Chapter 2 - Confirming Ties and Bonds

Story by TyrsBackalley on SoFurry

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#2 of Ritual Matings

Some quick sex had some major developments for the Alpha wolf and Rhino which has them considering their future together.

Two hours later I wake up with a very large rhino still nestled into my crotch, my energy having recharged thanks to my abilities. Reaching out with my mind I get a feel for his aura familiarizing myself with his nuances, his internal organs, his life energy and his desires. While I familiarize myself with his kinks though I notice some real untouched stuff in his subconsciousness.

Holy crap. Is his aura even real? Did I alter it? Oh god please tell me I didn't alter it? Feeling mine I search for any shift between us desperate to find nothing in my aura. Scouring our connection I find nothing changed by me in him. Nothing changed by anyone.

Lolling my head back into the pillow I let out a huge sigh of relief. Then my excitement picks up a couple of notches. My slave's kinks list matches my own. It's endless. He is literally 'my' Slave.

Checking the time and my mates energy levels I estimate he has 4 more hours of sleep before waking. Moving his head off my lap I go to train. MMA has its advantages, also making sure to call in sick for work for the next 3 days as I plan to spend the time with my new Rhino slave.

Getting back 4 hours later I head to the bedroom to witness my slave still sleeping and just on the verge of waking up. Silently padding over to him I kneel above him slowly turning him on his back. Face to face with him I study his closed eyes while picturing exactly what I can do to him. When I see his horn I get an idea that I'll have to do later but not right now.

Waking him being the best option currently, otherwise I'm going to develop some very naughty ideas, I grip his horn with one hand and open his muzzle with the other. His eyes start to open just as I finish, with him getting a good look at me smiling down my longer muzzle into his eyes. Pressing my hips forward I get my sheathe right into position above his mouth and block his nose for a second. "Morning Slave. Time to wake up and get a whiff of your master's balls, my pretty little bull." Having dangled my balls directly in his open mouth I get to watch the realization hit him.

Feeling the air tickle the fur of my sheath I grin. "That's it my nasty slave. Breathe in that scent of a 4 hour MMA session. While your breathing though don't forget to suckle on my balls like a good calf."

His mouth closes on my nuts careful to avoid biting as his tongue makes contact and still snuffling each breath into my sheathe. Stroking his horn as my sheathe swells I watch the exotic show. His velvety smooth tongue swiping over my balls getting them wet and soaked, the spittle and sweat dripping off them back onto his own tongue. "Tell me do they taste good slave? I know you've got your mouth full right now, so how about you give me a nibble. One for no and two for yes. Go on give it a go."

Hesitation alight in his eyes, I feel his hands grip my thighs asking permission, setting a limit. Grabbing one hand still leaving one on his horn for control I tell him. "Fine, I let go, don't bite harder than that. Now be a good Slave and grind your teeth for your Master to tell me if they taste good."

Two swift bites on my nuts, I get a sharp pain through my balls from his blunt teeth as 3 inches of cock is freed from my sheath. Not enough to moan I just look down on him. "So they taste good. I'm glad and do you like the smell of my musk Slave?"

Having noticed nothing changed he gives two slower bites this time, much firmer distorting the surface of my testicles a bit. Moaning above him I give him a compliment "Good slave. But now I want you to really grind them. Grind them until my cock is fully freed from my sheathe. After that you can guess what we're playing."

Knowing now that I like the pain his bites are surer this time. Really digging his teeth in, the pain sets me off for a round of moans with my head thrown back. Still having hold of his fingers in my paws I grip a bit harder letting him know he can bite me even harder.

His disbelieving eyes meet mine as I come off my last high still only having 6 inches of my cock on show making its way up the horn in front of his eyes. His next bite would rupture a peanut with the force he puts into it and finally he finds a limit. Maybe a bit too far as I reflexively tighten my grip on his finger as my balls send shockwaves through my stomach. Fluttering in the wind my balls scream for mercy, appealing to my demon blood to such an extent my cock basically barrels out of its home. The only thing left inside is my knot.

"Good Slave, just the knot then we can change it up. Now treat my balls like a canines chew toy." Twisting his muzzle with each bite now, he doesn't concentrate on just the same area, instead randomizing his bites, instinctually knowing the unpredictability ramps up the pleasure for me. Displaying difficulties now with keeping my pleasure unknown my head thrashes backwards, staving off a howl as my balls take the abuse that I demanded.

My slave's efforts fade a little from lack of oxygen. Not able to get enough through the fur of my sheath I sit forward to block his nose completely and deny him every chance of breathing to wait for him to tap out. Watching him squirm now as his breathing has been cut off, ingenuity strikes him as instead of teeth his tongue comes up between my balls and his teeth. This time when he bites down the slimy appendage cushions it equalizing the pressure across the entire surface. Groaning out, my knot pops into the world signalling my readiness for a new activity.

