The Alpha's New Pack [Commission]

Story by rand0m on SoFurry

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A commission for Basque

I've got you now you handsome devil!

That had been Isabelle's reaction when she saw her subject being brought in and released into the glass-domed enclosure they'd made for him. The name was apt enough and stuck immediately, and although the designation of the massive canine even now prowling his new home was 'Specimen 001M' everyone on site ended up calling him 'Devil'.

But despite that, Isabelle couldn't help but view her new workplace as heaven. This was her dream project - an actual shot at bringing back a species long thought extinct! She'd worked on previous attempts to recreate such creatures by messing around with the recessive genes of their descendants, but this was far more ambitious. She was worried if anyone would take her proposal seriously, considering how unorthodox it was, but the people behind this project seemed to want the same thing she did - results! Dire-wolves returned to life...

But even her proposal had to be review when it became apparent that their initial plan of artificial insemination wouldn't work. It became too clear from the start that the creature in their care wasn't canis lupus. The plan had been to tranq Devil and get a semen sample by electro-stimulation, but any dose of sedative strong enough to fully knock the massive beast out also made him unresponsive and nobody on the team dared stick the probe where it needed to go if the hulking lupine was even remotely conscious.

She couldn't really blame them. Devil was close to twice the size of a normal wolf, standing as tall as a pony and with the bite force of a grizzly bear. Even experienced wild animal handlers were nervous about approaching him, despite, or maybe because of the fact that Devil didn't seem particularly savage or aggressive. It was clear that even after his capture the dire wolf had no fear of bipeds, but he wasn't behaving like a caged animal which, despite the size and comfort of his preserve, he was. The surveillance footage Isabelle had studied occasionally showed the massive lupine gazing into a supposedly concealed lens and giving her the same carefully appraising look she was giving the screen.

It became apparent early on that AI wouldn't work, so that they would have to find Devil a mate. But any canine females were out of the question - even if they survived the mating, the chances of them surviving a pregnancy with pups those size were slim to nil. That was where the radical part of Isabelle's plan came in, one that she was sure was going to get turned down and possibly have her sent to psychiatric observation.

Feral canines were out of the question, but not bipeds! If they took that approach, they wouldn't even have to be canines. As unconventional as it was, it gave them control, something they desperately needed in this enterprise. It would be a simple enough matter to make pretty much any mammalian womb compatible with a dire wolf embryo, and then it would merely be a matter of implanting a fertile female with a feral wolf's ovum. A litter of dire wolf pups would be dangerous, but this way they could be sure they were dealing with a single pup per female.

The next problem was whether Devil would see anything other than a wolf as a mate, rather than a meal. They learned early on that he was responsive to the pheromones of a common wolf bitch, and Isabelle had covertly carried out a little test of her own. Once she went into estrus she'd worn a small strip of fabric where it would be sure to soak up plenty of her scent. She'd then introduced the piece of cloth into Devil's enclosure and surveillance had shown the same, rather explicit, physical reaction he'd had to the scent of a female wolf. And while being a husky meant Isabelle wasn't very far removed from the dire wolf, she became certain this could be done with more or less any biped female that volunteered, providing she was in estrus at the time.

It was fortuitous, although strange. A feral male shouldn't respond to the scent of a female out of his species. They had no real sexual desire, merely the instinct to reproduce, one that would not lead them to an incompatible mate. But then again, they knew little to nothing about dire-wolves apart what they could learn from Devil's blood-sample. Even though they had state-of-the-art surveillance, Isabelle had insisted of a more conventional view of the enclosure. The main floor of the research facility was on the upper deck and facing the arboreal enclosure, with the wall facing it being glass, covered by a simple one-vision foil. To Devil it would look like the printed foliage while it gave them a somewhat blurry view of his little home.

Or at least that was the theory. After she'd introduced her own scent into his enclosure, Isabelle was almost sure the massive canine had been staring up at the concealed glass even as she stared at him. She remembered the reports of the hunters sent to retrieve him and how they'd claimed that no animal had ever led them on such a difficult chase, but she was sure they were merely trying to get more money out of her financiers. Lately she'd begun to wonder just what sort of mind lurked between those lupine eyes.

"Dr. Carell?"

Isabelle held up a finger at the mention of her name, a signal for the speaker to wait until she was done with her work. She recognized the voice as belonging to Dr. Mathew Palmer, a young and attentive raccoon who was serving as her second-in-command, so to speak.

"The first of our volunteers has arrived. I remember you saying that you wanted to conduct the interview and the... uh... rest personally." He said, a little awkward at broaching what he viewed as a delicate subject to a woman.

"Good. I'll get to it then. Have the techs prepare exam room one for the medical and get me a report on the hydraulics and security in room two. Let's be ready, just in case..." she said, rolling up her sleeves figuratively and knowing that she'd soon be doing it literally.


"All right Ms. Higgs, if you'll just step inside..." she said, leading the still flustered cow into the exam room.

"Uh, Nora's fine." She said, her cheeks still burning after the rather intimate interview. And the really intimate part was only just starting.

"Nora then. I'm sure you've seen a chair like this before, so just have a seat and I'll help you get your legs into the stirrups." The husky femme said, slipping on a pair of rubber gloves as the cow did as she was asked.

Nora Higgs, 24 years old, straight out of college and still idealistic enough to offer up her womb in the hopes of bringing a species back from extinction. In many ways not an ideal candidate in Isabelle's eyes - quite shy and awkward, a gentle soul who'd turned red as a beet when queried about her sexual experience before replying with 'Limited'. Not the sort of person Isabelle would feel comfortable throwing to the wolves (or even just one very big one), but in many other respects she was a perfect candidate - young, clean living, able to commit to the project, and possessing a certain build that made her an ideal surrogate.

The cow's timid nature was at odds with a body that, while bulky, had weight in all the right places. She could guess how this came to be - a chubby little calf being teased all her life for being fat and who'd up internalizing the image to the extent that she didn't even see what a growth spurt and puberty had left her with. Nora even walked with a bit of a hunch, an unconscious effort to bring as little attention as possible to her 'heavy-set' chest - a pair of bovine breasts that could cause traffic accidents if she showed them off.

