Delayed destiny ch 21

Story by Trollin67583 on SoFurry

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#24 of Delayed destiny

Sorry for the huge delay in posting. My life has gone through a huge change and I'm working on getting everything back under control. I will try to upload more but I want to start writing again before I upload too many of the chapters I have stored. Again any and all feedback is always welcome.


"We need to talk." (Forest)

I was a little stunned. The way Forest was talking made me feel like bad stuff was about to come.

"You're right." (Me)

"Ajax, I... I Really want to believe your story, but you keep forcing it again and again. I can tell that all that's doing is making everyone else not believe you. You need to understand that we do want you to be right, but when you keep pushing like that it makes it seem like you're desperate to make it true."

"Forest I'm, I'm sorry I've made it seem that way. It's just that I've had a lot going on with all of this. I'm shocked, I'm exhausted, and I'm really, really worried about the future. I've been pushing so hard because not having you guys believe me right now is really putting a lot of stress on me. I'm scared you're going to leave me and so will my brothers, if that happens I will have nothing. When you left me last night it was like a blade being pushed through my soul, I cried myself to sleep last night. I just want all of this to be over. I will stop pushing and just wait for some sort of evidence to pop up."

"I'm sorry Ajax. I wish I could have been there for you last night. Not knowing whether something this big is true or not, it freaked me out. Um... Has Core tried to talk to you since then?"

"No. I completely forced him out, I used all of my power and energy to do so. That's why I collapsed when we were talking. After I did that he hasn't come back."

Forest was staring at me. I could tell he was trying to figure out the truth, both of what I just said and what happened that morning.

"Look at me. I'm such a shit ass boyfriend. You are back for only a month and I've already fucked up everything." (Me)

"No, Ajax. Listen, I don't want you talking like that. If you are telling the truth then everything will be sorted out. I knew as well as you what could happen from you guys going through that training. I accepted that and accepted you, I wouldn't have it any other way." (Forest)

"Can you come and sit with me?"

He hesitated. I could tell he was scared of me. The look that he got when I said that hurt me even more.

"See, I don't think things will ever return to normal between us." (Me)

"No Ajax, I was just a little shocked."

He tried walking over to me. I raised my hand because I didn't want him to, he took a step back out of fear. The look in his eyes said it all.

"That's exactly what I'm talking about. Go, you don't want to be around me anyways, I can tell." (Me)

"No Ajax I want to be h"


He ran from the room scared to death of me.

What have I done. I pushed him away.

No, he was already about to leave. He just knew you were sad and was trying to save what he could. He's terrified of you. (Core)


Wait. I'm here to help. You can show them that you have powers without being fused with any of your brothers. That will be proof to your story.

Yeah it could be, Besides the fact that I will never let you back in, EVER! NOW GET LOST YOU DIRTY ASS SACK!

Real clever one there. Bye.

His presence lifted from around me. I couldn't handle another second of that thing being here.

"FOREST!" (Me)

Not even ten seconds passed before Forest came in.

"What's the matter?" (Forest)

"Well first off I'm sorry I yelled at you."

"No, you were right. I was scared, and I'm sorry. I won't be scared anymore."

"Core just came back. He told me to let him in again so I could prove that he's real."

"What?! What did you say?"

"Obviously I told him to get lost. I'm never going to allow that monster back again."

"Good. I mean it would be nice to have that proof, but you made the right call."

Forest came over and sat next to me. He leaned on my shoulder and put his arm around my back.

"Hey Forest, I don't want to force you to do something you aren't comfortable with. Are you sure you're okay to be around me?"

"Yes Ajax. I don't ever want to leave your side."

With that we both laid back on the bed and he laid his head on my chest. With him there, I finally felt a piece of my heart slide back into place.

"Forest, Ajax, come down here." (Mom)

Of course. As soon as something nice happens.