Where the Water Flows Free - Part Three

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#7 of Trish and Mika's Tales

With their new friend Alisi alongside them, Trish and Mika enjoy all the fun which the Fountain nightclub has to offer. <3

This story was written for Lightweaver. It contains F/F and other sexual acts between consenting adults, also watersports/omorashi and public naughtiness. :3

Where the Water Flows Free - Part Three

To Trish's delight, Mika and Alisi were deep in conversation when she returned from the bar.

The club's dance-floor was packed at this early point in the event, meaning that the tables and booths lining the edge of the main space were mostly empty. The vixen seemed to have chosen the perfect location, within view of both the bar and the dance-floor's main body, but close enough to the edge of the room that it didn't take much to peer around the corner and down the small hallway towards the restrooms. Even now as many other furs congregated by the bar to accept their first free drinks of the night, Trish could see a large tiger going from bathroom door to bathroom door with a key, peering inside and no doubt calling out to check that the space was empty before withdrawing and locking it tightly shut. The men's room. The women's. The accessible bathroom and the gender inclusive one, all shut in swift succession.

"...so yeah, aside from those few holidays to France, I've basically lived on the island my whole life. Sorry I don't have anything more interesting to share."

Even as Trish sat down, receiving a warm smile from Mika and a bashful murmur of thanks from Alisi as she pushed a pint of crisp golden cider towards each of them, she saw the husky's cheeks flushing beneath her grey and white fur. She saw Mika's hand reaching out across the table, sliding forward and placing itself over one of Alisi's own, squeezing gently.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. Those things you mentioned, the scuba trips with your school, the bead-work, that's not boring. I wanna know more. I want to know everything. I think you're a thousand times more interesting than you give yourself credit for."

The husky's already pink cheeks deepened towards red, and she whimpered softly as she looked to Trish as though hoping that the cougar would somehow admit that she was boring, only to receive a shrug and a shake of the head. Her plump body shuddered, and she pressed her glasses up the bridge of her nose with her free hand, staring down bashfully at the one still covered by one of Mika's own paws. On the other side of her from the fox, Trish scooted in and around the booth a little more. Then some more. And some more after that. Soon Alisi was pinned between the two women she had only just met, and as they talked to her more, listened more to the stories of her early life on the island, the husky and her two new friends began to drink.

For more than an hour they drank and they talked, the whole trio getting up twice more to walk to the bar and get new drinks. Alisi found herself wide eyed and blushing as she watched Trish and Mika rather hurriedly gulp down their drinks, rushing to keep up with nervous whimpers through the sweet, rich, alcoholic cider flowing into her. While at first she had found their intimate closeness to her body a little surprising, the gentle buzz of alcohol soon alleviated the intense nerves that hadn't entirely faded even after their warm and friendly introductions. After the first pint she felt Mika stroking the back of her hand, making her fur stand up on end in a most pleasant way, and after the second she felt Trish's weight leaning against her, and indeed found herself leaning back against the cougar affectionately in return. As the third pints for each of the women were rather quickly drained Alisi even found herself resting her head upon Trish's shoulder, and it was then she realised as she giggled her way through another childhood story that not just one but both of the women sitting either side of her had a hand upon her thigh.

It was then, as she became aware of the intimacy that she was being so willingly and happily drawn into, as she saw more and more people congregating around the bar and tables, more and more glasses being drunk and emptied and the sounds of laughter, of music, of drunken revelry going on all around her, Alisi was struck by a sudden and near overwhelming wave of nerves. Not outright fear, nothing that made her want to cry or run. The women either side of her were doing nothing to make her uncomfortable, indeed their presence, their words and their touches were all helping to mitigate that sudden rush of awareness. Still though, the husky found herself trailing off mid-story, and muttering under her breath in her native tongue before looking up first at Trish, then Mika, and whimpering bashfully.

"T-there's... there's no way out of here, is there?"

She had known it right from the start of course. The doors to the bathrooms weren't the only ones locked, those leading out to the city streets beyond also sealed tightly and with bouncers standing before them on the interior side. It wasn't the fact that this was surely some drastic fire-code violation that set the husky's heart racing however, it was simply the combined knowledge of the fact they were trapped in here, and more pointedly of why they were trapped in here together.

The hands upon her thighs rubbed more tenderly and firmly all at once, massaging her furred flesh, her plump legs bare and the dress that had been covering them now increasingly bunched up as the women's hands drifted higher and higher, little by little. She whined as Mika giggled and shook her head, and squirmed, barely holding back a breathy moan as Trish leaned in and whispered into one of her ears.

"Well, not exactly. There is_one_ way out."

