In the Enemy's Territory #3

Story by WolfyslaveIRL on SoFurry

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I suppose I will explain this about their anatomy. The females have heats every month, twice a year they are fertile. They don't know which heat it is, usually.

The day was short for her. When the drug wore off, he allowed to her to eat, drink and do as she needed for a couple of hours. Thankfully, he hardly spoke, but he didn't bother to hide his leering. She felt so naked under his hungry gaze, like she was already human.

Perhaps he was giving her the time to think on what he had said. Think on it she did. She knew her family would encourage her to take any sort of deal to keep herself safe. Not that it was any sort of a "deal." He would do it whether she agreed or not.

She had seen the prisoners tied up helpless to the barbed whips and savagery of those who gave themselves to their baser instincts. Among her own people, such things were unthinkable. Hell, among her people, no one had even seen their human forms in generations much less thought to force another to change.

The smaller plains wolves most common in her nation rarely even argued. They had only held off the aggressive and larger mountain wolves with their superior numbers and the fact that they farmed the land rather than hunted so could feed a larger army.

The drought had changed that over the years, though. The outlook had been grim at the start of the war a year ago, each passing day only fairing worse. If his side won, all of her side's military would be taken as prisoners of war as punishment for fighting. Escaping here might not be for very long.

Gulping, she didn't want to admit that if the alternative to that fate was more of last night, that seemed a lot better than what she could expect at the mercy of his military. She did have to admit that she had expected him to be rougher, forceful, even cruel. The first time he had almost caught her, she had bloodied his nose, much to his surprise, and that was when he said he would take her as his slave. She had been certain all this time that he would hurt her but the way he had moved inside her. Like he wanted to drive her over the edge; like he knew exactly what would. It made her ears burn again.

The whine she let out was so soft even she could hardly hear it and she tucked her tail a little tighter. None of which was lost on Anubis. He smirked as if he knew what she was thinking, though she wasn't thinking for much longer. She tried to promise to behave and walk but he was indifferent to her attempt to bargain.

Night met her when next she opened her eyes. Her arms were aching. Her nose was parched. Her head ached from the drug he kept using. She didn't want to admit she felt warm in her belly. That had to be from the drug, too. Whining softly, she knew what was coming.


The question came from behind her. A small nod was enough for him to force her upright. There was enough slack in the muzzle for him to carefully pour water into her mouth. He stopped when she got too eager and choked, waiting for her to regain her composure, and encouraged her to relieve herself. His insinuation set a shiver through her, but then he walked away, crouching before the small fire.

To say that she was nervous was an understatement. How could she even make what was about to happen okay? Before, he had trapped her. This time, he was making her walk back to him, to accept what he intended to do to her. Smiling to himself all smug by the fire. Each step to him made her hate him even more. By the time she was near enough to him, she was seething with it.

Clearly he was not expecting a paw against the side of his head. With all the force she could muster, she hopped up and placed all her weight on the foot, smashing his head against a large rock beside the fire.

The suddenness of the impact caused her to tumble to the ground. It took her a moment to get back to her paws. Glancing around for something sharp to cut the rope, she whined when she saw nothing immediately available. Perhaps she'd find some sharp stones once she had put some distance between herself and that pompous dog.

Because her arms were tied behind her back, if she tried to change to fully wolf, she'd break them. She had to be careful with her balance, dodging low branches and high roots. Panting heavily, her vision was blurry, filled with quick little lights from her lack of air. She would not stop, though, not until he caught her or she collapsed.

Well, that was her idea. The local wildlife had another.

A feral growl made her jump. Her heart raced even harder when a colossal shadow reared up near her.

It was a gregnin, a bear-like beast with short sight and shorter temper. Dark, wiry fur bristled as it stood onto its rear legs, balancing with a hairless tail and roared. The claws were so long that the creature walked on its thickened knuckles.

Panicked, Nova turned and tried to flee back the way she had come. The beast took a swipe at her, knocking her off her paws. She hit the ground hard, dazed and breathless. Falling back to all fours, it stalked toward her, drooling with anticipation of a meal.

Nova felt cold, staring up into certain death. This was how it would end for her. Maybe she wasn't as ready to die as she thought.

The blood curdling snarl did not come from the gregnin.

A black devil leapt from the darkness of the forest, standing on all fours over Nova for a just a heart beat before lunging at the gregnin. Roaring, the beast turned sharply, trying to catch the agile wolf. It soon had to change tactics, backing deeper into the forest, now intending to escape the sharp teeth and unbridled fury of Anubis. No matter how the creature retreated, he did not relent, the vision of him slashing and tearing chunks from the other predator vanishing into the vegetation.

The forest was then eerily silent.

Nova breathed hard, struggling to her paws, making it to her knees when the leaves rustled, parting around a blood soaked muzzle. Panting heavily, his tongue dripped with it. In his glowing eyes was an animal, feral and irate. Just under his ear was the streak to remind her of exactly why he was so angry.

