Home Ec

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#8 of Complete Stories

Trevor was always a scrawny and shy colt, and when he signed up for Home Ec class without knowing what it was, that just made everyone in his high school think he was gay -- even the teachers. Things get interesting, though, when Missus Violet begins her very hands-on 'how to please your future husband' lesson, and Trevor is the only boy in a class full of girls...

M (horse) x F (horse), F (gazelle), F (deer), F (cat), F (dog), F (bunny), F (dolphin). Teasing, stripteasing, BJ, facial, suppository insertion, dubious consent, belly bulging, cum inflation, excessive cum, creampie, rough sex, public sex, threesome, underage (13-14 years old) -- 31416 words in 6 chapters.

Cover art by LDR. Used with permission.


With a suppressed groan, Trevor sat down at his accustomed desk in the Home Ec classroom. As usual, he was the first to arrive. The only other one here was the teacher, Missus Violet.

She was a horse, just like him ... but that was about where the similarities - and common ground - ended. While he was a rather scrawny palomino, she was a full-grown dark chestnut mare. While he was soft-spoken and preferred not to be noticed, she seemed to always know her position in the world and wasn't afraid to abuse it. While thought of himself as easygoing and easy to get along with, she was so domineering and frankly terrifying that the students had given her a secret nickname that they'd never dare mention where she might hear it: Missus Violent.

Trevor kept his head down and didn't make eye contact. For now, Missus Violet seemed content to brood behind her teacher's desk at the front of the classroom, tapping a single fingernail impatiently on the thick wooden surface. He sighed slightly to himself. He shouldn't even be here. It was just his own stupid mistake that he'd ended up in Home Ec class at all.

He'd just been a stupid middle schooler back then - a stupid middle schooler with a hopeless crush - when they were handing out the sign-up forms for which classes they would take each day of the week in their first year of high school. And when he'd seen Olivia - the gazelle he had a crush on - signing up for Home Ec on Fridays, he'd just signed up for exactly the same thing, not even knowing what it was.

And it turned out that the class he'd ignorantly signed himself up for was all about housekeeping, obviously intended to teach future housewives everything they'd need to know. He was the only boy in the class - the only boy to take this class in years. Not only did it leave him stuck learning cooking, cleaning, and household accounting for a full day each week, his voluntarily taking this class had convinced everyone - even Missus Violet - that he was gay. Sure, other boys had called him gay back in middle school just because he was a gangly colt who didn't take very well to sports ... but that had just been immature kids trying to hurl insults. Now, everyone really thought it was true. One look at the small, blonde colt going in and out of the Home Ec classroom, and everyone assumed they knew exactly what was going on.

It was probably the reason he was still a virgin. All his friends - even the nerdy ones - bragged about all the pussy they were getting, but girls didn't even give Trevor a second look. His reputation preceded him in this small school, and everyone seemed to know him as 'that gay colt' before he'd even had a chance to say hello. How was he supposed to ask a girl out? He'd tried once ... and everyone within earshot burst out laughing at the 'joke' ... except the poor girl - a cute little otter - who'd taken it as a personal insult that the gay colt would want her. When she'd run off with tears streaming down her cheeks, he'd decided that he wouldn't do that ever again.

Finally, someone else came into the classroom, giving Missus Violet's eyes a new target to burn a hole through.

It was Olivia. Trevor tried not to stare at her - he wasn't very successful. She was wearing a thin, flowy sundress today, and the way it flowed around her tall, curvy body made his mouth go dry and his baggy cargo pants feel too tight. Even when she wasn't trying to show off for anyone, she walked with a roll of her hips as if she was a supermodel on a runway ... which she very well could be, as far as Trevor was concerned. When she glanced over at him, he quickly looked away, trying to look disinterested despite his racing heartbeat.

Despite everything, despite all the reasons he knew he shouldn't, he couldn't help but feel like he should go and ask her out. Now would be the perfect time. They were practically alone together, so no one would be there to witness his embarrassment when she inevitably turned him down. Well, except for Missus Violet. The thought of being rejected in front of her disapproving gaze made his blood run cold and his fur stand on end. When would he have any better chance, though? Despite his best efforts in signing up for classes, this was the only one he'd ended up sharing with Olivia. But what if she said yes? He had to try - he had to do it right now, before anyone else came into the classroom!

Olivia sat down and glanced over at him. He ducked away, pretending to be suddenly fascinated with the zipper of his backpack and hoping she wouldn't notice the heat he was feeling on his face.

A few deep breaths began to restore his courage, and he was almost about to try to force himself to get up and walk over to her desk ... when another student came in. He exhaled in a huge sigh, deflating in a mix of disappointment and relief. His little window of opportunity had come and gone, and he hadn't taken it. That meant he wouldn't be getting Olivia ... yet. But it also meant that he could keep that little glimmer of hope alive, rather than see it completely crushed right in front of him. He glanced over at the teacher, who glared over at him as if she knew exactly what had just been running through his head and what a failure he had just been.

That was hard to bear. Instead, he watched the girl who had just come in, Riley, sit down next to Olivia. Riley had attached herself inseparably to Olivia as soon as the school year began. She was a doe ... not quite as pretty, not quite as tall, not quite as curvy as her gazelle friend, but she tried her best to make up for it with a shorter skirt, a low-cut tank top, and loads of makeup. The two of them immediately began chatting about girl stuff as soon as she sat down.

It was getting close to time for the bell to ring, and the rest of the students began filtering in pretty quickly. There was Aubrey, the striped tabby cat, who rolled her eyes at him when she caught him looking at her lithe little body. Along with her came Frigg, a thick and bulky bunny girl who very openly objected to attending this class because she was going to the very best schools to study literature - but despite the fact that she seemed to love nothing but books, her father had forced her into this class. Lucy came in next. She was a brown, curly-haired dog, and in case anyone didn't immediately recognize her as the teacher's pet, she wore almost exactly the same button-up blouse and narrow black skirt as Missus Violet. The last to come in was Maria, the shy dolphin girl who kept the hood of her sweater up and snuck over toward her desk as if she hoped no one would notice her. For that matter, Trevor very well might have been the only one who noticed her.

The seven of them were the only ones in this small school foolish enough to sign up for Missus Violet's Home Ec class. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if there had been more students around to share the burden of this teacher's attention. As it was, all seven of them lived in constant fear over what she'd assign - and then berate them for messing up - next.

It turned out that Trevor wasn't the only one to notice Maria settling down at her desk, because Missus Violet snapped her pointing stick - which she wielded like a horse whip - against her desk the moment Maria sat down. She rose and began pacing around the room with her stick, as was her custom. "Good. Since we're all here early, we can begin with our--"

The tardy bell clamored out its jarring racket, making all of them wince, even though they'd all shown up on time this morning.

Missus Violet grimaced at the interruption, one ear twitching slightly. "We can begin with our lesson for today: pleasing your future husband."

A slight gasp passed around the room, though none so loud that the teacher might be able to single anyone out. Trevor knew he hadn't seen anything about that on the syllabus, and from the glances the students were giving each other, it was clear that no one else was expecting it, either.

"This lesson is absolutely crucial to your future success as housewives..." She glanced deliberately at Trevor. "Or househusbands, domestic partners, what have you."

He gave a little grimace of his own. Missus Violet had appointed herself as the sole force ensuring that her students grew up to be the perfect companion for their future husbands ... and once she'd decided that he was gay, she made no exception in Trevor's case. She insisted on preparing him for his future husband just as well as she prepared any of the girls for their future husbands. He never could decide whether to be thankful for her tolerance or offended that she'd think that was his destined role.

"It is a lamentable tragedy that we will only have one day to spend on educating you for this, but despite the restrictive time limit, I will be extremely thorough in making sure each and every one of you receives a solid foundation in this subject." She reached the end of one aisle between the desks and began walking up the one next to Trevor. "And I will make myself available after class for anyone who wants to pursue a more complete understanding of the erotic arts. Because--" she slapped her stick down on Frigg's desk, making the bunny girl snap back to attention "--this is the most important facet of keeping your man with you and loyal to you."

As she came up by his desk, he tried to be inconspicuous as he looked at her. He always looked when she passed by. Most of the time, he didn't get to see much, but the button-up blouses Missus Violet always wore tended to show gaps between the buttons sometimes - tiny gaps that would open up between two of the buttons when it wrinkled the right way, opening up a little window under her shirt. And today was a lucky day - he caught just a glimpse of her lacy, rose-colored bra. It instantly made his pants start to feel tight again. She had an enormous rack hidden under that blouse. It was one of the few redeeming features of attending this class that he'd get to see her every day ... and even see inside her shirt on a few lucky occasions. As she strolled on up the aisle, he made no effort to hide the way he was ogling her ass as it moved under that tight black skirt and her swishing brown tail.

When she reached the front of the room again, she turned abruptly back toward the class. "You've all already received Sex Ed class at some point during your previous school year, so you should already know all about the reproductive system and safety, correct?"

The class looked back at her silently.

She smacked her stick down on the nearest desk - Aubrey's - making them all jump. "Correct?"

"Yes, Missus Violet," they all said, reflexively.

She nodded. "Today, though, we will be learning a more important lesson: I will teach you how to truly satisfy your future husband. How to pleasure him properly." Her gaze turned dark. "Because if you don't learn this - if you think simply lying there and taking it is enough, he will leave you for another woman who knows how to please him, you will end up lonely and divorced, and you will end up teaching a room full of ungrateful teenagers how to sweep and bake pies for the rest of your career!" A few strands of her forelock fell down over her eyes and dangled in front of her glasses as she glared at them all, her hands gripping the edges of Aubrey's desk and her chest heaving in and out in a way that both terrified and intrigued Trevor.

A few moments passed. No one in the class dared to make a sound.

Missus Violet stood back up straight and brushed her mane back into place with her hand. And with a terrifying purpose in her eyes, she looked straight at Trevor.

He gulped, hoping she hadn't noticed the way he'd been looking at her chest a moment ago.

"Trevor, I realize that you're not attracted to girls and that you need as much education about how to please your future husband as the rest of us..."

A few giggles passed through the room, making Trevor blush.

"... But I'm afraid you're the only male in the class, and my usual contact for this kind of job is out with the flu." She sighed in a show of deference ... but her eyes burned right at him in a way that showed that she expected to be obeyed. "I know it's a huge imposition on you, but could we please use you for demonstration purposes?"

He gulped. "Me?" One look into Missus Violet's eyes answered that. Oh yes, definitely him. "Uh... What kind of demonstration?"

"I know, I know. It's very unfortunate that I have to ask this of you... But I'm going to need you to step up and at least pretend to be interested in these girls for me." She came back down the aisle and leaned down over his desk, her breasts pushing out between her arms as she held herself up against the edge. "Can you do that, Trevor?"

Shaking and trying not to stare too obviously at her massive tits right in front of his face, Trevor managed to nod slightly.

"Excellent!" She turned and headed for the front of the room again ... with perhaps a bit more sway in her step than usual. "Let's begin."


When Missus Violet reached the front of the classroom again, she was once again clearly in her element. She stalked back and forth, looking over her students with her imperiously judgmental gaze. "The first lesson of the day is how to be attractive and seductive. Without this, none of the other lessons will matter, since you won't have sufficient opportunity to exercise them."

Trevor could almost pretend this was an ordinary day in class, and that nothing more exciting than note taking and perhaps a pop quiz would happen. But every time he looked at her - at her mature, but obviously sexually charged body - he remembered the way she'd looked at him just moments ago and said, 'Can you do that, Trevor?' He still had no idea what 'that' was ... but his mind was racing in circles that grew more and more debauched with every pass through.

"First and most of all, you must have confidence in your attractiveness." Missus Violet stood up even straighter and more proudly. "Even the most homely girl can exude an air of absolute sexual tension if she holds herself in the right way and has the confidence to go for what she wants. Regardless of what you think inside, tell yourself that your man is lucky to have someone as beautiful as you, and that anyone would want you - carry yourself accordingly, and it will come true."

All the other students were paying close attention. Lucy was even taking notes. Would there be a quiz on this? If not, then he didn't really have much reason to pay attention to a lesson on how to attract men, did he?

"Next in importance is your posture. Observe." She hunched over, seeming to shrink several inches shorter and hanging her neck low. "I'm now showing you an example of poor posture. Is this attractive?"

Trevor had to admit to himself that it wasn't, not really. It made her look older than she was. Then again, it didn't make her tits look any smaller, and as desperate as he was, he still wouldn't turn down a chance with her, however impossible that actually would be.

Missus Violet rose back up to her customary posture. "Now, see the difference? I'm standing tall and upright, with a confident gait." She crossed back and forth in front of the class in a few long strides. "But not too straight - take care to give your body a little bit of curvature. Don't be afraid to stick out your chest and your ass a little."

Another giggle began to pass through the room.

She stopped it with a snap of her stick against her desk. "I won't have you girls tittering all day. We will be making use of some vulgar terms, and I expect you all to approach these subjects like mature adults, not like nervous teenagers. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Missus Violet," the class said in chorus.

"Now, another point of the utmost importance is that you do not have to be blatantly sexual in order to be sexually attractive. In fact, sometimes just a slight tease will be far more effective than a crude display. Showing as much as possible at all times isn't necessarily the best strategy."

Trevor's eyes shot to a laser focus on Missus Violet's neckline as she began fiddling with the buttons on her blouse. She unfastened one, two, three of them, letting it fall open just enough to show a hint of cleavage.

"You can often draw a man's eyes better with just a hint of the illicit." She leaned over her desk, giving the whole class a brief look into the deep mysteries of her cleavage. "Even though almost everything is still covered, this will get men drooling as much - or often more - than if you were completely naked."

She turned around, then quite intentionally dropped her pointing stick. When she went down to pick it up, she bent at the waist, raising her tail over her back and letting her skirt raise up so high that everyone could nearly see where her thighs met her ass cheeks. It was definitely enough to get Trevor drooling...

"Learn the art of the tease," she said as she rose back up and turned back toward them. "It's an essential skill for seduction, and without it you'll be stuck choosing to either be so completely unattractive that less discerning men ignore you or so blatantly desperate that more discerning men dismiss you."

As Missus Violet began pacing again, Trevor couldn't help but stare. She hadn't bothered to re-fasten the buttons on her blouse, and it now showed a wide triangle of her chestnut fur, culminating in the fascinating little gap between her breasts. He knew it was too much to hope for, but he kind of wished she'd keep this look for the rest of the school year. It would certainly help him pay more attention to her!

"And while your future husband is of course the one you want to be teasing the most, many men appreciate it when you make the effort to appear attractive to other men as well. Now--" she slapped the pointer against the blackboard for effect "--that isn't to say you should ever be unfaithful. The point of this is that if other men desire you, your husband will take greater pride in having you. He will place more value on you, which means he will treat you better and he will be less likely to risk losing you by dallying with other women." She made eye contact with Trevor. "All of this goes for you as well, young man! Being attractive to your husband is as important for you as it is for any of these girls. Remember that."

When the length of the pause made it clear that she expected a response, Trevor managed to choke out, "Yes, Missus Violet."

She nodded. "Now, while there is only so much you can do about the shape of your body, your selection of outfits can greatly influence your attractiveness. We will begin the first exercise of the day by seeing what each of you has to work with and how you can improve."

A slight murmur passed through the class as the girls nervously glanced at each other.

Missus Violet rolled the chair out from behind her desk and wheeled it squeakily out to the middle of the room, front and center. "Trevor, come forward. It's time you made yourself useful."

He jumped a little bit in his chair. "Huh?"

That earned him a particularly disapproving scowl. "Come to the front of the room, Trevor." She slapped the point of her stick against the back of the chair repeatedly, tapping out the seconds until he complied with her order.

Once he'd numbly made his way up there, her scowl became a little less cold. He settled down on the lightly padded chair gingerly, as if someone might berate him at any moment for daring to sit there.

But, of course, it was only what Missus Violet had told him to do, and once he'd done it, she promptly began ignoring him again. She paced back and forth between him and the class, her hooves clacking on the linoleum and her tail swishing behind her in a show of impatience. "We will begin by having each of you come up here and show me how you would entice your future husband, who Trevor will be standing in for today." She leaned against the side of her desk where she'd be able to see everything. "I will observe your efforts and help educate you as to how you could improve. I want all of you paying full attention during the entire process, mind you - advice I give to someone else might be just as applicable to you as well."

This was ... more than he'd expected - though he had to admit, it wasn't nearly as much as some of those wild fantasies he'd let run through his head. But of course things like that weren't going to happen in a school classroom. And those momentary daydreams about Missus Violet herself participating ... those were just ridiculous.

"So..." the teacher scanned her eyes over the classroom as if inspecting a house for beetle infestations. "Do we have any volunteers?"

Aubrey practically jumped out of her seat, sticking her hand high in the air. "Ooh! Ooh! Me first!"

Missus Violet's eyebrow raised. Apparently she hadn't been expecting such enthusiasm. But she must have not known much about Aubrey. Anyone who listened to the rumors flying around the little school knew that this little pussy cat in the freshman class was one of the sluttiest girls the school had seen in years. Trevor was more than half-convinced that he might be the only guy in school who hadn't been inside her at some point.

"Very well," Missus Violet said. "Let's see you entice him."

