Roommates Ch. 9

Story by DiaperedDwagon on SoFurry

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#9 of Roommates

Chapter 9! It took me longer than I had hoped to finish!

Fraser waited for what felt like forever. It was actually only around five minutes. Ansel still had not come out of his room. Ansel wouldn't have even needed to get much. Fraser already had all his diapers in his room. He hadn't even used the diaper he already had on, so there wasn't even anything to clean up. What else had Ansel mentioned before... Powder! He had mentioned powder! That couldn't be that hard to find could it? Then Fraser remembered that Ansel probably hadn't had time to straighten up his room yet. He decided that there was no harm in going to check on Ansel.

The dragon waddled his way down the hall to Ansel's door. It was wide open, and he was able to see most of the room from out in the hall. Looking in, he was able to see lots of boxes. Surprisingly, there wasn't a label on a single one of them. Ansel usually is pretty organized. Near where his visibility got cut off, Fraser was able to see Ansel's tail on the floor. He walked into the room. Ansel was sitting on his knees while bending down over a box. He seemed to be having difficulties finding the powder.

"Hey, need some help?" Fraser had made his way out into the center of the room. Ansel jumped, and quickly snapped his head in the direction of Fraser's voice.

"Yea! Now I wish I didn't use the rest of the bottle I had out..." Ansel continued to dig through the box he was already in. Fraser went up to a random one, and opened it up. He started to dig through it..

"Why didn't you label anything?" Fraser quickly found out the answer to that question. The box he was in seemed to just be a bunch of random objects.

"I didn't exactly have time to organize anything..."

"Yea, I can tell!" Fraser continued to dig through the box until he found a white bottle. He picked it up, and inspected it. "Is this it?" He held it up so Ansel could see it.

"Yep! You can go get changed now!" Ansel closed his box back up, and stood up.

"Uh... So do I just put one diaper over the other?" Fraser stood up as well, but he didn't bother to close the box he was in back up.

"Nope. You have to cut slits in the first one!"

"Could you just help me...?"

"I suppose I could... But only if you let me do something!" Ansel walked out of the room, and out into the hallway. Fraser followed behind him.

"Ugh, fine." The two dragons reached Fraser's room after a few seconds. Fraser seemed to not really be paying attention to what Ansel was saying.

"You don't even know what I was gonna ask!"

"Fine, what do you wanna do to me?"

"Can I please get a picture of you all padded up?"

"Uh, I don't really know about that... This is already embarrassing enough as is... I don't need someone else seeing the picture... Why do you even want a picture?

"Because I want to be able to see you in a diaper in case you never want to wear one again..."

"I promise that I will wear one again! I just really don't want any pictures taken of me..."

"Alright, fine. I won't take any pictures of you! Now, lay down, and I'll get everything ready for you." Fraser laid down in his bed, and Ansel went over to the opened pack of diapers. He pulled one out, and cut two slits running down the length of it. He placed it next to Fraser. "Alright, so first you are gonna want to put on some powder, and th--"

"Didn't you say you were gonna help me? Doesn't that include helping me get it on?" Fraser's tone was more playful than anything else.

"U-uh well I guess it can... If you want it to... Which I'm guessing you do..." Ansel was a bit taken aback. He couldn't really be sure if Fraser was serious or not, but he seemed pretty serious. He stood over Fraser, a rare occasion due to the difference in size between the dragons, and reached over to grab the baby powder Fraser had released once he laid down. He grabbed it, and began to speak again. "So um... Do you actually want me to do this...?"

"Just think of this as compensation for not getting any pictures." Fraser continued to lay in his bed. He assumed that he would have to take off the diaper he was already wearing, but he figured he should probably just wait for Ansel to tell him what to do.

"So do you just want help getting it on? Or do you need help uh... Getting undressed too?" Ansel was clearly getting a bit flustered. He had begun to stumble over his words and blush.

"I could always just take this thing off myself if you are gonna get so worked up about it!" Fraser began to tug at the diaper he currently had on. He seemed to be putting a bit of effort into trying to get it off. Ansel started to chuckle while watching.

"Fraser, you need to untape it. Like this." Ansel leaned over Fraser, and untaped his diaper, leaving the larger dragon exposed. He then slid the old but clean diaper out from under Fraser, and set it aside. Ansel caught himself starting to stare, and he quickly diverted his attention. Deciding Fraser probably wouldn't appreciate being naked for too long, Ansel decided he should just keep going.

Ansel untwisted the cap to the baby powder, causing some to be sent up into the air. He held the bottle upside down a little bit above Fraser, and shook a hefty amount down onto him. Fraser was going to be smelling like a hatchling for quite a while now. After Ansel shook what seemed like half the bottle onto Fraser, he picked up the diaper he had cut slits into previously. He slid it under Fraser, and taped it up. Fraser began to sit up, but Ansel gently pushed on his chest to get him to lay back down.

"Hey, you still have another diaper to get on!" Ansel bent down to grab a new diaper from the pack.

"Just hurry up please! I don't want to be laying here forever just so you can stare at me!" Fraser seemed to be trying to get Ansel flustered again, and it was working.

"I-I wasn't staring! I was just... I was just uh... Making sure I had everything I needed!" Ansel had started to blush again, but he hid this from Fraser by continuing to bend down over the pack of diapers.

