Freebie: Alien baby.

Story by Ophinia on SoFurry

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#7 of Commission

Julia had a hard time getting around, her work was too much and she was going to lose her job if she didn't pick up the pace a little. It was already hard enough, but they kept asking. She went to bed, worried, yet sleepy. She fell asleep, full of stress, tomorrow would be far too busy. As she slept, a dim light crept through her bedroom window. As it moved toward the arctic wolf's bed, it grew in brightness, enveloping the room with a soft white glow. Undisturbed, Julia continued to sleep as the light covered her, gently pulling her out of her bed and into the air. She cast a dark shadow upon the room as she inched toward the open window, muttering softly in her sleep as the beam pulled her through the opening and into the night. The wolf woke up, inside a strange, metal room. Her body felt numb and her sight focussed on a weird light that made it seem like her entire body wasn't even there. She wanted to speak, but she couldn't and watched as strange creatures began to measure her subconscious actions. Apparently, the machine only stopped her conscious mind, leaving her alive yet... absent. The creatures around Julia continued to fiddle with odd devices, poking and prodding her fur for what seemed like hours. Eventually, they seemed content with what they had found, and Julia tried to relax her mind. At least it seemed like it was over. Just then, the creatures began looking toward something just past the top of her head. The wolf tried to strain her neck to see what the commotion was about, but the light held her body paralyzed. Her consciousness continued to sail almost dreamlike during the experience, but she still felt a sense of fear as the creatures watched her with fascinated eyes. Suddenly, a high-pitched noise reached her ears, filling her whole head with noise as the head observer began to cut into her head. She felt nothing, but the sound still terrified her. After a while, they started to prod inside her, she felt a little light, noticing one of the aliens put a large, diaper-like thing on her, before a sudden jerk in her head, making her piss herself, slowly making a large wet blot appear in her diaper as a chunk of her early memories vanished; her potty training. As the aliens continued to prod into her mind, Julia became increasingly afraid. They were messing around inside her head, and she had no idea what they were doing. Her conscious mind screamed for a bit, but began to fade as the alien tool reached further and further into her brain. Soon, her thoughts became clouded and unfocused. Her diaper filled with warmth as she freely soiled herself, drool running down her maw as her memories continued to fade. Her job, her money, her education, her childhood, everything faded away into nothingness. Not that she cared anymore. The light began to release its hold upon her body, letting her hands free. She stared at her thumb intently, blankly staring into nothingness as she continued to drool and babble. Her thumb slid in her mouth, as she drooled; a crown of spit formed on her muzzle. Slowly, she got comfortable with sucking it as her mind was thrown about, shitting her diaper more, feeling a warm, soggy mess, cushioning her ass as she was held on the table. After another prod, a sound escaped her. "BOOSH!" She shouted, young and dim, unable to think in straight lines with cohesion. "MAWOOM!" She babbled, patting her diaper with her other hand, as the trail of drool reached it as well. Each pat made the piss in her diaper spread more, mixing with the crap at the bottom. She liked it, and pissed again, adding warmth and wetness. Julia's brain had become a scrambled mess at this point; the aliens were only prodding to determine what area of her brain had what effect upon her body, and she was responding wonderfully. A shock here and Julia babbled with infantile glee as she filled her diapers with warm, cosy shit. A prod there, and the retarded wolfess grinned as another memory disappeared forever. The light that had paralyzed her had completely faded, and now she could feel the pleasure from her warm diaper. Still sloppily sucking her thumb, she began to play with her diaper, loving the crinkling of the warm plastic. She pushed and pushed, giggling and drooling as she pushed down on the diaper, loving the icky warmth pressing on her slit and butt, so she shat and pissed again, laughing. "BABABOOP!" She shouted in joy, drool covering her breasts. The alien creatures stared in fascination as the former intelligent arctic wolf continued to babble, drool, and shit her diapers. They had learned much from this experience, and