A Night Out

Story by Orfeous on SoFurry

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#3 of The Outer Edge

Another little Yara and Marlo adventure. Honestly, as I write these, I'm finding something of an overarching story starting to form in my head. I love these two characters and I do want to see them develop as I continue to write about them. It's a bit on the long side, so I went ahead and split this into three sections. You can find all that juicy smut in the middle part of the story, if that's what you crave. The first and last parts are more character driven sections! Anyway! I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing!!

"I had a strange dream last night."

Her ears perked up at that. They two of them were wrapped around each other like a living knot.

She had an arm under him, and at that comment, she used her own strength to pull him up close to her. That had been the intention. The reality was that she had overestimated her own strength, and ended up tossing the fox on top of her body. He gave off a little yelp of surprise, but very quickly snuggled into her fur.

"No need to be so rough," he chided, nuzzling his face between her breasts. "You're so rude."

Yara chuckled as she ran the steel fingers of her prosthetic paw through the fur between his ears. He hummed contently, despite the cold of the metal, and nuzzled in a bit closer to the warmth of her body.

"You like being handled roughly," she commented idly, lightly flicking the tip of one of his large triangular ears. It twitched but put up little resistance against her ministrations. "Admit it."

"No..." He grumbled, anchoring his paws to either side of her body. It took some effort, but Marlo managed to push off from Yara's body, creating a little divide between the two of them so he could see her better. She was smiling up at him, deviously so, as a hand snaked its way up to his lower back. "Stop being so rough," he commented halfheartedly as she started tugging him down against her. What little resistance he tried to put up quickly faltered when she brought him crashing down on her with a light oomph. The full weight of his body coming down all at once didn't even seem to register in her mind. "Yara..."

"Hmm? What? I'm not doing anything." Again, he tried to push off from her. Yara grinned, giving in a little, then throwing him back down against her as a yawn escaped her.


"Oh, relax." With a strong grip, she brought him up and placed a kiss against his lips. It looked like it took him a second for her kiss to register. The hint of annoyance left, and instead he looked pretty happy with himself. "Who's a cute little fox?"

Marlo grumbled softly, leaning in a little to get another kiss from her. Yara's large hand firmly held on to his lower back, keeping him locked in place. "I am."

"HUH?" She turned her head away when he went for thirds, earning a peck on the cheek. "I didn't catch that."

"I said!" Marlo reached for her face, taking a firm hold under her chin. It took some effort to get her to look back at him. The cheeky smirk on his face told her everything she needed to know. "I'm a cute little fox." His eyes turned away, as if he were ashamed to say what was on his mind, but Yara knew it was just pretend. "Your cute little fox."

"Good." She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the sensation of having his bare body so close to her own naked one. "Come here. Grumpy kit."

Her tongue traced a small arc under his bottom lip. Marlo sighed, watching her in the eyes as he allowed her to have her way with him. Her tongue pushed in slowly, but consistently. Large and overwhelming, and it tasted so much like her it was almost intoxicating. He felt her hands grip his body harder as the tip of her tongue teased at the back of his throat, leaving the rest of the muscle to rub against his mouth in what must have been the most primal example of total domination.

His submission was addictive. The fox immediately went limp in her hands, like a bundle of pliable dough, left to be twisted and turned however she wanted. His eyes looked lost in orgasmic bliss as she kissed him. What little struggle was left in him went to his hands, which freely roamed and explored her body, teasing her breasts and wrapping around her large neck.

Fuck, it was good. She pressed her body in against his, her tongue dancing against his as soft growls started to escape from her throat. There was no panic in his eyes - just total submission to her and her own lust. Yara loved it. Damn, she loved him!

It took long seconds to pull her tongue back out. Marlo didn't want to let go. He hungrily sucked on it, drawing back a few more inches in what felt like punishment from Yara. Back and forth she rubbed her tongue against the inside of his mouth, until finally he pulled back with a sudden gasp that left him panting for air. A thick string of saliva connected the two of them.

Marlo panted, breathless, like he'd ran a marathon. If she squinted, Yara might have seen little beads of sweat forming at the edges of his brow, tinting his fur a tad darker shade of color. His eyes seemed unfocused for a moment as he struggled with the overwhelming taste in his mouth, and the sudden empty feeling nothing else could replace. He looked lost, confused, and then - Marlo grinned.

"You're... you're an animal," She wrapped both arms around his torso, fingers hooking between one another, and brought the fox down on her in one swoop. "Hey!"

"Shut up," mumbled Yara, snuggling against the fox. He fit so nicely into her body; it was like Marlo had been handcrafted specifically for her. "You liked it."

"I... yeah -Yara!" Marlo couldn't really complain. The streak of slobber she'd just traced across his face was hardly the worst she could do... and he kind of liked it. "I just showered."

"Better now," she commented, then paused. That thought was in her mind again, and she wanted his opinion, but... "Uh... Marlo?"

"Yes, Yara?" He turned his head a little as fingers played with what patch of fur he could get to. He felt encased by her arms, trapped between them and her hard body. She was surprisingly comfortable.

She cleared her throat, legs shifting as she brought a hand down from his waist to his ass. Soft, plush, and pliable. An exploratory squeeze gave earned her a cute '_yip!'_that nearly caused her to do it again. "I... uh..." She sighed, thankful that he wasn't looking right at her. Those big blue innocent eyes. "How are you?"