Both the more experienced women giggled, and Alisi's eyes widened as she saw Trish pointing towards the bar. She followed the direction of the cougar's finger, and this time it was Mika who began to murmur in a voice just loud enough for Alisi and Trish to hear as they all regarded the same figure. A fluffy sheep, a ewe whose white fur was poking out all fluffy and curled from a tight black halter top and a black skirt. She was standing at the bar chatting, laughing with one of the bartenders, but her legs were crossed over one another as she rested there, and even from the distance separating the bar from their booth, all three women could see her shifting her weight, moving around and squeezing her legs together in an effort to relieve the obvious pressure building upon her bladder.

"She could set everyone free. All she'd have to do is ask the bartender for a key to the restroom. All she'd have to do is forfeit the game. Sure, people would be a little mad at her for putting an end to their free drinks, but wouldn't that be worth it to relieve that growing ache... that pulsing, pounding need to let loose that you know she's feeling right now."

Alisi groaned softly, nodding even as her tongue slipped forth to lick rather excitably at her lips. Mika grinned, Trish smirking too as she picked up where the vixen had left off.

"But of course, we know she won't. Will she? Not yet, at least. Because... just look at her. The way she's smiling. The way she's looking at the bartender, and how he's looking at her. They both know what she's feeling, and they're both not acknowledging it for a reason. She wants it to build. To get even more strong and even more unbearable. She likes it."

The husky shuddered, a keening whine slipping from somewhere right at the back of her throat. She reached out, almost instinctively, and put the third pint of cider to her lips once more. She tilted the glass back, and further back, and more and more still until it was well over a ninety degree angle, only then realising that it was utterly empty. Blushing, trembling bashfully, she lowered it once more. She didn't want to move from here, to leave the table and force the two women to take their hands off her thighs beneath the table. And yet, she wanted another drink. Looking to her left and right she saw that Mika and Trish's glasses were empty too. She wanted all of them to have another drink. Never before had the husky been around other people who felt the same way that she did. Not in person, at least. Not in anything remotely close to a situation like this.

"A-are you guys... still thirsty?"

Alisi tried to sound casual, like the question was an offhand remark made amidst a discussion of the weather rather than anything more personal and intimate. From the reactions of the two women sitting beside her however one would have though that she had proposed marriage to both of them at once. They grinned. They released their grasp upon her thighs simultaneously, but giggled and squealed with glee as they grasped her hands and pulled her out from the booth as they too scooted free. The husky continued to try and keep her cool, not to get too worked up or overwhelmed by everything even as she found herself more acutely aware of just how many people present were beginning to show the same signs that she could feel within herself. There was a slight tension, however playful and enjoyable, rising in the club. A heat, a friction growing as people stood at the bar and sat at tables, as fewer and fewer people gyrated and danced, instead finding themselves squeezing or crossing legs, shuffling, wiggling, even a few beginning to dance in a very different way.

They walked past a stallion on the way to the bar, the tall, broad shouldered male seeming entirely zoned out as he stood with another few individuals. At the same time as his thousand-yard stare peered off into nothingness however the powerful equine was hopping from foot to foot, each time he shifted and squirmed creating an audible clop of his hooves against the floor which drew countless others' eyes towards him. Eventually he noticed what he was doing, and after a brief blush and a glance around, he realised people were staring at him. Whispering about him. Knowing exactly what was going on with him.

They walked past a lithe male cheetah, standing near the bar in the arms of another man, the two of them kissing while regarding the stallion out of the corners of their eyes.

"He looks fit to burst already. Poor guy."

One of them purred, sending a violent tremor of longing down Alisi's spine.

"Mmm, I know. His bladder's probably as firm and full as your..."

Alisi whimpered as they moved out of earshot of that particular couple, again glancing around and again somewhat surprised as she noticed that along with the number of people beginning to show visible signs of needing to use the restroom, there were many more who were betraying other desires and longings of an equally, perhaps even more openly intimate nature. On the now less crowded dance-floor, figures gyrated and rubbed against one another without shame in full view of countless others, herself included. In darkened corners she saw figures writhing, pressed against the wall between another person or sometimes more than one. She glanced back to their very own booth, and realising that while the table had stopped her from looking directly down and seeing the hands rubbing at her own thighs, from this angle she could see exactly where she had been sitting. Thus, from this angle, she would also have been able to see the hands rubbing at her thighs, and probably her own panties between her broadly spread, chubby upper legs.

"Another three ciders, please."