"Okay Nora, now I'm just going to insert this little probe in to check your temperature..." she said, trying to put the girl at ease while slipping the slender rod between her legs. When the instrument beeped she did some quick math and resisted the urge to swear under her breath. She'd know more when the lab results came back, but it looked like the bovine gal was at the peak of her fertility cycle, which meant that they had little time to waste if they wanted to avoid waiting for almost a whole month.

"Right. Now Nora, the next part is going to be a little more invasive, but it's to make sure you can handle the coupling without risk of serious injury." She said, speaking in a calm, even tone as she applied a very generous amount of lubricant to the cow's exposed sex. "We'd managed to introduce certain scents into the dire wolf's environment, enough to get him fully aroused, and through the use of computer imaging we've recreated a reasonable facsimile of his penis..." she finished, reaching into a case at her feet.

"For this part of the exam, I'm going to need you to relax as much as possible. Just take nice, deep breaths..." she advised the cow who'd clearly stopped breathing at the sight of the massive red rod the husky was holding and aiming between her legs.


"Just relax Nora. Stay down, don't make any sudden movements, and you'll be fine..." Isabelle spoke calmly into her microphone, her words transmitted to the anxious cow via the little headphone in one of her ears.

She was trying to project more confidence than she could actually lay claim to. They had every reason to suspect that the introduction of Devil into the specially prepared breeding room would result in a peaceful mating. There had been some concerns voiced due to the female being a herbivore, but they'd snuck her scent into the dire wolf's enclosure and he'd reacted with the same physical display that a female wolf's pheromones had triggered.

Still, they were ready for a worst-case scenario. The moment a side-door opened and Devil carefully padded into the sterile room, several well-hidden dart-turrets followed his movement, ready to sedate the wolf at the press of a button on Isabelle's console. She had three large screens in front of her, one of them showing the view of an active camera while the other were broken into smaller windows, each one showing a different angle of the same room. Nora had of course been told she would be monitored during the coupling, but Isabelle hadn't told her just how closely. Several of the cameras would offer her extremely intimate views, and every feed was being recorded for later review.

Mathew was sitting a few feet away at his station, pointedly avoiding glancing at the display in front of his superior, especially those panels that showed a glistening bovine slit, fully exposed to the massive predator now sniffing the air in the room. As per his request, the raccoon was monitoring the female's vital-signs and viewing the whole thing through a much less graphic infra-red camera.

"How is she doing?" she asked, never taking her eyes off the wolf.

"Heart-rate's up, but nothing to be concerned about. Just a bit scared, I guess."

That was an understatement, and Isabelle knew it. She would have preferred to let the cow get a little used to the idea of what was to come, but the lab had confirmed her suspicions - Nora was at the peak of her fertile cycle and they couldn't afford to put this off. They needed the results from the first attempt before they could consider other volunteers, and even though the project was very well funded they still couldn't afford to just sit around for almost a whole month. With that in mind, once Ms. Higgs passed the test with the 'dire wolf analogue' they rushed through the legal part of the process and had her naked and in the breeding room.

The cow girl was lying with her belly and chest resting on a padded table that could be raised or lowered, and one strong enough to support both her weight and that of the dire wolf, once he mounted. Her hooves were about three feet apart and her tail was out of the way, making sure the male could get a good view of what lay under it. By Isabelle's calculations, she was at just the right height for the massive canine to mount.

"Aaah!" the cry came loud and clear across the speakers and the husky tried to suppress a smile. Things were going as planned and Devil was now sniffing and huffing at the cow's exposed sex with obvious interest, especially when she turned to the camera right under him and saw his red shaft emerging with every twitch of the heavy sheath. She'd withheld any lubricant from Nora, worried that the scent could confuse the canine now taking a few experimental licks of her sex. Instead they'd opted for a simple adult toy - a small vibrator that had been inserted into the cow's vagina and set to increase in vibration strength and tempo. By the time they brought her to Room 2 she was noticeably wet between her thighs, drenched in a natural lubricant that was having the desired effect on her soon to be mate.

"Nora, you're doing great but you need to keep your tail up!" she spoke into her mic when she saw the nervous female's ropey appendage flag down in a futile attempt to hide herself from the wolf's questing tongue. She didn't want to frighten the bovine so she didn't stress just how important it was for her to act like a receptive, fertile female. They needed Devil to think of her as one, rather than a filling meal.

When the dire wolf pulled his muzzle from the bovine sex it was glistening with her juices, but apparently the cow had enjoyed herself enough that her slit was still dripping. Her squeak as the massive lupine gave her a nip on the cheek was almost comical given her size, but to Isabelle it was an excellent sign - a male asserting his dominance, a gesture that was usually followed by...

"Aaah!" He's... he..." the cow started to stammer once Devil mounted her, his huge forelegs wrapping around the bovine waist, giving him a perfectly secure grip on Nora's wide hips and ensuring the female couldn't go anywhere until he allowed her to.

"Nora, you're doing fine, but I need you to arch your back and thrust your rear up a little bit. We need to ensure _vaginal_penetration for this to work..." she said, hoping the cow would listen. From her vantage point she could see that the bovine had hunched over a little when the wolf climbed up on her and the red shaft poking out of that sheath was currently pointed way to high. So much, in fact, that if Nora didn't correct her posture she'd wind up taking the dire wolf under her tail. Fortunately the buxom bovine did as instructed, presenting her sex at just the right angle for the tapered lupine member now poking past those thick lips. And once one promising poke wedged it between them...


Nora's cry was so loud that Isabelle was forced to turn down the volume on the speakers in the control room, noticing that the cry had startled Mathew so much that the raccoon had flung his mouse off his desk.

"Is... is she..."

"She's doing fine..." the husky reassured the flustered young man, switching her main view to a camera lying just under the cow's pubic mound, and one that gave her the perfect view of the glistening red length forcing its way into the bovine sex. Even though Nora's anatomy was meant to take a male that would be girthier than a canine, not counting the knot, her lips were still splayed taut around Devil's red length, the pistoning shaft soon pumping a steady stream of clear droplets from the squealing cow's sex.

The padded surface she was bent over had sturdy-looking handles welded to its sides, and Nora was gripping them as if she was holding on for dear life as the dire wolf began to rut away at her over-stuffed sex. She couldn't hear anything over the sound of her heart beating in her ears, but with the massive canine's chest pressed against her back she could _feel_the low growls he was making, the fearsome vibrations causing her to instinctively freeze in fear.

