Beneath the Steam

Story by Sanada-mutt on SoFurry

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Note: Another older story of mine that some of you may remember. Bored fox is bored. Bored fox meets friend. Friend takes fox to bathhouse. Sex follows. I blame Onyx Tao for the inspiration to this, when I went and visited him last year. :)


Beneath the Steam by Sanada

"Christ, there is nothing to do!" Ryan groaned, leaning back in the black leather chair. The fox kicked his footpaws up onto the desk, leaning his head on the padded headrest. His paws drummed on the arm rests idly, trying to come up with some kind of idea as to what to do with himself. It was a Friday night, and not a single person was around. They were all too busy doing their own thing tonight. Even Adam wasn't around; the pestering weasel that always seemed to bother him when he didn't want it.

Ryan gazed at the clock to his left, sitting on the small bookshelf. 5:49. Maybe it was just too early still for anyone to be doing anything. Even so, he had been sitting around all day, periodically checking his cell phone and texting his friends. Everyone was busy, leaving the bored vulpine to his own devices. Even the internet had quickly gotten dull, and he found himself checking the same four web pages over and over again.


"Ugh," he whined, throwing a paw over his eyes. It was unusual for him to be stuck in his apartment on a Friday night. He'd be out on the town with the rest of the gang long before now, whether it was out for dinner or hitting the clubs. Not tonight though.

Annoyed, Ryan reached up and clicked the refresh button on the web browser. His buddy Aaron's journal loaded up again, and he prayed futilely that the otter had cancelled his plans to go over to Christine's place. Aaron was the type to put anything into his journals. Day plans and events. Which meant if he didn't go over to Christine's, he'd have said something about it.

Nothing. Nadda. Zilch.

Slightly irritated, the fox willed himself from his computer chair, moving through his bedroom into the living area of his small, one-bedroom apartment. He flopped down onto the couch, the black leather squeaking loudly as he shifted on the cushions. Maybe, just maybe there would be something on the TV at least.

News, boring. Cartoons? Lame. Comedy? Why do female comics need to suck so badly, he thought miserably, flipping through the channels. His tail swished about on the seat beside him, the fiery fur looking a tad lack-lustre today. He hadn't had a reason to groom himself today. There was nothing going on.

He dropped his muzzle into a black-socked paw, watching, yet not watching the television at the same time as he tapped the converter. Did the world suddenly come to a stand-still today, or what? Everything was garbage and there wasn't a single program that caught his interest. It was agonizing.

"Okay, one last thing," he muttered allowed to the empty apartment. 574. He pressed the numbers and the TV screen flicked to the image of a stunningly sexy lupine impaling his very hard, and very large cock into a equally appealing tiger's rear end. Ryan watched with only mild interest. He'd seen this porn far too many times for it to even be remotely interesting anymore. "Oh, come on!"

He slipped lengthwise onto the cool cushions, letting his bare footpaws kick themselves over the armrest on the far side. He crossed his arms behind his head, rolling his eyes as he watched the screen. He never would have thought that he'd ever get bored of porn; yet tonight just didn't seem like his night for anything.

The tiger wailed as the wolf sunk himself into his pucker over and over again. Ryan allowed himself an amused grin at their terrible acting.

"Oh yeah, harder!"

"Shut up bitch, and take it!"

The tiger purred as they switched positions. The wolf had seated himself down onto a couch, the large feline climbing over top of him and slowly easing himself back onto the massive pillar of glistening, pre-soaked flesh. At least the change of position caught Ryan's attention. The fox favoured riding, and so he began watching with rapt attention, watching the muscular lupine piston his dick in and out of the moaning feline.

"Mmm, just like that babe," the tiger groaned. Ryan rolled his eyes again.

"Yeah, you like that fat cock in your ass, huh?" the wolf growled, smacking a paw against the firm rump bouncing in his lap.


"At the least, he's got a nice cock," Ryan muttered, rubbing a paw against his crotch. At the very least, the bored vulpine had found something to do.

His jeans were off in short order, tossing them over the back of the couch along with his boxers, leaving himself naked from the waist down. A hint of pink was slipping from the tip of his white-furred sheath and he teased the tip with a finger, feeling the slick wetness of precum. Okay, so maybe the movie wasn't as boring as he originally thought it was.

The bigger wolf's knot was forming now, and Ryan found himself watching the bulb press up against the tiger's rump with every thrust. He knew what was going to happen. The wolf would sink his knot inside; the tiger would moan and then blow his load all over the wolf's chest and muzzle before getting seeded himself under the tail. Predictable, but hot as hell.

His paw glided up and down along his member, stroking along the supple pink flesh. Ryan allowed himself a shallow breath at the feeling of his paw pads over his drizzling sex. Despite the terrible acting, the fox couldn't help but picture himself in place of the striped cat, riding on top of the well endowed wolf and having that thick, bulging knot squeeze itself under his tail. The thought was certainly appealing, and Ryan grinned as he watched just that happen on the television screen.

"Aww, fuck yeah!" the wolf howled, his knot forcing itself inside his feline companion. The tiger roared as the thick portion of flesh forced its' way in under his tail. The camera got a nice shot of it too, showing in slow-motion the actual insertion of the knot inside the tiger's ass.

"Damn," Ryan muttered with a bemused smirk. His paw pumped along his cock a little faster, forgetting the subtle, teasing feelings for full-on vigorous masturbation, hot flesh running up and down through his paw.