He came towards her slowly, fangs bared. Nova whimpered in terror, ears plastered to her skull, tail tightly wrapped around her waist. The scent of blood was overwhelming. His steps grew longer and he stood upright, closing the gap during transformation. His powerful shoulders broadened, chest and collarbone widening, and the digits on his hands grew long, wrapping around her throat. Picking her up, he slammed her against the rough bark of a tree, his grip tighter than just uncomfortable.

"Your life belongs to me, now!" he snarled in her face. "Stupid little bitch. Of all the times you could think of to escape, it had to be while bound and muzzled. I know you hope for death, but there has already been enough death in this ridiculous war."

Snarling again, he wrenched her away from the tree, spun her around and marched her back to the camp. The iron grip on her arm forced her to keep the pace he set.

"One more transgression from you, bitch, and I will be changing you, and I will not fuck you gently," he threatened as they drew closer to the camp. "Now I really need a bath, and I can't trust you to stay here on your own, so I think you are going to have to join me. There's a waterfall nearby. C'mon, mutt. Keep walking."

The water cascaded from an outcropping only a meter or so overhead. The pool at its base only reached Anubis' upper thighs.

He shoved her into the water so that she tripped on the unstable gravel, splashing onto her side. Fear of drowning gripped her at the same moment as his hand, jerking her back above the surface. Pulling her to her feet, he continued to the waterfall itself. Pressing her hard against the rock face, he held a finger before her nose, his muzzle wrinkled.


Not meeting his gaze, she knew obedience was the smartest idea right now and nodded hurriedly. The blood spread quickly through the pool, swirling away in dark patterns as it diluted and followed the flow of the stream. He was tender with the side of his head, his eyes flashing at her. Shivering as much from the cold as her apprehension, she did not dare look upon him.

When he moved towards her, she cringed and whimpered. The tears that sprang to her eyes were not nearly as hidden in her fur as one might expect. The warmth of his tongue against her cheek was not as intense as the warmth building in her belly. His hands caressed her gently as he nuzzled around her tightly pressed back ear.

"Don't be afraid, Nova. I'm not going to hurt you," he murmured soothingly. "You saw a chance and you took it. You keep catching me off guard. It's not often that happens. There is such a fierceness in you, my little mutt. I would not punish such a feisty spirit. I find it incredibly sexy. Such a fire deserves to be stoked."

One hand had encircled a thigh, drawing her leg up so his fingers could work their way into her again. He went straight to the point with two fingers, plunging knuckle deep faster than he had the previous night. Her ears were burning as she panted.

The scent of his healthy musk was filling her nose, instincts causing her to react. Hormones were making her feel weaker than before. How could she possibly admit to herself that if she were to have pups, at least they would be sired by such a powerful male? Well, her body was having no problem admitting it. She knew from past experience that soon enough her heat would take over her mind, that she wouldn't resist him even in her head.

"Oh, Nova," he drawled wickedly. "Didn't we talk about this last night? How did I know?"

He didn't give her the chance to catch her breath. Slipping his other hand under her leg, he lifted her up, legs spread wide and helpless. She squirmed and whimpered as he lowered her slowly, lining the head of his member to her slick and aching opening.

"I'm going to fuck your fertile pussy, mutt."

He found it a struggle to remain slow as he worked her down the length of him, tingling at the moans that came out of her as he filled her. Setting a pace, he couldn't help but add his own sounds to hers, panting above her as he pressed her against the rock face. Soon, even his sheath was slick with her fluids.

"It turns you on so much, doesn't it, mutt? That you're being fucked by your enemy? Bound and helpless? Ahh, you're squeezing my cock so tight. I bet you fantasized about this. I'm going to make you my slave; fuck you whenever I want. I'm going to impregnate you, mutt, and you're going to have my pups."

Every thrust into her was exquisite. Every nerve tingled. Powerless to stop herself, she melted against him. The sounds of her carnal release were muffled by the rope around her muzzle. It did not do so for long, slowly floating away in the current.

"I want to hear every last delightful sound out of you, mutt. I want to hear you moan!"

Driving himself into her searing recesses, her many unbridled raptures filled his ears. He could hold himself back no longer, dropping her down his shaft and thrusting to hilt her before his knot swelled.

"Oh, Nova," he groaned, panting heavily as he spent himself.

It took him a moment to come back to his senses, the scent of her making his mind hazy. When he looked down, her tongue was hanging from her mouth, eyes unfocused and head laid back against the mossy stone. She was still twitching, so very full of him.

He nuzzled her throat, his voice gruff and sweet. "Oh, my sexy little mutt. I'm not nearly done with you yet."

His dangerous jaws encircled her throat with enough pressure to remind her that he had the strength to end her. As he had before, he moved his knot about inside her until her eyes rolled back in her head, hips bucking wildly. Release left her a quivering puddle in his arms. Leaning back, he looked down at their joining and smirked to himself.

