Better Than a One Night Stand

Story by Lainedramon on SoFurry

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"When was the last time you got fucked?" The leopard wrapped his thin, fishnet gloved arm around his squirrel friend and pull their bodies close together. His friend shifted in annoyance even as the feline leaned into and whispered into his ear. "And I mean the toe curling, pillow biting, type of fucked. You know, the kind where your voice turns up a couple octaves and you can only speak in expletives? Then, when you're getting close, you let slip a breathy, 'Ohh~' or 'Yesss-ah!'"

With that sharp pitched ending, Oli pushed Alex away and wiped away the spit that his friend had hissed into his ear. Alex slid across the couch from his friend and started laughing, having been trying to work a reaction out of the wallflower for a good few minutes. The feline swung his limp-wristed palm at Oli in some variation of a playful slap then sat back in his seat, one foot tucked under his butt while his other sat straight in front of him, toes pointed almost femininely, brightly colored toe-claws in flip-flops included.

"I guess it's been a minute," Oli said, his ear still ringing. He kept his head turned away from his friend and continued to give an irritated stare at a sign which pointed the way to the restroom.

"Well that's why I brought you here tonight," said Alex, sliding close again and bumping his hip against the squirrel's, "So you can shake the dust off and get back in the game!"

"You and I play very different types of games," Oli motioned to the gay club with all of its flashing lights, neon colors, deafening music and grinding figures whose lower bodies were covered in the skimpiest of fabric that could only be loosely defined as clothing. "Hell, I don't even have the right jersey for this place."

"Hey! I told you to wear something comfortable. Not my fault you decided on faux skater who crashed into a jewelry display!"

It was true, he looked like a high maintenance skater boy. Oli was wearing his nicest plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up and chest open to see his band shirt. Three emblem necklaces hung over his chest, multiple earings in both ears, and bracelets and leather wristbands on his wrists. Everything he wore was baggy, and if it weren't for the belt his pants may have began to slip down to show his underwear. It would've been awkward for him, since he was fairly certain he was the only one who was actually wearing any in the building.

"Says the twink who uses his daddy's fishing boat for fashion ideas." Oli grinned for the first time that night, verbally ribbing Alex while pointed to his stomach. "Is that his favorite fishhook in your bellybutton?"

"Oh, ha-ha!" said Alex, giving his familiar sarcastic laugh before standing up and stretching in a way that caught the attention of several hungry eyes. Alex's spots had been dyed and changed color with every different neon light that hit his body, he wore cut off shorts that bordered on Daisy Dukes and a tank top cropped to show his midriff where the infamous bellybutton piercing shined in the changing lights. Over his torso and on every limb was covered in fishnet of some sort, mini glow-sticks hanging in several places.

"Anyway!" Alex looked over his shoulder and rolled his fingers at the crowd where he knew the stares were coming from, "Now that I got you smiling again, try to meet someone."

"This isn't the place I'd go to look for stimulating conversation."

"Oh my gosh, I never said anything about finding a commitment. Just someone to have fun! We can work on the other stuff later," Alex said and turned, walking towards the dance floor, "There are plenty of things here to keep you stimulated if you look hard enough!"

And with that, the feline was swallowed up by the sea of fur, scales, feathers, claws, hands, paws and neon colors. Oli was now left alone, the only one who wasn't vibrant in the whole building. He turned his head back to the sign he was looking at earlier. It changed colors rapidly, and would have been almost hypnotizing if the bass hadn't picked up, making Oli feel like he was slipping from his seat."Fuck this," Oli said finally and stood up, navigating himself clumsily through sweaty bodies to the closest door he could see that led to the outside. He knew, after some contemplation, that even if he did pick up some stud for the night in this place, they weren't what he was looking for.

The night air was was freeing. Oli had forgotten how much it reeked of male musk and bodily fluids in the club, but the fresh air cleared his lungs and nose of the stench. Shaking his head to try and rid his ears of the ringing from the noise, Oli stepped forward, looked at his surrounding and mentally cursed. He walked out onto the empty and seldom used patio instead of the exit door. Still, it was a small respite before having to find a proper exit. Placing his hands on the railing, Oli stared up at the sky, enjoying the quiet city noises compared to the now muffled thumping music coming from the club.

"God dammit!" A slightly irritated voice said sharply from behind him. Oli turned and saw a tall white tiger stomping out of the door, repeating the same ear clearing that he himself had done a minute ago. His brow was furrowed until he looked up and stutter-stepped when he noticed Oli standing in front of him.

"Oh! Um, hi," said the tiger. "Sorry about swearing. I didn't know anyone else was out here."

"You're good," Oli said, surprised that he wasn't the only person here who was dressed inappropriately. The lean tiger was wearing a dark button-up shirt which was tucked into his khakis. "Looks like neither of us dressed well for this scene."

"Uh, yeah! I guess not." The tiger chuckled and scratched his cheek, shifting from one foot to the other. "Came straight from work to here because a friend said he needed help. I got here and he wanted me to be the bait and wingman. Turns out he didn't really need me to be either and ditched me. How about you?"