Releasing his paw now that I'm done with his mouth I remove my testicles from his muzzle and get off his face to the edge of the bed. Too eager and now confirming the knowledge that my Slave likes a bit of force, if the size of his fleshy spire lying fully extended up his belly is anything to judge by that is. I end up dragging him to the edge of the bed where I lift his legs up to get my tip nestled in his ass. I entirely disregard prepping him deciding my copious amounts of pre will be enough to slick his near untouched hole as I give him a sadistic grin.

"Beg for me to fuck you dry Slave. Tell me how much you want my cock up your tailhole." Teasing his entrance to get him wet with my pre I wait for him to beg.

He's blushing so cutely, the rosey colour showing up so well on his grey-white cheeks as he stares down humiliated at having to do this. "Please Master, treat your slave as you wish. Your slave needs to be filled with your cock and begs for you to mark his insides for the first time so all will know I'm your cow, Master."

"Fuck Slave, now that was hot. Well if Slave wants me to treat him like he's my Cow, I'd love to. Make sure to push out when I push in and breath, unless you want it to hurt more."

Looking past his horn he keeps his eyes locked on me while I concentrate down below. With my sharp canine tip positioned I give a little thrust settling in behind him to spread him open. Hearing his intake of breath I know it has been a while for him. Continuing regardless I keep up a gentle pressure easing in. My tip spreads him easily followed rapidly by my tapered shaft until I've got four inches sunk in his ass. His rim's like a black hole I think, sucking me in and squeezing, egging me on to go deeper. "Fuck, I hope you can take me slave, because you're going to shortly."

"Please Master, Slave needs you in him." Disbelief peppers my face as he declares his need shamelessly. Unable to take my eyes off his ring as it swallows my tip I hear those words still in a slave context and I know he can take more.

"You may regret those words Slave." Disregarding his pleasure now that he's begged for me to be rough, I take in the beautiful sight below having every intention to ruin it. Clenching my ass I thrust, penetrating his ass all the way up to my knot.

His screams echo about the room while I snicker above him. "More than you bargained for Slave." His face transformed into a look of pain as he tilts it up whimpering. "You begged for it so take it." I keep my thrusts shallow, only retrieving a few inches at a time to maximize my pleasure and force his adjustment to my shaft.

Revelling in the pleasure of being this deep in my slave, combined with the way his insides pulse and grip my shaft I feel like I'm in heaven. Moaning I grip his shaft giving myself something to play with as I lean more weight into his right leg pinning it to his chest. Stroking him off in time with my thrusts I feel the difference it makes, his insides vibrating in pleasure rhythmically tightening around my shaft.

I barely need to push in, with his insides nearly sucking me in. Vice-like pleasure grips my cock on each pull out, and picking up the pace I pull out further, leaving just the tip inside of him on each thrust. My knot starts prying his ring apart then, vying for entry but he won't loosen up without a fight.

"This is gonna hurt Slave."

Given warning he figures what's gonna happen as he acknowledges me. "Yes Master." In no mood to deal with his resistance with how horny I am, I brutally thrust. His ring takes a beating from my knot as I feel it give a little of its tightness to me. My knots rapidly expanding, now widened far beyond what his cock ever spread me last night.

His teeth are gritted as my knot slams in again, stretching his hole a bit wider. Halfway in now I get a cocky grin on my muzzle getting to see his pain and determination to please me. Rocking in with my next thrust and still playing with his cock, I get a huge surprise as Ray throws his head back as his shaft pulses in my hand. His shot hits himself in the chin before covering his chest in cum. Pausing my thrusts to watch I get a great sight of the whole thing.

It doesn't take long for him to empty his load as he remains twitching in my palm. When his head comes up looking blissed out I want to laugh. With how fast it changes to horror upon meeting my eyes I almost do. My muzzle is painted in a sadistic grin which he just saw. "Just because you came Slave, doesn't mean I'm stopping. You'll be taking my knot and if I want to play with your cock during this, that's just too bad for you." Drawing out to the tip I add one more thing. "Feel free to scream though."

Tightening my grip, his tunnel squeezes down as I tense and thrust. True to form he does just as I gave him permission to do. He screams. "YES MASTER!" Not what I expected. His tunnel becomes a welcoming home for me to live in. His passion combined with mine has his overly sensitive shaft hard as a rock in my paw again.

Knowledge hits then, telling me that I have the best slave I could ever dream of so when I slam my knot into him again, I begin making real progress. Almost wide enough to get in. My next drive forward I jump spinning him on the bed so I can get above him now. My feet planted on the bed and his shoulders are all that make contact with the mattress as I piledrive my cock into the willing slave hole beneath me having released his cock to gain more leverage.

Two thrusts later the room stops with a mighty 'Pop' of finality, as my slaves greedy ass swallows my knot. My balls churn and explode, cum shooting straight into my slave's tunnel, blocked from coming out by the sheer size of my knot, marking the full depths of his insides. When I feel his insides tighten on my knot, it feels like I hit a double orgasm only to witness his second one shoot straight down covering his face. "Open your mouth slave, swallow your worthless cum as you take your Master's deep inside your slave hole."

No protest forthcoming as he opens his mouth, I aim the rest of his shots into filling his mouth up with each spurt. Each swallow has his belly swelling with the combined contents of both of our cum visible even in this stressed position. Relaxing my grip I slowly lower myself to the bed only to turn us around swivelling him on my cock.