"I'm gonna cum!" the tiger purred, pumping his own paw along his shaft before a healthy spray of seed spurted forth from the tip. The wolf licked his lips as he got painted, the sticky white clinging to his fur, contrasting against the pale grey.

"Blow it all over," he commanded, while still humping against the tiger's rear. Once the cat had finished coating the canine with a healthy dose of feline spunk, the wolf barked and howled. The camera panned down to his engulfed sex, a drizzle of cum seeping from the plugged hole.

Ryan was panting now. This was probably the hottest scene in any porn he had watched, and he had watched a great deal of porn in his twenty-one years of life. He could feel his climax building, and was about to cover his shirt in warm, vulpine juices when he heard the electronic buzzing of his cell phone.

"Oh, you got to be kidding me!" he spat angrily. With an almost pitiable sigh, the fox let go of his hardened maleness and slipped from the couch back into his bedroom. The cell rang again.

"I'm coming damnit," he muttered, picking up the device. He glanced at the digital display on the cover. Aorin, a bull he had met several months ago on one of his weekly excursions to the bars with his pals. Ryan contemplated just letting the phone ring, but his better nature decided against it. Besides, once he had gotten off, he'd be back to square one again. At least here was his opportunity to actually do something. The fox flipped open the cover.


"Hey Ryan, how's it going?" Aorin asked. His voice was deep and gruff. Aorin was older than him, about thirty-six years of age but a nice guy. He was also pretty hot. Ryan absent-mindedly remembered the night they had spent together when he first met the horned anthro.

"Oh, it's going I guess. Not much happening, little bored."

"Yeah? Same. Was wondering if you wanted to do something tonight; grab dinner or something and then go out somewhere else," came the reply. Ryan glanced at the clock again. It was a quarter past six now. Again, he weighed whether or not he felt like going out. Aorin and him didn't have a whole lot in common aside from hot, no-strings attached sex. Still, he didn't have any other fantastic options at his disposal.

"Uh, well...I suppose we could grab a bite. When and where? I need to get myself cleaned up," Ryan replied, looking down at his dissipating hard-on sadly.

"Was thinking that Italian place on 3rd and Crescent. I forget the name, but it's right on the corner."

"I know where you're talking about. It's actually not too far from me. Give me...say, a half an hour or so and I'll start walking down."

"Great. I'll see you there foxy," Aorin said before the dial tone replaced his voice. Ryan looked down at his cell for a moment, wondering if he should have agreed to go out or not. It was a little late now, and he had nothing better to do. Besides, he knew he would likely end up in the bull's bed by the end of the night. A devious grin spread across his slim muzzle. It wasn't really an unpleasant thought.

He had to go get ready. Moving back into the living room, he turned off the television; the image of a hot, slinky young cheetah going down on a gruff, strong and very dominant equine fading into blackness. The fox scooped up his jeans and boxers before heading off into the shower; his thick, white-tipped tail swishing about behind him.


"Work has been going good then?" Aorin asked. The strong, burly bull pressed the bottle of cold beer against his snout, taking a swig. Ryan shrugged, twirling his spaghetti around his fork.

"Well enough. I'm on vacation right now, so I've got another week off after this. It's been pretty dull really. Everyone seems to be doing their own thing lately and I haven't had a whole heck of a lot to do. Been staying at home more often than I like to," Ryan explained before placing the fork in his muzzle.

"Likewise. At least the part about having nothing to do. I was flipping through my contact list when I came across your name. I thought I'd give you a ring," Aorin said with a grin. Ryan smirked back.

"Glad you did, or I would have gone stir-crazy in my apartment. It's unusual for me to be stuck at home, specifically on a Friday night."

"I hear you there," the bull agreed, shifting the lasagne around on his plate.

They fell into a comfortable silence for a few moments; both perfectly fine with that as they simply shared each other's company. Ryan took the time to give the elder anthro a look over. It had been about two or three months since he had last seen him. Aorin was still pretty much the same as he had been before, with short brown fur covering nearly every inch of his body. He was very well built, having worked in construction for several years now, giving him a tough and rugged appearance that the slim fox found very appealing. Long horns graced his head, white in colour; having been bleached from the sun after so many years outside. His stout, almost square muzzle was neatly groomed save for the patch of brown fuzz at the end of his chin. Ryan always thought that facial hair on bulls was attractive for some reason, and Aorin was no exception. The only other feature that stood out (at least with his clothes on) was the septum piercing in his nose; a thick, golden hoop hanging from the nostrils in classic bull style.

"You still go to the bars and such?" Aorin asked before forking some of the pasta in his mouth. Ryan nodded.

"Yeah. I probably would have been there tonight, but I couldn't get a hold of anyone. Seems like everyone and everything is doing something tonight."

"Yeah, hence the phone call," Aorin grinned. Ryan chuckled lightly.

"Yup. Glad you called though, I was starting to worry that I'd be stuck home all night."

"Naw, We can't have a hot little fox like you staying home on a Friday. That would be unthinkable!"

Ryan laughed lightly. "I suppose so. What did you want to do after though? I can assume you've got some...ulterior motives in mind."

"Am I that obvious?" Aorin asked, feigning surprise. Ryan grinned, bobbing his head.

"I'm just good at deducing what people want from me. Though I appreciate the gesture, don't get me wrong! I'm totally down for some action. I still remember that night a few months back."

