Shu's Adventure 2

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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#34 of Story Commissions

Shu's adventure continues, but with some changes added to his very being.

Algieba rose up from the ground utterly exhausted as he felt the spirits of the island revive him from the sleep of death.

The feeling of the small metal balls which had been embedded deep within his dark brown furred body slowly falling loose was something that brought a wince of pain from the island's guardian, yet he bore it well as he looked about the bloodsoaked glade. As expected, the men who had killed him were all dead, thanks in part to being unworthy of his masters' blessing as his human was. The sight of the various bodies all twisted and swollen and purple were signs that the blue pollen which had filled their lungs and covered their bodies had done their job in contaminating the invader's blood with the masters' poison. It wouldn't be long before their forms began to rot and then be ingested by the ground below, as the island needed to feed in order to better prepare itself from another possible invasion by the humans. That wasn't Algieba's concern though. What was though, was the fact that his little Shu was just as dead as he had been seconds ago.

The raven haired youth had fought quite well up until the end, having slayed his own without fear or hesitation, that was something that pleased both Algieba and the masters, as both entities had been eager to see how the untrained boy would fare in such a dangerous moment in time. Looking over the bloodstained corpse, Algieba found himself scowling as the once handsome form was now torn apart in a rather cruel manner. The sight of something shifting over by his left made Algieba turn his head. Green eyes watched one the masters' plant pods opened up to reveal a large pinkish interior which drooled with clear, white nectar, almost like a hungry mouth. Turning back to Shu's prone form, Algieba knew what he had to do next and did so without question as he hefted the limp human up and then carried the other over to the opened pod. Algieba found himself somewhat surprised by how beautiful his little human looked as the other lay with his eyes closed within his arms, perhaps that was testament to just how much the smaller male had grown on him during their time together.

Either way, after setting the other down and then taking a step back, Algieba watched as the leaves of the open pod closed around Shu, enveloping him within the cold, sticky interior of his masters' seed. Nothing happened at first, as expected, but soon enough the sights and sounds of the giant plant shifting and twisting about brought a smile to the guardian's face. Turning away from the process which was now taking place, Algieba went about rooting through the human corpses scattered around him to see if he could find anything of value off of them. He sadly wasn't able to find much, besides a few knives which he would keep for later on, and so moving away from them the maned feline entered into the forest to see what remained of those who were still on the island.

The journey took several hours, but once Algieba had made his way towards the beach where the other humans had first arrived he was unsurprised to see what he saw. Littering the area were dozens of corpses, all of whom were bloated and purple. Various insects scuttled about the sand vying for a chance to enjoy the poisoned flesh which they could feast on, however most of them scattered upon noticing the guardian walked about the area. The few who didn't hissed at him in warning, however a sharp growl from Algieba sent them scurrying back into the shade of the jungle. He would let them have their meals, but only after he made sure that all of the invaders were dead. To which they indeed were. Seeing this, the bipedal lion turned away from the beach to head back the way he came.

Upon returning to the sacred glade, Algieba noticed that the seed which contained Shu had grown ever so slightly, the body within was held perpendicular to the ground. Algieba understood what this meant well enough and so quickly worked to untie his loincloth from around his waist. Letting the animal skin fall to the ground, the guardian reached one of his broad paws down to play over the furry pouch which contained his manhood. The feel of pleasure which washed throughout his body was something that he had felt ever since he had first seen Shu in his dreams all those many moon ago, however, at the thought of what his little human was to become Algieba found his pink tapered shaft growing out of the folds of his sealed sheath. The barbed shaft ballooned outwards inch by inch until it soon stood eleven and a half inches out from his pelvis, down below his fist sized balls began to twitch wildly as Algieba's excitement began to get the better of him.

Stroking over his cock for several seconds, Algieba found his hips slowly fluttering forward as the idea of Shu returning to life and standing beside him once more filled his mind. Very few knew that the spirits of the island had the ability to bring the dead back to life, as they rarely used such a power, save for on him, thus giving him the many, many years he had spent guarding the floating landmass. His masters had many more powers at their disposal, some of which could compel the sun and moon to unite together in harmony, however, Algieba was only interested in one particular power that the spirits possessed. The power to recreate another into a guardian such as himself.

