After Skool Special

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After School Speical

Mia paused, letting the bright pink eraser of her favorite Hello kitty pencil crash against her chin again and again as she contemplated her next sentence. The young Pichu had just gotten home from school, raced upstairs into her room so she could write in her journal about her day... But how could she write about her day in her journal when something as wonderous as this happened! How could she describe the pure, uncontaminated joy that comes from having the hunkiest boy (Joey Enderham) ask you out! She stood up on her bed, twirling around in glee, before she collapsed into the fluffy pink pillows and soft sheets. She pulled them up close and swooned.

"Oh, Joey.....I love you." The ten year old squeaked happily, pulling a bright white pillow ontp of her and hugging it tightly. Joey Enderham was quite possibly, the coolest, cutest boy in her school. He was smart, and funny, and sweet, and really, really cute. She squirmed on her bed a little giving a gentle sigh while a blush began to creep slowly over her muzzle.

"Oh...Joey..."She murred quietly, as the male Rattata wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling her gently.

"Mia...your the only girl for me." Joey whispered, his paws caressing the small of her back, his lips, so soft and senstive, pressing into her's. Both mousies squeaked, embraces growing tighter, tails twitching...Mia gasped, snapping out of her fantasy, and gave a shy giggle.

"Joey." The electric type mumbled quietly. She frowned slightly, when she noticed something awkward, and reached a paw down, teasing her fingers gently over the front of her bright, white, hello kitty panties. She was...wet? She squeezed her legs together slightly, before reaching a paw down and roaming it across her panties again. A shiver jolted her body....she stroked again. Another shiver. Her hips bucked. What was going on?! It only took a few more minutes to discover it, her paws having peeled her underwear down to her knees, while she spread her legs, whimpering quietly as the pleasure increased itself, her dainty fingers perfect for the job at paw. Slowly, her fingertips slid across the damp, tender lips of her young, dripping cunny. The tips of her paws teasingly dipping into the sweet enterance for a few seconds, before pulling free, and doing it again and again, as if controlled by some other force entirely. Her bare, perky little bottom slid back and forth on the bed, while the pink nubs of her chest pushed out against the fabric of her blouse, straining to free themselves to the open air in the room. Mia didn't disappoint. She slid a paw upwards to tease against the stiff, budding nubs of her chest, her fingertips squeezing gently at the rounded nipples, and electing a gasp of pleasure from the young electric morph each and everytime. She noticed her hips begining to move on thier own, bucking in rythem to the musical seranade of her self molesting beat. Her hips rocking hard, her fingers playing the notes, and she was doing vocals louder, and louder, and louder. She squeaked when her fingers accidently grazed across the little pink pleasure button hidden in her depths. This forced her to stop entirely. Her hips dropped to the ground, her eyes widened, and she exprimented again. Slowly, ever so slowly, her fingers crept up towards the soft senstive button of untouched girl flesh and pushed it exprimently. Her reward was a jolt of pleasure larger then any she had ever managed to achieve before. Her eyes fluttered, as she worked her fingertips across it, the girl-juice soaked tips of her paws teasing the button again and again, and stopping abruptly just as she reached her first climax.

It took a few moments to register fully what she was seeing- but there, standing quietly in the doorway, dressed in blue jeans, and red hoody was Yamato. His mouth agape, his eyes wide, and his pants bulging firecly in the front. Mia came right then and there, just as she screamed and tried to clamp her legs shut. She didn't stand a chance, the sudden pleasure suddenly bursting from her in large amounts of her sweet cream spilling all over the sheets -and she couldn't stop. Her hips wouldn't stop, bouncing up and down, her juices soaking the sheeks in a large, wet puddle under her butt as ten years of sexual energy was released in one, hot, unstoppable, lust filled moment. Yamato just watched, his legs trembling as his younger, ten year old sister just had her first orgasm, right infront of him. His own erection throbbed wantonly as he watched the site unfold infront of him, and only seconds later did his brain finally pick up on the shrill sound that seemed to be coming from all aroud him.

"GET OUT!!!" Mia shrieked again, thowing her pillow at the mesmorized boy. Yamato departed quickly, muttering something softly about an aplogy or something, and slammed the door shut, leaving her alone with her thoughts and afterglow. She sat there, still half naked, on her bed, panting quietly. "Joey" She murmurs quietly. Suddenly, things were becoming fuzzy. Have an orgasm after nearly ten years is bound to make anyone subcom to after-sleep-sex, and Mia was no exception. Her eyes fluttered once...twice...and then slowly, she closed them completly...and fell asleep, thoughts of a hot, young Joey Enderham dancing in her head.

The end...