In the Enemy's Territory #2

Story by WolfyslaveIRL on SoFurry

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gasps What a brute!

The sound of a campfire was the first thing to tell Nova she was awake. Opening her eyes, it was dark. The first time time she had opened her eyes, it had been day. She had been watered, fed and relieved before he used another drop of the drug despite her protests.

Her head ached. Peering around drowsily, she startled at the sight of Anubis' M.A.S. crouched over her menacingly.

"You awake, mutt?"

Her heart pounded at the sound of _his_voice. Over her shoulder, she found him perching on a large root, looking for all the world like some evil gargoyle, the fire light dancing off his black fur, setting his reflective eyes aglow.

His teeth bared in a villainous grin. Truly, they were perfect- white and straight and deadly, well cared for. She knew he came from a wealthy pack by the expensive family gems and beads that were woven into a single braid of hair that hung down his broad chest.

In comparison, Nova's braid had but a few beads, made of stones and bones. She had joined the military to help her pack. Soldiers were paid well, money that kept their farm running.

Gulping dryly, she turned away from him, laying her cheek against the ground. She didn't want to deal with him right now. She wanted to close her eyes and dream of home. It was all she had left.

The leaf litter rustled as he slipped behind her. The heat of his body against her back was more intense than the heat of the fire in front of her. He took a loud, deep sniff of her, his large hand caressing her fur along the full curve of her.

To express her displeasure, she growled through the muzzle he had placed on her. Her hands were bound behind her back so she couldn't fight him off. Not that she could have even if she were not bound.

His moist tongue was hot against her ear. She flicked it forcefully, doing her best to seem enraged by his attention, but her heart thumped painfully in her chest from fear. His nose quivered at the scent of her anxiety.

"Do you have a mate, my dear, Nova?"

The vibration of his deep voice made her entire body shudder. Remembering the marble that he carried, a gem that would cause the virus that kept her in this form to go dormant, she shook her head slightly.

Anubis clicked his tongue in disappointment. "Too bad. I would have loved to send him a message, telling him how much fun his mate is chained to my bed." He then gasped. "Oh, but does that mean you've never been enjoyed?" Snickering, he drawled silkily into her ear. "I think I'll just have to find out for myself."

Now she could not help her trembling. A low whine left her. This was happening. There was nothing she could do.

Following the curve of her hip, his hand slipped past her tail. She did not have the strength to stop his knees from pressing between hers, spreading her legs. Probing at her furless gender, his pads were rough against her clit. When she whimpered in pain, he turned his attention to working a finger into her tight passage.

Nova inhaled sharply, feeling her ears burn with humiliation. He spread her legs further, pressing deeper into her. It did not take him long to be knuckle deep in her. Another finger soon joined, stretching her, pounding her. Despite herself, a warmth welled up in her belly, her breathing harsh.

He touched her button again but this time his pad was slick with her nectar. The warmth continued to spread through her until it took over her mind.

Anubis practically purred his approval when her hips began to react. She was panting at this point, her muzzle just loose enough to allow it. She told herself it had to be the drug he had used on her, it must not have worn off all the way. It had to be clouding her judgment.

"Let yourself go, mutt," he growled hotly into her ear.

She had not touched herself for the days leading up to this mission, nor for the time she had been trying to escape him. When Anubis spread her legs even further, giving himself full access to her, she could no longer hold herself back. A low moan accompanied the undulation of her passage walls, her eyes rolling into her head with the intensity of her climax.

The haze cleared in a hurry when he snickered. "So it's true what I've heard. There's a reason 'mutt' rhymes with 'slut.' My, but what a sexy little moan. I want to hear more of that."

Withdrawing his fingers, Anubis sniffed them before tasting the fruit of his labor. Then he smirked down at her, his voice dark and gruff in her ear.

"I'm going to have my way with you, Nova. I'm going to fuck you how I want to. You can either enjoy it or resist it. I'd rather you enjoy it, but either way, it won't change the fact that you're screwed."

Whining through clenched teeth, her fear returned, her breath quickening. She shook her head, trembling when he moved into position.

The tapered head of his shaft was at her opening, pressing into her. Already slick, all it took was a slow, strong push to have her just before his knot, stretching her more than his fingers had.

"Ah, fuck," he groaned, "you're so tight."

His arms wrapped around her so that he could press himself further into her until she was to his sheath. Another moan escaped her. She was so full, helpless to his powerful poundings. As if his deep violation wasn't enough, his added touch in her most sensitive places elicited more sounds from her. Completely trapped by him, even her hips could barely buck along to his rhythmic thrusts.

"How's it feel to be helpless and at the mercy of your enemy?" he growled hotly. "Does it excite you more, mutt? Let go for me. Moan for me!"