"How... am I?" Marlo paused, thinking, admittedly distracted by the warm hand on his ass. "I think I'm good."

The pause hung thick in the air. Marlo nearly winced.



Her hand came down hard on his exposed ass, drawing out a long, low, and husky moan as she followed up with a tight grope. "Yara..."

"I didn't like your answer," hummed the hyena, her eyes drawn to Marlo's upturned rump.

Marlo whimpered, hands clutching tight to her fur as he felt her getting a little rougher on him. "But it's the truth - AH!" Another hard, open-palmed smack landed on his ass. He couldn't help but instinctively grind up against her as his tongue lolled out of his mouth. "Please."

"I know it's the truth," she hummed, finally moving her hand away from his ass. Her palm stung, but it was nothing to what he was probably feeling now. That masochistic little fox loved it. "Not satisfied."

"Not... satisfied." Marlo sat up a little. She was looking away, not meeting his gaze, to some corner of his studio apartment. "But I'm good."

"No." Yara sighed, and with as much effort as it took to wake up, she sat up.

"H-Hey! What gives?? Yara, no need to toss me!"

Again, she sighed, and crossed her arms over her chest to cover her large breasts. They did little for actual modesty, and really only worked to tease her hard nipples. "Think."

"Think what?" questioned Marlo, a little annoyed as he sat up on the bed. It was hard ignoring the painful, hard throbbing between his legs, but it was harder still ignoring Yara right now. "What's the problem?"

"What you said!" she snapped, large canines gnashing as slobber sprayed over his face.

"I said I was good!"

"You _THINK_you are good!" Each word was punctuated with a little dab of her hand in the air.

Another pause. Marlo blinked, confused, and quite a bit miffed. "THINK?"

"YES!" Her growl was deep and dangerous, sinking Marlo's rebellious little heart as she fully sat up on his bed. Again, she towered over him, and again, he felt encased by her body. His ears fell flat and, as if on instinct, he reached for his tail - something comfortable to hold on to for support. "You don't get it, do you?"

"N-No," stuttered Marlo, his voice just a couple decibels away from a whisper. "I... I don't know."

"I... ARGH." Yara heaved a long sigh, feeling like a dozen different things got lost in translation between her mind and his. "Marlo. Look at me."

She placed a large paw on his shoulder, which he made the effort to shrug off, but she wouldn't budge. "Marlo... look at me." Yara almost reached for his chin, stopping herself just short of doing so. The temptation was there. She cleared her throat, leaned down so they'd be more eye level with each other, and nudged her large wet nose gently against his. "Vulpy?"

He was stroking his tail, grooming the fur with his claws. His head was turned away, but his eyes betrayed him, and his ears were focused solely on her. For the two of them, she kept one ear out to their surroundings. She always did. "What now, Yara?"

I'm sorry. She couldn't form the words in her mouth. Sometimes she wished he could listen in to her thoughts. I'm sorry, Marlo.

He'd visibly relaxed by now. It was a combination of her surprisingly soft touch, her heady scent, and the warm air of her lungs brushing against his cheek.

"What I meant to say," spoke Yara, squeezing his shoulder lightly while keeping her prosthetic paw away from him, tucked behind her back; "Think is not good enough. I don't want you to doubt that you feel good." Her words were paced out. Slow and deliberate. There was thought behind each one.

"Yara. It's just... words." He'd slumped forward a bit, pressing his forehead against hers.

"No. Not to me." She moved her paw from his shoulder to under his chin, scratching lightly at the little tuft of fur there. He seemed to shiver, and rolled along with her wherever the claw went. "I know you, little fox. Now get dressed."

"Dressed?" Marlo blinked. One moment she was there, and the next the woman was gone. He was left only with a breeze and an afterimage of her scent. "W-Wait! Where are we going??"

"To have fun!" exclaimed Yara matter-of-factly as she threw the first shirt she could find at his face. "And I hope you're hungry!"

His ears popped through the collar, first one and then the other, and then slowly he squeezed his head through as he talked. "I'm not too hungry, really."

"Well, too bad!" She grinned, turned toward her little fox, and cackled he signature hyena laugh.


This was his night out. This was for him.

Yara had to repeat that line to herself, but it did nothing to stop her from hammering down a second bottle of whiskey. Marlo wasn't doing her any favors either. Two pints of beer and a shot of his favorite brandy, and the fox was out of the game. His drunken stupor involved egging her on along with a crowd of similarly inebriated juvenile delinquents as she titled her head fully backward and opened her throat, letting gravity do the rest of the work.

"YA-RA! YA-RA! YA-RA!" Their mismatched chants drove her on. She'd only gotten halfway through the bottle before the world started to tilt faster than her eyes could keep up with. "YA-RA! YA-RA!" She closed her eyes, threw her head back even further, and greedily sucked on the neck of the bottle as its contents were dumped straight through her throat. It was a miracle that she wasn't drowning in the stuff.

She was dizzy. Her lungs burned, begging for a fresh breath of air. The last few drops made her feel like she was going to pass out, and then, with a wet pop the bottle broke free from her pursed lips.





