand revealed it to be thicker hair, or maybe, fur? She thought feeling the patch and looking at it. However she looked away from it and then back to her reflection, she was taller, bigger. Looking at her arm she felt it, more muscles, bigger. She huffed as she put her hands back on the sink feeling something on her rear. She turned her head to see the stud again.The stallion was looking back at her with that same smile as he grabbed at her... tail?

She thought cocking her head to one side looking confused. She felt it as he stroked her new appendage running his hand up it from the base were it snaked out of her back to its end. It was covered in blond hair, almost white but also golden. Once he had done that he grabbed onto her rear tightly. Squeezing the supple flesh there causing the woman to crane her head up and grit her teeth. Then her eyes went wide feeling the studs tongue run across her sex.

She let out a loud whinny feeling the sensation and immediately cupped her mouth with one of her hands. She brought her head back down taking her hand off her mouth as she let the feeling of the stallions tongue wash over her body. She focused in on the feeling, letting her mind single in on the sensation not worrying about the whinny despite the mild concern it brought to her. Sally looked up without moving her head watching in the mirror as the spots on her body started to grow larger, her skin becoming enveloped in them. Her pale complexion was rapidly replaced with white and golden fur as it grew up her larger body.

The stud rubbed her rear as he went, Sally could feel his fingers digging into the skin. The rubbing only felt better and better as more of her new body filled in. Sally could feel her ass growing, expanding. Her breasts swelling with new size as the fur grew over them. She looked down at her fingers in time to see thick caps grow on their tips. It was clear to Sally that she was changing, she wasn't sure why but as the next wave of pleasure from the stud under her rolled over her body it only cemented her lack of concern with the situation.

She brought her head down feeling a sudden unpleasantness in her face. She could feel a pressure there, behind her face in her skull. It was building, gaining strength with each passing flick of the studs tongue. She looked up bringing her head up as well and saw her face in the mirror. It was distorted, looking strange. Her body was trembling, feeling close to climax. She held a hand up to her face touching her nose. It moved, her face pushed out just a little as bone cracked, to her amazement it didn't hurt. Then it continued, she brought her head back down and grabbed again tightly onto the basin. She shut her eyes, letting the sensation of the studs tongue dull her mind and the feeling of her face pushing out run its course. The equine muzzle formed rapidly pushing through the bliss of the horses tongue.

Once it was done Sally felt complete, her new body welcomed a climax, needed a climax. Her body was on the edge, every sensation pointed her towards it. The way the studs tongue below her lingered on the lips of her sex as he pushed deeper into her and retracted. The way his grip on her ass felt, the way her fur felt. The way...

Suddenly it stopped. There was nothing, no tongue no grip, only normality. Sally looked up at her face, it was her. There was nothing wrong, or rather, nothing different about her. Save for the fact that she was still naked. She took in a deep breath still leaning on the sink and realized something, she felt horny. Hornier then she ever had been before, her body was still on the edge of climax. She looked around for the horse but didn't see him. It was as if nothing had happened save for her growing need to fuck something. Sally leaned down to the sink and splashed water on her face. It did little to help.

Sally stood up and backed away from the sink until she hit the wall. She looked around and slowly shrank to the floor feeling the desire to fuck building up in her self. As she shrank to the wall she winced feeling something off about her rear. Looking around her side she saw it. Her tail, covered in the white and gold fur she had worn seconds earlier. She pulled it around to her front stroking it remembering how the stallions hands had felt running through it and feeling herself tremble as she did. She looked up at the ceiling biting down on her lip, and trying to decide her next course of action.

The Spirit watched with glee as the woman started to finger herself. It was a good effort on her part but he knew it was fruitless. She would sit in here for a while stewing in her own juices until that tow truck driver came waltzing back in. Then the real fun could begin. The Spirit lingered for just a moment longer appreciating the woman's body and smiling remembering how much better she looked as a juicy golden mare. He licked his lips as he walked back to the main floor of the garage and pulled a phone out, Molly was calling him. He smiled at that as well, how timely.

The Present...

