High School BILF

Story by Trigger on SoFurry

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Professor Grant and Coach Maine were sitting along in the staff room. It was early in the morning and the rest of the staff hadn't arrived yet.

Professor Grant was making coffee. He was a polar bear who wore glasses and a pale blue shirt and light brown pants. He was one of the science teachers and was pushing 45 He walked over to the table where the Coach sat. Coach Maine was a lion. He was a PE teacher and well built, wearing only a white vest and red shorts and cap. The professor sat down and looked through a view papers when he noticed the Coach reading a letter.

'What have you got there, the usual' the professor asked.

'No, it's a note' said the coach a little awquardly 'from an admirer'.

'Really' smirked the professor 'from who?'

'Well...from a...a student'

'Oh that should be normal for a high school coach. One of the girls sending prank letters'.

'This is from a male student' he replied.


'Yeah listen to this.....

Coach Maine

I think you're a real sex god. You give me a stiffy every time I see you.

_I would like to see you in your office after school and treat you to a _

blowjob you'd never forget.

p.s. here's a picture of yours truly ?

'Isn't that Zach Mills?' asked the Professor as he examined the picture of Zach, naked with a hard-on.

'Yeah' replied the Coach.

'I know I shouldn't say this but he's got a fine body'

'Your right you shouldn't say that'

'Well if it makes any difference I got a letter the other day too, look'.

Professor Grant took a letter out of his bag and passed it to the Coach, he read it.

Professor Grant

_I can't get you out of my mind. Every time you lecture me I have you _

play with myself under the desk.

I would like to see you after class and suck your cock dry.

Here's a picture of me?

'Hmm...looks like Jason Pen is your admirer' said the Coach.

'Yeah, and the funny thing is their both friends. Kind of weird huh'

'Yeah weird' the Coach said thinking. 'You know we could play them at their own game'.

'What do you mean?' asked the professor.

Professor Grant went of to his lessons. He spent the morning teaching students about atoms, chemistry and plants. Then after lunch he saw Jason enter his class with the other students.

'Right' he thought 'here goes'.

Meanwhile Coach Maine's morning had been successful. Zach had been in his third period so at the end when everyone went to change Coach Maine took his chance.

'Hey Mills can I see you for a moment' he called.

Zach walked over to him. Zach was a leopard that was fairly skinny. He was a fairly bright student and was one of the schools main basketball players. He walked towards the coach wondering if he was going to ask him about the letter.

'Mind if I ask you something Mills?' asked the coach.

'Ah...ah sure' replied Zach a little worried.

'I got your note this morning'.

Zach went bright red.

'It...it was a joke...I don't really wanna give you a blowjob. It was Jason's idea'.

'That's a shame, cause I was really hoping to have those soft lips of yours round my cock'.

Zach felt a boner growing in his shorts.

The Coach noticed this and smirked.

'So shall we say after school, my office, 5 o' clock'?

Zach nodded, then walked off to the changing rooms.

In Professor Grant's class the bell rang for the end of lesson.

'Ok people, read the chapter on reptile re-growth and will review Thursday, and Mr. Pen could I speak with you a moment.

Jason walked slowly to the professor's desk. Jason was a panther. Like Zach he was fairly bright and was top in his class at Math's. He looked slightly nervous as the Professor stared at him.

As the last student left the Professor spoke.

'I got your letter the other day' he said.

'I...I...it was Zach's idea...iit...it was a joke, nothing intended'

'So you don't, as you put it, want to 'suck my cock dry' then hmm?'

'No sir, as I said it was Zach's idea'.

'And the picture?'

'Zach's idea again' the panther replied.

'Well that's a shame, cos I was really looking forward it' the professor said smirking.


'Oh yes, only last night I was jerking myself off over your picture, imagining you sucking me off'.

Jason began to feel his cock stiffen.

'And when I came, I shouted your name so loud my neighbour banged against the wall'.

'Ok, ok, I confess' said Jason. 'I did right that letter, I do want to suck you dry'.