The pain of the violent penetration was fading, but the cow was still overwhelmed by just how much the pistoning maleness was forcing her to stretch, as well as the savage force her feral lover was putting into his thrusts. When she'd first seen Dr. Carell hold up the angry-looking length of red silicone, she was sure that she'd fail to take it. Her only sexual encounter had been with a young fox back in her freshman year, so even though she was familiar with a knotted shaft the sheer difference in size was staggering.

She'd been laying back with her head pointed at the ceiling, too scared to look down where the husky was calmly pushing more and more of the synthetic dire wolf between her legs. She was sure something like that could never fit inside her and she squeaked out and blushed as red as a beet when she felt the knot first press against and then sink between her lips. And then the doctor had begun working the pump that would inflate it...

Despite the knowledge that her body could take what the alpha on her back was forcing in, she was still frightened due to the sheer ferocity of the wolf's mating. Once the thudding in her ears subsided they could pick up the other sounds echoing in the tilled room. The noises coming from her muzzle were becoming a little less distressed, and they were the kind of noises she never even knew she could make - strange, keening whimpers that shook with every jab of the canine cock into her well-presented slit. And the sounds coming from further down were even more embarrassing - wet, meaty smacks of the hard lupine body hitting her bubbly behind combined with the lewd slurps as his thrusts pumped out what the cow knew intimately were both of their juices.

The thought of people seeing her like this made the bashful bovine fold her ears down and screw her eyes shut. She'd always been shy about exposing her body even to those who she was being intimate with, and the idea that strangers were watching her take this feral breeding was terrifying. But Nora knew she had to push through. She remembered her childhood, and how desolated she'd been to learn of the concept of extinction - that there were species of animals that might die out, and of the many that were already gone forever. Even when she'd been a little heifer she'd wished there was something she could do to bring them back, so when she caught news of this project she'd abandoned both reason and sensibility and signed up.

The reality of what she'd volunteered for began to sink when the knot that had been slamming away at her splayed lips began doing just that. Every buck of the massive wolf's hips brought on a stab of pain as her sex was forced to stretch even further, the lump of hard red flesh forcing it just a little wider before pulling back and being shoved back against her straining petals. She had gotten... comfortable... with the wolf's earlier pace, something she had to admit as every violent thrust of the feral male's hips pushed her along the smooth padding, her heavy breasts flattened under her and her stiff nipples rubbing against the synthetic material with every movement of her body.

"All right Nora, it's almost over now. He's ready to tie so just do your best to relax. The hardest part will be taking the knot inside you..." Isabelle said, hoping the cow could still comprehend her. The expression on her face and the ludicrously graphic sounds coming from the control room's speakers made her suspect that the physical sensations might have overwhelmed the timid female. She also omitted the fact that the longer it took for the bovine to relax and accept the bulb battering away at her vulva, the more it would hurt once it did.

And there was no doubt at this point that the tie would happen. Despite the unexpectedly... graphic display, the encounter was going as well as could be hoped. Several of her cameras showed her a clear view of Devil's massive sack and the two swollen testicles that would empty themselves in a fertile female the moment the male was sure of a firm tie.

Isabelle had been feeling excited throughout the display, but when she slightly shifted in her seat she realized just how excited when the motion caused the crotch of her panties to rub against her lips and force her to realize that it was almost soaked. Work had always come first for the husky and as a result her romantic encounters were few and far between. And when it came time to take care of her feminine needs she didn't watch pornography or even use any toys. Her paw and imagination had always been enough, especially since she tended to put off sating her urges until it couldn't be avoided.

She'd never understood pornography - the appeal of watching someone have sex - but after spending over fifteen minutes observing the coupling of Devil and his bovine mate from every conceivable angle she couldn't deny that it had stimulated a little more than her professional curiosity. Still she remained composed, or at least relatively so, compared to the other occupant of the room. Matthew had seen the need to loosen his tie, the raccoon's face flushing even under his fur as he made sure to keep his head on his own less graphic monitors. Still, there was no escaping the noises, and whenever the cow in the breeding room let out a sharp squeal his ears would flick and swivel to catch the sound.

Despite her evident arousal Isabelle felt no bashfulness as she watched her main screen like a hawk, the monitor showing an enlarged view of the underside of the cow's slit. She could see the thick lips stretching more and more under Devil's assault until one particularly powerful buck of those lupine hips made the glistening knot disappear. She shuddered from the bizarre sound Nora made as the thickest part of the canine shaft invaded her, something that had started as a pained squeal but that blurred into a throaty moan.

She kept her eyes glued to the sight of those plump pink lips bulging a little bit further as Devil's knot engorged within her. The wolf had mercifully stopped thrusting, satisfied with simply grinding his sheath against the cow's straining sex. She'd been waiting for the moment that heavy pouch would pull up against his body as he began to seed his unusual 'bitch'. She was surprised to instead hear Nora make a sound that would she would have called a meow if she hadn't heard it come from a bovine.

"Uh... s-should we send someone in to make sure she's... okay?" her assistant said, folding his ears down as if he could block out the telling noises coming from the speakers.

"Not while he's still in her. Wolves are very vulnerable while tied and they know it. If someone came in now he'd become aggressive, and if he were to pull out of her now, he could injure the subject." She replied, never taking her eyes off a section of the screen that showed Devil's sack twitching, a sure signal that lupine seed was surging into the cow's fertile womb. The feeling of warm wolf-spunk gushing inside her stuffed sex did little to spoil what was obviously the bovine gal's climax, her needy noises only rising in pitch and frequency until her body shuddered under her canine lover before the panting female finally relaxed.

The wait for Devil's knot to deflate had passed in a curious tension. The pair in Room 2 seemed to savor the aftereffects of their coupling while the duo observing them sat in silent tension broken only by an occasional gasp from Nora or a low murmur from the dire wolf resting on her back, his forelegs still locked around the waist of what he'd obviously judged was a skittish bitch. The screen showing the tie had remained unchanging for over twenty minutes, the cow's pink lips glistening under the juices that had been pumped out of her during the mating, but not a trace of the thicker white fluid the cow's was by now flooded with.

The tightly sealed pink lips split a few minutes later, the cow gasping in pain and discomfort as a flash of red showed between the folds of her sex. Another tug and the bovine sex was slayed around a bulbous red mass, a thin stream of lupine seed squirting out of her audibly as the ball plugging her sex began to withdraw. She had to rely on the cow's throaty cry to tell her when the lupine member was actually out because the moment the knot had slipped all the way out the last thing she saw was milky goo gushing around the red length before the camera's under Nora's mound went white.