With him as the little spoon I say, "Settle in Slave, we're gonna be tied for a little while. Should give us a chance to talk."

Blissed out he adjusts his position a little getting his tail out from between us before acknowledging me. "That was awesome Master Tyr. I've never experienced pleasure like that before. But what do you mean we'll be tied for a while?"

Chuckling. "I see you have no experience playing with knots Ray. It takes up to half an hour, depending on the situation for a knot to deflate once tied. The willingness you showed and submission combined with how tight you are, well, we could be here for longer than that. Especially if you keep clenching." I add as his ring flexes draining another spurt from me.

He's turned so one eye can be on me but I notice from where his eyes are, he can see the front of his horn furthering my idea from before. Smiling he talks. "I like this. It's intimate and somehow feels like I was meant to be here forever. Not saying taking it didn't hurt like a bitch, however I wouldn't have gotten rid of that pain for anything. So what do you usually talk about when you're tied to a bitch like this?"

"I'd usually just go to sleep, knowing I'd likely never see them again in the same position. With you though, I know I'm going to see you like this again and in a thousand other ways. So I'm not sure, but how about we get to know each other as I know next to nothing about you. What do you do for work?"

He's quite accepting of the whole, 'seeing you a thousand ways like this.' part. More accepting than I would be and leaps on the topic of conversation in between little moos of fulfilment. "I'm an investment banker. I work at a fairly major firm in the city. It's mostly boring stuff but it more than pays the bills and gives me a great award rate. What about yourself Master?"

"You can call me Tyr if you want Slave in moments like this. I'm a Correctional Officer working 5 minutes from my apartment. I've also got a new job offer that I'm currently deciding on that I may ask you about later from Lucifer with his demon-core. Other than that I usually just train a lot for MMA and hit gay clubs for sex."

"I like calling you Master, if you want I'll call you Tyr but only if you want."

I smile at his admission. "That's fine, Slave. I'll call you Ray from time to time but when I want to embarrass, demean or show my pride in you, even in public I will call you Slave. Understood?"

"I like the idea of that. I'm not sure how I feel about the Demon-core though. I've never heard much about it before, but what I have heard is usually dangerous stuff. Do you want to join it?"

Last night I told Byron a definite 'no' but overnight my opinion on the position has changed a lot. "I'm not sure either. The demon-core has always been filled with mystery even among my kind. I was going to meet and turn him down but with you now, I'm thinking maybe I could do some good in it depending on exactly what my duties would be and if I'd have to move. So many questions and I've never been one for questions like that."

"Do you like what you do now and do you want it to change?"

His question is relevant, not that I'd have thought of it on my own. "I've never really enjoyed it. If I could I'd be a soldier or maybe, if they actually helped people these days, a police officer. This job just gave me a chance to earn money and not deal with people too much. In that way I like it, but the actual job no. I hate it in fact."

My mate has a far too logical mind on his shoulders to be able to think with a four and a half inch wide knot lodged in his ass, I think as he asks. "Sounds like you wouldn't mind a change, if it fit in with what you like to do so why not find out if Lucifer's job offer could achieve that goal for you."

"It is sound advice Slave and I'll take it on board to find out what I can, but no promises until I do. Enough of that as I don't want to think of it again for the next three days. Just letting you know I've taken them off sick so we can acquaint ourselves with each other. I'll understand if you can't take the same time off, I just think it will be good for us being thrown in the deep end like we are."

He's smirking at me as I say that. "Well, today is Saturday so all I'd have to take leave for is Monday and as I never take leave, my bosses will accommodate it. They know they'll have to if they don't want to lose months of time on their projects so it's no problem."

"Well, that gives me an idea of my next question. What do you occupy your spare time with?"

Shrugging the question off seems easy for him. "I play a few computer games, go out with friends to drink once or twice a week and I go to the gym at least three times a week. I try and make it 5 times a week to lose my belly but, I like food, computers and scotch a little too much to ever get rid of it."

"I like your belly, it looks sexy on you. However I wouldn't have picked a bull like you to drink scotch. Most rhino's prefer a sweeter taste like Rum or Gin. What made you take up scotch?"

"Don't mistake me, I like nearly every spirit excluding gin, but Scotch just has this scent to it that reminds me of what I'd like my home to smell like. Now that I think about it, it smells like a diluted version of your musk Master. Is that weird?"

"Not at all, it's kind of sweet actually. I love whisky myself but give me a rum and coke over it any day of the week. What types of games do you play?"

"I play first person shooters mostly as a casual gamer. "

Feeling my knot loosening I give an experimental tug on it only to watch a sliver of cum leak past and down my rhino's taint. "Hold on, and clench Slave. Try not to let too much cum escape." A sharp tug and pop later my cock pulls free of its new home. Looking down I get a great view of his ring closing sharply, letting only what cum stuck to my shaft escape. "That's a good boy. Not a drop spilt. Now what do you think of the idea of breakfast, then round 2?"