Small growls escaped from out of Algieba's throat as he just imagined Shu looking back at him with his bright eyes, the other bearing a form that was much more suited to the stout heart he possessed when he had fought off those of his kind as they locked arms and tails together underneath the moon's cold light. Just the idea of the other caressing Shu's new shoulders and arms was enough to cause streams of pre-come to begin bubbling out from the tip of the guardian's cock, and yet it was in reaching back behind himself to poke and prod the underside of his tail that made Algieba let loose a resounding shout which made the surrounding jungle tremble. Streams of white froth poured out from his dick as he imagined Shu grappling him and then forcing him to bend in half while shoving his massive girth deep inside of his untried hole.

When Algieba blinked his eyes he looked down just in time to see that his semen had splattered itself across the side of the green bud. Pulling his hands away from his body, giving a lick to his cream covered digits after doing so for good measure, the maned feline watched in awe as his seed was absorbed into his masters' plant pod. The sight of the plant jerking about brought a twisted sort of smile to Algieba's lips, as he watched the exterior of the vegetation contort around Shu's motionless form, more than likely squeezing out the small metal balls which had pierced through his sides and flesh. Algieba knew that it would take time before the spirits could return his little friend back to the land of the living, there were so many smaller things that needed to first be done to the other in order to make the process fully come about, yet instead of feeling annoyed by this the golden brown lion found himself anxious to see what would soon take place. That his seed was needed for the event in question only served to make Algieba all the more excited, since he would get a chance to watch everything take place when not going about surveying his island home.

With that thought in mind, the guardian remained within the glade for a few more hours in order to watch Shu's form wriggle slightly within the pod before he turned to find himself something to eat for the day.

Day after day Algieba returned to perform his duty, the guardian jerking himself off to thoughts of Shu's revival, all the while eagerly watching as the plant for which the human was in twisted and turned and wriggled around his body. The fact that Shu had come alive again after three days was something that had put a wide smile onto Algieba's face, however, his masters weren't ready to release the other as of yet. The knowledge of why filled the guardian's heart with such glee, so much so that he often found himself moving forward to wrap his gigantic arms around the pod which had ballooned outwards ever so slightly. Feeling Shu squirm around inside was somewhat amusing, if only because the feline was sure that his little one had no idea of what was soon to occur. Algieba himself was only slightly aware of what was going on, as his dreams told him that his masters were both feeding and sustaining the human by way of fleshy tentacles, the likes of which filled the other's mouth and nose in order to give him the air he needed to breath and nutrients needed to help his body grow.

And Shu did grow.

With every ejaculation that Algieba released onto his masters' seed the human's body would plump outwards with new muscle given to him by way of their masters transforming his semen into nutrient rich food for the human. As the days turned into weeks Algieba found himself watching as the human's arms and legs thickened, all the while his chest and torso broadened to match his own colossal size. The size of Shu's hands and feet swelled to great lengths later on down the line, giving Algieba all of the information he needed to know in order to realize that the other was gaining himself a set of paws, the likes of which would be able to match his own in any wrestling match that they might have had. Through his dreams Algieba was able to see that Shu was somewhat perplexed by what was happening, especially as his heart and other vital organs began to increase in size in order to send all of the blood and other fluids through his thickening veins, however that confusion was soon replaced with the knowledge that their masters desired the human know for his rebirth. At first Shu fought against this, as though he were trying to resist what was happening to him, and yet as time went on his struggles became less and less. Algieba would have liked to try and comfort the other, but he was powerless to do anything other than continue to feed his masters' plant pod so that the pod containing the transforming human would continue with Shu's development.

