Daria decided it would be best for tarusk, ba'naria, and herself to wait until later to reveal themselves fully to rubicant. making sure it didn't distract him from the real goal of what was to happen to him.
Ba'naria, Bulorian, Cartina, Daria, Derlenian, GrandMaster, Graphra, Iris, Julyna, Maria, Mathew, Phalynian, Rubicant, Ryconian, Sandra, Tarusk, Torid, Transformation, chamber, glass, station
She smiled inwardly because she had to admit that tarusk was right. julyna and iris were very beautiful and treated him with all the love they could.
Daria, Derlenian, Family, Graphra, Irina, Iris, Julyna, Rubicant, Telepathy, Thoughts, Transformation, Transspecies, forgiveness, past, station
tarusk said with a wide smile before continuing, "i can see why rubicant fell for you." making julyna's ears fold back in embarrassment.
"well, at least rubi has good tastes in females," ba'naria added with a smile all her own.
Amarok, Archive, Ba'naria, Bulorian, Daria, Derlenian, Fear, Feros, GrandMaster, Iris, Julyna, Knowledge, Memaw, Progenitor, Raybia, Rubicant, Samantha, Tarusk, Temple, Tygera, Tygorian, Vulpanari, Zalina, ash, begging, planet, shuttle, telepathic, voice, zombies
Awakening on the wrong side of the bed,
Finding One's True Self: Part 55
By Xan Steel
The last few months turned into weeks, that turned into days, as everyone became increasingly excited as time drew nearer to awaken...
Altair, Ba'naria, Cartina, Celebration, Danora, Daria, Derlenian, Graphra, Irena, Iris, Julyna, Mental Aspects, Mortora, Ohm, Phalynian, Rubicant, Ryconian, Sylurian, Tarina, Tarusk, Telepathic fight, Telepathic wave, Torid, Tygorina
_Arrival and Surprises_
_Finding One's True Self: Part 53_
_By Xan Steel_
A week passed by as Torid's ship arrived at Dr. Graphra's station, as Dr. Graphra and Daria were both waiting for the docking port to open. The hiss of pressurization is...
Adreena, Altair, Ba'naria, Cartina, Daria, Derlenian, Dr. Graphra, Female, Irina, Iris, Julyna, Kimen, Love, Male, Mating, Phalynian, Resurrection, Ryconian, Sylurian, Tarusk, Torid, Transgender, Tygorian, Zalina, ardent, happiness