Her senses returned to her slowly. She could still feel him so hot and deep inside her. Daring a peek at him, she shuddered at his most self satisfied expression, his eyes focused on where he vanished inside her. His gaze turned up to hers, dominating and arrogant.

"I'm just admiring the view." He smiled deviously. "It certainly is a delicious sight."

She began to whine. She knew it was no good to speak. The only thoughts that came to her mind would be pleading to go home. So the only thing she could think to do was to whine.

His brow furrowed, and he lowered them into the cold water to help his knot soften enough to withdraw. "I think it's time to get dry. Let's go."

Her legs felt weak but his grip on her was solid, holding her steady as they waded back to shore and marched her back to the fire that had burned to embers. He pressed her down, indication for her to sit, before disappearing into the darkness. She could hear him close, not daring to move her spot.

He strode past her and tossed a bundle of wood over the smoldering remains, using some of his loose fur to get it burning again. With a warning glare at her, he again disappeared into the night. She could not hear him this time.

She knew better than to try to run now. Staring into the jaws of death made her realize she should pick her timing better. In heat and bound was certainly not the time. Maybe he would let down his guard when she was not in heat. Even if she was to have his pups and went to his home as his slave, surely he would think he had her and she could slip away.

But, would her farm even be there by the time she returned? If they lost, there was no telling if it would still be there, but she would have escape to see it for her own eyes. If nothing else, she could help her pack rebuild.

And what would happen to her pack? She had so many cousins, aunts and uncles, sisters and brothers. It was true that the plains wolves were more promiscuous than the other wolves, leading to large packs. Even she had participated in the occasional group matings with the neighbors when she was in heat and could not stay in her room. She whimpered softly, thinking about what might happen to them all.

"What's the matter, mutt?"

Nova yelped and jumped as Anubis' head appeared beside her. He was an expert stalker, she realized, for she had not heard his approach. An amused smirk curled up his mouth. Turning her eyes away, she did not answer knowing he would not care. Striding past her, he spitted large chunks of fresh meat near the fire but far enough that it would not burn.

Sniffing the air a little, she knew it was the gregnin that had nearly ended her. Perhaps it was just her heat, but the fact that he had defeated a superior predator with just his might and his fangs certainly made the idea of having pups with him not seem so bad. At least they would be strong and healthy. The thought was causing the warmth in her to build again, her scent only growing stronger.

"You mutts have no instincts," he drawled when he stood and came back to her. Squatting down behind her, he freed her aching arms. "It's no wonder we're winning. You live in your safety and your senses get dull. Why, what if I just happened to be a predator?"

A shudder ran through her as he knelt to get closer, his hands working magic on her while his arms encircled her, trapping her against his solid body. Finding a nipple, he played with the bud until was standing out of her fur, the other hand slipping between her legs. Her nose was quivering with the scent of him, her body reacting to his attention. A primal moan escaped her when his teeth sank through her thick fur, pulling back on her scruff. His low growl made her whole body shudder, and she could not help but melt.

His snickering made her ears burn. "You see, mutt? Sitting all safe and sound in your towns and farms, so far removed from danger that you romanticize it, fantasize about it. But what predator could resist the scent of you, mutt? Why, I'll bet any beast could happen by and in your state, could you even resist if it thought to help itself?"

There was no way she could resist. Not when his hand cupped the back of her head and pressed her down firmly, the other gripping the base of her tail. His smooth shaft teased her, rubbing along her slit. Already she was panting, wishing he would hurry. He did not let her move, though, holding her hips steady with her own tail.

"Oh, excited little mutt. Can hardly contain yourself. This time, mutt, I'll be staying in until my knot is ready on its own. That might be a while with your scent and all the delightful sounds you make. Now, just how much do you want my cock, mutt?"

Enjoying it was one thing, but to beg him? She would not beg for this. Even though she wanted it so much in her state, her body aching and warm, she would not give him that. Clenching her teeth, she whimpered and that was enough for him.

Methodically, he slipped himself inside her until even his sheath was bunched up between their bodies. Once again she was so full, feeling every bit of him inside her. With a firm hold on her, he pounded her deep and at his leisure. Reminding her how good the chances were that this heat was a fertile one excited him greatly.

He fell to all fours, trapping her under him. His arms were like sinuous tree trunks in her vision. Head hanging over her, his tongue flopped to one side as he panted with his effort to bring her to rapture until she thought she could take no more.

Pulling on her scruff, his knot swelled, locking him firmly within her. Eyes rolled back, she lost herself to the sensation of his pulsing warmth.

When she came to her senses, the sky was gray with dawn. Anubis held her close, still tied with her. Cradled in the curve of his body, she felt more comfortable than she was comfortable with. She could not fight her weariness, though, asleep before he pulled out.