"Same, sorta." Oli leaned against the patio's railing. "Friend dragged me here. Said it'd be fun. And you know, other than; being abandoned, the music, the lights, the drugs, the smell, the whistles, the constant invasion of personal space, and the likelihood of a friction fire happening on the dance floor, I've been having a great time!"

"I hear you. On my way out here, I got stuck between two guys, both with whistles, high on something, and they started to ... Well, they were 'friendly' with me. As soon as I managed to get away, they continued being 'friendly' with each other." They both gave an exasperated laugh and shook their heads. The tiger stepped next to Oli and leaned over the railing, staring out across the street.

"I'm Dean, by the way," said the tiger, holding out his hand.

"Oliver, call me Oli." He shook Dean's hand with a smile. "Seeing as how you came out here alone, I'm assuming the friend of yours is like mine?"

"How do you mean?"

"Well, my friend is a leopard. He dyed his spots for tonight, painted his claws, is wearing so much fishnet that his nickname tonight is going to be 'Catch of the Day', and is probably going to need a shot of Penicillin tomorrow morning."

"Ahh, yeah. Mine's pretty much the same. A rabbit who has so many piercings he should stay away from any strong magnets. Last I saw him, he was leading two other men towards the restrooms a few minutes ago."

"Damn, mine got lost in the wall of gyrating bodies about ten minutes ago." Oli smiled and shook his head again. "He left left me sitting on a couch in a corner. Sounds like it's a good thing I didn't need to use them. I actually came out here to try and leave."

"Same," Dean said, "I was left as a barfly with the same drink for a while. I turned my head when I saw my friend leading away those guys. And, honestly, I didn't trust the crowd enough to finish my drink. Thought that door was the exit. Looks like we'll have to head back in to leave though."

"Not necessarily," said Oli, looking over the railing to the sidewalk, "I bet it's only a six foot drop. That Cosmo didn't get you too drunk, did it?"

"Ohh, snarky are we?" Dean chuckled and looked over the edge. It was true, the drop to the sidewalk wouldn't be that hard to make, even with his restrictive clothes. He'd just have to be careful of the bushes just like Oli had done...

"You coming or not?" Oli said from below Dean. The young man had already jumped down without the tiger realizing it.

"Uhh, yeah!" Being careful with his pants, Dean climbed on top of the railing and jumped off. Despite his restrictive clothes, the tiger managed to land with all the grace of his feline heritage. He stood up straight, now finally able to compare themselves properly to each other, Dean was easily the taller of the two.

"Good job," Oli said, giving a half-sarcastic impressed whistle and placing his hands in his pockets.

"Thanks," said Dean, checking over his clothes to make sure there weren't any rips then turned his attention back to Oli. "So, where are you heading now?"

"Probably home. Tonight was kind of a bust. My friend brought me here to get me laid, but honestly, I'm not looking for simple strange. I want to get to know whoever I'm getting into bed with. At least be able to have a conversation before and after the fact, you know?"

"I was going to head home as well. But, uh, well... If you're up for it, we could go back to my place together," Dean said. Oli raised a brow at that.

"Sorry, but we just met and I said I wanted to get to know the man. Besides, I'm not really attracted to men who wear outfits you'd see on a golf course."

"Well, we may have just met, but we're not complete strangers." Dean was speaking quickly, but not desperately. "I think it's clear we at least have similar distastes since neither of us were really enjoying ourselves in there. And like I said, I came here straight from work, so these aren't my casual clothes. Plus, my place is within walking distance. We could get to know each other a bit better on our way there. If you're still not comfortable by the time we make it to the door, I'll call you a cab."

Oli looked the tiger over. While the outfit wasn't in his tastes, the way it held tight to the man's frame told him that his body was exactly what he liked. They had been venting to each other for the past few minutes and it did relieve some of the irritation from the club. Besides, he knew that if he and Alex had gone to a place more in his own comfort zone, Oli would probably be trying to bring someone back to their place anyway.

"Okay," Oli said, taking a deep breath, "Couple things before I agree to this. First: how old are you?"

"Twenty five," Dean said somewhat eagerly, "How about you?"

"Nineteen. Is that going to bug you?"

"Not at all!"

"Are you currently dating anyone?"


"Is there anything I should know about you or your home that would make this a deal breaker?"

"Like what?"


"No kids."

"A nosy roommate?"

"I live alone."

"Any S.T.D.s?"

"None," Dean said with an embarrassed chuckle and flick of his tail, "I'm not overly promiscuous."

"Okay... If we make it past your door, I'm not going to wake up in a bathtub full of ice with a kidney missing, am I?" There was a moment of silence before Dean was able to pull himself out of the serious situation that had been set up and realize this was a joke.

"Of course not! I had to give up that trade a long time ago. Just not very profitable anymore." They both laughed.

"Alright. Well then Dean, let's start walking."

They walked the main streets, talking and having the most fun they've had all night. The noise of the cars and footsteps of the people were a welcome change from the nonsense beats of the club. Oli suspected that Dean was taking detours back to his place as they walked the winding path through a park, but the night was nice and Dean was pleasant company, so Oli let it go. They laughed and smiled nearly the entire way back to Dean's apartment complex, it had taken them almost thirty minutes, but it felt like so much less.