Trish ordered for them once again, and as the cougar leaned over the bar, large breasts jiggling while she bounced lightly upon the tips of her toes to the continuing, throbbing beat of the music, Alisi felt Mika's hand in hers tightening its grip. She felt a the vixen's other paw upon her back a moment later, running down, down until it was scooting around her proudly curled tail and over the base of her dress. Lower still until the hand was reaching beneath the hem of the flowing dark blue material, and then... higher again. Right there at the bar, in the midst of the crowded club, Alisi felt Mika's hand upon her panty-clad ass. She tensed up. She gasped. She stared at the vixen, trembling in embarrassment and longing.


Her voice trailed off again, but it didn't matter. Mika giggled, smiled at her, and after a quick squeeze of one of the husky's plump cheeks removed her hand. Not because it was unwanted, the whimper of sorrow that Alisi let loose as the paw withdrew made that more than clear. She removed it because in that moment Trish turned back from the bar with a tray of three fresh ciders clutched in her hands, and in a matter of moments the trio were on their way back to the table once again. Back past the embracing men, now no longer speaking but breathing heavier, huffing, grinding against each other in a way that made Alisi wish she'd been able to see better what was transpiring between their lean, tightly interwoven bodies. Back past the stallion, standing now with one hand hovering just over his crotch, fingers trembling as though fighting the urge to reach out and squeeze his loins as though that would somehow relieve his situation. Back to their table, to the same seated position with Alisi in the middle once more, and back to feeling two warm, oh so affectionate hands reaching up beneath her skirt to fondly caress her thighs as they began to drink all over again.

"That ewe from before... look at her now."

It was maybe fifteen minutes later when Mika spoke up, drawing Alisi from a reverie of excitement that had forced her to close her eyes and simply bask in the bliss, in the knowledge that at long last she was indulging in a desire, a want that had been present within her for longer than she cared to admit, but never fulfilled so openly or publicly before.

She looked towards the bar, towards the same spot the female sheep had been seen earlier, and sure enough after a few moments of looking the husky's eyes fell upon that same figure now pacing back and forth along the far end of the bar. She appeared to be muttering to herself, hands clenched by her sides and her posture tense. She wasn't speaking, not that Alisi could possibly have heard her from that far away anyway, but the truth of her situation was written all over her face. Desperation. Shame. Worry. Lust.

"Her panties aren't going to last the night."

Mika growled that comment with undeniable excitement of her own, and at the same second, as though she had known exactly what the vixen was going to say, Trish's hand finally moved the slightest bit further up Alisi's thigh. The cougar's soft but confident digits crossed the barrier between flesh and fabric, and grazed her fingertips over the soft material of the husky's panty-covered crotch. Alisi's eyes bulged. She fought back an outright cry, but gurgled more than loud enough for the two women surrounding her to both hear and delight in. Bashfully, almost desperate in her eagerness to have what she was now thinking confirmed, the husky looked towards Trish.

"S-someone will give in before then though, right? Someone will ask for a key."

The cougar grinned toothily at the dog, purring loudly as her fingers rubbed back and forth oh so delicately across her underwear. Not enough to pleasure outright, but enough to make the presence of her fingers so close to the husky's intimate reaches all too obviously known not just to Alisi, but to anyone watching their booth from across the club.

"And what if they do? There are hundreds of people in here, Alisi. Hundreds, and four restrooms. Even if some try to go outside, guys dropping tow in the alleyway, a few women daring to squat there too... there'll be queues a dozen deep at every bathroom. That's another twenty, thirty minutes waiting. And that's all assuming that someone does give in. What if they don't? What if no-one says anything, and someone... some naughty husky who just can't control how much she needs to go, is too embarrassed to be the one to spoil everyone's fun. What if a naughty girl like her waits too long, hoping, begging for someone else to give in first? And what if they don't?"

Alisi wanted to throw back her head in that moment and howl. A howl of shame, of embarrassment, of excitement and pure lust as she closed her eyes and pictured herself stumbling towards the bar. She'd waited too long. She'd been so sure someone else would give in first and set the rest of them all free. That was the honest and objective truth, and until now it simply hadn't occurred to Alisi that she might be the weak link, though now it seemed so obvious. In her mind's eye everyone stared. Countless figures with eyes bulging, fingers pointing, mouths open not in laughter or mocking torment, but in delighted calls to others. By that point they'd all be so desperate no-one would be angry at her for ending the flow of free drinks, indeed they'd be glad that she was the one to have saved them, the one to have given them a chance to let loose without being the one who had lost.

But, at the last moment, the fantasy version of Alisi stumbled. Her legs simply gave out beneath her as she dropped to her knees with a shameful cry, and she stared around her, whimpering, gasping, breathing ragged as she heard a familiarly intimate hissing sound, felt a great weight lift off of her midsection, and a thick, wet heat begin to gush forth through her panties and to pool upon the ground around her.