Yes. Yes! The crowds were going wild! They chanted her name and bowed to their newly appointed Queen of Debauchery. The bottle shattered into a hundred pieces as a chorus of voices filled the air. "YA-RA! YA-RA! YA-RA!" Wolves and dogs, rats and cats; nobody could stand up to the hyena. Their voices drowned out the heavy beat of music that thrummed against her chest, and then they drowned each other out.

Save for one.

There was a crazy look in her eyes, unfocused and untamed and wild and free. She heaved for air as she flexed her shoulders, her broad chest puffing in and out with every massive gulp of air her lungs took in.

Yara went for him in an instant. The fox put up no resistance as she grabbed him by the shoulders and lifted him off the ground, his feet dangling a good few inches in the air as she squeezed to get a firmer grip.

"Listen to them!" Yara yelled. "They love me!" She grinned. "They love us!" She laughed.

"They love us!" repeated Marlo, his voice cracking as he tried to keep up with the rest of the crowd who still gathered around the two of them. "You're a god-damned beast!"

"That's right!" She pulled him close and slathered a long lick across his jaw. He barely even complained, instead opting to lean into her as she coated his fur with her tongue. "More!"

"MORE!" echoed Marlo, as if his capacity to form his own thoughts had been thoroughly fried and all he could do was echo Yara's words.

"MORE!" Screamed the gathered crowd. A few dispersed. Others came in close. The brave few who actually reached out and touched her made Yara squirm. Foreign hands roamed her body. She could feel hear heart beating a mile a minute as a couple of them started exploring lower down her back, and began teasing into her shirt.

"Marlo," she huffed, having found herself nibbling against his neck as the hands got a little bolder. They'd found out she wasn't wearing a bra, and were soon about to discover that she had no panties on either. Yara licked and sucked on Marlo's neck, who was in another state of drunken bliss, far too out of it to be aware. "Go... drinks."

"Drinks..." He roused from his stupor, moaning softly as her tongue traced circles on her neck. "For the road?"

"Go." She set him down and watched as the fox turned and disappeared into the crowd. "F-Fuck." The hands found their way to her nipples. She moaned, feeling the foreign fingers pinch and roll against her large, thick nipples. They tugged and squeezed while a third pair of hands snaked their way into her pants. She could feel herself throb, excitement growing until fingers finally teased at her swollen lips.

It's like a fire had been set alight under her. Yara reached down and forced the hand deeper into her. Long, slender fingers pressed in between her thick, swollen labia, the paw roughly rubbing against her engorged clit.

"God... yes..." Her breasts were squeezed together, her nipples were pinched, and two fingers delved deep into her soaking pussy as she squirmed under their touch. "That's it... just like that, Vulpy."

Her eyes shot open as she pulled herself free of that sudden, lustful trance she was in. A bitch was sucking on her massive nipple like the hungry dog she was, tongue lashing over her shirt while her teeth clenched down around her bud. Then there was a cat, a guy with pierced ears and a band of neon lights encircling his neck, who pressed up behind Yara as he dipped his fingers deep into her pussy.

A flash of orange and red fur caught her eye. It was brief, but it gave her pause. Yara blinked, and with some effort freed herself from the two. They didn't even seemed disappointed, but instead grinned as if they'd just took a drink from the fountain of youth.


It was hard to follow his scent. The alcohol and the club dulled her senses. Too many different furs, all of them a stranger species than the last. So many foxes too, but none of them were him. Yara moaned as she moved, her lips rubbing hard against one another as she felt her clit throb with need. Her large nipples poked hard against her shirt, throwing away what little modesty was left. It didn't take much to see her for the state she was in, and the glances she was getting weren't helping her form.

Where the hell was that fox when she needed him?!

The brave few that did try to approach her again were met with snarls, and one who touched her arm nearly found himself at the receiving end of her fist. She felt hot. The mass of people surrounding her all melded into one.

It was a soft touch on her prosthetic that gave her some pause. She snarled and turned to face the fool, then stopped herself. Marlo stared at her with big innocent eyes - as innocent as he could be in his drunken state - as he held a large bottle of whiskey between his fingers.

"There you are!" he exclaimed, stumbling when a couple bumped roughly into him. Yara bared her teeth at those two, but they didn't see. "So hard to find you!"


"Look!" He stretched his arms out. "More!"

"Fuck that!" She grabbed the bottle and placed it in the hands of the lucky stranger standing next to her. "I need you, Marlo!" She snarled, leading his all by the wrist to the back of the club. There wasn't any privacy anywhere. It was frustrating, and having him so close was setting fire to her loins.

"Y-Yara! Wait!"

"NOW!" she yelled, turning around so he could see.

She'd already soaked herself through her pants, her juices liberally dripping through to the floor beneath her feet. Her massive lips were perfectly contoured against the tightly fitting fabric, and through them he could just barely make out the slight bump of her large clit.

"Ohhh..." hummed Marlo, as two and two finally clicked together in his head. "You're horny!"

"Fuck me." She growled, rolling her eyes as she grabbed the fox by the shoulders and repeated, "Fuck me!" Yara almost whimpered. It sounded like she was about to beg. Her visage tightened as she shot Marlo a glare. "Right. Now."

He giggled. It escaped him before he could think about it, and once it started, he couldn't stop. He placed his hands against his mouth and slowly backed up from Yara. "S-Sorry!" he whimpered, another giggle escaping him.