"So," Dean said, looking up into the night sky, "I just realized something. How'd you get into a club with a bar, if you're only nineteen?"

"Alex, the friend who dragged me to the club, knows nearly every bouncer in the city. When I get a wild hair to go out with him, I rarely have to show I.D."

"A little lip service to get them to look the other way, huh?" Dean laughed lightly, bumping his hip against Oli's.

"Lip service or full service, Alex finds a way in. Usually through the back door." Oli's smile grew wider, giving a playful glare at the tiger as he steered himself back into pace next to the tiger, a little closer than before. Their conversation grew more flirtatious and risque until they stopped in front of a large apartment complex. Dean walked next to the door and placed a paw on the handle, looking hopefully at Oli.

"So, should I call you a cab? Or would you like to come in for 'coffee'?"

"Well... I suppose the purpose of me coming out tonight was to find someone to spend the night with," Oli said and pointed towards the building. Dean smiled broadly then opened the door, and being a gentleman, let Oli enter first. Taking the offer, the squirrel's bushy tail teasingly curled under the tigers jawline as he walked past the tiger, enticing the feline to follow quickly after him.

Dean's apartment was larger than Oli had expected. Then again, he had never been to an apartment this high above street level. Oli kicked off his shoes and stood in the entrance hall of the apartment, admiring the well kept furnishings while Dean shut and locked the door behind them. Leather couches sat in front of a large television, polished hardwood floors, a black-marble stone counter island in the kitchen off to the side. Dean's shelves and side tables were full of knick-knacks and pictures of friends and family, making for a very warm environment.

And past it all, a balcony which looked out over the city. Walking over to the window, Oli stared in awe at the lights of cars and buildings, watching the shapes of people bustling around on the sidewalks, and could even make out the vague shape of the club. He traced the path of the park they cut through, and followed the few landmarks he recognized back to it. Oli laughed inwardly. Dean had taken the scenic route and added at least another ten minutes to their trek.

"Make yourself at home," the tiger said from behind him, "I'm going to change out of these things and into something more comfortable." Oli could barely see Dean's reflection walk into an adjacent hallway and heard a door close. He stayed where he was while Dean changed, admiring the city from a view he never thought he'd get to see it from.

"Sorry about the wait," said Dean as he came around the corner, pulling Oli's attention back to him. The white tiger was dressed in a simple shirt with a popular logo on it and loose fitting jeans.

Oli stared at him for a moment before placing a hand over his mouth, trying to cover a quite laugh. He had come to this man's home expecting to have a rushed evening of sex, and his partner comes out after changing, wearing just as much as when he went in. However, Dean smiled and did a mock pose for Oli, raising his arms and flexing them.

"Told you I dressed differently," Dean said, "What do you think? Better than the monkey outfit?"

"Much better. Dressed like that, you're actually my type." Oli walked up to Dean, running a finger down the tigers toned chest and stomach before dipping the tip past the rim of his pants. "But I was expecting you to come out wearing less."

"Well, undressing each other is all part of the fun, don't you think? And if you agree, did you really want to undress someone who looks like they belonged on a golf course?"

"I guess not." Oli looked up at Dean without raising his head.

"Also, I didn't want you to remember me looking like that. Especially if I only get one night with someone as cute as you." Dean placed his paws on Oli's hips and pulled them against his own body. The squirrel hadn't been expecting this forwardness so suddenly and gasped a bit when he felt that admittedly large bulge against his groin, which made his pants grow suddenly tighter. Dean pushed his nose against Oli's, his breath warming up the smaller male's cheeks.

"Well then," Oli said, rubbing his nose against the tiger's, "You're definitely going to leave a good impression if you keep up like this."

The tiger pressed his lips against the young man's. It was a slow burn, a gentle smacking of the lips, but it grew into something more passionate. Oli closed his eyes placed his hands on the side of Dean's face, the tiger's whiskers stuck through his fingers and the man's fur was like silk on his pads. Dean then wrapped his arms around the smaller male, one hand pressed on his butt and the other on his lower back. They may not have had the chance at the club, but here they were caught up in their own personal dance.

It was short, but left both of them panting when Oli pulled his face away, but left the rest of his body where it was. They looked into they others eyes and knew what came next. Both of their pants were growing tighter by the second, and Oli could swear he could feel Dean's pulse through his bulge.

"Bedroom." It was said by both males. Dean took Oli's hand and led the squirrel down the hall to the master bedroom. Wrapping their arms around each other, they continued where they left off, lips mashed together, but now hungrier and more lustful. Their hands roamed each others bodies, claws dragged through fur, and paws reached under clothes to feel the hidden figures beneath. The room was filled with the heat of men in a passionate embrace, their lips pressed against each other, moaning into the others mouth, tongues occasionally meeting in the middle.

The situation continued from there. Dean pulled away and stood tall, breaking their make out session and pulled his shirt off by the neck. As the fabric rose, it exposed Dean's fit physique. Muscles and angles defined the feline's chest and stomach. Chiseled without being bulky. The muscles firm but flexible. A form that would put some models to shame.