"Would you get the key for yourself, Alisi? Or... would you do what I know I'd do. What Mika would do. What I'm sure many others here would do. Would you hold on till you simply couldn't any more, just to keep looking around and seeing whether you could last longer... even if it was just a second longer, than someone else?"

Trish's words broke through Alisi's fantasy once more, and the husky's eyes sprang open as her muzzle fell slack. Her body went limp for a moment, slumping towards Mika, and as the fox giggled and cuddled her close a sudden white-hot intensity began to burn between Alisi's legs. At least, it felt sudden, though in fact now she thought about it that feeling had been building since just after she started to let her mind wander from reality to fantasy. It had been building for almost a minute, getting hotter and hotter, stronger and stronger, but only now was she able to process it and identify it. The feeling of fingers upon her pussy. Rubbing circles directly against her clit, beneath the fabric of her panties. Warm fingers. Loving, affectionate fingers.

Trish's fingers.

A hand touched the base of her jaw, and a split-second before a shrill yelp of orgasm erupted from Alisi's shocked, overwhelmed maw, the hand guided her head up and her muzzle into contact with Mika's own. Fox and husky kissed, and though Alisi still cried out her shriek of pleasure was muffled into a deep, echoing moan as she made out with the heavy eyed and gleeful vixen. Her thighs clamped down hard around Trish's hand, locking the cougar's digits to her crotch as they wriggled and rubbed at her throbbing clitoris, and as Alisi's body shook with the force of her orgasm she was briefly unable to shelter herself from the aching intensity also begging for release from just above her crotch. Her bladder seemed to throb with each wave of pleasure to swamp the husky, and even as the intensity of that shock orgasm began to wane the needy, urgent aching of that entirely separate source only continued to grow.

For a moment, just a moment, Alisi had no control. She panicked, trying to get her body to respond as it languished in post-orgasmic overload, fearing that any second now she would begin to wet herself if she didn't manage to tense her bladder up before it realised the state she was in. To her delight however, a distraction was soon served up to drag her mind back to reality and allow her control enough once again to put a temporary hold on what was now burning more fiercely than ever between her legs. Blushing, looking bashfully, joyously from side to side as both Mika and Trish pecked her upon one cheek apiece, she heard a murmur of voices from across the club floor. A murmur that grew to a gasp, then a series of gasps.


Trish hissed gleefully to both Mika and Alisi, though of course they were both watching with every bit as wide and eager eyes as the cougar. They saw, so much like what Alisi had seen in her brief fantasy that for a split-second she wondered if she was imagining it all over again, a figure stumbling towards the bar in apparent distress. Not a husky however, not Alisi nor a woman of any kind. The individual in question was a fox, and as he reeled rather drunkenly around other people who just stared with unashamed glee, he began to call out and remove any doubt of what was provoking his behaviour.

"P-please... please, give me the key. I tried... o-ohhh god, I tried, but... I c-caaahhh... I... I can't... caa-aaahhh... aaahh god. Oh. Oh n-no..."

He made it to the bar, one hand outstretched and flexing its fingers pleadingly towards one of the bartenders. His whole body shook, his legs danced wildly and his free hand clutched shamelessly at the front of his jeans in his desperate need to go. It took less than five seconds for the bartender to glance to his colleagues and confirm that this was a recognised forfeit, then grab the master bathroom key from its hook amidst the optics. Those short seconds might as well have been millennia though, and even as the key was dropped into the fox's palm he staggered back, then lurched away towards the bathrooms without so much as a word of thanks to the bartender.

A playful cheer rose from the crowd, the vast majority having had more than enough to drink and being almost as desperate for relief as the fox, and all eyes were upon him as he made his way towards the table at which Alisi, Mika and Trish were seated. The corridor with the bathrooms was just a short distance beyond them, and he was so close. So close to being there.

So close, yet not nearly close enough.

He slowed in his urgent pace as he approached the booth with the three women in it, and was almost directly alongside them when his hand opened and the key went tumbling through his fingers to the floor below. The fox stood up straight. He turned towards the room, turning around and around in a slow, dazed circle as beneath his rich rusty fur a crimson glow began to burn. His eyes grew heavy lidded. His knees quivered as though threatening to give out. The hand which all this time had been clutched against his crotch fell away, and just as he was turning past the husky, the vixen and the cougar, they heard the ragged gasp of relief escape him as the front of his jeans began to suddenly and rapidly darken.