"What's so fucking funny!" Yara followed him as he led her on.

"You!" exclaimed the fox, as he turned and brushed his tail against her thighs. "You're all horny and frustrated and it's cute!" He grinned. "You want this? You need to catch it." The fox was gone before she could even protest.

She caught him just outside the club, deep within an alley that looked like it hadn't been explored in years. A heavy mist had settled low to the ground. It made it so that the very air seemed to glow in purple, pink, and orange neon.

The truth was, Marlo wasn't even trying to run, but that little chase was enough to get his heart pumping. Regardless of that, he could tell that something in her mind had snapped. "Vulpy..." Her voice was a low growl. "Stop fucking teasing me."

"I'm not teasing," he whispered, voice hitching when Yara pressed him up hard against a wall. "H-Hey! Getting rough again!"

"Fuck. Yes." She grinned, almost drooling when she looked down at him. "You can take it."

"Can I?"

"You can." She grabbed his hand.

"I can," he echoed, like a little kit who didn't know better. His eyes were on her nipples, openly salivating as she pressed in a little harder against him. "You caught me, 'Yeen."

"I did." Yara glanced back, taking note of another couple that had exited the club. Nothing interesting. Her eyes fell on him. She forced his hand and pressed it against her breast. "You like that?"

"I... I do..." Marlo bit his lip as he slowly kneaded her large breasts over her shirt. Surprisingly soft, considering how hard the rest of her body was. It always took him by surprise. "More?"

"More." She pressed up against him again, gently grinding up against his knee as he squeezed down harder on her tit. A moan finally escaped her lips, and it felt right. "Vulpy..." her moan turned to a growl. "Here. Now."

"But... but we're,"

"NOW!" Her eyes fell low to the bulge in his pants, which looked needy enough as it throbbed under the constraints of his pants. "Show me."

"I-I... Yara." Yara could tell whenever he was blushing. It was the way his voice hitched like that. On instinct, she reached down and pressed a paw against his cheek, feeling it warm up right under his fur. He looked nervous. Even after his drinks, the fox still had some sense of common decency. "H-Here?"

Lucky for him, he loved her, and loving her meant that he had to put up with her own distaste for decency. She couldn't have cared less. "Now." She licked her lips and slowly trailed a kiss on his cheek, then his chin, and then his neck. Marlo moaned, moving his head a little give her more access as Yara slowly got down on her knees, right before the fox. Her hands roamed up and down his chest, then fell upon his thighs.

"Please... Yara." Marlo moaned softly when her large hand pressed up hard against his groin. He throbbed, hard, and pressed in against her touch. His body betrayed him, and she'd caught on. "Not here... please."

"Here..." she rubbed her paw up and down, cooing softly as she felt his member grow larger with every pass. "You want this really... really bad." Yara leaned in and breathed, heaving a hot breath of air against him. She felt him squirm, but he wasn't going anywhere. No way in hell she was letting him get off that easy. Her hands slowly spread his legs open as she watched him throb uncontrollably under his pants. "Already leaking, too..." she whispered, as she used the tip of her tongue to lap up a small bead of precum that had seeped through his pants.

Marlo whimpered, his hands falling just below her ears as he pressed in against her mouth. He'd closed his eyes tight, but grinded against her mouth. "Again," he whimpered, and when all he felt was her hot breath and teasing touch at the very edge of his thighs, Marlo begged. "Please!"

God, she loved hearing him beg. She felt his hands against the back of her head and allowed herself to be guided by what he wanted. He wanted another lick? Yara grinned, leaned in, and pressed her full tongue flat against his bulging erection. Marlo's moans drove her on further as the tip of her tongue flicked back and forth over where his pointed head was concealed. Yara slowly traced her tongue upwards, trailing his constrained shaft until reaching a base, where she knew a knot was dangerously forming.

"Don't stop..."

"No more," she whispered, "until you show me what you have."

"Please... Yara, not here." He looked to the alley, and just barely whispered a "people outside," before being cut off by her.

"Strip. Now."

Yara sat back, and with a wide grin and unblinking eyes, she watched. The fox had become obedient, despite his discomfort. Somewhere in that alcohol and lust addled mind, her words rang with more meaning than his common sense. She loved it.

Marlo winced a little, his eyes falling toward the road. "Hey!" snapped Yara. "Eyes on me, and only me." He nodded, and with a little sigh, he slowly unbuttoned his pants. He hooked his thumbs against the hem of his pants and slowly, yet deliberately, pushed them down until they fell around his ankles. She could feel her eyes eating him up. His underwear did little to hide his bulge now, and he'd soaked it through with his precum.

"I... I..." Marlo brought his hands down and slowly began to tease at his bulge. He moaned softly, knowing her eyes were just on him, and teased himself until he felt like he was going to rip through his boxers. "S-So good..."

"You're not done," murmured Yara, who was licking her chops in anticipation. "Take it off. All of it."

Marlo nodded, and with a shaky breath, hooking his thumb against the waistband of his boxers. They came off slowly too. His cock strained against the band, before all 7 inches finally popped free with a wet slap against his stomach. Marlo fidgeted as he felt her eyes eating him up. She could see every little detail: The angry-looking veins along the shaft; the way his precum kept liberally flowing from the head with every pulse of his heart; and the knot just at the base.

