Seductress and the Stallion
He needed a mare, a beast as big and powerful as he was, a horse that could take the powerful thrusts he could deliver and stand firm against his dominance. images of a horse's bared female sex flashed in his mind. smooth, glossy, black hindquarters.
Kingdom of Stallions
His shaft spilled onto the floor, as his insides were filled with thick horse seed..
The Collie and the Stallion
The colliepainting the seat in front of him with cum and the stallion filling the collie'sass with it. the collie's stomach bloating slightly from it. the stallion pulledout and sighed.
Birthday Stallion
'yes go ahead, happy early birthday to my big stallion.' maiden handed kauto a bag with his present and the stallion looked inside, before pulling out a large shirt inside. it was black and made out of a very stretchy material which kauto smiled about.
Stallion Milk
We use a 16 inch here, just right to seat against the prostate even on the largest stallions. once all the wires are attached, the stallion is "live" so to speak, and the computer is ready to initiate the milking cycles." "oh right, yes of course.
The Stallion and the Bull
You will answer my questions, and you will obey me without question horse." "i will do no such thing!" the stallion snorted, eyes blazing. "do you truly wish to die horse?" "yes!" it came out defiantly, but with an edge of real sorrow.
Yiffed by a Stallion
I poked my head out a little and saw horses. mating male and female horses. coach was looking at porn. i ducked back under. _how perfect!_ i thought. _he'll be horny from the porn, which will make it easier for me to seduce him!
For my Stallion
Minutes keep me away next time i see you i will never stay away i sit at my computer and stare your skype stays offline but at your name i stare im missing you so much and all i do is stare at a computer screen melting my mind away praying to see my stallion
Stuffed by a Stallion
Anki yawns into the night air, stretching out as she walks, rummaging through her bag with her breath coming out in airy clouds, visible in the cold. She pulls her jacket about herself, dressed in simple jeans, jacket and shirt, just coming home from a...
Stallion Up
"i'm janette... and i have to wonder, do stallions really have as nice of cocks as everyone says?" the stallions gives a sly smirk, "you'll have to be the judge of that."
The Stallion and the Djinn
She had been breeding up her horses for centuries, trying to create the perfect horse.
Scat Stallions
The two horses ate lightly, to make sure they'd have some room for a very special dessert. jeff continually tried to get hank to tell him what was going on, but the bigger horse kept his mouth sealed tight.