Will jumped out of the truck and looked around. He could feel his cock long and semi hard in his pants. Looking down he saw the wet spot on one of his pant legs from the pre the was steadily leaking out from it. He darted into the garage, he just needed to drop the keys and then he could go home and deal with this. How he would was up in the air but he imagined jerking it a bit just to try and get rid of the boner was a good start.

Stepping in, he was thankful that Sally was nowhere to be seen. He really didn't need to explain to her why he was now sporting a horse cock and stuck in a permanent semi chub. He took in a deep breath and made for the office. He took a sniff of something and thought it smelled odd. He put the thought aside however and continued on. He saw Sally's lunch on the table there and thought it strange that she had left it there.

It also meant she was close and he had to get a move on. He could feel his cock trembling in his pants, crying and calling for attention as he put the keys back. It was maddening. He needed to get a grip. He was a few pour choices away from stripping and jerking it right then and there. He looked over at the bathroom and decided a splash of cold water to the face would probably do him some good.

He walked over towards the door trying to breath evenly as he felt his cock trembling again. He noted another scent on the air as he did, delicate, floral, intoxicating. He closed his eyes as he opened the door drinking in the new scent as he entered the room.

Will opened his eyes and immediately saw movement to his side. He looked over and saw Sally. She was on the floor naked looking at him with a face as red as a tomato. His eye were drawn to her sex, wet and dripping full exposed to the man who gulped felling the blood rushing to his dick. It stiffened to full hardness there stretching against his pants and announcing its presence to Sally.

For her part Sally just stared at the cock stretching against the fabric of her friends paints. She bit her lip looking at it imagining using it.

Will almost lept out of the room slamming the door behind him. Sally got up and walked over to it. She put her ear to it and heard nothing.

"Will, You still there?" she asked leaning on the door and feeling a new wave of warmth starting to wash over her.

"Yup, I'm here." he said from the other side.

"Uh, how much did you see?" She asked running a hand down to her crotch and idly fingering herself.

"Pretty much all there was to." Will said leaning on the door as well.

He had taken his pants off the urge to free his dick and hanging balls to great to ignore. It had started to hurt trying to keep them in his pants. However dangling there now looking at them Will couldn't help but lightly stroke his cock.

"Oh, um, hey weird question but uh, what was that in your pants just now." she asked leaning down against the door until she rested on the floor.

"Long story, um, why are you naked." Will asked taking in a breath and smelling that lovely scent again.

"Long story." Sally said smiling in reply as she noted a scent similar to her stallions, but different.

Neither said much for a moment.

"You wanna come out, I gotta warn you though I'm kinda naked now myself." Will said looking up at the ceiling as he ran a hand down his cock.

"Guess that would make us even at least." Sally said doing much the same but with her pussy.

She stood up, turned around and opened the door. Standing there was Will, he still had on his shirt but his pants were gone and their before her was a magnificent looking equine phallus. She took her hand up to her face and bit her finger looking at it and finding all the other thoughts in her head seemingly draining away.

She had tried, had been right up until Will had barged in. Her climax long spent building and never finished. A feeling denied to her by some force. She lunged forward grabbing onto Will shoulders and looked down at his crotch, then back up at him.

"Um." she said suddenly feeling very self conscious of herself.

Will lend down taking a hand and palming the back of her head as he leaned in and embraced her. She leaned right into it wrapping her arms around him as she felt his other hand run around her back and grasp her tail.

He broke off of her and looked around at it, and then back to her.

"Uh." he said holding her tail and looking at it again.

"Like I said, long story." Sally said pulling herself closer to him.

Will let go of her tail and refocused on her face, she looked so good, so pretty, and yet, he felt she looked off.

She turned around in his grasp, her rear rubbing against the area just above his crotch. She rested against him rubbing herself on his chest.

"You smell nice." She said taking a deep and appreciative sniff.

Will did the same finally connecting the floral scent with Sally. He gulped and took his hands placing them on her hips.

"This might be a bit forward but uh, you wanna fuck." Sally said looking up from the man's chest to his face.

"Uh, sure." Will said bluntly.

Will looked down at Sally, he still felt she looked off. Nevertheless he leaned in and kissed her again. Still in his grasp her hips started to change, growing larger. He felt them he thought something about seemed to differ, the feel of the skin seemed to change. He rubbed it feeling not skin but fur.

