Beat the Heat

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#13 of Breeding

2733 Words

A husky with a secret suffers under a heatwave, but his superintendent helps make sure that the heat's a bearable thing.

Something fast to get me back into the swing of things after I took a few days off to finish my commission. Hope you guys didn't miss me too much!

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To say it was a hot day in the city was an understatement. It was sweltering, way above the point where any sane person would have turned on their air conditioner... and in the middle of November! Grant sighed as he fanned himself, leaning out the window of his apartment building. This was the kind of thing the husky could've expected in, say, Hawaii, or the southern hemisphere, but New York wasn't supposed to be trying to cook you in the winter time.

He panted, continuing to fan himself and cursing his super for not fixing the air conditioning. Sure, it was logical to assume that the AC wouldn't be needed in the winter, and that the building's heating would do enough to make the building habitable. Normally Grant would have to be worried about things like snowstorms or whether or not his coat was growing in thick enough about this time of year, not contemplating shaving away every last bit of it. He was down to just his boxers, his tail hiked high to let the fan get all the air rushing under his tail and cool him down.

He also was heated for another reason. He hadn't always been a he, and as Gwen, he'd decided that becoming male didn't mean he needed some big, fancy surgery to swap out the junk he'd been born with. That, in general, was fine: move to the big city, assume new name, live as a male, and nobody cares. However, there were still those months where he would be visited by his feminine issues, and heats would rush under his tail, making him swell and drip and smell distinctly female to everyone around him. Again, in the winter months, this would normally be fine, even a weird relief to feel so warm in the face of the chilling cold.

Right now, he'd give anything to have gone through with the rest of it. The hormones racing through his body were killing him. He continued to lean against the windowsill, wafting that scent out into the street as the fan blasted his backside, not caring who would smell it. He had bigger things on his mind.

A knock came at the door, followed by the deep voice of Grant's superintendent. "Hey, Grant, I'm here to fix your AC. Sorry for the delay. Who knew, right?" Grant groaned a little, glaring at the door.

"Come in, Hugh. You've probably seen worse." The key clicked in the lock, and a moment later the door swung open, letting Hugh into the room. Hugh was a mastiff, a big, sturdy man with sharp features, but a big smile when he actually did. He looked at Grant, tail high and fan blaring in just his boxers, and smirked. Nothing guys couldn't handle, and he shut the door behind him.

"Look, if I knew that there was going to be a crazy heatwave running through town, I'd have had this fixed days ago. As it is, I'll knock it off this month's rent. Now, where is the thing?" Hugh looked around, then tilted his head, his nose sniffing at the air. There was an unmistakable scent coursing through it, but he shook his head. "Ah, girlfriend come through here not too long ago? Must be hard, dealing with the heat and a heat." He laughed. "Too darn hot to do anything fun."

Grant laughed as well, though he was cursing himself in his head. Of course Hugh would come in today. He leaned against the window, watching the mastiff head towards the one with the built in AC, setting his tools down. "Yeah... can't get anything done with a girl these days. Not that I would know, I'm not exactly looking." He frowned, wondering why he'd come out of the closet with his landlord like that. Well... It wasn't for lack of attraction. As annoying as Hugh's slow paws could be on some issues, the built dog was a prime specimen, one that Grant had watched walking through the halls time and again. His golden coat was beautiful, his fur dreamy... Just because Grant had stopped being female didn't mean he didn't still like guys. "How about you? You have a girl you care about?"

He groaned a little, looking at the ceiling. What was he doing? He opened his mouth to apologize when Hugh spoke up. "Nah. My boyfriend of a few months bailed on me not too long ago, though... It really had me in a funk. I was actually going to do repairs then, but... well, you know how it is, I'm sure."

Grant's eyebrow arched, looking at his super in a new light. He realized he hadn't really been paying too much attention to Hugh's life if he hadn't known Hugh was gay. He sighed. "I'm sorry to hear that. It's always hard to lose a partner, no matter the reason." He walked over, patting Hugh on the shoulder.

Hugh just smiled, looking Grant in the eyes, with his own deep, rich, enchanting brown ones. "Ah, it's alright. Apparently I was just too butch, he never could tell if I was just a veneer of gay over a straight pooch." He laughed, then sniffed again, his voice trailing off as he adjusted his collar, looking at Grant curiously. "Do you have on, like, a cologne or something? Cus... If there weren't rules about dating tenants, I'd seriously have to ask you out for that scent alone. Though, there's enough other reasons..."

