Cooling Down at the Gym

Story by Triller on SoFurry

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Kyla's usual work out buddy has been missing from the gym for most of the week and the wolf is getting starting to get desperate...

Had something fun in mind using Saruuk's character Kyla again. Nothing amazing story-wise, but a lot of fun to write nonetheless!

Kyla and Saruuk belong to __Triller the wonder slut belongs to me.

Kyla let out a fierce huff, checking her pulse as she cooled down for the evening. Well, "cooled down" as much as the busted AC in this gym was going to let her. The wolf was certainly not in a good mood; her fur was plastered to her skin with sweat and the stifling stuffiness of the large room made each breath feel like thick porridge in her lungs. The treadmill slowed on its own to a more manageable pace, but still her heart thumped angrily in her chest as her eyes scanned the gym. The crowd was thin for the heated summer day, for good reason, but among the sweaty, glistening bodies feeding into her gaze, she was missing the green-scaled abs and rock-hard pecs of her favorite eye candy, Saruuk.

This was the third time this week she had missed the lizard while at the gym and the lack of thick lizard beefcake made the wolf's jaw clench and her pulse jump. Sar was her favorite means of evening out her workout at the end of the day. Nothing quite helped working her butt and thighs like a few squats with thirteen inches of fat lizard cock as incentive for going deep. The lingering thought drew the wolf's tongue over her lips, leaving them even wetter than before as she traced her eyes across the floor once more.

Still no sign of the green hunk, but she did settle on a fellow lupine form, shirtless and sorting plates on one of the machines off near the corner. The corner of Kyla's muzzle twitched as she recognized Triller's brown and white fur, that shock of white tracing up to his left eye as he turned in her direction and settled in for some shoulder presses. The male wolf was a notorious horn dog in the gym, ogling men and women alike and coming on to anything that even cast him a glance. Today he seemed to have gotten all of his catcalls and rejections out of the way early (that or the heat was just as deflating to the horny male as it was for everyone else today) and looked focused in on actually working out for once.

Kyla shifted her stance as she watched the other wolf's physique, not quite as bulky and cut as Saruuk's, but definitely easy on the eyes when the dumb mutt wasn't mouthing off. His body was lean and tight, flatter muscles that showed promise if the wolf could manage to keep it in his pants and work the weights instead of his mouth. It wasn't until a thick bead of sweat trickled down Kyla's bare abdominals that she noticed she was staring, hard, fingers feeling her pulse sway up just a little as the male wolf huffed at his own workout. It would have to be Plan B, it seemed, if Saruuk was going to be absent yet again today.

Triller had just let the weight crash down semi-noiselessly into its resting position on the machine as he laid back at a 70 degree angle. His shoulders and triceps stung with the first real workout the wolf had in about a week and he closed his eyes to sweat through the stuffy air of the gym and for the first time he realized how behind he had gotten. Could you blame him, though? This gym was a hotbed of cut, sexy bodies, eye candy in any direction, and a convenient location not too far from his home. Today, though, he was going to focus in. If he expected to compete with the other gym monsters around here, he'd have to start actually maybe working out every now and then. Gripping the handles up near his shoulders, the wolf exhaled and opened his eyes with determination.

"Hey there."

Triller tensed, causing the weights to quick shift, then clang back into place as his vision was filled with Kyla standing... a little closer than he was honestly expecting anyone to be at the moment. She looked exhausted, yet still amped, her spandex top hugging her generous chest in a very complimentary shape and her shorts tugging up her legs around her hips in similar second-skin fashion. The fellow wolf was actually... smiling at him for once, and her posture and breathing suggested she had just finished her routine for the day.

"Kyla! To what do I owe the pleasure?" he shot back, workout almost entirely forgotten as he eyed the she-wolf's midsection.

Fuck, she had better abs than he did and Triller couldn't tell whether he found that discouraging or very, very hot. The wolf settled on both.

"Eyes up here, hotshot." Kyla growled, but not in her usual tone, "You almost done with your workout? I got somethin' I need help with before I'm out of here today."