Isabelle's fingers flew over her controls as she opened the hatch back to Devil's enclosure. There was a large haunch of fresh, undrained meat waiting for the dire wolf, and the handlers had made sure to lay down a trail of blood to lure him back home to sate a different appetite. The husky could feel her chest rising and falling, a surge of elation of this huge milestone of her project being completed, a sensation that was only slightly marred by the more intimate tension her body felt, and the feeling of wet cotton rubbing against her sex.

"All right, have her led into Room 1. I'll want to do a quick exam before we clean her up and get her to her quarters. If she's fine I'll want her covered again tomorrow."

"So soon?"

"We don't have much choice. A reliable pregnancy test will have to wait a few more days and by then she'll be past her peak. Better safe than sorry." She said, rising from her seat and buttoning up her lab coat. The front of her skirt felt slightly damp and she was worried it might show. "And tell maintenance I want them to lay down some rubber mats on the floor once they've finished cleaning up. Those wet tiles are an accident waiting to happen..." she finished, indicating the feed form an overhead camera that showed a growing white puddle under the cow's well-bred behind.


"What's her condition?" Isabelle asked her colleague, the raccoon having just come back from examining their first subject.

"Well, the lab's thrilled. Both urine and blood samples show the pregnancy is going as well as could be hoped and..."

"I can read about that in your report." She said, cutting her colleague off. "You know what I'm asking."

"Well, no change really. We're, that is I'm certain she still understands what we are saying to her. She answers to her name and if we prompt her several times we can get a short reply from her but..." he trailed off, wringing his hands.

Isabelle knew what he was nervous about. After her first coupling, Nora Higgs had been fine medically and seemed in good spirits. Her breeding the next day had gone even better, since the cow was obviously less nervous about the whole process. She was quite happy with her accommodations, the meals etc. and had tentatively expressed a desire to see Devil in his habitat. It seemed a simple request, especially since she'd told them in the interview of her interest in animals and Isabelle had seen no reason to deny it. The cow's reaction as she sat at a monitor set to track devil's movement was clearly awe. Again, not surprising since the massive canine was a very impressive sight, and one that a handful of people in the whole world had ever seen.

The husky had taken a harder stance when Nora had asked about the possibility of entering the enclosure. She explained to the cow that the matings were successful, that she was carrying a dire wolf pup and that there was no longer any reason for her to meet with Devil. The cow had tried to protest, but the doctor had remained firm, and she was sure that this strange fascination would pass. She was proven wrong when Nora became depressed and stopped eating. Knowing she couldn't risk endangering her pregnancy she'd consented to a brief encounter. The cow had been led back into Room 2 and the passageway to the enclosure had been left open.

Isabelle figured the canny canine would identify Nora as a female he'd bred and wouldn't attack, which was proven when he entered the room and began to sniff and examine the suddenly bright-eyed cow. What happened next surprised them. Nora had dashed through the hatch leading to the dire wolf's preserve, and Devil followed her out immediately. Plans to recapture their errant volunteer had hit a wall - they daren't use sedatives on Nora for fear of endangering the baby and she knew enough to keep close to Devil to make it impossible to get a clear shot at the wolf and drag the cow away.

They could still watch the two and Isabelle hadn't been surprised to see the cow present for the dire wolf who wasted little time mounting her. She had since had to restrict access to the surveillance feeds since they'd become pretty... graphic. Nora was now more comfortable with the father of her pup and seemed nervous and distrustful of the people who occasionally came in to examine her. Still, she seemed healthy and was eating the meals they brought her, provided they brought them to her and left promptly. And she'd been getting closer to Devil. The last time Isabelle had gone in there with a few other techs to give her a quick look-over, they had to wait some distance away until she'd finished fellating the dire wolf, knowing that he was weary of intruders and suffered them only if they didn't interfere with him and his new female.

"So where does that leave us? I mean, we still don't know how this happened, or what to do..." Mathew trailed off, nervous about talking about the way their first subject had not only gone native, but was apparently half-way to going feral.

"I got a reply from our legal department. I told them the whole thing and even though they expressed concern they assured me that we're still covered by the releases Ms. Higgs had signed. It's been a month and biologically speaking the pregnancy is going better than we could have hoped. We can't just sit around on that kind of success."

"So we're going forward?"

"I'm interviewing a new prospective subject tomorrow. If all goes well, we'll have another pregnancy in a week at most."


As she watched her new volunteer disrobe, Isabelle found herself still puzzling over why the spaniel was so eager to go through with this. Miranda Hayes, age 26, had a college degree, and had apparently put a promising career on hold just to participate in this endeavor. She'd stated that she was volunteering so that she could help bring a species back into the world, and the husky had believed her since despite the fact that the project was paying their volunteers quite well she doubted the successful young female was doing this for the money.

As the caramel-furred canine slid her panties down her thighs, Isabelle couldn't help but glance at the other woman's undeniably beautiful body. Although she stood a little bit shorter than the husky her slender frame was full where it needed to be to catch the eye, all of it covered in long, silky fur that hugged the spaniel's figure flawlessly. The hair at the top of her head was a playful pixie-cut, but her floppy ears were covered in long, wavy fur that nevertheless gave the impression of a bob-cut, perfectly framing a cute muzzle and big brown eyes.

Attractive as it was, in Isabelle's eyes it was hardly the ideal build for conceiving and carrying the dire wolf's pup, but the young bitch had passed her medical exam quite flawlessly. It was only when she got her hands on the spaniel wearing nothing but her fur that the husky got a pretty good idea of why she was volunteering. During her medical exam she'd spotted scratches and old scars under that fur, most notably on the back of the girl's neck and on the tops of her thighs and her waist. Miranda had given her sexual experience as 'Average' and claimed she was not in a committed relationship at the moment, but the husky believed only half of that. Those scars had told her that the young canine had spent a considerable amount of time bent over for feral canines, and while bestiality wasn't illegal it was about as far as you could get from an 'average' sex-life.