An eager nod for a reply, he follows me into the kitchen belly already full only to gorge himself once more.

12 eggs and 8 slices of toast later we finally make it to the shower. Intent on making this romp a quick one as we have things to do I waste no time once the shower is turned on. Still cold I shove Ray under the spray before slamming my already swollen shaft into his loosened back door. "Fuck Master, it's cold."

Smirking at his discomfort, I don't bother with an answer, on a one track mind now as I thrust in and out of his hole with every intention of breeding him in the next minute. "Stroke your cock Slave. This is just a quickie to get me off. You should thank me for allowing you the opportunity of getting off to."

Just the contact of my cock on his prostate has his sheath spilling his cock out and hardening into the titanic beast it is. Taking my kindness, my slave does just as ordered leaning one arm against the shower wall with the other rubbing his shaft. Long strokes of his hand cover his entire length as he matches his speed to mine driving me wild as his tunnel clenches.

Witnessing his submission in the dropped head and how he bends, giving me greater access to his ass, spurs me on. Wasting no time as my knots ready to explode, I thrust harder demanding entrance to my Slave's ass. To my ass. Wet slaps made to sound dirtier by the water cascading down his back I make progress.

Gripping his tail I pull up on it, stretching his hole all I needed as with a moan and a pop, my knot sinks in. My body goes rigid as I reach my peak, knot swelling to its maximum size as I shoot into his already overfull belly. When his passage cramps up I know he's hit his own peak. Reaching around to grab his tennis sized balls I squeeze down on them. Hearing him squeal from the pain in his ass and now his balls, my fast paced orgasm renews shooting my last spurts in record time while his seed spills against the wall of the shower only to get washed down the drain.

Releasing his balls as both of us come down from our highs at the same time. "Well that felt good for me, how about you Slave?"

Bent over doubled in pain and still reeling from the orgasmic high I give him a moment to recover before he answers, prompting a response by tugging at the tie. "It felt amazing Master. I wasn't truly expecting any of it. The suddenness, the fast tying and roughness of it all and then when you squeezed my balls Master. I'm not sure about that, I think I enjoyed it but do you think we could try it again before I give you a definite decision about it Master?"

Smiling at the comment as I look down at his now swollen tailhole, I get to watch his hole leak a drop of cum even with the seal of my knot. Given how full he is now that isn't much of a surprise. Unable to hold back a laugh, "Sure, Slave. But just to let you know, you'rr leaking around my knot with the sheer volume of cum now in you. You're not going to like what that means for your broken in ass."

His voice is shaky and hesitant as he looks back at me with a pleading look in his eyes as he asks, "Why's that Master?"

Leaning forward I press my muzzle into his shoulder to whisper ohh so sweetly, "It means there's enough lube for me to pull free even fully expanded as I am." Switching to my sadistic voice I get a burst of sheer pleasure putting him through this so soon. "You do not have permission to scream Slave as I retrieve my knot. Put your head down, thank your master like a good Slave, then grin and bear it."

Knowing how painful this is, from experience, I push forward, coating my knot in as much cum as I can while Ray does just as ordered. Lowering his horn he places it against the tiles and closes his eyes with a grin on his face before thanking me. "Thank you for using your slave master. If it pleases Master to retrieve his knot, please force your slave to take the pain." Never having heard words muttered in such a show of affectionate submission from a recently spent slave I almost decide to stay in him until I deflate.

But there are other plans and I want him to know what this feels like as I will do it to him later. Pressing down into his back while raising his tail to stretch his ring I pull slowly on the tie. Easing myself out of him I groan from the increased pressure only to have my Slave push out too. Surprise hits both of us as a sloppy squelch sounds around the bathroom ejecting my knot harshly.

Hearing my slaves teeth actually gnash together, I look down to see his quivering hole pulsate around my shaft the knot just resting on its outside. Cum leaks out only to run down my balls and his own bulging pair, caught in the stream of water drenching us. "Such a hot sight, Slave, my cum dripping from your hole down our balls. You are extremely talented to take that so easy, but I'm not interested in you getting cum on my seats today, so push out when I pull out."

A torrent of cum, follows the removal of my shaft. A sick idea hits as I see it start slamming off the water I cup a paw under his tail hole catching a full handful as he expels the mornings activities with a wet farting noise.

Grabbing his horn as a handle to control him I turn him around to face the paw full of cum, my sadistic grin still in place. His eyes widen in surprise thinking the ordeal over but seeing my paw he understands what he has to do. "Make sure you clean it off Slave."

A smile actually cracks onto his face from the degradation of slurping the steaming mix of seed from his ass. "Happily Master." Freely dipping his muzzle down, only to lovingly lick my paw exaggerating his pleasure at the act. Actively swallowing he takes his time on the next mouthful, sucking a larger helping down smiling the whole time.

Unable to help myself I bend down and lick his horn affectionately. "That's a good Slave. I love that you're enjoying this so much you filthy little cow." He pauses a little as he looks up to me only to add his own two cents in. "I love you to Master Tyr. Thank you for making me feel complete."