"It's yours," he whispered lowly, as he reached down to hold himself by the shaft. The light exploratory stroke caused a fresh wave of precum to dribble out of his urethra. He even thrusted his hips a bit to her, as if daring her to take the lick up that drop before it reached his balls. Marlo shook, and then raised his cock a bit so she could get a better look at something else. "T-This too." His balls looked heavy. They always did, each one just a little smaller than his fists. "All yours, Yara."

"Turn," she commanded, and the fox did so obediently, only sparing a glance to the end of the alley as he caught the sight of shadows dancing across the walls. "Hands against the wall."

Marlo gulped, feeling his cock twitch when as he pressed his hands up against the dirty wall and arched his back a little. He glanced back over his shoulder, whimpering as her eyes fell on his large rounded ass. "D-Do you... Uhm..." He paused. Her eyes were fixated on his ass. He rolled his hips lightly and watched as her eyes followed. "... you like it?"

"Yes," she mumbled, and leaned in to grab him with both hands. The fox moaned softly when she squeezed down hard, his tail brushing lightly against her face. "God, I love this ass."

"Y-Yara. Please." She'd spread him open wide, completely exposing his asshole to her. He blushed hard and squirmed when she buried her snout up between his cheeks. A long, cold, wet tongue slobbered up from his furred balls, between the valley of his cheeks, and coated his clenching ass up to the very tip of her tongue. "Ooohhh god... Yara... not here - AH!" Her tongue flicked hard against his clenching asshole, teasing in a little as her fingers clawed in deep against his pliable ass cheeks.

Again, he glanced back over his shoulders and stared at her grinning form. She looked pleased with herself. "D-Did you... have to do that?" Despite his words, his hips still rolled, as if enticing her to go in for a second helping.

"I did," she hummed, and slapped him hard in the ass, gleefully enjoying how it wobbled under her abuse. His little gasp nearly made her do it again. "Turn."

Yara didn't warn him and didn't allow him a moment to prepare. The moment he faced her again, she wrapped her lips around the head of his cock and moaned as a fresh batch of precum spurted right unto her tongue. With her hands now firmly on his ass, squeezing and groping with little remorse, Yara started to press him in into her as she sunk in deeper against his cock. Every new inch was met little resistance and a slobbering tongue, and she buried herself in until her nose was pressed up against his sensitive sheath.

Marlo whimpered, already drooling on her as he nearly doubled over from the sudden sharp pleasure of her tongue against his shaft.

She moaned into him, pulled back until only his head was pressed in tight between her lips, and took him balls deep in one go. His hands tightly wrapped around the coarse fur of her head, guiding her along as she started bobbing up and down on his vulpine dick. Earthy... salty... she didn't know how to describe his taste, but it was delicious.

As if on command, Marlo began to pick up the pace. Yara could now barely keep up with slobbering all over his cock as his large balls continuously slapped against the bottom of her chin. Soft gurgles escaped her whenever he hilted himself and hit the back of her throat, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. She loved the feeling, and the deeper he went the harder she moaned for him, and almost purred like a cat.

"So fucking good," he mumbled, hunching over as he used her head as support to quicken the pace. Face fucking her like this, with Yara on her knees and him standing above her, made Marlo feel like he was in control. He'd tamed the beast where nobody else could. She was his. He groaned, slowing down as Yara started sucking on the tip of his head, her tongue rolling sloppy circles over his shaft. "I... Fuck, Yara. It's too good. T-To good!"

Yara took a deep breath, and with an exaggerated schhhhluuurp, she took his throbbing cock out of her mouth. It almost glistened under the feint mist of the alley. It was a good look on him. Marlo was left a panting mess as his cock throbbed for attention and relief.

She'd brought him to the edge and dropped him off before he could reach his climax. The frustration was clear in his eyes, but he was too blissed out in pleasure to even bother trying to do something about it. The only couple of words he could mutter were "Please.... Yara..." but all she did was click her tongue and lick her lips.

"Tasty," was her only reply, as she slowly stood to her full height. "More, Vulpy... More."

She pressed into him, one hand pinning his shoulder to a wall while the other stroked his cock. Marlo moaned and leaned his head against her shoulder, his hips rocking back and forth. The small space afforded to him between Yara and the wall behind him hardly gave him room to move.

"C'mon Vulpy. You want it too, right? Y-Yeah, you want it. I know you want it." She eased off her pants, thankful that she didn't wear any panties, and slowly positioned herself above his cock. "Feel that, Vulpy?" He nodded. He could feel her dripping over his cock. It was hot, almost burned, but he loved the sensation. "Say you want it."

Again, Marlo looked just beyond her shoulder. The road at the end of the alley had people walking by. Anyone could have looked, and squinted at the two figures, and -

She grabbed him by the neck and turned his head around, squeezing down a little to get his full attention. With a small shake of her wide hips, Yara slowly eased down until she felt his cockhead tease between her massively swollen lips. It was hot and tight, so slick with her juices there was barely any friction between her lips.

"Yes. Yes. Yara, please."

"Not good enough," teased Yara as her thumb-sized clit rubbed up against the head of his cock. She moaned, and seriously considered knotting the fox in one quick motion. "Say you want this!"

"I want it!" screamed Marlo, half in desperation and half in lustful need, as her hand squeezed down a little tighter around his throat. "Please! Y-Yara please!"

