Snake Lords of the Desert 14

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#14 of The Chronicles of Lore

My last chapter that was done prior to now, so now we all gotta wait for the next time I get to have another chapter done. :P

With Prince Dumisani under his thumb, the palace changed almost immediately. Not completely immediately, and not quite the way that the naga would have preferred, but certain things changed to make Lorenus far more comfortable with his accommodations.

The first thing he did was remove the braziers of drugs and incense from the throne room. Perhaps once, it had added to the mystique of the room, given it a sense of wonder and awe that the elephants had used to their advantage, but now, it was nothing more than a drug den that needed a serious airing out.

The second thing was getting all the advisors of the prince brought into his circle. One by one, he hypnotized them, chaining their minds so that they wouldn't question what he had done, nor would they get in his way.

That had been suspiciously easy, and he imagined that they were rather eager to have someone that knew what he was doing as the power behind the throne.

The third, and by far the most satisfying, thing that he did was order a new home to be built for him outside the palace. It would take weeks to be done, but there were plenty of slaves and soldiers that were willing enough to be assigned to the project. The idea of giving himself a small manor that was built to naga standards was beyond comforting.

With all that done over the course of a week, Lorenus set to taking care of the next important part of his plan.

"Sssso, Thulani..."

Coiling around his jackal 'perch,' the naga prince looked down at the monkey prince that he had been 'gifted' all that time ago. The smaller male continued to sit there, looking up from the floor at the mention of his name, but that was all.

Of course, to the untrained eye, he looked as zonked out as all of the Sizwe slaves, but Lorenus knew the difference between a glazed eye of a broken slave and the faked glazing that a rebellious one put on. He hissed in amusement.

"I would have thought that you would ssssee the usssse of working with me."

There was no response. The monkey was completely dedicated to his role, it seemed, just as he had always been.

"Well, perhapsss you will sssspeak in your mind..."

Lorenus leaned forward, draping less of his body on the jackal and holding himself suspended in the space between his slaves. The position would help him keep from falling deep into a trance himself while he was working with the monkey, and it should - hopefully - allow him a bit more focus on what he was doing.

He stared into the monkey's eyes, and slid inside.


_Deep, dark, smoky. That was what Thulani's mind had been, once. Now, it was clean again. _

_Not perfect, of course. There were smudges here and there, places where the drugs and incense had left their mark and would never be cleaned away. There were bits of chains that had come from other slavers, other people that had dominated the monkey prince before he had gotten his hands on the young man. _

_But when it was compared to the hell that it had been before, the monkey's mind was positively pristine. _

_Lorenus looked around, shaking his head at the emptiness that had been opened up. While the bright vault of the monkey's memories continued to lay in the center, shining like a beacon to lure him in, he knew better than to dart about or move too much. The monkey's identity was still out there, the guardian to the vault waiting to spring. _

_He 'felt' it more than heard or saw it, and darted to the left just in time. The blur shot forward, a chain following, but this time, the snake was ready. He caught it with the tip of his tail, yanking back. _


_The monkey prince, disheveled, dirty, and with more than a bit of sweat covering his mental projection of himself, landed with a thump on the misty ground. He jumped, coming in swinging, but this was the mind. In the mind, the nagas reigned supreme. _

_Lorenus dodged, twisting his body about this way and that until his coils had wrapped about the monkey's legs. He pulled himself in close, and then squeezed tight. _


_Thulani's presence was trapped, held in the tight coils of the snake's lower body. Lorenus chuckled, fanning out his hood. _

"That's better. Now, why don't we talk?"

" can't have can't have me!"

_There was a sudden burst of energy, so strong that he almost lost control of the prince then and there. It was less of a series of blows and more one strong 'pulse' that nearly broke the hold of his coils. Lorenus struggled against it, enduring it, then forced his coils all the tighter around the monkey. _

_As Thulani continued to squirm, the naga leaned in, pulling on the chains that all had in their minds...or at least, he tried to. _

Everyone had something that they connected to other things with. Chains of duty to tie one to family, chains of love to tie one to those devoted to them, and so on. They were always in the mind, always present and waiting to be tugged on by those that knew what they were doing. He'd never seen a mind without them...

_Except this one. _

_Realizing that they must all be stored in the vault, as well as everything else that the monkey had seen during his time as a slave, Lorenus groaned. _

"Okay, so you're NOT so helpless in here..."

"I swear, I will not be bound again. Not by you, not by anyone!" the monkey prince panted. "Get out...get out before I figure out how to get free, or I swear by all that is holy I will kill you."

"You would do that anyway."