A deviant, obviously, but one suited for this project for more reasons than one. She doubted the petite spaniel would be able to handle the fake dire wolf phallus, but the young bitch had proven quite... accommodating. She'd shown little discomfort when the mass of red silicone was pushed between her legs and had actually climaxed when the knot was forced in. She'd apologized and Isabelle had assured her it was normal, even though it was a lie. Some involuntary responses were to be expected as a result of physical stimulation, but an orgasm required a state of arousal few people would reach while lying in an exam chair in a sterile room while a cold synthetic shaft was pushed into them with clinical detachment.

Her reaction to the sight of Devil proved Isabelle's suspicions - the wide-open eyes, the way she was biting her lower lip, and a sudden wafting of a feminine fragrance that might have slipped by a less keen nose. Miranda had arrived a few days short of her peak so they'd let her settle in and kept her under observation. She'd requested a chance to see the dire wolf and the husky had given her access to some early footage they had of the massive canine in his enclosure. She decided not to let the spaniel see any of the live feeds, or recordings made after Nora had 'eloped' into the mock-forest with the father of her pup. She was still choosing to think of that as an isolated incident brought on by an unknown factor and didn't want to worry Miranda with the sight of the previous participant now happily living like Devil's feral bitch.

"This is where the coupling will take place. If you'll lay your chest down on the padded bench, I'll go ahead and adjust it for your height."

"Actually, could I get on it on all fours? I mean, since you can raise or lower it and all?" she asked the doctor, and Isabelle could notice that the eager spaniel was trying to keep her tail from wagging. She thought of arguing the point, but in all honesty there shouldn't be any difference. She might as well let the pervert have her fun...


"She seems, uh, eager enough..." Mathew commented as he checked the readings and feeds on his console. He seemed to have no idea of Miranda's little fetish, and Isabelle felt no need to clue him in. It will probably become apparent quite soon. But she did have to agree that enthusiasm was a welcome sight. The moment she'd hopped on to the breeding platform the young canine had assumed a very... accommodating posture. The hatch to Devils' preserve hadn't even opened and she was already arching her back and keeping her tail high and to the side. Isabelle's main screen showed a close-up of the spaniel sex, large enough for her to see the canine slit drool in anticipation of what was sure to be the perverted puppy's ultimate fantasy.

Once the lupine behemoth stepped in and she turned around to look at him, Miranda's eyes took on a glazed look that removed any lingering doubt as to why she was here. The spaniel was almost panting in excitement, behavior that Devil seemed to recognize as his nose led him to the dripping canine slit. Isabelle kept her eyes trained on the screen, trying to ignore her own physical reaction to the sight of the spaniel's petals being forced open as the dire wolf's tongue was pushed into her sex.

Miranda had kept biting her lip all throughout the brief but vigorous tonguing. She was looking straight ahead now, and one if the husky's screens showed a blank, flushed face and eyes that were staring at nothing. The entirety of the deviant woman's attention was turned inwards, to the sensations coming from behind as she anticipated her mounting.

When the wolf finally climbed onto her back and grabbed he slender waist Miranda actually began to pant, and when the questing red tip found her messy slit she let out a loud yelp that had little to nothing to do with pain. The noise seemed to encourage the dire wolf and after bringing his hind-legs closer he began to rut the spaniel's speared cunny.

The smaller female had to brace herself in order to keep from being knocked flat on her face by the lusty lupine's merciless thrusting, her tongue leaving her muzzle and any sign of sapient thought leaving her eyes. Her response was definitely a lot more enthusiastic than Nora's had been, and she wondered if her colleague would spot by the females posture just how used she was to being taken by feral canines.

But one glance at the fidgeting raccoon behind her told her that Mathew was doing his best not to notice her. Isabelle wondered which of them was more professional - the young man for trying to obey some laws of common decency and ignore the lewd spectacle he was supposed to be monitoring, or her, for keeping her eyes on her various cameras despite the way the scenes they showed were affecting her.

After dealing with Nora now living in Devil's enclosure as well as her usual tasks, the husky had found no time to address any of her body's needs apart from food and sleep. And she could have gone on ignoring them for quite some time, if her job didn't mean she had to keep a close watch on a perverted bitch moaning and whimpering as she took what was to the best of Isabelle's knowledge the largest canine member on the planet.

She glanced behind her to make sure Mathew wasn't watching even as one of her hands slid down and past the waistband of her skirt and panties. Even if he hadn't been doing his best to look away from her and the monitors, she doubted he'd be able to see what she was doing. And as long as she was reasonably quiet, the cries of their latest volunteer would drown out any noises she made.

As her fingers slid across her wet lips and slipped past them she couldn't help but wonder at the shameless way this woman was enjoying the bestial breeding she'd agreed to be subject to. The camera's that showed Devil's red shaft pistoning in and out of a sex that looked too small to take it suggested a certain reason, but if the spaniel preferred well-endowed lovers she could surely have found one that would be more considerate.

Maybe that's the point. she wondered, eyes once more focusing on the view that showed the pair, the caramel-furred bitch almost hidden under the bulk of the dire wolf mounting her. Maybe it was the ferocity that appealed to her, the idea of being taken by a creature with no conscience, no inhibitions, just an irresistible urge to breed a fertile female. The coupling was certainly vigorous, and a camera under the young woman gave her a rather tantalizing view of the spaniel's ample breasts bouncing wildly with every savage thrust. Devil certainly had stamina, and the muscles bulging across the body of the powerful predator suggested he wouldn't so much as slow down until he was sure the bitch under him was carrying his puppies.

She could feel her fingers speeding up, as if she was unconsciously imitating the motion of the lupine cock as it slid in and out of the spaniel's splayed lips almost too fast for the eyes to follow. The floppy-eared female's cries were still those of unadulterated bliss, the occasional droplet of spittle falling from the tongue now hanging from her slack-lawed mouth as the dire wolf's bulbous knot started to pry her open.

The slender woman's entire body was shaking with every jackhammer thrust, her braced arms straining with the effort it was taking for her just to remain on all fours during the merciless onslaught. Isabelle found herself stretching her legs wider and adding a third finger, stretching her own sex as much as she dared as she watched the camera pointed up at Miranda's impaled slit. The lips that had been a pale pink earlier had turned rosy as the viciously-red knot kept bettering away at them, each savage thrust threatening to slip past them and seal the spaniel's fate as a mother to a dire wolf pup.

The husky had only been dimly aware of her own rapid breathing, the ample chest rising and falling under her lab coat as her fingers dug into her now dripping sex. The breath caught in her throat when Devil gave a thrust that nearly knocked the spaniel over, the panting female biting off a howl as her lips closed around the growing red ball.