Weeks went by with Shu growing larger and larger, his body graining greater definition all the while as Algieba's seed worked to give him a form that would match his own, all the while his tanned skin became lighter and thicker. From what Algieba could see after he closed his eyes for the evening, his human companion was sprouting silvery wisps of fur all along his now herculean sized form. Why this was the guardian didn't know, as he had suspected that his companion would merely look like an exact copy of himself, however their masters had other plans in store for the other. This was easy enough to tell by how smoothly Shu's face stretched out into a wide muzzle, his nose flattening while his teeth sharpened to become deadly fangs which Algieba couldn't wait to feel them clamp down onto the side of his shoulder. It was something odd watching the process of his companion's spine lengthening to give him a furless tail, and yet Algieba couldn't help watching on in eager excitement every night to see more and more of the long, ropey appendage stretch out to become a beautiful tail, the likes of which gained a large poof of dark silver fur along its end.

By the time nearly two months had passed there was nothing left of the former human's prior body, as he now bore a brilliant white mane around his massive head, along with two very cute round ears. All across Regulus's body, the other guardian bore a downy pelt of silver fur, the likes of which contrasted Algieba's thick dark golden brown coat. Algieba didn't know why he now considered Shu to be Regulus, the name had no honest meaning to him, and yet it was one that filled his mind whenever he thought about his brother. That in itself was also odd, because for as long as Algieba could remember he had been the only member of his kind living about the island. He had no memories of the outside world, even though the spirits had taught him about it via his dreams, and so having a sibling should have been quite a foreign concept to him, and yet it wasn't.

Regulus was his brother.

Lost and cast adrift by the sea. The other had come back home in the form of Shu because he had to live as a human in human lands, but now he was who he had been.

Algieba didn't question any of this, as he had no reason to. Instead, he simply embraced the truth of his dreams just the same as he embraced the pod which now seemed ready to burst with the outpouring of Regulus back out into the world. His masters made him wait until the full moon bore itself across the island before allowing such a happening to take place, much to the maned feline's displeasure, however, once it did happen, once the pod sprang open and dropped the silvery-white lion down onto the grass below Algieba felt as though his heart was ready to sing beneath his chest. The golden brown guardian pawed at his brother the same as a kitten might, his motions were so eager and yet tepid that Algieba was surprised to notice how nervous he was at that given moment.

Blue eyes blinked opened moments later. They then shifted around to look at the other guardian. Confusion filled Regulus's mind as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing, but everything came together when Algieba spoke down to him.

"Brother." The older male whispered.

Regulus shifted his lips around for a few seconds, as his parched throat was not used to making words just yet. Once he was ready though, the silvery-white lion retorted with,

"Hello, Brother."

The smile that covered Algieba's face was matched by Regulus's own as he slowly drew his hand down in order to help the other to stand up onto his feet.

It took a couple of days before Regulus was able to fully control his body, the former human having need of his elder brother to aid him in centering his balance, as well as learning how to stalk, hunt, and eat, seeing as everything seemed to new to him once again. Algieba took no issue with this, as he was grateful for the opportunity to spend such time with his younger sibling, he would never admit it outloud, but there was something adorably cute about the silvery-white lion cocking his head when he tried to explain something to him. Making their little hut wider for the two of them was something of a chore, as neither Algieba for Regulus had the tools needed to do as such on hand, Algieba had found much of the items he had collected within his home and had utilized them as best he could after some trial and error, however they were able to manage well enough with the aid from the scattered dreams that Regulus had regarding other humans he kept seeing. The younger guardian wondered why he kept having such visions, however Algieba assured him that they were only placed within his head by their masters in order to help him come to terms with what they needed.

The knowledge that he had masters was something that slightly befuddled Regulus, as he didn't quite understand the concept of the spirits of the land guiding and controlling their lives through the great tree which was nestled within the center of the island. It was hard for Algieba to explain everything, as he himself only understood things insofar as they needed to be understood in order to survive on the island. The knowledge of there being a world beyond the ocean was something that the golden brown feline never contented himself with, as it was useless information. The only thing he needed was food in his belly, his safe haven to sleep, and his cute little kitten of a brother to tease and play with. Regulus would growl whenever Algieba called him that, however he couldn't deny that some part of him enjoyed having the elder lion tease him as he did. His tail would always give him away though, as the long appendage would happily wave around before attempting to curl around Algieba's own lengthy back extension.

