Pup Bros (+SFW Story)

Story by MTT3 on SoFurry

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This picture was a gift of mine for my dear bro and friend Duke_Rocheisterhttps://www.furaffinity.net/user/dukerocheister. Here we can see him experiencing the joys of wearing a puphood and getting into headspace for the first time, created by the amazing artist https://vogelarts.sofurry.com/ . When we think of Puppy Play, one immediately moves their thoughts to something adult-like, NSFW and heavily sexual. But it can be something so much more, something more intimate and friendly, a time where one is just a simple dog in mind, with no worries or concerns for the future. Though you can bet your tail that in the future, me and Duke might do the more NSFW parts of Puppy Play as well.

_"Come on Duke. Don't be such a baby now." Matt muttered, trying not to sturr Duke's emotions even more. He had visited his dear friend and bro a few days ago, yet as it seems it was anything but an ideal time to do so.

"I'm not a baby, man. I am just stressed. I have so much to do, I don't know left from right anymore. I am hopping around in circles with all the unfinished stuff, and I don't even know where to start yet. I can't just...play any games with you now." Duke huffed, throwing his hands in the air in a helpless manner.

Matt thus simply crossed his arms in front of his chest, waiting a few seconds for his K9 friend to calm down a little bit before he replied.

"Duke. I just wanted to surprise you with something I got you, that is why I asked you to close your eyes. I'm not playing any games here with you. But seriously, man. You are so damn stressed now, I can feel your tensed up tail-muscles just from looking at it. Really man. If you want to even come close to starting anything to finish something, you need to destress first. And by sheer chance that gift I got you could help you there."

The blue dragon stepped a bit closer before resting one hand on the great Dane's shoulder.

"I want to help you, Duke. Please. If you get unstressed now and relax for at least an hour, you'd be so much more productive later on, compared to when you gonna try now to force anything to get done in your stressed state."

The dog tensed up even more at the touch of his friend, yet he did not reply initially. Instead he just stood there, breathing deeply, trying to bring himself under controll. It was not easy to admit it, but Matt was right. His current state of mind would not allow him to get anything done.

"Okay, bro. Just show me what you got me."

A smile wandered over Matt's muzzle as he finally heard these words.

"Naaaw, man. I wanted to surprise you before and I stil want to surprise you now. So move your sweet ass over to the couch and let me calm you down a bit more before I show you. Okay?"

Duke huffed more, letting out a defeated bark, before he did so as Matt asked him to. The blue scaly quickly set down at his side and reached over to his shoulders, gently taking a hold of the dogman there.

"Oh boy, you are a tensed up doggo. So much energy put into these tensions, man. Lemme see if I can fix these." Matt cooed gently as he started to curl his fingers against Duke's shoulders, digging his well-kept claws and finger tips gently into his friend's muscles.

Duke barked in surprise at this touch, yet let it happen. At first he kept on tensing up each time Matt relaxed his hands around his shoulders, but after a while Matt asked him to close his eyes now and try to not think about too much and just let him do his thing. The canine looked his scaly friend briefly in the eyes, rolling his eyes briefly before closing them. Deep down he knew Matt was right, but it was not easy to admit it to himself.

Yet now with his eyes closed, he soon relaxed more, feeling the sensation of touch, sound and smell all the stronger now, without the distraction of images bombarding his brain. Soon his shoulders were more relaxed, hanging more lowly than before, so Matt started to move his hands up along his neck, gently scritching him there. Duke could feel his friend's breath washing every few seconds over his own snout and face as they were sitting so close, sensing his scent and a hint of his shampoo even. The entire pretty intimate scene made Duke relax even more, soon leaning against the backrest, as Matt slowly moved his fingers to his face.

Duke briefly licked over these scaly fingers as Matt fondled his chin and goatee, eliciting a chuckle from Matt. Soon Duke was reduced to a softly barking and happily sighing dog, being putty in the hands of his dragon friend. From many previous times, Matt knew exactly where to rubb and touch his friend to make him feel calm and relaxed. But this was only the first phase to keep Duke in a more relaxed mindset for a bit longer.