"G-good boy... gooood boy... good boy..." Miranda began mumbling, her mouth working despite the fact that her blank eyes suggested her brain wasn't. It was probably a force of habit at this point, another indicator that this wasn't the caramel-furred femme's first time under a feral canine.

Her every utterance rose in pitch until she finally lost what little control she had, a keening whine leaving little doubt that she was cumming around the lupine cock as Devil kept up a shallow thrusting that tugged on the knot securely buried in his newest bitch. Isabelle bit her lower lip as her fingers probed around inside her, pressing against a sensitive bump in her sex as her own orgasm hit, her toes curling as she felt her juices soak into the fur of the paw.

When she came down from her climax she saw Devil dismounting his new bitch and turning around with his monstrous member still held securely by the whimpering spaniel. When she felt the weight of the dire wolf off her back Miranda folded her arms in front of her and rested her head on them, her chest laying on the padded bench while her behind remained thrust up. Her eyes were closed now and there was a drunk grin splitting her muzzle, the whimpering moans coming from her throat making Isabelle wonder if the spaniel was having another orgasm or if she was still riding her last high, kept on the crest of that blissful wave by the wet heat spreading through her with every twitch of the dire wolf's heavy sack.

"Would... would you excuse me? I have to go use the facilities..." Mathew muttered behind her and scrambled off in relief when she waved him away, the clipboard he was clutching to his crotch telling her just what sort of relief he was seeking. She almost laughed as she wondered once again who was more unprofessional - him for leaving his station to attend to his needs, or her for pawing herself off at hers? Still, she knew that she could spare him. It would be a while until Devil was done seeding the blissfully happy bitch still milking his cock. She wondered if there was any point in leading Miranda back to her room. Just looking at the two of them left little doubt that Devil had just found a new bitch for his little harem.


"Any preferences regarding your position when he mounts you?" Isabelle asked, but the cocky tigress was already lying down on the bench with her legs and most of her toned rear dangling from the side.

"I'm good to go. Send your boy in and let's see what he can do..." she said, the swishing of her tail spoiling her casually-confident act. The husky thought about giving the subject another quick lecture about what was in store, but decided against it. The fit feline had barely paid attention the first time, and she seemed even less focused now. She left the room and got behind her control console, making sure everything worked before flicking the switches that opened the door to Devil's compartment.

Carrie Thompson, a twenty-two year old tigress who hadn't seemed like she was taking Isabelle seriously even once up to this point. The feline was grating on her nerves, but she suspected that was just a reaction left-over from her schooldays. The husky had been a bookish type and had always been ill at ease around jocks, which Carrie most certainly was.

The tigress was tall and fit, her fine musculature evidence of countless hours spent in physical pursuits, while the curve of her rear and the weight of her chest spoke of a likely fondness for junk food. Cock-sure, brash and a thrill seeker if not an outright adrenaline junkie, she'd openly admitted a lack of altruism that the previous two volunteers had expressed. For her this was easy money and a bit of a thrill. She'd explained that she was sexually adventurous and hadn't so much as balked when she'd assured Isabelle that she could "take anything a mare could", something that the exam confirmed. She'd smiled through the interview which had annoyed the husky immensely. It had been the same grin that she used to see before a dodge ball was hurled full force at her muzzle.

"Holy fuck! You really are a big boy, aren't ya?" the tigress asked, leaning on her elbows until she hopped off the bench and stood up. What the hell was she doing? the canine femme thought in annoyance before pressing the control that would turn her mike on.

"Tanya, you need to get back on the bench now! If you're standing taller than he is he might see it as a challenge and..." she began to speak, but stopped when she saw the tigress pluck the headphone from her ear and toss it aside.

"Sorry Doc, but I don't need distractions right now..." the feline said, ignoring Isabelle's command. The husky could see that she had been right - Devil had gotten used to fertile females being appropriately presented for breeding once he came into this room. His heckles were up, those monstrous teeth of his bared as he examined the tigress, and when she heard his growl rattling through her speakers she almost lunged for the button that would send tranquilizer darts flying into the massive lupine form.

"No need to get snappy with me, handsome..." she heard the tigress say, her tone still cock-sure despite the fact that she was facing an animal a feral tiger would think twice before upsetting. Isabelle's hand hovered over the tranq button even as Tanya's slipped between her legs, the feline wincing a little as she pushed four fingers into her heat-swollen sex before pumping her muff a few times. After the digits were drenched, she pushed her hand out, a bizarre parody of a lady extending her hand so that a gentleman could kiss it.

The gamble turned out to be a good one because rather than sinking his teeth into the extended limb and tearing it clean off, the alpha approached her with his nostrils flaring, taking in the scent of a female that was fertile, albeit disrespectful. Once he was within an inch of it he carefully slid his tongue out to taste the feline's honey, keeping his teeth bared as a matter of principle.

"Aww, does puppy like the taste of pussy?" the tigress teased Devil with a grin and Isabelle swore under her breath. Does this insane woman realize that she was walking a tightrope here? That she's facing a predator with absolutely no fear of people? She almost held her breath when the grinning feline began to pull her hand back slowly, the licking dog carefully approaching her so that he could keep those fingers within licking distance. When her hand was resting against her public mound she spread her plump lips wide with those strong fingers, flashing the canine the sight and smell of a glistening pink pussy just waiting to be bred.

"Mmmh, goooOOoo..." the tigress began to purr out once Devil took a few eager sniffs of her sex, but was cut off when the dire wolf unceremoniously shoved his massive tongue up her passage. Even if Tanya had been eaten out by a biped horse before it still wouldn't match the size of the lupine appendage now snaking its way up her heat-slicked sex, or the feral intensity with which the lupine male was probing the female's most sensitive area.

"Ung, holy fuck! I thought they were messing with me when - mpfh!- they shoved that red toy in up there! C'mon then you fucker, let's see if you can use that monster..." the tigress almost growled out, turning her back to the wolf and walking over to the nearest wall. Once there she placed both palms against it, arched her back and lifted her thick tail out of the way, looking over one shoulder and biting her lower lip as Devil recognized the posture for what it was.