"Where? At my place?"


"You got bent over most of my furniture."

"And it was fucking great," Ryan remarked, turning on his flirt game now. "It's kind of nice having someone who knows what he's doing."

"Had a lot of bad lays?" Aorin asked, taking another swig from his beer.

"Not really. You're the first bull I've been with though, and damn...I was hurting after."


"Totally worth it," Ryan assured, tossing a seductive wink. Aorin grinned at him before going back to his food. "So, what are we going to do after anyway? It is still kind of early."

"Was thinking we could go to a little place I know of. Spring Water Grotto. It's a place I know of down-town. We can sit around and relax there before heading out to my place. Y'know...just shoot the shit and talk."

"Sounds fine with me. What is this place?"

"You'll see. I think you'd fit in there pretty well actually," Aorin grinned. Ryan caught the devious look in his eye and gave him a sly smirk.

"Planning something?" the vulpine asked, twirling his fork around his plate again. Aorin shrugged.

"Maybe. Nothing may happen, but you never know. Besides, the utilities there are great. You'll love it."

"If you say so," Ryan said. Aorin shook his head.

"I know so. Now be a good foxy and finish up so we can head out," the bull almost commanded, though he carried a playful tone in his voice. Ryan blushed at the words and nodded. He was interested in seeing this place they were heading off to shortly anyway.


"You can't be serious," Ryan stammered when Aorin parked the car at the side of the street in front of the squat building. The fox shook his head from side to side, but allowed himself a faint smirk.

It wasn't very large; a single story with white, fish bowl lights fastened onto the walls outside, illuminating the walk up to the front doors, which were made of frosted glass to obscure anything going on inside. The words 'Spring Water Grotto' were bolted snugly onto a bronzed plaque, made of the same heavy plastic that the lights were made of.

"What? I thought it would be kind of fun. You alright with this?" Aorin asked, half looking at the vulpine beside him. Ryan bit his lower lip nervously.

"It just...well, I've never been to a place like this before. A bath house I mean. I'm just a bit nervous I guess," he admitted with a small laugh. Aorin reached over and patted his shoulder gently.

"No need to worry about a thing. Just stick by me and things'll be fine in the end," he added with a wink. Ryan couldn't help but feel just a touch of extra emphasis on that last word.

"I guess," he said while stepping out of the car.

"You'll like it, I'm sure," Aorin assured him. Ryan's gaze was trained on the place, looking at it more than a little reluctantly.

"I hope you're right."

Ryan gave the place a final once over as they made their way up the concrete walkway up to the doors. A small garden lined the dirt beside the rails, giving the place a touch of class; carefully tended and looked after. Beyond a stone wall, he could just barely make out a few trees and the sound of rushing water, amongst the chattering of male voices.

Aorin went inside, leaving the fox behind as he thought. Ryan shook himself from his nervousness just long enough to chase after him. The front counter was sparsely furnished, with a single male standing behind the desk beyond a heavy plastic window. A raccoon, unremarkable except for the black, vertical stripe running over his right eye in the fur. Several safety deposit boxes lined the wall behind the procyonid, as well as a cork board lined with keys. Aorin was busy chatting away with him, leaving Ryan to his thoughts again. For the moment anyway, because shortly after, the coon handed the larger bull a key attached to a rubber band before turning his attention to him.

"Friend says it's your first time here, huh?" he asked with a grin. Ryan stepped up to the counter, nodding nervously. "Aww, don't worry about it hun. We're all a little nervous our first time. I'm guessing you'll want a locker, eh?"

"Yeah. Sure," Ryan said, not really knowing any better. When he saw Aorin tip his horned head in a nod, he knew that he had said the right thing.

"Alright then cutey, I'll need to see your ID before I can issue you a key. Also, I'll need five bucks as well for the entrance few," the clerk said, moving to one of the empty boxes and pulling it from the wall, along with a key similar to Aorin's. Ryan dug around in his pocket before fishing out his wallet, handing his driver's license over to the raccoon, along with a crisp five dollar bill. He caught the name 'Zaph' inscribed onto the name tag hanging from the clerk's chest. "Thanks bud."

Ryan didn't say anything as his transaction was processed. Soon enough, the raccoon was handing him the small metal box.

"Anything you don't want to take inside you should place in here. We'll keep it nice and safe for you," Zaph said, patting the top of the box. "So, like, your wallet; keys, whatever you feel is necessary that can fit into tight confines."

Once he had his things stowed away, Ryan was given the key. A dull buzz emitted around them as the clerk opened the door, Aorin grabbing the handle and ushering the fox in with a smile. The inside was much nicer than the lobby, fully furnished with plenty of seats and couches. A small water fountain rested to their right, bubbling and churning. The fox blinked, almost taken aback by the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Wow, it's actually kind of nice," he said, following the bull to the many rows of lockers at the back of the main sitting area. To his left, several work out machines sat, some in use by various males of differing species, others empty. Aorin beamed a smile at him, nodding.

"Yeah. It's why I like coming here. Sure, it is still just a bath house, but it's got a nice atmosphere. Very clean and well kept. The owners are totally anal about keeping it in shape, so you'll see cleaning crews around now and then."