Grant's heart skipped in his chest, and he quickly walked away, heading back to the fan. If only the gush in his pants hadn't happened, he might have been able to ignore it, but at this point his boxers were starting to get soaked in arousal, just for there being a male in the room. He seriously was wishing he wasn't in a studio now. A door to close between him and Hugh would be nice. "Really? What else is there? I'm just a scruffy husky in a cheap apartment, there can't be much you like."

Hugh popped open the air conditioner, starting to tinker with it, though he kept looking over at Grant, sniffing at the air. "Oh, I don't know about that. You're artsy, sophisticated, even though this look wouldn't show it, you care about people... Heck, don't think I don't notice all your donations and all the thank you cards you get. If I could get anyone out of a crappy place like this, I think I'd start with you."

Grant stood there for a moment, smiling and sighing to himself. He'd not really wanted to think that way, tending to wallow in self-misery, but... Hugh was a great guy. He sighed deeper. "Listen, Hugh, if you'd-" he turned, getting cut off by Hugh getting a little closer continuing to smell at the air. He froze, feeling his body reacting, his legs spreading, his mind racing... He grinned. "If you'd like to get your mind off of your ex for a bit, maybe spend some time beating the heat..."

Hugh looked Grant over, about to say no, until he saw the big wet spot on the front of Grant's boxers. He looked confused, glancing from the heat-soaked underwear to the beautiful, manly face of the husky, slowly connecting the dots. He shook his head. "No way, I can't take advantage of a tenant like that, especially not one in your condition. Might end up failing to rise to the challenge." He looked nervous, though the tent in the front of his pants told Grant all he needed.

The dripping male smirked, kneeling down in front of Hugh and undoing his belt. The mastiff looked surprised, but didn't do anything to stop the lusty husky as he slid the pants down, showing off that throbbing tent even more. The scent of the virile male had Grant going wild, and he looked up at his super. "Well, think of this as a thank you gift. And if you want to get coffee later and keep bending the rules for a bit, well, I might not mind. It'd play into all the times I'd wished to ask you out these last few months." He winked, then pulled down Hugh's boxers, prepared for what was about to come out.

And then he reeled back, surprised as he was smacked in the chin by the huge length Hugh had hidden in his pants. He looked at that giant cock, then up to the mastiff's face, grinning widely. "Okay, seriously, you're packing _this_and your boyfriend was worried you were too butch? This thing could be a wrecking ball!"

Hugh's face went from horrified and embarrassed to proud, chuckling a little. "I told him the hormones are all natural, but he didn't listen. Wanted someone softer for him..."

Grant grabbed Hugh's length, sliding his hand over it with a smirk. "Oh, soft is the last thing I want from you, big guy." He licked his lips, then wrapped them around the tapered tip of that length, slowly sinking onto the repairman's cock. Inch by inch he closed in on Hugh's stomach, tasting the musk, the pure male smell filling his muzzle, making his body ache and shudder. He needed this somewhere completely different. His lust drove him to push further, further than any male he'd been with, nearly gagging as that cock poked the back of his throat before he pulled off. "Fuck... this thing is amazing."

Hugh caressed Grant's ears, then reached down to his cheek, slowly pulling him up before he could do anything more, looking the husky in the eyes. "You know, even if you're... well, you're the most handsome guy I've ever seen... and I don't normally do this, but would you... maybe like to-"

Grant pushed forward into a deep kiss, grabbing Hugh's hair and holding onto it, pulling them together, while his other hand caressed Hugh's huge cock, sandwiching it between their bodies. He then took Hugh's hand and brought it to his ass, slapping it down on the firm cheeks. When he let go, he pushed into the kiss more, his tongue dancing with Hugh's, who finally closed his eyes, just giving into the feelings and needs.

Slowly his hand drifted forward, around the boxers, to the wet spot at the front. He seemed nervous, unsure what to do with the thing he normally played with missing, but his instinct was on point, his fingers teasing over Grant's lower lips, feeling the heated pussy that Grant kept so well hidden. The trans dog moaned, pushing into the kiss and rubbing Hugh's shaft hungrily, while Hugh continued to slowly explore through the fabric... then slide up and into the fabric, feeling those lower lips for the very first time.