Triller's grin almost made the other wolf regret her decision, but she hung in there as the cinnamon-coated wolf casually propped his forearms on the handles of the shoulder press.

"I was just doing my cooldown, yeah. What do you need help with, gorgeous?"

Kyla clenched her jaw and felt her blood pressure spike just a little, murderous intent in her wide eyes before she brushed off the comment with a hand through her undercut hair.

"Aren't you just so eager? All right, hornwolf, since you asked so politely, Saruuk's been out of the gym all week so far and he usually helps me cool down."

The she-wolf spoke plainly, hoping to get it across to Triller, in now uncertain terms, that what was coming up was definitely not going to be a regular thing.

"Oh really?" Triller trailed, letting his tongue cluck against the roof of his muzzle.

Sar and Kyla were always careful at the gym, but if someone was paying attention it wasn't hard to notice them disappearing at the same time, reappearing within minutes of each other to not arouse suspicion. The wolf always marked their return, however, and how Kyla more often than not was walking funny and Saruuk looked like the very definition of relaxed as he swung back into his routine. Kyla could see the cogs in the other wolf's head clicking over this very situation and let out a quiet, directed growl at him.

"Okay, let's not get cute. Sauna in five minutes or I find some other lucky contestant. And for fuck's sake keep your mouth shut." Kyla hissed that last word as she strode by Triller toward the women's locker room, her pace agitated and desperate.

Triller smiled broadly to himself, not uttering a word as he sat on the bench for a few minutes longer, then disappeared back into the male locker rooms as well.

With this heat, nobody would be stupid enough to use the saunas today, making it the perfect place for some post-workout activities. If Kyla was lucky, Triller would also be knocked out by the humidity as well. The last thing she needed was his puppydog ass following her directly out of the gym. She had changed out completely into just a towel around her midsection and taken her time heading for the sauna in the back of the gym, tucked around just enough corners to provide the privacy she needed right now. The wolf approached the last steam room on the end, checking the temperature to make sure it wasn't turned on and peeked inside through the window.

Kyla frowned as she saw Triller, similarly in nothing but a towel, reclining back on the hardwood bench, arms draped casually over the elevated bench behind him and said towel in his lap. With the subtlety of an airhorn, the wolf was elevating his towel with nothing more than a smug grin and his own masculinity. Kyla fought back the urge to find something to bar the door and leave the uncouth canine to a well-deserved fate. She took another moment to focus on her own body's need and lack of juicy, buff lizard dick between her thighs before letting out a sigh of resolve and pushing her way into the steam room. Even without the vents running, the room was still thick and humid, even more so than in the gym, and carried the distinct smell of arousal that the fellow wolf had been working on prior to her arrival. She saw Triller's muzzle start to open and immediately growled.

"Shut it. Holy shit, you walking sexual harassment, do you have zero chill?" Kyla growled, letting her frustration seep into her words as she tugged off her towel and tossed it onto the bench to her right.

Triller was happy to, as he was instructed, shut it as the female wolf's hard body came into view. Her muscles flexed underneath her fur, perfectly sculpted and even more visible with the heavy sheen of sweat draped over her figure. Dampness already overtook the woman's body from head to toe, making her powerful form that much more pronounced as the slick moisture matted her fur into every crease and crevice of her body. Triller's towel to lifted just a bit higher and just as Kyla saw his hand tug at the covering she immediately moved to intervene.

In an instant, the muscular she-wolf straddled his lap, knocking his hands out of the way and putting her tense, steel-like body front and center at the wolf's attention. He could actually see the individual droplets of sweat beading along her defined, bulky abs, the view more than enough to hold the wolf's attention before Kyla grabbed the back of his head.

"Just lick." she growled, any pretense thrown aside as she rocked herself forward and smooshed the male's muzzle directly into her chiseled abs.