Ryan watched as the bull stripped to the buff. Aorin had no qualms about getting naked in front of a multitude of eyes, but a cursory glance over his shoulder showed that no one was paying them any attention. The larger anthro reached into his locker, pulling out a white bath towel before stowing his clothing away and locking the door. A small blush crept its' way to Ryan's face, the white of his cheeks flushing as Aorin wrapped the towel around his waist.

"What?" the bull asked with a smirk. Ryan shook his head before starting to undress himself. "Not like you haven't seen me naked before."

"I know. It's just...well, I guess I'm a little embarrassed," the vulpine admitted with a bit of a laugh as he opened his own locker up. The inside was bare with the exception of a fresh towel; white like the bull's. "I've never really gotten nude in a room full of guys before."

"Ah, no one cares," Aorin laughed, playfully swatting the fox's rump and drawing out a yip of surprise. Some eyes did turn then. "You'll be fine. Come on, get that towel around yourself and then I'll give you a grand tour."

"Alright," Ryan answered, though his blush hardly faded as he stowed his own clothing away. Aorin leaned up against the lockers, arms crossed and Ryan felt his eyes almost combing through his body as he wrapped the towel around himself. Aorin was sizing him up, and it was not completely unappreciative. A smile found the fox's muzzle as he locked the door.

"Let's go."


"Okay, so over here we've got the hot tub, and that is the pool over there," Aorin indicated with a wave of his hand. They walked past a large glass window, giving the fox an exceptional view of the outside courtyard.

It was as immaculate as the inside, with finely cut, stone paths running through pristinely kept gardens which lead to the two pools of water; both of which were occupied by a multitude of males. Lights within the pools illuminated the bodies within, some splashing about while others simple sat on the edge dangling their paws into the refreshing liquid. Ryan spotted another fountain resting between the two pools, carvings of fish decorating the sides while a statue of a pirouetting canine graced the top, sending a cascading stream of water flowing into the cooler of the two pools.

Aorin would wave to a friend of his now and then, but otherwise kept the tour going. Ryan couldn't help but admire just how many people the elder bull knew, but he surmised fairly quickly that Aorin must have been a regular to the place. The horned anthro stopped and pointed at a secluded corner of the garden where a few people had gathered.

"Smoking area. You smoke?"

"No. Not anymore anyway," Ryan said with a shrug. Aorin nodded before continuing on towards a hallway that lead to a fork. The vulpine had to dodge and weave through the throng of men just to keep up with his burly friend.

The first thing the fox noted of this area of the complex were the baskets hanging on the wall; plastic and split into two halves. One side was filled with condoms, the other with packets of lube. Judging from that alone, his crafty mind easily figured out where they were now.

"The rooms. This is the spot you would go to say, sit by yourself and watch some porn, or maybe take a guy back in for some fun. Closed doors are occupied obviously, while open ones usually mean that whoever is inside is either waiting for someone to come join them, or likes getting off having other people watch them and someone else going at it. Which ever you want to make of it," Aorin explained as they walked along.

Sure enough, Ryan noticed several times over that someone was standing at an open door, simply leaning against it, waiting for some kind of signal. On one such pass, a very handsome, and clearly well hung husky winked at him; the canine's white and black fur groomed to perfection. A quick sniff of the air also told the fox just how aroused the dog was; even though the sizeable tent under his towel was enough to give it away on its' own. His ears twitched and the fox glanced over his shoulder back down the crowded hallway. Despite the walls, which he could assume were relatively thin, the sounds of some lucky fur getting it on reached his black-tipped ears.

"Happens a lot," Aorin said, turning back and watching the fox's ears swivel about. Ryan jumped at the sound of his voice, another blush burning his cheeks. "For the most part though, people are pretty decent and will keep sex to specific areas. Though don't be surprised if you pop off to the bathroom and hear someone getting some in the stall next to you."

"Really?" Ryan asked as they started onwards again.

"Yup. Now...down that way is the showers," Aorin explained, turning down the next hall they came to. The sounds of rushing water and the clack of claws on tiled floors filtered down the way towards them. "Usually a good idea to grab a shower before doing anything, just like at a public pool or something."

The bull had to duck this time to get past the lip in the doorway, Ryan following behind him. He had to catch himself once, falling forward and latching onto Aorin's arm as his paw pads slipped on the water-soaked floor. A ring-tail to Ryan's left chuckled lightly.

"Yeah. You've got to be pretty careful walking around in here. It can get...pretty slippery," he said with a wink.

"Apparently," Ryan replied, letting go of Aorin's arm. The bull just smiled at him before waving a broad hand at a door. The glass was steamed up and Ryan could barely see a thing inside.

"My favourite spot in the whole building. The steam room. I love just going in there to relax and letting it clean out my system. Feels great; rejuvenating."

"That's not all you like going in there for," a badger called out to him. The pair turned to see the mustelid under the showers, water streaking down his ebon and ivory fur. He was well built, much like Aorin though not nearly as tall. Strong and stout.

"Hey Ted, how's it going?" Aorin asked, removing his towel and placing it on the low glass walls that separated the showers from the rest of the room. The badger patted his shoulder.

"Same old, same old. Just off work and came to unwind. Yourself?"

"Giving my friend here the grand ol' tour," Aorin said, beckoning Ryan over with a wave of his hand. The vulpine, although reluctant at first, placed his towel on top of the bull's own before moving to the empty shower head beside the bovine. "Ryan, this is Ted. Ted, Ryan. I've known this bugger for at least ten years."