Oli stared in awe at the tiger. even the stripes added to the visual experience, drawing the squirrel's attention back and forth, up and down, eating up the Dean's figure with his eyes. It took a moment for the squirrel to realize that his mouth was hanging open. Had they been fully undressed, this would've been an invitation to Dean, but they'd have to put that off for a little longer.

"Now you," the tiger said, a hungry tone hung to his voice.

Oli stepped back, hesitating for a moment. His clothes were sizes larger than they needed to be, and being in front of this Adonis made him feel small in comparison. But they were here now, on the verge of a night of meaningless passion. All that was stopping this was a few layers of clothing.

And with a smirk, he thought, 'Fuck it."

His fingers grabbed the bottom of his shirt, and in one smooth motion, he removed both layers at once. His necklaces chimed against each other as they dropped against his chest once again. He took a deep breath, dropping his shirts behind him and stepped closer to Dean. To his relief, the tiger was smiling, and something between a purr and a growl was coming from the larger male.

Unlike Dean, Oli was simply thin. No large muscles or great definition to any part of him, nor was he overly thin. He was young, just out of highschool, so there was no great need for exercise. His body was still naturally thin and lithe, his fur was short and smooth. And judging by the way Dean was staring at him, that didn't put the feline off at all.

Emboldened by Dean's reaction, Oli undid the clasp to his belt and started thrusting his hips back and forth a bit, teasing the feline who looked ready to pounce. Thanks to his loose clothing, the pants were sliding down the squirrel's hips little by little, until they passed the swell underneath and dropped to the floor. It was sudden, but Oli stood before Dean, wearing only his boxers which did little to hide the squirrel's erection or the dark spot of pre which had been growing.

Every person has a point where their self-control breaks, and that was the point for Dean. Grabbing the hem of Oli's underwear, he pulled him forward against his body. His face dove into the crook of the squirrel's neck, kissing and licking along his collarbone, making Oli shiver and arch his back, pulling a quiet gasp from the smaller male.

The tiger's lips and tongue trailed down Oli's furred body, down his chest and stomach, savoring every inch he kissed. Every move, every action drew sounds of pleasure from the young man, until Dean had come to his boxers. The squirrel's erection, still hidden, pressed against Dean's chest. The tiger exhaled on the tented fabric, warming up the stiff flesh under it. Placing a hand at the base to steady it, Dean's tongue swiped along Oli's hidden length. Starting at the tip, his tongue lapped up the heavy stain of pre at the top and left a wet trail behind and it led towards the base.

Oli curled forward, holding onto Dean's head for support. It had been a long time since he'd been this turned on, and he was left barely standing on shaky legs from a single lick. Suddenly, gravity shifted. Oli thought maybe his legs had given out, but when he felt strong arms around his waist and the ground pull away from him, he realized that Dean had lifted him over his shoulder and was carrying him towards the bed.

It wasn't rough, but it wasn't a tender drop either. Landing on his back,Oli bounced a little on the bed and looked down at Dean who was crawling over him from the foot of the mattress. His head was lowered, clawed hands were positioned under his shoulders while his knees held his hips higher than his torso, the muscles on his back flexed, parted by his spinal groove which led all the way up to his tail. He looked primal, preditory, like a starved hunter. The squirrel felt his heart quicken, but not in fear. The dominant male hovering over him sent a rush straight to his loins.

Oli smiled lustily when he saw Dean licking his lips, hungrily staring at his hidden erection. The tiger leaned down, past his tent in his underwear, and started pulling the fabric down with his teeth. Oli's breath was caught in his throat as he lifted his hips, helping the feline remove his last piece of clothing. His dick, once free, slapped against his stomach, throwing a few drops of pre up his stomach and chest. Still, the young squirrel held his breath, watching the tiger sit up, lifting Oli's legs with his underwear while pulling them until they slid from his ankles. Oli's legs fell back to the mattress on either side of Dean. He now lay fully naked, knees bent and legs spread, his thin body on display and of full use to the horny tiger.

The bigger man took immediate advantage of his position. After dropping the boxers from his maw, the tiger's head was quickly back between Oli's thighs and his rough tongue pressed against the underside of the squirrel's cock, running all the way to the tip before engulfing it into his maw. Oli had to admit that the tiger was talented at giving head. The younger male's fingers bunched up the covers below him, his head pressed back into the pillow, eyes closed, and he hissed a breath inwards.

It may have been seconds, or possibly minutes, but Dean's agile tongue played over his flesh skillfully. As the tiger's head raised and lowered, his tongue curled and cradled over every inch, giving special attention to the leaking head. One of Oli's hands released its hold on the bed to grasp the fur on the back of Dean's head while gasping and groaning in a pitch higher than normal. It was short lived however, as Dean pulled away despite Oli's objections, and crawled further over the squirrel.

"I think it's only fair you return the favor," Dean said with a sultry tone.

Honestly, Oli was somewhat intimidated. Dean stood and moved to the side of the bed before reaching down and grabbing Oli's necklaces, pulling him up with them to sit in front of his crotch. From this angle, Dean seemed much bigger, but the only piece of anatomy Oli was staring at was the swollen bulge still hiding behind Dean's pants.