Wasting no time at all, Aubrey rushed up to the front of the classroom. She did take a moment to smile gloatingly at the other girls, but when she turned back toward Trevor, she was suddenly all business. Her cocky smile turned into a sultry look as she slowly stalked toward him, swaying like tall grass in a breeze as she walked ... if that tall grass was wearing tight yoga pants and a T-shirt that obviously didn't have anything underneath it. Whether she just hadn't developed yet or was simply destined to be flat-chested, she had no breasts to speak of, but when she slid the shirt's fabric back and forth over her chest with her hands, her lack of any bra was abundantly clear from the way he could see the two little shapes of her nipples through it. When she came up close, she turned around, wiggling her ass back and forth just above his lap while her tail formed a question mark shape in front of his face. Even though she was a tabby housecat, the way she licked her lips when she looked back at him brought to mind a tiger stalking her next meal.


At Missus Violet's word, Aubrey jumped back up straight, standing at attention in front of the class. Trevor let out a heated, somewhat disappointed sigh. It had felt for all the world like Aubrey was about to grind right against his lap, and his cock had been growing in anticipation, slipping out of its sheath and pressing hard against the confinement of his cargo pants. He tried to force himself to calm down, but it looked like this boner wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Missus Violet got up from the edge of her desk and led Aubrey back up to Trevor. "First of all, you're a cat - prowl a little. Allow me to demonstrate." Seemingly, she was able to turn on an aura of seductiveness with an instant snap. Now she came up to Trevor with such an exaggerated swing of her hips that it made her tail swish back and forth behind her, and as she came right up next to him, she actually crawled on her hands and knees! And yet, somehow, that was even more seductive, especially when she pushed his knees apart and slid her body up between them.

Trevor gasped as Missus Violet's huge, firm titties rubbed against the bulge in his pants. He couldn't believe this was happening.

She kept sliding upward along his body, coming into as much contact with him - and especially his crotch - as possible. When she finally stopped, her face was just inches away from his, her sultry eyes staring into him and her hand very blatantly grabbing his cock through his pants. Just as he was about to kiss her or grab her tits or something, she suddenly stood back up and looked over at Aubrey, and she was the professional teacher again. "Now, you try it."

This time when Aubrey came up to him, he never would have described her as waving grass - something he might eat. Now she was a stalking tigress, coming to eat him. And when she pushed her face and chest across his crotch just like Missus Violet did, he found himself wanting to be eaten ... or at least sucked on a little. "Mmmm," she said when she touched his cock through his pants, "I think he likes it..."

Aubrey ended up right in front of his face just like the teacher had. But unlike the untouchable teacher, she felt attainable in a way that was making it really hard for him not to kiss her. He'd never been this close to a girl his age before, and he'd never felt like he was so close to getting laid before. The appreciative look in her eyes as she grabbed the outline of his cock made him feel sure that soon he wouldn't be the only one who'd never been with her.

But Missus Violet cut it short. "There, now isn't that rather more enticing than her first attempt, Trevor?"

He nodded vigorously.

"Now, about your clothes." As Aubrey stood back up and moved away from him, the teacher pointed out parts of the girl's clothing. "Going braless was a good choice - just because you don't have much of a bust doesn't meant you can't show off your nipples. You'd be surprised how many men enjoy a flat-chested girl. The tight pants are a good choice as well, but I have to dock you points for the visible panty lines. You should wear a thong or nothing at all with those. And you have a pale belly, yes? Don't be afraid to show it off a little."

Aubrey nodded thoughtfully at each point ... it seemed she actually was interested in how to appear even more appealing.

Missus Violet opened up the cupboards behind her desk, rummaged around for a few moments - making her skirt ride up again and catching Trevor's attention - before coming back with a couple little articles of clothing: a silk-thin neon green tube top and a matching thong. "Here, take these. They're brand new and clean, just like all the helpful clothing items I'll be giving you girls today." She glanced at Trevor. "I'm sorry, but I don't have any boy's clothing here ... even though your wardrobe could definitely use some improvement."

Taking the clothing with an eager smile, Aubrey started back toward her desk.

"No, dear," Missus Violet told her. "Go back around to the back of the classroom where you won't distract anyone and put these on right now. I want you to be ready to go first again when we do our second, improved, round of enticing."

Both Trevor's and Aubrey's jaws dropped. But Missus Violet didn't flinch. Apparently, she really did intend for Aubrey to change clothes in the back of the room while everyone else was still here. That would be ... interesting. Trevor had never been in the same room with a naked girl before.

"Any other volunteers?"

Lucy came up next, nowhere near as enthusiastic about it as Aubrey had been. From the way she kept her brown, doggy eyes on the teacher the whole time, it was clear who she was really trying to impress.

She began to 'prowl' up to him, just like Aubrey had on her second try, but Missus Violet stopped her. "No, no. Don't just copy what everyone else does. You need to do this your own way."

After pausing to think for a moment, Lucy got up from her hands-and-knees pose and instead started dancing right in front of him. She unfastened a couple buttons on her blouse, just like the teacher did, but Lucy didn't have the same busty figure to make it work - it only showed a bit more of her curly-furred chest, without the slightest hint of cleavage between her smallish breasts. When she spun around and started shaking her ass and wagging her tail, her skirt - tight and black just like the teacher's - also rose up, but not quite as far as Missus Violet's had.

"Well, you certainly did make it your own," Missus Violet said, which caused Lucy to stop. "And for the right kind of man, I'm sure that will work. About your outfit, though..."

Lucy looked incredulously down at her own clothes, then back and forth at Missus Violet's practically identical outfit.

"The skirt could be shorter - you want something that teases a peek every once in a while. And if you're going to wear a button-up blouse to offer glimpses at your chest between the buttons, you'll want to wear a better bra underneath, not a full-coverage one. There's no point in offering a glimpse like that if you're just going to cover everything with a bra anyway."

Trevor's eyes went wide. Wait - Missus Violet was aware of that? Did that mean... Had she noticed him looking into her blouse all those times? Had she known all along?

Missus Violet prodded at Lucy with her pointing stick, forcing the girl to move into a slightly different posture. "Stand up a little straighter, and don't be afraid to stick your ass out a little bit... Yes, like that." She stood in front of Lucy, fingering her own chin as she thought. "And you should open up your shirt more. Like this."

To both Trevor and Lucy's astonishment, Missus Violet quickly unbuttoned three more buttons, leaving only a few at the bottom of her blouse fastened. It opened to reveal all of her cleavage, all the way down beyond the bottom of her bra, which Trevor could now clearly see. The bulge in his pants grew out all the way at the sight, making him squirm. Lucy, though ... she was staring at the teacher's tits even more blatantly, her tongue hanging out and beginning to drool slightly. Those huge titties were worth drooling over, Trevor had to admit. Today was getting very interesting.

When Lucy copied the teacher, showing her own frilly, triangular-cupped bra, Missus Violet nodded in approval. Going back to her cupboards, she came back with an entire bundle. "Here. This new skirt should be about the right length for you to show off, and I've added a new bra along with a pair of heels to help your rump a little. Now head on to the back of the room and try them on."

Trevor had been so distracted... He'd completely forgotten to watch Aubrey change clothes. A quick glance back there caught her in the act of pulling her pants back up, and he didn't really get to see much ... yet. She was behind some of the cooking countertops back there, so he wouldn't be able to see all that much, anyway.

"Who's next?" Missus Violet called out.

A few moments passed with no more eager volunteers, but eventually Riley shrugged and held her hand up. "I guess I'll go."

Missus Violet nodded and gestured for her to come up.

Most of the time when Trevor thought about Riley, it came with more feelings of envy than anything else. She was Olivia's best friend and got to hang out with his crush practically all the time. He couldn't help but think that Olivia deserved someone better than Riley, the doe who was always trying to be prettier and more popular than she really was. He'd never really noticed her, because she was pretty much always together with Olivia, and he was always too busy staring at Olivia instead.

But now... There was no way he could look into those 'I know what I want and I'm going to take it' eyes without feeling a tingle that ran straight through him. It made him gulp ... but it didn't stop him from glancing down at the little cut of cleavage the square neckline of her top was proudly showing off ... and the little corners of her garishly bright red bra showing at each side of it.

She sauntered right up to him - forcing him to lean back in the chair - and braced her hands on the sides of it, leaning even farther over him. The smell of her perfume was overwhelming, and he couldn't help but look down into the alluring little gap between her chest and the front of her top. He could see all the way down to the center of her bra, seeing almost as much of her velvety white breasts as if she'd been wearing only the bra. But she wasn't done yet. Backing away a little, she gave him an even dirtier look and licked her lips as she started tugging the front of her skirt slightly upward. First, he could only see her thighs as usual ... but then also the soft white fur of her inner thighs ... and then, just for a tiny moment, a little peek of red before she winked at him and let her skirt fall back down.

"Not bad, not bad," Missus Violet said. "Excellent confidence. The low-cut top is a good choice, and you used it well. And the combination of those heels with a short, frilled skirt is a perfect way to show off that tight little ass of yours."

Riley blushed slightly at that, biting her lip and looking away.

"But you are overdoing it with the makeup. Try it a bit more subtle if you're going for 'marriage material' rather than 'prostitute'. And while I can see you're trying to make your breasts seem bigger with that push-up bra, I don't really think it's necessary. When it comes to breasts, quality is more important than quantity, and if I had to guess, I'd think you don't really need the support, at least not yet. Show them off while you can by going braless and showing just how perky your little set is."

Turning around, Riley began to head back to her desk.

"Not quite yet," the teacher said, making Riley turn back around. "We still need to talk about that upskirt tease you attempted. It was a good idea, but not particularly well-executed. Allow me to demonstrate."

In front of Trevor's widening eyes, Missus Violet turned her back toward him and then bent over at the waist, holding her hands against her knees. Her skirt rose up again, just like she'd done in front of the whole class, but this time it was so much closer and more personal - a show just for him. Slowly, she arched her back more and went lower, until he could just barely see the beginnings of her nice, round ass cheeks. Just as he started slumping lower in the chair in hopes of seeing a bit of her panties, she rose back up.

"The point is to tease, not to just show. Now you try."

Copying the teacher's earlier movements, Riley got in front of him and bent down slowly. Once again, he got to see her thighs, then the white fur of her inner thighs, and eventually ... yes, even the cute bulge of her red panties between her perfect little ass cheeks.

Missus Violet snapped her on the rump with her pointing stick. "No! You're going too low and showing him everything right away. Tilt back upward a little."

Riley rose a bit higher, cutting off most of Trevor's view.

"A little higher..."

After a few more moments, Riley succeeded in showing him just as much as Missus Violet herself had shown him - just a hint of ass cheeks, but no more than that.

"Perfect. Now head back to the back of the room and get changed. I don't have anything to add, but you should get rid of that bra." Looking back up at the class, Missus Violet gave an intimidating scowl. "Any more volunteers?"

The remaining three girls in the class were all quiet. They kept glancing back and forth between each other, but none of them moved.

"Very well. If there are no more volunteers, I'll just begin calling people. Frigg, you're next."

Frigg flopped her long ears down and rolled her eyes ... but she did get up out of her chair and come toward the front. The white-furred bunny girl held her arms over her abundant chest as she came forward, looking for all the world as if she'd rather be literally anywhere else. When she finally stood in front of Trevor, she just kind of ... stood there in her sweater vest and corduroy pants.

"Well...?" Missus Violet said.

With a roll of her eyes and an indifferent shrug, Frigg grabbed her big bunny tits through her sweater and bounced them back and forth for a few seconds. When she was finished, she glared at both Trevor and Missus Violet with a look that said, 'There, you happy?'

Missus Violet shook her head, which was probably answer enough. "No, no. That's entirely wrong. First of all, honey, you have a wonderful body." She came up behind Frigg and ran her hands up and down the girl's sides, emphasizing her thick, but very hourglass figure ... and even blatantly touching the girl's huge boobs. "But you're hiding everything underneath this bulky, unflattering clothing."

Frigg brushed her hands away, but that didn't stop Missus Violet's critique.

"This chunky sweater vest ... thing is concealing your best features, and these thick pants make you look fat instead of nice and curvy." She tapped her finger against her lips for a few moments. "I don't suppose you've got anything better on underneath that, do you?"

Frigg actually jumped back slightly, shooting Missus Violet a startled look.

"Well, come on. We have a lot to cover today, so there's no time for dilly-dallying. Let's see what you've got on underneath."

Her eyes wide, Frigg covered herself with her hands as if she was already naked.

"Oh, come on. Most of the class has already been changing clothes in the back of the room, and you'll need to as well. You might as well get a head start now, because those clothes have got to go."

Frigg glanced at Trevor, but all he could do was shrug. She looked back at her other classmates, but they just silently egged her on.

Finally, after finding no support against the teacher's imperative, she took a deep breath and unzipped her sweater vest. After shrugging it off, her thick, fluffy shirt came next, revealing a huge and restrictive full-coverage bra that was as white as her fur. When she took her pants off, it showed her conservatively cut white panties to match.

Missus Violet tisked at her. "Ah, yes. I thought as much. We'll need an entire new wardrobe for you." She rummaged in her cupboards for a few moments, then came back with a whole stack. "Let's see how you look in a low cut top, shorts, decent panties, and a properly fitting bra, shall we?"

Reluctantly, Frigg took the stack of clothing, even though she eyed her discarded sweater vest longingly.

"Run along and change." Looking over the room, Missus Violet asked herself, "Now, who should be next?" It only took a few moments of thought. "Maria, you're next. I know you're a little shy sometimes, but that's exactly why I don't want to let you go last. Come on up."

Maria shrank down in her chair, pulling her hood tighter around her face.

"Now, Maria." Missus Violet slapped her stick against the desk.

Jumping up as if she'd been slapped with it herself, Maria stood ... and once she was standing, there was nothing she could do but slowly make her way to the front of the room. What else would she do? It wasn't as if she could sit back down without causing a huge scene.

She shuffled up to the front, practically curled into a ball, and when she finally stood in front of Trevor, all she could do was peek out from the front of her hoodie and blush. The only skin showing was her face and her tail ... which Trevor couldn't even see.

Missus Violet pointedly cleared her throat, making the girl wince.

Still, Maria didn't move ... or do anything remotely 'enticing'.

Missus Violet rose up from her desk and stalked toward Maria, scaring the girl into backing away a little. But, in a move that surprised Trevor to no end, there were no harsh words or strikes from her pointing stick. Instead, the teacher came up close to Maria and whispered into her ear. Maria whispered something back ... the two of them had a private little conversation that even Trevor - just a few steps away - couldn't hear any of. Maria nodded slightly at some suggestion from Missus Violet, which seemed to satisfy the teacher enough to go back to sitting on the edge of her desk.

Trevor waited, his curiosity straining at him.

And then Maria looked at him; she gave him a look as if she'd just told her best friend her darkest secret ... and she began pulling the zipper of her hoodie down ... and down ... and down. It quickly became apparent that she wasn't wearing any kind of shirt underneath. That made sense; it was warm out there today. Still though, it made Trevor's eyes widen as this shy girl displayed more and more of her flat, grey chest ... until finally showing a strip of white cloth that must have been some kind of bra. She glanced over at the teacher as if seeking confirmation.

Missus Violet nodded to her encouragingly.

After taking one more deep breath, Maria brought the zipper all the way down, letting her hoodie fall open enough for Trevor to see practically everything. The long, smooth lines of her belly were cute ... and entirely unbroken even when they reached her chest. Not even a hint of nipples showed through the thin cotton bra, and for all that Trevor could see, there might not be anything underneath it at all.

The teacher rose from her desk again. "Well, we'll definitely need to work on your confidence, not to mention your posture." She struck a pose in front of Trevor, somehow standing in a way that made her look even more voluptuous and made her chest even more prominent. "Go on, give it a try."

Maria was holding her hoodie closed again, blocking off most of his view of her. She stood up a little straighter, but it didn't have nearly the effect of Missus Violet's pose.

That only made Missus Violet shake her head slowly. She came up behind Maria and held the little girl by her hips.

Maria looked startled at her teacher's touch, but when Missus Violet tilted her hips forward, she went along with it, even though it nearly sent her toppling forward.

The teacher seemed to have anticipated that, though, because one of her hands instantly slid up Maria's body - inside the hoodie! - to help brace her. She pushed the girl's upper body back, and as her hand slid upward, Trevor began to see the effects of it. The curve she gave to Maria's long, sleek belly was a very appealing one, and even though he knew there was practically nothing underneath that thin bra, somehow the way Maria now held herself made him kind of imagine that there was.

Missus Violet must have seen the appreciative look in his eyes. "See, even a gay boy likes it better when you hold yourself the right way."

Maria blushed even more and glanced over at him before quickly looking away again.

"Now ... about your clothing choices..." Missus Violet rubbed the fabric of the hoodie dismissively between her fingers for a moment, then went over to her cupboards. "You should lose the training bra, of course. You obviously don't need it. And those jeans..." She looked back over her shoulder, making Trevor quickly glance away before he got caught staring at her ass. "Those jeans are okay... But let's try some with strategically placed holes in them ... and of course a smaller pair of panties so they won't show through the holes. And for a top, hm..." She seemed to pause and think for a few moments. "You do look cute in your out-of-season cold weather wear, but let's try a fuzzy little sweater like this one." She pulled out a sweater that was as white and fuzzy as Frigg's fur. "This will show off that lovely belly of yours, and it will at least give the impression that you've got some breasts underneath it, even if you don't yet."