"We used to work together," Ted explained, his paws running over his arms, soap lathering up in the fur. Aorin started up his own shower head, and not wanting to feel out of place, Ryan did likewise.

"Oh. I've only known Aorin for a few months. Met him at a club," Ryan said. The warm water felt great on his skin. He wasn't able to grab one in time before he left earlier. Aorin turned to him and smiled, his horns glinting in the light.

"And what a good night that was," he laughed. Ryan was getting tired of blushing.

"Aorin's a good guy. A little too horny for his own good though sometimes," Ted chuckled, slapping the larger male on the back. Aorin rolled his eyes, reaching for the bottle of shampoo.

"I'm with my buddy tonight short-stuff. Lay off the puns, alright?" he said, flashing a devilish smirk to the badger. Ted shrugged but his grin hardly faded.

The two continued their conversation for sometime, leaving Ryan alone with his thoughts. Was it just him, or was he being watched? The lithe vulpine couldn't help but shake the feeling of prying eyes all over his body, as if he were being checked out. His gaze fell down to his bare sheath, the tiniest hint of pink peaking up over the lip.

Not now, he pleaded with his bodily urges. A casual look around the room told him that, indeed, a few people were letting their eyes roam all over his frame. Despite the 'fresh meat' feeling, he couldn't help but admit that some of the guys looking at him were people he certainly wouldn't mind having private fantasies about at a later time.

Soon enough, Aorin turned off his shower, drawing Ryan's attention back to him. Ted had run off somewhere he noted. The bull tipped his snout towards another door, this one leading into the court yard.

"Feel like hitting the pool or hot tub for a bit?" he asked. Ryan smiled, nodding. Wet, soapy paws cranked the knobs of the shower, halting the rain.

"Yeah, that sounds like a pretty good idea to me," he said. Aorin smiled at him, grabbing their towels and handing Ryan his before starting off.

Ryan simply shook his head, but couldn't help but give one of his voyeurs a playful wink before leaving; the tip of his tongue poking out of his muzzle teasingly.


Ryan leaned back, his head resting against the cool patio stone as water bubbled around him. He felt relaxed, calm and very, very good. After going for a swim, Aorin and him had hoped into the hot tub, changing cold water for warm. It felt great, very rejuvenating, and the longer Ryan spent with the bull, the more comfortable he felt in this place. He didn't even care that people were feasting their eyes on his slim, slick body.

If anything, the fox started craving those lust-filled looks.

"You were right," Ryan said, readjusting himself in his seat. The tub had a stone lip on the inside, providing its' occupants with a comfortable place to sit if they didn't feel like floating about. "It is a really nice place."

"I told you that you would like it," Aorin chuckled, patting the fox on the shoulder. Ryan smiled back, sinking a little lower into the relaxing waters. He had specifically sat against one of the jets, the bubbles massaging his back.

The moments began to slip by as they sat there. Now and then Aorin would chat up one of the other males in the pool, but for the most part, Ryan was left alone. At one point, he thought he saw Aorin's friend Ted. The badger had his arm wrapped around a slim, finely toned cheetah. Other than that though, the fox didn't recognize a soul. He toyed with the idea of maybe finding one of his friends, but after the first ten minutes, he gave up that plan.

A tap on his shoulder brought his attention back to Aorin. The bull was standing up and he craned his neck over to a door at the back of the courtyard.

"I'm gonna hit the steam room. You want to come along, or would you rather just stay in the pool?" he asked, starting his way over towards the stairs leading out of the water. As much as the fox felt his confidence growing in this foreign place, he still didn't feel totally comfortable being left alone just yet.

"I'll come. I wouldn't mind seeing why you like that place so much," he said, following after him. Aorin handed him his towel as he pulled himself out of the water, his fur soaked to his very skin.

They dried themselves off quickly, or in Ryan's case, as best as he could. Most of his fur stood on end, matted in places and sticking up in others. Aorin lead the way towards the fogged door, grabbing the handle and letting the fox in first before stepping in behind him.

The room was shrouded in dense steam, smelling strongly of eucalyptus. The scent was almost a little over powering, but Ryan quickly adjusted to it. It was a pure, clean scent. Fortunately so, as the place was packed with a multitude of males, all of which were soaked with sweat and condensation. The steam obscured their faces, and Ryan could barely see anything aside from their general shapes and sizes. When Aorin placed his hand on his shoulder, the vulpine yelped quietly. He had been so caught up viewing the room, he had almost completely forgotten about the larger male behind him.

"Lets find us a seat," Aorin whispered into his ear. He slipped past him, thin tail flicking about. Ryan did well to grab that appendage gently, holding onto it as Aorin led him around the place.

The floor was slick with wetness, and Ryan found himself quickly losing his footing more times than not. He wasn't used to walking on such surfaces and so, he held onto the bull's arm as he led them to a corner of the room, crossing through a wide open space before plopping themselves down on the bench. It was a small alcove, almost perfectly secluded, a small wall dividing their little corner away from the rest of the room, at least somewhat.

As they walked, Ryan took his time scanning the room. He couldn't see much except for the floor beyond the hot steam, but he could certainly smell the heavy scent of male in the air behind the perfumed mist. Again came the feeling of being watched, but he quickly shook it off. What did it matter if people were looking at him and Aorin? It was even a little flattering. The vulpine dragged his gaze along the benches bolted into the wall. Some furs still had their towels wrapped around their waists, while others sat completely in the buff. One thing he noted though, was the sense of perfect comfort coming from all of them, as if this were a common, everyday occurrence.