"Doesn't matter. Giving you a warning. Get out."

"Not before I get what I want."

_What the monkey had seen during his time as a slave would be more than a goldmine. It was all but required for him to form a plan of what action to take next. If he didn't get those memories, then whatever course of action he took would be a gamble, at best, and a horrible mistake, at worst. _

"Tell me, monkey. What do you want?"

"I want -"

"Besides your freedom, or going back to your homeland. Neither of those are happening just yet."


"Ah. Now THAT I can help you with."

_Lorenus reclined backwards, though not enough to allow any looseness in his coils. He knew better than to think that the monkey was pacified just yet. One little mistake, and he could lose track of the speedy little shadow altogether. Then he'd be a sitting duck, waiting for the next attack. _

_Instead, the snake gestured about, shaping the mist around him with one hand until it was nice and chubby, a representation of the elephant prince. Instantly, the monkey was hissing, spitting, clamoring to get at it. The rage present was almost a true embodiment of insanity, nothing but raw venom that needed to be expressed. _

_He let the image fade, letting the monkey settle into his coils once more. _

"If you do as I tell you, willingly, without control, I will allow you freedom from your mind chains, and I will allow you free use of the prince."

"...You have him...broken?"

"Drugged. Drugged and addicted. He will do nothing without my say-so."

"He is...that hurt?"


"By you?"

"Of course. Who else?"


_The monkey looked contemplative, considering, and the naga allowed him the time that he needed to think the offer through. After all, it would be a hard one for most to accept, even those that were used to and interested in being a slave. _

_Not to mention that this particular monkey had been burned very badly by slavery once before. _

_Lorenus wanted more than anything to just bind him and be done with it, but he knew better than to push his luck with that. He had forced others through slavery before, and would likely do it again, but he always made sure that he would never lose his grip on the leash when he forced something. Prince Dumisani, for example, was an elephant that would never be smart enough to slip the chains that he'd been put in. _

This monkey, on the other hand...particularly with no chains about to put upon him, to hold him down...

_He hated making deals, but he could if he had to. All of the Adelin family could. _

_Finally, the monkey looked up at him. _

"Bring the prince to me. Let me see how bad he is. And then I'll do it."



The elephant was a sloppy mess when he was brought to Lorenus's quarters, though that was a constant these days. There was a little awareness in the prince's eyes, just enough for him to be confused about why he wasn't in the throne room, but no more. Just enough for him to be able to realize what was going on when it happened.

After all, what was revenge if your enemy didn't realize what was going on?

He brought the elephant to stand before the chained monkey. As soon as Prince Dumisani came to a halt, the monkey prince stood up. The half-glaze that had plagued his eyes for weeks disappeared, leaving him looking through them with full awareness.


The monkey growled under his breath, his shoulders heaving.

"Do you know what you did to me?"

"Prince...Thu...lani?" the elephant muttered.

"Yes, me."

The monkey lunged forward, slamming his head into the elephant's chest, a hard enough headbutt to knock the pachyderm back a few steps. Lorenus caught him to keep him from tumbling over, but there was no aggressive response.

Not that he expected one, admittedly. The prince had been put far enough under that there was little chance that he quite understood what had hurt him, or why.

As the monkey panted for breath out of sheer rage, Lorenus pulled the elephant close again by one arm. They were made to stand within a foot or two of each other as the snake shook his head.

"There. You may ssssee how he hassss been altered. Do you feel sssatisssfied about my end of the deal?"

"He's broken."

"Completely, yesss."

"Will he even know what I do to him?"

"If you want him to."

"I do."

"Then he will."

Thulani nodded.

"Then I'll do what you say. Let me out of these chains so I can teach him a lesson."

"Ah ah." Lorenus chuckled. "Rulesss, firssst."


"One. No vissssible damage. He mussst be able to give decreessss, after all. Two. You get him for three hourssss a day, no more. Three, you will ssserve me in all waysss I sssay, in exchange for this."

"Yes, yes, all of that. Now let me out of these chains."

The snake smiled, doing as he was asked. It would be the last time that he did any such thing for the monkey for a very long time.

As soon as Thulani was freed, he turned his back. The soft sounds of a finger, then a cock going up an asshole were all too familiar to him, and the monkey's revenge was a bit more obvious than the route that he would have taken in a similar situation, but he supposed he couldn't entirely blame the primate. He hadn't been allowed to think for himself for a very long time, so his imagination was probably a bit rusty.

That said, he had to admit that the monkey's thrusts were faster than he expected, judging by the sound. Perhaps there was something to a fucking punishment, at least when one had the body to pull off something a bit more...fierce.

The End