Chapter 20: Plans for a night on the town

Story by Ginsenshi on SoFurry

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#20 of Roen Olver Series

Roe makes plans to take Alex on a date, with clothes thrown around in a storm of activity

Chapter 20: Plans for a night on the town

Over hearing James ask out the librarians student assistant , gave me a idea to get Alex out of the house, either mine or his, so I approached the idea I had going with Alex. It was a Friday night and neither Alex or me have been out on a real date since his assault. "So how about we go out tonight us and the boys?" I asked around 7th period just before the bell rang to let us out for the weekend.

"I don't know Roe. You know how I feel in public settings now." He said with a unsure tone to his voice. :Let's just do a dinner and a movie, its simple, besides there's that new place downtown I've been wanting to try and that new spy movie I've been wanting to see, C'mon please ." I begged, really liking the idea of dinner and a movie now. "Yeah sure." He sighed resigned at his answer With our plans set for later the final period went by in a blur, when the final bell rang and we were let out.

"So back to your place or mine for a change of clothes?" I asked, as we stood outside waiting on aride share for either destiination. "Mine, besides I have that new dress shirt mom got me I've been wanting to wear. The boys need a good bath and brushing too." Alex replied , as the rideshare showed up.

Sometime later we made it back to Alex's, and gave the boys a good bath and brushing out, the boys shiney and clean we took care of ourselves in the shower. I had my hand wrapped around Alex's length as a stroked him in the shower. The favor was returned quickly as I came hard , the cum getting washed away by the water. The water was still warm when we were finished taking care of our sexual needs, feeling like we hadn't done anything in months. We finished up in the shower and got out.

I stood there drying off next to Alex as he brushed his teeth, a towel wrapped around his waist. "So where did you want to go for dinner anyways Roe?" he asked spitting the last of the toothpaste into the sink.

" Shu and Kouj wher where going on about this new Chinese place next to the Diner, I think Ming's Chinese , they said , it has really good teriyaki chicken on a stick, as well as the rest of the food." I said , already tasting the chinese food to come. "Sounds good to me, doesn't have to be 5 stars fancy to be good." he said, stepping out of the bathroom into his room to dig through the closet for clothes. He went through about 4 sets of clothes before he found something nhe liked and threw a few at me to try on. At one point a polo shirt landed on top of my head, then a pair of pants. and some really nice boxers. "You could watch where your aiming hun, I THink Connor and Ace each have whole new outfits to go with the dresssy guide harnesses, your mom gave us to test out." I said with a smile in Alex's Direction. "Well Black and white wouldn't look good tonight anyways, What are they wearing now ?" Alex asked with all seriousness. "Well let's see what was that last set that hit me in the face? A blue polo, black slacks ,, and apair of silky boxers, that's Connor's. I think Ace has the red polo with the tan khaki pants and a pair of my boxers." I replied back. "If you can get them to wear them , their welcome too. It would get them use to clothes for the reindeer antlers for CHristmas I have planned.""

That plan for reindeer antlers sounded cute, just don't know how the boys would feel about them, though they would rather chew on antlers then ware some on their heads.

"Let's not play dress up with the boys tonight. A bow -tie will be fine." I said still smiling at the images.

We soon decided on what to ware and where off for a night on the town.