Appreciating Space

Story by ThatchMew on SoFurry

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In a remote fire watch tower, two old friends share some old memories.. and make some new ones.

This is the first piece of furry erotica/literature I've ever produced!

Like, actually my first one ever. Hopefully this piece isn't too terrible.


Time was stuck in amber. Ashton hiked for what felt like ages. His legs were starting to buckle and shake along the rough path. Around him the cacophony of crickets and birds filled his ears. Above him, the sun was the only active participant in the azure sky. Despite the canopy of the forest shading his head, it was like walking through a sauna. The tall and broad timber wolf drew in the deep scent of pine and grinned while taking in the sights and sounds. A small waterfall over by an open lake. Trees fallen behind forest lines but with lush new growth taking over where they once stood. Licking his chops at the prospect of being left alone for a long while in a place like this, he picked up his walking pace. With a spring in his step he turned his baseball cap around backwards and splayed his big ears to fit it on his head. His longer dark-brown hair caught itself between the hat's brim and covered a portion of his hazel eyes, and he blew it aside.

By the time he had reached the isolated lookout tower, Ashton's shirt was damp and his legs felt like jelly. Light still bathed the surrounding forest but the sun was giving up for the day. Ashton craned his muzzle up to look at the tower, made of planked dark wood with a cabin-like housing unit at the top. It lacked electrical wires but had a generator that ran up the base of the tower. At the top blew a generic green flag with a cat's pawprint on it. The whole thing looked as if it were in the wrong time period. Surrounding it, the area was void of trees and stretched off into multiple paths. Someone was present and moving about the tower's outer porch. His tail gradually slowed. His shoulders slumped as his dream of solitude vanished. Sighing, he started to trek up the stairs and worked on his best mock smile.

Almost every step creaked and groaned under Ashton's digitigrade feet. Some of the wood was rotten. Two or three stairs were missing.

"Hello?" He wheezed, almost at the tower's top. "Replacement guy here. Are you still packing?" His voice was deep and low, but held a tone of warmth. His t-shirt's collar felt too tight and he growled while tugging at it. The heat was ruthless on him and desperate for a breeze, he ripped his cap off. "Please tell me you have an air conditioner in there." He grumbled.

"Ah, you're the guy!" A soft voice called from inside the cabin. "I'm still putting all my stuff away; You hike pretty quick! Come on up!"

Ashton peered up the last set of steps with his backpack held in one paw. Inside the cabin was a shorter, bright-orange furred tabby cat with short but womanly dirty blonde hair combed straight. She was clad in a tight-fitting pair of shorts that immediately drew in Ashton's eyes. Her grey t-shirt was looser-fitting and Ashton could see the silhouette of the female's curves through it. She held a little wooden clipboard in her paws and seemed to be taking items into account.

She whipped around to reveal her chest tuft was splotched white. She observed the wolf through one of the windows that surrounded the cabin's exterior, as if assessing him. A little silver necklace hung down in front of her shirt. Something about it looked recognizable to Ashton. Something about her seemed familiar altogether; the way she stood with too much weight on one foot or maybe the way her tail swished at seeing the canine.

"Hey!" The woman said cheerfully. She placed her clipboard down and moved outside. Her muzzle was level to the base of the wolf's neck in height. Up close her light-blue eyes beamed up into Ashton's own. I swear I know her from somewhere, he thought to himself. She almost looks like..

"Lexi." She said and stuck her paw out. "Thanks for volunteering, we're running REALLY thin this time of year. Vacation and all that. Thank goodness you're here early, you're the first person I've talked face to face in about.. Three months now." Speaking to her directly, Ashton heard her voice was sweet but cheeky. The way she pronounced certain words stoked nostalgia in his head. Somewhere, in another time or place, someone he knew had shared the same inflection. "So uh, thank you for taking up the position!" The shorter feline finished.

"Just happy to be out of the city for awhile, ma'am." Ashton said and reached out. His wolf paw dwarfed her feline one. From this close Ashton's keen nose picked up the mild uplifting scent of deodorant. "I kind of appreciate isolation every now and then, you know?" The wolf added with his best smile. The feline seemed decently packed up and Ashton imagined himself not having to speak with her long. Yet, there was something about her he couldn't quite put a digit on.