He moaned in relief, in self-indulgent gratitude, and a giddy, goofy smile spread over his face as he wet himself where he stood, still turning around and around, watching hundreds of people bear witness to his accident. From amidst the crowd several figures cheered anew, more still gasping, laughing not at him but with him in understanding of how he must have felt in that moment. Alisi placed a hand over her muzzle, the other falling between her legs, fumbling urgently to reach beneath her skirt and rub at the front of the same panties that she had felt Trish's fingers inside just a minute or so before. She watched him as the front of his jeans darkened, followed by a dark streak running predominantly down the left leg, snaking and branching off here and then before visible droplets began to rain down from the now saturated dark blue fabric. Much as she wished to remain focused on that incredible sight however, her gaze kept being drawn to the crowded club around them. To all the others watching just as rapt and gleeful in their attention as herself. Her body shuddered, and her heart felt like it skipped a beat.

She had never felt so at home.

So understood.

So content, and at peace with who she was and what she desired than she was right now.

And if she was perfectly honest with herself, Alisi knew that she would never have made it through the doors alone. She would never have made it here without the two women who had shown up out of nowhere to give her this chance then, and who were still right there by her side even now. Blushing, staring, enjoying the sight of the man before them wetting himself just like her.

A member of staff soon appeared to lead the fox away amidst a thunderous applause from the entire club, and in the ensuing frivolity that followed the trio of ladies learned that anyone who concluded such a lock-in by losing control like that got a free pair of club sponsored shorts to wear home. Indeed amongst the crowd Alisi could see a couple of people in rather tight shorts that seemed to glow under the dim lights of the club, and giggled as she realised that there was an image of the club's titular Fountain emblazoned across the crotch of each pair.

It only took a few short minutes from when the fox let loose for the bathrooms and indeed the outer doors of the club to be unlocked, and Alisi watched alongside her new friends as several other figures raced for the restrooms at top speed, cheeks flushed as they disappeared inside and even more brightly glowing when they emerged a short while later. Several more figures, perhaps twenty or thirty, headed straight for the front doors, and looking at Trish and Mika the husky could see that the two women were tempted to follow them, to see how many were simply leaving and how many others were going to make use of the club's alleyway to relieve themselves. They resisted that urge though, and soon the entire trio found themselves joining the almost universal line for the restrooms as it began to stretch out towards their booth in length.

"Oh my god... look how many people are behind us..."

Alisi murmured as she turned around, three or four times the number of people behind them compared to those ahead, many of them looking every bit as desperate as she felt in that moment. Somehow the husky had simply assumed that once the lockdown was lifted, the tension and the excitement of the night would be over. But if anything now there was a whole new level of tension, one that wasn't simply to be decided by the loss of control or restraint of a single individual, but by the speed and actions of fifty or so ahead of them, and countless more for those further back in the line. Up and down the queue, people whispered and gasped and blushed and giggled. Some were still nursing drinks much to the husky's shock, and others... others were becoming far less inhibited in their actions, whether due to the amount of alcohol they had consumed or simply the stimulating sight of the fox wetting himself.

As Mika, Trish and Alisi shuffled slowly forward as person after person appeared from the restroom only to have their spot filled by another desperately waiting figure, they spotted more than one individual in the queue dealing with obvious arousal. Figures with tented trousers, with nipples poking like shards of diamond through tightly fitted tops, bodies pressed against one another and trembling, moving, grinding just as those two men had back near the bar what felt like an eternity ago. The volume of the club had lessened slightly in the wake of the fox's wetting, but now it rose again. Only this time, it rose with a very different tone. One more unabashed than even what had come before it.

A cry rang out. Not one of embarrassment, not one of someone queuing and failing to make it to the restrooms, but a sound of pure and undeniable pleasure. The queue murmured, it shuffled, it writhed like an eel as the people within it all up and down its length moved as best they could to not only get a view of the source of that sound, but to let others get a look at it too. Alisi and her new friends were amongst those who got to see, and the husky put a hand over her mouth not in aghast shock, but to keep from letting loose a longing cry of her own as she watched a grey furred wolf kneeing before a strong clydesdale mare, her dark slacks pooled around her hooves and the male's face buried between her legs, held there firmly by a strong hand upon his hair.

The husky looked around, waiting for a member of the bar staff to intervene and stop what was surely an inappropriate display even for a night like this. Instead she saw the tiger bartender who had been locking up the bathrooms earlier in the night now sitting upon the bar, his legs wrapped around the waist of another of the club's staff as they made out. She saw another staff member standing close by the edge of the queue, and her eyes widened as she saw that lithe otter's hand reach down between her legs, slipping beneath her waistline and forcing her to spread her legs slightly as she moved to openly touch herself to the sight.

"O-oh... look at them go..."