Bending his head to the task once more he swallows my hand in his huge mouth, flicking his tongue across the fur, cleaning every last drop off. What he's doing has me running hot, my cock hardening again just watching the display. Knowing I could go a third time, I look down only to see his cock desperately trying to rise yet lacking the energy. I could be cruel and take him anyway but watching him devotedly cleaning my paw I can't bring myself to do it.

Well that's only because I want to do some other things today and I can't have him too exhausted for what I have planned.

Feeling him finish with my paw I turn the water back on, cold hitting the both of us before it warms up. For a reward I rub his muzzle. "You did a great job Slave. Thank you for taking that so easily."

Warmth filling me in hope for the first time in years I settle into the shower, getting both of us clean. Him letting a few more sloppy farts off before the end to which we both chuckle at.

Once I get my fur dry I finally make it into the bedroom where Ray is waiting patiently for me to return having stripped the bed like I asked. "I didn't know where the sheets were Master or I would have started making it and I wasn't sure if there were things I wasn't allowed into or not."

"That's okay. I'll show you later, but for now I have a few things to show you and have you decide on for the future okay?"

"Thank you Master." His smile still fills me with a warmth unlike any I've experienced. "What would you like to show me?"

Raising a paw I indicate my toy cabinet. "My collection for one, but more for you to choose a few key pieces of gear for yourself. So just wait patiently as I lay it out for you to study."

Opening the cabinet I start pulling out my personal collection of harnesses, cuffs, collars and hoods and laying them on the bed. When I'm finished I start to describe them. "This is my personal toys from when I used to sub. Most of it won't fit you given your larger size but it should give you an idea of what they can be used for as I can tell, you have very little experience in this world of dominance and submission. I'd like for you to choose a design that will suit you and where you would like things to go between us."

His look of shock as he studies certain pieces is more telling than even his aura was. He's never experimented with this side of things before. Never probably having found porn of the things some pieces of this gear is used for. Taking care not to intimidate him too much I've left some extreme pieces in the cabinet that are used primarily for torture but he's picked up a fairly heavy use mask to study first.

Telling he can't process the use of such a hood I take it off of him to explain it's use to him. "This is a fitted muzzle hood, airtight when the nose holes are sealed letting the only breathe come from the tube. The gag fitted inside lodges itself between a canines teeth, preventing damage or closing of the mouth while simultaneously locking the tongue to the floor of ones muzzle. It can lock on to a submissive where he is deprived of all senses until let go."

Pulling up the tube I show him the valve at the split. "This is an oxygen valve letting only air in and out. The other tube connects to a rubber sheath and catheter. Thus a slave has no choice but to swallow his own piss creating an endless cycle of the slave swallowing his own urine or if a master decides, he can add his own urine to the mix. The sheathe can be detached and replaced with a funnel or anything else. It's definitely on the more wild side of things that a submissive can be made to do."

Handing the mask back to my slave, his face stricken in horror as he holds the article out before him continuing to study it. Fingering the gag in front he asks curiosity getting the better of him. "Is that something you'd be interested in doing with me Master?"

Unwilling to lie as that would cause a rift I tell him straight up, "Yes, I would like to see you in something like that eventually but not until you are 100% ready for it. But I will never force you into something like that until you've experienced it freely."

He puts the object down, now with a smile on his face. "Thank you, Master. I find I'm curious of the idea but I'm not ready for that yet. Maybe we can start smaller?" He strokes the mask with his eyes blazing with a hint of longing in them. "Of course, Slave. What else are you curious about?"

"All of it. I've never seen anything like any of this." Picking up a leather harness he holds it up for me to explain.

Chuckling at his almost kid in the candy shop act I talk him through each piece. The piece he just picked up is a bulldog harness. An aesthetic favourite of mine, but with little function. A piece I would like to see him in one day but I am hoping for something more. Something terrifying for an experienced player but, for someone so inexperienced, I think I can talk him into it. When he picks up the complicated piece, I almost jump the gun and explain it a bit to fast.

When he finally asks me to explain it I decide a showing would be better. "I'll show you Slave." Dropping my towel, I move over to him. "This is my favourite piece of gear in my collection. It's an auto bondage harness, specially designed for a furred animal. They make them for unfurred species such as yourself and are a bit cheaper in design. This one was made for me but don't get any ideas, I'm only showing you what it looks like to convince you to get one."

Giving him a smile I slip the harness over my arm letting the weight rest on my chest. "Each cuff buckles around a specific body part and for it to work, must be buckled correctly so you'll have to help with this. The cuffs are easy to put on as they just snap on once placed correctly. So drag the arm down the shoulder." Feeling him run the strap down my arm to the first cuff I stop him. "That one is for my bicep, just join each end on the far side."

When it clicks into place I watch his face for any reaction. Excitement running wild in his eyes as he returns to his task. "The second cuff goes around my forearm." Hearing the click I show him to the last. "And the last goes around my wrist. Once done with that, do the other side Slave."