Maria seemed happy to finally take the clothing and disappear back into the obscurity of the back of the room again. The area where all the girls were changing clothes - unfortunately behind one of the cooking counters where Trevor couldn't see very much - was only a few steps away from Maria's desk, anyway.

Most of the girls had already returned to their seats, and Trevor might have been distracted by all their new outfits ... if he wasn't already entirely preoccupied with the knowledge of who would be coming up to the front next.

"Olivia," the teacher said, waving her forward, "it's your turn."

Trevor's mouth went dry. This whole time as the other girls had tried to seduce him, in the back of his mind he'd had some little part of him imagining that it was Olivia doing these things with him ... and now that perverse little figment of his imagination was about to come true.

She hesitated for a moment before getting up out of her seat, but then she shrugged and smiled. When she got up, she flowed up like water in reverse, making the awkward maneuver of getting her legs up out from under the desk look strangely natural. And when she made her way up toward the front, she moved just as fluidly, her bright sundress flowing around her shapely gazelle thighs.

It was the way she looked at him, though, that captivated him. Olivia had never looked at him like that before, and now that her startlingly green eyes were meeting his, he couldn't look away. It suddenly seemed as if she knew about each and every fantasy he'd ever had about her and somehow liked it.

When she came up in front of him, her strutting gait somehow flowed right into a sort of dance she did for him, running her hands over her own body as if she knew just how he wanted to touch her - those slender fingers of hers lingered over the swell of her hips, the curve of her belly, and the modest - but definitely there - bumps of her breasts. She even brushed one hand through her hair, trailing her pinky finger over her exotically winged eyeliner in exactly the way Trevor had often fantasized about doing. With a flourish at the end, she blew him a kiss, and he could swear that the little wink she gave him had been enough to stop his heart.

"Not bad," Missus Violet said, "but you could certainly improve a few things." She came over and stood next to her. Olivia was the only girl in class who was nearly as tall as Missus Violet, and the older mare stood shoulder to shoulder with the younger gazelle. "First of all, you have a gorgeous ass, but you're not showing it off quite as well as you could. Let me demonstrate."

Trevor's jaw dropped when Missus Violet turned right around in front of him and began swaying her hips from side to side, rolling them in a wide circle as she backed up closer and closer to him. She ran a hand up the side of her ass, feeling herself up and just happening to pull the hem of her skirt up a little as she did so. And she didn't stop coming up to him until her ass was right in his lap, grinding back and forth against the bulge in his pants as it pushed up between her ass cheeks. Her skirt rode up to the point where he was sure she was rubbing her bare panties against him.

It was an unexpected heaven for Trevor - she was practically jerking him off with her ass cheeks! But just as he was really starting to get into it, she suddenly stopped. "There," she said to Olivia as she tugged her skirt back down into place. "Now you try."

Olivia did just as Missus Violet had ... and with surprising skill. Only, with the way her sundress flared out at the bottom, the sway of her hips more than once gave him a glimpse of the prink thong she was wearing underneath. And when she traced her own hand up from her thigh to her ass, she went under the skirt. Trevor practically drooled over her - he'd never seen so much of Olivia before. But she wasn't done yet. She came down on his lap just like the teacher had, rubbing her firm, generously proportioned ass over him as her little tail twitched against his belly. The back side of her dress came up over his waist, leaving nothing in between them but his own clothing and her little black panties, and the gap between her lovely ass cheeks practically swallowed up his entire bulge as she rocked back and forth on him.

What really took his breath away, though, was when she looked over her shoulder, right into his eyes, and whispered, "I can feel you... It's so warm."

"Very good, Olivia." Missus Violet took her by the hand and pulled her up off of Trevor's lap. "You're obviously a very quick learner in these matters." Her eyebrow rose. "If only you were as quick a learner when it came to our cooking lessons..."

Olivia smoothed down the hem of her dress and looked away, pursing her lips together. As much as Trevor admired her, he had to admit that her attempts at cooking tended to fail in a rather ... incendiary fashion.

"Now, as for your clothing, the sundress was a good choice, but let's try a tighter, slimmer one to better show off your hips." She rummaged in her cupboards a little. "Here, this one has a neckline that should show off your breasts to fairly good effect as well. Now hurry back and change - I want everyone paying attention for the next lesson."


"Okay, girls. Have you all finished changing? I want you all to come back up, in the same order as before." As Aubrey came up to the front of the classroom, Missus Violet began her lecture in earnest. "The striptease is something that you'll usually want to save for when you've already gotten your man interested. The point is to heighten that interest and help develop it into an irrepressible desire that can only be satisfied by you. Many of you might be tempted to think of this as simply showing him your naked body, but it is - or at least should be - far more than that. It's a striptease. You should be toying with him, playing into his strongest desires, and stringing him along until he's desperate for you. Take it slow, show him a little at a time, and above all keep up the same confidence as before - you're only as sexy as you believe yourself to be."

By the time she finished, Aubrey was already ready and waiting in front of Trevor. The slender cat girl still had her tight yoga pants, but now all she wore above them was the new bright green tube top that was little more than a strip of stretchy fabric wrapped around her. It only covered a few inches above and below her breasts, leaving a huge swath of her belly exposed ... and she'd rolled the waistband of her yoga pants down a few times, making it go even lower and showing off the smooth, flat expanse below her belly button ... to the point where the slightest slip farther down might show off her privates.

Trevor's eyes were completely full of her. The previous time, his interest had been mostly because she was a girl - a real, actual girl - who might actually have sex with him. But now, looking at her this way, she wasn't just any girl. She was a jaw-droppingly sexy little girl ... who still might actually do it with him!

"Go ahead," Missus Violet told her. "And remember what we discussed the first time."

Aubrey blatantly looked down at Trevor's bulge, smiled, and immediately dropped down onto the floor, once again approaching Trevor on her hands and knees. She curved her back downward and let her ass stick high up in the air as she writhed her way over to him. But this time when she reached him, she wasn't nearly as subtle. She planted her mouth right up against the bulge in his pants until he could feel the warmth of her breath on his cock, and then she slowly danced her way upward between his legs, rubbing herself with her hands and rubbing herself on any part of him she could reach.

She ended up draping herself belly-up across both arms of the chair in his lap. He could clearly see her hardened nipples poking through the green tube top, and he watched in erotic fascination as the cat girl slipped one hand under the rolled waistband of her yoga pants. The pants were so tight and thin that he could see exactly what her hand was doing inside there. That only lasted a moment, though, before she bridged herself across the two sides of the chair, lifting her sleek belly up in front of him as she began slipping the tight pants down. Underneath was the bright green thong the teacher had given her, and soon, that was the only thing she was wearing on her lower body.

Once she was finally able to relax against him again, her hand wandered down beneath herself and blatantly took hold of Trevor's shaft through his pants. "Mmm... Such a nice cock..." She looked up into his face in a very suggestive way. "You want to see my titties?"

Trevor nodded numbly.

Smiling up at him, Aubrey pulled the tube top upward until it bunched up just under her shoulders. And there... There were her little tits, scarcely more than shallow bumps on her chest, except for the two pink nipples poking up from her short fur so proudly.

He was so fascinated with the sight that he didn't even notice Missus Violet coming up in front of him ... not until she took hold of one of his hands and pressed it against Aubrey's arched belly. "There," she said, "let him touch you. That's it."

And Trevor did touch her, running his hand up and down the supple curve her soft, velvety belly. When he went all the way up and rubbed her tiny titties, no one stopped him. He was able to touch everything, even her firm little nipples. Aubrey just moaned under his touch, beginning to hump the air a little as she grew more and more turned-on. That only brought his attention to the little green triangle between her legs. Hardly daring to even think about doing that - but knowing he'd hate himself if he missed this opportunity - he began sliding his hand back down over her slim belly, intent on slipping his fingers under the waistband of that little neon thong.

Unfortunately for him, Missus Violet cut them short. "Very good, Aubrey. I think it's time for the next girl to come up."

Aubrey immediately hopped off of Trevor's lap, robbing him of any chance he might have had for his first touch of a real girl's pussy. She began tugging her tube top back into place and picking up her yoga pants as Lucy came up to the front.

Missus Violet stopped Aubrey from putting her clothes back on, though. "You'll need it off for the next lesson anyway, child."

So, still mostly naked, Aubrey walked back to her seat. Trevor couldn't help but stare at her as she went, at the striped cheeks of her ass and the thin green line that separated them under her tail.

When Lucy got the nod to go ahead, she wasted no time at all. She hopped right up into Trevor's lap, straddling his crotch as she practically ripped open her blouse.

But Missus Violet placed a hand on her shoulder before she did any more. "No - go slow; tease him." She pulled on Lucy's shoulder, taking the girl off of him and taking her place instead.

Trevor trembled as he felt the warmth and weight of the teacher in his lap, her cleavage clearly showing right in front of his face.

She began rocking her hips back and forth in his lap, then slowly, teasingly, fiddled with the topmost button that was still fastened. "You need to take it slow and show him just a little at a time." Pop. That button came free, letting her blouse open a little more and showing him just a little bit more of her lacy bra and tits beneath. Pop, came another one, and Trevor's cock twitched at the same time. After one more button, there were none left. But rather than whip her blouse entirely open, Missus Violet held each side of it in one hand, rubbing them in circular motions over her chest that only showed him a little at a time and only gradually moved outward until she was eventually showing him everything and stretching out her arms behind her back to let them fall through the sleeves. As her blouse came completely off, Trevor stared at the teacher's nearly-exposed tits. So many times, he'd snuck tiny glances to see her bra ... and now he was seeing all of it. Somehow, they looked even bigger and rounder now. But just as he was about to dare to reach out and touch them, she got up off his lap. "There. Now, you try it."

Lucy was staring at Missus Violet's tits as intently as Trevor, and it took a few moments for those words to filter through her haze of ... lust? When she finally did respond, though, she did just as the teacher had told her. She'd already torn out most of the buttons, but she copied the way Missus Violet had held the sides of her blouse, moving them in the same circular way and showing off glimpses of her new bra - a smaller, frillier one in a deeper red than the teacher's. It actually showed Lucy's small tits off to a really good effect.

Not that it mattered all that much. Both he and Lucy were looking at Missus Violet - and her bra-clad chest - more often than they looked at each other.

But that didn't stop Trevor from taking advantage of the situation when Lucy slipped off her blouse and her bra. Before anyone could object, he reached up and grabbed both of her breasts, one in each hand. Soft and somewhat floppy, despite their small size, Lucy's tits could hardly have been any more different from Missus Violet's. Still, though ... they were right there. And there was something to be said for being free to touch Lucy's tits as he stared at Missus Violet's. Was that a hint of the edge of her nipple slipping out from behind one cup of her bra? He pinched Lucy's nipple a little bit, almost pretending that it was Missus Violet's.

"All right," Missus Violet said. "That's enough. Riley, you're up next."

Lucy got up off of him right away, but made no move to cover her bare breasts ... especially as she passed by Missus Violet.

As Riley rose up from her desk, she gave Olivia a look that really intrigued Trevor. It was almost as if she was ... asking permission? If that made any sense, anyway. But when Olivia shrugged and smiled, Riley trotted up to the front of the room as gaily as any fawn in a green meadow. And now, even though her chest didn't look quite as big as it had before, it was a lot more ... bouncy. Her perky little tits visibly jiggled in her low-cut top with every energetic step.

When she came up in front of Trevor, the first thing she did was to spin right around, reaching behind herself and running a hand up the back of her leg. Just like Missus Violet had taught her before, she gave a 'proper' upskirt tease, stopping just short of showing him her panties. But then, after a glance to the teacher as if to confirm that it was okay, she leaned farther and reached both hands up underneath her skirt.

That left Trevor suddenly staring at her lovely little ass cheeks - so round and perky, with a strip of white fur right up the middle that followed the line of her panties until it joined with the base of her fluffy little tail.

With her thumbs, Riley hooked the waistband of her panties and began pulling them down, making Trevor's eyes go wide. But she also slowly straightened herself up as she pulled them down, so that just as the panties came down, the hem of her skirt also came down, hiding anything extra he might be able to see. When her skirt finally covered her completely again, she flicked the panties down, letting them slide over her thin legs and down to the floor.

He'd never managed to get more than a fleeting glance at her pussy, but the way she came toward him now made him forget all about that. She kicked one leg up over the back of the chair, over his shoulder and crossed her arms in front of herself, grabbing the bottom of her tank top in the way girls always did when they were about to pull it off.

Trevor felt like he was burning up from all the attention, and even though Riley's skirt still covered her in this position, he was very keenly aware that she wasn't wearing anything underneath it anymore. Without him even needing to think about it, his hand found her thigh and began feeling upward. He'd gotten high enough to actually touch the incredible roundness of her ass cheek as she pulled her tank top up, but Missus Violet stopped them.

"No, not yet I think. First, I want to show you something."

Both of them sighing slightly in disappointment, Trevor took his hand out from underneath Riley's skirt and Riley got down off of him.

"You don't necessarily have to take your top off right away. In fact, you can use it to your advantage. Watch this." Missus Violet got down on her knees in front of him and leaned in close, pressing her breasts together with her hands and running them up and down over Trevor's bulging pants. "Keeping them covered for a little bit will add intrigue and desire to your strip tease." She rose up higher, pushing the firm mounds of her bra-covered tits up over Trevor's chest until they rested right in front of his face.

Dragging over his body had pulled down the cups of her bra just a little bit, and now he could definitely see half of a nipple. He'd never before felt so strongly that he wanted something in his mouth as just then. But he didn't dare...

That didn't matter, though, because Missus Violet saw to it for him. She grabbed him by the back of his mane and shoved his face right into her cleavage. "Don't be afraid to put him right in there," she said. "Make him really want it before you show him everything you have."

Missus Violet's cleavage enveloped Trevor's muzzle, surrounding his nose with warm, velvety fur. As she rubbed his face back and forth over her tits, he managed - for one brief moment - to get his lips around that errant nipple of hers.

She froze, with a sudden but quiet little whinny, in surprise at having her nipple sucked like that. But it was only for a moment. As soon as she recovered from the surprise, she got back up and gestured for Riley to continue in her place.

Riley copied the teacher's movements as well as she could. She didn't exactly have the same endowment as the older woman, though. When Riley pressed her modest tits together around his bulge, they didn't engulf him like Missus Violet's had ... but she did her best with what she had, running them up and down his cock before pressing them against him as she rose up his body just like the teacher had.

When Riley straddled his lap and pressed Trevor's face against her chest, he was practically overwhelmed with sexiness. There was, of course, the girl's soft, supple boobs against his sensitive nose ... but there was also the heat of Riley's bare pussy pressing right up against his cock through his pants.

He reached up and touched her tits, his hands taking the place of hers in pressing them together around his muzzle. They were a bit bigger than Lucy's and oh so much nicer. Each one was just shy of being a decent handful, but their springy softness was lighting him up inside in ways he'd never felt before. Taken with the need for them - the need for her - he impulsively pulled the neckline of her top down, stretching the fabric out and letting her tits come free. One of them, he touched directly, rolling her nipple around with his thumb ... the other, he took into his mouth, wantonly suckling at her nipple in ways that made her moan and rub her pussy against his pants ... and with that reminder of what was under her skirt, his free hand shot down there, greedily grabbing her perfect little ass cheek and rubbing closer and closer to--

"That's enough. Thank you Riley."

Everything seemed to deflate when Riley got up off of his lap, leaving him aching for more. Riley wasn't quite done with him yet, though. Before going back to her seat, she turned back to face him, winked, and for one brief moment, held up the front of her skirt for him. That brief flash - quick as it was - painted itself indelibly in his mind: his first real look at a girl's pussy. The pale fur that ran all the way down from Riley's neck, over her tits, and down her belly narrowed down to a little triangular point at the very bottom, split into two plush little lips that were suddenly the very center of his world.

And then it was gone, and Frigg was coming up toward him instead.

She wasn't enough to wipe the memory of Riley's pussy out of his mind ... but nothing would ever be. Still, Frigg was like a whole new girl now, and he was seeing her in ways he'd never thought of her before. The tight-fitting red top she now wore didn't do anything to hide the roundness of her belly ... but it did even less to hide her massively plump tits. Their white-fuzzed goodness spilled out from around the little red triangles holding her bust line back, and the deep-diving neckline between them was low enough that the center strap of her bra clearly cut across it. The shorts that the teacher had given her might have been baggy on most of the other girls, but on her, they were practically booty shorts. He could see all the thickness of her thighs, and when she spun around a little, he could see her ass cheeks going on seemingly forever, just below the twitchy little ball of fuzz that was her bunny tail.

Frigg didn't really bother with subtlety. She settled right in on Trevor's lap, taking Riley's former place. And when Trevor hesitated for a moment, she rolled her eyes, grabbed his hands, and placed both of them on her abundant chest.

That was enough to break Trevor out of his shock, if only by the automatic reflex to squeeze those huge titties. Frigg's were soft, unbelievably soft, and seemed almost eager to give way to his kneading fingers. When Frigg unhooked something behind her back and left her chest covered with only a bra, she rose herself up a little and continued the growing tradition of girls pulling his face into their cleavage. Despite the comparable size, hers were nothing like Missus Violet's firmly round tits. Frigg's jiggled and flowed, smothering him in their soft, fuzzy warmth.