The striped feline seemed a bit surprised when instead of wrapping his paws around her waist the giant wolf jumped on her back and placed them on her shoulders. Isabelle cursed out loud at this point, since the stubborn tigress was standing in a spot where she barely had any angles to see what was happening. She could only see them from one side and from behind, but by the way the tigress was standing still while the dire wolf carefully moved his hips she guessed his tip must be close to the feline slit.

"Aaaaaahhh! Not there you son of a bitch, we're supposed to be making babies!" Carrie growled, giving the husky a very good idea of just what opening the tip of Devil's cock had found. She watched as the tigress took one hand from the wall in front of her and reached down, obviously intending to guide the humping canine where he needed to go. Although she was glad the feline was taking at least something about this project seriously, she was aware of a part of her that would nevertheless have enjoyed watching the muscle-brained tigress get sodomized by a horny dire wolf.

"C'mon wolfy, let's get you some pussy..." the tigress muttered, the dire wolf's hips bucking more sharply once he felt the feline's fingers gripping his emerging length. Carrie had grunted a few times, probably when Devils' blind thrust poked against the sensitive flesh of her privates, but even without a camera under the action it was clear to Isabelle when the canine's thrusts found their mark.

"Arrhhhhhghh, that's it you son of a bitch, take me as hard as you can!" the feline snarled through clenched teeth as the dire wolf mounting her pushed even more of his cock in.

If the unorthodox position gave Devil any difficulty he didn't show it, his hind legs flexing as he thrust up into the feline slit wrapped around his girthy length, the powerful paws resting on the tigress broad shoulders giving him plenty of leverage. Well Devil, if you make a bitch out of this one, you deserve her... she thought to herself, thinking of the two females now sharing the dire wolf's home. She'd been honestly concerned if Devil would show any continued interest in new partners considering the future mothers of his pups were still quite eager to lift their tails for him.

Her colleagues involved in this project believed it was a hormonal issue stemming from the modified pregnancy. They believed that it made them more susceptible to the sight and smell of a male dire wolf and that it was why the idea of a pack seemed attractive to them, and expected the behavior to pass once they'd given birth. Isabelle was less sure, and was concerned about the fact that the females, while happy and healthy, were behaving more and more feral with each passing week.

She believed Devil would have a harder time with this one. Even with the weight of the enormous canine pinning her to the wall, the striped cat didn't seem willing to just stand there and take her rutting. She was barking out a steady stream of swears and vulgarities, bracing herself with one hand while the other one pawed one of her firm breasts. Her long legs were several feet apart and Isabelle could see the powerful muscles in them tense as every thrust of Devils' cock forced the feline to stand on the tips of her toes.

The husky leaned back in her chair as she savored both the sight of the savage coupling, and the vibrations spreading from between her legs. After last time she'd decided to borrow the little egg they'd used to get the females wet before their breedings, not bothering to wash the feline's nectar off the toy before pushing it up her sex. It was a powerful little gadget, but fortunately the noise from the breeding room was drowning out what would otherwise be a tell-tale hum.

Carrie could feel herself dripping, the mess pumped out of her cunt with every merciless thrust of the beast rutting her as their combined juices splattered and soaked into the fur of her thighs. Her teeth were clenched as the dire wolf forced her to take everything what he had, the fingers of one of her paws digging into the soft flesh of her tit as her palm rubbed against a nipple as hard as a pebble. She could feel the hot huffs of the wolf against one side of her face, and whenever he'd give a little growl it would rumble in the chest pressed against her back. It was when the massive lupine bit down on her striped scruff that the tigress actually came, albeit not as hard as she expected to once the beast bred her.

Fuck, this is what I've been looking for! she thought as she rode her little climax. None of the guys she'd ever picked up from the gyms or the biker bars had ever been able to make her feel like this. She'd always gone for the biggest, meanest looking ones, letting them know that she was a pussy with no patience for pussies before she let them mount her. They all got turned on by the idea of a tigress that likes it rough, but whenever she'd really get into it and started swearing and snarling they'd wuss out and dial it down. They all got hard when she asked them to tame a tigress, but once they realized they were buck naked with a pile of muscles, claws and predatory instincts they chickened out, and never pushed back when she pushed them.

But this beautiful bastard was different! To him she was just a fertile bitch, a sleeve for his cock and a womb for his hot lupine load. The teeth weren't biting down all that hard, but he was letting her know that he wasn't impressed, that he could handle a feisty bitch and that this would end only one way - with her sore and dripping his spunk. And as her little climax passed it left her sex feeling all the more sensitive, making the bestial rutting even more intense. A particularly sharp buck forced a yowl form her throat, her stretched lips still stinging from the impact of the dire wolf's knot.

"Urrgh, c'mon you fucker, shove that thing in! Show me what a real male feels like you beautiful monster!" she growled, her words shaking with every vicious thrust of the canine's shaft.

Isabelle found her own hips bucking in time with Devil's, the toy buried up her sex now buzzing away at its maximum setting as a steady stream of husky honey soaked into her panties. The tigress ear-splitting cry when she was finally knotted pushed Isabelle over just as she was sure the painful entry of the swollen red mass had done it for the feline. She kept her eyes glued to the screen, seeing the tigress impressive strength finally give out as she laid her forearms flat against the wall, her face pressed against the hard surface by the dire wolf still gripping her by the scruff of her neck as he began to seed the feisty feline.

The tigress seemingly endless stream of growls and vulgarities seemed to run dry, replaced by a loud and steady purring as the male tied with her painted her fertile womb white. The husky had come again at the sight and the sound of the dire wolf pulling out of his new bitch, the once fierce feline whimpering as the half-swollen knot was yanked from her, the athletic tigress happily collapsing on the floor and into the growing puddle of lupine seed.


One is meaningless, two is a coincidence, but three is a pattern! Isabelle thought and not for the first time. Technically the project was going perfectly - three surrogates and all of them pregnant, with Nora due to give birth in about two months. But after the head-strong, annoyingly stubborn tigress had suffered the same fate as the last two, Isabelle couldn't ignore the 'side effects' any longer. She needed to know what it was that could make a sentient creature become a willing bitch to an animal, and she saw only one way to learn what it was.

As she stepped into Room 2 without a stich on she wondered briefly if she was going too far. She'd given the night shift the evening off, telling them that she wanted to get some work done and that there really was no reason they needed a full complement there. Her biological clock was fairly regular, and she'd confirmed she was in her peak fertility cycle. She sat on the padded bench with her legs spread, facing the hatch that lead to the enclosure and waiting for Devil to show up.