Anxiously, Oli reached up and undid the taller man's pants. The tips of his fingers pulled the front open and guided the pants down before letting them fall from the tiger's hips. Underneath was a sight to see. Dean's boxer-briefs clearly outlined his penis which was easily a few inches longer than Oli's own. The thick rod was leading down his thigh and fighting against its constraints to push outwards.

Oli felt his heartbeat quicken and drew in a sharp breath. The young squirrel wouldn't say that he was well versed in this scenario, at least not on the same level as his friend back at the club, but he had more than a few bedroom tumbles. Yet not one of his other partners were anywhere near this gifted.

"Yeah, I'm kind of big," Dean said with a chuckle, "Nervous?"

Oli shook his head and smiled eagerly up at the larger man.


Slowly, he reached his hand out, touching his palm to the outline of Dean's shaft and followed it up his thigh to his hips, and from there pulled down the man's underwear. The rich, musky scent of the tiger's dick hit his nose first; a smell which was raw and purely male. The source of the scent stood proudly in front of Oli's nose, the thick shaft was now free of its constraints. It was easily eight inches long with pre drooling from the tip of his prick, and heavy balls hanging below.

Dean placed a hand on the side of Oli's face, rubbing his thumb over the soft fur of his cheek. A small sign of affection before moving it to the back of his head and guiding him towards his dick. The young man was eager and needed very little guidance. He pressed his cheek against the underside of the shaft and rubbing the dick against his face. The soft fur against his bare flesh was wonderful and Dean gave a breath of approval, but both knew that the tiger's cock deserved more than a good rubbing.

Ohh, it had been a long while since he had the taste of another man filling his maw. Oli opened his jaws and moved his head forward, guiding the heated length over his lips and into his mouth. The underside ran over his tongue, leaving that deep masculine flavor to fill his mouth while the tip tickled his palate, leading the way to the back of his throat.

Two, maybe three inches were all that were left out of his lips, but he had all he could handle in his maw. The tip touched the back of his tongue and he felt his stomach tighten, a telltale sign of nearly gagging. He felt some disappointment in himself, but that sentiment was not shared by Dean who gave a growl of approval and started slowly thrusting his hips. So Oli smiled inwardly, closed his eyes and kept his lips sealed around the slick shaft, sucking and rolling his tongue as best he could.

The slick sounds of Dean's shaft slipping across Oli's lips picked up in tempo. Dean took in a deep breath, exhaling a deep groan towards the ceiling. His balls swung between his legs, reminding Oli of their existence by tapping on his chin. The young squirrel was doing his best to keep up with the pace the tiger was setting, having to constantly inhale the rich scent of Dean's pubic fur to breath, yet the tiger seemed to become more aggressive with every thrust.

There are certain signs that men will give when they are close to cumming; labored breaths, harder and less rhythmic thrusts, even becoming more vocal. Dean was showing all of these signs and more. At this point, Dean wasn't receiving a blowjob, he was roughly fucking Oli's mouth. This wasn't the first time the young man had this treatment, however it was rare for any man to pull away when they were that close. But that's exactly what Dean did. His cock, swollen and primed for release, slipped from Oli's thirsty lips with the owner struggling for breath and composure.

Oli inhaled deeply, the thick taste of tiger cock still lingered on his tongue. Wiping his lips of the mixture of pre and spit, he looked up to Dean who was standing tall in front of him again, his erection poised and ready to continue. But before he could return to his previous work, Dean knelt down, grabbed both of Oli's ankles and lifted upwards, dropping the squirrel onto his back with a rodent-like squeak of surprise.

Dean spread Oli's legs and put his ankles over his shoulders before reaching into a drawer in the nearby nightstand. The young squirrel closed his eyes and whined in frustration, all of this constant teasing left him feeling like a female in heat. Somewhere in the distance, he heard a lid pop open, but it didn't register in his lust filled brain until an arm wrapped around his thigh and a slick hand grabbed his untended erection.

He had nearly forgotten how hard he was, lost in all of the intense actions of the dominating male holding onto his legs. Oli arched his back and bit down on a knuckle, trying and failing to hold back a breathy moan. The slick sounds of his dick being played with filled the air... Then a second sound that sounded identical to the first joined in chorus.

Daring to open his eyes, Oli saw one of Deans furred hands working on his erection. But just behind that was the man's other, hand hidden from view, making his own throbbing tiger cock nice and slick. While Oli panted at the stimulation, Dean was focusing on his work. After making sure his dick was ready, he stopped rubbing his own length and turned his attention to the squirrel's tailhole.

Two fingers covered in lube poked gingerly at the hole, eliciting a sharp gasp from the young man as they slipped inside. Dean pushed them in slowly while working on Oli's shaft, sliding them in and out until both knuckles were deep in the young man. He then pulled them out at the same pace before working in a third finger past the tight ring of flesh. Another soft gasp came from the Oli as the fingers stretched him in the most wonderful way, like working out a scratch he couldn't quite reach. Now with all three fingers fully inside the squirrel's cute butt, Dean wiggled them around, pressing and exploring the depths of Oli's insides.