The two would end up wrestling around with one another following this happening, usually with Algieba coming out on top as he was able to maneuver his slightly larger frame about in such a way that he would end up overcoming Regulus. This slowly stopped happening, as with time the younger guardian was able to gain more control over his body, so much so that he ended up grappling with his elder brother to a standstill. The pair would end up growling at each other in an attempt to try and intimidate one another in order to gain an advantage. Neither gave into the obvious bait, and so both would end up forcing one another back and forth until someone tripped over their tail. Sometimes Regulus would find himself flat on his back with Algieba seated above his chest, the elder male roaring out his victory for all to hear, but in other moments it would be him who would find himself laying flush over Algieba's taut chest and abdomen. No matter the case, after all was said and done, the two felines would end up butting heads with one another and then curling up together so that they could nuzzle all night, or sometimes day long.

Everything went well enough for them, as no other humans returned to pester the island after their initial landing, however, one night while lying together in their hammock - both had decided that they rather resting together than not - Algieba found himself waking up to find his brother sleepily humping his chest. Amusement fluttered through his head as he reached down and began squeezing over his sibling sheath and balls, caressing them as best he could from the position that he was in. The feel of the younger male's black cock rutting against his naked thigh was one that quickly filled out Algieba's own sheath, his balls twitching in time with Regulus's own as the desire to cover his sibling in his seed burned deep within his mind. Algieba didn't do as such though, as he instead worked his younger brother to a climax, of which caused the silvery-white male to let out a gasping roar as he burst his climax out all across his lower body.

The goopy feeling of his release coating his legs would arouse Regulus from his slumber, to which he would then be laughed at by Algieba. A dark flush would form on Regulus's cheeks before he would attempt to get up to clean himself, however Algieba would always stop him from leaving their hut. The golden brown lion would gently guide his sibling to stand in front of him, all the while he would ease himself down the other's body, using his thick tongue to clean up the trails of goop which slowly dried on his legs. Regulus would return the favor in kind, his great mane head would of course treat the process as more of a playful antic as he nuzzled and licked and nipped at Algieba's furry legs and thighs as he cleaned the elder male. Nothing more would be said by them about what had happened, though they would playfully grab at each other's rumps while purring and nuzzling one another while out and about surveying the island.

It was only after several weeks of this had passed that Regulus decided to take things further, as while they two of them were cleaning themselves off in a river, the silvery-white lion pounced on his older brother and then inserted his cock deep into his rump. His dreams had told him that this would be the best way to pleasure the other, as he had no idea why placing his manhood into the other's body would feel good, and yet he was not prepared for the feelings which raced up throughout his body from doing so. The tight heat which made up Algieba's inner depths was so deliciously good that the younger guardian found himself thrusting forward without meaning to as he rutted his brother's bottom on instinct. For his part Algieba had no idea what to think of the sudden expression of lust his sibling bequeathed upon him, however, after a few dozen hard strokes he found himself merely purring and humping his rump back into Regulus's thrusts.

There was no finesse in what took place between the pair, only animal lust and raw desire, which in itself was more than fine. At the moment they needed the unrefined passion which had been sparked between them, later on they could try and share a moment of slow bliss. Right now, as his large balls slapped back and forth against Algieba's low hanging pendulums, Regulus found himself drowning in the sight, scent, and taste of his elder brother as he lowered himself across the golden brown feline's slightly hunched over form and then nipped his fangs across his sibling's shoulder blade. Algieba's tail lashed wildly beside himself as his body wasn't so much taken as it was utterly dominated by the younger male above him. He would most surely pay Regulus back for this later on, more than likely by spreading the other's legs as far as they could go and then pounding him hard and fast until he gasped his name over and over again like a fool, but for now though he was content to feel the barbed manhood stroke itself over and over again inside of his ill-prepared tailhole.

Around them, the spirits of the island watched through the trees as their eternal guardians united with one another in an age old dance.