Arrival and Surprises

Story by xansteel on SoFurry

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#53 of Finding One's True Self Webseries

Torid rushes Cartina to Dr. Graphra in the hopes to save her life, only to discover Julyna and friends there.

Arrival and Surprises

Finding One's True Self: Part 53

By Xan Steel

A week passed by as Torid's ship arrived at Dr. Graphra's station, as Dr. Graphra and Daria were both waiting for the docking port to open. The hiss of pressurization is heard as the door slowlyopens to reveal Torid standing there looking distressed. "Help me, please. I don't know what to do, as it seems as though it is progressing much faster than they said it would."

Daria rushed in with an anti-gav stretcher as Dr. Graphrafollowed her in. They found her in the back room of the ship. Her breathing was very shallow, and even though they tried to wake her, she wouldn't come too. Both Dr. Graphra and Daria carefully moved her to the stretcher and took her to one of their labs for a full examination.

Julyna suddenly had a distressed feeling come over her, and began to mentally search the station for its source. This is when she came across Admiral Torid pacing frantically in front of one of the labs. She left their room and headed towards him. Once she came around the corner is when Torid looked up at her and spoke in a surprised tone. "C... Captain Julyna?"

"Admiral Torid, I'm surprised to see you here." Julyna replied.

As he responded his tone was filled with concern, "I brought my mate to Dr. Graphra since he's a good friend and knows more about DNA degradation. I'm hoping they can help her. How is Altair?"

Julyna's ears laid completely flat hearing Altair's name again as she hung her head. "I'm afraid he didn't make the journey here" she softly said.

Torid just looked at her in surprise before speaking softly. "I'm truly sorry to hear that. He was a good and close friend."


Julyna told Torid everything that had happened to them, while Torid told her what had happened with Cartina and him, and after a few moments Graphra came out of the lab followed by Daria.

Torid turned to them both and spoke in a slightly excited tone, "How is she, is she going to be fine?" he asked.

Graphra asked him to sit down before speaking in a concerned tone. "There is both good news and bad news I'm afraid." He pause for a moment to gauge Torid's expression and then continued. "The good news is her DNA isn't degrading any faster." He could visibly see Torid's relief. "The bad news, however, is that due to her DNA degrading her immune system is starting to fail, and I'm afraid she contracted the Breathing Disease." He finished.

Torid just stared at him, knowing full well that the Breathing Disease would end her life long before her DNA would. He lowered his head and gently shook it from side to side.

Daria, however, came over to him and lifted his head up to look at her and spoke in a more upbeat tone, "Believe when I say, I will cure her."

"How? There has never been a cure for this Disease, it's a death sentence." Torid replied.

"This Breathing Disease goes by a different name where I came from, we call it Pneumonia, and it's completely treatable" she said with a cute smile.

Torid's started to feel hopeful that she would live. Graphra came over and spoke again, "However, this means that we will need to keep her on a constant regimen of Anti-Biotics, and Anti-Viral medication until we can fix her DNA degradation" he said.

Torid spoke in a more confident tone. "Whatever it takes, and whatever the cost, I'll do it. We finally have a chance to have our family, and I don't want us to miss that" he finished.

Graphra spoke, "The only cost for you is a favor I will need in the future." Torid nodded in understanding.

Graphra and Daria left Julyna and Torid there as they went back into the lab to begin their work, as Julyna took Torid with her to the kitchen for something to eat.


A week passed as Graphra and Daria both mentioned that Cartina was ready to have a visitor. Toridrushed to the recovery room they had her in, as he saw her laying there quietly. He walked over to her and gently touched her arm, which caused her to stir softly as she opened her eyes and looked at him. She gently touched him mind and knew all of his worries, and reliefs in seeing her again.

She reached up to gently caress his cheek with the back of her handpaw while smiling softly at him. "Hey there handsome."

Torid caressed her cheek in return and spoke softly, "I'm so happy to see you again."

She smiled at him before leaning over to give him a soft kiss before speaking in a gentle tone, "When I started to not feel good, I retreated into my mind so my body could heal. From what Dr. Graphra and Daria have said, I'm likely to be in here for a while longer."

Torid gently nuzzled her handpaw, "As long as they can get you feeling better, it'll be fine. I've already had help in getting our room setup once they say you're ready to leave here."

She leaned in a kissed him again on the cheek and then spoke in a sultry tone, "And then we can start working towards that family we want."


Over the course of a few weeks Torid had managed find and get a hold of Gor. Gor had told him after the battle and loss of the Kestrel that he had retired, and moved the family to a small solar system called Borium within the borders of the Sartorgan government. It was during this time that Torid quietly called Raybia in. Just before Torid and Gor ended their communication he told him that he had a surprise for him, and went off screen.