Triller was taken aback, but not stunned, by the fellow wolf's straightforwardness, dragging his pink tongue up along her front as he had so many times in his mind before. The lumps of each abdominal muscle flinched under the slightly ticklish sensation and tightened her grip on the male's scruff. As Triller began utilizing more of his broad tongue across her stomach, not shying away from the taste of sweat coating the tasting muscle, Kyla let herself relax just enough to enjoy the silence and the sensations.

Triller worked his way around the grey wolf's six-pack, worshiping each crease of her form and suckling the ever-present salty taste from her fur as he demonstrated surprising restraint in localizing his attention. Kyla was doubly surprised that the wolf hadn't tried to grab her ass or honk her breasts, remaining refreshingly obedient as he worked his way up and let his tongue drag under her left breast. She chanced a look down, fully expecting a mood-killing eyebrow wiggle from the horny wolf, but instead noted his absolute concentration on tasting every inch of her furry front using only that tongue as instructed.

As Triller's tongue lodged itself underneath Kyla's nipple her grip on his hair tightened momentarily, relaxing almost immediately when he flicked off of the erect nub and moved to lavish her other tit with similar attention. From side to side his tongue painted its way up the underside of her mound before giving her other nipple a similarly gasp-inducing flick with that dexterous and powerful tongue. Kyla chewed on her lower lip firmly, watching the wolf nuzzle his muzzle into her cleavage and thoroughly mop up her sweat with his tongue, golden eyes (wow, they were actually gold. She never noticed) peering up at her in absolute, unmocking reverence. Kyla felt an uncomfortable clench between her thighs and pushed down on the top of the wolf's head.

"H-Hey, easy, horndog... if you're expecting a smooch, you're gonna earn it elsewhere." Kyla grumbled, shifting her posture upward and returning the male to square one with her abs smooshing into the wolf's face.

Triller responded with only a grunt as he redoubled his efforts grinding and swirling that meaty tongue across her abs, tracing her from side to side, up and down her front as her midsection fidgeted and swayed along with his rhythm. Kyla could feel her breath quicken as the male lavished her with attention, casually cupping one of her breasts in a palm and watching the surprisingly obedient male keep to swathing her rock hard stomach with slow, careful slurps.

Once again, the wolf moved down to start at the bottom of Kyla's abs, but before he could swipe upward across her salt-kissed front the hand on his head held him firm... then pushed him lower. Going into a natural slouch, Triller found himself tracing the damp V-line around her crotch, digging that wolf tongue deep into the angled crevice to soak up as much of her flavor as he was allowed. Kyla bit back a small groan as she tugged sharply at her nipple, even rewarding the wolf with a sultry wiggle of her hips as the pressure didn't let up on top of his head.

The two turned and twisted until Triller found himself laying out across the bench, towel long since fallen off with Kyla straddling his face. The she-wolf was now being unsubtle with her movements, full-on tracing the male's muzzle from the apex of her pussy down to her taint and back up again. Kyla let herself revel in the feeling of her sticky, arousal-soaked lips part finally around something and settled her weight further against the wolf's muzzle. Even if it wasn't the fat, purple tip of her favorite dick, Triller was proving very quickly to be a satisfactory silver medal.

Not even bothering with a command at this point, Kyla started rocking her hips against the fellow wolf's face, smearing his muzzle with her thick scent and fully expecting him to tap out. What she didn't expect was for the thirsty wolf between her powerful thighs to prod his tongue out right at the base of her lips and drag itself up, using her own movement to help seal his tongue into her envelope. Triller didn't even flinch as he worked his tongue further between Kyla's pouty lips, the she-wolf tensing hard at the lovely, squishy sensation unabashedly delving into her depths and tasting her raw. Kyla stole a glance downward just in time to watch the wolf's tongue flicker around her clit, the flash of pink rolling and guiding her stiff nub into his lips before wrapping around it and-

"Uhng!! Fuck, attaboy!" the gym goddess hissed, both hands now delegated to holding onto the wolf's scruffy hair as she rolled and ground her hips into his snout.