'Well if you're confessing...' Professor Grant said 'how's 5 o' clock for you? This room?'

'Sure, sure' said Jason 'can I go now'. He was finding it hard to hide his boner from the professor.

'Fine run alone, oh and try and get rid of your erection before you sit down Mr. Pen'.

As school was finishing for the day Coach Maine saw the Professor. He called him over to talk to him.

'You all set' he asked.

'Yeah 5 o' clock in my room. You?

'Oh yeah, same time in my office'. The Coach replied.

'Damn were bad'.

'We sure are, just remember what to do before hand'.

At 5 o' clock Jason knocked on the door.

'Come in'

Jason entered he saw the professor sitting at his desk, working.

'Ah Mr. Pen, right on time.'

'Hel...hello professor' said Jason nervously.

'Close the door and blind's; we don't want to be disturbed'.

Jason closed the door and blinds and the walked over to the desk.

'So...where do you want me' he asked.

The professor pushed his chair back and pointed down.

'Right here Pen'.

Jason came round to his side of the desk and got on his knees. The professor spread his legs slightly and unbuckled his pants.

The professor looked down at Jason. The young panther's eyes were wide and he started to grab at the bears pants.

'Wanna do the rest?' asked the professor.

Jason nodded and grasped at bears pants. The professor allowed him to pull them down revealing his white fronts.

Jason threw the pants over the desk then started to rub at the bulge of the professors white fronts.

'Oooo...yeah...mmmm...rub it Pen' moaned the Professor as he unbuttoned his shirt.

Jason continued to rub at the white fronts making the professor moan even more. Then he grasped at the waistband and slowly pulled the white fronts down.

Jason gasped as he stared at the thick mass of cock before him. He licked his lips slightly as he grabbed hold of it. His hand only clamped round half of it, it pulsed and throbbed in his hand. He started to stroke it gently before picking up speed.

The professor moaned as Jason tossed him off. His cock slowly growing thicker and harder.

'Mmmm...ooooo yeah Jason, jerk me...ooooo...jerk me off'. Jason continued to jerk him off till he was fully erect.

'Mmmm...wanna taste it?' the professor asked.

Jason nodded and with that engulfed the professor's cock.

'mmmmm...oooooo...oooohhhh yyeeeaahhh...Jason...suck it boy...suck my cock'.

Jason sucked and lathered at the bears cock. It was so thick he could only suck at the head.

'Oooohhh shiitt, oooooo Pen...' moaned the professor as grasped the back of Jason's head. 'Yeah...ooo...suck it boy...yeah suck my cock'.

He pushed Jason further onto his cock, but all the panther could do was gag. He had to pull off the cock and regain his breath before he could speak.

'Sorry Pen' said the Professor 'are you alright?'

'Yeah...I'm fine' gasped Pen as caught his breath. 'Just go easy. You're a bit to big for me to swallow'.

'Ok, but you were really getting me going there'.

'Let's try this again' said Jason and he grabbed hold of the professor's cock and swallowed his head again.

The professor moaned as his felt the panther's slik tongue lather his cock head and slit. He began to thrust lightly making sure not to make Jason gag on him.

Soon Jason was getting really horny and started to remove his pants and underwear, throwing them under the desk.

The professor noticed his hard on and looked at his lovingly as Jason began to lick at his balls.

'Mmmm that's real good Pen...yeah lick'em...lick my orbs....'

It wasn't long before the professor began to feel his climax growing and Jason had returned to sucking ah is cock head.

'Ooooo...Pen...mmmmmm...ooooooo...getting close Pen....oooooooo yyyyeeeaaahhh...I'm gonna cum real soon'.

Jason pulled off him and decided to jerk him off instead, making the professor really feel his climax.

'Ooooohhh shhhittt Pen....I'm...I'm...cum....cum...cummmiinnngggggggggg aaaaahhhhh'.