"Good boy," she whispered into his ear as she angled his cock against her entrance. "Here's your - AH!" Yara grinned as she felt him start to slowly spread her apart. Her pussy, despite how soaked it was, contracted tightly around his cock, like she didn't want to ever let go. "... your reward."

Marlo moaned into her as Yara took him in deeper, one single inch at a time, with a remarkable amount of control. Every little bump, every vein, seemed to make her gasp and moan in need. "Good Vulpy," she'd moan, breathless, as she arched her back and took him another inch in. "Good, good Vulpy."

It was torture. Slow, meticulous, torture. She rolled her hips, brought him in a little deeper into her folds, then paused and stared down at him with a look of pure satisfaction in her eyes. The process repeated, over and over again, with very little he could actually do as she held him against the wall. What little control he had was taken from his hands and given to her. It only stopped when his knot, painfully engorged to the size of his fist, battered against her entrance.

"S-Shit," she moaned. "That's it." She brought herself to the brink of pulling him out entirely, squeezing down hard on his cock on its way out, and when she felt like she'd been left empty and her pussy was clenching in need she bounced down fully until his knot hit against her entrance. Yara almost winced - felt like it had slipped in a little. "Vulpy... please." She pulled out halfway, and dropped back down. A whimpered moan left her. Up again, her pussy contracting, fighting her to keep from pulling his cock out, and then dropped on him again. Yara groaned, feeling his knot push in and stretch her pussy painfully wide. "Fuck me!"

Yara grinded up and down on him, speeding up and slowing down, ramming down against that knot while carefully spreading herself wider with every drop of her hips. She felt his hands on her ass, which only encouraged her as he groped her and spread her apart. Marlo's cute moans and desperate grunts had replaced his ability to talk, and his tongue lazily lapped at one of her mouth-filling nipples, sending shivers up her body and causing her to squeeze down on him harder when she brought him in to the knot.

She dominated his world. All he could see, smell, hear, and taste, was Yara. The massive hyena molded him like a ball of dough and turned him into whatever she wanted. Right now he didn't just feel like a fuck toy to be used - there was more here, even if his breaking mind couldn't put it into words.

"I want this," growled Yara when she hilted herself again, steadying her hips as he reached down to cup his large balls with her good hand. Marlo winced, feeling claws, and trembled as Yara continuously clenched around his dick like a vice. "Inside me. Deeply. Every drop." Still cupping his balls, rolling them in her fingers, Yara started to press down hard against his knot. He was so coated in her juices, she could feel it start to slip inside her, stretching her pussy open wider than it had been before.

"W-Wait!" protested Marlo, but a metal hand clamped down hard against his throat, shutting him up. He whimpered, the feeling of hot, wet pussy clenching around more and more of his knot bringing out a muffled grunt from him. He looked at her eyes, but knew that no matter what he said, Yara wasn't going to listen.

"Give it to me, Marlo," she whimpered, gasping hard when suddenly, the rest of his knot was pushed inside of her in a single motion. "Y-Y-YES!" Yara grinned wide, already feeling the tool engorge a larger size as her pussy struggled with the new intruder. It was hot and heavy, and loved how full it made her feel. "Cum inside me."

Her words were a demand. She pressed a finger into her mouth and he obediently began sucking on it as she started grinding up against him. The hand cradling his balls squeezed gently but firmly. Every time he felt the tips of those claws he froze, but the moment she stuck a second finger into his mouth and started rolling her hips faster, he'd forgotten all about it. His cock throbbed inside of her clenching walls, curving upward against her. Marlo moaned, knowing in his mind that this might be a bad idea, but throwing all caution to the wind.

He wanted this as badly as she did.

"There you go," moaned Yara as she felt his balls start to tighten. She grinned, pressed in hard, and let him do the rest of the work. "Inside me, Marlo. Please."

She squeezed in as deep as she could go and gasped when something hot suddenly erupted into her. The first streaks of his scalding cum hit her harder than she'd expected, leaving her trembling as the thick liquid began pouring into her. For the first time that night, Yara was left at a loss of words. She gasped and worked herself against his cock, massaging his engorged knot as Marlo kept pumping her full of his seed. He growled, pitifully biting down on her neck as he emptied himself into her.

If there was a heaven, it felt like this moment. Marlo's twitching cock locked in deep inside of her, filling her with load after heavy load of his cum. The two of them locked in each other's arms. Outside, where one stray look in the wrong direction would have gotten them busted.

She was too out of it to stop her tail from wagging, as if she were some kind of mutt. Marlo's constant sucking on her fingers was the only thing she properly registered besides the cum he'd packed into her, locked in by his inflated knot. His eyes had closed, and his ears had fallen flat on his head, but he was greedily sucking on her. With a little effort, Yara extracted one finger, and then the other. She gently nudged his chin up and waiting until he opened his eyes.

They reminded her of the sky in the Frontier. A brilliant, though light, blue which was common to his species but rare for hers. At first he looked lost, almost confused, but slowly the focus started coming back to him. She could almost see the gears in his head turning as the first few rational thoughts started to cross his mind.

Before he could even say a word, Yara leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss on his lips, shutting him up from saying the first thing that came to mind. It worked. When they parted from each other, all he could really do was look at her as if he had just met his god.