As Frigg did away with her bra as well, Trevor reached one hand behind her and grabbed a great big handful of her ass - his whole hand was filled without even coming into contact with her undersized shorts. It was nearly as soft and jiggly as her tits ... but that was kind of nice, in a way. Even the way her belly rubbed against his chest had an oddly comforting, plush feel to it, like he could just snuggle up to her ... and into her.

Missus Violet laid a hand on her shoulder. "I have to commend the effort and attitude. Much better than last time."

Frigg leaned back to look up at her.

"But you see this?" The teacher reached down and lifted up the nearer of Frigg's enormous breasts in one hand, shaking it back and forth a little and demonstrating how freely it jiggled around everywhere. "Some men enjoy this, but in case yours is one of those who doesn't, I want to make sure you know this little trick for breasts like yours that need plenty of support." She reached her hands behind her back, fiddling with her own bra strap ... and having her arms behind her back only made her chest stick out more.

Trevor's jaw dropped at the same moment as Missus Violet's bra. There they were - the teacher's massive tits, exposed for the whole class to see ... but especially him. They were incredibly round, jutting straight out from her chest as if they were proud to be there.

Missus Violet held her hands under her tits, pressing them together and upward a little. "Use your hands to give them the support they need. Mine have had a little work done in the past and don't need it as much, but this will really help show yours to their best advantage."

Frigg did as she was told, holding her own tits up for Trevor ... and even though he was still very distracted by Missus Violet's, he had to admit that Frigg's looked a lot more appealing when they were held up and together, all round and plush like that. He touched them again, willfully imagining their silky-soft curves as if they were instead Missus Violet's almost immovably firm round ones.

Soon, though, it was Maria's turn. "Next," Missus Violet succinctly called out, prompting Frigg to leave and Maria to jump up out of her seat in startled anxiety.

Maria was now wearing her new outfit - the puffy little sweater that showed off her smooth belly and the jeans with holes in them ... and oh did they have holes! They almost seemed more hole than cloth, and some of the holes were in very risqué places. The one that caught his eyes the most was one right in the front next to her zipper ... but all it showed behind it was her smooth grey skin ... slightly paler on her belly. How that gap wasn't showing the front of her panties, he had no idea.

When she saw him staring at it, Maria covered that hole with one hand. Her other hand covered a torn gap next to where her thick dolphin tail came out, preventing the other girls behind her from seeing through it.

Missus Violet tapped her hoof impatiently against the hard floor. "Whenever you're ready, Maria."

Maria just made a tiny little keening squeak. "Um..."

"Yes?" The teacher's hoof abruptly stopped.

"Is it okay if I don't want--"

Rising up and towering over the small dolphin girl, Missus Violet held her pointing stick in a vaguely threatening way, pointed straight at Maria. "This 'cutely shy and innocent' act might get you some mileage while you're young, but it's not going to keep any man around for long. I already know you better than you know yourself. I've seen a million like you. And the only cure for it is to go all the way. You're not leaving until you've taken off every scrap of that clothing, understand?"

Maria nodded meekly and took hold of the bottom edge of her new sweater. Her silky-smooth belly just seemed to flow up and up as she pulled it off, without a single flaw. Trevor didn't even notice her nipples at first - they were innies, withdrawn into what miniscule boobs the little dolphin girl had, and were nearly the same color grey as the rest of her skin.

"Remember, this is supposed to be a tease," Missus Violet reminded her.

As she unzipped her jeans, Maria came closer, coming around the side of his chair and pressing herself against his arm. Slowly, she pulled the front of them down, again revealing unbroken lines of her belly that just seemed to go down and down forever, already beginning to curve back underneath her and still nothing but smoothness.

Only when she lowered her jeans all the way down to her thighs did Trevor finally see the new panties she was wearing. They were jet black and tiny - so tiny that they showed something a little like cleavage as Maria's plump little pussy lips extended slightly above the top of the miniscule patch they covered.

Soon, Maria had kicked off the torn jeans and stood there in front of him in nothing but those tiny little panties. She again hesitated, glancing back and forth between Trevor and Missus Violet.

The teacher rolled her eyes. "Maria seems to be having trouble getting those off. Would you be so kind as to assist her, Trevor?"

An electric jolt ran through Trevor's body. He couldn't stop staring at that tiny black bit of fabric. "Me?"

Missus Violet groaned. "Is there someone else in this class named Trevor?"

He gulped and nodded to himself. Okay... His hand trembling, he reached toward Maria with the arm she wasn't pressing herself against. He could feel the slight startled movement Maria made when his fingertips touched her lower belly.

Her skin was so smooth as he slid his fingers slowly downward. He'd never felt anything like it before. He paused, though, when his fingers touched the upper edge of her panties, and he glanced up at her face.

Maria looked down at him in an oddly pleading way, as if she was desperate for something. At first he assumed she was desperate for him to stop... But when she reached down and took hold of his wrist, she didn't push him away - she pulled him closer, causing his fingers to slip underneath those little panties. She gasped, loud enough for the whole class to hear.

Trevor gave a little gasp of his own. He was suddenly touching a girl's pussy for the very first time in his life! Turning his hand over, to better feel her, he rubbed his fingertips over the hot, soaking wet lips, caressing their perfect smoothness in a way that made Maria moan slightly. She was utterly soaked down there! If the panties hadn't already been black, he probably would have seen them getting soaked through before now.

Letting go of his wrist, she instead grabbed the thin straps of her panties and finally pulled them down herself, easily letting them slip down her smooth-skinned legs. Trevor grew bolder, beginning to slide his middle finger up and down through the slippery-warm slit between her smooth lips, going a little deeper every time he moved it back and forth. Maria moaned a little bit louder.

"Good, good," Missus Violet said. "Why don't you show the whole class? That should help overcome your shyness a bit. Trevor, spread her open for them to see."

When Maria turned to the side so everyone could see her cute little pussy, Trevor obligingly placed his fingers on either side of the girl's pussy lips and spread them apart. He leaned forward in the chair so that he'd be able to get a look, too, as the bright pink mysteries of Maria's pussy were put on display. Only ... there was one more thing he wanted to do. He wasn't sure if he was allowed, he wasn't sure if he dared, but as Maria's warm nectar dripped down his fingers, he knew he couldn't pass up such a chance.

Letting Maria's pussy lips close again, he instead put his finger right in the middle of her slit and pushed upward. Right away, his finger popped up into a hot, slick hole. The little gap between her pussy lips had enveloped his fingers already, but her actual pussy swallowed him. She let out a little squeal of surprise and pleasure as he went in and in, eventually getting his finger all the way inside her warm depths.

So this was what it was like... He wiggled his finger a little, making Maria tremble and moan. Did this mean he wasn't technically a virgin anymore, since he'd been sort of inside a girl?

"That's enough for now," Missus Violet said. "We don't want to get carried away and skip ahead in our lessons."

Reluctantly - and very slowly - Trevor pulled his finger out of Maria's pussy. The girl stared down at him, at his glistening-wet finger, and panted deep breaths. There was an odd glimmer in her eyes, like some kind of fire being ignited.

"You can return to your seat. It's Olivia's turn to go next."

Trevor's heart skipped a beat at the thought of doing things like this with Olivia.

And by the time he managed to focus his vision again, she was already there, standing right in front of him with an enigmatic little smile. The dress she wore now was even more stunning - its thin red fabric clung to Olivia's every curve, only flaring out at the very bottom in a way that continued the curve of her hips outward, and its neckline swooped down low, showing him more of her breasts than he'd ever been able to see before, despite all the time he'd spent peeking in a million different little opportune moments.

With every step toward him, she bounced her hips to either side. It was hypnotizing, as if he wasn't already staring intently enough to see the slight indent in the thin dress where her belly button must be. And when she spun around to face away from him...

Nothing in his life had prepared him for the sight of Olivia's incredible ass waving back and forth right in front of him in that tight red dress. Her tail flicked up and down above, through its own little hole in the dress, and as he watched in mesmerized fascination, she began slowly bending over, gradually showing him more and more of those lovely ass cheeks of hers. His eyes tracked perfectly with the flashes of her white inner thighs ... and when he caught sight of a bolt of brazen pink that had to be her panties, he could swear he was about to pass out from the eye strain alone.

"Do you mind stopping for a moment so I can teach another technique?" Missus Violet got up without waiting for Olivia's permission and stepped right up next to Trevor. "Since it will be our last opportunity before moving on with other lessons, I want to cover a bit of panty teasing. Please observe."

Oh, Trevor was observing, all right. Missus Violet was still completely topless, and he hadn't gotten used to seeing her big, amazing tits. They were just right there, right there in front of him, blatantly on display as if it wasn't some world-shattering event. He watched every movement and jiggle of them as she reached under her skirt and pulled off a frilly, rose-colored thong to match the bra now sitting on her desk.

She straddled Trevor's lap, making her skirt bunch up and making him keenly aware of just what was rubbing against the bulge in his pants as the teacher brought her panties up and dangled them in front of Trevor's face. "I won't be needing this, will I?" she asked him in a teasing tone, lightly brushing them over his nose.

The underside of those panties was soaked. She was at least as wet as Maria had been ... he could only imagine how she must now be soaking into the front of his pants, leaving a wet spot there.

Just as he gathered up the nerve to reach up and grab Missus Violet's tits, she abruptly got up off his lap - indeed leaving a wet spot there - and turned to Olivia. "For some men, the smell drives them wild. And for all of them, knowing that you're not wearing anything underneath will make them ready to do anything for you." She tossed her panties casually onto her desk.

Trevor's attention was only torn away from Missus Violet's tits when Olivia stepped between him and the teacher, reaching under her own skirt just like the teacher had. She daintily stepped out of her pink panties when they fell down around her ankles, and as she bent down to pick them up, Trevor would have given anything to have been behind her rather than in front of her.

She held the bright pink panties in front of her, dangling them as if they were a cat toy. The cut of them was a little more conservative than Missus Violet's, but not by much. Not that it mattered when she took Trevor's chin in one hand and rubbed her panties over his nose with the other. "Can you smell that?" she said. "Do you know what it means?"

He didn't, actually... Not that it mattered. Maybe he wasn't one of those who Missus Violet said would be driven crazy by it. But the teacher had been right about the other part - knowing that Olivia wasn't wearing anything at all under that sundress had him trembling in place, the tension and anticipation of it burning away inside him.

Olivia tossed the panties aside as if they didn't matter to her at all anymore, and she leaned in even closer to him, her body hovering over his as her face came so close that their noses touched. The sultry, half-lidded look in her deep green eyes made him melt inside.

Trevor was still keenly aware that she wasn't wearing any panties under that sundress. There, just above his knees, would be a view of Olivia's body that he'd so often fantasized about ... and yet never really dreamed that he might actually see. He wanted so badly to reach up and touch her, to pull her tightly against himself, to kiss her... But this was Olivia - he didn't dare!

In an oddly graceful kind of twisting motion, Olivia turned around to half-sit, half-lie in his lap. Her hips turned in slow, grinding circles as she rested the back of her head against his shoulders. From his vantage point now, he could see right down the front of her dress at least as well as Olivia herself could. And wow ... oh wow... He could see so much of her breasts now, so pleasantly round and covered in her velvety white belly fur. They looked like they were just the perfect size to be a nice handful each, and his hands ached to be touching them ... but he didn't dare.

He didn't, that was, until Olivia picked up his hands and placed them on her writhing belly. Just as he was struggling to come to terms with that, she began sliding them ... one up, one down. She moved his right hand downward, following the firm, delicate curve of her belly lower and lower. But his left hand reached its destination first, coming just into the perfect place to cup her breast.

Trevor could scarcely manage to control his own body, it was such a sensory overload. Thankfully, the action was so instinctive that he didn't need to exercise much control - his hand squeezed Olivia's soft, supple breast, his fingers playing over the silky fur her neckline left exposed and his palm feeling the shape and the give of one of Olivia's tits. Olivia's! He still couldn't believe he was doing this with Olivia!

That wasn't all of it, though. His other hand, under Olivia's sensuous guidance, went all the way down over her belly, feeling her through her dress. He got the briefest moment of feeling her pussy lips through the thin fabric before she nudged his hand farther along, down the inside of her well-toned thigh ... all the way down to the hem of the dress. A jolt ran through him as he felt the soft fur there over her firm muscle. Even though his other hand was already exploring her tits, this was something special. It turned out that it wasn't all he would get, though. She guided his hand back upward, tracing back up her inner thigh and pushing the hem of the skirt up along the way. With every inch closer, his fingers tingled more in anticipation of what he might feel next. All the while, Olivia stretched and wiggled in his lap, showing off her lithe curves.

And then it happened. Trevor's fingers touched something soft, warm, and wet. He gasped.

"There you go," Olivia whispered into his ear. "That's it."

No longer able to hold himself back, he moved his left hand from one breast to the other, sliding up underneath her dress at the same time. She wasn't wearing any bra, and the incredible soft perfection of her breast was suddenly entirely in his hand. He could feel the firm little nub of her nipple in his palm, and when he squeezed - struggling to be gentle if he could - the softness pressing out between his fingers made him almost feel like he was going to pass out. With his other hand, he began blatantly rubbing Olivia's pussy. The whole class could surely see what was going on under her bunched-up skirt, but he did it just the same. He started gently and tenderly at first, but as the slippery juices spread and Olivia began making slight moans right next to his ear, he began stroking her slit more and more eagerly.

Olivia pulled the bottom of her dress upward, sliding it out from between them. Now that her ass rested directly against the bulge in his pants, she changed her motion slightly, rocking forward and back instead of the circular motions she'd been making before. Her thick, voluptuous ass cheeks completely enveloped his bulge on either side, stroking him in a way that made him sure he might cum in his pants if she kept it up for too much longer. And she didn't stop pulling the dress up. He had to let go of her breast for just a moment so that she could get it up off of her shoulders, but when she casually tossed it to the ground next to the chair, it was all worth it.

There she was, Olivia, completely naked in his lap and letting him touch her wherever he wanted to as she stroked him with her incredible ass cheeks. He did touch her wherever he wanted - what else could he possibly do? His left hand played with both of her tits, switching from one breast to another and exploring every facet of their perfect curves. Emboldened by her moans, he slipped a finger of his right hand inside her pussy, feeling her slick warmth spread over him.

She turned her head toward his, her hot breaths ruffling the short fur on his cheek. He turned to meet her, their lips about to touch for the very first time...

"Good work, Olivia. You can get up now." Missus Violet suddenly stood right next to them.

How she'd gotten there without him noticing, Trevor could only guess. All he knew was that he was now staring up into the teacher's face over the twin mounds of her enormous tits. He instinctively gave Olivia's breast one last squeeze as he stared.

"It's time to move on to the next lesson: fellatio."

Trevor didn't understand what that word meant - not yet - all he knew was the missed opportunity of Olivia's kiss and the empty chill in the air that he felt when she got up off of his lap and went back to her desk. He stared at her as she walked away, torn between forlorn longing at what had almost been and the raw lust of seeing her fantastic ass flex with every step she took.


Missus Violet paced back and forth in front of the class, her tits jutting out prominently and jiggling a little bit with every step as she held herself upright and proud. "Fellatio, more colloquially known as a blowjob, is perhaps the most important of the erotic arts for you to learn. Any girl can take a good fucking, but if you can master the art of fellatio, it will give you something that your future husband won't be able to find anywhere else. If you develop your talents in this and exercise them often, he will never leave you."

Wait ... that's what fellatio meant? Trevor blinked and struggled to make his brain process something other than, 'Missus Violet's giant tits! Missus Violet's giant tits! Missus Violet's giant tits!' Was she ... was the whole class actually going to do that?

"Now, who will be our first volunteer to learn and demonstrate the basic techniques?"

The classroom was dead silent. Not a single one of the girls moved a muscle - they all stared, wide-eyed. They obviously hadn't expected the lessons to go this far, either, and none of them seemed certain what to do about it.

"No one? I'll warn you - if nobody volunteers, I will be calling on you. This is too important to skip over. If you're this reluctant with your future husbands, you'll find yourselves abandoned for a younger, prettier woman before you can even blink!"

It was just then that a random burst of inspiration flashed inside Trevor's head, as if from completely outside him. That flash showed him a potential opportunity ... something that, while unlikely, could possibly happen, if he just said the right thing. "Um, Missus Violet...?" He shrank back a little when Missus Violet glared at him, but forced himself to continue, "Maybe they'd be less nervous about it if you gave them a demonstration first?"

Missus Violet paused, holding perfectly still for a moment. "Hm..." She looked back to the girls of the class, all of them in various states of undress at their desks. "Would that help you get over your ridiculous timidity?"

A few shrugs and hesitant nods came in return.

"Very well, then." In a quick and business-like way, she grabbed Trevor's hand and pulled him up out of the chair, sitting him against the edge of her desk where she'd been leaning most of the time so far. "Gather around me, girls, you're going to want to get an up-close look at this."

Trevor's eyes went wide as he saw Missus Violet get down on her knees in front of him. No way ... there was simply no way his little gamble could actually be working. She wasn't really going to do it, was she?

As the six girls came up in a rough semicircle around, Trevor kept glancing between them - especially the completely nude body of Olivia - and the topless teacher on her knees in front of him. Missus Violet unhooked the button of his cargo pants and pulled down the zipper without hesitation, then pulled his pants down as if it were no big deal for him to be seen in his underwear in front of the whole class full of girls.