A voice from close by, much closer than Alisi had expected, dragged her focus back to her friends. She turned just in time to see Mika and Trish falling into each other's arms, the cougar stealing an intense, deep kiss from the vixen before growling to her playfully.

"I could do that to you. R-right here. I could do everything she's doing to him, and... a-and more..."

The more she referred to in that moment had a certain tone to it. A tone that not only made Mika shudder happily as she heard it, and Alisi shudder as she listened from close by, but indeed drove several others surrounding them in the queue shudder too. Before Trish could show off just how far she was willing to go though, either through intent or simple loss of control the mare beat her to it.

She cried out at the top of her lungs in another language, German perhaps, and her thighs shook visibly and with violent intensity as both her hands grabbed at thick chunks of the wolf's hair, pressing his maw tighter and tighter against her pussy as she whinnied and wailed. She was cumming, that much was obvious, but it became all too clear before long that she wasn't just cumming. The floods of liquid that poured out over the wolf's face and ran down his chin were not just the streaks of ejaculate one might have expected from such a potent, screaming climax. They were too voluminous, too constant and too long lasting for that. Alisi watched, transfixed as the wolf tried so hard to gulp down as much of that powerful woman's urine as he could, but soon found himself utterly outmatched. She soaked him with her release. His face. His shirt. She drenched him from top to bottom before her flow began to abate, and even then his sodden form continued suckling and licking at her until with a deep grunt of adoration she dragged his face away from her crotch, pulled him to his feet, and bent down to kiss him deeply upon his furred, piss-soaked maw.

By the time they were done, other cries of pleasure were beginning to ring out as yet more individuals, couples and groups began to lose what little remained of their shame. Bodies broke away from the queue and rushed out onto the club's dance-floor, laying down and beginning to make love amidst the strobing lights. Others didn't leave the queue, simply stumbling against a nearby wall, pinning their partner to it or simply leaning back with a hand between their legs. Right in front of Alisi a dalmatian with a tail that had been a wagging blur from the moment she set eyes upon him tapped a raccoon upon the shoulder as the other male began to openly masturbate to the sight of another nearby couple getting it on. It soon became clear they didn't speak the same languages in common, but as one spoke English and another seemed to speak the island's native tongue, Alisi found herself in the position to translate.

"He... h-he's asking if you'd like some help. If he could... jerk you off, and maybe you do the same for him."

Her face was ablaze with embarrassment as she delivered the first translation without any prompting, and continued to glow, albeit with the addition of a gleeful grin, after she watched those two men shuffle out of the way to let the rest of the queue past, hands reaching out to grasp at one another's now exposed, eagerly readied erections.

As much open, shameless sex as began to spread through the club of course, so many of those who were just queuing to use the restrooms found themselves in dire, delightfully overwhelmed situations of their very own. No fewer than three times Alisi and her friends watched as a furred figure streaked past, bypassing the queue with helpless cries of apology as they realised they truly couldn't hold it any longer. One of them made it, though whether they found a cubicle free in the restrooms they burst into was impossible to say. Two however didn't even make it to the front of the line before they were overcome. A sandy haired mouse found himself only just able to tug down his shorts and expose his cock before it began to spray a hot fountain out across the wall of the corridor, and a very familiar looking ewe bunched up her dress and buried a hand between her legs, bleating in embarrassment and pleasure all at once as she tried in vain to seal her pussy shut with her palm, succeeding only in flooding it before her panties swiftly followed.

The Fountain soon reeked of sex and piss in the most intoxicating cocktail, and none of the trio watching as more and more people succumbed to either the allure of sex or simple shameless, public release of their bladders were immune to its thrall. Alisi pressed a hand down the front of her skirt, masturbating openly even before she turned towards Mika and Trish to see the cougar standing behind Mika's smaller body, whispering imperceptibly in the vixen's ear while Mika stared wide eyed and open mouthed at Alisi. One of Trish's hands was down the front of her girlfriend's jeans, obviously and shamelessly masturbating her far more forcefully than Alisi was doing to herself, the other was wrapped around Mika's torso, holding her close against the cougar while simultaneously allowing Trish to fondle one of Mika's breasts through her clothes.

Upon seeing that Alisi had finally noticed what they were doing, Mika moaned bashfully and Trish growled. She whispered something new to the vixen, something that made the other woman's eyes widen, and then she did something with her fingers that made Mika shriek before sharply jerking her arms forward like a puppet with its strings pulled taut.


She begged in that shrill cry.

"Hold me."

The husky's sharp eyes could see Trish's lips moving, and it didn't take her long to realise that she was telling Mika what to say. Urging the vixen to ask her for these intimate requests.