"Get comfortable," she whispered, and licked between his ears. "We're going to be here a while."


They hadn't really spoken to one another while they waited for his knot to pop free from her. Having come off that high he was in, Yara could tell that Marlo was growing more embarrassed by the minute. She loved it.

"Should be more careful," mumbled Marlo as he struggled to put on his pants. "Someone could've seen."

"You liked it," she whispered in his ears once they'd finally gotten dressed. "You wanted to get caught."

"N-No," he mumbled, holding his hands together as she threw a long arm around his shoulder and pulled him close. They sauntered out of the alley as if the two hadn't just spent the last two hours soaked in one another, and despite a few curious glances, everybody was too busy with their night life to worry about a fox and a hyena. "I... Uhm..."

"Admit it, Vulpy." Yara laughed, throwing her head back to look up at the sky. The towers surrounding them rose so high she couldn't see the end, and for a brief moment she felt trapped in between them. Their lights thrummed, as if it were blood being pumped through by an invisible heart. This part of the city wasn't too busy - a few old, beat up cars drove past every few minutes, and that was about it.

She walked Marlo toward his apartment, where people were out in droves as much at night as they did in the morning. "Admit it, and I'll buy us noodles."

"Hmm..." Marlo licked his lips, his stomach growling. "F-Fine..."

Yara laughed. "'Fine' what?"

"Yes! I liked it... as risky as it was." He paused, then stuttered out; "Don't tell anyone!"

She smiled and took him to the restaurant where they had first met since her return. The _Allure._It had only been a week since her return, but it had already felt like a very long time.

The old owner wasn't there on this night. One of his sous-chefs had taken over for the evening, a younger cat covered heard to toe in unspoiled black fur. He had a charming air about him, talking up the customers who surrounded the kitchen island. Even the two other cooks looked more at ease without the greying gaze of the old cat peering over their every move. At this time of the night there weren't that many people at the restaurant. Despite the street directly behind them being full of eyes and ears, Yara felt as if they could get a bit of privacy for the two of them.

The young cat came up to them just as she and Marlo sat on a pair of stools. He flashed them a winning smile and gave the two a small bow of welcome. Yara scoffed at the display, but Marlo seemed pleasantly surprised, if his wagging tail was anything to go by.

"Friends! Welcome!" The chef leaned in on the table, placing a couple glasses of ice-cold water afront each of his new customers. "Lovely evening, isn't it?"

"A bit chilly," replied Marlo, turning to look at Yara who had her gaze fixed on the menu displayed before her eyes. She looked pensive. "Ah... could we have the noodles?"

"The biggest bowl you have," chimed in Yara. "We're sharing." The cat bowed again, smiling at the two, and promised the meal would be out in ten minutes. Yara turned to Marlo, who was looking around the restaurant with a bemused look, and clapped him on the back with a large paw. The little fox jumped, and looked to her. "What's keeping you?"

"Just thinking," he replied. "Uhm, Yara... how'd you know where to find me?"

She paused, bringing her hand back to herself. Now it was her turn to look at anywhere but at Marlo. "I had help." She anchored an elbow to the counter and nuzzled her chin into her paw. "Remember Skall?"

"Y-Yeah. I remember him." He sounded a bit sad at that, visibly deflating. "Haven't seen the big guy in a while."

"Ah... well, he helped me."

Marlo blinked, ears flicking as he listened to her. "He knows where I am?"

"I asked him to look, and you know, he finds people." She leaned in a little, and again pressed her paw against his back. "That's how I knew how to find you."

Marlo smiled. "Sounds like he's still good at what he does, then." He placed his hand on her thigh and idly scratched at her fur, teasing with his short claws while she leaned in a little. "I'm happy you're back, Yara. I..."

"Me too," she interrupted, flashing him a toothy smile.

Marlo shook his head. "No. Wait. I mean... I mean, I'm happy you don't hate me..." his voice fizzled out to such a low whisper, Yara found herself straining to hear, "... anymore."

He was smiling, despite his words, and every little while he gave her a sideways glance to see what she was doing. She wasn't looking his way, but she'd grown stiff as a statue.

"A-Anyway," continued Marlo when he heard nothing back from her, "I'm happy you're back."

"I never hated you," she replied after a few more minutes of silence. She was staring to the kitchen, watching as the chef prepared their massive bowl of noodles. So many ingredients had gone into it, she'd lost count. "I never hated you, Marlo."

He perked up a bit, but stopped himself short of saying what came to mind. Even now, it didn't feel right to have this conversation, but then when would it be a good time exactly. "We fought, and you left."

"I know."

Marlo frowned, and added with a sigh. "For two years."

"... I know."

He paused. At the moment, his throat felt dry. The many things he did want to tell her wouldn't come out. The chef came by with a bowl of noodles as large as Yara's head, and set it down right between the two of them. He smiled, bowed, and moved on to his next set of customers.

Yara was halfway though her first mouthful of noodles when he finally found the words and the courage to speak. "Some days, I thought you were dead."

She hunched a little. His words stung harder than she'd expected. He didn't sound angry. Just sad.

I'm sorry. She wanted to say the words, even mouth them if she had to, but they wouldn't come out. I'm sorry, Marlo.

"Well," she sighed out, stuffing her mouth with noodles. "I'm here."