He was reminded of the black mare on the road, the feeling of being inside her, of her body and how it felt. Sally felt like that now. He remembered the power and the pleasure that came with the feeling of being a stallion, a powerful creature crafted to service mares. He drank in the pleasant moans of Sally as the two kissed and his hardened cock rose to stand at attention.

Sally broke off of him and saw his cock in all its glory. She licked her lips looking at it hungrily. It rested in front of her, her sex dripping onto its base. She felt Wills fingers digging into her hips. She had been her before. She knew it felt good, what she wanted, however, was something else. She slid forward and felt the cock slide into her. She looked up as she did hearing her stud grunting and seeing the changes on him as well. His fur brown and rich sprouting as she saw his face push out into a muzzle.

Her own body was now covered with golden and white fur in random patches. His was dark brown all over. She felt his hand moving off her hips now as her changing form further developed with his dick inside her. Both of them slowly gyrating as a prelude to what they both wanted from the other.

This continued for a time as both of there equine visages returned to them. Hooves, muzzles, tails, and the parts of a broodmare and breeding stud. After the two had felt each other up enough and their bodies were fully changed Sally looked up at the smiling muzzle of her stallion. She looked at him drunk from the scents of his musk and the feeling of his cock buried in her. She kissed him once slowly before pulling away and leaning over. She braced herself on her knees and smiled as she prepared for the brown furred stud to ravish her.

Will pulled back slowly feeling his length recede from the mare. He held that position for a moment before sliding back in slowly at first but picking up his pace as he went. He watched the fur in her main perk up as he went the feeling clearly rocking his mare's world as he licked his lips feeling her body reacted to him. He gripped onto her hips as tightly as he could and slammed himself into her.

The fluster of activity caused Sally to arc her head upward screaming loudly with pleasure as Will drove himself into again and again repeatedly. It was maddening. She grabbed her knees trying to give some outlet for the feeling other than her screams and moans of ecstasy. She could feel it coming closer for the third time that day. Her climax nearing the building of the day finally coming closer and closer.

She took in a deep breath as it washed over her. Both the bodies in question in unison. She could feel the hot seed from her studs dick filling her as he whinnied loudly driving his cock home one last time with power. Her head arched back another whinny leaving her mouth not a second later. Every part of her body tensing in unison as the pleasure center of her mind pulsed and radiated the feeling outward.

Then it passed, the high lowering back down as she took in a deep breath and felt her stud pull out of her. She heard a thud and felt the seed dripping from her. She stood there feeling everything and letting the feeling play out. The immense satisfaction was indescribable. She turned her head to see her stallion on the floor breathing heavily clearly spent from the short but vigorous exercise.

She came down entering his embrace and nuzzling her stud.

"Round two?" Sally said as she rubbed her head on her studs chest.

"Oh fuck yes." he said in a voice short of breath but high in enthusiasm.

In the corner both Molly and the Spirit watch their creations partake of each other. Both were unseen by them and they wore their respective equine forms. Molly the jet black Arabian mare the spirit still looking like the drawings of Stud Sally had found.

"I gotta say this never gets old." Molly said watching as the two horses climaxed again.

"Very true." The Spirit said admiring them as well.

"Kinda gives me a few ideas." Molly said walking over to him and resting in his arms.

He held her and maintained an impassive face. He had grown to like Molly a great deal, all the more so in the last few days. At first she had been a person he found to be not unpleasant, then a skilled pupal, but now here as an equal he found himself caressing her, feeling her. Not for sexual pleasure or the purpose of changing her, but for what he wondered.

"You know black looks offaly good on you." he said pushing the notions aside and offering her a compliment.

"Not as good as it does on you." she said leaning up and kissing him as the two horses before them climaxed yet again.

The spirit lingered on the kiss, this was nice. He smiled a bit, not from lust or pleasure, but from the feelings that Molly's company brought him.

"Back to the motel my dear?" he asked taking her hand smiling.

"Lead on." she said taking his lead as he led her by the hand towards their room, and a waiting bed.