"Hold me w-while... oh, oh god, Trish... while she makes me cum."

She did as she was asked. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around the body of the trembling vixen, feeling the woman's own arms wrapping around her plump frame and squeezing tighter, tighter as between their now connected bodies Alisi felt Trish's fingers beginning to move more feverishly against Mika's body. For a few moments her head rested against the side of Mika's own, listening to the sounds of the vixen huffing, panting and whimpering in her ear, then she felt the woman she was embracing draw back slightly. Not enough to try and escape her grasp, after all Mika's arms were still holding Alisi as tightly as ever. Just enough to bring them face to face. Muzzle to muzzle.

Alisi blushed, realising exactly what was about to happen. Mika had kissed her as she was made to cum by Trish, and now it was her turn to do the same.

Gleefully, not thinking at all of the fact that she had met these women mere hours before and yet with her mind reeling as it realised just how much had changed in that short amount of time, the husky pressed her lips to the vixen's own. They didn't just kiss, they kissed. They made out heatedly, heavily as Trish growled and whispered to them both from behind the vixen, upping her volume just enough to ensure that Alisi could hear every word.

"Cum, Mika. Cum for me, and... mmhh, cum for Alisi, too."

The two canids' kissing grew deeper. Their tongues teased and danced around one another, and their lips smacked loudly as they parted and came together once more, strings of spittle running down their chins as Mika shook and moaned loudly through each and every smooch. She must have been so close. So close to being overwhelmed, to losing control and letting it all go. God, what Alisi wouldn't have given to have been right there with her. Locked in that same embrace, that same kiss, sharing that sky-high feeling of imminent release. Her head span as she kissed the vixen, as she moaned loudly along with her. She swore she could feel it now. The heat. The pulsing, throbbing, aching desperation. That need to let go. That desperate urge to put all other things aside and just lose control, willingly and yet oh so helpless to resist for even a split-second more.

"Do it"

Trish growled tenderly to them both, all the other moans and whimpers and yelps and sounds from the club around Alisi fading away to leave only that voice and the feel of Mika's arms, her lips, her violently trembling body against the husky's own.

"Do it, girls. Let it out. Let it all out. For me. F-for each other. For you. Ohh god... o-ohh, please, Alisi, Mika... do it!"

The intensity, the shrill, frenzied desperation of that final cry broke the spell, or rather it carried the spell to completion and released Alisi immediately in its wake.

Mika screamed, head snapping back with such force she almost managed to headbutt both Alisi and Trish in the process, and the husky suddenly felt nearly the fox's full weight stagger and press itself forward against her shorter, sturdy frame. She could feel the vixen shaking uncontrollably with the force of the orgasm wracking her frame, but much as she wanted to enjoy and revel in that absolute bliss alongside Mika, Alisi was now caught up in something of her very own that she couldn't control.

It seemed impossible now, unfathomable that her mind had somehow been allowed to forget, that she had gone for a period of minutes somehow without recognising the very reason why she was standing here with these two women. Why she was in this massive line of blushing, squirming, whimpering, in some cases fucking and in other cases bashfully howling figures.

She was here to use the restroom. To empty her agonisingly full bladder of almost half a dozen pints worth of cider. But instead here she stood, embracing another woman while that woman's lover made her cum long and hard right in front of her face. Instead here she stood, mind caught up in fantasies of sharing a bed with both these women, of watching them writhe and thrash in pleasure that she had granted them. Instead here she stood, obeying without question as Trish told her to let it all out.

And now, to her simultaneous horror and abject ecstasy, she realised that she was about to do exactly that.

"O-oh... ohhhh god, I'mmmhaaaahhh... I'm g-gonnnaa-aahhhhhh..."

Alisi broke free from Mika's embrace just as the vixen was beginning to regain some semblance on consciousness, a look of equal horror and desperation starting to assert itself upon the fox's features as her own freshly worked out inner muscles fought to clamp down and prevent any escape from her own painfully full bladder. They looked to the side in the same moment, groaning in mutual relief as they realised that the queue had now entirely dissolved before them and that the vast majority of bodies between them and the restrooms were either already beyond the point of needing to use a restroom to relieve themselves or so caught up in either self or otherwise induced pleasure that they weren't interested in stopping to visit the restroom in that moment.

Pulling away from Trish with a yelp of frantic, pleading urgency, Mika grasped Alisi's hand and fled towards the nearest restroom. The husky went along all too gladly with her, and barely ten seconds later they burst into the large, open and empty space of the disabled access bathroom. They made no effort to close or lock the door behind them as they rushed towards the toilet itself, nor did they pay any heed to the urine soaked pair of boxer shorts sitting in the sink or the large, pale yellow puddle in one corner of the room right by the door through which they had entered. Hell, they barely noticed Trish stepping in after them a few moments later, the cougar closing and locking the door before turning to watch the two desperately needy women as they stood before the toilet and stared at one another pleadingly.