"Okay, big guy. I'm gonna stop now and get you your gift. But you will keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them again. Okay?"

The Great Dane's eye-lids briefly wiggled, as if he wanted to open them, but then he just nodded, his tail wagging audibly against the leather couch. Matt stood up and Duke could hear him move through the room, maybe to get whatever he brought with him from his backpack. He wondered what it could be. He sniffed the air, but did not smell anything edible. So it was either wrapped up airtight, or something that was not food. A few sounds of click-buttons could be heard, fabric moving and some other noises, all leaving Duke wondering what Matt was up to. Then the dragon walked up and sat down again, the couch shaking a bit from his impact.

"Stil closed eyes, Duke. Be a good dog and keep them shut." Matt said. His voice sounded weirder now, kinda muffled and dampened. He flinched a bit as he suddenly felt Matt's hands on his head again, before he calmed down, nearly having opened his eyes. But he was stil so relaxed so he didn't freak out too much.

He was now totally lost of what Matt was doing there. At first he thought he wanted to put a big hat on top of his head, but that was not it, it was something that started to strech over his entire head and just got pulled down more and more. His ears were briefly trapped beneath that slick fabric before they found two fitting holes to pop free again. A stand-alone hoodie? No, Matt kept pulling that...thing even over his muzzle, moving it through a hole in front of this tightly fitting hood. The touch against his fur and skin was smooth and it quickly started to warm up, it really felt nice. Duke allready thought this was it, but suddenly he felt something enclose his muzzle now too, which had an artificial smell to it.

Two, three, four click and added pressure against his cheeks later and this second piece of Matt's gift was put into place. It felt oddly weird and good at the same time, having his entire head hugged so nicely, even though that scent of...whatever it was, was something Duke had to get used to.

"You have been a very good boy. A truly good dog. Now open your eyes, puppy." Matt said quietly, his voice stil muffled by whatever he did before.

Duke let out a mildly annoyed bark, he didn't like it to be called puppy too often. Yet when he opened his eyes, that is what he saw. A bit blue pup sitting at his side. At least that is what his mind made him believe at first. It was stil undeniably Matt who was sitting there. But his face looked much more canine now. It took him nearly ten more seconds before Duke realized he was wearing some kind of tightly fitting mask, hugging his entire head.

"Arf arf." was all that Matt had to say at the confused facial expresion of his friend, leaning over and nuzzling Duke along his muzzle, his blue and black puphood rubbing against the yellow and black puphood of his dogfriend.

"Ar...ff?" was all that the great Dane could reply at first, too surprised to form any coherent word even. Matt nuzzled more, not saying a word, only letting out soft barks and huffs and other noises any feral dog would make. He sniffed Duke soon against his neck and nuzzled under his arm, letting out a few more attempts of a bark, but it sounded too poorly.

"Rawrf arf" was what Duke replied at this, kinda like showing his friend what a real dog sounded like. He had done so without thinking too much about it. And it did not even surprise him that he did so. In fact, he soon replied the nuzzling and tender licks here and there, sniffing and smelling softly against his friend, rubbing his hands against his scadly clad frame.

There was nothing fast or swift at this close quality time between these two now. It was like they were discovering and exploring each other for the first time anew. Only now from a totally different perspective. Deeper, more sensual and close, more...true. Words could be misunderstood or said in a wrong way, but actions spoke much stronger. A wrong touch and a louder bark said where one should stop, a happy bark when one touch or lick felt especially good was rewarded with even more of it.

The longer the two kept on playing and cuddling like this, the more the worries of each of them melted away without either of them being aware of it, fully slipping into the headspace of two happy pups exploring each other for quite some time to come._

This picture was a gift of mine for my dear bro and friend https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dukerocheister. Here we can see him experiencing the joys of wearing a puphood and getting into headspace for the first time, created by the amazing artist https://vogelarts.sofurry.com/. When we think of Puppy Play, one immediately moves their thoughts to something adult-like, NSFW and heavily sexual. But it can be something so much more, something more intimate and friendly, a time where one is just a simple dog in mind, with no worries or concerns for the future. Though you can bet your tail that in the future, me and Duke might do the more NSFW parts of Puppy Play as well.