Maybe it wasn't. He'd already seen far more of them, after all...

The teacher then pulled his underwear down to the floor, and she gasped slightly when Trevor's cock bounced out toward her. A few of the other girls took deep breaths as well. It had gone down just a little after the intense high of Olivia's striptease, no longer achingly hard after all this rearranging and brusque treatment ... but it was still apparently quite the eyeful for all the girls in class ... and Missus Violet as well.

"Oh... Oh my," she said. "I never would have guessed it, but Trevor here seems fairly well-endowed, even by horse standards. This might make certain techniques a little more difficult, but I still want to see maximum effort from each and every one of you." Pursing her lips slightly for a moment, she whispered, "Even bigger than my ex..." She reached out and held his cock in her hand, making a sudden jolt run through him at the contact of her smooth, slightly cooler skin as she looked up at him. "It's wonderful of you to have been such a good sport about this, even managing to get hard for us girls. But even though there's no one here for you to practice on, I want you to pay close attention as well. These techniques will serve you with your future husband just as well as any of these girls."

Trevor stared down at the voluptuous teacher - especially her beautifully round tits and her hand on his cock. He nodded slightly, even though he had no intention of ever using these lessons himself.

"Now, all of you you probably understand the concept of licking and sucking on it already. The first thing I want to teach you will seem simple, but it's easy to forget." Missus Violet leaned in closer, placing her lips just a hair's breadth away from touching the side of Trevor's shaft. "You want to frequently look up and make eye contact with your man while you do this."

She did indeed look up into Trevor's unbelieving eyes ... as she pressed her lips against the side of his cock, opening them until the shocking wetness of her mouth spread over half his girth. He couldn't breathe; he couldn't move. All he could do was stare down into those dusky eyes behind her glasses and the impossible vision of Missus Violet stroking her mouth up and down the side of his shaft. The sensations he was feeling down there were already far beyond what he'd ever felt before, and he went completely hard again - throbbingly, achingly hard as she worked her way along the slight upward curve of his cock ... then abruptly pulled away and stopped.

"This ties into the next most important lesson." Although she didn't use her mouth at the moment, Missus Violet kept her hands busily running lightly up and down his length, the teasing, fluttering touches keeping him absolutely erect ... as if the sight of someone like her on her knees in front of him wasn't enough. "Whether you actually enjoy it or not, the key to excellent fellatio is to make your man believe that you enjoy it - that you enjoy it more than anything. If you convince him that you can't get enough of him, that you can't wait for him to finish in your mouth, then it almost doesn't matter what actual techniques you use - he'll fall in love with you all over again, every single time."

When Missus Violet began using her mouth again - starting with a wet kiss on his very tip and then dragging her lips desperately up and down his shaft - she looked up into his eyes again. This time, the plaintively needy look in her eyes almost broke his heart. She still used one hand to stroke his cock and hold it against her lips, but her other hand darted down beneath her skirt, quickly taking up a rhythmic motion down there. She began to moan around the thickness of his cock between her lips, ending by coming back to his tip and shoving it completely inside her mouth, her lips wrapped all the way around his shaft as she bobbed up and down a little. Her moans vibrated him there, making him moan in turn.

And then she suddenly pulled away again. "You see, girls? When you at least appear to be enjoying it, that's enough to make even a gay man moan!" Smiling a little smugly to herself, she took her hand - now with wet fingers - out from under her skirt and continued her lecture, "And while licking and sucking his tip are both fine ways to pleasure him, it's important that you all work on your ability to deepthroat."

Trevor's jaw dropped. No way...

"It can be difficult at first, and for most of you it will take quite a lot of practice before you're able to successfully do it--" she glanced at Trevor's cock "--especially with someone of this size. But all of you can - and should - learn how to do it and train your throat to be able to. It will give you a distinct advantage over anyone else who tries to tempt your man away from you." She touched her lips against the tip of Trevor's cock, letting him feel them move as she spoke, "The key is to relax and swallow it down, rather than allowing yourself to gag."

Missus Violet's lips opened, and once again she took the head of his cock into the warm wetness of her mouth, making him tingle all over. This time, though, she didn't stop there. She did bob her head up and down, but she always went more down than up, taking a little bit more of his length each time. He looked down and watched in utter fascination as her lips slid down farther and farther over the skin of his cock. It was easy for him to feel the distinct change when his tip entered her throat - instead of the flicking of her tongue, there was just soft squeezing. But Missus Violet didn't miss a beat. She shoved herself down and down, sometimes looking up to meet his eyes and other times simply focused on the base of his cock and bringing it closer to her lips.

She made it all the way past his medial ring before the first little cough. It was obviously too much for her, but her slight gag only seemed to steel her will. Shoving herself down recklessly now, she swallowed more and more of him. She gagged again, more ardently now, and drooled a thick line of spit around his shaft, but she still didn't stop. Not until her lips pressed right against the rim of his sheath. She looked up at him, her eyes tearing up and her body convulsing ... but there was a kind of triumph in the look she gave him, and more than a hint of blatant lust as well.

When she finally pulled up off of his cock - in one long slide - she gasped for breath and wiped her mouth, her whole body shaking. She'd left a ring of rose-colored lipstick around his base. But she didn't stop stroking his cock with her other hand ... it slid up and down easily now that his cock was coated with her slick spit. "There," she managed to gasp out eventually. "Did it." She took a few more deep breaths before managing to recover some dignity. "You see? Even on a man as well-endowed as Trevor here, it's entirely possible to service his entire length with your mouth. As long as you practice and never give up, you'll be able to do it, too." She gave his tip one more affectionate lick, seemingly for no reason at all. "Now, the one last thing you'll want to remember is to make sure and involve a little play with his balls. It won't directly drive him to orgasm, but it will help him get there, and it will coax him into being more productive for you - an important note for when the two of you are trying for children."

Without any further warning, Missus Violet held his cock over her head and ducked down between his legs. She nuzzled herself right up against his balls, breathing her warm breath deeply over them before beginning to kiss and lick. With one hand, she continued stroking his cock over her head, and with the other, she reached up and held his balls, pressing them gently against her face as she made out with them as if they were her high-school sweethearts. The feeling of tingling, enveloping warmth did do something inside Trevor, though he wasn't even sure quite what.

This time when Missus Violet pulled away, it was clear that she'd done so for good. She stood up and stepped slightly away from him, examining her half-dressed students. "Now, who's ready to volunteer?"

Again, silence. The girls didn't look quite so shocked anymore ... now they actually seemed a little intimidated.

Missus Violet frowned and glanced back at Trevor. "It seems our little demonstration didn't help things very much..."

He shrugged. What else could he do?

"Very well, just go in the same order as before. Aubrey, you're up first."

All the others stepped back, leaving the cat girl - still wearing nothing but her little neon-green thong - standing almost alone in front of him. She winced and held her arms crossed in front of her. "But Missus Violet, I--"

"No buts, young lady. This is an essential lesson."

"But it's Trevor!" She stuck her tongue out and grimaced.

Missus violet picked the pointing stick up off her desk. "It doesn't matter who it is - this lesson is essential. Now begin."

She didn't have to use the stick. Aubrey sighed and got down on the floor in front of him. She held the wet tip of his cock in one hand and looked up at him. "Don't go getting a big head just because your dick is--" she glanced down at it again and licked her lips "--fucking huge. You're still just Trevor."

Despite the verbal burn, she opened her mouth quite readily and took the head of his cock inside. The shock of it sent ripples all through Trevor's body. The teacher was one thing, but having a girl his age doing this...

And oh did she know how to do it! With none of the bobbing up and down, with none of the gagging theatrics of Missus Violet, she smoothly slid it all the way in, swallowing him down to his base, where she paused for a few long moments, letting the warmth of her throat soak into him. Then, without any fuss, she grabbed his hips and started roughly shoving herself all the way up and all the way down again.

Trevor stared down in stunned amazement as Aubrey basically face-fucked herself with him. The feeling was unlike anything he'd ever had before, even Missus Violet. This was ... this was basically like actual sex! Was he even a virgin anymore? Did this count?

After just a few moments of that, Missus Violet said, "Enough, enough!"

Aubrey pulled back off of Trevor's cock and looked up at the teacher smugly, wiping a bit of drool from her whiskers.

"Yes, you've made your point, and I can obviously see you've already had quite a bit of practice at this. You're an expert at deepthroating ... but you still need to work on the more subtle aspects of good fellatio. Why don't we give the next student a turn?" Missus Violet looked over at Lucy.

And Lucy looked back at Missus Violet. Once again, the two were dressed practically identically, both of them topless except for a short black skirt. Lucy obediently went down in front of Trevor and began bathing his cock in long, slurping licks ... that actually felt amazing. Her long, wide doggy tongue was perfect for this. And she made lots of eye contact ... with Missus Violet. Even as Lucy reached under her own skirt, pleasuring herself and moaning around his cock, she looked up longingly at her topless teacher.

"Not bad," Missus Violet said. "But let's see you try a little deepthroating."

Lucy never had to be told anything twice. She immediately slid her tongue in one long lick all the way from where she was at the base of Trevor's cock all the way to the tip ... and she took his tip inside her mouth.

It was soon apparent, though, that when it came to deepthroating, Lucy was no Aubrey. She bobbed her head up and down on the first few inches, still touching herself under her skirt, but not really going any deeper.

That felt pretty good to Trevor, but Missus Violet didn't seem satisfied. She reached down and grabbed the back of Lucy's head. "Let's see some effort," she said, pushing the girl down on his cock.

Lucy just let her do it, let herself be force-fed a mouthful - and then throat-full - of cock, and she still looked up longingly at the teacher the whole time. Her hand worked even more fervently under her skirt, and she moaned under the teacher's rough touch, only increasing in volume and desperation with every inch Missus Violet shoved down her throat.

Only when Lucy actually began to gag did Missus Violet let go, letting her pull off from him and catch her breath.

The teacher looked down at her drooling, gasping student with a faint smile. "There you go - you see, if you just try a little bit more, you'll be able to do much more than you thought you could. I knew you had it in you."

Lucy smiled back at her ... a much bigger, much sloppier smile.

"Now, let's see what Riley can do..."

Riley had tucked her tits back into her low-cut top, and she still had her skirt on. Among all the other students, she was the only one who might have been able to walk through the halls of the school as she was without causing an incident ... although given the way her perky little nipples poked through the fabric of the top and given the long thin legs leading up to her tight little ass that was barely covered by the short skirt, the slender doe would surely still get a lot of attention.

She smiled at him and Missus Violet in a strange little way, and then shocked them both. With a crazy little acrobatic flip, she ended up standing on her hands in front of Trevor, and before her skirt even fell down, she had his cock in her mouth. When her skirt did fall down ... he was quite vividly reminded that she wasn't wearing any panties.

Instinctively, he grabbed her around her waist, helping her keep from falling over as she began going down deep on his cock. And he just stared ... simply stared at Riley's bare pussy right there in front of him.

Missus Violet tapped him on the shoulder with her pointing stick. "Go on, boy! I know you'd prefer a cock, but just because you're gay doesn't mean you shouldn't return the favor."

One glance at the teacher's stern face - and a couple extra glances at her tits just because he could - convinced him he'd better do it ... so he went in with the same kind of enthusiasm Riley was showing, shoving his muzzle right into her crotch and licking away at her pussy. He'd never tasted anything like it before, and he wasn't sure he liked it ... but the humming moans Riley made around his cock made him want to keep trying more of it. Riley wrapped her legs around the back of his head, trembling as she tried to stay upside down like that.

As she began trembling more and more, Missus Violet grabbed her by the waist instead, pulling her up off of his cock and bodily flipping her back upright, where she stood panting, her knees still shaking. "An impressive effort, Riley, but do take care not to overexert yourself in the future." She looked out at the other girls, having to peer around to the back of the little milling crowd in order to spot her target. "Ah, there you are. Frigg, you're next."

Frigg was topless now, wearing only the tight-fitting shorts Missus Violet had given her. She came up next to Trevor - not in front of him - and crossed her arms in front of her soft, fluffy chest. "This is disgusting and degrading. We shouldn't be forced to do it at all."

Missus Violet shrugged, which made her tits jiggle slightly. "If that's how you feel... All of this is optional, of course, and won't affect your grades if you refuse." When a small chorus of exasperated noises came from the girls all around, the teacher shut them all down with an upheld hand. "But learning these skills will greatly improve your life. Do you all want to end up a divorced old mare like me, teaching kids barely out of middle school how to cook dinner, clean floors, and suck cock?"

The girls all glanced back and forth between each other.

"I didn't think so." Missus Violet huffed and crossed her own arms over her chest ... which sadly blocked much of the view of her tits. "Now, Frigg, do you want this or not?"

Frigg paused for a long moment, staring into space ... but her eyes slowly drifted down to Trevor's crotch. The longer she contemplated it, the more she stared straight at his cock.

Eventually, her answer was made clear by the way she shuffled over, got down on her knees, and took his cock into her mouth. She immediately began working on deepthroating him, stroking her hands up and down his slickened length as she slowly bobbed her head lower and lower ... but she didn't make it down very far before she began to gag and sputter. When she came up for air, though, Missus Violet got down next to her.

"Now, while Frigg absolutely should practice her deepthroating and improve on it, those of us with better-endowed chests have another option when it comes to servicing a man's entire length. Gather around and observe - many of you haven't developed breasts big enough for this yet, but most of you aren't fully grown yet and might still be able to do this some day, so pay attention." As Trevor - and the whole class - watched, Missus Violet came a little closer and rose up a little higher. She pressed her chest up into Trevor's crotch, letting the base of his cock slide up between her firm tits. As much as he'd already been sucked on, everything was already nice and slippery. She pressed her tits together with her hands, sandwiching his cock between them and beginning to move up and down, stroking him with her cleavage. "For some men, and if your breasts are large enough, this alone might be all it takes. But for more well-endowed men like Trevor here... Well, then you have an opportunity to do this and a little fellatio at the same time."

With the base of his cock still buried between her tits, Missus Violet bent her head down and took his tip into her mouth, soon bobbing up and down there in the same rhythm. Trevor groaned at the all-encompassing feeling of warm tits and warm mouth ... but it was soon over.

Missus Violet pulled away, then nudged Frigg forward. "There. Now you try."

It didn't come quite as naturally to Frigg. She fumbled a little getting into position, and his cock slipped out from between her plush tits a few times before she figured out how to hold it in place with her fingertips and press her breasts together at the same time. Frigg's tits weren't nearly as nice as Missus Violet's in Trevor's opinion ... at least to look at. But as Frigg began sucking in addition to tit-fucking, he had to admit that they felt amazing. And, actually ... it felt better than when Missus Violet had been doing it. Then, his cock had been squeezed so tightly between her firm breasts that it was almost uncomfortable. But now, Frigg's plush, fuzzy cleavage nestled perfectly around his shaft, lightly stroking and teasing him as she rose and fell on his tip. It was like fucking a fluffy white cloud.

Soon, Missus Violet cut them off. "All right. Thank you for demonstrating that, Frigg. Maria, it's your turn."

But Frigg didn't stop. She moaned slightly around the tip of his cock and, if anything, actually began stroking her tits up and down his shaft faster and more urgently.

"That's enough, Frigg."

Frig didn't stop ... not until Missus Violet grabbed her by the shoulder and physically pulled the girl off of him.

"That's some good enthusiasm you were showing," she said, "but we only have one male here and a limited amount of time in the school day. You're free to ask him for more of this after school hours, but for now, you need to share."

Maria came up in front of Trevor and got down on her knees easily enough. But she stopped there, just inches away from the cock in front of her face. She was still completely nude, which made looking down at her very interesting for Trevor, but she made no move to actually touch him. "Um... You said this was optional?"

Missus Violet nodded and sighed. "Yes, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

"Are you, um ... sure? I don't want to get a bad grade or anything..."

"Yes, child. Are you going to do it, or are you going to make room for the next student?"

Trevor's heart skipped a beat at that - the 'next student' would have to be Olivia. And the idea of Olivia doing this...

"But, um..." Maria was trembling in place now, her eyes fixed on Trevor's cock. "You really want me to, right?"

With an exasperated groan, the teacher said, "Yes - is that what you needed to hear?" She threw her hands up a little.

With a suddenness that startled Trevor, Maria jerked toward him, slipping her tongue out of her narrow, sharp-toothed mouth and beginning to lick his shaft all over. As he overcame the shock of how quickly it had happened, he began to moan. She was really going at it. Her tongue and hands were all over him ... especially all over his balls. The little girl moaned as she ran her tongue up the slight cleft between them, holding them against her face and kissing them as if they were the most precious things in the world.

When she came back up to his tip and tried to shove him into her mouth though ... it just didn't work. Her long, narrow snout wasn't even as big around as his shaft, and there was just no way it would fit.

Maria stuck her tongue out and licked his tip desperately, looking immensely disappointed in this development, but Trevor was actually kind of thankful that it had worked out this way ... those sharp little teeth of hers were more than a little scary.

"That's okay," the teacher told her. "Not everyone is cut out for deepthroating, especially when it comes to a penis the size of Trevor's."

Maria wouldn't be deterred, though. With a sudden snap of inspiration, she spun around.