Shot after shot of cum spurted from the bears cock and landed over his belly, Jason and his desk. Even as Jason began to lick the cum off his cock he shot a few small amounts on his tongue making Jason purr and lap at his cock even more. He had also begun to pre at this point and was ready to pop.

'Mmmm...damn, good job Pen' said the professor 'Just for that I think your grade deserves a boost'.

Thanks Professor' said Jason.

The bear looked at Jason's cock; pre was flowing from it nicely so as Jason started licking his cock clean he grasped the panther's cock and jerked him off.

'Ooooohhhh Professssooor' moaned Jason and within a few minutes he shot his load up the bears arm.

The professor licked it off and grinned as Jason pulled his pants up.

'You taste great Pen; maybe we can do this again sometime huh?'

'Sure professor' replied Jason 'I'd like that'. He walked out of the door smiling broadly.

Coach Maine was sitting in his office on a wooden chair with only his cap and vest on; he was caressing his limp cock in one hand and twisting one of his nipples with the other.

The clock struck 5 and a knock on the door came.

'Who is it?' asked the coach.

'It's Zach?' came the reply.

'Oh, come in, I've been expecting you'

Zach entered the office and gasped as he saw the coach in his half naked state, spread legged and with a large cock steadily growing before him.

'Like what you see?'. Smiled the coach.

The leopard smiled back nervously and stripping his clothes off. Coach Maine smiled as Zach pulled down his underpants revealing a hard 12" cock.

'Mmmmm nice, now come over here and help me contain this bad boy'.

Zach walked over to the coach a knelt down in front of him he looked lustfully at the throbbing thick 10" cock before him.

'Go on kid I need relief' growled Coach Maine.

Zach engulfed the cock bobbing up and down on the full length then bobbing on the head licking the slit at the same time. The coach moaned and threw his head back in pure lust.

'Oooohhhh shiit Zach...mmmm...damn boy...your one hell of a cock sucker...'

With his cock free hand the Coach found moved it round the back of the leopard's head and pushing him against his thrusting pelvis.

Zach gagged on the throbbing mass of the coach's cock. A few moments later Coach Maine felt his climax build and soon he was on the verge of cumming.

'Oooohhhhh shhhiiiiitt....ooooo...here it comes boy...get ready to taste lion cum....oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh yyyyeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhhh......'

He moaned and spurted this cum right in Zach's face. Zach swallowed very drop that entered his mouth. He licked Coach Maine's cock clean producing pre to leak out of the throbbing mass before him.

Coach Maine stood up and looked down at the cum covered face of the leopherd.

'You have the mouth of a god' he said. 'Were did you learn to blow like that?'

'I've been sucking the football team off in the locker room after practise every Monday Coach' Zach replied.

'Hmmmm, good boy' said the Coach.

He then walked over to his desk. He lay across it on his belly and spread his legs. Zach was slightly puzzled.

'Ever fucked a guy in the ass before Zach' called the Coach.

'N...n...no' Zach stammered realising what was about to happen next.

'Well all ya's got to do is slide your big ol' dick in my ass-hole and thrust it in a out till you cum inside me'.

Zach moved over to the table were the Coach lay. He stared at the firm buttocks then slowly massaged them making the Coach purr affectionately.

Soon the leopherd moved closer, positioning his cock against the lion's ass hole. Then with a slow thrust he penetrated Coach Maines arse hole. Coach Maine started moaning lustfully, but as Zach thrusted faster the moans got louder.

'Ah yeah, fuck me kid, yeah make me your bitch, ahhhh god, your such a prrrro, give it to me, YEAH GIVE IT TO ME, OH FUUUUCK YEEEAAAH'.

Zach gagged the coach with a shirt then he started to quicken his pace even more.

The lions butt bounced wildly as Zach pounded faster and faster, Coach Maine gripped the desk and moaned loudly through the shirt muffling his cry.

Zach gripped the lion's legs tightly then lifted then making into a vertical armrest. He moaned and bucked wildly, slapping his balls against the lions.