The feline smirked. "I know I don't look like it, but I'm a male." Lexi said, tilting his hips. "Why don't you come in and get settled while I pack up?"

Ashton coughed a bit. His cheeks suddenly felt hot. He rubbed the fur on the back of his head and frowned. He felt as if he had just answered wrong on a game show in front of an audience of a million. Even if he said anything to cover the mix-up, it would likely come out wrong. Ashton watched the feline stride confidently as he went back inside the cabin and wished he shared the enthusiasm. Clearing his thoughts, the wolf took in one last breath of the outdoor air and followed.

Inside, the cabin's windows wrapped around the entire structure giving a 360 degree view of the surrounding area. There wasn't much room to move but it was decently homely and had an adequate bed. Through his nose Ashton picked up fresh cinnamon and an even stronger scent of pine compared to outside. The walls had a single bright red stripe running horizontally around the whole cabin. The entire place screamed 1980s. Half of the cabin's interior seemed dedicated to drawers and appliances. The ceiling was lined with canned food like a shelf in a kitchen and the below them hung a few pots and pans. Below that was an electric stove. Opposite of it was a small light-blue fridge. Two chairs were placed haphazardly around the table and itself was covered in various notes and documents. Centered in the middle of the densely packed cabin was the Osborne Fire Finder.

"I didn't catch your name." Lexi said while sorting through a big bag of his. The feline's tail was slowly waving about while he hummed. Those little paws produced a beige book and fiddled with some settings on a short wave radio mounted near the bed. "We'll introduce you to the other lookout, Charlie. He's a few miles out but his tower's visible from this one. You'll be speaking with him throughout most of your watch."

"Ashton. Ashton Harlowe." The canine replied while still looking the cabin over. His eyes would often impulsively grace Lexi's rear. "Sorry I didn't tell you right off the bat. I didn't mean to call you a girl. I meant nothing by it! I just genuinely thought.."

"Wait, Ashton Arthur Harlowe?" Lexi said, quickly turning around. "From the Broadkins U. Writers club? You look so different, you old dog!! It's me, Lexi Belle!"

Ashton looked over the feline once more. Like a torrent of nostalgia, the past came flowing back. His old room mate, writing friend and bunk partner feline.

"I knew that necklace looked familiar. I thought your name was just a coincidence!" Ashton said with a hearty chuckle. Lexi stood on his tippy-toes and wrapped his arms around the broad timber wolf. Ashton hugged back and virtually squeezed his arms around the feline's entire form. His ears picked up a low purr. "It's been how long? You dyed parts of your fur! You look good!" Ashton said. Behind him his tail swung wildly.

"You look good, too. It's really nice to see you again." Lexi said. His cheeks flushed with light red. "It's been too long! I've done a bit of soul searching since we last spoke and I still kind of am, but.. Anyway. What about you, Ash? Are you still working on your book?"

"Still trying to put it together like I said I would. I figured taking this job and coming out here would be a good chance to get it done, you know?" Ashton replied. His cheeks hurt from smirking. "You still writing romance? Looks like you've been busy. Is everything on the table yours?" The wolf added and threw his bag on the bed next to Lexi's. Compared to him, Ashton's bag seemed way bigger and bulkier. His bunk had always been messier and unkempt while Lexi's was always neat and orderly.

"I do still write romance!" Lexi beamed. "And I -was- busy." He reached for one of the stacks of papers on the table. Ashton saw when the cat lifted them, somehow underneath the table was almost spotless.

"This is 'Last Night at the Lookout'. I have the rough draft ready and I almost did up the rewrite." Lexi said, folding his ears back onto his hair. "Up until I started losing it up here day after day. It's hard writing romance stories being away from any romance. Or being away from anyone, really."

"Well." Ashton said as he started unzipping his backpack. Pulling out a flat laptop and a dilapidated notepad, the canine added, "I have my own stuff here that needs some work. I mean, I've been revising this short for about six weeks now." He said and peered down at his mess of notes. Both of his eyebrows shot up at a sudden idea. "Considering you're not done packing, what if you stuck around for a bit longer? We could catch up, share notes and story ideas, just like we used to! You could even stay the night, unless of course you have something planned tomorrow."