"I... I h-have to..."

Peeling off her panties from beneath her skirt even as she spoke, Alisi selfishly begged to be allowed to go first.

"If I don't, I'm gonna piss r-right here... I swear, I... I can't hold it any more."

Mika whimpered right back at her, and there was no doubt in Alisi's mind that she was being one hundred percent honest. Nevertheless they both continued to disrobe their bottom halves, until both were bare from the waist down and standing either side of the toilet bowl, trembling and clutching their thighs together as they practically counted down the seconds until they lost control anyway.

Giggling softly, causing both women to jump and two streaks of wetness to trickle down their inner thighs before with loud gasps they clamped down their muscles once more, Trish stood close by. The cougar had one hand down the front of her trousers and the other resting against one of the restroom walls, supporting herself as she slightly lifted one leg to grant her fingers better access.

"Or you could sit down together. Cuddle up over the bowl and let it flow."

Mika's eyes bulged in realisation, while Alisi simply looked confused and uncertain. She whimpered loudly, but happily so as the vixen took her hands and nodded urgently.

"I... I'll show you. You sit. Please. H-hurry..."

Alisi did as she was told once again, the husky's tail wagging furiously as she settled down upon the toilet, feeling oh so exposed to do so in front of these two other women in spite of all that they had already shared together. She gasped, she whimpered as mere seconds later Mika's body straddled her own and the vixen settled down upon her lap, leaning forward to balance herself against Alisi's plump frame.

"N-now... spread your legs..."

The husky did, and she whimpered happily as she watched her spreading legs pushing Mika's own wider apart. She wiggled slightly, moving back upon the toilet seat and ensuring that both herself and the vixen's pussies were hovering over it. She looked down between their bodies, moaning desperately in joy as she felt the warmth of Mika's own mound rubbing against hers, then turned her gaze back up to meet Mika's own.

"A-and now..."

Mika's voice trailed off into a groan as she finally let go, as she stopped holding it in after doing so for far, far longer than her body should have been willing or able to handle. Alisi yelped as for the first time, not just today, not just with these women, but for the first time in her life she felt another person's urine spraying against her. The majority of Mika's flow was poured straight down into the bowl, but some trickled down into the fur of the husky's own loins. It was that feeling, that realisation that the woman straddling her lap was pissing so close to her, with her in that moment, which pushed Alisi over the edge. She too let go, and as two tandem streams of hot piss gushed out with a force that spoke of how long they had been restrained, the two women clutched at one another tightly. They blushed, they whimpered, they smiled goofily in relief and rapture, and as they gasped and whimpered their way through their long sought after release, they kissed upon the toilet, piss still flowing freely, once more.

And close by, watching wide eyed and with one hand still between her legs, Trish joined them.

"Yes... m-my girls..."

She mewled under her breath as her underwear and trousers alike began to darken, as she rubbed her swollen clit while she soaked her clothes with her own flood, making no effort to hold it back any longer. She trembled giddily as she stood in a slowly growing puddle of her own urine, watching her girlfriend and their new, wonderful lover make out as their combined flow drummed loudly against the water and porcelain below.

When they had come to this club tonight, they had expected fun. They had expected a little naughtiness, and the rare chance to share their love of this very kind of play with others of a like mind.

But this... they hadn't expected this.

Not just meeting someone who felt as they did, but meeting someone for whom they felt so strongly.

She watched as Mika made out heavily, happily with Alisi even as their bladders ran low on fluids, moaning and grinding down against the chubby husky. Her beloved vixen wouldn't make out with just anyone. Wouldn't so gleefully throw herself into the arms of anyone but Trish herself. Nor would she, but the cougar knew that if Mika hadn't been there with her lap resting upon Alisi's own, she would have been kneeling before the bowl, drinking ravenously and suckling upon Alisi's hot, wet pussy.

That husky was something special, and thanks to her this whole night had been something special. But hopefully... and as she stood there in the club's restroom, trembling and whimpering as her feet paddled in her own urine and her fingers continued to grind at her aching clit Trish found herself more and more confident in that hope... hopefully, what was special about tonight would not just be limited to here and now.

After all, their holiday was far from over. And while it had begun as a chance for Mika and herself to spend more time together and indulge in one another more than ever, now... with Alisi alongside them, there was the chance for it to become something much more.

By Jeeves

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