Maybe it is, Ryan thought to himself as he sat down. Aorin pulled off his towel, exposing his muscled body to the fox as he sat beside him.

The bovine sighed contently as he leaned up against the wall, placing his arm around the fox's waist and pulling him close. Ryan smirked up at him, inhaling a mixture of Aorin's musk and eucalyptus. A pleasantly strong combination. He almost giggled aloud when he felt the bull's thick, rough tongue stroke across his head fur playfully. The gesture alone was enough for Ryan to lose his grip on his towel, the material falling free around his legs and not pulled taut against his hips. The perceptive bull was quick to notice the opening, and with barely a sound, slipped his hand past the damp material to tease the fox's sheath.

"Aorin?" Ryan asked, a little hesitant to speak any louder. He didn't want anyone to see that he was currently being felt up under the towel. The bull just grinned, leaning forward and dragging his tongue across the point of his ear, sending a delighted shudder rolling along his foxy frame.

"Yeah?" he whispered back. Ryan's ear twitched, catching the flirtatious tone in his voice.

"Here?" he simply asked. At least with Aorin sitting beside him, he could see the shrug that followed.

"I told you things only happen in certain places," he replied, moving his hand further down to cup his fuzzy sac in his palm. The fox tensed at the touch, sucking in a shallow breath. He was already feeling pretty pent up, and with the ruggedly handsome bull groping him like this, it wouldn't take much to pull him out of his sheath.

"But...what about the people around us?" Ryan questioned, throwing his gaze around the room. No one had noticed them; yet.

"They won't care," Aorin replied. His digits found the tip of Ryan's peeking member, and he rolled his thumb playfully over the tip. "Besides, you look like you could use some...relaxation."

Ryan said nothing, simply blushed beneath the steam as Aorin's skilled fingers withdrew him further from his sheath. As soon as he was able to, that broad hand gripped itself around his sex, slowly stroking along the slick flesh. Ryan couldn't help but whimper, the feeling of the stronger male's digits wrapped around his sensitive flesh teasing his senses.

A soft groan escaped from his muzzle as Aorin pushed his towel away, revealing the fox's pink member. Maybe it was just the heat, or the obscuring mist, but the vulpine couldn't help but get turned on by the thought of getting it on with the bigger male in a room full of horny guys. When Aorin took a hold of his paw and placed it on his own rigid sex, the fox blushed harder, his fingers gently stroking along his length, coming to the tip and swirling around the bead of warm preseed.

"Mmm, yeah...that's real nice," Aorin said, resting back against the wall as Ryan's skilled paw glided along his shaft. The fox grinned up at him, his tongue once again peeking past his muzzle teasingly. "And here I thought you would be afraid to do something like this."

"You know me," Ryan muttered quietly, leaning closer to the bigger male. "When you put my paw there yourself, I can't help but take advantage."

"Good to know," the bull chuckled, his fingers teasing the tip of Ryan's cock some more. The fox murred delightedly.

Eventually, Aorin's hand left his cock, moving to his shoulder, and with just a hint of forceful dominance, began coaxing Ryan lower. The vulpine stooped forward at his behest, bringing his muzzle close and lapping at the tip of his thick member.

"That's a good fox," the bovine whispered to him, his hand moving betwixt Ryan's ears, gently scratching through the damp, orange fur.

Ryan groaned pleasantly as a salty tang assaulted his taste buds; a mixture of the bull's musky sweat and precum. His tongue traced around the thick, mushroom-like head of Aorin's cock, slowly working its' way down the bull's broad shaft before he was lapping lightly at his heavy, plump sac.

"Get your tongue all over that," Aorin instructed, brushing his fingers down Ryan's back to the base of his bushy tail. The vulpine's ears swivelled and flattened against his head at the words, but he did as he was bid, his tongue dragging slowly around the bull's sac and shaft.

He found himself getting into it. Maybe it was simply the steam obscuring just what he was doing from everyone else, but Ryan couldn't help but place his paw on his own aching member at the prospect of being seen. His fingers teased his drizzling shaft, coaxing a bead of slick, precum from the tip just as his lips wrapped around Aorin's thick cock. A soft, almost delicate whimper slipped past his lips as the bull's tip slid along his tongue.

"Damn, your muzzle always feels so good," Aorin muttered, exhaling deeply in contentment. Ryan's eyes looked up at him, but the bull had his own closed, his head back and his horns pressed up against the wall.

It didn't matter if he was watching or not, Ryan could tell he was getting the larger male worked up, as his warm cock throbbed in his slim muzzle. The fat head bumped up against the back of his throat, lubed by precum and saliva as it slid up and down between his lips. Aorin placed his hand on the back of his head, slowly bucking his hips forward and humping into that warm passage. Ryan whined lightly as the bull began muzzle-fucking him, pushing his cock in and out of his maw.

"Aww, fuck," he groaned, grinning at the vulpine. His thin tail whipped about from side to side as they fell into a steady rhythm; Ryan's skilled muzzle slowly bobbing on his cock as he pushed in. A quick glance down told him just how much the submissive vulpine was enjoying the treatment he was being given; his pink sex firmly between his black socked paw.