"There's only one bed." Lexi said with an eyebrow raised. "and I really need to get the rest of this packed for the hike back." The feline bit his lower lip very lightly. "But working on my next story -and- having an old friend help me out wouldn't be so bad.."

Gradually the sun descended from pink to red to eventual darkness. Below the lookout tower the generator buzzed like a bee. Inside the cabin, a single lightbulb illuminated the room. Ashton's laptop had died but the canine was scribbling notes, cross-legged on the bed. Throughout most of the afternoon in-between teaching Ashton how to utilize the tools to spot and report fires, the pair had shared ample stories of the past and the present. Again, the duo were exchanging ideas and thoughts and story proposals and concepts. Occasionally they would both burst out laughing. Lexi would often bring up suggestive subjects and experiences for romance and erotica stories and Ashton would rebuff with his own. Past experiences with others. Past experiences together in their dorm.

Though the sun was down the humidity had remained. Lexi's deodorant had a strong pull on Ashton's canine nose and uplifted his weary muscles. Lexi paced around the cabin's interior as if he was stalking a mouse. Every now and then Ashton would turn away from his notes to peer at Lexi's rear and the cat would occasionally flick his tail out of the way. Both had their attention focused on each other and even the noise of the crickets through the netted windows wasn't enough to break their discussion throughout the evening.

"So why did you disappear, man?" Ashton asked with a bit of sandwich still in his muzzle. "I'm not accusing you of anything, just curious. I always thought about what you were doing after Uni."

Lexi sat across on the opposite side of the bed and wolfed down a piece of jerky.

"I had to go do my own thing." Lexi said with his shoulders drooping. "I miss everyone, don't get me wrong. I miss them every day. But I had to do my own thing. I needed to be alone and figure myself out, and to be honest.. That's kind of how I like to roll nowadays. It feels like I can really breathe."

"Right on." Ashton said laying back. His muscles felt like rubber. Every time he moved, he bared his fangs slightly and winced. "Is that why you took this job in the first place?"

"Sort of. This is just one of many I've had this year alone." Lexi responded. "I like to experience new things. Move around a lot, you know? It makes for better stories. I thought being in the middle of nowhere would be fun to write about but, I guess I figured out I like still being near the city.. But at the same time, being around the same folks every day makes things feel dull. So I left."

"You don't like to feel tied down, maybe?"

"I don't know; All I know is that having lots of new experiences makes writing easier for me, so I try to have as many as I can, whenever I can."

Ashton turned his muzzle to Lexi. "You did what you had to do to make yourself happy. I liked hanging out with you every day, but you needed to take care of yourself and I respect that. I guess I just missed you more than I thought I did."

"Moving around has its downsides, and you were definitely one of the ones keeping me from doing it in the first place.. I missed you too, Ash." Lexi said delicately. Their eyes were locked. Like a memory from the past, Lexi straddled Ashton by the hips and placed his paws on the wolf's chest. Despite the burning in his muscles, feeling Lexi's weight against him smoothed the pain over in a pulsing wave of warmth. Slowly and deliberately, the feline lowered himself and bumped his nose against Asthons. He heard Lexi's purr overtake the noise of the crickets. The feline's scent had become a weakened mix of deodorant and natural musk. It dominated Ashton's nose and he whined for it.

"Tomorrow at first light, I'm heading back to civilization.." Lexi whispered while hovering his lips over the canine's muzzle. Without any mistrust the pair kissed. Lexi's short claws raked through Ashton's chest tuft. His large wolf paws glazed down Lexi's sides and hips as slow as honey. Pulling back, the pair violently worked their clothes off. Again, the tabby and the timber wolf had their paws all over each other. Again, Lexi mounted himself on top of the canine. He affirmed his position and kept Ashton pinned to the bed under his weight while wriggling that rigid canine cock between his bubblebutt.

"I'm taking lead this time." Lexi said decisively. Ashton growled low, feeling the feline's anal ring expand around his cock. With slow deliberation, Lexi mewed softly and sat his ass inch by inch down on Ashton's length. It wasn't long before the feline's perky butt was squished against the wolf's base and those fat balls. Leaning his upper body forward to gain some leverage, Lexi moaned and began to ride Ashton. It was like Lexi was purposefully taking his time with Ashton's dick.