It took a moment for Trevor to figure out what she was doing ... and when he finally did, his eyes nearly bulged out. Reaching behind her back, Maria carefully lined the spit-slick tip of his cock up with ... her blowhole. Usually hidden underneath the hoodie Maria always wore, her blowhole was barely more than a dimple on the back of her neck when it was closed. But when she touched the tip of his cock against it and opened it, there was suddenly a hole just big enough. She leaned slightly backward, and in it went. At first, the fit was a little difficult ... but once the broad tip of his horse cock popped in, several more inches followed easily. Maria let out a little squeal as it happened.

But that hadn't been a squeal of pain or anything, apparently ... more like a squeal of excitement, because she began rocking her whole body back and forth, looking up at him with an upside-down smile as he fucked her blowhole. "Mmm, it's so warm!" she said. "But don't cum inside there, okay?"

The way things were going, Trevor thought he very well might ... but Missus Violet stopped them before things got out of hand. "Okay, Maria. I think it's Olivia's turn now."

Though Maria seemed reluctant when she slid his cock out of her blowhole, as soon as it popped free, she gasped deep breaths through it. The over-the-shoulder look she gave him as she got back up, though, spoke volumes ... specifically, books and books full of 'Let's try that again sometime,' over and over.

Olivia, though... When she came up in front of him - just as nude as Maria - everything else in the room seemed to fade away. This very sight - the sight of Olivia completely nude, of her big green eyes looking into his, of her long and shapely gazelle legs folding underneath her as she got down on her knees in front of him... It had played through his fantasies a million times, but those fantasies seemed like nothing now, just wisps of smoke on the wind compared to the actual, solid reality of her hand when she reached up and touched his cock.

Her fingers ran up and down his shaft appreciatively. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to find out just what you're packing down here," she whispered so softly that even he could barely hear it. The butterfly-light touch of her fingertips explored every inch of his cock, his sheath, and even his balls.

"Whispering and teasing is all well and good, Olivia," the teacher said. "But I do expect you to do more than that."

This was apparently no problem for Olivia. Right away, she started kissing and licking Trevor's cock, sliding her mouth messily up and down his shaft. If he'd thought the look in her eyes was mesmerizing before, that was nothing compared to the looks she gave him while her tongue stroked the bottom of his cock and the girth of it blocked half of her face.

It was only when she moaned with her cute little muzzle against the bulge of his balls that he noticed she was touching herself ... indeed, two of her fingers had completely disappeared inside her pussy. That didn't distract her though. If anything, it made her more attentive to his pleasure, working her way back up his cock with deep, slurping kisses that caressed every contour. And when she reached the top, she took it into her mouth without hesitation, enveloping him in that impossible, heavenly warmth and wetness.

She looked up into his face again, and his world stopped with a jolt. Despite all his previous efforts, he'd never been able to imagine how stunning the sight of Olivia looking up at him with her lips stretched around the girth of his cock would be. Olivia didn't freeze though - she pressed herself down more, beginning to take him into her throat as she moaned again, stroking the rest of his shaft with her free hand. She didn't gag ... not even when his tip began to flare out, blocking off her whole throat as his body prepared to ... prepared to...!

"Olivia, I'm-- I'm gonna!" He gasped in a deep breath. "I'm gonna cum!"

Olivia pulled off of his cock, leaving it cooling and throbbing in the air ... but Missus Violet was there to take her place. "If you please, allow me to step in and demonstrate how to take a proper facial."

When Missus Violet managed to squeeze his broadly flared tip between her lips and reached her cupped hand out to caress his balls, Trevor knew it was too late to hold back. There was no stopping it - he was going to cum in his teacher's mouth.

The moment he accepted that, it happened. The pressure that had been building up finally released in a huge pulse of cum he could feel traveling down his entire length before it jetted out into Missus Violet's mouth. His orgasms had always been rather ... productive, but with all this build-up, he was unintentionally giving her something on a whole new level. The very first rushing spurt of it completely filled her mouth, making her pull his tip out as she sputtered and dripped some onto her breasts ... just in time for the next thick, sticky rope of it to plaster itself all over her nose and cheeks.

Once that happened, Missus Violet just seemed to accept it. She let his cock go, allowing it to squirt where it would, and simply knelt in front of him holding her tits up with both hands and holding her mouth open with her tongue stuck out. After one poorly aimed spurt splattered over her eyes, she was forced to close them, but she didn't flinch at all as she was showered in Trevor's pent-up cum.

When the last little bit of it had finally dribbled out, Missus Violet carefully scraped the cum away from her eyes with her fingertips ... and then licked those fingertips clean. Her whole body was dripping with the stuff, though most of it had ended up stuck to her face or plopped down onto the upper curves of her breasts, where it slowly soaked into her fur.

"Mmm," the teacher said, "I haven't had anything like that in ages..." Her hands came back up and began slowly stroking his shrinking cock. "Now, girls, I do need to emphasize the importance of afterglow care. Just because your man has popped off doesn't mean everything is entirely over. Make sure to give him a little bit more pleasure and let him know that you're happy to have been given a dose of his cum." To Trevor's stunned amazement - and intense pleasure - she gave him just a little bit more suckling, managing to pull a drop or two more out of his tip before it shrank away from her, and she caressed his balls as if congratulating them for a job well done.

She rose from her place on the floor and quite casually unzipped her now cum-stained skirt, slipping it off and setting it aside. Trevor watched her in almost-reverent silence as she went over to her cupboards and fished out a clean towel to wipe herself down with. The sight of his teacher, Missus Violet herself, nude and covered in his cum... He'd never even thought to take his fantasies that far! It was absolutely impossible ... and absolutely entrancing.

A little movement from Olivia caught his eye, though. She'd never managed to get up off her knees in front of him, and he'd been right next to Missus Violet when he came. Still, she'd managed to avoid most of the splattering cum ... except for one prominent dollop of white on her cheek. Once she'd caught his eye, she wiped that little splatter off with one finger, winked at him, and then sucked her finger clean.

Trevor gasped and felt as if he hadn't just cum, he might have done so again right away. As it was, his cock stopped retreating into his sheath for a moment, sliding back out a little.

Olivia stood back up just as Missus Violet returned, now completely nude and more or less clean. With both of them standing naked in front of him, Trevor's eyes darted all around uncontrollably. There was so much to see, so much to commit forever to memory... He wished he could slow this moment down and live through it a thousand times.

"Good work, class," Missus Violet said. "We're right on schedule to begin our final lesson of the day: breeding."


Trevor stared at his naked teacher, his own pants still down around his ankles. "B-breeding? Really? I'm not going to demonstrate that, am I?"

"Yes," she said matter-of-factly ... and the tone of voice she used told him that she didn't expect - and wouldn't allow - any discussion on the matter. "Since the moment when your husband finishes inside you is one of the most crucial of all, it's absolutely essential that we practice it today."

He gulped. Was she serious? She couldn't possibly be serious. But Missus Violet was always serious. And she'd been serious about everything she'd said so far today...

Missus Violet glanced down at his mostly-sheathed cock with a kind of thoughtful sneer. With a flick of her stick, she pointed right at it. "That won't do at all, though. If we have to wait for your refractory period every time, it will probably take days before you manage to service all six girls."

All he could do was stare and blink at her ... with occasional glances at the six girls the teacher was so casually suggesting that he should breed. "I ... I don't think there's anything I can do about that."

"Oh?" The way Missus Violet grinned at him - with a little quirk of her lipstick-covered lips - had a way of making him rethink his statement. She trotted over to her desk drawer and pulled out a long blue tube with a rounded end. "The usual guy I bring to teach the girls always uses these to make sure he has enough stamina to take care of all of them. It also has the lovely side effect of being a temporary contraceptive ... for about twelve hours after using it, you won't need to worry about getting anyone pregnant. The potency might be a little stronger on someone as young as you, but it should work out fine."

As she brought it closer - and in between his long periods of being distracted by her tits and the rest of her outrageously naked body - he could see that there was some kind of spray nozzle on the rounded tip, and a little button on the bottom. How weird was that?

"Honestly, I'd thought that since you were gay, I'd have to use this from the very beginning, but I'm glad to see that you managed to get it up for these girls without such help. But now that you're already spent ... it's time to take your medicine. You will take it, won't you?"

Trevor glanced around at the naked and half-naked girls watching him expectantly. "Well ... if it will help me finish what we started, I guess I could." He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, hoping it wouldn't taste too bad.

Missus Violet let out a little huff from her nose. "Nice try, boy. Turn around and guess again. You don't get anything this fast-acting if it has to go through your whole digestive system first."

What was that now? Trevor stared down at the rounded blue tip. It suddenly looked much more ominous than before. "Uh..."

"Don't be a baby about it. I'm sure it's nothing compared to your boyfriend's cock. Now turn around and spread."

Such was the authority in Missus Violet's voice - even when she was naked, or maybe because she was naked? - that Trevor actually did what she said, turning around and spreading his legs a little farther apart, stepping out of his pants to do so.

Missus Violet was behind him before he'd even realized what he'd done, and one of her hands gently but firmly pushed his back, bending him over the desk. He didn't want to think about what the other hand might be doing. She let out a frustrated little grunt. "Lift your tail and take it like a man, Trevor. Relax, and it will be easier. Don't act as if you've never done this before."

He hadn't, actually. He'd never done anything remotely similar ... and his tail stayed right where it was.

She spat on the end of the tube and rubbed it in to spread the slickness around. "We don't have time for this. Lucy, would you hold his tail up for me?"

Any of the other students might have hesitated in a situation as odd as this one, but not Lucy. She hopped right over, grabbed Trevor's tail, and hoisted it high.

The dreaded penetration came just a moment later ... but, actually, it wasn't that bad - not nearly what he'd expected. The slight giggles coming from his classmates were more uncomfortable than the actual sensation of the chilly tube sliding inside him.

She didn't go all that deep, thankfully. Apparently, the tube was much longer than it needed to be. When Missus Violet pressed the button on the bottom of it, though, he quite suddenly understood why. It wasn't extra long in order to reach deep - it was extra long in order to contain more ... more of whatever it was spraying inside him.

Whatever it was, it felt cold, very tingly, and had an odd way of soaking into him just as fast as it came out, like it could spray right through him.

A moment later, it was done. Missus Violet pulled it out of him. "You can turn around now. How do you feel?"

Facing her again, he took a deep breath. "I feel... I think it's working. It feels like--" His eyes opened wide, and his nostrils flared. It hit him like a tidal wave, a white-hot wave that crashed through him, followed by a raging river of raw ... lust. Stars blinked in and out in his eyes as he gasped in deep breaths ... breaths laden with the scent of... GIRLS! PUSSY! MARE! The thoughts - and accompanying images - exploded in his head. His cock slipped out of his sheath and throbbed to full hardness again faster than it ever had.

Missus Violet took a half-step closer to him, waving a hand in front of his eyes. "Are you feeling all right, Trevor? The dosing on this thing is tricky. I may have given you a bit too much..."

The edges of his vision flared red ... but in the center, he could finally see clearly again. And the first thing he saw was Missus Violet's body. Her naked, voluptuous body. It was literally the only thing he could see: her big round tits, the welcoming little slit of her pussy, and above that ... her trim and tight belly. So obviously not pregnant. But she could be impregnated. A powerful new instinct raged inside him. BREED HER NOW!

There was no thought behind it, no reasoning with it. He might have said that it was against his will, except that his will had been corrupted and laser-focused on that one specific task. His hands whipped up, grabbed her shoulders, and shoved her down onto the desk, right where he had been a moment before. Where she had pushed him over gently, he shoved her upper body down against the desk, forcing her ass to stick up behind her. He could feel his own heartbeat pounding in his hands, behind his eyes, through his cock.

"Trevor, no!" she yelled as he yanked her tail upward to expose her pussy. "Trevor--"

She might as well have been talking to a brick wall or trying to reason with an oncoming freight train. He shoved his hips forward, his cock instantly finding the perfect spot and brutally squeezing into her wet pussy. With no pause for subtlety, no spreading her juices around for her comfort, he thrust his cock all the way into her.

"Trevoooor!" Missus Violet's screaming melted into a throaty moan. "Oh fuck! Oh fuck yes! Yes, Trevor!" Her tail twitched upward within his clenching fist. "Fuck me! Breed me! Make me your mare!"

It wasn't as if he needed to be told that. Whatever beast that 'medicine' had awoken inside him would have done exactly that no matter what she said. He humped away into her, his hips smacking into her ass cheeks with loud slaps that echoed through the classroom and probably could even be heard out in the hallway. In some dim recess of his brain, where his rational mind had retreated to, he was vaguely aware that he was losing his virginity right here and now. That was only a small, dim part, though. What shone through him with all the heat of the sun was the sensations. The mewling moans of the mare underneath him. The slick, welcoming heat and pressure of her inner walls stretched around his cock. The immense pressure building around his balls. The unbelievably satisfying feeling of his tip pressing perfectly against her innermost barrier and spreading her open deep inside as it flared wide.

"I feel it! Oh fuck I feel it, Trevor! It's ... it's--" She breathed in a deep gasp. "Do it! Fill me! Oh fuck yes - fill me up!"

The bulge that pumped down through his cock made it feel like it suddenly made him twice as thick. He groaned and shoved his cock as deep as it would go as the first heavy spurt jetted directly into Missus Violet's womb. Even just that first squirt lasted for gloriously impossible seconds as a constant stream of cum poured into her. His cock throbbed, and another one followed it - if anything, even bigger than the first.

Missus Violet looked over her shoulder at him, past the arm that was still pressing her down against the desk. Her mane was disheveled as he'd never seen it before, and her glasses were askew, halfway down her long nose. "Trevor, I feel it! I ... I can't... Mmmn!" Her head dropped back down against the desk and her whole body shook, her pussy squirting around the base of his cock as it convulsed around his still-pumping shaft.

Trevor - the real Trevor, somewhere in there - was stunned at the sight. But his body knew what to do. As his teacher's pussy milked his cock, he unloaded endless blasts of hot, thick cum into her. It seemed like it would never end. Spurt after spurt flowed into her. It splattered out of her, dripping over the edge of the desk, and still he gave her more.

When he did finally stop - with a final little squirt that could easily have been a normal man's entire load - he rested for a few moments, his cock still hard and still deep inside his teacher. Gradually, the redness around his vision faded ... he was able to breathe normally. Already feeling himself beginning to sweat, he quickly pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside, not caring where it landed. He'd just ... blown his load inside Missus Violet.

The enormity of the situation flooded into him as he became rational enough to appreciate it again. Had he ... had he really just shoved it into her as she screamed no? Oh shit... He wasn't a virgin anymore, but now he was a... a... He couldn't make himself even think the word, but he already knew. Stunned with what he'd done, he pulled his cock out of her, releasing a little deluge of cum that splattered over his own pants on the floor.

When Missus Violet straightened herself up and turned to face him, though ... she somehow didn't even look angry at him. She actually had ... a big, kind of dopey smile as she pushed her glasses back into place and tried to straighten her mane out with her fingers. "Wow..." She took in deep breaths, which made her tits rise and fall. Her whole body was still trembling a little bit. "I haven't been fucked like that since the day I met my ex husband."

Trevor blinked at her. That ... wasn't the response he'd been expecting.

"Sorry about that, girls," she said glancing around at his frightened classmates. "I think I definitely gave him too much go-juice ... and that causes certain side effects. Very temporary, though." Her eyes met his. "Have you gotten it all out of your system now? Need to go again?"

"But..." Trevor shook himself, trying to ignore his still-hard cock. "But you said 'no'! And I... I just..."

"Relax," she told him. "I know you didn't mean to. I don't think anyone could resist during the middle of a go-juice overdose. And besides..." She grinned slyly at him. "I had fun."

That didn't entirely resolve all of Trevor's issues, but what else could he say? "Still, um ... I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be." Her authoritative demeanor was returning, and he once again found himself taking what she said to heart without questioning it. She patted him on the shoulder. "And if you're feeling clear enough to form complete sentences and even apologize for things, I'd say that means the overdose has run its course."

He took a deep breath and nodded. He did feel much clearer now. Still horny, but he could control himself again. When he looked down at her body, his eyes widened. Her belly ... wasn't flat anymore. There was a noticeable bulge there, as if she was already three or four months pregnant. Was all of that... No, it couldn't possibly be. He couldn't have pumped that much cum into her, could he?

Missus Violet grabbed the tip of his cock as it bobbed in the air in front of her, giving it an experimental squeeze. "But the intended effects of the go-juice are still working fine. What do you say we continue on with our lessons?"


The girls surrounding him had drawn in closer ... most of them looking more intrigued, or outright lustful, than scared now that he wasn't acting like an out-of-control fuckbeast anymore. He could feel their eyes on him quite keenly now, and oddly enough he felt like he was the slab of meat about to be consumed, not the other way around.

"So," Missus Violet said, "any volunteers to go first?"

With a very dolphin-like squeal, Maria jumped forward, tackling Trevor against the teacher's desk. As Trevor was forced to sit down on the edge of it, the little girl leapt up and wrapped her legs around his torso. Her arms held him around the back of his neck and forced his head forward to kiss her little inverted nipples, which he did readily enough ... even as her dripping-wet pussy came down to rest against the tip of his cock.

He held her ... and he licked that nipple she'd put in his mouth. What else was there to do? The timid, shy Maria he knew was apparently gone, replaced by this horny little girl who was so eager to take advantage of him.