'Aaahhh shit...oh Coach...mmmmm...yeah take it...take my cock...fuck you've got a nice ass...ooooooo...fuck yeah...'

He continued this for another few minutes before he reached his climax making Coach Maine Roar with lust.

Zach moaned as he came in the Coaches ass. The lion too shot his load all down the side of the desk moaning through the shirt gagged in his mouth.

As Zach pulled his cock out a few shots of pre spurted out and landed on the lion's rump.

Coach Maine got off the desk, which was covered in cum, took his cap off and placed it on his erect cock.

'How's this for sex sexy pose' he said as he turned to Zach.

'Love it' replied Zach. 'Now where's my reward'.

Coach Maine removed the hat walked over to the leopard then got on his knees.

He licked the cum soaked cock clean making Zach moan slightly, then he engulfed the cock right to the base.

'Mmmmm, yeeah' moaned Zach.

Zach lifted himself on the desk and opened his legs wider making sure the lion tucked in to his free meal.

'Yeah suck it Coach, suck my cock you cock sucking whore'

Zach was getting close to his climax again. He placed his hands on the back of the Coaches head and pushed him down on to the throbbing mass.

'Yeaaah, ooooh god you like that don't ya bitch, god your hungry, mmmmm, oh I think I'm gonna cuuuummm'.

Zach shot load after load of cum down the lion's throat, but the coach kept on sucking. It took another five climaxes before Coach Maine pulled himself off.

'You, you must really think...I'm good if you, if you pulled off after cumming in your mouth five times in a row' he said exhaustedly.

'Well I haven't had it in a while and you look like the kind who needed it too' said Coach Maine.

Zach kissed the Coach lovingly then headed out of the office lifting his tail and giving the coach a good view of his butt hole.

A few weeks later Jason was asked to stay behind again by Professor Grant. By the time 5 o' clock came he happily knocked on the door and entered. When he walked in he was surprised to see the professor and Coach Maine standing by the desk while in front of them stood Zach.

'What's going on?' asked Jason.

'We asked you here because we wanted a private word with you' answered the professor. 'Please take a seat both of you'.

Zach and Jason sat down, both a little nervous. They knew what they must be here for, but surly they couldn't be thinking of a foursome.

Coach Maine bought a TV in from the closet and turned it on. He then put a disc in and pressed the play button.

'We think you ort to see this' he said to Zach and Jason.

The screen was blank, then suddenly a view of Jason and the Professor popped up. Jason was sucking the Professor's cock from under the table. He was moaning and slavering away while the Professor himself lay back and took it.

'Dude!' said Zach as he watched the screen. 'Damn you're a fag'. Jason went red in the face.

The scene changed. This time it was Coach Maine's office and Zach was pounding away at the Lion's ass, shouting abuse while the lion moaned through his gag.

'Who's a fag now' said Jason as Zach too went red.

The screen went blank and both looked up at the bear and lion. They had a threatening look about them as they stepped closer to the two.

'So, as you can see' said the Professor 'we seem to have the drop on you. Now we could show this to the principle and tell him you seduced us into this...'

'But that not what happened' said Zach

'But that's what it looks like on the film' said Coach Maine 'and in the letters'.

'Quite right' said the Professor 'But, we will make a deal with you.'

'What's that?' asked Jason.

'No more love notes or saucy pictures' said Professor Grant.

'Ok' they both said.

'And giving the football team blowjobs' said Coach Maine.

'Right' said Zach ashamedly.

'If you can keep it up till graduation we might give you a leaving present of our own' said the Professor 'But if you disobey, then we will not only show this to the principle but at the graduation it's self. So do we have a deal'?

Both Zach and Jason agreed. They then left the room, ashamed and embarrassed.

Coach Maine and the Professor looked at one another as they left and shut the door.

'Ha Ha you are such a bastard' laughed the polar bear.

'Yeah well you're just as bad' said the Coach. 'Now give me that ass of yours' he said and he pulled the professor into an embracing kiss.