Kyla kept Triller right there at her apex, carefully humping against his tongue and maneuvering her hips to take full advantage of the soft, slick, and very humpable muzzle as her nethers clenched on themselves desperately. For a good ten minutes Kyla found herself desperately focusing Triller on that spot, not daring to let him wander off as he diligently pinned her clit between his tongue and upper lip. The way he slid from side to side along the underside of that perked nub, providing just enough suction for the she-wolf to use at her pace, it wasn't long before Kyla could feel her thighs starting to tighten up.

Triller's head was pinned back firmly to the bench with Kyla's hips in full-on grind mode on top of him, her breath ragged and her entire, muscular body rippling with effort and a fresh sheen of sweat along with her juices drizzling down the pinned wolf's chin. She was so close. She was so fucking close.

"Suck that pussy..." Kyla rumbled just barely out of her throat, repeating the mantra a few times before sitting upright and putting more of her weight on the wolf's muzzle, "Lick it... c'mon, suck it... f-fuck, do not let me feel that tongue slack off... so... fucking... close."

Kyla's vision blurred slightly as sweat poured over her eyebrows. She could imagine how the wolf was doing, drowning between her thighs as rivulets of salty moisture trickled down her flexing, rolling abs and funneled right down that V straight to the wolf's nose. She carried on, nonetheless, using that eager, slurping muzzle to its natural conclusion and rotating her hips to fully smear Triller's face with her pussy. Triller didn't seem to mind as his features grew every more soaked with feminine juices and salty sweat, even as his jaw started to stiffen and his tonguetip grew numb; the wolf was all too happy to let Kyla's stiff and flexing nub grind down against the yielding flesh of his tongue.

Kyla sat up straight for a moment, her breath stuttering and each exhale repeating the word "fuck" as those muscular thighs drew dangerously snug around Triller's head. The grey wolf's butt flinched as she sat herself down firmly against Triller's face, letting out a deep, shuddering moan that bounced around the enclosed sauna and locking the male between her thighs. Her body trembled and flinched as she saw spots dazzle before her eyes, licking her lips and letting the trembles of pleasure ripple and bounce between her thighs up to her brain and back again in rapid succession.

When the wolf on top finally released Triller's head he let out a sputtering cough, gasping for breath between her thighs as Kyla hummed in a happy daze. Breathing was made further difficult as the muscular wolf sat back right on her new post-workout buddy's chest, making each gulp for air strained and continually tinged with the thick scent of a very pleased wolf. Kyla gave the wolf's hair a condescending frazzling with her fingers, grinning down at him lopsidedly and finding amusement in the wolf's wheezing.

"So... ah..." Triller managed to sputter, his words a little hoarse and dulled with his jaw going numb, "What about me?"

Kyla lazily glanced back at the twitching wolfhood flagpole twitching from his hips like an unenthusiastic diner glancing at a dessert menu after gorging themselves on a greasy pile of self-indulgent chicken wings. Still a bit jittery, the she-wolf leaned back forward and shot a smile to her fellow wolf before wordlessly lifting herself up and shift downward. Triller felt his sore muzzle curl into a matching expression of elation as he watching Kyla's pussy tease over his tip, dripping with post-orgasmic juices that trickled down his veiny shaft like the sweat pouring over their bodies.

Triller almost had the wind knocked out of him when Kyla lined herself up and swiftly hilted the wolf's erection in one swift motion. It certainly knocked a surprised grunt from the wolf's chest, his hands gripping up around her hips as his excited smile grew a bit less confident. Kyla felt tight, to put it mildly, her walls hugging his shape from tip to base (base base, with how she was putting her weight) and still her expression remained aloof and distant. Triller swallowed and moved his hands to wrap around the muscular wolf's hips before he felt her flinch and her walls ripple.

"Guh! O-Ohhh, shit! Uh.... o-okay, that-T... feels... ooh!!" Triller bit his lip as the full-shaft clenching continued, literally milking his cock with what looked like as much effort as the grey wolf needed to peel a banana.