Only ... it wasn't quite that easy. Maria was quite small, and her body wasn't exactly built with horse cock in mind. She rubbed her slick pussy lips against the tip of his cock in little circles, smearing her juices all over it, but as much as she pushed down on him, her pussy just pressed against his tip, unable to spread all the way around the broad head of it.

She reached down with one hand, both spreading her pussy lips open and trying to shove his cock inside. He could feel the heat of her there, and his instincts wanted him to force himself into her ... but he held back. He didn't want to hurt her.

Maria had different ideas, though. With a frustrated little groan, she tried one more time and still failed. "I need you to push!" she said.

"What?" Even though it was kind of unthinkable for him, his hands were already automatically moving down to grab the slight crease between her hips and her thighs.

She held his face tight against her flat chest. "Push it in! I need it so much - please!"

Though he was still concerned about hurting her, there was no resisting the pleading squeak of her voice. He squeezed his hands tight around her hips and pushed her down ... hard.

Maria squealed. Her pussy lips spread and stretched. The pressure built until, suddenly, pop - he was inside. Once the first few inches slid up into her, she wiggled her hips from side to side, working the rest of it in. Not that she could take all of it, by any means. She bottomed out just above his medial ring, with a wince and another little squeal.

The two of them froze for a moment, Trevor afraid of hurting her and Maria just soaking in the feeling of being stretched around the oversized cock inside her. When she finally caught her breath, she began rocking her hips back and forth, hardly moving up and down at all - mostly just stirring herself on the inside with his rod, always as deep as she could get it.

He huffed deep, hot breaths against her flat chest. As her pace increased to a more and more frantic crescendo, her nipples began to emerge ... all on their own! For some reason, they fascinated Trevor - he licked and suckled each of them in turn, which only helped them poke out a little bit more each time. And her pussy! It was nothing like the deep, enveloping warmth of Missus Violet. Maria slid back and forth across just the upper half of his cock ... but she was so tight. Her slick little pussy molded perfectly around the shape of his cock, squeezing him as if already milking him for his cum.

And as he inevitably began to flare, Maria's pace grew more and more jittery. She shook like crazy, her hips moving in a blur. Until, suddenly ... she held perfectly still. Her hands gripped the back of his neck like they were made of steel, and now the only movement was her pussy writhing around his cock on the inside. She squealed one final time - a loud, piercing whistle that hurt his ears, and her inner walls gripped down on his flared cock in rhythmic pulses that made him wince with the pressure of each one.

Before Maria's orgasm ended, Trevor's began. The students watching gasped in unison as they saw the exposed half of his cock throb and pump. Maria gasped as she felt the other half inside her. And Trevor gave out a long, low moan as he spilled himself up into Maria's pussy. It was just as much as his previous orgasm, but no matter how much of his cream fountained up into the little girl's womb, not a drop escaped her pussy. The seal between her tightly stretched inner walls and the massive girth of his flare was just too perfect. Every little bit he pumped inside her stayed inside her.

It was more than enough to trigger a renewal of Maria's orgasm, making her squeal even louder this time. She trembled and shook, her tired muscles threatening to give out at any moment, and he held her tightly against himself, making sure she didn't fall.

Only after his orgasm ended and Maria breathlessly lifted herself off of him did any of his cum leak out of her. It rained down, splattering a hefty addition to the mess already on the floor next to the desk. When she carefully walked away, it was with a shaky, bow-legged stance ... but also a huge, self-satisfied smile.

Trevor got up off of the desk and collected himself, catching his breath and waiting for Missus Violet to call up the next volunteer.

It turned out, though, that she didn't have to. Before she said anything, Aubrey came up and laid herself out on the desktop, her belly toward the ceiling and her outspread legs hanging off the edge. Her panties were gone now, and she reached down between her legs, spreading her pussy lips apart with two fingers and displaying the glistening pink slit between. "Alright, Trevor," she said, smugly looking him right in the eyes. "Let's see what all the fuss is about, big boy."

He stepped up between her legs and set the weight of his cock down onto her lower belly, his balls pressing against her pussy. The tip of it came up to just past her belly button.

Aubrey's hand moved from her pussy lips to stroke up and down the length of his cock. Her little fingers couldn't quite close all the way around his girth. She let out a low, purring moan and writhed slightly against the desk. "Oh fuck..."

When Trevor pulled his hips way back and finally got his tip lined up with her entrance, he looked down at her for a moment. She looked so small, so young. If he didn't already know that she was fourteen, just like himself, he could have easily thought she was only eight or nine...

"What are you waiting for? Put it in me already!"

Trevor pushed, and the head of his cock plopped between her pussy lips with surprising ease. If anything, Aubrey was even smaller than Maria ... but from the ease with which he slid into her, it seemed she knew what she was doing when it came to having a big cock inside.

"Mmm," she moaned, squirming on the desk as he pressed another few inches into her. "Yes, that's it ... right there."

He began thrusting into her in a slow, regular rhythm. He'd pull a little bit out, then push much farther in. And with every movement, Aubrey let out an adorable little moan that only encouraged him more. His hands ran up and down over the lithe curves of her little kitty belly, all the way from her tight-stretched pussy lips to her barely-there tits and adorable tiny nipples.

As one of his hands passed just above where his cock was inside her belly, she looked up at him and licked her lips. "Yes... Fuck me like you fucked the teacher - fill me up until my belly swells!"

Was that how she wanted it? In deference to her small size, he'd been holding himself back so far, gently working his cock deeper and deeper into her pussy. But if she wanted the raw experience... Trevor took a deep breath, and then let himself go. He grabbed her waist, feeling like his hands could nearly close around her whole body, and began ramming his cock into her. His balls slapped against her ass cheeks as he bottomed out inside her tiny body, and still she mewed for more. He was fucking her like she was some kind of sex toy, practically using her body as a fleshlight and jerking himself off with her pussy. His arms burned with the strain of jerking her whole body back and forth on the desk.

And she liked it. She liked being used this way! "Yes! Yes! Yes!" she cried out with every savage thrust. Her legs came up and wrapped around behind his ass, helping pull him in a little deeper and a little harder each time.

Was this what every guy who fucked Aubrey experienced? Trevor's head swam with the vision of her little body writhing in pleasure under his touch ... around his cock. His tip swelled, and when it did, he could see the slight bulge of it rippling up and down in her belly every time he pushed. With a savage, horse-like snort, he shoved his cock all the way inside her, his balls clenching against her cute little ass cheeks as he began to unload.

"Yes!" Aubrey cried out. "I can feel it! Do it inside - I wanna feel it sloshing inside me!"

His cock thumped inside her, spewing another enormous load of cum ... straight into her tiny body. Crammed full as she was of cock, there wasn't much room for it to go. Some of it squirted out rhythmically between her stretched pussy lips and the base of his cock, but most of it pooled and swirled inside her, already making her belly swell upward a little.

And this time, Trevor could see it. Even as he caused it to happen, he stared down in amazement at Aubrey's slim little belly. With every thick pulse of his cock, it became a little less slim. A substantial bump swelled upward in time with his orgasm, her little body making room for all the cum he was giving her with every impossibly heavy-laden throb of his cock.

After his orgasm finally subsided, Aubrey looked far more swollen than Missus Violet. If anyone saw her like this, they'd surely think she was pregnant ... and probably not far from being due. She smiled a dopey smile up at the ceiling and rubbed her hands over her engorged belly. "Oh fuck..." She purred, and her toes curled behind Trevor's back. "I've... I've never felt like this before..."

As Trevor caught his breath, he began slowly sliding his cock out of her.

When the tip came out, Aubrey quickly reached down and caught some of the escaping cum on her fingers. She sat up, her belly sloshing down over her thighs, and stuck all four fingers in her mouth at once, licking them lasciviously and staring up into his eyes as she tasted his cum. She grabbed a pen off the teacher's desk and wrote a phone number on his palm with her other hand. "If you're ready to fuck again like that, you can call me anytime." She slapped his ass as she got up and then staggered toward her desk.

Trevor was definitely beginning to feel the strain of all this. That magical go-juice kept his cock hard and ready to go, but it didn't seem to do anything for his cardio or muscle endurance. Thinking of nothing beyond taking a short break, he flopped down onto the teacher's desk, lying pretty much exactly where Aubrey had just been. Staring up at the ceiling, he sucked in deep, cool breaths that slowly began to revive him.

It didn't seem like Missus Violet was prepared to give him a break, though. She leaned over her desk, the undersides of her tits nearly overwhelming his vision, and looked out over her remaining four students. "So ... who's next?"

When Trevor tilted his head over, he saw that both Frigg and Lucy were eagerly holding their hands up.

Missus Violet tapped her chin, preoccupied with figuring out which one would be fair to go first, but Trevor had his own idea ... spurred half by lusty fantasy and half by the simple need to save his strength. "Do you two want to share?"

The two of them glanced at each other. Frigg shrugged. Lucy nodded.

As the two of them came over toward him, Trevor tried to keep his breathing steady and calm himself. It wasn't easy, not with the go-juice pumping through his veins and two - two! - girls coming toward him. Lucy and Frigg weren't exactly his dream girls by any means, but just the thought of two girls on him at the same time... That was more than enough to get his balls churning up a whole new batch of cum ... or was that just the go-juice working inside him?

Both Lucy and Frigg were topless, but Lucy still wore her skirt and Frigg still had her shorts. Not for long. Both of them unzipped at once - Lucy behind her back and Frigg right down the front. Lucy was able to slip out of her skirt much more easily, though, and she pulled her panties off right along with it. She managed to get completely naked while Frigg still struggled to tug her tight shorts down over her big hips, and that meant Lucy got on top of him first.

She chose to face away from him as she swung her leg over. Just coincidentally, that left her facing the teacher as she grabbed the tip of his cock and rubbed it against her pussy. "Like this?" she asked Missus Violet, even though she obviously already knew what to do.

Missus Violet obliged her with a long-suffering smile. "Yes, Lucy. You're doing great."

Those words seemed to make Lucy go weak in the knees ... or maybe she just wanted to feel him slide into her as she heard them. Either way, it meant that she lowered herself down onto Trevor's cock.

He took a deep breath and groaned slightly as yet another tight, warm pussy swallowed his shaft. With how slowly she went, he could feel every inch of her inner walls as his cock glided in between them. He'd never realized it, but Lucy was kind of hot when seen from behind. At least in this pose, her ass stuck out nice and roundly, and the curve of her surprisingly wide hips slimming upward to meet her pertly toned back was actually really pleasant. It made seeing his cock slip up between her ass cheeks and into her pussy all the more fascinating.

It turned out that Lucy was rather like Maria in that she soon bottomed out, unable to go any deeper without yelping in pain like a puppy. She'd managed to get her pussy lips over his medial ring ... but only by a couple inches. Once she'd found her limit, though, she wasted no time in beginning to rock herself back and forth on his cock ... staring at Missus Violet the whole time. Not that he could blame her - the sight of Missus Violet completely nude was definitely something worth looking at.

He had a sight of his own, though, when Frigg finally managed to pull the shorts off. She wasn't wearing anything at all underneath them, and a glistening little strand of her pussy juices trailed away from them as she yanked them down over her thick thighs.

Frigg hauled herself up on top of the desk with surprising ease and straddled him facing the other way, ending up face-to-face with Lucy. And Lucy seemed to wordlessly understand that this meant it was time for Frigg to take a turn.

The bigger girl had already taken hold of Trevor's shaft before Lucy even got herself all the way up off of it, and almost the very same moment his tip plopped out of Lucy's pussy, Frigg's was there to envelop him again. His cock sank easily between Frigg's plush pussy lips, and Trevor opened his eyes wide as he felt his shaft slipping into a new world of warmth and softness.

Frigg's pussy seemed boundless. She took Trevor's entire cock - even a little bit of his sheath - inside her in one smooth downward stroke. She sure didn't have any problems with bottoming out. And her soft inner warmth seemed to be able to wrap around his cock like a steamy fog. He felt like he could move his cock in any direction inside of her and only find more of her soft, juicy heat.

Once she had taken his entire shaft inside her, though, Frigg fucked like a bunny - she jerked her hips back and forth in tiny, rapid motions. It was almost too fast to see. All the quick little strokes up and down blurred into one big, juicy vibrating motion. He couldn't feel every detail like he could with Lucy, but the sheer amount of sensation was overwhelming.

"Come on," Lucy said after a few moments of that. "I want another turn with him."

But Frigg just kept on humping away, seemingly oblivious.

Lucy bent over sideways a little and appealed to the teacher. "I need a turn, too, don't I?"

"Can't ... stop," Frigg moaned out. "Too ... good!"

Missus Violet came up behind Frigg and placed a hand on her shoulder, slowing her movements down. "Now, Frigg, it's only fair that you give Lucy her share."

Lucy beamed, rubbing her pussy on Trevor's belly in anticipation.

"But," the teacher added, "each of you should try to make sure the other's needs are met while it's your turn." She made a little motion with her fingers. "Is that understood?"

Lucy nodded eagerly, and as Frigg reluctantly lifted herself off of his cock, she nodded as well.

Wagging her tail as she lined herself up again, Lucy let out a quiet moan. She sank down on his cock more quickly and easily this time, and she went straight into a rolling motion of her hips that stroked her pussy over every part of his shaft she could reach. Before the teacher could pull it away, Lucy reached out and grabbed her hand where it still rested on Frigg's shoulder. "Oh Jineane," she said, "it's so good!"

"That's Missus Violet to you," the teacher said. "And you're supposed to be seeing to Frigg's needs, not paying attention to me."

The rebuke must have stung, because Lucy immediately shot her hand down between Frigg's legs and touched her in a way that made the chubby girl moan.

"That's better. You two girls enjoy each other, and enjoy Trevor. Be sure to share the reward when he gets off." Missus Violet patted Frigg's shoulder and then stepped back to watch ... from a safe distance.

The two girls moaned with each other, but just as Lucy seemed to really get into the rhythm of it, Frigg apparently decided it was her turn again, because she bodily lifted Lucy off of him and took Lucy's place on his cock, once again sinking down to the hilt effortlessly.

He'd never get used to that! It was like slipping out of a pool, into a hot tub, and then back again. Lucy's pussy seemed more like delicate teasing around his tip compared to the immense, saturating warmth when Frigg's pussy swallowed him whole. She went right back into the tiny, thrashing humps like before, making him tingle from the inside out. This time, though she was a little slower and gentler - she had the extra distraction of using her fingers to keep Lucy's pussy busy.

And Lucy certainly seemed to enjoy that ... possibly even more than she enjoyed riding his cock. She moaned even louder, leaning her head on Frigg's shoulder as she looked up at Missus Violet. "Yes!" she said breathlessly. "Such a good idea. Thank you Missus Violet!"

As the teacher tried to ignore Lucy's adoration, Frigg increased her pace even more, both with her humping motions and with rubbing Lucy's pussy.

"Yes yes yes!" Lucy yipped out. "Missus Violet, I'm-- I'm coming!" She shook in place, her knees clenching around Trevor's waist. She hugged Frigg's plush body against herself as she stared at her teacher, and warm squirts of doggie-girl cum splattered onto his belly.

All the while, Frigg kept on going on his cock, her own moans growing louder and more urgent as she went. Trevor strained against the hard, uncompromising surface of the desk, his senses overwhelmed with the big girl's vigorous fucking.

But it turned out that Lucy wasn't done yet. "Give me another turn," she said between deep, gasping breaths. "I need to feel... I need something inside me!"

As close as Frigg seemed to be getting, she didn't complain about pulling off of him and letting Lucy have his cock for a while, maybe because Lucy was already reaching down and rubbing Frigg's clit before his cock was even all the way out.

With her free hand, Lucy quickly lined him up and pressed his tip into her, letting the rest flow in naturally as she sank down on him. Her pussy was more relaxed now, though a few lightly squeezing aftershocks of her orgasm still rippled back and forth. And she was so very, very wet. After the buzzing intensity of Frigg's eager humping, the comparatively tranquil and sensual caress of Lucy's inner walls was refreshing and invigorating.

Frigg herself, though, wasn't taking any kind of break. She still humped back and forth just as fast, moaning louder and louder as she rubbed her clit against Lucy's fingers. Finally, with one deep and savage moan, she threw her head back, freezing in place as she came.

Trevor wasn't far behind her. Already, his tip was flaring out inside Lucy's pussy as she swayed forward and backward gently rubbing his cock around inside her.

"Oh! Missus Violet - I can feel it! He's about to cum!"

It was true. With the go-juice pushing him inevitably forward, there was no way of stopping it ... or even delaying it.

Lucy pressed herself down as far as she could on his cock as it began pumping out yet another outrageously huge load. "He's doing it! Oh my gosh, Missus Violet, he's cumming inside me!" She reached down and held the base of his cock, feeling it throb within her grip. Her belly was already beginning to swell a little. "It's... It's too much! I can't-- Mmmn!"

"Here," Frigg said, "let me have him." She lifted Lucy off of his cock, and it came free with a wet plop. In the brief moment it stood in the air freely between the two girls, another thick jet of cum shot up, fountaining up into a spray that rained back down on both girls. Frigg managed to get his cock lined up with her pussy just in time for the next spurt, which splattered against her pussy lips before she shoved it inside while it was still flowing. Over the course of that spurt, Frigg sank all the way back down, hilting him inside her again. The next one - and all the ones after that - shot straight up into Frigg's warm, welcoming pussy. Her womb eagerly drank up everything Trevor had left to offer, without any discomfort at all.

