Dream Come True

Story by Chalmrah on SoFurry

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A story I wrote for a friend who was feeling a little down recently.


Nieragon walked out of his house and down the street he had walked down millions of times before. He was sick of the dog in number 23 and the old, creepy guy in 16 who always said something to him, no matter what time it was. He went round the corner and into the shop his closest and dearest friend owned. "Afternoon Nier."

"Afternoon Jeff."

"Pack of Mayfair please."

"Still trying to find that lucky reptile?"

"Jeff. You know it now don't spread it."

"Only teasing ya. These will kill you someday. $6.29."

Nier paid and left with his cigarettes. He lit one up and looked at the warning, "Yeah. They will kill me one day, but I'm gonna live life to the fullest. Ooh, I need that new thing for my computer. Better head to town and get it."

He jogged home and grabbed the car keys before heading to his car. He shut the door and was off in a squeal of tires and a puff of smoke from the exhaust.

He went out of town and was on the open road, common to Australia. He looked at the beautiful blue sky and took in that air which would make city folk jealous. He looked at the road ahead and watched what looked like a meteor hit the road and carve a groove in the earth. He stopped and ran to have a closer look. It was black but it was shiny and when Nier touched it, it felt like it had scales. The meteor uncurled and looked at Nieragon. It sniffed him then a voice spoke in his head, "You are human, are you not?"

"I am. Are you a D-D-Dragon?"

"Yes. I came here from my home to do something."


"I came to help you do something."


"I came to give you a mate, and to make you into a crocodile so you can pleasure her the way she was meant to be pleasured."

"Wait. So you know that I want a croc for a mate?"

"I have watched you for a long time Nieragon. You would not harm her and would protect her. Your love of reptiles deserves to be rewarded."

Nieragon blushed in front of the Dragon and suddenly remembered what he had been hearing in the news recently, people waking up and having turned into anthropomorphic animals. This Dragon would turn him into a crocodile and give him the mate he desired for so long. "You're the Dragon who turns people into anthro animals, aren't you?"

"I make dreams come true Nieragon, because mine was when I met a Dragon. He told me to make the world better and people happy. I have been doing so."

Nieragon ran to the Dragons leg and hugged it, "Thank you so much. You don't know how much it means to me."

"I do." The Dragon smiled and started shrinking. His tail went into his body and his snout turned into a human face. He stood up and in the place of a Dragon stood a 18 year old boy who went missing 2 years previously. He was now 18 and since he was travelling a lot he had plenty of muscles. He smirked and patted Nier, "You want to live your dream?"

"You bet I do."

"Stay out of your town until midnight. You must get home before 12:12 or your dream will slip away. Also, don't fall asleep."

Nier nodded and looked at his watch, 7:30. Only 6 hours til his dream came true. He hugged the strange human and looked at him with tears in his eyes, "How could I ever repay you?"

"Treat Sophie well, be nice to humans, live a good life, and stop smoking."

"Done. What's your name?"

The stranger, who had started walking away, turned and looked at Nier, "Call me Michael." He turned into a Dragon and flew up, before heading in the direction of Niers house. Nier started laughing and fell to his knees. He was going to have his dream come true. He decided to get some new clothes and picked up his brand new graphics card for his computer. He browsed and shopped for as long as he could. He bought some headphones and listened to his music from his phone.

After several hours he looked at his watch and saw it was 11:03, giving him plenty of time to get home. He got in his car and headed home. The drive back was so exciting, a minute seemed like an hour. He was desperate to see his Sophie and wanted to see what Michael had done.

He looked at his watch when he reached the town border and saw it was 12:01. He raced home and jumped out of the car, only to come crashing through the front door and finding that nothing had changed. His house was exactly the way he left it. He kicked the coffee table and the cup that was on it fell to the floor and smashed to pieces. He started crying and wondered why Michael didn't make his dreams come true. He came at the right time and did everything Michael asked, so why wasn't he a croc or have his mate yet!? He went to bed in a strop and cuddled his crocodile plushie which he bought, before falling asleep with tears in his eyes.

Nieragon woke up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He thought he pushed his plushie under the bed again and stuck his arm under to try to find it. Something with scales brushed against him. He looked at his paws and saw that they were reptilian. He was an anthro croc! Michael had fulfilled his promise and Nier was ecstatic. He ran to the bathroom and looked at his maw, his crocodile eyes and his scaly tail. His back was armoured and his belly was very sensitive to the touch. He looked down and saw a crack in his scales below where his belly button should have been. He had a vent! He saw something reflected in the mirror and looked behind him. A snout was looking at him, with a pair of beautiful eyes that eyed up the anthro croc. They were mates. She looked up at him and Nier thought about being a normal crocodile and he started to change. He transformed into a feral croc and nudged his mate slowly. They talked for a while and ended up on his bed, with Nier on top.

Nier slowly pushed his gatorhood into his mate and they growled slightly before moaning when their bellies touched. Sophie wanted Nier to do it his way because she somehow felt that he knew what he was doing. Otherwise she would have told him to do it like any other croc couple would, with both of them belly down and the male mounting her. He started thrusting and his member rubbed against the walls of his counterpart. She squirmed and tightened to give her mate more pleasure. Niers body was in ecstasy as he thrusted harder in response. He only wanted to mark his mate with his seed and their bellies rubbed together vigorously as Niers instincts took over. He thrusted a few more times and went deep into Sophie before unloading and shooting his cold, slick cum into her womb. Sophie nuzzled him gently, she had climaxed at the same time as he did, and was happy that they had so much fun. They were curled up to each other when the doorbell rang.

Nier had turned into an anthro by the time he answered the door. Sophie had followed to see who was at the door. An anthro Dragon stood before them, green and had dazzlingly beautiful wings. Nier smiled, "Who are you?"

"I am Michael in my 3rd form. How was your mate?"

"Beautiful. I love her to bits."

"Remember the conditions. The minute you put a lit cigarette in your mouth, your dream will cease to exist."

"I will remember. Where can I tell people about this?"

"Go on the internet and google Chalmrah. You will find what you need there."

Nier broke out into tears again and hugged the Dragon, "Thank you so much." Michael nodded and hugged back. The croc would live a good life with his mate and he was happy that another person's dream was fulfilled.