Triller grit his teeth and tried to pull back against the stiff wooden bench, trying to get some leverage or movement going, but no matter where he tried to move the powerful wolf kept him pinned down. Kyla's expression remained distant, yet slightly amused as she propped her hands on the supine wolf's chest and began kneading him in earnest. The sensation of those slick walls strangling his cock, especially his base, and seeming to expertly draw him upward further eroded Triller's composure as he grasped desperately at Kyla's solid hips.

"S-Shit, Ky.... Kyla... c'mon, l-lemme just.... FFFnnn~! Fuck, I.... I can't move, j-just... GH-hhhhnnn!"

Kyla seemed to take enjoyment in the wolf's strangled words, moreso than what the wolf was providing between her legs as the entire event seemed more like amusement than anything else to the wolf on top. After a few agonizing minutes of uncomfortably pleasant massaging of the wolf's leaky cock, Kyla leaned forward a bit and combed her fingers through Triller's sweat-drenched hair. She then pinned his head back to the bench with surprising strength and grinned toothily down at him, still with that distant look in her eyes.

"You're damn good at eating pussy, horndog... I like you." she hummed, rocking her hips solidly against his lap.

"Errrrgggh... Th-... thanks?"

"Normally I need Saruuk to really give me a good post-workout stretch, but damn... I think you'll do in a pinch if he's not available. The thanks is all mine."

Triller let out a shuddering grunt as Kyla started fully grinding into his lap, easing up the stranglehold her pussy had on his flinching erection and letting the seized-up sensations rush back up through his body. The male wolf gasped sharply before his teeth snapped shut, eyes clenching tight and hips struggling to move Kyla an inch as she gave him one last, gentle squeeze.

Triller cried out dryly despite the humid and musky room, emptying himself into Kyla's tight pocket and digging divots into the wooden bench with his claws. Each twitch was excruciating ecstasy, flooding the grey wolf's insides with sticky, ropy blasts of the male's thick seed as he writhed and struggled underneath her. As Kyla felt the extra warmth build inside of her, she let out a soft, mildly-satisfied sigh and let her eyes close, her arousal wavering upward in a lazy spike before dribbling out of her consciousness like Triller's cum was currently doing around his base.

With little fanfare, Kyla dismounted herself from the wolf with an audible pop, her tight walls keeping all but a trickle of the wolf's load from spilling out until she could reach the showers. Tracing the excess smear of gooeyness with her fingers, she leaned over and lightly wiped the sticky fingers off on Triller's panting chest. The mess disappeared somewhat into the forest of white but left a few obvious peaks and cowlicks in the male's plumage as Kyla blew the panting, dazed wolf a kiss.

"Thanks, horndog." she casually tossed his way before nabbing her towel and leaving Triller and his flagging erection to the empty sauna.

Triller huffed as he settled back into the shoulder press machine, hips aching and providing a strong argument against finishing his workout for the day. The wolf's mood was further soured with the mostly unsatisfying climax just a few minutes early, though upon ruminating on the experience the wolf couldn't entirely complain. The view of the she-wolf's muscular body wriggling on top of him as she grind his muzzle between her thighs was definitely worth the extra shower and the mild numbness around his hips. At least, that's what the wolf told himself as he once again focused himself for his first set.

"Hey there."

Triller blinked and looked upward, face burning bright red as a familiar, towering green lizard regarded him. Arms with thick, corded muscle crossed the broad, defined chest hidden poorly behind a black tank top already soaked with a glistening sheen of sweat that seemed to pour down the large male's bulky body. The only article of clothing that was doing even less work were the shorts the lizard was sporting with a very noticeable bulge traveling down his right leg. The towering, muscular male was standing uncomfortably close between the wolf's open legs and as Triller continued to stare he noticed a thick, purple uncut tip poke out from that same pantleg.

"You almost done? I got somethin' I need help with today." Saruuk's muzzle curled in a large, predatory grin.