Gor waited a few seconds before he watched Raybia appear before him on screen. He was in complete shock as he just stared at her, unsure how he should react, much less respond.

Raybia, however, noticed his eyes start to water up. She spoke quietly to him. "It's good to see you again."

Gor couldn't handle himself and broke down in front of her. She put her handpaw on the screen, andknew that he wanted to hold. They didn't say much to each other, because both knew in that moment their love had survived all this time. After a few moments more, Gor had settled himself down and wiped his eyes clear, and spoke softly. "I'm coming to get you, everyone here will be so happy to see you again."

Raybiaspoke up and a caring tone, "I will need to return here before the end of the cycle. As I need to thank Mr. Rubi for saving me and letting me have my family back again."

Gor gave a light laugh, "He'll have to meet everyone."

Raybia laughed, "I don't think he'll mind."

They gave their goodbyes for now as Raybia ended the call. She then felt a handpaw on her shoulder and turned to look at who it was and saw Tygera standing behind her. "Everything okay?" she asked.

Raybia stood up and went to her, and just pulled her into a tight hug and broke down. Tygera was a little surprised by this but leaned down and returned her hug. Raybiacalmed down after a moment and spoke, "I got to talk with my mate Gor. He said that he was coming to get me so I can see everyone again."

Tygera's tone denoted her happiness for her. "I'm glad, that means he still loves you."

Tygera walked Raybia back to her quarters while Raybia talked excitedly about Gor's visit. Tygerawas honestly starting to feel a little jealous of her. Mostly because didn't have anyone back home. She was the last one of her family to still be alive. In a way it was like life was trying to tell her that she needed to have a family. Only she didn't know how Zalina, and Adreena would take it if she did find another mate. She would need to find out somehow.


It was late at night when Tygeraentered the Arboretum and sat down in one of the chairs. She sat there thinking about everything that had happened to her in the last few months. In a way it didn't feel real to her, but it had happened and the hardest part of it was the loss of her two mates. She quietly wept while staring out the window into the sparkling void. Thinking back on her life is when she realized just how much her life was filled with losses, and very little happiness. These last few months had taken its toll on her the most. She sat there trying to dry her eyes, only to see a piece of cloth appear on her left side. She turned to look at who was offering it to her and saw Julyna there.

Tygera gently accepted the small square cloth and began to dry her eyes. "Thank you, Captain."

"It's just Julyna now Tyg, and you are welcome. I take it that you're remembering Zalina, and Adreena?" she questioned.

Tygera nodded, "Yes, I miss them dearly, but after listening to Raybia my entire life has changed, and I want my mates back, but I know that's not possible."

This is when they both heard another voice enter the room, "What's not possible?" It was Daria. They watched her come over and sit next to them.

Tygera clammed up, but Julyna explained. "Tygeralost her mates during our escape from the Alliance. She's still able to talk with them through her dreams, or if I bring her into one of my meditations." Tygera kept the cloth on her eyes to try and hide the tears that wouldn't stop flowing.

Daria spoke gently, "Were they exposed to Aurorian radiation?" she asked.

Julynanodded and explained in a bit more detail. "Everyone on the ship was exposed to it, but I don't think you were aware that it was because of you."

Daria looked at her with surprise, only because she never realized that her movements on the ship would have caused the radiation to build up.

Julyna spoke again in a soft tone, "There is still so much we don't know about Aurorian radiation."

Daria turned to Tygera, and spoke in a quizzical tone. "Who where your mates, if you don't mind me asking?"

Tygera straightened up, "Zalina, she was a Derlenian with dark brown and greyish fur coloring. She was always sweet to me, and I always felt that it was more than I deserved. Adreena was a Tygorianwith a golden stripped fur pattern, and blue eyes. I didn't get to spend much time with her, as I did Zalina. Which I feel terrible about."

Daria put her handpaw on Tygera's and spoke sweetly. "What if there was a chance to bring them back, would you?"

Tygera looked at her with the most serious and striking look. "Yes, more than anything I would!"

Daria turned to Julyna, "Do you think you can bring them into a mediation with the three of us?" she asked.

Julyna nodded, "Of course." Julyna then grabbed Tygera's handpaw, and Daria's, and had them both close their eyes. As Julyna began to focus on bringing them into her mind, while at the same time calling out to Zalina and Adreena.

After a few minutes both Zalina and Adreena appeared in Julyna's mental world. They gave their love and affection to Tygera, until Daria called them over for a private talk. Julyna stayed next to Tygera as they watched them talk for a bit. "I wonder what they are talking about?" Tygera asked.