Finishing the arms I have him move down and do the legs leaving the crotch straps until last. "The first cuff you find down there latches around my thigh. The second below my knee and the third around my ankle." Once he's done with my legs I switch to a more dominant voice as I order him for the rest, unwilling to confuse him about who is the dominant party here. "Stay on your knees and move behind me. Once there, you will find two cuffs that clip onto my tail. One at the base and the other at the tip. The tip one has a second join point that if used would keep my tail arched and unable to lower to protect my hole. For now you can use your imagination for that one."

Once my tail is clipped in I turn facing him now sheathe directly in his face as I widen my stance giving him a view of the straps that are still dangling behind me. "The two widest straps behind me are to come around front and buckle into the lower front ring around my belt line. Reach around and grab them Slave."

With the way I'm positioned he has little choice other than to press his nose into my crotch to reach the straps taking a sniff of aroused demon-wolf in the process. Feeling his whimper he only gets distracted for a second before he leans back and buckles my waist in. "Now for the last piece slave. Reach between my legs and bring the loincloth up to the front. This one was designed as a jock strap and chastity device for me. Clip the centre piece to the buckle and then run your fingers across the rest to seal it."

Sealed in to the demonic harness, I feel caged and restricted immediately as the cod piece in front prevents me achieving an erection unless the flap is taken off. "The flap can be easily removed by slipping your fingers behind my balls and lifting up creating an outline of straps. Reach under slave." He peels the flap off before holding it up.

Taking it off his hands I take three steps back. "Stay there slave. The last piece of mine is the collar." I can see his erection dripping below him now as he gets completely turned on by the sight as he imagines himself in one of these. I can tell he's sold on getting one now. Reaching back I pull the collar up before clipping it around my neck. Gesturing to myself I ask, "And with it in place, does my slave think he'd enjoy being in one like this?"

Taking all of me in, he nods. "It looks amazing Master. I'd love to be in one like that."

Grinning I reach up and press into the collar, which unbuckles the whole thing in one go. Taking it off I throw it onto the bed. "Good. I wanted you in one of them so I'm glad you thought it was hot. That will be our first stop to get you measured for one today before we go and do something else while my friend constructs it for you."

Seeing him rock hard from the excitement of seeing the harness if still very naive about its entire function I order him to get dressed.

Appropriately dressed we hop into my car underground. Pulling out of my driveway I settle in to travel the 15 minutes to my fetish supplier.

Arriving I introduce Ray to Steven just inside the entranceway of his dungeon. "Ray, this fine old Polar bear is Steven, the owner, designer and Master of FurFetish and their gear. Steven this is my new Slave, Ray."

Ray doesn't know what to do with my introduction as he waits, still smiling for Steven to make a move. Steven's scowl hasn't changed since he noticed Ray being brought in behind me. When Ray doesn't make a move for almost five seconds, keeping his smile still in place, Steve then lets out a great big belly laugh. "Glad to meet you son." He holds out his paw so they can shake. "I have to say I'm almost jealous of Tyr here for finding someone like you first. Wherever did he find you?"

Ray's confused by the greeting as he looks toward me for an idea of what to do. Just giving him a nod to know he is in fact okay he relaxes a little. "He found me in a bar last night and took me home then. He claimed me after that."

Steven's look of confusion is priceless when he hears that word claimed, knowing what it means for a demon. "By claimed do you mean in blood?"

Startled Ray looks at me so I answer. "Yes I claimed him with my blood after he fucked me Steve, so no giving him a hard time verbally." Shrugging as I can't resist adding, "You can physically if you ask me first just not today as the next three days are just me time."

Winking at Ray, he ignores me to talk to him. "He's such a spoilsport. I think we would have gotten along famously don't you think Slave?"

Ray frowns as Steve calls him Slave before looking at me again. I flick my muzzle trying to convey he can handle it if he wishes or he can let it go. Knowing Ray's being tested I'm fascinated by the interaction and am curious how he will handle it.

Frown creasing his brow, Ray stands a bit straighter, like he would've facing anyone before yesterday for insinuating something so crass. "I'm not your slave, Steve. I'm Tyr's but I do agree, a big white bear like yourself, would have looked great impaled on my spear."

Steve's in shock, having gauged Ray completely wrong which in my opinion is fucking hilarious as I stand watching. "Well, I'll be damned. A loyal slave." Steve turns his big furry muzzle about only to threaten me, "If you screw this up Tyr, I'll personally belt you with a flogger. I like him already and you know that I hate everybody. Now son what brings you here today?"

Resisting a laugh of my own as he now addresses me. "I came here to get a few pieces of gear made for Ray here. He's new to the scene, but as we're bonded and I'm his master, he needs good quality toys with the ability to do more as our experience together grows. And of course you are the best in the business for this sort of work so naturally I came here."

Turning on Ray he chuckles elbowing his solid belly, "He always thinks flattery gets him places. From the bastard that he is, it usually does work."

With his muzzle turned to look at Steve I get an image pop up of clash of the titans for how solid the two mountains are, just now they're friendly titans. So maybe clash of the hugging titans? "I find myself liking his flattery when he gives it out. Then again I find myself liking anything he gives out."