"By staring directly at me? Alright, if you say so!" Ansel stood up again, still having a bit of a blush on his face. He had brought a second diaper up with him. He slid it under Fraser, and taped it up, just like before.

"There, now you can get up!" Ansel found himself staring again. He couldn't help but admire Fraser in his thick padding.

"Aww, does Ansel have a crush on me?" Fraser sat up, and attempted to stand up as well. He quickly lost balance, and fell backwards onto his bed.

"N-No! I don't have a crush on you!" Ansel had trouble getting this out due to a combination of embarrassment and giggling at Fraser falling.

"If you say so... So um, how do I walk with two of these on?" Fraser seemed a tad bit disappointed, but quickly changed to subject.

"You probably can't, considering how you just fell trying to stand! You're gonna have to crawl around!"

"What do I look like? A hatc-- Wait a minute..."

"You'll look even more like one when you're crawling around!"

"I just won't crawl around then!" Fraser had crossed his arms, and laid back down.

"Aww, come on Fraser! You were so eager to get to use a diaper like what, five minutes ago? What are you gonna do, just lay here for the rest of the night? Why do you care if you look like a hatchling or not? I think you'd look cute crawling around..." Ansel blushed as he finished speaking. The last part sort of just slipped out.

"Daww! You do have a crush on me, don't you? I'll crawl around, just for you!" Fraser sat up on the edge of his bed, and slid off of it to sit on the floor. He then got on all fours, and began to crawl towards the door. Ansel followed closely behind him, stealing a few glimpses of Fraser's thickly padded rump.

"I don't have a crush on you! I just wanted to make sure that uh... That uhh... Your diaper was on correctly so you don't leak!" Ansel clearly was grasping at straws for excuses.

"I'm wearing two diapers! Is it really that likely for me to leak? Or are you just making excuses?" Fraser was moving fairly slowly. The two dragons had just gotten back out into the hallway. The thickness in between his legs was proving to make any sort of movement below his waist a difficult task.

"I'm not making excuses! You never know! You could still leak!"

"I think you're just making excuses, Just like I think there is probably a reason you are walking behind me!" Fraser looked back just in time to see Ansel looking away, and his face turning bright red.

"N-no! You just left the room before me! That's all!" Ansel was still looking away. "Fraser, would you please just knock it off?"

"Alright, Alright! I'll stop teasing you so much!" After a minute or two, Fraser had finally made it out into the living room again. He got up to the couch, and managed to climb up onto it. Ansel didn't have any trouble keeping up, and sat down next to Fraser. "Even sitting feels weird with two on!"

"Two is better than one! It's like having a pillow between your legs! And also, don't worry, because it will swell up when wet!"

"Will I even be able to crawl at that point?" Fraser looked a bit concerned. Ansel just giggled.

"I sure hope so, because I definitely won't be able to carry you around!" "Well, I guess we can worry about that later. Could you go get me another water bottle please?"

"Sure!" Ansel got up, and walked to the kitchen. He returned with a bottle of water, which he handed off to Fraser. He opened it, and drank the whole thing in around thirty seconds. "Jeez, you must be thirsty!"

"Not really... I just wanna make sure that when I use this thing it will count! Might as well just go all out, right?"

"Guess so! I think you're gonna like it a lot!" Ansel was smiling.

"So if you wet em, I'm guessing you mess them too?"

"Yea..." Ansel started to blush.

"What does that feel like?" Fraser didn't seem to be asking just to get Ansel flustered again.

"Well, it feels warm too, but in a bit of a different way. The warmth stays in one place until you start to squish it around. Squishing it around and sitting in it feels nice... At least I think so!" Ansel was starting to get less blushy while talking about his diapers.

"I'll have to try that sometime!"

"It feels really good to do it in an already wet diaper too!"

"Well why don't I just kill two birds with one stone? After the nice meal you made me earlier, I think I could probably make a nice mess!"

"Are you sure you want to? You haven't even we--" A hissing sound started to come from Fraser's crotch. He blushed as Ansel watched him and smiled. Neither of them said anything as the noise persisted. It lasted for around 45 seconds. Afterwards Fraser started to feel around the front of his diapers. "Maybe it's a good thing I made you wear two!"

"This feels amazing! But it also feels so wrong..." Fraser had a shameful look on his face as he rested one of his paws on his crotch.

"I used to hate myself for it... I thought it was weird. You'll get used to it. There's nothing wrong with letting out your inner hatchy every now and then!" Ansel gave Fraser an awkward side hug. This seemed to make him feel better. His look of shame turned into a slight smile.

"Thanks Ansel." The large dragon couldn't stop himself from continuing to rub and grope the front of his diaper.

"Well, at least you seem to be enjoying yourself! If you need me to leave the room so you can have a bit of fun with yourself, just ask!" Ansel pulled out of the hug.

"Nah, I don't need to do anything like that right now... Later though, yea probably!" He chuckled a bit.

"It's hard to help yourself, isn't it? I know it sure is for me..." The last part was a bit under his breath.

"What are you getting turned on by this too?" Fraser smirked.

"W-what? N-no! That's not what I meant! I just meant it's just hard for me to restrain myself when I do it!" Ansel's face was bright red again.

"I know what you meant. I was just playing around with you! I just can't help myself, you're so easy to get all worked up!" Fraser chuckled.

"Sometimes I hate you so much..."