Another quiet gasp accompanied the slick sounds Dean was making while he worked on loosening Oli's body. The young man's face was tensed, trying to fight back the urge to cum as Dean's expert handling of his body left him constantly edged. Pre hung from the tip of his cock and a thick string connected it to his pubic fur, a sign of how close he was. But suddenly, there was a horrible emptiness left inside him as Dean pulled his fingers and hands back, abandoning Oli's cock and once again leaving him on the verge of orgasmic bliss.

"God dammit!" Oli said at the ceiling, wondering if he was ever going to be allowed to cum tonight.

"Don't worry," said the tiger in his sultry baritone voice and with a free hand, lined his dick up with Oli's slick hole, "We're getting started now."

Relief, at long last. Dean pressed his hips forward, the tip of his dick struggled for only the briefest of moments before Oli's hole relented and let the thick shaft slide in. The young squirrel called out into the room, a simple sound of pleasure in a tone higher than his normal speaking voice. The muscles in his stomach and back tensed as the feline's ridged cock slid smoothly into him, every inch sending electric shocks through the nerves in his body.

Of course Dean's dick was thicker than three finger, but he had spent ample time loosening Oli's tailhole and relaxing him to where there was no pain from the entry, only that envious 'full' sensation. His heavy balls pressed rested against the squirrel's cheeks, now fully enveloped in the heated and slick insides of the younger man. No words needed to be said, this wasn't a tender moment, just a prelude to the pure mating and raw fucking these two men had been preparing for.

Dean started off by thrusting shallowly, slowly, getting Oli used to the sensation of a dick moving in and out of his body again. Every thrust in made the young man take a short, sharp gasp, then exhale a needy moan when Dean pulled back. These sounds kept up with the tiger's thrusts, becoming longer and louder as the thrusting picked up pace.

Together, the noises they made filled the room. Moans, grunts, fur slapping against fur, and the slick sounds of Dean's dick now being shoved roughly into the young man's ass. Oli could do little more than bite his lower lip and bunch up the covers next to his head as the larger male took him. Still not used to a dick the size the tiger possessed, the squirrel grunted every time Dean bottomed out in him, becoming easier to take every time the man's hips slapped against his cheeks.

Their voices mixed, folding in on one another, announcing their mutual pleasure as they enjoyed each others bodies. Time passed in a blur with Dean clinging to Oli's legs, panting heavily, eyes closed and lost in the sensations. The tiger can feel the telltale signs of the moment they had been working towards, but he wasn't ready to finish just yet. He knew that one night stands weren't hard to come by, but this young squirrel was a special treat for him. And when he finished, he wanted to do it right.

The thick rod had been spreading Oli wonderfully, making his toes flex and curl, and making his breathing come in shaky. He was lost in the blissful fog, which is why it was jarring when that heated shaft pulled from his tailhole and his legs were dropped back to the bed. He looked up at the tiger, his eyes glossy and confused, silently asking why he had stopped.

That was answered when Dean grabbed one of Oli's thighs and flipped him over. Those strong hands gripped his waist and hoisted him up, handling him like a rag doll. The tiger moved Oli's limp body around, setting him on his knees, and raising his hips up by lifting his tail. Oli whined and looked over his shoulder, his head resting on his forearms. He was so close, his insides were stirred up and he was left just before the brink again, all he needed was the thick shaft buried back inside his tailhole, ravaging him once more.

And that's exactly what happened. The tiger's dick slipped back into him, making Oli give a lust filled cry into his arm. The squirrel grabbed a nearby pillow and held it to his face, biting the corner of it as Dean resumed his assault on his rear. The head of his Dean's dick slammed into Oli's prostate over and over, making the young man moan into the pillow. Oli's toes curled, his back arched towards the mattress and his tail held high. He truly looked and felt like a female in heat, and the tiger was working the desperate need to be bred out of him.

In their previous position, Dean's thrusts had been hard and focused, a rhythmic build up where they were meant to enjoy each other's bodies. But now, his thrusting was quick and his breathing was growing ragged, exhaling heavy grunts as he grew closer to orgasm, but desperately trying to fight it off. One of his hands held onto the young man's tail, pulling it back to meet his thrusts, the other holding onto his hip, claws pricking lightly at the skin under Oli's fur.

Oli let go of the pillow, leaving a wet bite mark where his teeth had been and looked under him. His eyes were clouded by tears of pure pleasure, but he could see his own hard cock swaying back and forth under him. Beyond that, the muscular, striped white furred thighs of the tiger were pushing back and forth, rocking Oli's body in time with his frenzied thrusts, the squirrel's necklaces jingling in tempo. The young man marveled at the glorious sight of his body being taken so wonderfully, accompanied by the sounds of their bodies slapping together, the high pitched, almost slutty, 'Ohh's and 'Yes' which came unconsciously from Oli, and both men mixing expletives between their rapid breaths.