Both of them chuckle at my expense until Ray notices my play scowl. Snapping his mouth shut Ray lowers his head submissively and makes sure to turn his horn away. "Don't be such a sourpuss Tyr. Now what did the two of you have in mind for this gear you wanted made?"

"Earlier I showed him the auto harness, you made for me. He really enjoyed the look and I was hoping you could make one for him similar in design just with a couple of modifications as a surprise for him. Otherwise a sensory deprivation hood, not heavy duty, just one I can limit one sense of his at a time."

"Ahh, that harness. They're amazing and I have one that would almost fit him, with a few adjustments I could take his measurements now and have it ready in a few hours. The hood, I have two that would fit him that would suit your needs. They wouldn't be perfect fits, but they would work until a custom one could be made which would take a few days depending on the material."

"Sounds good, I expected to have to wait a few days for the harness so I'm more than happy with that. You excited by the prospect of having your harness today Slave?"

I swear Ray's a horny teenager in his pants, as I can see and smell the outline of his budding tip to the point I may need to change my mind about the chastity flap. "Very excited Master. How do we go about this?"

"You follow this big assed polar bear into the back room where we measure you so I can get started on the design." The big assed polar bear in question turns around expecting us to follow, which of course we do.

Walking through the shop I give a cursory glance over the toys on display, but as we're already here for something I just keep walking, pulling Ray into the backroom. Seeing the display out back always has left me speechless and it gets the exact same reaction today as I walk in. Every tool imaginable line the walls down here for every assortment of fetish and toy crafting purpose their is. Together with Ray I get to see Steve enter his workshop and playspace. Here in this room, even I dip my muzzle to him. Anyone with half an inch of self-respect would do the same in here. Steve gathers a couple things, before kicking a box into the centre of the room. "Okay, Ray strip then come and stand in the centre of the room so we can get this out of the way. Tyr you can just make yourself comfortable."

Following the bears direction Ray removes his clothes not even looking for permission from me, knowing that this is what we're here for. "Did you need me to take notes Steve?"

I know he doesn't trust people from when I used to be a submissive here, but he usually trusts me to help with this. "No, not today Tyr. Today, you're my client." Taking his tape measure out he starts his measuring process scribbling them down next to him on his little desk. Manhandling my slave into position as he talks to me. "Now is there any particular designs you wanted for this Tyr or would you prefer to talk about them afterwards?"

Still professional as always in this room. Steve's asking if he needs to measure everything in a way that I recognise. "Yes there are Steve. So just for this and future references could you do a full measurement set up for him. That way you can keep it on file in case I get a desire to see him in something specific."

"No worries. Then I'll get that out of the way." Picking up a couple of instruments that if you don't know what they're used for look very intimidating. Actually they look intimidating even if you do know what they're used for. "Ray this is going to feel weird. I'm going to be doing this quickly so you don't become aroused. Just yell if it's painful, otherwise relax okay?"

Not understanding what's about to happen Ray just nods. Until Ray inserts the rod into his sheathe when he freezes right up. Forcing the smooth rod in, he hits the base of the sheathe taking the measurement as he puts that one aside before finding the next tool. A set of custom callipers next enter the tight space before being stretched and expertly twisted to find Ray's flaccid cock width and the maximum internal width of his sheath. Done from all four sides at once, Steve has a perfect measurement of his internal dimensions now.

"See that was easier than if I had have explained the process, right son?" I don't think Ray's recovered from the invasion as he just stares at me with a look of violation written across his face. "It feels weird I know but your Master knew what I would do and gave me permission. I'm sorry for doing that but it is necessary for many toys so it had to be done. Tell me if you're right to keep going."

Giving him a reassuring smile, Ray starts to calm down a little timing his breathing with my own calm easy breaths across the room. Before long he breaks eye contact to look down at the bear still kneeling before him. "Sorry you really startled me then. I get why you didn't warn me just next time if you could please just, you know, warn me."

Chuckling as he gets off his knees he tells him. "That's easy as for the next one that I need to touch you down there I need you excited. So while I take the rest of your measurements, think of something exciting. If you can't I'll have to get your master to assist me."

I can hear him gulp as I add my threat, "I think a spanking would get him hard, don't you agree Steve? Bent over my knee in front of you? What do you think Slave?" Trying hard to swallow, enough to get an answer out we see the answer clear as day. "Damn, I don't think you'll need help. Almost a pity isn't it slave?"

Red colouring his cheeks, he looks down to see his now throbbing erection, "As you say Master, almost a pity."

"Maybe we can do it afterwards anyway." Hearing him choke is definitely worth the teasing. "Or not." I add with a laugh.

Steve joins in before humiliating him a bit more. "So are you fully hard now Ray from your Master teasing you, so I can measure your fuck stick? Or did you need a bit more of a prod."

Still embarrassed as all fuck he mutters. "I'm fully hard now, Sir. You can measure me now."