Often the pair's lips would meet again and again. Lexi would grip onto Ashton's hair and grind his ass firmly down against the canine. After awhile, Ashton sat up and propped the feline into his lap. He impulsively but gently sunk his teeth into Lexi's shoulder. The feline gasped and moaned out as a female in heat would. Even after all these years apart, Ashton was still capable of pushing all of the feline's buttons. Between them, Lexi's smaller cock was squished between the duo's abdominals. Lexi had his claws extended fully now and was raking across Ashton's back, damaging the fur. Hearing Lexi trill softly, Ashton felt sudden wet warmth between both of their stomachs.

After kissing the canine's lips firmly once more, Lexi began to assertively work and ride Ashton's wolf cock. Ashton growled as the feline's anal ring flexed and milked him. Letting his balance go, Ashton pulled Lexi back onto the bed with him. In their previous position once more, Ashton spread his legs and splayed his ears on his head. With two paws he clutched onto Lexi's round cheeks and began to roughly pump the feline in unison with his riding. Vigorously the wolf held Lexi's hips down. Ashton snarled out like he was defending his prey from another predator. His body tensed up. Emulating Lexi, he spread out his sturdy canine claws and raked them across the feline's plump cheeks, filling them with thick wolf cum. He bucked once more to ensure all of it would stay in. Gently, Ashton smoothed his muzzle into Lexi's chest tuft and took in his scent. Lexi's paws clutched onto Ashton's backside. For awhile, the only noise in the cabin was the pair's panting and gentle pecking. For awhile, Ashton whined while Lexi milked him.

Laying side by side in a sleepy afterglow, both still lacked clothing. Ashton lay on his side and wagged his tail feverishly. Lexi was on his stomach with a whiskered cheek smushed to a pillow. Both of them were still locking eyes.

"Thanks for sharing notes with me again.." Lexi said, stretching and yawning.

"You still seem pretty passionate about writing." Ashton murred, moving close and spooning up with the feline. Lexi turned over and embraced it, pressing his backside against the wolf and positioning his tail to hang over Ashton's hip. Drawing the blankets over both of them and tugging a string for the light, the cabin went pitch black.

"I know exactly what I'm passionate about." Lexi responded and added a giggle.

"So you're gone tomorrow..?" Ashton whispered.

"Yep, first light I have to hike back. Sorry to leave you alone after tonight. I missed doing this with you, but.." Lexi responded, his voice trailing off.

"You need to move onto your next new experience. I understand.." Ashton lapped at the cat's neck and shoulders. "You'll leave me your contact info, eh? I won't bug you constantly.. I know you appreciate space."

"...Yes, of course." Lexi said after a short silence. Despite his sleepy state, Ashton felt his chest hollow out like he just said something taboo at a fancy party.

"Wake me up before you go? I'd love to say goodbye." Ashton whispered. The feline snored.

An alarm clock set off. The sun was far too bright this morning. Ashton's back felt as if it were burnt with gasoline. He turned over and stretched out on the fabric and shivered. The space beside him lacked warmth. It lacked anything. Lexi's backpack and papers were gone. The morning sunlight seeped in through every window and emphasized Ashton's solitude. Somehow, Lexi had cleaned up everything and vanished before Ashton woke. No notes were left. No info was on the table. No phone numbers. No email addresses. It was as if Lexi wasn't there since yesterday.

Ashton's muzzle was like sandpaper and his stomach had a block of ice in it. He sat in bed for awhile and didn't move. He sniffed for the feline's scent but there was only pine. Even the cinnamon had gone. Silence, save for the morning birds. He eyed over the cabin but found nothing he wanted. Not breakfast or coffee. Everything was grey, yet the sun was shining. With a deep sigh the wolf threw the blankets off himself. He knew in a few minutes the radio would sound off by the other fire watch lookout. While he was determined to get his duties done, Ashton had his ears lowered against his head while dressing for the morning.

Putting on only a pair of pajamas, he sat at the table and opened up his notepad. He had some time before he officially started and was determined to begin the day positive. He resolved to purge the hollowness in his chest with a page or two. On the last blank page there was a heart with a phone number and a small note next to it in Lexi's writing.

_ I appreciate space, so I'll be gone for awhile. I also missed appreciating you. Call me when your lookout is done. _

- Lexi, xoxoxoxo