All of Oli's senses were burning on pure pleasure, and with a stuttered cry into the mattress, he came. His dick sprayed thick strands of cum across the bed, one even managing to hit him on the cheek. Every time that thick cock shot into him, it forced out another load of jizz, staining the fabric a pearlescent white and with the muskiness of cum.

Oli struggled to hold position as his orgasm tore through him, and if Dean hadn't had a tight hold of his tail, he may have fallen off that glorious shaft. His sensitive tail ring flexed with every shot, his anus tightened around the tiger's dick, tempting, daring it to be the final thrust. Dean's eyes were shut tight and his teeth bared, giving a deep growl around his grunting, fighting to hold on for just a moment longer. But the end was eventual. The dam inside of him burst, and he came inside the younger man with a roar of rapturous satisfaction.

Deep inside him, Oli could feel the feline's cock throb and spray that warm, sticky cum, dousing the fire that had been building this entire night and painting the walls inside of his ass white. That sweet sexual relief. Dean still thrust into the male below him, making sure every drop of cum was deposited well within the squirrel's body. The tiger's grip on Oli's hips and tail loosened as the muscles on Dean's face relaxed into a blissful smile.

Dean's slack body fell forward onto Oli, pressing his tired body into the mess he made along the length of the mattress. The sticky cum mixed into his fur, but the smaller male was too worn out to care. All he could feel now was the warmth and weight of the tiger on top of him, how his chest expanded as he fought to catch his breath, and of course that wonderful shaft still lodged deep inside his ass.

The larger male barely caught himself over the young man, nearly dropping all of his weight on the squirrel's body. With his arms barely supporting his weight, Dean licked the back of Oli's neck, sending shivers down his overstimulated body and making the young man give a stuttered breath. The tiger relaxed his arms and rested on top of the smaller male's back, both trying to catch their breath after their mutual climaxes. Oh, what a wonderful night this turned out to be.

"That was great," Dean said, taking deep breaths to steady his voice. Oli couldn't find his voice yet, only managing to give a weak nod of agreement. The frantic growling Dean was giving before had died into a purr of satisfaction. In a very feline fasion, the tiger rubbed his forehead against Oli's face, then licked the young man's cheek clean of the cum that was staining it.

"Let me know when you're ready for round two, okay?"

Oli's breath caught in his throat and he looked at Dean, suddenly realizing his dick had barely softened at all. The tiger smiled warmly down at him and gave a playful thrust, making Oli give that cute high-pitched squeak of surprise. It was then he knew, tonight was going to be a long night.


The young man stretched in front of the window, stark naked and without shame. It was still the early morning and the sun's rays were only beginning to peek over the horizon. The view was different than during the night, almost a different world. The figures on the street were no longer leisurely strolling with each other, but were now generally in a hurry, competing against one another to catch taxis, rush to catch a bus or ride the subway.

But that world was outside of the one he was currently in. Oli's clothes were still scattered on the floor, forgotten and useless in Dean's bedroom. Here, in this room, clothes were optional. The lingering scent of their activities from the night before reminded him of that. That, plus his sore tailhole which was still leaking the tiger's excess cum.

Last night had been amazing, but it was nearly time to leave. After all, it was just a one night stand. A night of passionless passion. Still, it was without a doubt the best sex the squirrel had ever had, and the intensity had left him walking with a slight limp, which he was far from upset about. The corners of his lips curved upwards, smiling at the figures below, but not for them.

Turning back into the bedroom, he stood alone, but the noise from down the hall let him know the tiger was still home. He could smell breakfast being made, making his stomach growl. Thanks to last night, he had worked up a healthy appetite. He took his time getting dressed, listening to Dean hum and whistle from the kitchen before leaving to join him.

Dean was smiling happily as he stirred a pan over a gas stove, humming a tune which was popular on the radio right now. Oli came around the corner and had deja vu from the night prior. Dean was turned away from him, his bare ass was on display for the squirrel and he was doing a happy dance, wearing nothing but an apron that undoubtedly had a silly phrase on the front. Once again, Oli was overdressed.

Err, mornin'?" Oli said, sitting at the island counter. Dean looked over his shoulder and waved with a spatula, smiling widening even more.

"Morning!" He said, continuing to stir what was in the pan, "How'd you sleep?"

"Thanks to you, hardly at all." Oli smiled, leaning on the counter and rubbed his eyes. "Not that I'm actually complaining."

"Still snarky, huh?" Dean turned back to Oli and began plating up their breakfast. "That's a unique way to charm people."

"It worked on you, didn't it?"

"I guess it did." He passed a plate with an egg white omelette, sliced fruit and bacon to the young man. After turning off the stove, he sat down across from Oli and began to eat.

"I don't think I've ever seen a plate with food this healthy on it," Oli said, poking at the omelette with his fork.

"It's definitely a change in most peoples diets, but I promise it's good. It's how I keep my body in shape."

"And the bacon?" Oli asked, biting into it with a loud crunch.

"That's one of the things that keeps me happy in life," Dean said with a chuckle, "Definitely worth the extra time on the treadmill."

Oli smiled and began eating in earnest, keeping the light conversation until both were finished. Dean stood, and took both plates to the sink, giving Oli a chance read what was on the apron.