When the two girls finally got off of him, both of their pussies drooling out the excess of the same load of cum, Trevor rolled off of the table and staggered to his feet. He badly needed a rest, but the top of the desk obviously wasn't where he'd find one. His cock still hard and bobbing in the air in front of him as he walked, he went over to the only source of refuge his tired mind could come up with: the teacher's chair, still empty in front of the whole class.

As he plopped down into it, though, his brain finally caught up with the flaw in that plan.

Riley was already coming toward him, a confident, swinging swagger to her step and a smile on her face. She stopped right in front of him, bracing her hands on the chair's armrests and looming over him. He shouldn't have been intimidated by this skinny doe ... but for some reason, he was. Of all the girls, she was the only one still somewhat dressed, still wearing her skirt and her revealing top, but he had a feeling that she wouldn't stay that way for long. Coming even closer, she whispered into his ear, "Olivia said it was okay if I had you first. So now--" she looked his body up and down ... mostly down "--you're all mine!"

Luckily for him, she didn't really require a lot of physical activity on his side. He watched in a sort of glazed-over stupor as Riley crossed her arms in front of her, grabbed the bottom of her tank top, and pulled it up. Sure, there was a substantial part of him still dazzled by the sight of her lighter belly fur and perky tits as they were suddenly exposed. After all, even though he was always more preoccupied with Olivia, it wasn't as if he'd never noticed Riley before. She was usually trying to be the flashier and showier of the two, and to be seeing her now topless and pulling her skirt down over her thin hips was simply stunning. But another part of him had already seen - and done - too many stunning things today. It had a way of blurring into one big sensory overload. Yesterday, he'd been a hopeless virgin whose only sexual experiences consisted of sneaking peeks here and there where he shouldn't have. But now...

Now, he was sitting naked and unashamed in front of the whole class while Riley, equally naked, spun around and pressed her ass up against his cock, rubbing her wet pussy on it as it slid between her cute little ass cheeks.

Stunned or not, the instinctual part of him knew exactly what to do. He reached down and grabbed those perfect round little cheeks, his fingers pressing into her supple firmness. His thumbs brushed through the dainty white strip of fur beneath her tail, spreading her pussy lips open as she arched her back and showed it to him.

Her short white tail flicked up and down over her back as she gave him a decidedly full-contact lap dance, her spread-open pussy lips sliding over the front of his shaft as he gradually pulled her closer and higher.

She stopped moving, stopped teasing him when she finally came up high enough for his tip to touch her entrance. Looking at him over her shoulder, she panted, her tongue hanging slightly out as she waited for what was about to happen. "Olivia was right about you," she said.

Trevor didn't wait to find out what that meant. He could control himself now, but the urges sent to him by the go-juice, not to mention his own teenage brain, tended to alter his priorities a little. When it came to the choice of 'find out what my crush told her best friend about me' or 'slide my cock up into my crush's cute friend', the choice was absolutely clear. No deliberation needed.

Still gripping and spreading her ass cheeks, he began pushing her down. She let out a little squeaking moan as his broad tip squeezed through the tightness of her entrance, but she made no move to slow him down as the whole length of his cum-slickened cock steadily flowed up into her. Riley was tight, nearly as tight as Maria had been. The sides of his cock slid against the inner curves of her ass cheeks before reaching her pussy lips and beyond. But she didn't bottom out like the other smaller girls. She was ready and willing to take all of it.

Even when Trevor assumed that he'd already given her all she could take and stopped pushing, she pushed herself down, wiggling her hips slightly to help accommodate the girth of his shaft as it grew wider near the base. And she didn't stop until she was sitting perfectly in his lap again, her tight little ass cheeks up against his groin.

"Oh fuck..." Riley took deep breaths as she slowly grew accustomed to the mass deep inside her. "Tell you what... Any time Olivia's had too much of you or feels like a three-way..." She took another deep breath. "... Call me."

Fresh from his threesome experience with Lucy and Frigg, the fantasy of having both Riley and Olivia doting on him took on a new tinge of reality. Fantasizing about something that could absolutely never happen was one thing, but when it felt like it actually might happen, when it wasn't all that far from happening right now, that put things in a different light entirely.

"Ooh!" Riley's tail twitched a little. She must have felt the way his cock throbbed at the thought of that three-way suggestion. "I think somebody likes the sound of that idea."

As she started moving in his lap, Trevor groaned in appreciation. Of all the girls in class - and he now actually had a fairly good baseline to compare them by - Riley might have been the one with the very best pussy. Hot and wet and just tight enough to drive him wild while still stretching enough to take his entire length. He kept one hand on that cute little ass of hers, but his other hand explored, sliding up her pale belly and, of course, ending up at her perky little breasts.

Riley made another appreciative moan as he touched them, rolling her firm, supple tits over her chest with his palm. Her rocking motions in his lap grew a little bit faster, a little bit more urgent, and she reached one hand down to play with her own clit.

Trevor, too, was starting to feel more urgent about things. Despite his exhaustion, he somehow found the energy to help pump Riley up and down in his lap, adding just a little extra energy to the tingling friction between their most intimate parts.

Her legs stiffening, Riley increased her pace, moving her hand back and forth over her clit in a blur. Trevor could feel her pussy tightening even more around him, rhythmically grasping tighter and tighter around his shaft until she came.

Riley's whole body went stiff, her head banging back against his chest and her hooved feet sticking out in front of them. Her belly convulsed, rippling up and down as her pussy contorted itself around Trevor's immovable shaft inside. And through it all, she never stopped fingering her clit, never made a single sound other than a startled-sounding gasp at the very beginning.

Even after what that must have taken out of her, as soon as her orgasm was over, Riley was riding his cock again as if it had never happened. Now, though, she was obviously doing it for his pleasure. Instead of the jerky rocking motions she'd been making, she more sensuously lifted herself up and down, pulling herself up off of him in a surprising show of strength and control, then gradually enveloping his cock in her hungry pussy again. Rather than playing with her clit, she reached down farther and slid her fingertips over the twin bulges of his balls, making them tingle and surge, brewing up an even bigger load for her.

"You can cum anytime you want," she whispered over her shoulder to him. "I'm ready for it."

It didn't matter that he wasn't really sure what that was actually supposed to mean. The sultry whisper of her voice bypassed meaning altogether and shot straight down into some of the most primitive parts of his brain ... and it just so happened that those primitive parts were in charge of certain bodily functions.

His cock flared up inside her, swelling her full and spreading her inside in preparation for what was to come.

Riley pulled herself up, almost all the way out, but leaving his widely flaring tip firmly inside. "I want Olivia to see it when you cum inside me."

The mention of Olivia made him habitually glance over at her desk, where he saw her completely naked, watching closely ... and masturbating!

The sight of that was more than enough to set him off. He trembled against the chair and groaned as his cock once again swelled and pulsed with seemingly gallons of cum at a time. His tip, still jammed into Riley's entrance, streamed rope after thick rope of cum up inside her. The entire exposed length of it twitched back and forth with every powerful burst forcing its way up.

Riley's belly swelled; she held it in her hands, letting out shaky, out-of-control moans as she felt each pulse balloon her outward just a bit more.

Trevor wasn't done yet, though. His newly awakened breeding instincts wouldn't be satisfied with just a few inches of her entrance. Whipping his hands down to her skinny waist, he grabbed her and shoved her down in the middle of one throb. A sticky spray of cum splashed out between her pussy lips and the base of his cock as he jammed it all the way back inside her, and only then did he truly give her everything he had, his orgasm somehow redoubling and pumping her with even more.

Her once-thin belly expanding out obscenely, Riley gave out a cry of mixed pleasure and desperation. Her legs twitched every time his cock throbbed inside her again.

By the time Trevor's orgasm finally finished, Riley didn't just look pregnant, she looked like she was a month overdue with triplets. She gazed down at herself, her jaw hanging open and her eyes wide with disbelief at her now-massive girth. "H-holy shit," she mumbled, just barely managing to get herself up off of his cock and stumble down onto the floor, where she flopped down limply and stared up at the ceiling. A cascade of creamy white poured from her pussy, forced out by the pressure of her impossibly stretched womb.

A dainty pair of hooves stepped through the sticky white puddle Riley was creating. Trevor's eyes followed those up to a long, stunning set of legs, then a pristine little pussy framed in by white fur. That pale belly fur led up to an utterly perfect pair of modestly-sized breasts, and finally ... Olivia's face, smiling down at him wryly.

"I hope you saved some for me," she said, glancing down at the growing puddle around her hooves.

Trevor wasn't sure he'd be able to get up out of this chair if he had to, not even for Olivia. After his dose of go-juice, his cock might know no limits ... but the rest of his body was definitely feeling the strain.

Thankfully, he didn't need to get up. Olivia came right up to him, her body flowing like silk with every step, and she slipped her knees in between his legs and the arms of the chair, straddling his lap.

For Trevor, she was like an angelic vision descending from the gates of paradise. Reverently, he reached up and ran his hands over the hourglass curves of her body, his fingers tingling with every touch. When she brought her face right up next to his, breathing her warm sighs into his mane, he ran his fingers through her hair ... while his other hand went down to caress the bodacious curve of her incredible ass.

Reaching between her own belly and his, Olivia held the tip of his cock in her hand, her fingers caressing the little ridge around the head of it. Her breaths grew even warmer.

Was this really about to happen? It couldn't be. Nothing this amazing was ever supposed to happen to a boy like him. That was one of the truths he'd learned to accept in life. The football jocks, the rich kids, the popular kids ... they were the ones who might have an unbelievably gorgeous gazelle naked in their lap, not scrawny little Trevor.

In a way, though, it had to be real. Even in his fantasies, he never would have dared imagining that this might actually happen between them. Something would come along and interrupt them, stop it from happening before it could start.

When Olivia rose herself up and placed the tip of his cock against her perfect pussy lips, that crystal clear moment broke through any and every doubt. This had to be real. She slowly began lowering herself onto him, and the head of his cock pressed into her welcoming warmth. He knew for absolute certain that it was real - no fantasy could possibly feel this good.

Olivia took his cock with the same gentle grace she seemed to always have. After rolling up and down like an ocean wave just a few times, his cock slid home into the uttermost depths of her pussy, fitting perfectly in a way that made both of them gasp.

Trevor looked into her eyes, her stunning green eyes ... and she looked back.

It was as if they could both feel everything the other was experiencing. Just from the look in her eyes, Trevor felt like he knew exactly what it was like for her to have this stiff, hot cock filling her so perfectly inside as she settled into his lap. And, somehow, he could feel how badly she wanted to kiss him. Did she know how desperately he wanted to kiss her back? She must have, because their lips met a moment later. Both of them moaned into each other's mouths as Trevor's cock shifted slightly inside her pussy. He stroked his hand down the long, delicate curve of her back, and she held her hands against his cheeks, guiding him into an ever-deeper kiss.

He'd never kissed a girl before. And to think that before now, he'd always worried that he would be bad at it... Maybe he was bad at it, but it just felt so natural! And Olivia seemed to like it.

She seemed to like it a lot, actually. Even though she was barely moving her hips at all, when their tongues met for the first time in a gentle caress, her legs began to tremble and her pussy squeezed tightly around his shaft. It was almost as if--

Olivia broke the kiss the moment her orgasm hit her, throwing her head back and staring up at the ceiling as her legs shook and her pussy sucked at his cock, trying to draw a load of cum into her that wasn't nearly ready yet. Trevor held her closely against his chest and rode out the convulsions with her. A wet warmth spread out over his balls and inner thighs, but all that mattered was Olivia's arching body and the shuddering mountain of pleasure erupting inside her.

When she finally caught her breath and looked down into his eyes again, Olivia seemed to have overcome much of the desperate urgency that drove her on at first. Now, she was able to begin rocking her hips in a waving motion reminiscent of a belly dancer, her hands braced on Trevor's shoulders and a look on her face that told him she was determined to give him a taste of what she'd just experienced.

It didn't matter how tired he felt - there was nothing that could stop him from pressing himself up into her on every downward swing, giving just that much extra depth and pressure to their lovemaking. He stared in awe of Olivia's perfect body, his balls already beginning to churn with a go-juice enhanced instinctual urge toclaim her.

What blew him away, though, was that she seemed to be able to read that urge in his eyes, and she looked for all the world as if she wanted that. Without breaking their new rhythm, she leaned forward a little and gave him another kiss. This one wasn't as urgent, wasn't as desperate, and didn't result in an orgasm. But it felt so much more natural and comfortable. The feel of Olivia's soft lips against his muzzle was something he could so easily become addicted to.

With some unspoken signal that Trevor couldn't have identified if someone asked him about it, both of them separated from their kiss at the same time. There was a growing urgency in Olivia's eyes again, and this time Trevor felt it, too.

Their pace increased, Olivia rocking back and forth in his lap so forcefully that it made the chair roll back and forth. Someone held it still for them, and if Trevor had been able to spare enough attention, he would have seen that it was Missus Violet holding it steady. Even so, the chair moved a little. It made the teacher's breasts jiggle slightly every time Trevor's cock hilted inside Olivia's pussy.

Trevor felt like he could barely breathe. His cock began to flare again, and Olivia must have felt it, too.

Somehow, though, despite the much greater effort she was putting in, she still had enough breath left to lean in and whisper against his ear, "You have no idea how long I've been fantasizing about this." She moaned slightly as his flare grew to its full size deep inside her. "Every day I see you, I wonder if it's finally the day you're going to ask me out."

"Olivia," he managed to gasp out between strained breaths.

Her legs began their jittery shaking again, and her pussy hugged tightly around his flared tip. "Mmm?"

"Will you..." He shoved his cock all the way inside her, squeezing her as tightly against himself as he possibly could as he felt the first huge gush of cum welling up his length. He shouted the rest through teeth clenched in pleasure: "Will you go out with me?"

Olivia collapsed against him, her pussy again convulsing and squirting into his lap. "Yes!" she screamed. "Yes!"

The floodgates opened, releasing massive torrents of cum into Olivia's womb. Her pussy squeezed and sucked at him, milking him for more ... and this time, it worked. He felt like the heavy spurts of cum were being pulled out of him as much as they were pushed.

As their bodies quivered together in absolute harmony, they kissed again - a warm, satisfied kiss that Trevor felt he could melt into just as easily as the warmth of his cum was spreading through Olivia's body from the inside out.

It felt like his orgasm would go on and on without end. Even as Olivia's slim belly swelled bigger and bigger against his own, each stream of cum shooting into her from his cock seemed even bigger than the last. And every pump seemed to renew her orgasm all over again, leaving her a quivering mess collapsed against his body even as he filled her past the point of all reason.

Even go-juice apparently had its limits though, and when Trevor reached them, he was in for a shock. Every previous orgasm today - and in fact, every previous one in his whole life - had ended by eventually dying down to a last few little spurts and dribbles. Not this one. As if the go-juice had finally been used up, his cock stopped throbbing after what might have been the most enormous blast of cum yet. With a shocking suddenness, his orgasm was simply over. The fountaining well had finally run dry.

Olivia's soon subsided as well, once the drum beat of his cock unloading inside her stopped. But neither of them moved away just yet. They held each other close, still enjoying each other's bodies, still sharing each other's heat, and still nuzzling each other's necks. Both of them drew in deep, cool breaths as Trevor's cock slowly began to soften and shrink back into his sheath.

Only when it finally plopped out all on its own - followed by a little flood of splattering white - did the two of them separate a little, still holding each other, but now doing so at a distance that let them look with unbelieving satisfaction into each other's eyes.

"Good work, all of you," Missus Violet said. "And it looks like our medication's effects have worn off now as well, which is quite convenient. If he still had any left in him, I would have felt obligated to take it myself."

When Olivia looked at the teacher, Trevor lazily followed her gaze. Missus Violet stood not far away from them, confidently addressing the class while fully nude. Her tits stuck right out for anyone to see, a slow and constant trickle of white dripped down her thighs, and her belly was still swollen ... though not quite as much as before.

She strutted over to the next row of cabinets, behind the ones she'd distributed the girls' new clothing from. Inside, there was just a row of white bathrobes. "All of you please come up and take a robe. The girl's locker room is just across the hall, and it should be unoccupied for at least the next couple of hours. We'll all be able to get cleaned up properly before getting dressed again." She glanced at him. "Yes, you too, Trevor. It will only be us in there, and it's not as if that's anything you haven't seen before."

Still, though... Even after all he'd already done today, something about going into the girl's locker room just seemed ... wrong.

The rest of the class began making their way over to the cabinet and picking out robes. Even Riley picked herself up off the floor in front of Trevor and staggered over there.

Before Olivia got off his lap, though, she ran her finger down his chest and gave him a simmering, half-lidded look. "You can do me in the showers if you want."

"Me too!" Aubrey said as she skipped past them on the way to collect her robe. It rather ruined the moment.

His legs shaking from the strain of simply being upright, he was the last one in line for a robe ... but the sight of Olivia's fantastically well-proportioned ass right in front of him kept him going ... at least until she covered it with her own robe. After that, he might as well have been a shuffling zombie as he followed the group of girls across the hall and into their locker room.

... But somewhere in the dazzled recesses of his mind, the thought occurred to him that this shower - and what was likely to happen during it - might just be enough to revive him.

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