The tightening of her passage and the accompanying melody sent him over his own edge. With a groan, he pressed her down as he thrust deep. Hot ropes of his seed pulsed into her, his knot locking him inside her.

Quivering and moaning, Nova couldn't deny the sensation of being so full was delightful. She was so warm inside, his seed unable to escape, and neither was he.

"Oh, damn. I had hoped to last longer. Suppose I shouldn't be surprised. I was so focused on catching you, I never took the time to relieve my desire for you. I'll last longer next time. Though, I really hadn't meant to tie you just yet."

He smirked as he tugged gently at their joining with small thrusts. Still he pulsed inside her and his movements continued to overwhelm her better judgment. His sharp inhale and low groan at her primal rapture made her feel hot in the face even after she returned to herself.

"I could spend a lifetime hearing that and not get enough," he admitted, breathless and gruff, before snickering. "Good thing you'll be my slave. I get to keep you forever."

Reminded of the fate she was heading for, little whimpers left her and she trembled against him. For just a heart beat, his arms tightened around her. His knot softened faster than she had expected, and he withdrew from her. Hot seed soaked her fur, causing her to whine in humiliation.

Getting to his paws, Anubis rescued the fire and took a ration bar and canteen from his pack. Kneeling over her, he released her bindings and muzzle. Just as he had before, he reminded her to behave herself, that he could make their journey much worse for her. Otherwise, she was free to move about so long as she stayed in his sight.

Nova didn't feel like going anywhere at this point. Even though her mouth was parched and her belly growled, she didn't even feel like sitting up. So she lay there and stared at the fire. What did any of it matter? She wished she had died with her team. Certainly such a fate was better than what was to come. Besides, to sit up would mean more of his seed would leak from her, just to add more insult.

As if he could not sit there and watch her be so sad, he busied himself with his machine and a map since his scans of the area were so limited now.

Finally, the need to relieve herself won out. Once finished, she returned to the fire and ate slowly, staring into the dancing flames. If only it were bigger fire, she could jump in and her fur would catch easily, perhaps she could be dead before he was able to put her out.

When she had eaten and drank, he returned to her side with the rope he had bound her with. Another whine left her.

"Please, Anubis, just let me go...."

His hand encircled her muzzle. Perhaps that was good, keep her heart from leaping out of her throat.

"I am not interested in conversation!" he growled at her. "I did not want this war anymore than you did. But we are soldiers. You are a prisoner of war. And my orders are to bring you back. You would be doing the same if you caught me on your side."

Those pearly fangs flashed in a devious grin. "Now there's a thought. Myself, bound and at your mercy. I wonder if you would be able to resist me?"

She did not meet his gaze and she did not give him an answer.

"Well, if you could, you'd be the only one," he continued. "Somehow, I have doubts that if we were not at odds you would be so coy."

Ears plastered so hard against her head they hurt, she could stand him no longer. "You're so fucking full of yourself," she growled through her teeth.

Even if he changed her into her human form, at least her senses would be duller. She wouldn't hear as much of his voice. She wouldn't smell as much of his musk. She wouldn't see as much of him in the dark. All preferable to this moment.

Trembling, she was expecting... violence, probably. Anger. At the very least some biting retort. Instead, he stared at her with a grin that likely hurt.

"No one has ever had the guts to say that to me!" he stated in astonishment. With a genuinely amused chuckle, he slipped the rope around her muzzle. "You better be careful, my dear! I don't think you want to make me hot for you again so soon!

"But make no mistake," he promised hot and low against her ear as he bound her hands, "I have every intention of fucking you again. With such pretty little moans like that how can I resist you?"

She found herself on her back, Anubis grinning down at her. "Though it would seem I'm not the only one. And for just a second I had the hope I was to be your first. I wonder how many men you've allowed between these lovely thighs?" he mused to himself as he caressed her wherever he saw fit.

Then his voice was truly sinister. "When was the last time you took your suppressants, Nova?" Her breath quickened and she looked away from him. "Not since you started your mission, I'll wager. Weren't expecting it to last so long. I have heard that the first heat when coming off suppressants is usually fertile."

She squeezed her eyes shut, blocking out his mocking grin, but she could not block his voice or the sensation of his touch.

"You say I'm full of myself. Maybe I just know my worth. If you were carrying my litter, they wouldn't dare risk damage to them. My pups are worth more than you." He toyed with her braid, tickling his own nose with it. "My father is a general. My mother is a Baroness. You're what? A farmer? The drought must be hard on your family.

"We have a long walk back. If you come into heat during that time, I don't think I could help myself... even if I wanted to. But perhaps it won't be so bad. Torture at the hands of the interrogators, or having my litter. Give it some thought when you get the chance. In the mean time, my dear, it's time for me to get some sleep, and I think for you, too."