Julynaspoke in an odd tone, "I'm not sure, as Daria is able to block me out of it. Interesting, I didn't know you could do that in someone else mind. I'll have to ask her to teach me that."

Tygera could see Adreena at one point deep in thought for a few minutes before the three over them turned to look at both her and Julynaand waved them over. Once they got to them Daria was the first to speak. "Well, it's time I told you why I wanted to talk with them. Dr. Graphra has been quietly working with Aurorianradiation for the last few deca-cycles now. In that time, he's managed to discover a few things. One being able to transplant a conscience from one body to another."

Julyna spoke in a soft yet excited tone, "Is that how you and the others came back?"

Daria nodded to her and continued, "We happen to have a spare Derlenian and Tygorian bodies in cold storage. I can transplant their conscience in those bodies, there is however, a small issue."

Adreena spoke in a concerned tone, "The Tygorian body in question is a male body. I personally don't have an issue with that, but I wanted to see how you felt about it, Tyg."

Tygeralooked at both her mates for a moment before turning to Daria, "Is it safe?" Daria nodded to her, "Then I want both my mates back, male or female doesn't bother me."

Adreena smiled and pulled Tygera into a tight hug as Zalina hugged them both.

Daria spoke again, "The transition while take about a days' time, and Adreenagetting use to a male body is also going to take time. I do have some educational material here that you can read and watch to get better acquainted with its over function and form, and how to act in social settings." As Adreena nodded to her in understanding.

After a moment Julyna pulled Daria off to the side, as Daria spoke up, "I take it you want to know if we have a spare youngling, and Sylurian body as well?" she asked as Julyna nodded. Daria shook her head. Sadly no, we discovered that younglings under the age of five cycles are cremated, and Syluriansociety doesn't allow their dead to be tampered with in this regard. They considered it some sort of religious violation. It's also the reason their bodies are never donated to medical science for study and understanding."

Mortora appeared next next to them softly laughing, "I could have told you that."

Julyna turned to her with a smile, "I was hoping to surprise Rubi." She hugged her tightly.

Mortoraspoke again, "I know, and believe me I would love to come back to be with the three of you, but it would mean stealing a body, or in the very least, finding a someone that..." she trailed off in thought for a moment before speaking again, "Would you excuse me." As Julyna nodded and watched Mortora vanish.

Daria spoke, "That was weird."

"I think she may have an idea, and I would expect her to contact you in your sleep as long as you remain open to her." Julyna replied.


Mortora decided to pay Torid a visit in his dreams, only once she got to him didshe notice that he was in someone else mind. Which was a good thing because that meant his mind was open for her to enter. She was greeted with Torid and Cartinain the middle of heated passion. She looked around and found a rock to sit on and enjoyed the view. She was feeling a little jealous watching them as Torid claimed her a few times. She spoke only when she watched Torid pull out her and shower his seed on her body. "Well, I must say that I understand Julyna when she likes to watch."

Cartina immediately pulled Torid down onto her body to cover herself and yelled, "How did you get into my mind! This is a private!"

Mortora pointed to Toridas she noticed him struggling to breath, "Might want to let your mate breath sweetie, and his mind was open. I just didn't know you both would be in the middle of mating."

Torid leaned back out of Cartina's four breasts, as Cartina turned him around but kept him covering her breasts, never mind the fact that Mortora could fully see him sporting a dripping erect mating-rod. He spoke with an upset but quizzical tone. "Who are you?"

"Dr. Mortora, and I need a favor from you." she replied.

Cartina spoke, "Sweetie make her go away, please."

Torid looked at her, "Well, that's going to be hard, in the account that she's dead, and this is her conscience. Correct?" Torid finished as he turned back to Mortora. She nodded in response, as Torid continued, "And now what favor do you need of me."

Mortora straightened herself a bit before speaking, "I need you to contact Dr. Kimen for me and have him send a few Sylurian bodies here for study, and one for me," she finished.

Torid looked at her and spoke, "That's it? Why couldn't you ask this during the day?"

Mortoralooked him still enjoying the view, "In order for me to enter someone's mind, they need to be in a deep dreaming sleep, or pulled into a meditative state with a Derlenian." she finished looking at Cartina.

Cartina shook her and spoke, "I forgot to close off your mind once you entered to keep this private. I'm sorry."

Toridgently rubbed her cheek, "I'm not bothered by it in all honestly. Just surprised. I can't promise anything from Dr. Kimen, but I'll see what I can do Mortora." He finished while hinting to her that she should leave.