Grant leaned into his touches, those fingers feeling absolutely electric, and his hands moved, getting Hugh out of his clothes. Hugh returned the favor, removing the one thin, damp piece of clothing on Grant's body, revealing the feminine folds hidden between the legs of that masculine body. He pulled back from the kiss when they were both naked, seeming a little confused at what he was looking at, but as Grant's ears started to droop, Hugh caressed his cheek, smiling. "You're the most beautiful, handsome dog I've ever laid eyes on. Don't you worry. And I want everyone to know it."

He moved slowly, guiding Grant back to the wall, then leaning slightly out the window, his hips landing on the window sill, where he'd been leaning the other direction all day. Hugh grinned, motioning for Grant to spin around, and he did so, hitting that same position, the fan blowing its air directly into his heated lips. He hiked up his tail, then looked back, whining needily. "Please, help me beat the heat, would you?"

"With pleasure." Hugh stepped forward, lining up his cock, originally aiming for the hole he was much more familiar with, but he soon aimed down to the dripping, hot, wet, needy hole his body was clambering for. With such a handsome male, how could he really resist? He sank his tapered tip into the tight, intensely hot folds of Grant's hidden treasure, letting the fan rush between his legs, cooling his balls as they got slowly soaked with Grant's lubrication. He got right up behind Grant, growling dominantly as he held onto the husky's hips, his shaft bottoming out in the slick silken folds of his tenant and sudden lover.

Grant threw his head back, feeling his pussy filled by hot, throbbing meat for the first time in a long while. He pressed his hips back, angling so that Hugh would have a perfect angle as he moaned, looking down onto the street below. People were walking back and forth, minding their day in the sweltering heat... he wondered how many would even bother to look up at him, let alone realize what was going on. And even if they did, would they realize just how magical this all felt?

Hugh pulled back slowly, trying to keep his motions calm and collected, but the room was full of Grant's scent, and it burrowed into his nose and ran directly up to his brain. Even though everything screamed female, from the silken walls to that scent, his eyes read male, that body he was pressing into even hotter than his last boyfriend, and belonging to his best tenant. He groaned and growled, leaning out the window and thrusting, gripping onto Grant's shoulder with a tender bite and growling his dominance.

The husky's ears went flat, his submissive moans echoing between the buildings. He felt Hugh start to lose control, his thrusts coming fast, eager, dominant, claiming Grant's body as his own and rutting into him as quickly as those lubricated lips would allow. And if he had any say, that was as fast as Hugh could go. Grant kept his legs wide, hearing drips of his arousal hitting the floor between thrusts, feeling the strings connecting himself and Hugh. He needed this, needed to beat the heat and be filled with an amazing dog like Hugh, and his body was finally getting what it desired.

A few faces turned upward, mostly in disgust, but some with cheers or smiles, as Hugh slammed his shaft into Grant's pussy. The sounds of their lovemaking filled the street, moans and cries of pleasure mixing with growls and wet, powerful, meaty slaps as the two men fucked for all the world to see. Grant didn't care about the audience, or how many might know his secret, he was too busy crying out for Hugh to go faster, harder, to fuck him raw and fill him full. He clenched around that cock, feeling the knot forming, spreading him with every thrust, and said "You better knot me hard and lock in tight!"

The thought of pulling out hadn't even occurred in Hugh's head as he slammed his knot home one more time, unable to pull it free. He tugged a few times, pleasure spiking as the tip of his cock pressed in the deepest chamber of his lover, his knot sealing them together, ensuring nothing would escape. He might have been worried about the consequences of his actions if Grant hadn't been cheering him on, moaning out like a whore as he came, his pussy convulsing, coating Hugh's cock in its musky feminine honey and milking that length for all it had.

Hugh's balls started to pull up, his knot throbbing as he howled out his orgasm, his voice joining Grant's as thick ropes of cum pushed through his length, firing through Grant's cervix right into his fertile, hormone-flooded womb. Even without that knot, not a single drop would've escaped from Grant's body as he was filled, warmth soaking into his deepest chamber, heating up his core, and yet... magically, pushing away the extra heat he was feeling.

Both dogs panted and nuzzled, looking out the window at the people moving around below. There would be a lot of talk when the knot went down, and even more in a few weeks when Grant found out just how fertile he still was... but for now, they just panted and held each other close, beating the heat in the most natural way possible: a lack of clothes and the help of a (new) loved one.