Tape measure in hand he starts calling his measurements out keeping him hard and throbbing, while looking proud. It's a good combo on his muzzle I have to say. "Total length, 22.5 inches top side. 23.1 inches bottom side. 22.6 inches right side and 22.75 left side. Now for the break typical of rhinos. 16.4 inches to break. I'm going to have to have a side on picture for the bend in it. But first circumference. 9.8 inches at base also widest point. Halfway point 9.4 inches. Break is 9.5 and tip is 7.9 inches. Now come over here son, lay your penis on the table base flat to it, and just let it be natural so I can capture the curve." 10 seconds later his camera is out and a click sounds as the picture gets taken.

Still embarrassed with his cock lying on the table as Steve studies the picture behind him. Hmming and umming the whole time, Steve leaves him standing there awkwardly as I struggle not to laugh. It actually takes a while before Ray gets impatient enough to ask "What? What's wrong?"

"Ohh, nothing, I was just studying the picture, to make sure it was good enough quality for me to design something for. You can come back into the centre of the room so we can finish up. Turning around Steve gives me a co-conspirators grin before professionally taking the last few measurements.

When he's done he gets Ray to put his clothes back on before I address him. "Okay then Ray, Steve and I have to discuss the project and my surprise for you so go out and take a look at the shop. I'm sure Gary the ocelot on the counter will give you a rough guide on what some things are used for. He's very knowledgeable about these things."

"Is there anything specific you'd like me to look at Master?" His naivety is still showing through ohh so cutely as he asks that.

"No nothing specific. Just take a look at whatever catches your eye."

When he's outside and I'm left alone with Steve I get a mad wolf whistle from the big bad bear. "That is one hot piece of tail, kid. I can't believe you actually got to bond that. You must have a god looking out for you."

"Only the opposite, Steve. Now what do you suggest for all this and how much is it going to cost me?"

"Aww, no chit chat and to think I had something very important to discuss with you today concerning your job offer from the week before."

Startled rocking on my paws I stutter, "H-How did you know about that?"

"Come and take a seat kid." He offers me a chair as he explains how he found out.

When he's done I'm a bit shocked actually, "Wait you're telling me that bear I helped was your brother?" A nod answers me, "And the girls your niece?" Another nod. "Well that's pretty cool man. I'm happy to hear that worked out then."

He's crying by this time as he spits it all out. "It's more than cool you dope. You with that one moment gave me everything back. He's hated me for years because he has always feared because he was a paedophile and that I was one too. He refused to have me near Bekkie and has never let me hold her. You gave me my brother back, my niece and my family. I had no idea how much that always tore me up until he found me and apologized for everything, begging me to forgive him."

Trying to wipe his eyes to look at me, "Then when he told me who did it and about Lucifer, all I wanted to do was come and thank you. Hell, since you walked in all I've wanted to do is kiss your feet for what you've done. But I'm not quite there yet so my thanks will have to do. Then seeing you with Ray out there. By god, I've never known someone to deserve anything more than you so when it comes to this gear your tabs clear man."

Trying to protest only to get cut off by him he interrupts with, "No no, I'm insisting. You wouldn't take my brothers money because you preferred him spending it on his own daughter but for years you've basically been a son to me since I brought you into this lifestyle so you don't get to say no to this. This is for you and your mate, not in payment for what you did but for your future together, got it?"

Humbled beyond words, not knowing what I did would have such a profound effect on someone I love like him, I can barely speak. "I don't have words Steve. I'm so glad this all worked out for you not that I ever planned it or anything, I'm just happy it did." Resting against him I grab him in a one arm hug before resorting to humour to lighten the mood. "You did good Daddy."

It's a terrible joke but he almost chokes, the humour is just that bad with me elbowing him the whole time. "You little shit, here I am trying to have a serious moment and you ruin it with that. What am I going to do with you?"

Smiling as he's fed me a line, and he realizes it to. "You could spank me Daddy, I've been naughty."

"Ughh," His groan actually sounds like he's in physical pain. "Now I remember why we never worked out with you as a submissive. You're more bitch than sub."

Chuckling now I hold him for a little bit. "Yeah that's true. Now as for the gear, as my slaves been out there for a while now and I wouldn't want him to think I abandoned him or anything. What did you have in mind for his balls?"

Planning it all out I eventually walk out of his backroom with a hood chosen and the harness ready for him to start. When I come out, I see a very mortified rhino looking on as an extremely naughty ocelot twink pulls out an equine speculum and demonstrates exactly how wide the toy can go. Thankfully outside of his ass this time, unlike the last time he pulled one of them out. Both Steve and I crack up laughing as we witness the sight.

10 minutes later we walk out of FurFetish with the promise that the harness will be ready by 5 tonight if I could come back then and pick it up. He'd also adjust one of the hoods he has in stock to fit until he has time to make the custom one as it will take more time.

With 7 hours now to kill I start in on my next plan. A plan I'm not sure is going to go over well with my Slave but as it's something I want I'm most certainly going to try and get him to go through with it.

On the trip to our next stop I explain what happened in the back room and my growing decision to join the demon-core, now fully dependent on a talk with Lucifer. Having committed myself to that interview I'm now excited by the prospect. I may end up being able to actually help people for once

Wouldn't that be something?