they would not soon forget the lessons that this earthling had taught them. The head observer retracted his instrument, sealing up the hole in Julia's head as he did so. There was no trace left of the operation. The arctic wolf continued to shat and piss herself as the aliens were about to send her back home. She continued to suckling her thumb and rub her diaper, but not without the occasional babble. As Julia continued to pleasure her infantile mind, the creatures decided that it was time to return Julia to her home. The bright light returned, and Julia laughed with glee as she was deposited back in her home. Several hours had passed since she had been abducted, and daylight was pouring in through the window as she was returned. Clad in only her soiled diaper, the retarded wolfess drooled. She looked around on her bed, feeling her piss and shit press against her parts before grabbing a remote just as white and her thumb, and stuffing it in her mouth, loving it. "Mwamwa!" She said, drooling over the remote. The wolf's mentally regressed mind was overtaken by her home; what was once ordinary was now amazing, like the plastic remote within her maw. Smiling, she drooled as she sucked upon it, letting her tongue run over the buttons. She chewed upon it curiously as her wide stare looked about her. "Buuwha!" she gurgled, mouthing the remote. She crawled over into the bathroom, diapered ass crinkling and sagging with a heavy load. She babbled and smiled, loving her load as she looked around her bathroom, which looked pretty and mysterious. So white and bright, it made her gigglish. "YAMA!" A long strand of drool ran from Julia's mouth as she gazed around her bathroom. She set her sights upon the nearby roll of toilet paper, and bumped it with her paw. Amazed, she watched as the strand unrolled, her simple mind absorbed in the sights and sounds of the unwinding roll. Clapping her hands with child-like glee, the mentally regressed wolf continued to unroll the toilet paper, covering her in multiple sheets. The sheets absorbed her drool as she laughed loud, filled with childish glee to see it roll and grow thin. "MAWA!" She shouted, pissing herself. Grinning, Julia added more to her soiled diaper, pushing out another load of warm faeces into her already full diaper. The whiteness of the alien plastic had long since faded into a dark brown, but the wolf still loved playing with the crinkly plastic. She began patting at her diaper, a drooling grin upon her face as she raised her arms up and down. She was lost in her infantile play, and she loved the feeling of her warm diaper. The goo squished and bubbled as she slapped and stirred, smiling and blushing, lost in a form of joy so great her conscious mind was blow away by it. She laughed, growing alone and hungry as she did. Outside, Julia's friend Tasha was beginning to worry. She had been knocking for about ten minutes, and she knew that Julia was home because her car was still in her driveway. Concerned, she tried the doorknob. Finding it unlocked, she walked into the house. "Julia? You here girl? It's time to have some fun today!" As the orange-furred vixen walked into the house, she heard a curious noise coming from the bathroom. It sounded like laughter, but it was a Cautiously, she opened the bathroom door. The arctic wolf laughed, seeing the vixen. "MAMA!" She babbled, drooling in her messy diapers. "MAMA HOONGY!" She said, trying to express her need for food. Tasha stared for a while at her friend, uncertain of what to do. Here was her best friend, who up until yesterday had been an ordinary wolf. Now, she was sitting before her in nothing but a heavily soiled diaper, drooling and pining for her mama. "Julia?! What the hell happened?" She cried. She bent down and looked into the arctic wolf's eyes, but no flicker of intelligence was left. The vixen burst into tears as she held her friend close, vowing to take care of her. Some time later, Tasha sat in her home, sighing wearily as she pulled Julia's head into her lap. She had become a handful, but she was still her friend. Diaper changes, feedings, and taking care of the mentally regressed wolf had been taxing, but Julia was worth it. The vixen heard a grunt as Julia scrunched up her face with effort. A stench filled the air as the wolf filled her diapers with shit. Sighing, Tasha picked up her former friend and carried her off for a diaper change. This was her life now, for better or worse. The diaper opened, a gooey, smelly mess came forth. "You outdid yourself..." Tasha said, sighing as she saw the wolf giggle and babble, loving her change. The rubbing of wet tissues against her shitty diaper made her happy, oddly happy. Brain-dead happy...