'Once you put my meat in your mouth, you're going to want more!'

"Oh my god!" Oli rolled his eyes and put his face in his hands.

"What? Is everything okay?" Dean asked, waiting for Oli to answer. Instead, the young man only pointed at the apron, making the tiger grumble in embarrassment. "It was a gift! Okay?"

"I had sex with a dork!" Oli rolled his head back, exaggerating his mannerisms by putting the back of his hand to his brow, holding his shirt collar and pretending to clutch pearls. "What will the world think of me now? How can I face dear ol' Muma and Puhpah?"

A ball of cloth hit him in the face, making Oli drop the facade and scramble in surprise to pull it off. Dean was laughing, leaning against the sink across the kitchen, now totally nude. Realizing he was holding onto the apron Dean threw at him, Oli shook his head and placed it on the counter he was sitting at.

"This 'dork' still got you in bed. Had you curling your toes and swearing and begging for more."

"I did not!" the squirrel said embarrassed. After their second round, the night became a blur. Flashes of their furred bodies and limbs wrapped around each other covered in sweat and cum came to mind.

"Did so! And tell me, does your voice always get that high when you have sex? Or did I do something special?"

Oli burried his face in his hands again and tried to shrink down on his seat. Dean on the other hand continued his laughter, but was gracious enough to change the subject.

"So why are you all dressed up?" Asked Dean.

"Well, since last night was a one night deal, I wanted to be ready in case you wanted me out in a hurry."

"Has that happened to you a lot?" the tiger's smile softened into something slightly more serious.

"Hazards of the one night stand." Oli shrugged and stood, stretching his arms above his head. "I learned it's best to come out of the bedroom fully dressed for the just-in-case situations."

"Well, you didn't have to get all dressed up for me. And if you're not in any hurry, you are more than welcome to take them off again. I really liked you like that."

"I remember," the squirrel said, flashing a mischievous smirk, "You were upset when I tried to put on underwear to sleep in."

Well that's because it's against the rules here. It would've been an absolute shame to have any part of that gorgeous body covered up in bed." Dean eyed Oli from head to toe again, picturing him naked all over again and writhing on the bed. The squirrel shook his head, trying to hide an uncharacteristic blush.

"Anyway, I should go before I overstay my welcome."

"Oh! I mean, if you really want to go, I'm not going to stop you, But I'm not kicking you out either."

"One night stand." Oli said and pointed out the living room window. The city beyond was now brightly lit. "It's daytime."

"You know what I'm trying to say," Dean said and walked over to Oli. Picking up his phone from the counter, he flipped it to the contacts app and handed it to the young man. "Look, I had fun last night, and I'd like to do it again."

"Another name in your little black book?"

"If that's what you'd like it to stay as, sure." The implication held there between them both. Oli looked up into Dean's eyes who was staring intensely back at him. The silence held for a minute while Oli tried to think of a reason not to. The purpose of last night initially was sex, but the night overall felt like it became much more. Looking at the phone, he made his decision and typed in his name and number. After saving it, he handed the phone back to Dean, catching him by surprise when he snuck a quick peck on his lips.

"Don't do the whole 'Three Day Wait' rule. I'm not that kind of girl," Oli said with a smile and turned to the door to grab his shoes.

"You want to go one last time before leaving?" Dean asked hopefully.

"If last night taught me anything, it's that there's no such thing as 'One last time' with you," Oli said and pointed to Dean's sheathe, "Besides, that monster you're hiding in there left me sore. I can barely feel my legs and I'm pretty sure it's going to be hard to sit down for the next few days."

Dean smiled proudly then waved to Oli as he opened the door and limped awkwardly out into the hall.


"Ohhhh, fuuuuuuck," Alex said, shuffling his way out of his room and towards their medicine cabinet in the kitchen, "My head is killing me."

"That's what you get for accepting every drink that's handed to you in a club," Oli said without looking up from his phone.

"Every drink was from a friend, okay? And please don't talk so loud." Alex pulled out a bottle of asprin, poured a few into his hand and swallowed them dry.

"Oh yeah?" Oli raised a brow, only glancing up at the ragged looking leopard who sat down next to him, "What were their names?"

"Their names were: Richard, Willy, Johnson, Rod, Wang, Woody and Fuck You. And what did I just say about talking so loud?"

"Oh yeah, those guys. Looks like they were rough on you last night." Oli turned his attention back to his phone just in time for a text to appear from Dean.

'Hey! Forgot to give you my phone #. Also, a special something to remember me by!'

Oli opened the picture attached to the text. It was an image of Dean's stomach and dick, fresh out of the shower and still dripping wet. His fur was matted to his body, making his abdominal muscles much more defined. Just below, though, was the monster which rocked his body last night, glistening from the water and dangling from the tiger's sheathe between his legs, looking to have been freshly used and starting to soften.

"You know," Oli said to Alex while smiling and saving the image to his phone, "I don't think I'm going to clubs and bars to pick up random guys anymore."

"How come?" Alex said with his cheek against the table, looking up at Oli.

"Because I think I've found something better than a one night stand."