Mortora spoke in thanks, "That's all I can ask for, so thank you." After which she faded out, leaving his mind.

Cartina then close his mind off from entry and spoke, "Thank goodness that's over."

Torid turned around to face her. "And here I thought you wanted to have others watch and join us." His tone was amusing.

She spoke again, "Only if we know them personally. The fact she got quite a show from us, is embarrassing."

Torid giggled softly while leaning in to kiss her and resuming their fun.


Torid talked with Dr. Graphra the next morning about Dr. Kimen, and what Kimen would love to have from him. Graphra stated that he would love to have some Sylurian bodies for study. Torid then sat down in front of Graphra's personal comm and contacted Dr. Kimen. Once he came on, and saw both Torid and Dr. Graphra he spoke in a surprised and excited tone. "Ah, Torid I see you've been visiting Dr. Graphra." Torid explained that since their last communica that Cartina had taken a turn for the worse, and that Dr. Graphra had helped them on that. After which he had told Graphra about his request.

Dr. Graphraspoke, "I have no issue with sending you all of my work, but I do need something from you in return." Kimen asked what that was. "I need four Sylurian cadavers from you for study, and one needs to look as close to Mortora as possible."

Kimen stared at him for a good minute before answering him, "Well, this is going to be awkward then." Torid asked him why. "Because when she died, Julyna and her mates asked that I cremate her remains, and I never did. From my study on her body, I knew that she was exposed to Aurorian Radiation, and I had hoped to bring her back at some point and send her back to them." he finished.

Toridlooked at him before speaking, "That's a pretty bad spot to be in friend." Kimen stated that he knew that, but he knew that she was important to them. Torid sighed openly, "I'm going to cover for you on this, but you owe me big time." Torid finished as Kimen nodded, after which they closed out the channel. Later that day Torid spoke with Julyna from his talk with Kimen stating that he was the one to make the call on Mortora's body not being cremated. He could see that this upset Julyna, which he knew would also upset Iris, and likely Rubicant. Julynaquietly ask for Kimen's communication protocol, as she wanted to talk with him. He handed it over to her, as she left to contact him.

Once Julynawas in their room she closed the door, and contacted Kimen. Once he appeared on screen is when he knew things were going to get hard. Julyna spoke in a soft but upset tone, "Why did you lie to us?" she asked.

"The honest truth?" He started off with as Julyna nodded. "I wanted to study the radiation and try to bring her back."

Julyna took a stab in the dark, "Were you in love with her?"

Kimen stared at her, because this was somethinghe never told anyone. After a moment between them he spoke, "Yes, but I know I had no right to her as she was a part of your family."

Julynaspoke again, but this time she kept her voice under a yell, "You are right, you didn't have a right to her, and you denied us of a proper burial for her. If we found that she could come back, we wouldn't have cared if it was a different body. Now it's going to feel awkward having her still here with us after having had a memorial service for her."

Kimen hung his head before her, after a moment he spoke, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize this would upset you, and had hoped to surprise you with it."

Julynaspoke again, "So now we only have to deal with the death of Irina and Altair, while I alone must carry the..." She was interrupted by a pair of handpaws on her shoulders. From the scent she could tell it was Iris.

She spoke in a sincere tone, "I told you to stop carrying the weight of the loss of the crew. You are not responsible for that." Julyna began to weep softly. Iris spoke again, "Dr. Kimen thank you for holding on to Dr. Mortora's body all this time for us. Please send it to us when you send the other bodies for Dr. Graphra." She stated as Kimen said he would and then closed out the channel.

Iris turned Julyna around to face her and pulled her into a hug. Iris could feel on the surface of her mind that it wasn't fair. Julynawanted everyone back, but Iris especially felt that the loss of Altair was a harder hit for her, and the unfairness she was getting from Julyna likely stemmed from that.


It took a week for the shipment for Dr. Kimen to arrive, but during that time Zalina, and Adreena, who was now known as Ardent, were brought back to the physical world. Tygera's happiness could be felt by all Derlenian on the station, and it even helped Julyna.

Dr. Graphrawonder when the ship arrived why there were six bodies for him instead of four like he asked. This is when the courier handed him a letter that explained why. He smiled as he read it knowing what he needed to do.

Two days later Mortora arrived at Julyna, and Iris's quarters on the station. She knocked on the door, and a few seconds later it opened to reveal Julyna and Iris standing there. "Hello." Mortora said, as the welcomed her into her new home.

A few days later the three of them got another surprise as a Derlenian Male and youngling knocked on their door. Once they opened it the three of them immediately knew it was Altair, and Irina.