He slapped her lightly with his fluffed-up tail, and shook his head. "Don't talk with your mouth full. I told you."

"Mmph." Yara swallowed. "Okay, okay."

"So... why'd you come back, then? Two years gone, right? I thought you moved on."

"I just needed some time." She looked around, then settled to stare down at him. "I needed to think. I had to get away from the city." She sighed. "Well... turns out I'm not very good at not thinking about you."

"You didn't find anyone else?"


"Like you, well... like you found me?"

She hesitated. Was it worth telling? He looked at her with his big eyes, his tail lightly stroking hers and an almost caring manner. He placed his hand on hers when she reached for her glass of water and flashed her a large smile. "It's okay. As long as you were happy."

"I... did." She took another mouthful, if only to pace herself and keep from blurting everything out in one awkward sentence. "It wasn't the same. I wasn't happy."

"So, who was he?"

"Hmm. A wolf who thought he could put a leash on me."

Marlo snickered. "Poor fool."

"That lasted a few months. After that I was on my own." Yara paused toyed with the noodles, smacking away Marlo's chopsticks when he went in for more. It earned her a small slap on her thigh, which made her smile. "I thought about you. A lot."

"Hopefully not too much," he said lightly. It was clear through the tone of his voice that he wasn't trying to be serious. "It must have gotten annoying. Wondering what that dumb fox a thousand miles away was doing at any point in time."

"I had a pretty good idea," she mumbled. "Fixing things. Freelancing. I wasn't too far off, huh?"

He smiled sheepishly. "I'm just predictable like that, huh, Yara?"

"Did you... did you mind being on your own?"

Marlo's ears flicked slightly. If he hadn't said anything, they would have been answer enough. "After a few months... uhm... well..." Marlo moved on to stuffing his mouth with noodles.

"It's okay, Vulpy. I get it."

"I'm sorry," he replied. "It's not a time I like thinking about too much."

"I could tell," hummed Yara, bumping his leg lightly with hers. "You know, there's some beautiful sights out there."

"Uh... The Frontier?"

"Yeah." She smiled. "Nothing like this city. Forests; rivers; mountains."

"Wow." Marlo tried to imagine them. He could see the pictures in the books and on the internet. He knew what they looked like, all of them, but he didn't really know them. Not like Yara did. "I've never seen a river before. Not in person. I've never left the city."

Another long pause filled the air. The sounds of sizzling meats and clanking dinner plates were comforting to listen to.

"Would you... like to see it?"

"Hm?" Marlo gazed at her through a mouthful of noodles. The bowl was starting to empty out. "What?"

"Let's go together. Out of the city, to the Frontier." She pressed a comforting paw against his back and flashed him a smile. "I'll take you out to my favorite spots. Massive forests, huge rivers, towering mountains. They're bigger than these buildings, you know?"

"Really?" There was wonder in his eyes. God... she loved it.

"Yes!" Her smirk grew, and a small laugh left her throat. She could vividly see the two of them out in the Frontier together, living out in the small cabin she'd built for herself out there, just at the edge of a massive evergreen forest. He'd be fresh and green, but she'd keep him safe. Teach him the ropes from her many years out there. They could go out hunting together, take a dip in the river, and at the end of the day they'd curl up by a campfire with him in her arms. No massive buildings to keep them trapped. No boundaries that prohibited them from going wherever they pleased. Gone would be the artificial lights and the made up reincarnations of the places she loved. "The Frontier isn't as bad as they make it out to be. I can keep you safe."

Even her small tail was wagging now. She couldn't help herself. "I can take you there and... and you'll see how I lived for two years. What do you think?"

"You want my opinion?" he chuckled when she nodded. He'd never seen her so eager. "Well... I mean..." her large, expectant eyes weren't a sight he was used to seeing from her. "I've always wanted to see a river."

Her heart fluttered at his words. She didn't actually think he'd end up agreeing. "You won't regret this Marlo."

They sat together in silence. Her mind was filled with the things they could do out there. Her own private place, where she could hide from anyone. She'd never shared that with anyone, and now Marlo wanted to come. It was only a visit but... but maybe she could convince him to stay. Forever. In her little cabin by the woods. Away from all of this.

"Hey, Yara. Can I tell you about something?"

"Go for it."

"A dream," he hummed, laughing a little, unsure himself as to why he was bringing it up again. But if he couldn't share it with her, then with who? "Silly little thing, really. But it keeps coming up, you know? Keeps biting at me."

The hyena shifted in her seat so she could have a better look at the fox. She rested her prosthetic on the counter and leaned down a little to his height. "Well, what is it?"

"I don't know." Marlo reached for his glass of water. "I keep dreaming that... well... I dream that I died, or that I was supposed to die. Every time, you show up and save me."

Yara's blood ran cold, her eyes focusing to something far off in the distance. She didn't look at him. She didn't want to look at him.

"Dreams... of dying?"

He nodded. "It doesn't feel like a dream. It feels like a distant memory. It's weird. Hey, what's wrong? Something the matter, Yara?"

"N-No," lied Yara, as she stood from the stool, clapping his shoulder. She'd already paid for their meal. "Hey, Vulpy. I'm tired. Let's go home."

"Oh... okay." Marlo smiled up at her. "Yeah. Yeah, let's go."