When he did, there was no recognition in his face when he saw the husky, which struck her as a little odd since the sight of him was so familiar to her by now. Although she was less accustomed to the smell of him and she found her nose sniffing the air as much as his was as he joined her in the breeding room. Still, he didn't need to recognize her to know why she was here, and didn't hesitate before burying his muzzle in the canine femme's exposed sex.

A cry was torn from her throat as Devil pushed his tongue in, the appendage that would have stretched her almost painfully if she hadn't just spent almost half an hour forcing the dire wolf replica past her lips to help her body adjust. A few quick dips of that tongue into her heat-swollen honey pot were enough to make the husky light-headed, her nipples stiffening as her breasts rose and fell with every ragged breath.

As she lay down on the bench she was surprised at just how eager she was for what was to come. Despite the new position Devil knew what to do, rearing up and planting his heavy paws at either side of the husky's chest as he brought his sheath and the red tip peeking out of it closer to her exposed slit. As the questing tip got closer and closer she began to wonder if she'd made a huge mistake. Unlike the other times when Devil was allowed to mount and breed a female, there was no one in the control room with their hand hovering over the button that would sedate the dire wolf if he got out of hand, not even any handlers to help lure him back to his enclosure.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the tip found her parted lips and Devil pushed forward. She could feel the hairs on the opening of the thick sheathe tickling her lips even as they were forced to stretch around the canine length emerging from it. Isabelle found herself stunned by the heat if the dire wolf's cock as it forced her sex to stretch around it, and the trickle of his juices easing the passage of the red shaft.

By the time everything but his shaft was hilted inside her the husky felt like the room was spinning, so she flung her arms out and grabbed hold of the only thing at hand to keep herself steady. Her paws buried themselves in the thick fur of the dire wolf's muscular neck, her blue eyes managing to focus on the yellow orbs looking down at her with a strange determination. Even when the beast began to hump she forced herself to focus, staring him down even as he prepared to claim her womb.

There was pain as her sex was forced to adjust to a shaft that even the length of red plastic hadn't prepared her for. But with every thrust the pain seemed to become more and more dull and distant until it was just a throb between her legs and a pleasant counter to the sheer delight of the hard, warm shaft gliding across the silken walls of her femininity. Even as Devil began to breed her she didn't lose focus, keeping her eyes locked on his and her hands gripping his neck.

And the massive canine seemed willing to go along with that, until he started battering his knot against the prone husky's already straining lips. He moved faster than Isabelle could react, and the canine femme found herself holding her breath at the feeling of the dire wolf's hot breath against her exposed throat, and the sensation of his jaws on either side of her neck. Even though his teeth were barely touching her skin, the wolf's gesture had the female under him on the verge of panic. Her pupils had shrunk to pinpricks, her breathing (once it came back) shallow and rapid as a surge of adrenalin seemed to make the sensation of their mating even more acute.

Isabelle was surprised to feel her arms wrapping tighter around the wolf's neck, keeping him locked in the terrifying love-bite even as her legs fastened around his waist. Her new position gave him better leverage and seemed to open her up just enough for the red ball at the base of his cock to plunge past her labia, the throbbing knot immediately growing inside her at an alarming rate.

The sensation of being stretched to breaking point by her tie with Devil had pushed the husky over the edge, and at some point after the lupine cock erupted inside her and began to flood her fertile womb with the dire wolf's seed she lost her grip on her consciousness. Not even the sensation of the wolf's knot pulling out of her almost half an hour later was enough to pull her from her dream-like haze, but she did stir awake when Devil mounted once again, his tip easily finding the husky's messy slit as he began to breed her again.


Despite the soreness between her legs, Isabelle forced herself to sit down at her workstation and do the job that needed doing. The coupling with Devil had been as exhausting as it always was and in the aftermath of mind-shattering pleasure the little and not-so-little aches began to creep in. But it was only in these brief periods of posit-coital clarity that she could get any work done these days.

She now understood the siren-call that had lured the test subjects in, and felt intense envy knowing they had been free to give in while she was forced to keep up the pretense of normalcy. At least for the time being. Her plan for the continuation of the project had been approved of yesterday - the backers were thrilled at her success and vast tracts of isolated wilderness were being bought up as she typed, the future wildlife preserve for the new generation of dire-wolves, one of which was even now growing in her belly.

Her pregnancy still wasn't showing but Isabelle was preparing to deal with the complications that would arise when she began to swell with Devil's pup. But she'd be ready for that. Her superiors were exceedingly happy with her work and had assured her that the approval of her reassignment request was a mere formality. They'd been swayed by her arguments that she was the person best qualified to further study the dire-wolves in their natural habitat.

She didn't really have any close friends, but the husky's colleagues were stunned when she told them of her plans to not only accept but actually request a much less prestigious position, especially after her success. She knew she was throwing away a career that had just begun to skyrocket, as well as a conventional life, but try as she might she couldn't bring herself to weep over the bridges she was burning. The life she was arranging for herself and her 'pack sisters' was anything but normal, but she suspected it would be fulfilling enough.

She was just putting the finishing touches on the recommendation she was writing for her replacement. Mathew had been thrilled when she'd broached the subject with him earlier, and she was certain he'd do a good job of filling her shoes as head of future projects. He could also be trusted, especially after she landed him his dream job, of helping her sort out a few things, such as the transport of a fourth dire wolf pup, one that would remain of the record. Not to mention helping her with the delivery when the time came for her to give birth.

It was all quite iffy, legally speaking, but she was sure she'd be able to get him to help, especially considering the way the young raccoon tended to look at her when he thought she couldn't notice. And she never had, before. After the first time she'd submitted to Devil the world she'd lived in all her life hadn't seemed the same. She saw it in everyone - the looks, the body language, even the scents that had once seemed too subtle to register but that were now shockingly blatant. It was in the way people looked at her - both at work and outside of it - but it was more than that. It was in every look a male gave a female, in every subtle change in a woman's posture when she picked up on such attention.

Sex was like a drug everyone was addicted to, but some chose to dilute it with civilized sensibilities. And they were welcome to do so. But the life growing within her and the lupine seed even now oozing from her well-bred lips reminded Isabelle that she'd never be able to do so again. And with thoughts about her future life of mating under an open sky she couldn't imagine why she'd want to.