Rain: This Is My Life For YOU. Pt.1
Alright here is my second try at a story. As always, if you underage, please get your hand on the mouse and move it to that little red box with the x on it and click it. Now that we got that out of the way, let start the first part of this story!
Rain woke up hearing a slight tapping noise on her little shed. "More like a tinfoil box then a shed." she thought darkly, running her paws over and under her hair, which in her mind was the worest part of her. It was a bright naturel BLUE! Blue hair, she was born with blue hair the disgrace of it. Oh well, at least it was short and easy to hide, She looked the rest of her self over in the little pice of glass she had fond a few weeks back. She started from the feet up making sure every thing looked as good as it could get. Her feet a nice black with white tips with black claws resting peacefully between her toes. From her ankele all the way up to the inside of her thighs were a sultry bright red with just a tinny bit of light pink just below her vergin folds. Moving up to her abs which were well toned and slim showing that she had had to run and fight more then she shud at her age 15 years old. She had a small lavender star right over her navel. While she didn't especaly enjoy the shade of lavender, she did enjoy the shape. Her abs them self were a creamy white, while her normal almost small breast were just pure white with pink nipples. Her arms were long and thin but you could clearly see the muscle under her fur, which was a light red. Her paws were a midnight black on top while her palms were a light gray with a line of blue running threw the middle.