The sounds of Ryan's eager slurping soon began to draw some attention, unbeknownst to him. More than a few heads turned in the direction of their little hole in the wall. When Ryan finally pulled off to catch his breath, a heated blush burned his cheeks and his ears became almost invisible against his fur when he saw that a small crowd had formed around them, trapping the two in their seats. He turned to Aorin for an answer, but the bull shrugged, letting his hand replace Ryan's muzzle; for the moment.

"Don't mind them," Aorin said, placing his other hand back on Ryan's head. "I just hope you don't mind a few spectators."

"Uh, well...I guess not," Ryan said, letting Aorin push him back down, his hard shaft spreading the fox's lips apart, stuffing his muzzle again.


They found their pace once more, the bull slowly forcing his cock deep into the vulpine's muzzle, while Ryan sucked and slurped eagerly on the big rod of bovine meat. When a foreign paw found Ryan's dripping member, the fox whimpered almost pitifully. He never expected someone to reach down and take hold of him like that. Yet, he was in no position to stop it. It felt too good to have someone paw him off as he worked over the bigger male with his mouth.

A shudder rolled down Ryan's spine as he felt a tongue lap at his tip teasingly before being engulfed in someone else's warm muzzle. He couldn't tell just who or what was below him, but the scent that drifted from the other male was definitely canine of some sort. He found it becoming increasingly hard to concentrate on the cock in his mouth, so he let up on his half of the fun with Aorin; instead letting the bull simply use and fuck his muzzle.

"Geez, I'm gonna need to stop for a moment, or I'm gonna blow quicker than I want to," Aorin said after a time. At the words, he released his hold on the vulpine, letting Ryan get a look at their third party. A wolf, with broad shoulders and neatly kept; if somewhat damp grey fur. Not a word was passed, as the lupine eagerly kept himself busy with the fox's shaft. Ryan arched his back, letting out a shallow gasp as Aorin adjusted himself. "Feel up for a ride?"

Ryan nodded, and pulled himself free from the wolf's fine muzzle. The fox tossed him an appreciative wink, and the other male grinned back, wiping his muzzle with the back of his paw. He climbed up on top of the bull, positioning his rump just over his cock and with a flick of his tail, slowly began lowering himself onto Aorin's thickness.

"Oh, damn I forgot how big you were," Ryan groaned as he eased the tip under his tail. Aorin chuckled, his hands placing themselves on Ryan's hips.

"Just take it easy," he said. Ryan nodded, growling lightly as his pucker was slowly stretched by Aorin's girth.

"Damn that's hot," someone said behind him, drawing a half-smirk out of the fox. It was short lived however as he winced, sliding just a bit further down Aorin's shaft. He almost blew a sigh of relief when he reached the base, the bull's cock nice and snug in his rump.

"Been awhile?" Aorin asked with a grin, reaffirming his grip on Ryan's hips.

" could say that," he stammered back. The words barely left his muzzle as Aorin began to pump slowly into him, causing him to yip with pleasure. It felt great having the big bull inside of him, but Aorin was pretty damn big. Perhaps the biggest he had ever encountered. At least he wasn't big enough to make this impossible.

"Fuck, your so nice and tight," the bovine groaned. Ryan snickered, flicking his septum piercing playfully.

"And you've got a big fucking dick."

"A big dick that you love getting fucked by, huh?"

As he went to reply, the bull pulled him down in his lap, hilting him completely and stealing any words from him. Ryan whimpered happily in his seat as the they shifted onto the floor, Aorin laying him out on his back and placing his legs up on his broad shoulders. The crowd parted just enough to give them their space, their paws squeaking on the slick, tiled floor.

The scent of male musk surrounded him, and the horny fox drunk it all in greedily. It didn't take a whole lot to deduce that at least half of the crowd was up and at attention; their towels badly tented, or not even at all, their hard cocks jutting from their sheaths or slits. His attention was diverted away from the hot scene though, as Aorin pulled himself out from under his tail, adjusted his legs again and quickly drove himself back in.

"Oh, fuck!" Ryan moaned loudly. He couldn't have kept the words quiet even if he had wanted to, Aorin's cock hitting at just the right spot.

"Oh, you like getting fucked, don't you?" the dominant bull stated more than asked. Ryan whined, but nodded as the bovine began to thrust.

His fangs bared themselves as he clenched his teeth together, stifling a moan. He was thoroughly enjoying the sensation of being stuffed full of Aorin's cock, having that thick rod of bovine meat pushing in and out of him. Now and then, the burly male would pull out entirely, only to roughly reinsert himself seconds later. It was during those moments of hard penetration that the fox would yip loudly, not even caring that plenty of others could hear him now. Aorin wasn't just having sex with him; far from it. The horned anthro was fucking him, and he was making every effort to make sure that Ryan felt it.

The bull grunted as he sunk himself to the hilt inside that warm pucker again. Ryan was tight, and he could feel him contract and tighten up just a bit more when he reached down and took hold of the fox's drippy cock. The vulpine's appreciative groan was short lived however, because a wolf; the same wolf whom had previously occupied himself by sucking off the smaller canine, pressed the tip of his hard sex against Ryan's muzzle.

"Go on...suck that big wolf dick," Aorin bade him. Not wanting to disappoint, Ryan's tongue traced the underside of the nameless lupine's rigid member.

For a third time, the bitter, salty tang of preseed filled his muzzle and the eager, lusty fox drank it up. Ryan took a deep breath, catching the smell of sex and maleness through the heavily perfumed steam. It was enough for him to groan out happily, even as he opened his jaw to allow the wolf to start humping into his slim, vulpine muzzle.

"There you go," Aorin said, adjusting Ryan's legs again so that he was laying more on his upper back. He placed his firm, heavy hands on Ryan's cheeks, spreading them as he pistoned himself in and out of that warm tail hole, his sac hitting his furry rump with every thrust. The bull grinned down at him, before letting his gaze fall down to his rock-hard cock pushing into that sweet pucker. "Fuck, and I thought your muzzle was good."

"Oh, it's good," the nameless wolf barked with a laugh. He pushed deep into the fox's muzzle, and Ryan almost gagged. He fought the urge back though, breathing in through his nose as his tongue and lips tickled and teased the lupine cock in his maw.

For the most part, Ryan kept his eyes shut the entire time, riding on the sensation of Aorin's thick cock stretching his hole and the wolf's member humping into his muzzle. When he felt another foreign set of paws wrap around his throbbing member, the fox whined. He was rock solid, and he knew that with all three sensations, he would blow very quickly. It came as no surprise to him when he finally felt himself clenching up and his cock throbbing and pulsing in those paws, warm sticky juices spilling over those soft, slick fingers and his belly. His eyes fluttered open and was greeted by the seductive grinning of a bengal tiger, his whiskered muzzle beaming at him before he brought his cum-covered paws to his lips and licked them clean.

It wasn't the only sight he was treated to however, for surrounding the kneeling foursome, a collection of furs had gathered around them. Some simply watched, while other's had their paws gripped around their very erect members, pawing themselves off. Ryan knew what they intended, but he made no move to stop them. He simply shut his eyes and prepared for the pearly rain to start.

Aorin grunted again as he pushed in deep. The bull was sweating, in part from the heat and also because of the physical exertion of fucking the fox. His cock pounded into that fine, vulpine ass over and over before he finally slumped forward, groaning as his thick sex pulsed deep under Ryan's tail.

"Fuck!" he grunted, filling the fox with warm, bovine seed. Thick ropes of cum splattered against the tight walls of the fox's insides, some spilling out and onto the tiled floors. A content smirk spread across his broad snout, and he watched as the wolf's visage contorted into one of bliss. "You going to blow?"

"Fuckin' right I am," the lupine panted. Ryan had taken advantage of the grey wolf's swollen knot, squeezing it firmly in his paw to simulate a tie. "Damn, this guy is gonna get a mouthful!"

"Good," Aorin snickered, casually thrusting again. Ryan whimpered beneath him, more so when he teased the fox's spent member with his fingers. Obviously, the vulpine was feeling a bit sensitive right now, and the burly male took full advantage of making him squirm.

A warm splash struck the side of his face and neck. Someone in the crowd had shot off, coating him with cum. Ryan's pitiful whimpers only heightened his own pent-up horniness, and he felt himself becoming hard again. He pushed the thoughts away for a moment. There would be plenty of time to get off again later. For the moment, he concentrated on simply getting that sexy wolf to explode in his muzzle. Again, he squeezed the knot and when he felt that thick, salty cum spill over his tongue and down his throat, Ryan murred appreciatively. The wolf howled, pushing deep into his muzzle as he came, forcing the fox right to his crotch fur. He got a full blast of the wolf's musk, his nose pressed flush with his fur as he came down his throat.

"Christ, he's a good little cock sucker," the lupine panted. Aorin grinned and nodded. When he had finished, he pulled out of the fox's muzzle, one final shot of seed falling across his nose.

Ryan licked his lips and rolled onto his back. Another spray hit him, followed by a third as more people in the crowd reached the point of no return.

"Damn, that's fucking hot!" he heard someone say. Another concurred. Ryan took it all in stride, and soon enough, everyone had finished; leaving the vulpine in a sticky mess. His tongue flicked across his lips, lapping up stray strands of cum and swallowing them eagerly. Even as the crowd started to disperse, he stayed on the floor, basking in his tremendous afterglow.

"You alright?" Aorin asked, leaning over top of him. He could still feel the bull's cock inside of him, though now it was mixed by a subtle warmth as well. He nodded, before breaking into a short laugh when he finally took a look at himself. Despite the obscuring steam, he could still see many, many strands of cum streaking his fur. Aorin offered him a hand, and he took it gladly, falling into the bull's arms.

"Damn, you're a mess," he chuckled. Ryan blushed fiercely.

"I wasn't really expecting this to happen. I just kind of...went with it," he replied, sounding almost a little embarrassed. Aorin patted him on the shoulder and reached back for his towel.

"Here, I think you need it."


He ran the material through his fur, trying his best to get as much of the spooge out of his fur as possible. He would definitely need to hit the showers, there was absolutely no question about that. A faint smile spread across his muzzle, though his tail hole throbbed just a little.

"So," Aorin stated, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him close. The fox yipped in surprise at the sudden motion.


"You want to get a room? I don't think I'm finished with you yet."

Ryan couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity, but his foxish nature won out over reason. What could some more fun hurt? Besides, he noticed just how hard he still was when he looked down at himself. His pink cock remained fully erect, and already he could feel the sensation of Aorin's sex pounding into him again. The moans; the grunts, the feeling of being filled up.

Ryan winked at him, his tongue peeking out of his muzzle seductively. The night was still young, and there certainly was plenty more fun to be had.